The Clinton New Era, 1878-05-30, Page 8THE CLINTON NEW, ERA MAY j(, 1878. CLINTON NEW ERA. scarf tiirtttr#. RA,CE8, The neiv, and said to be one of the finest nice coarses. in Ontario, was open - 'ed here on the 23rd inst, Mr. Ferran, the president of the #assgeiation, in a, briet:.s}tQeeh, in_whie -hs-Seiki-t of the association was to give an oppor- ' gortunity for fair- and honorable sport, and that every effort svou1cl be made to oatry . ottt this intenition, declared the . gt'ourads often to the public. The nutty- ____._..b on gel:... :.tbe, rotund was more than -vas expected, there being. over 400 -paid ed.. missions. Tbe' following were the races Tunon the Etat day,. with the entries, names g of the wrong' horses; and. time made: .• FARMERS' RUN. For liaises owned in the county of Huron, and used for farm ..'purposes on- ly. Halt mile heats, . ' First.•prizc, $80; second, $15; third, $5 ° ' ENTRrES:• .'' " Harry Dark;".beg. ,7 year old, Thos,. Dark, owner, "Little'Topsy;"'s:m,, 5 Yr. 'old, A. Smith; owner. ' ' "Little Bossy," bent., 5 yr. old, John Avery, owner.. , "• Lady Bruce,"c ni'., •a: yr old, Wm.' R>sattenbury, owner.. "' Black ]3ill,,, b:g., FL yr. old=' C. Mc- Donald, owner, • WINNERS. a s FIRST iIEAT,-1st, Little Bessy ; 2nd, $airy Dark ;'Std, Lady, Bruce. Time,. :53. • Semen) Hear.-eelet, Little Messy; 2nd Lady Etude ; .3rd, Harry Dark. Time, .541: THREE-MINUTE TROT. 'For horses. that -have never beaten three minutes. before . the 1st. of May,' Mile heats, best •8 *42 4. Prizes,:'. first,. . 860 .; second, $30, third; $10 • ENTRIES. "J.•F.":b.g., aged, T: Kerwin, owner,. ' "Lottie," cern., 8,y;r. old, J. 'Vender. burg, owner: Carlotta . a.m., 6 r; Diel,,I Forbes,i • NNE' '' )VI . ERS: FIRST:.0 itr - est, Lottie ; 2nd, J.F:, 3rd, 'Carlotta. .Time -2.40'x;.. SECOr h AND a III,nn . HEATS •=Same as ••first. 'Time—•2,42 and2.421. 'OPEN TROT Mile Beats, best 3 in 5. Prizes; first.' $80 ; :second, $40... . ..?I NTRIES.' a Johnny. Gordon, kik. „ 7 yrcld, C Bushel; R.._Greyeffuel ,?'t gig , ,,9., .yr Diel; ::,Jodi Gentle, owneit. " Little E•than" o ; , 8 -yr . old, A . F." Lee owner. Grey Eddie," g.g., 9' yr old, John. Forbes-. Wee ERS. Diane Iteets,—lst, Grey ,tack;; 2nd,: 'Little Ethan ; • 8t'd, Johnny Gordon. Time -2.40, 2.37x,.and 2.88. On the second day there were at least '1500 t o people .on the r'oii d with _ a e n a e-numl f -carica es, The Bost of ord lLwas Maintained, and all went off' with laarmguy and good feeling: 'The following is the list of racesrim, names of the winning horses, and the best time made : . • :2:40 'TROT. 'For hores that have nete beaten 2.40 previous to:the 1st of May.. Mile heats, best 3 in 5 Prizes, .first, 860: 2nd, 830 ;. 3rd, $10:.. ' . • .t emits. • ". Avenue Boys," chestnut gelding. 9 yr. old, W. Kennedy, owner. • ' ."Eden Gold -duet,'.' chestnut stallion, l aged, Wrn. Odell,' -owner.. • "Ploughboy," brown gelding, 8 yr. old, T. Halloek. Oddfeli wgi grey gelding, 8 Yt. oil; Geo.'Wcbb :owner, " J. F,," btiay.gelding, aged,. ;Phomas Kerwin, owner. . • `tvixNslts.- • 1st, Oddfellosv gnu, Avenue ]3oy r 3rd, Ploughboy, Best time, 2,411.. RUNNING -Two mile dash , •Dotninion bred horses. 'Prises, 1+'iret,. 890 ; second, p30. '• n'Sr rMs. " Maratimer bay gelding., b yr, old •F. Martin, owner. Rider, black j.acicet nnd red cap. " Warrior," hay gelding,' aged,,.'Tt. O'Leary,, owner.. 'Rider,'-cher►•y jacket and black cap,. " Protection," brown gelding,. aged,. Jag. 'Drake, owner. Rider, red 'anon white. " Galt Reporter'," cliestnnt stallion, aged, • Dr. Hutchison,, oivner,: red and white jacket and black sap. " Amelia," bay mare, 4 yr. old, Dr: • Campbell, owner; Rider, trlue jacket ,and bleak cape • 'WineEus; • 1st, Warrior; 2nd, Protection; 8rd, Amelia. Time, 3.504.. • • JUDGES - Messrs. A. McCormick, London ;: Atthut,]3 G: Tisdale,.'Brant- ford ; Brant -ford; D. Erwin, Clinton. • Both the races were evenly contested, the funning one especially, as there 'were only 'a few' lengths difference be- tween the winning horse and the last. At the start W auto,: was a little in the 'rear, batt very quickly took the leadand kept it to the close; Amelia was hi the rear the whole rim till coming in tt en the last round when°site: made :t etra den • spring forward awl passed the judges' stand third in the race; Mara - time was thought to be the winning horse before the reed°buts 04 it was of very lightbuild, and was required to carry seri. pounds extra weight,it reached the goal last, School Traetee . faceting. ei u a • 1i11ont"i ly ntorcit'it5g of -t ie School Bead' was held on, Monday evening. Present, the Chairman and Messrs, Welles, Roltnes, Pay, '.Scott Searle and Fine, • The minutes of pro- viotls meeting were lead and adopted:. The.S.ecretar:y chief before. the' Board a communication' front Miss Croley, tendeiieg ]ter resignation oft account of sickness, • Moved bye 1\11 Searle, sec: by iii . Holmes, thaelliss Croloy's resignation be accepted. Carried, ' . Moved by Mr. Holmes, sec, by Mr, Searle, that Mr. IvIallocli be instructed tQ li:and a list of truant pupils each day to the town constable: The Board then edjottrned. • LArrioe • fences 'ate becoming quite numerous in town. ' A 'coat of paint, recently 'applied, Much' improves. the appearance' of the Queen's hotel.:. •• • :SEVERAL inches of hind adorned tyre streets. e•few, days since; and now it is the same amount of dust; TWIN CALVES. --=A few days Eifion: a cow ' elon •in rwholives b Q I .Collins 1 v _g .gt 14 Collins, near this place, .gave '.bietli to twins. ODonsrERous.— 9.. fee'', bottles of eau de cologne . sprinkled 'about half-a-niile. out on the Base, Line Would. net. lie amiss. • . • TALL -441r. '4 .,..''Yeo, of Goderich' township brings ns ;i `sample 'of fall wheat that is four feet five inches high; and clover .twenty-three inches. 0i'1'EnrILLAls.•--These pests ,:are al- ready doing'niueh damage to trees, and •steps should at once be taken to.clestioy. thorn:and prevent further injury. • O,NLY..three weddiigPr -parties 'get off the eaily.train on the G W. 'R., here, oneFiiday morning- last. How -.many more were on the train we don't know. A WRITTEN notice, stuck up on 1t tele- graph:pole in.•town,•. had `the' following specimens of spelling nen. 0 'gaged,' sllreaddyy ' _any green.. one. Might ' do Better tLan. that, ' • CATTLE liessrs• Collins & Stanbury shipped a eti •load, of•cattle'oli:Saturday, and Mr. N. Matheson shipped a car load the same deSe: twelve' of which, pur- ch•asecl•froni _i111 -Jas. Fair, %%-eee tIaee j%eat obis, andel'etreinged 1,42'1' pounds . Grower,' Coeereater.-A • contract fon the supply of: 200) 'verde • of greed, ' foe. .the town, w ie-eet y 1by etrCt on en Satur- daast,']j'fn•. Thos. :Potts getting 1t at $2.54-} per coni.' Tlnis is tivelyo cents higher than it was last year,- and..:.svitlr the 1pernlissiopt to leave allthe big stones in it, will Brake the contract a still More advantage:Me one to the party Who ob., tiued it• Considering a ll _trig; cuoiinz- .staracee, price,. largo stones left in, and:cheapen• hey and peed this year; the coriti4ict is fullytwelve per 'cent. better thae last.year's. An Ovide;ace of better tirncs, . Poison i:n.--•A cow belonging to Mr • Jaid. Ziowson,'died one ...day last week from the effi.cts•of poison. A .(Jay • or • two prep:ians'Tiis- two y*.oitngcn sons. were driving it home when it ca:nie across a. pot of paint that had been Set. down An the sidewalk a few rtioments before fe u which•it took a drink, .,the boys driv ug it•eway'AS . quick ; es• possible, •thinking ninve of the lass sof paint to the owner thiin the danger of poisoning the`coty, for they did net inention.tbe'fact to their r parents: s :Ifhad ' e t, Z ei t c one.so as m e 1 3 a el Y could Crave been applied and the cow's life saved ; but the poison Wes allowed to act, :which soon terinitiated in •tine 'cow's deatli;. • ..• . . . • Sireue a ,1t is ofteii•and tentllfully said that all the fools are not, dead yet ; • audit would appear that when one does die , there are several :others ready to take hie• place, • notwithstanding- the rne0ir3 tiled to enlibten and instruct •the rising generation. 'On Friday, by :a little deception, nSpecies of 'Cheap Jack,'.i known to the nitiated es a 'fakir,' got permission to Open his stand for the sale of stuffed paper boxes,. "on tine".race ground, and soon gathered around linin a gaping and sillyerawd of geese, mane of whom were soon plucked. His plan wile to piece a bill in one of several boxes, and allow Lily ono to draw two boxes on payment of 'a dollar, Occa- sionally a conforlerate would make a sue cessful draw., and others thought they could surelydo the same. One country youth lost $9 on the venture. It ap- pears,that no natter how often the pub lieare told that these gentry are adepts. at manipulating these boxes and. other devices, they are just as ready as twee to be 'taken in,' How do they expect to win when thoy aro playing sttith a ratan at his own game, and export at it. By the large amount of money this sharper raked in it did not appear that money was scarce or the times depressed; all that appears to be wanting is the disposition to'ttso it honestly. Semi af- ter the rate course authorities:' learned this fellow's trade they put an ex- tingniSher to leis business.. , • W1rteirneu Cotton prevails a nogg. some of the young children in town. Fireman appeals against assessinent- will.be heard et the Cout•r of Revision to -night, • NEW PoTA'l'oEs.--Mr. Smithson, of Hallett, had nose potatoes in town on Tuesday, which iver'e grown in the open air « VOTERS' LIST COURT.•--A.C0ivt for the revision of the votoi•:t' list, will be field in the town hall, here, on the ,17th: of June, cou iilenoing at. ' 10' a,ln, AHONG tliosewho same here to wit- nesetho faces was Mr. Hobson, many years ago a resident ©f. Goderich, and Tl oit'ownet= of all'tlio'stage lanes -in the neighborlloo i For a man Drat: eighty he looks well. • A •Leetell't—On Thursday y night an old mau lay across a salt panel on Al. bort street, ancl•betneett .his.hiccotlghs, lamented this l;acos clay, •'•Morrow's Qdeen.'s biretley, Blame fool to get drunk so quick's to spend my money, sob can't'bet. Mie'r, lend us a (Planter ; long me if 1 coni pay us." — Ho did noti get the quarter, and the lash sounds. heard from hist were, " Queen Victoria's fine 'old n omau•' H'rah for - Queen." • ' . MINrSTEnIAIe_ Rev. Mr:,. nice, of Ex- eter,. preached in, the Bible • Christian churoh, here,• on 'Sunday er:ening, and Rev. Mr. Courtice'at Exeter. •Rev. Mr, Buggtn, of Seaforth, .ex flanged ,with •Rev. Mr:• Philp, •of:Hol esville. • Rev. 4Mr •Dawson•'preached l[n the Presbyteri- an chervil. Rev. Die 'Fowler referred, at some length, in his morning discourse, to the subject of horse raciub. '• 'Rev. 11Zr. Gray, of this piece,• will; preach ,.in Manchester Baptist chul'ch on Sunday; • Tem ENTLRTAINMENT on Friday even- ing last was a success in every 'respect, the attendance' being' •large"and rho pro= gramme well carried outs The tableaux were interefting features' of the evening;, and took well, especially ,with :tine young folks, an`unusual'number of whom Were. present.'• .The readings: of. Dr. ' :Gibson and Miss "Bond were rendered- iii good style, and the, vocal and instrumental music was'repeatedly* -ala plaudtd; The ladies provided. -More than the iprogratnne'. called for, giving; cake gratuitously. with thin ice cream, IT WAS NoT A,BtRGLA .--'file oilier evening 'a slight commotion was -created by the movements of some one in the second story of a store in town. At first. it was thought that'burglars wore ;et work, but this idea 'sats dispelled°,tchen the party raised, a window, i1r°oppecl tlowil on the t'erandali and then. slipped down a post to the.groilnd,::after which lie .. pttllecialopvn .ling :vest •Stra'ig t'ened NS limbs, end walked away-. This was the undignified 'manner' a ,elet i:. who' lead been•Iocked;in,. took to Maio his exit. RAID of A •BAO.NIO,--At to late flour on Thursday night Chief of Policei Prtiq- rev, with two assistants, nlado•a raid on a,hotise of iii -fano situated below' the 'railroad. The inmates,: reale ;tnd female, endeavored to escape 'by jnmpiugthroii h• tin .windows, but the police mane* to � a 1 .fir mar three :-men uiid two' n•otnen, the ether; parties escapingThey—were r brouf,llt illi town,,. the tXiaytpr aroused from, his slunlberee' befare whom they were at Once tried, and each fined $10 and costs, thus adding $5010 the,. town tretisur } , : _.. t riN �,4E . $ BrnTlD.ip:.-23re clay -peas. a5a fine as could be wished for, .end everything in succi ,a condition that nll could spend it as they . Wished. At an eai:ly hour it peas ushered in ' by discharges of;' anvil' -cannon, and a very laege number of flags were. thrown to- the breeze: Quite A number, formed a picnic party and wont to :I3ayfield, -where they enjoyed tlieniseives Splendidiy.- The juvenile hand turned out in their nein rniforni and p ti . £ s .pll:yea: several "tunes' in fine style 'on the square, and in the afternoon the old banal eafiie - out and played several tunes. Taken altogether, the • day passed off Well, the et • having scarcely anything`happened to rear .the liarntony and goodfoeliug existing anroirg the nutneeous .visitors throughout the town, • St;DD: N DEATI['.---•We are again celled anon tochronicle the. sudden del.tjt of one of our .citizens, ander circumstanc- es *bat cannot do other than cause 'ear- row, It appears that on.Thucsday Inst, Mr. A. Robertson, who bas been .belied; rug aif; tho Queen's hotel, for the past nine,inorttlis, did not make hie *Jew: - arm at either •the -breakfast oe dinner table, the bar -tender, therefore, alma two o'clock, went to his room, and on opening the door foundhim lying on his face on the floor, dead. It was not uncommon for him to retrain in. Iris rootn.i4 the morning, and he had told tlle•llotieeltold not to disturb him whoa' he did so. A post mortem examination of the body was made and an inquest was held, at which it wail ascertained that deceased had been 'thinking 'deeply for the two our three past days, and had net taken enflieient niaur slrnrent, ° Af- ter hearing the evident, of two or three witnesses the jury brought in a verdict of death fro-ni sanguinous apoplexy, in- duced from cxcessiee drinking of intoxi- cating liquor, and the absence of morel, nourishment in the system. Deceased was ra bachelor, and had resided' in Stanley:for,several yeerlopreviouq to his coating here, Moses. T. Jackson. awl J, Twitchell have put up handsome oil cloth awnings, at to cost of $50 each.. MRs,. C. SrooNER,. , ofthis place, and Mrs. W. 3. Biggins, of the Loudon road, left this morning for the old country. TIIAT enterprising jonrtaal, the, Lon- don Adve•tser, sent a special reporter to the. Reform Convention here, yesterday. CANADIAN TIIISTiaE$.--The crop that appears to flourish moat from the form- er: wet weather, is that "highly'venni- nei'iitivo" one of Canada. thistles« In Many 'localities: a very abundant crop is promised, unless nieaus are taken to prevent it. • Stoiooh 'talents will see by the scliao trustee meeting . report that Mr,- Pais, ley is authorized to arrestthein end, talco titerih to school, and it is to: be hop, .cd' that parent's Will second the efforts of'tile trustees in striving to aonYie1';tla.e iegnier attendance .of their ehiidreti et ,school. ' TiralrttEn,—Ori Friday a bar that ilad. been fixed up in Twitoholl's window, on which to hang valises, came down, . and the articles thereon.tunlbled pell-mell in• the window, fortunately without break• ing anything,. :' To -DAX the committeeappointed by the County. Council with' reference to the Poor House, are inspecting the dif- ferent farms' that have been :offered thorn as sites for the proposed institu- • CANVASSING On. Friday;Mr.. P. ]iel- 1y, ot'BTytliT:£lie nominee for • the West Riding,who carpe in to. see. the races, employed a good deal of his :time: iii •a vigorous canvass. "It required all his. argumentative powers to explain las po- sition. to solve of the Conservatives he Met. . • QNcE..IM'Icatu.—How many times have we got_to'say that .cu minun-ications-scent• to this office without .the writer's -name; will net „be published.. We' received one last week, and one this. : The writ-' see may just s well save thein time and paper, • because . the name 'meet • accom- p'any the letter, or it gope into The waste: basket,. M.: AC1S1ItAr].S .GASES.--=U.n` Satl`cla .` 11 y limning a jockey was tried before •the nia� or; charged with : tiding abusive linnguage' to lir. Paisley, and fined one, dollar and, costs: ,On i 1onday Joseph: Churchill John Churchill and B.`Chir chill: tvote charged :with ' distuebing the. peace,' but the charge 'was withdrawn on their paying posts. , A 'Goon' ViI w Standing' ons .the junction of •'.Albert and . Rit.tenbury Streets,'and )ooh -nig .oast or west,' one .liar a sp.lendiw view of the -inose delight : fit " •treetin-tonne,- 1i3 ° it.as.-almostentirel: • Y lined -with" shade trees of .large '':size, tincl ltixutr:•iant foliae,;and as.the street has a gradual' slope,•tho•oflect is lit once striking .and pleasant. Does. AipvrailSIxu PA 1 --My sue - cess is owing ib liberality in advertising. •=Bonner. The road . to fortune is through° printer'':sinle. P. T. Barr trim- Success .depends oil a liberal patronage. of printing offices.—T.';3.• Astor. Fre- fluent alld"constant advertising•brougliti: nue • eller owtt A. T. Stewart. ' My son. deal :With men 'who advertise.. 'You, will never lose by it;—Bon. Frenlclin. How can, the lvorlit'k-nopw a man fins a goocl: thing unless he .advertises trio nos- session of it'1-Vanderbilt. Then ad- vertise in the A.!ME E� ?t;. , atr ;TATiorf.—Oft::'Monday . ,last Dr. Stewart, assisted by Des. Worthington, FIurlbert• .duel 11IcLraii, 'aiiiputated the leg of 1Irs;D. •Morrow, late of tliis'town, but now of 'Stretford. The knee was badly affected :,incl was. gradttallygetting worse, °awl no hopes:. were entertained of relief eecept by Amputation.. We are • glad to be able to state that she not only passed .thiongh..the operation well, kris s1Ie now feels,much relieved, and good' ° it ° g has a.prospect of ro a r , e turn her h wonted health,. The olieratiom was not only, successfully performed, brit" With much skill. y.p". ....-Y10.-s .. • ,i'POiiTS AiltD A1fUSL'M; 1V2W. Moder this hoacttng wo shall, from tires to liplpp, give retorts 'of nay gnaws that aro of IOCat iatortist, mist ropor•ts of cricitot, baso ball, Of riilamatehoo, c,roes;• draughts, &d., that,Lsvo or aro about to coma off, dal) antheatroated, aka'. solicited from .spy wart of rho dounty1 i3AsiJ 7iAGU , The nese ball Match between the Dauntless, of this 'placo,etnd the worth Stars, of London, did not Colne off on gluon's birthday„awing .tothe.non-ftp-' pearen:co of the Stars. A very large crowd would have been present had, the match came off: The Dauntless Club of this rilttce, play their first of the season; With the Maple Loafs, of Stratford, on Monday next, They regve for' that p1ac •at 12:55 o'clock, • . '!RICKET. A match between the T3rucegeld and Bayfield cricket- clube took plane nit Saturday last, resulting itt a Victory for: the former by 10 wiekets, , rooT Ro . • A foot race, for $20 a side, between E. Newlnarch, of this place, and D. Lavin, M of ITolmesville, takes plats on the Driving Park en onday next, the distance being half a mile. The match w is creating a gond Ileal of interest, . and will nd doubt lie closely eontestotI as both are evenly matched. frile face will take }glace at 4 o clriek ht the after, Q000000060-00000000000000000000000O000000g00GO0000Q0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1878. 1878 1878 1878. O : ' 0 000000 of 0 0 0 0 eZ: 0. 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 ;coo o .o:O00000'OOOOOOO(OOOOa : •Q. a.: 0 . �..,.... _.:..�.. ....... _ _._...m,...qs? . Ga�c�QQ�� 000.0... YiCTORL%L [B!oc. ONT. EsTA13I4ISIgED 185 . • . 000 UNIiERaO'LOTIi1IG. Special lines of the above goods, in' SILE. LISLE THREAD. H . �EAD. BA •LBRIG GAN. �� G MERI CYO. COTTON. INDIA SE. Glii\''10:x, \fay"30, 3.63. SUIS P Elis LOTHIN��yy: Splealdid . value iu he following goods LINENDUSTED E S • LINEN HATS. LINEN'CAPS. • WHITE VTESTS. RUSSEL CORD COATS. Alp acca Coats iflio10 rs coo ' T [Jrs i3 aiG ii Con Ali ' GRASSICK & CUNNIN6NAME'S They are selling out the balance: of this Reason's FLOW Fits at a`great dealless than cost,' • Tbose 1g' want of ebeap:plants will do u•e)1•to' call and see their stook:bee IL, = teiIASI T):0N'' 01 r . _ FTti ,Ifni 1 • They cart Tuf ' s Artie. . S da Water Fountains, .. �� npliy thoae favoring atom whir theirc�tp m,nib.ra1 ds.nftoml erauce drinks' Trey have jest got tiireugli'1•Toure; Cleaning, aria haven fitted' up Ice Cream parlors, Where ••• all Cita be acgmnlod•lted. '• - -7 I T, G"it1 .31' .b. i[IV klittID ;Cff ANY :1'AIIP OI+' VIE TOWN CANNED 0.00DS JUST RECEIVED. Ain NM fi $RANDS OF 6011110TIONARaY1 FRUIT OF ALL CDS 1N RASO, O LED1012ED: TOEACCO. • 1.1Y.P'Ail-I(AGT.,1711 130•11E. FINE CIG YItS WffoLESATet AND RETAIL. fk OVER ONE HUl ME I) EE:ENT ST14;114 OF: ••fs . t' PIPES, .WHICH THEZ` ARE; SEbLtNG AT Cosr, . :_ .• o Itetplaatber drat anything got frem theft store can be teturuod,. rt tot a* rapresented i',11tASSICixc OTE.IN NGHAME _ • isoorti, Clinton, May, w; r ............. 1 7�r {