The Clinton New Era, 1878-05-30, Page 7NAY 30, 1578 ° '"1'113 1'It0'll`ErlTioN rutin. • EXT;iAt;•i sola: A '$V1.G$Cli OP Arlt, mein Il? d'U 17. s.. si wider J., •We have had protection. God know • we have had nothing else' for the las twelve years. I would like to krio Where all the. immense profits Slade by the rnarnifieturers by virtue of -the pro tection they have unjustly maintained in -the last twelve years Wye gone, Zt is obvious, that their employee have. ne �eest-ire•-l�elreficial:ies..,.,.•fi:hs3y ' •- . cleiwed, in a starving Condition, Thou- sands are reduced to beggary, and have become tranips instead of industrious operatives,, Protection has not protoot- ed tllenk. Each new protected machine which perfornis their' work drives them oftt of, the workshops,, in which they earned their daily bread,: gild their for- •the no more, Ol Ol r care m mremloe a But the alatial residences, and magn.ifi- p cent equipages, the prineely style of lir, ing of these protested owners of that machines attest 'where the profits of Y their sweat • end toil,': had'.. the money of the tax -payors all over the land, have gone. And''the• clamor they are mak- ing in these halls, the;lobbies they 'have organized, the '. newspapers they have subsidized, the arrogance .with • which they aemand the maintenance of bounties in perpetuity, attest equally .their in., solerice and their . confidence in their power. - They . . They have the audacity to require their operatives, the' viotinrs ..pf ,their greed, to petition the representatives of the people for a continuation of the sys- tem which has produced . "these results, and they sat themselves nig as guardians of the laboring poor,' Representatives in these halls are • threatened with de- feat if they dare to oppose, arid are lured by promises of promotion if they obey; their orders. The peer are bectimil • poorer and the'rich richer,.: extreme poverty 'and .•immense fortunes ' are brought in sharp contrast, and the mas- ses are used by their ;roasters to iufiuence legislation to still further enrich the al- ready over -protected few an& to tidd to their own. poverty and degradation. If the manufacturer, instead of `get- ting 50 per cent., which he gets no�v., . by a tariff -tax upoli. the' :,People of this country, had to content' liiniself wit 10 per. cent. -above the value of his goods in open market, which he 'could obtain by fair competition in the tear: t " t close his kets of the. world, he era lkf•no cos establishments when• he pleased, but his laborers would: have employment 'ilayby day, and every day bathe year. at 'full,- ' fair, honest wages. It .is ,because :he can control a restricted .Market fon:. his' goods, which, he can gl lit as - often as ll8 pleases, because our machinery has creased to such an. 'extent : that it ,can proince four times—yea, ten . trines what the people of. this country can ebn- sume,that when it has:preduced as much ns can. be safely. held,. without reducing the price below the foreign cost•' and the tariff added, the mills and. ' factories'. can be closed gtndtbe workmen left' to. starve. The laborets'•are the victiins'of protection ; it does not protect then):. The clamor of•protection,to'labor and home industry is. all a fraud; the; tariff• is not in the interest of -laboring: people, but in the interest.of owners- of the ma- chinery that manufactures it1l. The 1a- borers only manage it and oversee it.-:• When it stands idle it:rleither. eats nor drinks' nor requires clothing. The 'ori ginal cost is all the cost or'expaise'there minded of the fact that streaked lots+— no: matter how Sweet in flavor—c;rlt a never command such a'high figure and quick sale as those running .uniform in color, The extra attention given ,to tthis point will amply compensate deal- t for their trouble, 5. For p£ioking purposes. tubs .and firkins should be a used exclusively. On account of its next appearance and: Kaoticeble utility, the easternwhite-ash tub is preferred ,above' all others: both for the home and export trade.' tinn-stettitt-be-ollreftd-to"so their packages well before using! and also to pack the butter solid, eclxlpletely filling the packages, and spread a piece of new bleached cotton'oloth over it dipped in brine, neatly tuekod in around the edge; so that. When reamed it will not .damagethe appearance of :the: hitt - ter when offered for Bele; Wet dsrori NO rl strongly gly advise farmers; and' dairymen to buy their own ' back ages and 4iaclr.their own butter in eti- nal ' packages, so that the damaging se- cond-band system, of re -packing as prac- tised in the country, may be done away with; • Re -packing butter spoils the grain, besides being the can:prof most of the streaked lots that are slaughter= ecl on our' markets. Two Sento.' • r is .aboutit, and itsnivnera] can let it stand idle until the market is sufficient `to en- able them toga their Profits again by excluding competition with• the people of all' other nations,making tho iln1 )ro- ;tected masses of the people flay for all. BUTTER. . • What is most needed is the educe" - tion of Canadian farmers and dairymen, in the true art of butter-meltin t and' with last year's experiencefresh ign their memory, no more opportune occasion than the present could be chosen in submitting to them the following in - ', n -I Strisetions for the making and packing . of hotter," which if attentively noted, and carried-out, will result profitably to i manufacturers and beneficially, to the . trade at large:--•- 1. Every utensil required in the manufacture of butter should be heist scrupulously clean; as cleanliness is 'es. 1 sentially requisite in making a prime' i ' article.- I. 2. Care should be taken not to let ,o,, the cream stand too long, and tile but, ter should be worked sufficiently, to take out all the buttermilk, which, ifnot thoroughly extracted, tends to doterior- ate the freshness and sweetness of but- ter quicker than anything else we know of. ra&t the time of shipment from first hands butter,may be perfectly mar' but owing to its containing a portion of buttermilk, it ie liable 'to turn sour—as it frequently happens --before thriving at its destination. Therefore, too great attention cannot be given to the 'im- portance of working otit everr particle of buttermilk, 8. In the making or butter the very best factory -filled salt should be used. We know of .nothing that has injured Oanadi'tn butter on the English market so much as the use of inferior'. Liverpool and home manufactured salt. • 4. In the packing of batter, uni- formity of color is of the highest ern- • portanoe, and padkers should ba re• - THE CLINTON' .NEW ERA. and any other fntlamtyatory RREU. . TIS111 dieeass cured Su a felt' hOttaa. 44++ iJrysipelas, scrofula, gari't• ago, skin frrltatlen. alone from any cause, and a hum, :deed other diseases aro caused by an avid firtnent, which prodnees Inflammatory notion. Brenton's Ab- sorbent.wilt positively effect a cure in a new hours, by absorbing tae acid poison from the srstem, Sold by druggists. Tijee, 600.• Advice In pertloular calm Tree. SV, Ii. Ait'UN ON, Loudon, Out. Travelling 0 long distance into' the West :some years ;age; we journeyed ill the same car with a woman of. two. .seats, and we heard.her •tell tarn• seat, 'seekers.':that her extra seat was "en: gaged for, a: friend,": but the friend must have been a: a'stln)wer friend" for he never put in an appearance, 'and the lady occupied the two seat's , until° the end •of her journey. • •Ocoasionaily: a mall is' found who shows' coira"go, • On the Lake' Shore Michigan Southern railway we once stiw one of those"heroes.' ,He was middle aged and. lank, and looked as if among'•the Michi- gan pine stutnps lie might be equal to any patented atump pnher ever invent- ed. I•Xe.was chewing away at a high- pressure rate on a wad of "fine crit," and squirting the juice thereof without regard tn: surroundipgs.' • He .was' looking for a seat. 1- They:were all taken except one, an& that one oceli l)ie'd 'b ya lady .in just the . y just way. we have described.. Our, ' leap friend. stopped :and :looped at her. " Say, ,there !" -cried he in a- voice: of vary shrill treble, "I watt that air sit- ting -down place I" "It.iii engaged,":said she,'with freez- ing in.suieur. . rl kIave sou fot it `l" asked. he; No.answer; •but her.nose'•went.up fif- teen &grees, AN O11LD RESPEOTFULLY INTIMATE' TO TUB • •T W residents of Clinton and vicinity,' that,havino rebuilthiolpremises on the old stand, • Street Ci'nton•; Victoria.,» • • No has now on eland a large and aoloet stook of A LI RINDS OP FtiRNITTTRE, such as Ohairo,Tables,Bod-room Seto, Lounges, Whit gots, &o., hi good material, excellent workmanship' and 1 finish, andwhtoh he will sell at the lowest remunerative rates, REPAIRING ,Promptly 4TTLNDED TO CANEOHAIRs R]7SEATED, AS GOOD AS NEW • ONE PRI(J1C..0.74' . y . Remember :he • Place VICTORIA: -Sr. Ullnton;_12areh 801877 P.H' CE h 1 X CA�61�G� WORKS, L ONDE:SBORO. • f HE SI1135011I11Ln nEOSaira A'gTIFY HIs oY:r,' 1 friends and customers,and;ad many new ones 'as array think fit to favor him with their patroneee, that he hes re -built bla Blacksmith Shop, and IIAS 1:1ECOMI l:LNCED BUSINESS • ,Whichii now in toll operation Front his l md'exr f enoe and the facilities he possossos, he feels competent to glee satisfaction toall who may favor hint with their patronage. Cotters' Sleighs •ao�s•C eels es W A svncI ay.. horse-Shoeingmat' colb.ktltfl's pf Jo(;birtg' it �� 'Prpmptly,,,atteniodto, at. rcastinableratos. X:have, continued •the lank man, +• " . ". Q' �3 i T,IN r,..y',:2 0 I I-. .anti::leets s the p,astebaard, displaying =� �.�•Z.. :...�• his ticket,, and forthwith. he began . to ` zo osboro, oet..is. 1877,'" :, pile the bnndles'ana bags and boxee.on ' the seat beside • the lady; and the.tebao• co juice'flew around in 'every direction while he was about it.' .. As, he turned the seat over and sank jute it with a grunt of satisfaction the !tidy remarked audibly : • • ' You're a hog..!', r"43'1ong to your own fatal ; "''said. the learn . • Stan, • and the passengers laughed;" and at the next -station, the lady left the oar for another,. where,she hoped, seats Were.plentier. The tilnssmuber}a In• a t° Book of Curiosities"' we .read, There was' an artificer in* Rome who !Sade vessels of glass of so tenacious a temper that they were as little liable to be broken as .tho'so that are Snide of gold and silver. When, therefore, he hed made a vessel of the. pute•sort,-and. .such• as he, thought a present worthy. of Ci sar'alone, he was admitted into the presence'of the then Emperor Tiberius.' The gift _wee praiSed, the skilful hand of the artist applauded; and the dona- tion of the giver accepted. The artist,. that .be might 'enhancethe wonder of the 'spectators, and promote himself yet. further inthefavor of the emper, took the vial out'of. Cfesar's hand, and threw. it with such force -against the floor teeth the most solid ,metal would have; received sotto damage thereby: Cfesar was not only amused, but affright- ed.by the act;'but the artist, taking up the 'vial from the ground (which; was not -broken, but only 'bruised'- together, as if the substance of, the glass.b'ad put on . the temper of. brasa,).•drew otit an instrument from his boson'i and beat it. but'to its former figurer This clgne, he imagined that he had conquered the world, as believing that be had merited an acquaintance with Caesar and raised the admiration of all the beholders; but it fell ou ` otherwise, for the• emperor inquired if any a Cher person beside him s if was privy to the like tempering of glass. When he told him "No," he commanded his attendants td strike off his head, saying : Should this artifice; come' once to bo known, geld and silver would be of as little' value air the dirt in the street." Long after this, -viz, in in 1010—we read that among other rare presents then sent•from the. Sophy of Persia to the Ding of Spain, were silt: mirrors of malleable glass, so exquisite- tempered• that they could not be broken. rraucisco I'eralto, the A exiean rid"err at Floebwood• Park, New'York, on Wed. needay, rode 80+ miles infourteen hours and thirty-one minutes.• B1 '.. thFlouringdills. a'HE subscriber bags' to. tender bra most • I sincere thanks to his numerous Gusto.„ mera'in the surrounding townships and the public generally for •their ' liberal patronage, d would further notify them that he has lately added most important improvements to Nis mill . by puttingin; a' new engine, double the. power horetofra-uted,-- alfdlwe'rlIirtlf first-class stone, with a, complete sot of met.- chant qrchant bolts, and in fact all the latest and'niost improved machinery, together with first-class millers, he is prepared tado first-classworkin GRISTING, CHOPPING &t3 Grist. weighed in and, out. Parties, from a distance can' have their grists and chopping home with them the same day. Good Flour and. 14ii1I•Feed for sale at moderate prices, I;IIiMMBER. LUMBER. The Subscriber would also inform the rib - lie that he his a large stock of lumber of different kinds and lengths : Pine from 10 to 20 ft. Hemlock, fromlib to 26.; Cherry, Butternut, White Ash; maple, Soft and "Bock Elm, in lengths to suit the public, which ell- ables him to fill all orders •tliat he may, be favored with on the shorteat notice and most reasonable terms.. p. IIELI,,St; Proprietor.' myth, Aug. 28,1876. otice Of RexnOvarl. J `w`: DLEBE and Clo k •Maker, Watch G ,7EVV'El'tl.,E11, 6.c., wawa res Sect ull{y. announce to tale testoaietu and the public generally, that since the lee disastrous Are, ho has seenrod.the • Store lately occupied by Messrs S, Palliser & Co., Wherein) will keep oh hand a select askortmerit of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, and Silverware of all kinds. Which he will .son at reasonable rates. Repairing of • . • every deserlptionpromptiyattendedto. • • Y. SIDDLEC0 BH, AanSitr Breast. Jan. 84, 1878. " ' C-LINTON PUMP FACTORY. • rlltiE s'1r115oRISEE DESIRES TO BETVRN 1178 �L• sincere thanks for the liberal share of patronage afforded him, and would aleo intimate that lathes, der- Ing thepast winter, had in a large stook of: firat•elaea material, and le now prepared to make and.put In, tho MOST SUPERIOR . PUMPS, -Of every description, on the gtrenTEsT NoTiett, and on the moat,roaeoneble terms. -, Remember ocktSta Aesx' Rat ih op, °Anton, Apr.1110,1877. JA17E8 FERt11tsON ;NTIAI,FA. 1 The. 14IiPAle IIEnpaf for Ccortim'cTL l0i-C7 E., ...4.44 ZIrrS . ls. pltrely vegetable and porreetly harmless, It ,tete upon h d CO n t q food in tiro stomach, accordance its hging ConvOrted into- int. Taken In accordance with ,A•' rection, It will reduce a rat Demon *tom two to ave • younda per woeir. Corpulence is not only a disease itself, but the • harbinger of others:' so wrote Hippocrates two t .. :thousand years ago, and what Was true 'Weals none the lees so to -day. .Sold b druggists, or bent, by. express, upon re• ' i Celpt of 11.50. Quarter -dozen 400. Address, • 'BOTANIC MEDICINE CO., ProPrieto, e,: Buffalo, X. r 1 k.,tem$ SIZE i • °N e So lekel\V‘a*e;:tiii174.: Or SugaraConted.:.t:oitectatrated, Ltoot attd• I3erual daroo,:.Rt4.11IIIoue' G,rautiler4. Ir1IF:`••LITTLE G1AN•F."1: tet lit Paivo Ph3'nic: The novelty of modern Ate,tical, Chemical, and Pharmaaedtioal Science. No Ilse .of any .longer taking the large, repiilsive, and nauseous pills, c osed t e e p crude, amp o 0 t nl ,ort, e, and. bulky tngredlents when we can,;byacaieful application of °hemieal science, extract all the cathartic and other meds- , cinal•properties front the most. valuable roots and herbs, and concentrate them into a minute Gran- ule, scarcely larger Chats a mustard'.. seed, that can bo re{tlilyy swallowed by those of the most sensitive stomachs and tastidious tastes. Raab, little Purgative Pellet reppresents, in i Most Concentrated form, as much cathartic •power as Is embodied In any of tbo large pills found for sale in drug shops. 1! rom.thoirwonderful cathar- tic power, kn comparison to their size, people who -have not tried 'them me apt to suppose that •they aro harsh or drastic' In effect: but. such. la not at all the 'case, the dift'erentactiyo medicinal principles of which they are composed being q harmonized: and modilicd, one by the others, 2. D produce' a most searching and thorough, yet' gently- and 'Idndly ,operating,,tathar- •tie. . ' -$BOO Reward is hereby offered by the pro- prietor .of these Pellets; to any chemist who, upon. analysis'• Will Ili em :tar calomel or other drugs of merct •y, twin, •al poison eranlut•ious • nee. ti slyy vi4getable, no particular care;is required While using then. They operate' without disturbance to the ,Ilnslitiition. diet, or •oc0ulmann: For Jail n411ce,• ltkeadache, 'Constipation, Impure Blood; Pain ifs the Shoulders, Tightness, ot the Chest, Dizziness,; sour 1:rubuttluns fro$m the, Sip >;tacit; glad t.t•"te tame ramotien, Blln •10114 atmelts,.I'a1n'tn,reg1on of Kid-. treys, Interna al.kever, 111auted'feeling about moth aeh . Kush oK i31414,Ato Head,.nigh-co te red f•rint i n,tuelu. hinny :inti t louttaT toie.bodlttt;v, tnitc Dr. ftlerco ti Pleasant _Itrg tti'te 1�e1•. 1usts,,• Ipv-te p ni, ui +n ut 11 0 1•24.°11,, u• a d'.power,.el,. nv1'pir int.i'clut•ot&r o n rarigwot• tsti t,W l art-lt •ef <rt' to tt alert tr..rcriotr upon tett. 211(114181 o0011.1111 t+ urilver- ba1, 11ut ar viand. or tissue eacnplug: their elna1,tc•in: pre.•$. i.a deet not.. Im1air a s'"::, ,:- ur,nt e, ['eller Timmy are U t -, r,1 ;ni di,el�ea in '1s battle;tbeit tlttac,bcl ,o-huu, lire steer, l'141 op inion for. 1n7.leo- 2 of 1cu 1 'm:ut .1111'1' n that: they are ale a': 9 tl•e+1, tt 1 1'eit A t i 81 'p- :nut ills ease with :nose °Filo 0111(1(2 ro nut Jas 112 cheap wap tt(n,lcn. ui I,n',C .ri't !n) a -212 e , . 111,,1 for all 1248.22' etre t .1,L.axail VP, l,teraliye,.. ar T.u,'i'stl i't e. h•i'•su•,. ,ne:,• • ;.e at{i z.“ t t• +n. yv::eV s 1st 11110 '1`4e•};4.1e •,u;.l 1.. ',rl, 1).,40,-1.,. 11! ;0 '1,1 . tr. ,F:1/4 t), • - 1 By en immense ;practise, extendin,c thrl,ee•• period of years, having within that tihe 220: +• ' men thousandcases . those diseases peen hat 1 •,' woman, 1 have been, enabled to ,poi fel t aas.- potent t 'potent and•agrecable medicine that meets nim • dtcations presented by that class of dloen=o,, a positive certainty and exactness.,• To designate this natural npecife ctnpoumd;'1 • have nanteddt . Dr. Pierces,Favorite Prescri • �tiau. The terns, boweref, is but a feeble, expression of ley high .appreciation of Its, value, based 111,00 my own personal observation.' As a close nit- server, 'i-lrave, While witnessing 118 positive re- •sults in the few special diseases incident to. the separate organism of wotuan,• singled it our as the semina or drowning gem of my medical carver'.. Un its Merits, as a positive, safe, and effectual remedy for this cines of tris eases, andone that trill 'at all tines and under all' efreumstanees, act kindly and in 1201010117 with the. laws. which. govern' lie female ayetom; 1 11m wilting to -stake my re peltation as h physician. Nay, even more, do COn�dentam I that it will not disappoint the mos sanguine p 'sit npoi t gt rho extt ecf llpns et a single Invalid lady Who ase;t it tor any Of the ailments for which L re nisch It, that I. offer and sell it under A P TIVL•' GUARAN- TEE. If a beneficial err t, Is not experienced. by the time two-thirds of the Contents nf• the bol-... tee Ore uWed,1 WIlI,•en, _retlrn of the bottlee,, two- thirds of Bit.inedicine bong been taken accord; r It Mg W i cottons n he " being ! g , and t Case lain vele Or which. I 1 recommend It, iromptly refund tlno one paid, for it. Had I not tiro moat berfcet conlltle,ice lh tie virtues, I cottld not oder it its I do under these Conditions; but iifNingwitnessed Ito truly miracu- lous cures 111 thOn33nnds of oases, 1 reel war, ranted slid perfectly safe-Lli'rigid eg both may reputation anti nit, 1//011427 011 Ltdnierits. • The foilowing are attiring those .disease+ hs which my Pal/Amite Prescription lifts work, ed cures, as If by mule, and with a certain', never before attained by any medicine: Len- corrh®a, Excessive Flawing, Painful Atontitl . Periods Suppressions when tram unwound causes, f rroguIaritieS, weak Hack, Prolapsus, u, falling of the Uterus, Anteversion and Retroter• etOn, Bearing Down Sonsntlons, Internal IUO,r, Nervous Depression, •Debility, Despe deuce,' Threatened Miscarriage Chronic Congestion, 11t- flanlmatlon and Meer51ion of the Morns, Ilni,o- tency, Barrenness, or sterility Female lVeitkypeos,' and very -many other chronic Sterility, incident up woman not mentioned hero. In all affections of this nature, my Favorite Proscription. works elmss--the marvel of the world. Thismedicine I do not extol as a Dore -ail. 'but it admirably fulfills s singloneis of per. pposh, Uetn"' a most tierteot specilla ;Sall elm to le diseases of the to:tttal system of woman. ' It trill not disappolnt,nor will lido harm,- in limy suue Ot' cOndltion. Tlt6se who desire further Information on • them subject$ can obtain itis Tit it 1'goPf E'S COM noir SEvst: AlrnICAI, ADvrsan, a honk of over. OM' pages, sent, post-paid, on recelptlel 11.50. It treats mimttcly, of those diseases hecnliar tw Feinafes. and gives Yanell valuable advice to re» gent ie the management of flood atroctien. 1'SVOIIITL . PRESCltiP'!'ION 9/)1{,13, 181' t t 1, DictGGISTS, PILRUL. fir U„ Prbplr. FIRST CLASS TINSMITHS • ALWAYS To HAND, It erPALO, "` 1:. GLI;mO.Iq, 1i'0 2, 1$7ti'. , .. RECEIVED • THIS I►A,Y, EX STEAIt SHI.p POLYNESIAN, aesEnglisli Wall Paper Completing. Spring Importations; and 1naking stock; of 1oiglish and American Walt Papers, ' Borders,Decorations, ccncl• : 6yn�• ' flow Blirrcls, the best J.have ever shown. • I would call the attention of Housekeepers ° to the fact ct that: my stock n 'above goods a the g ds has :. been bought direct from the Factoriesin • En g land and New YorkThe Patterns are all new , and I can suit all comers. Jas re1eive ' a lar agall of 110T11 T ' PROD CARPET FELT. Qg FCA T T E TI -E - PRICES � ST�'Z T�3 M S, A,_.ME ILL. A. YUILL, EXPRESS' ,AN. --D :TELEGIAPH OFFICE. 'MI TON, May 2, 1878. • b ' HAS'. NOW' RECEIVED: HIS CAREFULLY SELECTED ' ST.00IC 0 0 • AaRdn-vcr AND AS I1E HAS NOUGHT AT BOTTQM FIGURES F61 (M$}'t, • IIE• • e'° ` 'I$' PREPARED Tb, GIVE HIS ;: CUSTOMERS • ; ' THE • ADVANTAGE OF '1T, Call. axl see for Yourselves. Terns as usual. O 11,.4 AN D PAINTS,. G L,A Ya ' E8•,. VV A R E, • Gallon. COAL OIL,15 cents per 6. Gallon :Can and 5: Gallons of Coal Oil for. $1.25. STOVE PIPE, 10 cents per length. P.IBO TS 15 cents each. E �VE TROUGH, 8 cents per foot. MILK PANS, 6 for $1.04. q NAILS $2.901`o�r 1.00 xs