The Clinton New Era, 1878-06-06, Page 3JUN 6,.1$78.
The only school -board that it spoils:
to: ivhitewasli xs the black -heard.. '
s' Cotild ye Lind lne the loan of a pipe
and tobuoky 1'' said Pat, "I Have tl
match." . • •
The ' kindof dentist this : country
•• wants is. those :who extract teeth with-
out ?ayiu'. •
A. female critic says that 'when leen.
cry it seems as though, they pointed
their tears front their heeds. •
lnei' •-'•-tGan a man. who hes bea1at
fined bythe magistrates again, abain
...r. bo conside;od a refined man '
_t is said •that vines. has its reward,
but as no.rewvard hes reached this office,
thtis'fai, wo rather doubt the. truth of
the saying., , •'
A person being ' asked why. he had
given, his daughter in.m.airriage to a man
,vith whom `he'•was at enmity, answer-
ed : " I did it out of pure revenge."
" Sieg pardon for stepping on your
train," said a fop at a ball; then added,
• "Yon ought to.have a'Cow-catcher qn
it.'t "And I wonid have caught a calf,"
said the young lady.
.v ea, I s
A Cliinalnan nee swears w h e' h n e
gets mad, because there ere no "milts
words" lu his dictionauy,' He; simply
upsets his' washtub, butts the bottom.
out,•kieks.a dog, and'feels better.
" When 'tempted to ' kick a man,".
says a' Scotch philosopher, •"atop and
remember that 'you:fiiay'tome , day want -
a favor of hilar:" Tempted men gene-
rally stop to see if theother fellow is
the biggest.. . '
Didn't yon guatanty:.that that horse
wouldu't'ahy before the dieOiiarge, of a
caption'?" said a cavalry officer .to a
horse. dealer."' "Yee; •I did, and I'll stink
to. it)1 " replied the dealer.' " He never
ebios until after the et anon is'. fired."
The moreentons'question of.. sprin .l
bonnets ;' -Brown's • wife ----"-One Word
More, dear, wouldyou• trim--it-with blue
feathers i" Robinson's wife—" 0, I
couldn't decide at once. , Collie to•mor
row and, we'll devote the whole day' to
Robinson (after a long whistbout'at1
the -club :) Its awfully late, Browh.
What will,• you say; to,your .wife?"
p '� A. .n a whir 'Oh' I shan't
say marsh, yeti .know".Good:morning
dear,' or something of that sort. She'll
say the rest i
- The. N. Y. Grcaphie says • the razor
was never.invented,i a
til t t alw sex='
d y
isted, and is known to,be'over'ten shun=,
sand years old. :That releases. some,
• body from all awful -responsibility,
Cincinnati 13reclkfast Tale Adani end
:Eve '(vett>eqh fiirse.:pair of • ezere.:•1- And"
they relied Cain.
'Sheen her lover's grin .did. bang, and
oft her heart. ';vent .pit -a -pat;' her. heir
skid haye a €riggtitful bang, which hung•
beneath a'new spring -het ' they'walked
together clown 'tlie•street,_and pleasant
all the earth did seem, Until she said
with voice so sheet, :" '1 must. have.
candy or I sereaaa'1" •.
When a Sea.forth. gentleman reufifrl--.
ed that he -had'at Monti( .a: pei•lietual Ano-
tion machine; his -neighboi s ttiqugbt his,
fortune 'was . made,,, and envied him..
'When, however, • they, all collected to
see it, and he -gravely ?introduced there
to his wife,•simply requesting' her to.
open her mouth and .show her tongue,
they went home sa'clder' and wiser men,
Stutterers Erb, compelled to take life.
easily, whether they will:or' no. Two
• men thus' afflicted were. at work, 'at a
forge. The -iron was red hot and placed
on the anvil; when the first 'one said:
" John, s•s•strike it hard." • The other.
answered ; " 3'im;'»wb-wh-where shall j
hi•hit 1"- " No tri -in -matter iaow,,its got
co•ed.cold," was the: reply,and. the .bare
wa put into the forge again.
ThreeIrishtnen, who had dug a ditch',
for font dollars, were quite at' a lots :to
'know bow to divide the pay "equally:"'
number a' been. to
sof then m rhd
13ttt,:i7n >i
school, and reached division;in the arith-
metier so ib waft loft•to film. Ilei did it
at once, saying: ' " It's: aisy enough.
Sure, there's two fpr you two, end f wo
for me, tool' • The two received their
portions with a greatly, increased respect.
for the advantages learning gives h man.
If a cat doth inset a cat upon a gar;
den wall, and if a eat doth greet a; cat,
0, need ,they both to arii:all ? • - Every
Toantiiy'has his. Tabby waiting en the
wall, and yet he welcome"' her approt►ch
always With a yawl. And if •a kitten
wishes to court upon'the wall, • why
General News Items,
Norwegian Auld Swedish olertlymen
receive from twenty to forty pounds a
A great drought Jamaica,
and the eattle are suffering for the want
of gales.
The term "political' economy" was
invented by Francois giltstlay, a French
physician of the eighteenth century.
Age iwproves, mellows and harmoniz-
es the tints of pletttros, se that they can
be fairly compared only after •a 100
years. n
The dryness of the aE'inospilero pre
mei v(s everyt:$itig iii Egypt:"'The balk+'
marks of buildersare perfect after 4000
;year's,' •
Serious trouble is alltioiPated 'in the.
Beglisll grain tri►do in couseq•ueuee of
the ,heavy decline in Brags, thesplend'id,
crop on this continent, and • the quieter
political prospect. .
Travellers are semethnee puzzled to
account foethehundreds of empty tombs
iu Egypt, They 'were plundered• of
their. contents by the Arabs, who tiu.lrer=
ized the dead bodies to make "mummy
power, once. a,popular7nurope air specific'
A mall in:Yorkshire, England,. was
recently convicted' ()fa ii:!<rder •which he
co>'rimittec in the year 4842,• • Af:er ills
conviction he confessed the crime, for
which, in 1844,'another plan avis Munn,•
who protested .Itis di"c(("(e to the last.
• The' Emperor William of Germany
was fired at an Sundtay while driving in
the'-Unter den Linden,.'Iard wounded
with buckshot in the face, back and Afrin.
His ;a;ssailanvis ane No.beling, a'doctor
'of'Phil:olog, of •Soefel-Deinoorat teeden.
cies, .who, in pureuauae of a preciously,
concocted plan, hired rooms on the ave
-flue named and. deliberately fired at the'
Emperor with a double--barridlnd gun
front the window of his lodging.
N'ane( lias'aitt hotel -keeper who ro-
p l 1
sitively'•refitses to.sell ligtor to a'• eon.'
.firmest drinker; be' he drunk, -or. sober.
Men of this class who' enterhis hotel
are politely introduced by' the proprie-
tor to thgl-bai=kooper; vho-'isasked' to
'survey hint so thee he can in.falture re-
cognize him. I,d'e. is then cautioned
sell, lie. liquor; drunk or .s.ober..: The,
bibulist is'thon shown to,tle., door by
the landlord, Who wishes :hint ..all the
compliments of the season.
As .the German ironclad„'fleet ' were
coming ' -the' . English - Channel' on
Thursday, bound for the Mediterranean,
a collision oecin recl;betweeri :he t oenfg
Wiihelnl 'anal Gros'•.ser •TKurfurst,.' the
latter of which almost ini,mettia>.:tely Went
dolv14.,Svith sotpe tlire2 hne,kna
dled ck
lei"ereiv iiurnbe ed', it is said; five lion
dreg,'an''d only, 483 aie• known to• have
been ate' ell, ' ThoGrosser,'1K.arfurst in
point of'iwportance, ranked as third of:
la '
the Gelman ironclad Aeet.
G•ive us a Iron ohm an, when some start-
ling originality be displaced in the:
comthission ofsui'cide. One, of the latest
achievments•of this sort was'on• the :I2th
this month in:gay Paris. '.At 'Weft
noon a .man'ef thirty paid fee to tweed
the 'winding staircase of the Arc: de. TO;-
O e ' i a he mOal rt.eri
omphe. • Ile utrdr .s; d 1 r ,
leaving his chillier; on the steps and ap-
peered at•'the,•top i►i a,etato of complete
nudity: '•There • .was ' much company,
The ;w amen screamed and made .ice
;nil' :without a: rnomeTlt'�s hesitation 'he
jaimped over the parapet and wag flicked
up•dead. :, •: •
A.curious'peculiar ity of -then imoim-b
tree, found in Afiiea final Madagascar,
is tlfat scarcely a;iy will destroy,
it. • Fire scorching the, interior dealt not
impair its vitality.' . Nor cure it .be .in-
•jurer, frena witkhin,as itis quite common
to find it hollow, Even cutting it' down
does .not exterminate it, for it'con tituars' length while lying on, 'the
• [;round, and its roofs, w bich .reach forty or"
•filfty yards'from the trunk, retain .vitnli
ty. • Althorigh, the'tree attains An poor-.
nlouS.age;Livingstone h+ivinu examined
one which he judged' to be 1,400 years
old,. it. is rtttrreked by a. disease: which,
affects its. Woody structure, 80 in eotti'so
of tittle its owit .weight causes, it to fall'
'hi' it mass of ruins: '
A millonaire has his .sorrows .• as Well
as a .pauper. Donnie -.McCarthy, of.
Lin' °tig(t, has. reCan Hy' 'edit Idjibed his.,
clalta to an°Pnormette fortune whi411 it
relative in India' actgnu'eil. $elutions,
friend, well.wishers,,ettaugers:and 1)egj
gar have opened correspondence with,
him. Ile ieoeives froin 500 to 000 let -
tete' It
et-tersit day, tt•tia ensploys a stnnogralrher
rlon't be sit and sweetly smi:lcr, and nut 1 and a secretary to answer them. if is
stand up Ind bawl ; 'l.rft 1118 1►re eious harressed with appeals in 1(half of
his teeth and' back up ih, and mho,✓ eo h a►nl schools, churches, hospitals, nrissi(rns,.
moan, ns 'twere colic More than love asyturns and ben'rvolent enterprises.
that made that fellow ;roan. ' The mishepe and griefs; the failures and
” I tell you how' it is with me, Mrs, needs of (nail, woman and child, are, con-
Bledget," said the dressy neighbor». flied to bier with tears, 'prayers and
When I go to church and get allstir-; compliments. /t lady' who is'onettiptd
red up aid agitated over what a dee- i to an admiral tells hits that there is a.
' r and (hat r tulle tlYn settle .ttts, a
ne t
"fI't', v i 11 Ut
setWe iter X 1 vexed l
perat� wicked 5e ,
and put out to thine what a shanie it {' of $10,000. will "lake two loving Iielu;ts
was that Xie didn't mind her own bllsi.,
noes and not bring such heaps of trouble
upon us; bila when I part •ou a new
dress that fits me so nice 1' can't find
a particle of fault with it, and a hat
that makes every woman I meet" feel
as though she hadn't a friend iu\,the
world, then r. will tWn up flint x tie
feel downright glad she was fond of
fruit, and 1 can't help it." '
(teat 118 Otte. Another lady, who con-
fesses that sho i8, indeed, a cduntess,
sends' himher photograph ltnel ,threatens
to botllmit suicide if he fails to encloser 1I
cheque. for $250 by the next entailj'
Alaekl poor Dennis hits a tender heart,
and his syrnpathetie nature is wrcuched ' N 0 '1'
liutrdi'ed times ti filly;, Morel: Blessedil`1li
'overelu" N otCs ant11cconstts not ?settle,. at
are they tvbo havo nothing, for they once, will be plaeen In mart for collection.
have no begging letters to answer. Clinton, Xi,in 4.18 18;
I�1IiI suesonl res RESPlaOTr ur tY ANNOU1ve7Bq To TIM rursue v wr rn Is paEPARED
Chia /car, as in the past, to da all kinds e
having tt3ded inure wachipery to fila eatablishntent, and by always giving hitersonal superintendence to all.
branches. of Aho bltstpeae, he hopes to gi'0 general 6,1tIefaotion, The lollowiug PRICES wi11be charged this
season, • which v'llhbe found as low' as any mill its the county,
04kini e, G (ants; Centro and SPINI IN4, 111 septa ; making Phut./ Fr.At tt t of Cerro., 1 to And Cotton
Yarn, 25 cants per yard i Twrr!Lk7D do„ 00 omits per yard; Font Cr pill, all wool, an coots per yard; BaAtucaxs
Oil per pair; Iloaea 11LAVitulm, $1.70 per pair • Aar, Wool, Ifr.19vut, 80 cants per 'yard, .te. 1 will give 0 lbs.
of reolo0 yarn cut of every 10 lbs, of clean wool brought to spin, The following quantities of wool vtlll be requir-
ed for oauh yard »4•-Plaip•on Cotton 10 oz,,Twill on, Cotton, 12 es, All wool 12 ox„ tali cloth, l'< 111 , Blankets
J' 18, per pair. 1 keep oonetantly on hand
A Incan _st.o-e.f aorfttlarlo, rlo0ea,r ►I.l1anr'mSee-uaA'ntlaety[,oIk IirJiSYiI.kCnohC 2Ann,S ETte.W:oL1 `D,ny
,owtt ""1"11"
Of excellent gnallty and. durability. allot which l am prepared to trade for' Wool, and will give the highest price
for Wool, to all who may desire to exchange lot cloth;
k A'CA'CIAS --Yup will ;lad It'to your ativantngo to veil at tbo 0I.179TQ11 WOOL1'LN MILLS before disposing.
of your wool, as, owing to the low primo that wool is likely to range at this year, you will and 11 much cheaper
and better to have your wool manufactured „into durable Woollen Goods,
AV A 1T'S )01)-110,800 lbs, of GOOD : OLEAi7' PI.BEQB WWCICL,'1or whtoh Ile highest prarket price in Dash
Iii.'. CQRI3 ITT.
C'.zin?'oat May 58, 1878. .
will be pard.
.., a ,p c,., pgq�,:V.p.
.?,4 am
_ .o
1 3
D:Ohbv Wa • .o-A.Bm1,11
4. Q
.J LHff a'm. •
; io ,tFrdI
P=1.. em ' oae a 'M e' w
� sem_ fa " :04. �'a�ooa,-a,sa.�
°'° m A 7 ;y` m r- I,
E—I et . o a � m 0'Oa. ,mr ry . O
SC A =N��NE PO 10
A, splendid asgdrtmont.ot. first-class SEWING 1t2AgHIN1:S ultivays on band. NEEDLES.
. and every furnishing kept in atop-%. •
ALiSd' R':FPA.IR':'IN..G •SH0a''.
Sowing Machines of eveayeak repaired,and new parte kept' on. hand,. Ravin enga
'Practical machinist,
all work done here is warranted to give good satisfaetian.
Charges 1VIoderato,' , . • H. NQR`SWORTHY'
• llurou ,Street, one door nest of Me Cons aercinl Illotel.,'Clinton.: Out:
• OF .itlt:110VAL.
John :Dayieint butcher
n s; hi nutty uustomeistor +rantfames and bag'a'.
labs t• @ e halmsremovedIfront the stall
' ]pave to notify the)" that
• in the illarket building to
The undersigned Itas on' Ilan] i►nd ftsi•sole,
1 I1RotEn PEACIlB7011'3, .t, SUl'> RIOR.
Hunger's Old Stagy d, Cuvon Street, • PorATo C17NTEk1NIAi S, 0111I,<tlil,
(ext doer to'(a}npbo'1'»s'Uarooss Shop,
Wham he will be ,1onsed to meet thorn all, and any
athlrs who May favor him with their cust'rm, ani] he
will do his best to supply them with
,Lf'n•st yr p•ll ' 4.1'I'S at reasonal7e rates
.roILN D..1Y1t13w 1"a
Gliutnn,Iab 16,1+,E
It Llr.v';tLle: Ails <}l)illitalla afloat up t3 the Cal1aC
of'the depression pi -trade and comixterce, which.
has. visited most every commercial country. on
theface of the. globs duringtlto 1)ast four or
five. years, and,whish sebms•to stili this
Dominion of Duni -ix 'country notable amon :the
nations for'lier agricultural, lumbering,' and.
mining resoluces; her educational appliances,
her Very . extensile, valuable, and coveted fish -
(irks, and her No. 1 Coal Oil, at ifn7LLANJ)
IMOS.' at 29 cents per gallon. ' •
Some •claii}i; that extiae t"qati'ce iii the eaug0 of
the:evil,• others. over.p o<ctioU and too -large
importations, .while others lay the whole blame
on the present' government—but, we ate of the
optinion that the long, credit,syetetn 08 one cause
of .the prefent trouble its this Canada of ours,
Many are the.pchomes snggestod for the remev-
al- of the 'so -o tiled• hard times; sotne advocate
free trade, others' say increiute.•the tariff, and
others things too numerous to mention; while
We 'are of the opinion that to bdy and sell for
cash will'ho the most sure and''successftil "leans
of stamping out this monster crisis, This being
. our conviction, lire have decided to
• .S't t I. 0 tilt tsn01), 1�'h tt (LABII, at. prleea
that~ ' wilt ' «stoni.$h alt, 4.0.5 ora have marked.
theta down at ra PE1t 1'SMALL AD1*d l ek:
O Al -C'de( Pp); OAST
is*r, PFA.,ITY, LATE
Ire' has :alse:.ft large•civantity of
r ` :.
A@� kands of-Eloid
.0 LI1\T.''T'Ol•T
Why it has become the hub of interest so rapidly is accounted for from: the
fact that customers •are realizingthe advantages of making their .purch.aseN
where' they can get the benefit ofclose bargains in .
cA nd everything:usually' ket in a firsi-clastr. Grocery Store) T'), b
sante advantage is offered in
Hams, Bacon, Oatmeal, Cornmea, 'tracked dWheat; Sike t
on hand.
F. RM PflODUC,E't11 *digit in, exehat1i or ouch :the same its •cCsh.
�4Je `'
f � r
All • are in iced to call 'and inspect- stock : am e'.fo
rices, .and•jud >*
' ••�1 1, p J g
REMEMBEFh • :riTH; • ''PL'ACE,';
I� Norswos �u
rth ildho )legs duor to Mos rs.o sou & , s �_ �
CLINTON, May `I), 18778:
10 erfelt April 1 •
d p 878:•
Janes Te•w-sle : b 'thher:
While thanking his friends for Aho liberal pationago
bestowed on im' iu Aho past, takos this means ot'in-
forming Ahern •that he has remoVod /row the Market •
To the Shop occupied by E. Finch,
Albert :'street, directly opposite the Market, whore hp
will be pleased to Mot theta all and as many trim"' ones
as may favor firm• w1111 thele muttony. •
All kinds ofMeat ,rppt lacru'asou, aid 'hold
4lt4ttpns x eU 11 1578.
Mointcastle'8 .MILL S.
true suu8l7iitusu ntseterFettir )IEos TO •
" fnform:tlte iuitolattnntsof Winton and surrounding
gouutry that Ito has darted itis '
We keep constantly Vaud it large assortn;ent i
t)f E' 1ST S.A. MT 'NC
of the Latest ')ttturns,which ireare 'sellinafor Opposite. the,. Great Western. Station A
t rices that def competition, t"e - a
cash et y 1.
• manufacture et ' , .Ass,] •is pr'eiraretl to ». •
TIWA N ii,
anal arc rir(pttred to cell for' cash tt. prices 1•,
tlratnthe lowest. •
Call. and got pricia for bilk l'an apail�,.' c
Jtrsr.Ttresn•s:u, .i f.. iica TAT nr
b»orit 4, b'/w't'ete,' Forks, herr e
Purraps, Male, Lotrel, 1ii)lyas, J'rattle,
'V r•nix7r, ll indc,wOhi'tt,Pittty, rtnd,'dliI Xrua77 of
13Ir.'IDEI'$ BAR W,i n1
1,Ve keelrconstantly on hand a large assortment
of L.t3ttli, ntti(i;ls tet,estretay.esAiteatens,
Clifmries, ('r.oIlns, &t. Also, la largo variety
of Betio Ct.\his, '.
Afro "rake a spociaity .ot' Envetrol gltq.
hint CAoitttiiri•;edtlris" lt4ofirtt;'0
Skeet Metal Eor'tttces, and, alt
lentis' of ,toff worlt.
sri'•9 h) not fail err call' and get out pricO;t, and be
convinced that we are veiling grrods' at lower
figures than have evr`r freers rrfl'ererl'berme in Ore
Cut, Gtaaln 0m's/rai 'es, or d1.enja fir CCt81t,
iia hie A1:eo L ' I1J1EJt of al ktncls'on ]rand, -tarsale.,.
(ftr81Otl, 1'55 17, .1876
goo:, (.'i•7crstEs.' 0 • E
Remember, the [lilacs to buy quo& (heal) for
oash, is at IIi.Ttr, i.NT)111i011.' Bitwtt I3r ocx,
eppnaito'floss raTTrotci, Albert street, Clintt)n. •1'ar,i.'ssuretthlwhirt4ctbnvoS, sflu10notico,itud
,}t the Y,t5w73KJ,' nATluti»
Also., : o food HEARSE . st flea,
fir 'X' kcal(31.-RT'V 1411)':
A. '' ' ]a ' T i
G• _ Q P
0�.., A., r.
: D• ..
ICE. ,
—A r.kIt"
Caskets, Cok, ,
C �. ��l ), f�a��ll iCl�1CCi(Il t. Ctobhs
i r, 1 !
Ilia: r•:Tcr
�� Sal�1� � Cis
Iloilo? Ala
tte111ereber the Place* -VICTORIA Street ;
G . 0ritly; ft1.;1 r,;: LONI S8ORO, Margh .7,• ' 1878.
• HOCH A WALLA '' Pot¢