HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-05-23, Page 2Trid4i141Vg XEW .ERA.
° 00041
The.tollOwing poenelo from the 'Russian .4tit1io1Qillit
'Lad ',Wee written by the oelebrated Derzhavon. Tbt
WoOrs•i Peg to 101,74 beentranslated into jar afloat), by
*PSC; Of the Einparor, adle bung up, embroidered In
Illeild,'In the temple of Joildo. It Inut also been tranao
asted into the ohiueno and Tartar languagee, yiritteP ox
larliee a riel; silk, and puspencied in the imperial
mole at pekin. It la I nohle eompositionworthy of all
tbeee heneraj ; • ;
°thou Etinnal (met whose 0pi1it
• iiacuinizeo, though Tirne'S all devastating flight -
Then only Goal Thereis no clod beside,
Tieing above all ifoingsl Vglity .. •
'Whom none an ceatprebend and none 0;910re ,
•41.1ko Sliest esistextee wit* ThYlielf atone,'
14zabrecilig all-supporting-roling &ex.'s.;
Reing whon4 we °all God, and knew.0%,ntoao I
an all its aublime search, PhilosoPllY
: 2day measure out': the ocean's deop-may count
, VIM sands, or the suiVe xoys-Illit 'God, for Thee
There is no veight or raeiteare ; none con mount 1,
*Up to Thy mytitoriee, Season'e brightest
• Though bindledbray light, M Vein would try•
To trace thy owlet:de;infinitt and dark;..
Ana nougat is lost ero thought eau 'sour so'Illgb,
Even like past motaiiiite '
A. million torobeS lighted by Thyhaod,.
Wander unwearied through tim blue abyss;
*They own Thy pOwer; aceozopilSh Thy' conintand.
• All goy with life, all eloqUent with blise, ,•• •
IV,hat shall w,e call them 2. :rno 61..0e/sea neut.?
A glorious timpani 0 golden steams? Y
„Lamps a celestial other burning bright .
Suns lighting systeras with their joyous beams 7••
But thou to those art as the nuMn to-nig/at.
- Woe, as a drop of water in tho sea,
All thls magnilicenceto Theo is lost I
. , • •
liVhet are ten thoueond- worlds Compered to,Theel
And what am I then 7 Deaven's numbered heat,....•
-Though multiplied by' millionarid arraYed
-In all the glory of mtblimest thought,
3.1 but an' atom in the balanie, weighed
Against Thy goatrieis-(sa eyphei brought
Against infinity I , 31thittan41; then?-- :Nought. •
Nought tho effluende of Thyliglit'dihie,'
Pervading worl4t, hath reaChed my•boricon, too; '
Ires,in.nty spirit,. (loth Thy spirit shiner,
So shines the sunbeam in n drop of dew. , •
•Thou from primeval nothingness didat call .
. chaos; Wen atistence,-Lord on Theo ,
*ternity ita foundation; all, .
karung forth front•Thee-ot fightfjoy, hanneay,
Sole origln-till, all. beauty Thine ;
Thy word created all, and (loth, create ;
Thy'splon4or Alis allopaea with rays,divino,
Thou art, thou wort, and shall be glerions I gro
• Lifo-giving, life-austaining Potentate '
Thy chains the unmet -tamed universe surround;
Upheld by Theo, by Theo inspired with breath!
. Thou the beginning with the end lust bound,
And beautifully mingled life with death I
Arid spells moil& upward from th,e toy blaze, -
So suns are born, so worms e'en spring fond. Thee 1
And eta the spangles in the sunnyrays
Bhine round the silver snot, the pageantry
Of hieveufe bright army glitters in Thy praise.'
• Vought bub X llye,lind on heee'n Mulonsilr, .
Eager toward Thy presancel for in Theo
• Ilive, I breathe, and dwell; aspiring high,
"-Even-to the throne qf Thy divinity. -
I am, 0 God and anrely Thou ranst be I
Ilion art 1 directing,guiding 'all. Thou artl
Direct my understanding then to Theel• ` •
Gontrofmy_Spirit,.guide Mk wandering heart4
• Though but an atoin in:titans/1.Y,
Tam !wreathing fashiondeby Thy htin41:*.
?Iola a middle rank 'Isixt heaved and earth,
On the last verge'of moral being stand, ,
• einsato the realms -where azigehi havpliteir
• Just oulhe boundaries of the spirit land!.
, •
gian,ea ao. the stairway,le saw the
housekeeper anoving toward the front
door, Then be heard hey set the small
lamp she earried on the table, and open
the look and bolts of the Massive door.
Then a dreadfnl and prolonged shriek
followed, and at the saine moment Mr,
Bell's butler rem along the hall 'toward
the front door. Mr, Bell had reached'
the head of,the stairs And wile in the
act of descending when the butler reach -1
ed the spot where the housekeeper lay
QX the floor -apparently in a sween,
What was Mr. -Bell's surprise to see the
butler raise hie. habds, fix his gaze upon
the sfleor, and:then sink te *the fleeir as
though struck deed, • •• •
Utterly bewildered aud -eorifonndeill
Mr. Bell hastened down stairs. •Tile
sight, that met bis gaze when he reach-
ed the centre -of the hall alinost froze his
Wood. • Therestoodthe figialre a his
wife in her grave clothee;'leaning egiiinst
•. the pillae of the. dopri withone hand
thrown acrdss hor breast' For a mo.
ment Mr. Bell ,Was almost overcome.
Then he remembered the • white figure
which he. saw crossing the lawn f esy,
'seconds before the bell rang, and an.
other glance showed him that • the gar-
inents of the figura befare7hirv:vvrere "We" coach was in waiting, he entered
dripping Witb Pain, • • the gre:voyhrd• and 'proceeded to 'the
• J'ulia,..rey darling, •my wife .Mr..- -',.The night was da'rk and ritin,
Bell exclairo,o(1, and stepped toward the' Was. falling, To his' autprise, he saw
figure. . • that.the deer was ?lien and a faith light
It made a movement toward him,.and burning. inside; Stealthily •drawine•
the next instant it was enfolded in hie near, he glanced in. He Saw the• coffin
arms. Thescene that ensued baffles all lying along the made slab and in front
descr iption,. Wall indeed the ,wife cif it a wornan was standing. .A. second
lint that day buried, whet.. *as restored glance alio4eedthet the wOmen was
to the arms of the bereaved husband at work trying in -remove a• ring *Pm
and Children. The .explanation which the finger of .the dead. A. sudden
thought struck hini and,slouchiug dawn,
he reached in . the:door and 'With
sheers he bad brought to rid -the 'corpse,
of its cumbersome shroud, he cut ,
•piece- from the skirt of' the wounth's
dress and retired unobserved. As he
renmizied 'for' an instant peering into
the scene, tO:.hie-;.herror and Wettish -
menthe -Jut* the cornse arise and, raise
the haul whihtbe woman was appar-
ently in the act Of putting to her nioutli:
The wornan'. gave' ,a shriek, rushed
threugh the door -and fled, 'leaving .the
lamp- burning on the floor. The bocly-
sriatcher guessed atonce- the •wPrnan's
design; .and, impressed: with 'the 'convic-
tion thatehe weea persoa, above the
;ordinary. rank,. 'hereeolVed to follow'.
itrid7see where -she Went -to.' -,-He had no
'difficulty in tracking the rapidly retreat-
ing figure. 'lt passed out of the church-
yard at a stuallrIvicket On the 'north.
1de-of4he church and entered the parsonage:. SatiSged• that he possessed an
In July, 1820, he Was living irk 13e1 -
fast, having fled from England to escape
punishment for his offeurieff. had
done several jobs in Belfast for
the doctorKettini on the night of jell
20, in the year named, a welldthown
physician of Belfast emit for him and
told him that he had a very delicate
piece ot Work for him to perform; A
it-,laily•of great -beauty, -and
the wife of A great proprietor, had just
died of a very peculiar disease, and the
doctor and his associate desired the body
to investigate the cause of death, The
electors paid him so much down and
dispatched him to Kilmare with "such
iostruotions as were- 11 eee88ary; Ile
was to 'secure the -eorpse, and a coital
Would,be ready at the • churchyard gate
in'Which there woad be two assistants
who weuld be ready to Assist lira at a
given signal. Ile went to Kilinareon
tbe.darof theefueeral, at which lie Was
present. He examined the lock on the'
door of the vault, and. was satisfied that
he could easily remove it. At
night he want to the churchyard armed'
with a- wrench, e pair of sheers,. and a
First' satisfying himself that
•MAY -23", 1878',
to the roof of be r month, co,*.el Utterance
w as inaposaible.
'I itua reasonable, nuadatn,'• the man
said ; 4 I know yoer secret but I will
keep it if you make it worth nay while.k
HOW XII Lich do you. require ?' the
lady asked, Acquiring the tlower of
speeeh by a greit effort.
Twenty pounds down will eatitify
for the present," the man said, and
Jaiornalanother time when I needi '
The money was paid, and within a
month the man returned and demanded
more. The lady evidently revealed the
story of her diegrane and crime. to her'
husband,' for he paid the money' and
scion after resigned hie living and retir-
ed to :England;
This part' of the condemned man's.
confession was made known to Mr, Bell.
All•the parties to this strange treneao-
tion are not yet deltd-Tetied hence the
names Used here are fictious, The
,writer's informant,„ however, • youehod
for the truth.of the story, and there is
no reasozt.toa:lonbt his VeracitY.—Citi:
I.ah offered was very imperfect and un-
satiefectery. , F91' £4,811Ort time after her
shpi)osed death. she was aware of all that
went, on around her, but before mho was
placed -in• the ecffin she. lost all °On.
aciousuess. She said that the first sen -
Baden of consciousness she had was one
Of pain. " :Then she saw an ind.istinot
,glinurker, and finally a seVefe pang -Shot
,:through her frame. With a ppezerful
effert. she rose and sa az' a voinan
•inghy her side. The woman *shrieked..
• and fled, and then.; Miej3el1 disCovered
that shelves lying.in -acoffin in the fki-
Inifyr..vatilt.. Fresh strength Caine te
her every -,moinent; and releasing her-
self frinzi the shiond, .she 'stepped -tothe
-ground and passed out of the vault,
Dovin, the. churchyard -path, she .passed
• to, the main ,street, along which.. she
vielked•for'hilf a Mile, Uritil sbe•.reaeli-
ed. her; -late
large.gate to the park was unfastened,
and she hastened elk the.rOaclWay to the. linpottarit secret, 'out. Of. which, he ceuld
• dwelling.. Theres-t the; reader linPee:e;:, .cualfe.moneyi. he retrirried-to the .4ati1t..
'She ,rapidly regained her ilealtb,.. and The light 'wae.Still-bUrning and he sjg:.
lived to a good ohl age. ' e. • nailed the .rneeeht waiting: .' Tlifisvere
- whiz. was the worriaii. that stood' poon on the spot,'„Inat entering tha;
by.the Side of the coffin, wherrihe corpse' iiin16 they discovelid to :their amaze:- •
suclden1S. 'iarose and • startled. her into ment, that the .coffin was e to The
sudden fiigb t, . body -snatcher. kept :bis • secret, and .the
Next day the lanip was found.. mitin- Mysterious'. disappear;ince of the body
guished on the floor of the vault. 16 ,was a'znattet-,of unmixed Surprise. '
was identified' as „one'. which • usually tinguishing the lamp, the men -quit the
stood in the.vestry and was used by the .churcbyard,' the bodysnatcher return-
ing.to liis quart* tit' a .sinall hie and
the assistants going back to- Belfast in,
the carriage: ' • '
The mit morning the news Of Mrs,
.Bell'arestoration to life was abroad the
town.. The body -snatcher lingered in
the neighborhood until be ascertained,
that the' clergyman had quitted;home
for a friend's, house. • Then he called' it
the 'paretinse'e and mikedfor the lady of
tlie honse, it was Withseme difficulty
that he obtained an interview, the
domestics informed him that thelady
was indisposed and tonp.ned t� hetroom.
' • ty businces,' lie - said, 'is of -very
great iinportance, and it is absolutely
necessary thaa should see her.' After
the lapse 'of.half an boar middle.aged,
handsome, stately lady entered the par.
Ior, -and eazing with considerable .dig -
pity at her visitor,said: • 'What. is
your business viitla me, sir V • •
Let me shut the door, • nia'acu;) he
aid, aiid, quickly' stepped, behind •the
lady, closed. the door.. think We
lhyp 'Met before, nia'ain,' he said.,airi.
a.;firin but respectful tene.
Sir the lady exelaimedineffehded
aceenti, , • ,
I am Mire We have met ' before1
ma'am,' the roan said, ,
- 'Von are raietakeis ; you will oblige
rae by quitting the liCuSe in3reediately.'
'You forgot last night, nitt'am, in•the
vault; the rnan said m lotii tone,
The cheek of the lady -evidently
blanched,, • and she gave a gasp for
breath. Instantly ',Y,ecovering herself'
she said. • .
I don't understand you, sir. You
are:laboring under. a thistake. .
Well, I may be,' /the man replied ;
that'e a fact; but thy impression svas
. that I saw, yoa last night- in the vault
when ,.You were trying to remove the
ring from the finger of what. you sup.
posed to be a corpse."-- ,
. .
Thejadyrhad settle into a ehair, aed
wtts deadli Pile. By a powerful effort
Ole -0'101'040e her inortientaty weakness,
and said strong t011efi 1 atripit.
know, sir. what you speak of, ,
either laboring under a mistakd or ,you
are a lunatic.'
'Do you happen to have a _dress like
thatuan asked, drawing.
from his pocket the piece which he haft
dut from the dross of .the ocenpant of the
Mill. (he night before. '
The lady' lips grew ,white end dry.
'She tried to speak, but her tOrtgue clove
Hundreds of stories are --related' of
the horrible deeds of the.body-snatcher,'
but among them alt none' Is morn re-' sexton. It bad doubtless, been. removed
markable and sealarrowine tliait the at the same time when .the key of the
• one just "about to be ruirraed. The .vault was taken. Beyond that all' vvas
.L.facts were given to the writer recently, mystery. • . , • •
and it is *believed that they. are now The object of the,: ivoinan however,.
published for the fira time, , • was easily discovered.. 'As dready stet -
In the town of Kilmare, in the. north ed, Mre. Bell was buried' witb. a vain-
• of Ireland, reside many families of dis- able diamond ting on hr finger. Tim
• tinction. The head pf one of thesewas- design of the woman .u•as to deal this
a Mr. Bell, 'a young .gentleinan of, from the supposed' .corpie. Finding it
twenty-five. He inherited a large es,• inipossiblo to remove the daring thief
tate frotn his uncle, and ion afterward had reised -the hand of"the dead wornan
removed free) his fernier abode to take to her thouth,' and in her attempt to
postiession of the family 'mansion in withdraw the ring., with her teeth
• mare.' He =Hied the Only child of a caused the' pang .which went thi!clugh
wealthy East India merehant residing 'the frame Of the' evident victim Of
in Liverpool, by whoth be had two ttaime, midaromzed her tit consciousness,
children. In„,the 'fourth , year �f their On the .finger, just below the ring,
wedded life Mrs. Dell was taken end- the marks of teeth were' distinctly
• denly ill; and expired the next day. ible for several days after Mrs. Bell's.
The symptoms were of a peculiar na- reeneciation.
ture, and the limbs oo increased -in size tverY ()gat was made to keep this
immediately after death that a magni& remarkable eircumstanhe a secret °from
cent diampncl ring of great value could the,gossip of the -neighborhood; -never.
not be %moved from` the lady's Enger thelhas every exertion was used quietly
and was buried *Pith her, Of cents°, to ascertain who the robber a thelerab
this fact was well known -to the inhabi, Was, Theieseral-inapteasion was that
tants of Kilmare, as'Mrs. Ball Was the the garb of female was assumed as a
wife of the nos considerable man disguisa,..tind the depredator was in
thereabout., ancrniturallY, therefore, all reality a man, and prebahly..p. profes.
• coneerning her was a matter Of eonver. tional bocly-snatcher,
nation and rumor: • • • It was thought that the .remarkable
The old chur • ard of Kilmare stood eircunistances • attending Mrs. Bell's
on the side of ill,andimme.diately in. supposed death had aroused- the desire.
the rear of the church and‘adjoining the .of some 'inetliCal expert to possess the
cbancel was the tomb of the Ball family. body for the purpose of an autopsy;
.11ere, in accordance with intreemorial that he had employed a person' to steal
' usage, the body of the 'deceased lady it, and that the body-snateher, discover -
was to repose, and thero. it was deposit- ing the valuable jewel, had resolved to
aid on the third day after her dethise, gain postiession of it for himself.
• After the ceremony the key of the,vault Aeon after this extraordinary,docur.
was put in its usual. place'by the sexton mace the vicar of thaparisli resigned his
in the vestry of the chiireh. living and removed his family to Eng -
The day had been gloomy, and as land. Sev.eral year passed away, and
night drew 'fili`.10; thiii rain fell,:which in- the intidenti het ein. recorded were al.
creased 'abc;tii naidnight .4.ko.! a smart moat forgotten. Mrs: Bon father died,
allOwer. 'Mr. Dell,'Who worn -bout re- and Mr. Dell and his 'family quitted
tiring, went to an open -window, and as Itilmare and took ap their Tetidence • at
be did so, fancied he saw,a white 6gare Toxteth, near Liverpool.. • •
.nrossing the lawn in front of the house. • And now foe the sequel:
- The next moment it disappeared; and; During the Chartist riots in 1840
aktiefying himself that he was the sub- Semis Mena war arrested for inurdee
jeCt of delusion, he cominenced to un- and lodged in Lancaster -.jail. Ife was
abet's, •Suddenly the clear tonea Of the tried, eenvieted and senteneed to be
door -bell rang thrcingh the building. hanged„, Before the last sentence of
Mr, Bell Paused OA 1110,0: toward the the law \vas executed. he made a• eon.
-door of the apartment to listen. In a &mien of many crimes,.anct dhow the•
few seeorldh the sound again reverber- rest of his exploits an irprefession0-
ated through the Image, and Mr. Boll bodyrsnatelnir - in WI:hill businesehe had
'hie/toned the dor and stepped oat into been engaged 'for many years. The for
the corridor. At that rtiornent, as he lowing facts ere taken from his codes-
rage ./.:ifte•-Oceaie,
. . 40.
THE R.411111vE IN COINA*.
• ..•
.. • •
Professor Wells Williams,. Of Yale
whe lived for many. years in.
dhina• as a diplerna,tte, •representifive.
of' the 8tatea, ha's redeived
froth` an •Boglsh •• missianary who. .is
living -in the famiee-strinken , regions
ef that eotintly,' the follo.Wingahttracte
from ditiry .
January 20.• There was' • a fall ,Of
one •inch of. snow in the 'night: • Saw,
four dead• on th.n• coed, and one mos'',
ing Oabis hands end k.tieeS., Ono of
the dead was 'a boy' ten.. years • Off
carried by his Mother ; laid. hint
.4)12.1110 snow.
. :anuary One of the -dead bodies
'just passed was well dressed and could
not have -been 4.poci.r man; , just be:
yond them I Met One staggering like a
drunken. man along the; road, end. as
J. looked --a puff of • wind 'blew- • bini
to rise no alorcL. • : -• • • •
Jaaoary. 81. Posed.. fourteen .dead,
tome of them stripped for theirelothes.
One. corpse wile se light that •.'a
dle sized- dog dragged. it aborit. • . •
February' I. • •13eside fear.: Wonien •
-and two Men seen: ,uriberied near the
road, I Met, two • yOlithsi apparel -Alf
brothers,' -fifteen to ,eighteen -years old:,
'moving Along like Men, of. -erighty; on
their -stliven ; then. a young • man; car-
rying' his Mother • on his . back,. just
.ready breathe her : last: • §A.W. two
-heads pat pp in Cages,- h warping.l. to
those 'who -rob or steal.; .and.many hats
fwf.iloes aloag. the totidaide,.. hut :no.
•lied lea 4., the ,whole remaining. a‘ter: the..
ve27.' • • •. .
2.' ,SeW greup •• of titres
iyiivg,t4get.h.or,Who,a1 yeared to: he.' e
'father; eon the
tingfv.. ther,e wore marks of .a -.struggle
• . • •
and •blood, .; bet nobody Two'
more headshiing:, from:thetrees
cages, 'Foe miles .ni.any .of the trees
aleng • the.,roads;•.were stripped of.their
barkfive, ten and ttventy feetabove
the ground -fopcl, Several houses
weie passed with doer's 'and, windiiws
• open, jars. end-. other ; utensils .insicle.;'
nobody Wee • left, and nothing -had been
touched, for they, ..cbuld not be: turned
into money.ner food: • ' ' '
. February:: 5: • , This afternoon: at.
• IIiiiig-tung„ we sit* the geed hatually.
heaped 'On one another. • On the main
'street was a men lyingdead- tvith:the
edge of a big 'stone between -his teeth
"'nle .eg'*rii)nidteidngbi.stioigefiti'elitnoorie.vet:SyltWd,atiwko
• and on gaing near learnebd i(, was the
husks.of niillet mixed with old cotton
wadding; People are no pullingdown
their bousee for fuel, for coal , . tod
dear for them, • •
• February .7: bought 7three stelie
.cakes. which 1 saw Men eating. It
was the same stone as our sift stone
peneils (probably .taldose, slate), and is
pounded' to dust and mixed with Mil-
let husks and baked. • It'does-noflook
bad, ,but tastes' like what . it is—dust.•
Sat stone is Sold at from half.to a third
of a. cent per p'ouod, and bark at 'loss.
than a eent a pound—bothfor food.
but !the people die of .
Grain ia three or done amok -the nanal
price, tiirnips and cabbage 6ve Or. SIN,
tit1163. Whoever 1 usked coming from
.theaouthern departments of the pro;
vinekPuelle1t Klazig, Ping -yang, de,
:elated that one.lialf of the people were,
gone; and instanced villages ntintbci'-
800,400 and 000 inhabitants, in
Which .610 h. hundred survived. Still,
', •
a thOrenlell flOWledge of the natural
laws which govern Owe perations of digestion
and nutrition, and by a careflli aPPlicatv:in
ago fine properties if well -selected. cocoa,
Mr, Epps ha provided our broalefast tables
with a delicately flavored beverage which may
save us many heavy ductore' bills, It is by
the juilioioua %ISO of filleh articles Of diet 014
a orinetitation may be gradually built up. tin.
113 strong enough to resist every tendency to
dinease., Hundreds . of 811htle reeladies are
floating around, us readyto attaek whereve,r
Ifie're"IS Pant, We inay esoape many
.a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves Well forti.
fled with pure blood and a properly nonrish
ed'fraine."--aivit Service, Ouzette,--Seld only
in l'aeliets labolled Imans Erre & Coo HQ.
niteepathie Obendets, 48, Whreadneedleetrect,
and 170, Piceaailly,'Lenaon,"
.1,Vocha' 11eases,-Weely horses are not so
rare as many suppose, not sueli great enriosities.
either, there are inawy to be found in various
parts of the country, but we (10nbt it they will
ever mmve as veto* to their owners as the one
exhibited by Barnum ; we luta:gine their 0.1Vaern
would consider them more valuable without the
*004 for thisTough and wooly. etate of the hair
indicates that the horse is not in a healthy con.
With-Airobably 14ide;bound, or suffering from
seine disease which occasions thia. unnatural ap.
pearance ; .in stich oases use Barley's Condition
•Powders and Arabian' Heave Reinedy it will
Purify the blood, correct m appearance, re.
move all obstrnotions • t e lungs and liver,
alid give to the coat a sleele 'shining appeal,
once. Retnember the, name, mind see that the
signature of Hurd & Co. is on each package.
Northrop 1.4rman, Newcastle, Out:, proprie.
ors for Canada. Sold by all medicine dealers
.A: 'Common cough or cold sluni'd never be
trifled with,.often'when negleeted it is tonvert-
ed into a sertous and generally fatal pulmonary
disease, The IllorO prudent, aware. of , this,
promptly usellryari's Pubrionie Wafers' a cu.
rative which has sustained its reputation for
' over twenty years, they are always efficacioes
and exert a most beneficial influence on all the
Bronchial an uhnonary organs, Sold by all
drugests and untry dealera 25 eta,
421 'ri,Iemlne5°ii
d'rlflo-7::..,1:2rin.:ises • of. the
. eue.(accute or chronic), granntritio'n of the
.1.idc, ulceration ,of (he. .1aelkrynial econdc,
Mtn, and tucaknecc.izt'140 'Nolen), Iron any
". • cause:• • . • ..
'TSB AMERICAN 1iysSars is presented to the
publie with the nesuranee of Its efficiency as a
.curative of Most diseases of. the 'eye, acute or
.oltronie inflammation, whether induced bjr.sero-
fulous origin -or otherwise,' 'weakness .or defect
of visidii, . diminished tone of' the optic nerve;
or a diseased • state- of the tissues constituting
that org,a,n, Also, for all persons whose voca.
tion requires au incessant action of. the eyes,
the salve Wilt not res -a cliarin in.restoring, mil.
form -healthy action, whereveakness; pain, and
.misery may 'have long threatened a fatal ter-
mination.: It is,the . most simple, safe, •and Oft•
feetual remedy. ever -discovered. 't'he material's
of whiedi it is inade'rre pure,'perfeet, and eestlyi
tompounded with elaborate eare.and exactness,
safe in its application; being nied externally,
mil, of cruirse, avoiding thepain and danger
whieh n.ecesiarily• attends tit% introduction of
caakfili mineraln arnreye,waelp.715.... Barre -Wolof
and Ono aelice,•rie Songs, Of scrofulous 'origin;
or resulting from Whatever %Wee,. yeild to the
CESSFULLY FOR; Pt It.s.soothirig.sf,
feet is immediate, and a perm anep t core require
but a few applications. "proprietors of
"Dit; 01".. 1)1TTres .A.-sraiticANIT.E-SALYN;!!whil
making mew andimpro'ved .umpliinery for mak-
ing a more perfect box for the
:changed the Ta.tlin an the cover 'so ii tO
correSpoud With the' Catlin .tlia IVrapPor, .01r,
441vertisement5, etc. , Th nail attention
te this, mit Might -ritherwise•-,,be.'regarded.. as
• counterfeiting; • .
7 , l'ETTrr .e BARKER,
. • •'•
isroirrtmor, & t-s•rulk.x, • • • •• • •
• • Toronto,. Agents for Canada. •
..,g,ry• among. thti .4.14110,r011 .
,-- •
CopELAND's Swm1.1Afrron On, equally Snit
able fox childrenand adults. • • Endorsed, b
over 000 doctors:hi Canada. The difficulty o
tulministering nauseous medicines, and the de
sirabllity of having' them pleasant to the tante,
induced T.. Copland -to undSrtale: researelie
which restilted in the discovery of a Sweet*Cs-
tor 011, perfectly -palatable. of the same strength
and medicarqualities as the ordinary Caste
Oil; and while. equally safe andharnilesii, ye
noting ivith more eertainty; and producing net
ther nausea norgripitt. Some children say i
is honey; others•call it Syrup -r -.•they all say thm
like it, One parent says-" 11.ty children-drini
it likg- water ;''' We-had-ttr
bottle or they would have finished it right.off ;'
'another -" little giri has taken it twice
Without any tVolible, imd tloca not know whit
it is, though Ale hatethe ordinary Oastdr:011,
andWe mover poulii. get her to.takeit witholit
fight ;" yet -" I wish volt .sticeesd .o
your SiVller CAliTolt•011. ;it iS splendid thin
--sure to• take the place 01 alt the counnon
-• The extraordinary' 'demand. for this improve
'meat otte stanlehausehold medicine has lirough
fraudulent imitations intr the market, bit the
public earrgnard themselves against substitutes
(which unprincipled parties are attertipting to
self on the reputation of tide, article). by seeing
that the name'Colmanii's Swam, CASTOII OIL,
is 011 both -wrapper and direction libel.
The understod, having purehaned•ItIe
T. Copland & Cos interest- the above prepa-
ration, are nowmlanufectilring it from the old.
g(nal recipe. . .
• • NOUTHROP & 1.11rMAX„.Torente,
"'• Ask for Ceerd'ariv•Swear .Clasrert-Olf., O.
nerve the name. zlo riot bei deceived. Sold. by
all medicine dealers, PACO,. 25 Cents.
. . ebic“i ortto.
Du. APPLETON,- OPPIOfil - at DAr time and
at NIGHT filne,- The Bennie over the Store'of
Ounningliame & Aikenbea4---040„.8 quarilf Winton.
Clinton, Dee. 20,1877.
- .
J)• ENEVE, PhYalcian, Surgeon, oto., Coroner for
. CQUUtY of Maven, liesiderwe and 0.0loo-Corner of
Albert and 411118401ns, Clinton.
August htli, 1809. t-tt
. . . .. .... _ .......
-111111ES. STEWAET, .nr,-D., o. IL-, ellADUATE Or
to Meath.. university, Montreal ; Pbyeiciau, Surgeon and
Aecoucheur, llesIdence-llationytgr.n,
January 4,1871. , 211
. ,
‘.., • liniverettLi.PhYslolau, Surgeon,' fter, residence
1 at Ilr,IStatning's, three drIera Cact ot the Temperance,
nan• roadeshere, oat,
Louth:shore. June za,zeil; .
Dopartruent of 1/Vitoria 3Jn1verst4t, Toronto, ter,.
,merly oi.the noenitals and geetensarles,' Neve Xerti,
coroner for the' Couty,pt Hurott. DA:v.1181A Ont.
. • July 22,-1874, -. • •. , ; „ 01 •
Tiowsixy A oxesoN„ .211XSICIANS, stk..
.s-Isitons, Acoeuenours, ac, . oilers, A.ibert Street;
opposite Fair's Mille, ' • • .• . '
D; El, DOWsr4n) AL D. ' A. $.i..eissoe, hi,D.
• • •• •
°union., )'lay 10,1871, ' . .• ' . •
ALF Aeeouchour, Licentiate ot the college
• and Surgeons -of' Lower Canada, and Provinoial
ate and Coroner tor the County of Baron,
residence, -The building formorit" occupied
Thwaites, Muton Street.
allutel4 zan.10,1871.
_..................._____.........._... . .
of Physioians
Office eaa
by Ur,
arty .s...,-;.
, .
, isteliantrinz.
JAL On good mortgage security, at.
Interest. If 1.1.k.x.ti .
Clinten, Miguel, Oth, 1860,
suarir. suns.,
moderate rates of
ellAELES 37: IIILES, Pnoirmia'xar. LAND- SCR-
vuvon, 'Valuator, and Lanl. 'Agent. Otnee f-jose-
/Mine street, Winglaim, . • •
• . Wingtunu, Aug. 0,11377, .
. .
',./XL Apply at the Town Hall, or at the residence Of tho
• flubserlber, near the London, Huron enructellailway
Station. .•. .rAmh;S SCoTT,
..... . .
• ,...•
. . Issuer of Marriage Licenses'.
Onnton, April 27th, 1870.• •
,••' •
, ,-
''parrevAr 1101.TEM, °LINTON, ONT. TEL' A.136VE
house is -situated close to the station, and le,thor.•
oughly renovated. throughout, and now affordegood ac-
commodation for the travelling public. Large stabling
and good hustlers in attendance, choicest nein:m.1n
, the bar. Tiros. 14sE, Propsie,t�r. ' 19 .
1\7E1:ONUS AND prirsze,sx. nnsirarr.-A. gen
1,11 tleman, having tried in vain every advertised rem
edy, has disc'overed a simple moans of self.eure. .11e
will be happy to forward the partioulars to any :sufferer,
on receipt of a stamped and direeted envelope. Address
7. T. simmer, Eng., Lisburn House, London, England.
... ...
• . 18
U.: murriage Incenses under tho new Act, Cononission-
er for taking Affidavits it the Queen's Bench, or COML.
.ties of Huron ,and Bruce. ',Convoyending.done, inch an
Leales, Bonds, Contruote, • iille, Deeds, ,and Mortgagee,
. Fees 0E411. ligliii181100—OppOSiLe20110ek'S note'.
no:of): .ATiVi:3C110 ON P.E44 'ESTATE.
, Dayliela,Sept.14,1876,•• • .
31A11.74ODAIS5ON at WATSON, ' '.
. . i .
onerton A: WkrsoN. .. , ' • ' ' FL MAr.coltsotf, •
- Clinton ' • - W.11. kleFannen
In ,:iiiitoonison will;:Gbe in Clinton. every. Frhlte•ille4; • .
3,*P°1ek flIFDSON, •ACCointents, Anetioneere,
ire.odid ldfe Ximulalitlie and Chasid Ceromission
ti.grutS. Insurance tvo.third cheaper :than .aidinar/
copt, atid first7eless.Stock and IfetnatCoinnanieetoPre-
seated. Macy': to ' loin, end all kiinis 01 Property
bougnt alul Sold: 'Moderate charges. Wiled -ICING Sr
• RUNSALD. • ,
, . .
. Jens 111AsOff,-• ' ' • JOSEPH Hunsox, ,,
- Oomissioner and issuer el ' Cotivesanecr.
, Marriage Licenses.• ". -, •.' 18 .
. •
' • ,
, ,A *GENCY OF :
4-1-. .
• • jg. T.J.E1F4 N, .'
: . - 'ISOLATE:I)
Ann ; „ .
• 8 TAN 1.)AltD,
-. • .
ItISX;•. '
.., .. 11.3
. .
the lOWC8b 8at10,
, .
Risks Of all .fleseriptiona talon at
* (1.
, ----,
' Ciluton,rah. 111878: tr .
• -- '" 1"-":-*-- "'' -l-----"-"'''-'----
CoXfi()I,ID.A'rgb BANK
.. ..........
- . CAPITAL, $4,060,000.
Mitchell's Selladonna hapreved In (IA fliibber Ramis
•• '• Plaster.
There never haSheett a time wheit thelwiling
of so many different diseases has been citified
by outward applicatlon•as the present, It is as
Undisputed fact that aver half °Ellie entire po-
pulation et the globe resort to :theuse of nidi.
unty plastera,•. • -
The principal- ingredientc used in makiag
these 'Plasters are Ount Offbattitin- or better
known as tho Prankincense of the Bible --Itub.
her', and Burgundy Pitch ; which, when selenti.
ileally compounded, is full of electmeity, and
even if these estimates are otaggetiVi when c nobbled. with the Pure medicinal 'gums,
tions, 'what will it be at the end of
is fointh to be ono of the greatest healing rued'.
the famine 7 • inns ever brouelit before the human Mee.
This Lain Ittrottrun.-ile lady was
somewhat excited, and in Writing an ac.
count of the runaway for her loeal paper
she said, "Oh, it was a fallible run-
away, it •,:was'You See an added
umbrella i -carrying nem, and` it
frightened the buggy, and it started, to
run off wIth the horse, and they rue over
ielamp post and kncteked the sidewalk'
down and tweet a little bay who was in
MS mother arm's and tarok some ap-
'pies, and knocked the apple:woman out
,of the peanut etand and they went down
the lightning like a street and knocked
three spokes old ef the liorseS hind legs
and took the hide of the wheel off Audi
fill out end rim a naud-pinklle into my.
head clear tip to my shoulders and rand,
got full of my mouth and oyes and
nevo get over it and it's awful."
t• hey are aeknowleged by.aU who lave need
'them to act quicker than any other Plasters
they ever before tried, and that one pf these
Plasters will do more real service than a hun-
dred of the'brelinary kind. All other Plasters
are slow of action, and require to be %vim con-
tinnally to effeet a cure ; but with these it is en-
tirely different ;the instant one .is applied time
patient will flits effeet, !
They passess all time soothing, warming, sup.
porting and strengthening qualities°, all other
Plasters. - Many' who have been relieved of
rioite.athbr pains in the KIDNEYS, BREAST
or SIDE, arid believe it is solely done by tlio
electrical :qualities which the Ammo Plasters
contain, and which is imparted to the system,
thus restoring them to.a healthy coadition,• •
They are very soft tuid pli de, still very 'ad.
hesive ; aria a sure cure 'for VIIAIC BA.CI<S,
are invaluable to those W o have a, COLD of
long standing, anti often prevents (10,bIlifyMp,..
TION. Somo even tell WS they believe they
were entirely earekthy tlic tige of them of it long.
Prepared by 01:011.041 Ti. 'NITTC.U/P.'1,1,,
Lowell, Mass
Sohl by all Druggista,
01411\1%T Oil AGENCY.
; Interest from rotir to Vivo per cent allowed'
•. on Deposits..
1,01/GH, Agent:
April, Iva,.
titerpoot, • Loprionderry: and Giacgont. •
'Shortest sta passage economy; "conifort. 270 .
• 05 ocean navigation artfkl. •
arCiAlitiff trIdItt',TS Finttriiitt REDUCED.
Intermediate, and Steerage lama as low MI by . any. oder
line. Steerage pallsongers forwarded to Derr,
Queenstown, Glasgqw, and 'London at tonne rates att 1.
Liverpool, The last. train carrying 'the Canadian mails
and collimating with ttas oteatf atetunships at Millet ,
loaves Tomtit° every rriday, at 7.02 a.m. Peteeenget .
via this route treed through Canadian territory, there
fore evade all Canton; Rouse examination of:baggage.
Pot Through Tjekets and overyInformition,apply to
L. FITUAITONf Of TO 111 Agent, canton.
Clinton, Dos 13, 1877,
Chnng-e of Time;
Passenger Trains willleave Clinton station u follows
Oome tsar. Erpross,/.27 A.111., arriving at London
10,85 Toronto at 106 P.M. MU and Expreati,
138.50 P.M., arrivieg, Toronto, af, 6.40 PAL, Under), at
0:15 P,M. Mired, 42717 .11., arriving at Stratford at •
5A5 PAS., London, at 9.18 11. alisea arrives from
iV 611'0110*S ViSt5i10 00A.1‘1,,from
Stratkird. Breit and Express, .4t- P.51., from Toronto,
Iitiffalo. and London. Express, 9.80 1'.M1, from Deflalo,
Toronto, and London. MIxed.8.88 17.15.
3. ttidg8015, Grierol Itana
x. STRAITON, Agent'at Minton.. '
1),(1,21, 1877. s