HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-05-30, Page 2THE CLINTON NEW ERA. MAY 80, 1878, The 01d: Squire's Mistake. • "Tree hearts ere more than ceronets, • And simple faith than Norman blood." Squire A.therton °Wiled a fine place,. and had a plethoric rent o11, so that ' meney need not 144 been•an ebject • in the selection of a wife for his only • son Cyril, Not being of a remand° temperament; he had given but little • theught to the matter, neeke looking uponetterereteserentlatethitt, t+00010-fil`' tnre time, Cyril should form Settle ' anitable alliance, so that the name . neect,not die out ; but there need be AO . 1148tei and. a fortune must, be . among., tholaityivantages. • What, • then, was, hes surprise and -diathaY when Cyril came. to him ono morning- .and- asked- Aiia'consent AO ;*•425t5riage with 0 poor:- young:, girl, the orphan neje.° of. a 'sfaall .. farmer who lived some .three miles from Atherton . . . hauler:, • ' • I« '. - itt • • stormy Scene ensued, They part-. ed in anger. °yell mounted his fev,or. ite " 1Vladcap,''. , and rode ..to Deeiedale. farm, }Tilde .saw ' lthei coming and met . him et the door. The rashyoung. lover had- n'ot waited for .• his father's consen,t to wpo lier,..and they had been betrothed for:several weeks, He had . led Hilda to .believe that sho Would be . -- .weleoMed t�. his. home, and _given a • daughter's proportion. of love.. • It was . -bard t� .tell heethe bitter truth, and ,ya hie anger and disappointment he, hid not soften one harsh. word . his fa- ther 7 had said,.. even . to ' ,calling . his - Hilda 'a .:Dliik-.ffteeti,..411; Whose pearly: •y.\ °teeth - b d "bit.glif ' i3- -.4 ' ' hail- ' eaperivelted' •.. him in Spite ':of,his.. better. judgMent, . f But vie'll •be'• married in .spite. ,of, bite; won't we, da.rling ?'• He'l1,. come to his senses then, 1'1e -warrant, He'll . think. it all right .when be, can't help. bineeelf.' .:.• .•. ' . :•, • Hilda's roses paled as she listened • to the eager boyenna the liappylight. :whiiih 'had made .her dark 'eyea. so: brit- ' ' Rant, had cued away in .eeintre she-. dows, but she answered , with. gentle ' resolution:. :, • • : - ' ' 'N�, Cyril,.. two Wrong's. never mede one right. It doesn't sound like.:you, to say such, a thIng.: We .are ...young, and. we can Wait, .iin.P. • your :father. changes his mind,' : , • . ' . . -'-That's . what he'll never. do,' said Cy,ril,egloornily; '‘ If he, takes. a, no- tion, 'en • earthquake wouldn't moire him. : If we . wait for ';:sueh , a .thing, we'll .wait ferever.''. • ' t Then it ,, will be 'With a clear- con- seienee.. Your father . is' tine Old...mati, • and -it' might shorten. his lifieeif .yaa,.. his only .son, ' shaeld prove disobedient. and ungi ateful. .1. cannot:eon:le betwe een you and your '&01(34' PYril. ,liatepertO her. 'with flashing . . : , , . , ... . ; eyes, . . , - - , •• , 'Then yea' *ill:throw, MC ,over 1 .. i who wonxhip .tlie- Very ground. your het have touched. ..• Oh, Hilda, I, did • not think it. of, 3011., . gy father •was right,' he continnedi ;gloomily., . 'He said all womed.are alikeeeeelfieh and Mercenary.' .. .. • , .. . • ' Don'te: �y know you cannot. believe it of IA r''Tr.etirT-Tf-Tetr'iqre to •he...orippled in mina, and body,lind! ' Miser:ably plitir, and iiti-Ontlrel0 ha4 ir , prior elaini to , you,. I wonld Work my- self io a shedow for ,you, and consider . myself happy in Tieing so. It is because I love you. better than .tnyself 'that I will .not let you :do wrong. But I eVill • promise to go'sbiltary 'and aloe° So ,fat : as human love .is concerned.; to' My • grave, if Se, be that we eanimt marry. Dear, dearest Ofrile go- home to .'your ' father and.elons be .wishese fully and entirely. oad% blessing • will •surely • rest on the dutiful see,' .... , , Her voice 'broke. • With a, wild ine- pulse, She thieve. her -:ernies around his neck, and kissed him. again and again', between her sobs.. ft Was her farewel4 ,The next- Moment Cyril •was standing . alone inthe perch, 'and the heavy. door was shut and. belted between them. - After a few , moments of beWildering• , hesitation he mounted and redo, away,e • lie pould not thihk forgivingly of Hilda, , and he recalled her anguished 'sobe, •tind felt her kisses Writing on his forehead -she had,. ever been so eliary' of.. her'. eatessee. Sttiin is he, might, he 'did hot again :seellilda. It seemed as though • some unseen. messenger was everon the - Alert to warn her.of hia approach:. At -last he grew desperate, and .detartriined , to leave home, His father. ;procured' hint a connoistlion in the array. ' He wished for -active service, and, as it wife in the timeof the Crimean War, ho.,had .... .sio difficulty in catrying out bis purpose. His regiment wag one of.the 'first . sent 01.0. •- - .• ' • Hilda 'heatd' of his departure' with *earful. eyes. Still she did not, 'regret the Step. elle had. taken...* Vollewing the noble example Of FloreneeNightengale, she went tootle of the lioapitai training sehoola to fit her to follow. her soldier, • if necessary, and nurse scene poor vie - tint of the war back to life, or to soothe his dying Moments if he was beyond 0 help, • • ._,i • , • But other work was in atom for her. A. letter from home brought Ithwe of an -epicientieof the mosit. .fatal type of ty• phoid fetter fri her owe *Wage. The in. habitants 'Were so' alarmed that they Were leaving die place and nurses could • I not be obtained; so, great was the fear ef the contagion'. The concluding1ton. was this i • ' ' Stedire Atherton is doten "with it, end all the ndoer servants at the mart- en' ; o1 Hannah, who took care of the mistress in her laat Bickness, is the only one left. She deelares thet if she leaves the ineeterin bis aore need, it'll only he feet first,' Without a mement's besitetion, Hilda went to the matron, telling her she was needed at home and procured her dire eliarge. Then, laden with het prrous, newly -gained knowledge, she to,k the first homeward•boundetrain, ' Old Hannah Was seated at the Inas, ter's bedside, looking worn and weAry, As Hilda eorae softly in, dressed in bee softly 'clinging gray flannel dress, with her glosfiLhuir hidden by a closely -fitting netislin cap, -"surprised; old woman like an •apperitiem Hilda smiled arid -held out heeteleandr" as kill() Witlepred : , • I Don't you! know me-Hilcla of IleePdale farm -m. I am here to help you. know what 'to (IQ, so don't' be ,afraid to trust me.. watch the exiaster • faithfully if yoall go: and take a rest,' •..Sontething in the gias quiet, rosOlifte 'Manner impressed the faithful old serv- ant that She was making no idle boast,' or she *mild not have yielded up .her poet.. As it was,. weary human nature asserted its claims, and she'went Shp soon came book With a: bowl of warm soup, . It ;tested gretefullyto the imang nurse, as she'had not broken her fast since the reCepticte of the lettet. After this,.Hilde was. left Motile itb the:sick wan, The night Wore wearily away,' the .silence only brolcen:'. by the restless Moans of tho itifferer, when Hilda ettild straighten -hie' and pries her cool heed: witheniageetic touch, over his .forehead, thus hint a• momentary relief, „A.fter old Hannah was thoroughly rested, She and Hibla.divided tho. time in'the •sick 'room, and by that meane kept their strength, front giving met. " It Was a weary fight with death ; but A strong constitu tie!, Aided' by -careful nursing, oeeried the squire through. -- The deliriuth passed aw,ay.,,. and -a deep sleep came upon hire, It Was the' crisis. • , ' • • . " If he awakens rational'andcernfort, able,' he is saved,' said the dootar. on:the contrary he falls. inte,S, :state Of eodiii,f.nothing.,:can, help 11i111:.!: • ' Hours passed On. Every tiek orthe. silver:tongeed e•epeater On. the Mantle deenied•tiefirikan echo in the hearts of -the aniknis wraellers. .It last• the :cri- • tical moment came.. The squire awdlre from a fever, though weak as it child. - He was Saved. • Atifiist Hilda kept as mUell as .pos- sible out .-ar :his 'sight; 'shrinking into the:shedow of .the heavy damask eur- hiis When be Wig aWake. tut fid did not seem to .notice. her,. and she gra- dually forgot her caution.. • , • 'puring-his long and tediOnS convell• eecence be • Was Often querulous and in- p.m:stable. 'Then Hilda would; take A .book and reed to him. 4i her low, musical VOiCe•,, 'and.. thus soothe lain to sleeee •, • . Sha was only ''waiting until liar pre-. elence was not ebSolutely needed to go back to her self-iMposed dUtY at the :hospital/ One morning she led been 'reading the- Nnes the sq.nire was; ass she theright,: Asleep.;• Thee the :paper. dropped listlessly. into her eap. •Ilet• theughtseuninindful 'of dine and :space,'-tvere with biro she loved so faithfully and-self-saerificingly. Alreinbling voice suddenly., nroesed. hee'front :her reverie: e• '• • •• '..110einah tells me ,you are going away:, Is • it necessary'? 'Can any other sick person need y'on as' netiele as I do.1 . . .-• . Hilda looked at old man in pi ise. A cadence. born • of lonelinesS and sorrow, . lirbis voice, it:inched' her unspealtablfe aid 7as she .recalled the hale .hearty squire, -Wile. often rode by' the4arm,. in the, pleasant ala days, Calling ent cheerful :good 'morning to her unCle :in stentoron tone, teals t,SMI) to her. eyes to ,riee , wreck of -hie, former self ho becteme'. • After ,1,1. .hesItation, She Said A eash cold water soon revived her, mid AS a00,i3 as the ftight °cote - dowel by be' Midden ilia* had sub. sided, the squire took the paper, and Saw fecing him ' in staring letters"; • of the mutter in the het -reek and then !(411.EAT BOollfrENOMIEMENT.7-areat ile Saw. precisely where thet lamp was. lees of offieers and men-Coptaili Cyril After e brief abjergatiOn upon Mrs. Athertoo, of the Grape niertallyf Potts, for leaving .the light in meth a .woinuled While erideevoring to sileaeci prepesterdue plus° he went up to the R battery,' • • mirror and tried to blew it Oat, 'He . , , The letters swann before ha. eyes.' blew And blew, andblew, and blew, but etieecenibleeeeeel_asteemeetc,_vose. speeehow the Ileum bellied steadily 'as feebly- and dragged, his shading limbs ever. . • to' Ililde's side. •••, 4"1!Init," said Itir, Potts, "i the moz My poor girl,'" be said, brokenly. extreor'naey latelpi.s ever been My mis- :. But he didnot anish tbe sentence); foe foitune tieneounter."" . • at the sound of his 'Voice Hilda opened Then he tookoff his.coat, aud heroyee and le.oked- et,'-hi...fieek,,,ip, it in front of him, he crept (metier:sly up, a dazed; bewilderedway,thew.Sbe put tetire ii�rafid""tiTiettetoetruelr"thee 'ewe, e.. elle • eleteimeedee_hire coat clown over., the andelmothet. peyey, sene6e; -made oevertil ineffeeteal at - 'We have. killed. him .hetween use temptie arid:then standing *efr and 1...0- Do..yon haw? 'You 'aiid 1/ . _Oh; rny arding the light, which still burned brightly, he said; :.. • darling; my darling f., • e 'The •sqeire turned to Hannah, •. • " Thet's'oev'ely.vmer. extreornarye7 Whe is tlfls yawn _women l very, .extraer'nary. Mos' 'stenishin' cir- Lord bless • us, sir. Diclu't pin cumstence ever came under y observe, - •know .it was Hilda? • 'Master Cyril's Mon, Duotio•hew thecconnt, for it." : Hilda, who has been risking her own • It °scarred to lain that .perhipe he life to ea ve yours ' •; * might mash:the lamp with the umbrella, -Hilda'Avtikeinterrepted them. : $eizing the wenpqn, he 'ereirtup to the ',Tim grave is the lonesome .etoutih 'hat -rack, and . aiming :a. tetrifie blow at we. have .given. your bonny IMO; and thalight; he brought the umbrella deWn. yoUr father may tlfiak it he4er for He Whet], and smashed his SUnday:hat yOU than .yOur ,lciW-born ani. into tined. He took aim again,and Oh, ray 0,41; could' you but know .how caught ilie umbrella in the hall 'lamp, iny heait.aahacl When 1 shet -the door bringing it downwith'. a crash. . He • in your 'face; .and sent yen:ea.-4o your tried a third time, . and •plunged,' the dirty ; but you never, 11fItipr .Will ' be' 'the ferrule of the umbrella into. thomirrer, wiseer.e 'Xott gene fot•ever, Mid Smashing it to atoms; : ..He felt exultant •thiultiugrtooAbab].Hittla-was-eruee..and for eemoment,,eta..01e ligh..disappeaeed heittleas: • Oh, 0rue-1'1-tilde t and niore frOni his vision:, but he wasperplexed-to: erne' fatbee L' • • , .. • And that there was another light aotha-:. • ..It.yriatio thp old inan's..freme. quiver whers„ he- could,tet tellexactly where. _like an aspen leaf to hear the 'bereaved So he eat. down On the stairs, and re.:' ghL. 'Hofele himself almost.amurder- marked " Mos' -'stonishie' cir6nin- 'er,. as the low, plaintive tones Made stane. 'ever'eame., Acepee.• . What in, their aciensatimi against him, , thunder' it . mean :Anyhow . He took her hand, atlastand said gone, and yet it'Ailelithig, perfeetly in My p00) .eir1 forgive - 'ran anti help cOmprelieneible., • Wish"t .grashits Mrs.' me to beer this bitter, bitter disap- Podde'd wake. •up and explain, Darnif Peintinent, Froin this moment, be Cy- I know whet I'dbetter do:" ul alive or -deed, "I will make. emends-. ' Then, Potts took off.his•hat•to scratch.: te yen .for My iththicilemg cruelty.e.both' inthe hape that bp might. to. you and him. Yen shall, bee -to me . be ebbe to solve the mystety ; thetruth asIntich, ruy daughter as though you. broke Upon him, Plating 'at the hemp a Were.0yril's Aefe. But as loogets Cyril. minute; until 'be drank in a' fnll concep*- Was net...reported dead there: May be don of ,,the• trouble ..had , eansed, be ropin for: hope:': Ile May conie•, hick to na. yet.' . - -Ilikla,..thieght eagerly' at• the...1'4y of ' hof`th, . 'tell Me triity• l,"..sh clasping :her bends in, ,her intense • eagerness,' eintil- the nails almost outinto the tore .der "Could it bp possible that theye •Watt, a mistako't . they,:ever put the wrong,nainErtiown'.?' .. • '.• „ 'I here known'instances,of one .offf.- eer 12eing taken for another :in the haste. and .eonfueion .ef bettlee•cind this fela.. graneevas. sent -while the .conflict. was •etill • • ,Sti they • tried to.....here.,-7.. even everyone else iWas'tbinkin,r, Sorrowfully thee the. kind, bright-faeed yeti . 'Mis- ter Wits lying with his Nee to the Stars in3 longer innocent of. their voicelesS myetereee in his solemn sleep. • In order that Hilda's: Poeition.• in :hie Inesehold Might.. be, fully.Undsrstoocl, he alltionne'ed her. to be his win's' be, troth edwife, and 'Mei tedLady .his whloUred: sister,' to' eoine and lead the sapeticar ofeher presen,ce ..to the young girl'sresidettee in his home.. . The next telegram brought, cheering news, • CYrel'had 1.oet anarm; but was doing well, And was, as soon ashe•Coutd, bear the journey, to be s,enthoine, wear- • ing en his brea•st 'a' ••clecoratiell. for his bravery. • • . , • • . Aftor thin there .Was 'a happy; house. leeld'at Atherton manor: Lady .Har- • grave.was versed in all the womanly accoMPlishments, and she found Hilda an apt pupil. • •• • .• . The squire Could hardly show enough fondness for the gentle girl....who had been so Patient and tender in the, care ofniru through his tedious illness, The. sight of .her pretty . face bending 'over, embitidery, Or engaged in Weaving Some delicate grocihet pattern, seemed to him, like a tangible premise, that he WAS not to be a, lonely,' childless old 'Man.' 'days wore on lentil...the pale young eoldier Came home. Then there. wa's'' quiet; wedding. -the festiVitiee, cciesequent upon .the marriage 'of the heir of the 'manor being retlqtteduntil - the ,return of Alm bridal • Paite‘from lengthened tour in Itely, when it was fondly hoped that Cyril would be fully restored to health and strength, so that. the tenantry mita be. made happf :by his presence. • • • . ..„. ^". • ,n• • , / then he linnted around lo every direetion, Brrs'000004.., ilnemervietem exiveeere but he eoelcligt find it, though it seemed -,,cy thorough 1.nowledge ei the natural e§) pezettai tprbo. Wreeshettintlybl'i.elgittlatIp7pewnherteoveerta nhtle 407;3h:tell pgroovpeerrnttiehee :fljewriAlti1,7;:efte!geco: wen and nut ition, and by a careful application Mr. Epps ha provided our breakfast tables' with a delicately flavored beverage which may save no many heavy (lectors' bills. It is by the judicious Me et aneit artidee of diet that a oonetitutien may be graduallyindlt up um. ttl strong enough to resist every tendency to di4ease, Hundreds of snbtle maladies are floating around us ready to attaelt wherever there la a weak point, 'We may escape many taLseeleehy-keeping-oureelees-wen. felt. Bed with pure blood and a -properly upurish. ed fraine,"--eivii. Service Oazote,-.Sold only in. Packets labelled -" Jetted Errs &Co., Ho. mceopathic Chemists, 48, Threadneedlestreet, and 170, Piccadilly, London." Woolir 1101ifiss,--Wooly horses are not so rare as many suppose, not such great curiosities .-eitlierf-the,re-amarian.y....tozhe .19111.0 in various Parts of the country, but we doubt if -theyWill" ever prove as valuable to their owners as the one eilibited by Barnum ;. We imagine their owners would consider. them more valuable Without the wool, for this rough and wooly. state of the hale indicates that the horse is not in healthy con- dition -Probably hide -bound, or iniffering from some disease Whieli occasions this unnatural pearance in swell .cases use Barley's, Oondition • Powders and Arabian Heave Eeteedy: will purify the bleed, •correct the appearance, re- move all obstructions from the lungs and liver, ahd give to the Coat a sleek and shining, epees:r- anee. Remember .the name, •and see that the signature ef Hurd & Co. is en each package. Northrop 4.0 Lyman', .1.weivetistle, Ont., praline ors for -Canada. So111-14,all medicine dealers eommon cougli or Cold shoit'd 'never be trifled with,.often when neglected it is 'convert, ed into a serious and generally fatal pulmonag disease. The .more prudent, aware Of this, promptly use Bryan's, Pillinome 'Wafers" a on- rative which has sustained its reputation for over twenty years, they, are •always efficacious and exert' a most benefieial influence on all the druggists and country dealers. ‘.?vice 25 as. Bronchial ,illin,..4.0nar_YLrganS. Sold by all per box., , . • ' 1111.3 rti,14 EYE -SA • An "lnIctllible remedy for all diseases oj Ow- ,• • eye ((usage or .ehronie); grantqation of Mel lids, uleeratkni. qf •elte laelawntra glands, AIM,' and loectientiss of .the Vision from dug . If you need me I will Lot go away for the present.' I do need you verY much,' wits the reply. So that metter settled. - Now, nurse, I want to ask you it oil:Motion. Hate f ever seen, you be- fore? Somehow yotir biota seems • miller, butiInannot place it.' Hilda felt the blood dyeing her face; even to the border oeiher -cap. /She turned away, cstensibly to adjust the folds of a curtain, in reality to avoid a reply. • Just then Hannah -came in with the mail. Itnmediately news from .the army Was expected, there havibg been rumors of an engagement. '‘Get the paper, nurse, and run over the War iteDde Hannahcaughtthe Words and passed on her way out. In her way she was as much interested as the squire. Was it,not her nureeliug who .e.ticis far away on the hattle-feld, striving to Win hie spOrfl 1• " Hilda took the paper and rttil • her oyes over the colutnns. One pitiful mean escaped her lips, the' next .mo. ment • she lay apparently lifeless • on the floor. The In3avy fall Iodide& her cap, and her hair rolled in all -its rich luxuriousness around her -a kindly mantle that hid her face frotri °vett old Hannah's pitying; eyes, ' • • Ilfe CoulduPt and,the Light. One night during,the recent; troubles in the Pennsylvania coal regions, Judge Potts' brother Thomas PottS, was found At a meeting of Mine owners, and after the adjournment ettirped itito a &were. There he met some friends, and in the coarse of an • hour or ttY0 he became • very touch intoxicated. On his way home he kst his hat, and a miner' who knew him, -feeling econpassion on him, put a miner's hat,ott his head -and in order to make the dark street lighter, lighted,ehe little Iciettp in front of the hat; When Pelts reached his house •UM: Potts had gone to bed, and the lights were out; but Potts felt certain that tlie lamp was hurtling in. the hall, though be conldn't for- the HAI • of him tell where it was, looleed at the regular lamp. ana that mamma Labe out, !with approval. • 1,, TIL8 A.)1810•018 1?,17,-SAr,vs ig presented to the piiblie with the assurance of its efficiency as • a• curative of Most diseases of 'the eye, acute or chronic inflammation, whether induced, by sem - Wong origin Cr otherwise; weakness or defect of • vision, diminished tone of the optic nerve, or a diseaSed State of the tissues constituting' that organ. Also: for all persons whose. Inca- tiou requires an incessant action of the eyes, the salve will mit as a charm in restoring. a, uni- form healthy option, where weakness, pain, and Misery may have long threatened a fatal ter- mination. It ie the most simple, safe, and ef- feet:intl. remedy ever discovered. Tho Materials of which,it is made are pure, perfect, and eostIY, compounded With elaborate care and exactness, illoth„nly •smasbpd,it tee floor sakin its application, being used egteroally,• aril, of conme,..avoicling the pain'and danger 'rage) and eIiingahThad after e°'"ring Ivhich necessarily. attends the. introduction 'of two yards of carpet with grease. '.Then eaustic minerals and eye-Witthes, Itr.sowoitn went to bed, and -when in the morning. Mrs. Potts ieformed hini that some of tinia.o awful miners•had broken into tiro .house the night before, *end left. one •of .tileir hats with lamp :which had spill- ed all over their carpet, Potts fureed Over in bed, so that' she eourcl. Itet 'see' :his face,.end said if the steely. band .of the law erns not- laid 011. the i•uffone •ancl.Ohni thistoxte oliski, of scrofulous origin, . or •resulting frotn whatever coulee, yeild to the Atfgamax EvE-SAINE. ITIS T.TeED SITO",'; OESSP1ILLY 'Olt PIL,E8.. Its soothing of- . *feat is 'immediate, and a permanent cure reiptires • but a few' appheations. The ipreprietortr Of "Da: J. PETTIT'S Amnitiatis ETE::kiAttn," while making new and improVed machinery for mak, ting a moreperfect box for :the EvE-SALvE, have Atr'ASON & in3DS011, ' Accountants, Auctioneers, : changed the 'LtAliE NiSitli, on. t h e- c o v e r s o actsliotin? •.Feoguit:tr,,,,,;1:17:1. iris,:nailiutabyli,rtscisilLitosirclacoinictah.,124ci rdeminrond:thenieciiitrirtolitirisonaitert.:77., 8001) oee's life would not .,be sate.-.,1faa? ,Ideler. - - ' .' . ' ' .: ' ' . .n. Gardefier)e Sohn. . •ccuoriarerssi,i•Aondilvieyrittillie".itnicoentCsi:ittocn, tlIive 4,Wyraanpaptioie,.,11 . No rep •llitop & .3-4 ymAls.T, . • , ': ' .1%493.111p Ileenees, ' • 1.13 to'this, at; it might otherwise' iii-reghrded n'S .. buouNgigtatteuld. M'elerate, ollarg9.. ,Oinee—B.In.o Sr ,. : Proprietors:Yreedonia, N. S. Commissionerand issuer of . ••••, Convey;nceri . • "- ., . . , rva,f1T it.• BARS114i., . • TOrin lif.A.So;r,' . . ..:.Tolnin Iinnsoi4 Toronto, Agents for flanada. • - . " . A geed' think jai:elated in Turf, Fie/a DAPPLETON,- OPPICE --at DAX time and -1,..•, at NIerIer. lime -- Tito .Itoome. over tlio Store of ' Cunningham° & Aikenheacl-the Square,CUriton, elinton.Tee, 30, 1977. Tin. II.DVVE, Phyliela;;'.Surgeon, eta., Caroller for .s....P.COuuty of Ifuron. ilesidence and Wiles -Corner of Aihert and Ilatu streets. oneten. , . . . . • T".:::StbTPL18\VC°A‘ItT, Id. B,, 0.,M, elte.DUATI1 Olt .. .., . • ' 0 0 i-tf ts 3reellitinivereity,alentreal; Physleian,Surgeon and A.ocaouuto,httroyur4, mei. , . . 2k; , - , . (-1 youNG, *,s.; (osenumez. OF TORONTO . NJ, • ihtiroreity,) Vhysiolan, Surgeon, !Po., residence at lir. Mannings, three doors east of th, 'Perapermice nail, Londesbore. WA. . ' Lendesliero„ ;fano 14,18i . ' . • ' • r1R,STANBUIrrintliADVAAT OF THE HIEDIOAL DepartMent *of 'Victoria 'University, Toronto; for... vrorly-of -the •liospitals,antlAlispensaries, .hlow 'Corouorlor the County a neroa13.irristni Out, July 98,1874. • • VIOWBLET & GIBSON', VflYSIOIANS;'' suit - „L./ 04050, Aocouoheurs, sko, Office) Albert street, • . opposite Faies Afins. , . . D, IL Dowermv, U. Bt. . A,'. 31:Gineek., INI, D. • Clinton, liay 10, 1877. •' ' ” • • 11. WORTHINOTO/li, PRYSIOIAN, SUAGICON;* 1./ Accouchour, Lieentlato of the College ef Bhysiohtns and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provincial Lloonti.. ate end, floronor for the County of .Tfuron, .01ilee end rosidenee,-The building formerly, occupied by lir. Timaitekliurou street, Clinton, Jan. 10,1871. xstelluneous • artio. MONEY TO LEND, IN LAJIGE OR SMALL SUMS, • on good mortgage seamity, at moderate rates, of Interest. .11, . clinton:Augfiet 9.01, 1809; , - 741 CHARLES P, 31. PaovINcIA.L LAND Sufi; ve von, valuator, and Land Agont. ottie,e phine street, W,ingham. ••• • Wiugham, Aug. 2,1.877. le•euxixeen moensns AND bENTIPICATES:- .L.U. Apply at the Town. or it the resider= of the sithaerther, neer She London, Huron AD R 1 ee al way ' Station. „ • • J'AluEs SOCTT r • . Issuer of Marriage e Clinton, d.pril 2.7511;'11:370. 114". 'D AMWAY HOUSE; cLINT0N, ONT. T.1331: 'ABOVE • -Ltd house is situated cioso to the station, 504 is thorr • oughly renovated throuhli-Out, and now.atorao good an- ' °imp:iodation for, thotravolling public!. Largsstahling . and good-hoitlers in attendance.. ,Choieest liquors . the bar, -Tues. Urge, ,Proprietor. • ' , 19 • . AND OBBILiTI.-1 gen • tlenutn;havIng tried In vain every aclvorthied'renr edy, hes discovered a simile. means a sen.eare. . will be happy to forward the Particulars to atw, sufferer, on raelpt of a stamped And dircetedenvelope. Addres Suts•stn, Erg.; Liaburn Londe:it:Et:Ilan . 4 o, meterroste, iieveihen, -e•nesuee ce • Blarriaise Licenses under the new Act; Coremisspn- er for taking Affidavits in the' Queen's nench, for.0oun- ties pf Huron. Bruoo. Conveyancing done, on% as Leases, Bonds4Contraets, *nue, Deede, and mortgages, pc. Be sa.;sifi,nial:3111:0• sxnenvest AldievIe/817-cr,E.o app. eN1 .1ettriox.l 1 oue. s.k; sieree, o. tje • . „ji..t1A303XSON' NYA:r.N. • •• . • .• -BATtlitE4T4-REI, ‘to.; - 01-41.7TOX Arin eopEuron, etyos• sAn't.e.:11. V. 4.7 •.7„ • .• •• . k3i1..1.1.6t.bmCdocerspitoAss),:s Ina.)raloonon • will bo -hi ,Clinton every Friday. . • ,..,, , CoS OLT 1)Alt, I) 13 ANN: 0F. t.)ANADA and Pani, • as to hew 'it .iolte played .toy,•rinalro* the Chtlilreati ' "0 .. I „... _, 111)4)n gardener• by 14"11)171-88"7:1:71;V: a°(vIriein:ini:iii:AeNrinng's 811\072illoCusMinTe°1dtic°i?liejs' e:anin:litYli:11.dicti successfully returned and with interest: able fer children and adults. Endorsuettly ba "A • • • neighbor of Al' I ons K. aoctors• in Canada The diffie 1 ' fessional gardener called le)ieh Gerard,• sirability of having them pleaiant to the taste, and ti -country Fars, recently. brought to induced T. Voplanddtiemoouvnvdrye'rottifIrciels-vtioseetarce;hases Yauliathile:st Int): e glife tile redeianuaLe'ryat Cr el ansiteirl : ' hheitnrhitiSpinockil. foefe 8riftikrOwt)fitiVinW'lle' gslIeesd sw, bai eri lel' iv°115{(1tir'1,9ue'IncQ(eiti sowed conscientiously, according to the ()ll and while equally safe and harmless, yet •. receipt. When he, discovered the hoax . ther nausea nor griping. Some children say it actutg with more Certainty, and produCing nei- In:crest from hsooililr Dteepho'ial-tezer cent alio*. ed he said nothing, but, as a revenge, he is henty ; 'others call It syrup -they all say they like it, One parent says-- `1‘.Iy children drink • • • 111. LOUG.F1, Agent. • . -. caused a pocket of betrine's eggs to be t like water ;" anotlier" We had to hide tlie Obiton, April, 1876. 1.-y ' sent from Paris to Pere Gerard, togetle bi ottle or they would have finished it right oie 0, , without any tronble, and does not .know what` another - My httle girl has taken it twice Clocks Watches' lewellery, eze . P 9 it is, though she hates' the ordinary Castor Oil, •' --,-- - and we never could, get her to take it tvit hoot a • CAPITAL, $4,000,00c, • UL T 0 iNT GEZTO'F. or with' various real seeds.' -The cun- ning old: peasant, who pereeived the Wide .at first Sight, pretended to greatly Oita'. for thp present, and to saw, thceneW.seeds.. •' After a few .doys,. hoWevoi, upon the littsratdur: fight ;" yet ahother wish you success ot n, Desires to return --sore to take the place of all the cominon oil." his sincere thanks The extraordinary demand for this improve- • to his 'Mutinous friends and mato- mere,for thornier. al share ofpatrom, •• • agethathehas coivedulilocarry. • Ing on basilicas in minton,andhopos by a strict attar, tion te business, and using every effort to math° wanta °this many Ycitir SWAM, CA,WrOR OIL ' iS a splendidthing S. F.0 WL'Z R Mensieur Kerr,' he .said, I have sown ment ot a &Ale householitmedielne has brought • public mit guard themselves' against substitutes (which unprincipled parties are attempting to sell on the reputation of this article) by seeing thatthe,nante CortAND's SWEET CASTOR' OIL, 15 On hall wrapper and. direction label. • ' The undersigned, . having purchased Alessi% T. Qopland & Pose interest in the aboveprepa ration, are now mannfactitring it frail the ori- - ginaIrecipe. • • •NORTHROP & TAXAN Toronto • • Ailefor Cori Atio'S 'SWEET VAsTon 'Ob- . liow few persone there are ;whose sent thpatne . . liviet are d ' fraudulent imitations into the market, but the those new varietiecewhich you gave me; and • want to -slioW yeti .the • results,' They went together to She garden, where gap. was sho„wn a spleatlid bed of red herrings, head upwards, .eraerg. g. froth the' oart • . Act irorn PrInclpie. • irioodo, to oontio. • opoto retain tboir patronage, . not be deceived; Sold hy A° would: also take thid cirortuni or otating that be gOVerne entriely from'pririci- all Medi, lire dealers. Price, 25 cents, tiliesaStrbeinplaseintetitpiiiirdigniuroldint,iittiedr st hhae t etthyoi e botu est: ple rather than inclination. t ven' Met 4 * ..•11'' 2. ' . Witt0808, Clocks Jewellery, fipe tulles anifeaoriaa litretevord hidia ftdbeer Puffins , Pr rm.' WI I °el' liand . !ltihvoesefoorfiluigs it:thiuortep:3),sy;s,blemtled0.f4air srili'oliAotOt • - .-Ihie'rl;iiav• et has • , be.en a t: n . alinedg All kinds Of Pipes Repaired and Mounted, ' Anla another artieles in thei:lin.0 out aspirations; Oriel' how verY fin' short. efSoloany different diseLine: hYlis° hthe lie right aild duty questioning if it, mikhc undisputed by eutwere epplictition as the pAsenet,en-ttatStiii wolrliceptuasindult kneloaleni:1:11,,ettned.',odziOrtatIonn:bhgterrartlice:, (it e tri3W Often We fin& our emreictions of fact Shat over half atilt entire- po.• •?ofetslm globe resort to the nee of ordi, .AlainitT SiREET, lleaint or TAB AtAturst, • not hp. as well 'for us' ta'yielcl to inelina- Tettirriast • • tion, just for the time, promising our Thai) princiieal ingredienteused in itiakincc 41• 1n. -tab' D" 0, °77.. " ' ' - ' '' ' bet' eixtlesilureunrd ::, ilg:111 tete ig)en-- I? WISEMAN ' BROS .13iitistfuotilb etcili ecoonrsecsieennte eisntdh4aigt csivneo.ewbilyi ,mmaokt: fitcnaeosilives, Paclotlfp:osi:naday are :Gina aft ille Otilliflobi fact :1, i- iceeirt .8yebretuttittnei.dr: vigorous' self-denial and stricter atten- tion to duty. Vain, fallacious reasoning combined with the pure medicinal gums, Pied'. .r iii livstuiliritx33.trt,edrti(3)robtiegteboeffotrliee tgreeetnstanheraalticn g di, up for one neglected opportunity, one hThey: are ack.nowleged by all who 10;1' e. tised 'MO BROKERS, of a wet* nature 1 we Can never make URANCE and General liellti • the hour wasted, the act comniitted it , . will do. more real sortie% tilieraNiviporawlit:einrs-, m . dred of the ordinary kind All I 'MEV- LENT ON 111ORTGAG'e AT 8: PER CENT: . tam etvoeract ..qu.ickeli than nue other Elasters loildre tried, and that otie of- these misspent hour, one wrong, selfish ad, Once past, ttle opportunity utrimproved Mestere f are le I action,and reqiiire to n, RIOliTGAGIA DEAF ' ' , o recali, except in tinnsall;t)of effe‘ aceuthestabutt with.these it isc° en n: it, but we can never h thoughts of regret chane awn:ay Athoenpe:sotr. tirrelyilitterentL;" th i .Plieent will feel its effect. n• °II° is applied the eve/v:0/1N 'il •''' Gita' is beyond or reach t • ay, Iwo are aware of eortt e a Siny etelaxeitsroanligttil:eehluolooth(iitreinee, ,teceilming, sup- ni'VERI.;04' 'V AFit.14LOAIVDE:58517='415;:141S liti of all other PlesiceZass ?ire r .1.• ; 1 - u ; ' . Alas! how this fact. Tilt)iteinurtill d e all endeavor , a et ti AL never They are very sat anil plitild ' 1°11. - eelitlY. "c4)111" l's ce'...'*1‘ . Y iflilt::::af);:1-4:eimt ItliiereaKh:gnariji:::::::d3 31 1 3: 11" tiecvm: 1 ° wAsn°""t 11).(1:1P1 ilisijill:11.:14.1.1.n.1:•1:::::red311185:::" 141316*er than any Othei Company til thia emit the mote earneff It vy y. to our lives Emv rhisters, IC an who 1' ave rrionegobinteve4 of venues represented i,all, the Path of duty ,„T„,,,,, ecy 112,riatnacktbelieve it is solely done b PIE "VW ' ' . . 14' Contrxs-r. t iyps which the Porous Ply t , al erg etaflitlei at t eMborlimentsafoef .prtneiple ; for we all ,e fil roil. tni: 0ASAn.t WE ASSItilANC . know't hotig ht.I Siaotiti' etittnes rugged: is not .which ;A imparted to the system,, • out sweet pieoureo . , lwith. 10,,1112,11S7 follow oor inolinationsa,nit they wet1h1 PheAsirli; ait41TafifitiEr'3$1DR.,flisTD 131tatBilAl SyTe,r8:444d. II ' resseeTee-e-e-e*e-e-e*e-r' '. 15770: lead us assay 'from right. Then shall are "ti alu'able to those who hair° a COLD of „. ,, ' ' and Inman Line Of 'El'teartio.r". T e We• be permitted ab the. last • to lo Tbifsilt.vand.iong, and often nrevents CONSUME'. """""ca w.,1 Kmo Wcito entir6cliguie'r17-;YetilletitigstfihabLe'foein.° Itotegy. • litileiiiiirttilen14.4s1:1111:46:ggiv"sn'ill2ft)ItitLE411'tit6;14olil'°4 ,back upon our livee with satfsf t' (5k eould, and that our it'ath • ' ad " "Wc"'""6". iltrnag.sr..OLL17147.11r feeling that ivy Woo ." done h . et regAr 0 us pared by CEOPAH 11, grpoRELL, OPPTCP. int ,.. , • • Said by aliDrugglats. , , , Millen, Vir.18 EmAN .urzos. . ,