The Clinton New Era, 1878-06-06, Page 1V AND, CENTRE HURON GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOX„ 13, SO. fca. TERIMt9*-K1,5Q Yet $j lauul, In atifwanen ,exv 'akatertiOtOteotgi." SPENDIP FARM` FOR SALE, Lot 25, concession 5, Goderioh Township, consisting • o! 80 lo offered for sale. 74 acres•eleared, and in excellent :waiting order, is seeded down with clover and timothy;'romainder hardwood bush. On the place fa a good young orchard, never -failing oroek, new Immo honee, new fraise barn 4040, w th cellar. A goodpiaoo for a bluenose stand on the corner.. On the opposite oor, cors• aro a stoke, poet ofdee, school house, end blank. smith shop, 8 miles from the town of Clinton, and 7 from the town of Goderleb. Partioulare on applieatiop to • " 4RCHIE McDOIJGALL, ' Porter's 11111 P 0.. Goderieb township, ,Tune b, 1878. • O' v1`TSH.ZI' OF" T '. )76.9e XI •1 IST39 COURT: Notteo is hereby given that orCourt will,be.held, pity .suint to the "Voters' Lists Finality Act," byiHis Honor the'Jnage of the County Cou•rt of the County of8uron, , •$T TrARNA, Aria O'CTOCIC• • 11tIDAT, "eatday of JUNE, 1818, To hear and determine the several complaintsof errors • and omissions in the. Voters' List of the Munioipalitat rpf' Stanley, for 1877: All parties having .business ,at 'the Court are required to attend:: • • W11. PLUN&ETT, Clerk.' Stanley, June 5, 1578. • 0R SAL:E Valuable Buiding ;Lots, The undersigned offers tar a 1e that eligibly situated' and valuable business stand,* 'mprising three lots, with building thereon, situate onto corner of Victoria and Huron'Streets, and known as the OLD 'CLINTON' HOTEL:- PROPERTY,. It ie now 000upred by Mr. S.Davis sea hsrdware and. tin &hop ' Will be Fold on easy terror; of payment, Par. ticulare on application to. • W. 0. SEAULE. Clinton, Tune 8,1878; ToWNSIiIIa'. OF HULLETT.. 'VOTERS'. LISTS COURT - Notice is hereby given that a Court wi1L•be held per - mutat to " The Voters' List Finality Let," by Hie 17oner. the Judge of. the County Court.of the County of Bum, At the Toym Bali, an the .toiun of Clinton, • At 12`o:clock,noon, on • ItIOI DAY, • 17r .11AY ,JUT a 1$78,: To hear and determine the several eomplainta of errors and omissions hf the Voters' List of the .Municipality of the Township of ifuiiett,•for.1877,AItpersons ha,- .' ing business at the Fourt; aro regoired`to attend at' the said time and »lase. ..• • JAIlTI S 1311AITHIVAIT1, Clerk. 7fUfett, Jane 6, 18% • • RUSTIC.. WOR.,K. The undersigned has entered info -the manufacture of all kinds of Rustic W ork,. such as .' . Garden ahafr8, SutiUmer 11(ousee,'Flo w.. er Stands, Tableg, 41tc4, of every description. Articles of tbia aloes kept on band, , or made to order. on the shortest notice, and at most reasonable rates. He has also On band, which he will . soil ehoapa a few good GATES and Wxs&nnaanows. Ordora solicited. Call ami see specimens of work at .residenle, Princess Street, µ short distance from Pair's MM. WALTER COOK. Clinton, Juno (1; 1878, EAL ESTATE FOR 1, Farm Lot No, 94 in the Phut Concession (hirci! Bead) Tnekeramitli, contains 98 acres of first-class land, about two miles front Clinton, board fence in front, good hardwood timber. May be made a superior dairy toxin. 2. West Halt of Lot Eight in the Eleventh Concee- lion of Turnbcrrq, any -scrag, good wheat land, sixmiies from Winghain and one mile from the.tllenannan.Sta- tion of the Toronto, Grey and Simco Railway. A smell clearance on' the front, balance hardwood timber.' Would sail cheap for cash, or eichange for town'groper ty in Clinton. Amity to the owner, Samuel Thrower, et Fair'g.M!)fe; Clinton, or to the undersigned. • 8. tote24 km Speneer Streit, Clinton, withgood twit - story bones, carpenter shop, stable, andgardon. An ad- jolting half -lot will be anld with 11,1f desired. Apply on ,W the premises to J,. Yen, or to the adv1rtitor, 4. The large and oonveuient Brtek,dtore, in tha Ali beet 8ireotB10ek,tiow oecupiedby adr. Jas.Biddiecombe: 5. 'fiat 299 on Vietorie Street, 011atotf (adjoining the Qeeen'a dotal) with two:story frame home and garden. 6. Lot 80, James Street (Coition: Elliott: Survey) with &loomed oottage, good well and garden. Apply to Jae. Alexander on the premises, no to the underaigned: 7: Who large' Neter" building incl lotr adjoining, the Grand Trunk Station, forrnerly occupied by J. H, Bel.. fry, with 'nggine And boiler. Premises weal matted for rnanufaoturing pnrpoaee,pork•paoking, &e. 8. Lot 6,coVictoria'Street. (Cordon:0urie>1;a chola handing 1ot,,betwooa the fl. T. Beltway' and the river iren.fenced,planted with trees, owl well,&o. H. HALE, Clinton, Jniie 4, 1978.. GARDAN PLANTS NOW READY, • • ' 11aving disposedof all his early plantu, the subscriber has now on baud a splendid collee tion of the later varieties, such as Tomato,. Cabbage,Cauliflower, Celery, pepper, too.,for sale in any quantity, wholesale and retail.. Also, a lot of Cletmaneris, for pickling, on hand, T. x'HOS/ A.8, i4ert 10 moberi8ey d Thompaon'e PldningPactory. Clinton, Jnne 8, 1898, NOTICE TO PARENTS. Ou aocqunt of the oon'tinuecl increase of Children in the junior I epattmetit, the trustees are obliged to notify parents, that they Can accornhodate only one half of the division at a time say one half' in the fore. 116411 tirlcl Ofle half in tho afternoon, W. IL, HINT✓', Secretary. Clinton,• May 16, 1878. Bolt Ends, it kits,:. Rte., rite, °LINTON, '\ ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, Fisher &l)o vt>ws, Clinton; supplying,. on STOAT Nor5CE, Bolt.Ends and Nuts for Rr.'ldges,' &c Prom 1} ineh. downwards, and any length required, Their Bolt Cutter perforins the •work in the beat .. $U.PPER.--The Masonic supper on .We'd - /limner. neaday evening was a'grand affair. mete. & Dttiv,NS. •Olinton, eBay 211, 1878. BRUSSELS. FIRE F1toreorio .-The voting on the by -lard to purchase one of Ronald's steam .....fixeengiyee took :-pl3.cit..p-11_Mnatlet The:. town was divided into terupolling.divielons; The result was almost unanimous; there be. ing only four ,against it. The excellent work done by the steamer at •the late fire was the cause of the result. WING H M NOTI'C-E, :Notice ip hereby given that ell ,parties er hereby forbid given,uredit to any party,, with out written or other authority in the mime o the. undersigned. THOS. COOL a. f G}oderioh township, May 29,.1878. 1:10USE AND. LOT FOR, SALE _ .That_ eligible house mid lot opposite tb Wesleyan Church, Rattetibnry &reel,- at'pre sent occupied by Mit.,Vitamin. Pair. :• Terme easy... Apply to • • GEORGE E. PAY, Or ' W. 0, SEA,R,Ll3., Clinton, May 28,1878..•. . • e• BtILDINO LOT FOR SA L E. That eligible' and well aituated lot on the earner of llnron aid North streets near the Great Western R. R. station, with,forty fee frontage on Pluton street Title Mdisput able: Apply either at finer:ace, or to . MRS. MARY FIELDHOUSE. • 205,, Bathurst street, Loudon • FLOWERIN.G PLANTS, PEN MILLER Ci•AADN,r Hot house and flowering .plants d'almost .all kinds, on hand and for sale. Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomato, and every, other vege. table in great •variety, now .ready.* Orders filled immediately on receipt. La;nd..for Sale, hundred acres of his- farm, being part of Id el homeetead, situate on the 1st Con. of Colborne, o reasonable tempt.. Each lot hoe about 60 tones cleared with house and barn on one lot,.and barn on the other Benmiller P. O. Colborne, Nov. 27, 1877 acres of lot 18, 8th eon. Hoderiell township. Heav clay land; 04 mires cleared, 6 acres hardwood, 8 acre ,of first-class orchard, (it bore 800 busbela Jetzt treason Also, a twmatory frame house, two frame barna, and battle oboe; three wens. Coodbuilding site. 14 train Pala datlYr in full plow. 64 miles front Godoriclx an 61 from C1111012, rrieer $0,000; $8,00 can remain interest for 10 In 15 years. Penant's,terra empires Oct J. ASHLEY, /Aims P.O., Out: Land. tatty 90, 1878. Maxima $1TB. -A by-law for the pur- pose of buying a site foe the market •pIace .was submitted mid voted on here on Mon- day, resetting in fever of the by-law laY 28 young people connected with the 0, M. Church celled on their pastor, Rev. Mr.. Mitchell, 011 Thursday evening, and pre. sented him 'with a pose mintaining about sixty dollars. ' Finn FISH. --Mr. John Inneley, ef . Winghano on Priday.eaught the boss trent It __Weighed •two pounds ittid on ounce. Mr.' Dinsley ;Sent it to Mr. Bain. Grigg, Louden, au a sample of the kin of 6Sh Winglie.rn ponds are infested With.. 1 .. will held a court to hear domplainte agaidat the voters' lids ot this township, in•Varntir Ilion Swim -Wima.r.-Mr. Wm. Mi- en,. of Stanley, heti spring wheat, ,which vies idyll in Mareh, forty-two inchesi high. The whole crop tooks well and promisee a the 3rd con.; is thia year building a new dwelling home: The workmen have COM? building is to be a scaritling or baloon frame, with block sidieg, ' Fat, WHEAT... -The fall Wheat in this fine appearance. It is tall end very heavy, and just beginning to heed out, Should heavy rains or storme come. it will be very . nell was hist week .awarded the contract for bending a laridge on the Maitlend;coe., CillATELZINCL nit; 'nib of deliveripg e. gravel between ,clitition corperation and the Oth con., on the Bayfield trill be let by auctioe at Left'a corner at 3 P.m., 'on the lOth Maitland concession, knewn as " old Har- ry," and who was one of the firat settlers in the -township, has recovered from his recent severe illnees. • ing which was held in connectien with, Tipperary S. S., some time since, it was dated that " the amount of $20 was raised by charging persons outside of the school." The =abut was raised mostly froei the (Peusoirran.L--1/Irs.,f, Clarke and femily left on tho lst inst. for. Manitoba. We wiah PARSONAGE.—Th0 walla. _of 'the nevi Methodiat Parsonage aro coinpleted, and the roof is now being put op. .. Nitannv CONPLETEll.-3/r. P. Kelly's new saw mill is jot about roadie ter the maohtuery, and that of Mesas. Jae. Wil- ton 8s 019., chasing it right along. lee was brought before justices Wile= end Drummond ok this millagel, at the in. dance of Mr. Inapector Yatee, 'on two charges of selling littecir on Sunday. IC each case be was lined, $20 end meta, MiNiarentat.,-At the Conference Of the Methddist Ohereht 00w in session et St. Thoutas,) applicition will 'ne Nada to at- tach Idanghester appointment -now elan.' neeted with Dungannon -to this ones and ,i, a aecond minister asked for, which would 4 -7 'epable all the appointments to be filled, BEST M neB. • give. tWo servicee in Blyth' every Sabbath, wtth there ehould be. a. p 'YOU WANT CLOTHING., buss SUITS, WALKING SUITS, HOLIDAY got up in first.class city"?' style, and at 'vet low rates, give . 1' I-1 AltiZBICAN OUTTVIt His shop is over Gordon ei Pinlayton's !Afire Clintou, May It, 1878. • JUST CLOTHES WRINGERS Seale, of Morrie, Mitered, the 'butcher Shop ' of Mr. S. Tr. Thompson to see hitn on , the head with a meat, axe, felling him to . i the floor, Witting e fearfel gash over, six R m •RAcEy fracturing his skull. Thompson hers since limbos long end ad inch and a half deep, . ' red beie. As Me. Robert Laidlaw, of Morrie, With his wife and son, were driving , to Blyth to church, Oho fat the horses kick. : ed over the tongue and they both started ElLied•i..,..,.......•.4.-4 1 I ware store. When they came oppOaite r McQuarrie's bittekainith shop they came in i contact with it. litoGlowan'a waggon! which gone and throwing Kr, and' re. Ludlow r, and toe Er violently to. the grbend as id . , dislocate and Imam) Uri. Laidlasiefi tip ---"'" was dragged sores thirty yarde by the Uncut -419136HIEE, OP..* in rrhis efforts to control the horses, and had one of hie legs Slightly infured.by the Drs. Carder and Slime, of Blyth, end Young, of TAndeaboro, attended to their OHOXED TO DEATH. -A few days abuse Mr. Zapf°, tailor, wairchokedlo death by Letenn-r--1".....—ro A llottse.----;-Thurada; evening last team of horses belonging to Mr, Joh!) Hawkshaw werb being driven along the street, whew one of them step- ped on one end,of a stick, whereupon the other end flew up and struok the horse, penetreting his bowels, to the depth of about eight niches, and • inflictingcnijuries that compelled the shootieg ef the horse. Aniovnio.-Itetr, Mr. °banner hes 4014 his fprniture bY auction, and is ihont to leave town, He is going to Simime.• dist congregetion, are sheet to erect a Oonreaor Ler.--e-The contracts hare been let for enlarging Knot Church; Ger- •don and C. O'Brien do the carpenter Work,' -Atkin and,Brackenridge the. stone . Work,' and Mr. E. Witeon the nitintilig.- The cost of the enlargeinent will be about $4„. 000, the contracts footing up to $3,800. - The miteneicin will afford 260 , additional AittitIgS, SS well as contain a handsome choir and organ gallery. . Wee= GaDltRIU/1 HAMA)* Pn' Tuesday :night the, echooner Mary' Ann; laden with lumber for 1VIessrs SeCord, i0ozzens & while the Ivied was blow- ing a stiff hreeze from the north;. attempt- ed to enter thfi harbor, bet by seine meaps an• chor, but it unfertturately dragged; and very serious injurY, being broiken nearly iii two, apd her stern and • part of her7sid.e knocked nut. Part of her deck load wash- ed off andidrifted.naborii:TTIn`the morning she whs towed into the- barber the lumber keeping ter afloat: ' temperance 'lecture here on Tuesday even. ACCIDOlilli. -A son of Win. McCulloch, , of Setifortit, broke his arm on the firei lust., and Mr. of Herperhay, broke his leg on the same day. W000. -Large quantities of wood are• miming into town jost now. On =mint of the uiild winter •and bed roads, our salt works aro ill supplied with this article, but_ now they are receiving it in aufficient Thenames of three prominent Conserva- tives were brinight before the delegates, but no* decision was arrived at: A cum- tnittee was appointed to report in two weeks Man Rave Bean Wonst. -Last Satur- day evening a girl of to Mabee Wati wheel - Main atreet, Havinkoccasioti tea go into a Store, she left the carriage on the atdewalk. Shehad scarcely got her back terned:when the carriage started to*oll down an incline a the eidewalk towards the road ; bet for - thus breaking its fill, and turning it over. When the child was extricated it was feend to be more frighteeed than hurt. Had it not been for the post there is no doubt lint -more aerioue,•ea the sidewilk at that point is four feet higher than the `read, HunoN ITEMS.. gleaned from our Connejr. Exchanges. "The dottier. ,stone • of_lhe English cliarcle Myth, will be lad on' the 2411i In' two years the membership Of Exeter Methodist cluireh has inereased from 83 to 130. wi.righanA Roman Oatholie. church wad formally 'opened on Thursday,. hy Bishop Walsh, of London. '•Mr. L: IsTethe'ry, of Morris, has gone to New Brunswiek to attend the an- nual meeting of the, Supreme Grana Orange Lodge of Britieh America. . A Chicago revivalist is at preient holding services in Melville aural', Brussels, and Much good, ig reshlting from, Ins labori. The Brussele . Post is loud in its praitle of the working of the new steam Ire engine at the recent fire there, and considers it a great ,acquisition to tho place. Mr. Argent and his two sons, and Mr. Me,asrs. Wm; Scott and Angus McLeod, of Meltillop, left Seaforth on Tuesday The foundation of the new Preeby- Wien church it Egmendville is nearly •AnnPleted, and the brick walls will be In a few days. The old IVIethediet chureli The members of,Eginondville Grange last week -shipped from Seaforth station abent two thopsand bushels; five car loads,„01 wheat direct to. Liverpool. The grain was shipped throtigh a pro - deco firm in Toronto, Scarlet. fever of a nf()St, , malignant type is very prevalent in Gerrie and is extending into the snrrounding country. Already several deaths. liave oocurred, and many others are dangerously Mr. Willets, an old and •well knewn derangeisent of the' mind, uut his awn threat with a razor, on the morning of the 21th of May, but fortunately, timely aid Vas at' once procured, and his life wee saved. , Mr. and Mrs. Geo:, Aoheson have re- turned to Goderich from Los Angelis, Califorpia. They did not find that part of the Continent the gi Dorado they expected, and seam have vettirnect to settle agein ine"Goderich, hating sold' their property in the far west. A case of importance to farmers 'and dog owners was tried. at .Blyth. Infor- taattoir _Was leid by Messrs. David. and john Williams that a number of their lambs' had been killed by a :dog be- longing to Samuel , Love, and claiming damaaos ,for , the loss Sustained. The ease was patiently. end minutely gone into, and . in assessing damages the .magistrates todk a very. wise 'Course hearing the views of disinterested Terme,- ers, and no, deubt.beeed their Views tic- condingly. • „There were ten lambs Wor- ment giVell against Mr: Leve for nine lambs at three, dollars apiece,: and cOdS, amounting in all te $04,70. . Ca4aaran News, items. kin Act are going on at Peterborough. 15f head of :cattle vvill, be shipped' 'font IVIontreal:te England this Week. triet is uninjured by the recent frosts, and •Proiniees to be More ebundant then ,the Province. about 0,000 '1)01,409n0 from all parts' -of Tbe Manitoba liCense' law, which mits the number of hotels in: Winnipec, .to 23, ancl abolishes saloonsi entirely, came into 'force on Mcinday. • A Message Was sent frOm Toronto to Mon- treal -en Prtday afternoorret andin- -to call -his ddinitlittee '-together to re.let the labor a• t' Pared, Made 150 conversiona. An attempt is hi be made to introduce , draught. An illicit still was seized on- the farm ef" Widow Black, township of Br0Olte. on Thursday, , A citizen of Montreal minaed Tindall lost his wife and two children within two days fr°AmodatiPlatho:nriaw.ith only three' legs ie the Ottawa at present. r Some fully developed •ticads of barley were exhibited in London on Wednesday, from a field in Westminster. ' The assessment for Ottawa this year.will be about twelve million dollars, or one h million less than the previous year. and h• ighly respected citizen of Orangeville, died. very suddenly on iiVecluesday last. Tile first revolver seized under the Blake Act wars taken from a drunken man in ,Montreal on 'I'uesday, by civillians and banded to the police. Putt) alleged counterfeiterii were arrested \ near Drantford, on 'Thursday. One man had a piece of' metal on his person redrree- pondtng vvith the material of which the coin' Mr. 11. Ef. CroseleY, for some time cash- ier in the freight department, G. T. R , Stratford, left suddenly on Priday night. 'Reis a defaulter to the amount of several hundred dollars. ' . The annual nieetiog of the press.associa- . tion is to be held at Guelph on the• 9111 - July, The annual trip will be from Guelph - to Detroit by rail ; thence by water to • Chicago, and return by rail. Maeda. E. II. Goff lied Ames Stewatt, thelVlanaging Director of : the Montreal .Flerald, were yesterday creininitteditir trial on, the.charge of -tioriepiraoy to libel et -So- • licitor-G (moral Didier, • It is said thet a• monster Menlo Of Irialt societies from all parts of the United States will he held at Mentreal on the' 11th July.. next. ,'This looke like an intention tti'have ca rpsintaechroedeubott.le bet7e..trit thorn and the • The Council met pursuant toAdjouranient from last meeting, 'Present, the 'Warden in .the „and Messi.N4-.1Yelistert.,Cennot, Geiger, Rennie,•Kaine,:e.octic. 1,14806, Hays, ,Kerr, J. Johnston', Miller,. ix, .Castlo, Coughlin, Yearly,: Walker, Hannah,. kick, neurinige, Hunter, gaunt, Potter,- Ciirrie,Atibson, and D. D. Wilson. , The reinetes of last day of Pebrtiary meet, lag were then read and approved. • • • The Warden then briefly addressed the Council in relation te -the necessity of haying' • was struck on 'the head by a bridge near Gianworth, Tnosclay, receiving it - juries which resulted in his death. A man named .Eleney; residing . on the, Richmond Road, Ottawa, was attacked by a vicious. pig 'last Thuraday evening, and. received ,severe injuries. He . is confined to his bed, Hen. Wilfred. Dorion, Judge of the Sunday night. His death wee very sudden, having imeri in his ustial health a moment before. He was b. brother of' A. A. Potion, Chief Suede°. While a teatiaster-wag backing lip a load of coal to unloia at Green's blacksmith shop, Listowell, on Saturday, a young son of Green's, about ten years of age, koL between the wheel and the shop, aud `was crushed in a dreadful nianner, from the ef- ler .4t Co., ormtriletors on the Lachine canal, on the 16th inst., left Montreal for Ottawa and has not since been, heard of. Mr. Kelly is a vvealthy citizen of 13uffalo,• and,. as he had in his possession about fif. teen thousand dollars when he disappeared,, foul play is suspected. • telegram front 4.-.Hirocli* of Guelph, from Liverp.oel, &marine the rumor that tho 103 cattle, an entire shipment sent by Mr. Gordon, of thitc town, svere waahed overboard and lad. Mt Gordon was not On board the reseal, , Thiel lobs is a Very seriotni orie,..ari the cattle were a Mod veld. MAO lot. They wev) insured. In reply te an Orange deputation that waited on hint at Toronto, on Thursday, Bop; Mr. Mackenzie stated that he had no power to order out the military to pro. teot the Orange proceission in Montreal on the 12th of July. The military eould only he called out at the requeat of the civil au- thorities, and he advised that application be made to Mayor Beaudry. To this the deputation replied thakthet course would undoubtedly be d981088. They pointed out tha.:6,under the Blake Act, if they went down, mitriediately on the train entering the County of Hochelagis, they would, he searched and any vreapons taken from them. Mr. Mackenzie said that was e law, and, as a friend, he advised at the, Oratigeiiten in Montreal sh.9,01d e left to themselves, when theyAnight be allowed Orangemen Igoe" Ontario went down it would. _bo.Aloodshett• The deputation' than d -the hen. gentleman for hie contract to re -build the Bayaeld bridge, as the tender ateepted .by the Council: was a, forgery, the rebnilding of the Grand Bend bridge, the demand of the Inspector of Gaols for the erection of a new wing to the gaol, containing twelve.colls, and -stated that the . House of Refuee Committee had visited the Poor Mathes at Berlin arid; Fergus; and wonld, report to the Council... • A communication from:Nfr., Langmuir, Tu. iipiictor-of gaols, requesting the Council to ap- point a special committee to consult with bite in reference to erecting A USW Wing te the VIOL' wmaostrieenalef Mr. Gibson., see. by Mr. - Leckie, the comitiittee wad made to coneist of the mover and seconder, and Messrs. 'Me- MiAliallietticr(rahtfrolt!ju?lhgtediSeq3nires. in reference to extra, mural prison labor was read and re. tarred to the Gaol and cort'House committee. 4.1etter from the AseMTProvincial Secre- tary with reference to the tistitign of this Council for the .eatablishmant of ad asiltirn for inour.ables; was road aud. ordered. to he. IYITehde: Council thee adjourned. it petition ben) J. Porterfield and 68 others, praying for a g.rant of $160, to be expended on the boundary between the' townships of Etowlok and Minto,,Was read and referred to thechiPiransontleoenOoofiligmir,ticateein. e, aro, by ,ma. cook, nitety aeree Ives taken trom the acreage of llowick, whiah had been attached to Wrox- 'titeSe venal eeseinunitations were theit read and referred to the ooramittees of the departmentg to which they tatted. . It wag then moved. by Afro D. D. Wilaon. gee. by Mr. Keys, that the Counoil sanction the establishment of 6 High School' re the toWn Of Seaforth, said High School to be established and conducted according to the' Ontario Statutes relating thereto. -Referred to Sohool Committee. • Moved by Mr. Gibeon, Mr.•111c- Math, that„the Clerk be authorized to ob. tam at full information as esti be had air te cost, the present aciecitutriodrition and requir* merlin of the High. Scheele et twesentin-oper. ation in the county, and the---guniber tames of the mmila attending the during last year frointhe tura nannielpirlitiee. The•Coutial then adjourned to enable the E Utilisation Committee to °evened and pro. Nearly the 'whole of the morning was Otieu. *a reoeivieg and difionaging the repert of .the Howie of Refuge Committee, whieh. re- ported in favor of ittoonstruotion. Themat. ter Was postponed, for farther considerotion, oir Friday.