HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-05-23, Page 1• yOL rs. wn_ ' L TERM -4Ji 00.7'er Annum, *y advance. AND CENTRE' HURON GENERAL ADVERTISER " LINTON ONTAA,RIO, THURSDA,Y, mAY 23 18 8 Bolt -Ends, Nuts, Eta„ rite. •• , & :DMus, • -futon QIQ Are supplying,. 0.N. mini sorry:, pp Boft Ends and Nut's for. Bridg es, s' . From 1i inoh downwards, anis any lcugth required, Their Bolt Cutter performs 'the work in. the beet manner, ' FISHER R DOWNS. Clinton, May 28,1878. SERVANT GIRL WANTED.. Wanted, a good general servant.. -Apply at store, to JOHN-CALLANDER,; .Clinton, May 23, 1878.. ' HORSE, B.UGG!, '&o:, TOR SALE. further use for skiffs, Offers his Horse, Buggy, Clutter,. Har T. FAIR. • The subscriber, Having no f nbag-an4.Tdt'alo Robe, for sale Enquire at the• Post `.Office. Clinton,'May 23, 1878. NOTICE TO PARENTS On account of the continued increase of Children in' the Junior ' Department, the trustees are obliged to notify parents, tha. they can accommodate only one half of the division at a time, saq one half in the fore- noon and. one half in the aftern•oon. W. H. HINE, Secretary. Clinton, May 16, 1878. OUSE AND: LOT FOR SALE. That eligible' house and lot opposite the Wesleyan Church, ltattenbury Street, at pie- sent occupied by M. Gamma PAN. Terms easy. Apply to GEORGE' E. PAY,• Or W. C. SEARLE Clintoo, May 28,1878.. . • LAND• .FOR SALE, , • The West Half of Lot Eigbt:tii the Eleventh Con'eee- cion of Turuberry, fifgacresme d wheat land, .six miles --- iroaefia gran petviro repnta�nr�eFionvitie`Ojinraq Lion of the TOrento, Orey'rdnd Bruce Railway' . . ,• clearance on the front, balance .hardwood timber, Would sell cheap for cash, or exchange for town proper ty fn Clinton. Apply to the owner, 8arauel•Throtvgr, at • Fair's Mills, Clinton, or to II, IIALE. Clinton, May 22nd, 1878. MEAT. • MEAT... R. FITZSIMONS, 8L•'1'C1[E'$, Desires to thank bis many enstoniers for tho liberal ppatronage bestowed on him. and at the same Vine to intimate to them, and all wh& like to favor hiin with, their custom, that he will at all times do his utmost to =bet theirregniromentn. Farmers wiehingmeat should call on him. All kinds kept in the different seasons sold at lowast payisig rates. • Shop -old Clinton Hotel Building, 'Victoria St, Clinton, May 23,1878. NOTICE, r The Council of the County of Huron wili,occttttthe STORE FOR SALE. The. large.atad oonvenieat BrickStore, in the Albert Street Block, now occupied by Mr. Biddlecombe, will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to: H. RALE... Cliuton 1MIa -1 .7 3, 157•.- . F. G.. L.A.Nn • AZUC'TTONEEIi, ' AIMT APPRAISER. ' FOR 1:1IE' C1fii .0 OF I uttox. • ALS() ciouivasisiox MFROHANT AIeDOU(?ALrti BLOC, Wieattaal. $UILD LOT FOR SALE: • That eligible and well situated. lot. on the corner of Huron and North streets, near the Great Western R. It. station, with forty feet frontage on; Rum] street, . Title indisput- able.. 'Apply either at this office, or to Min. MA1tY•YIELD HOUSE. 205, Bathurst street, London, London, May 10, 1878. FL0«TERING PLANTS. BENM1L1..ER OrAI •.DEN: • • Hot house and lloweling plants of almost all kinds, on hand . and for sale. Cabbage, Cadliflower, Tomato, • and every other vege- table in great variety, now ready.. Orders filled immediately on receipt . • ' `- JAS. STEWARIT, Beiimiller, May 9, 1;878. Land for Sale. • THE SUBSCRIBER. OFFERS FOR SALE TWO hnnarod dares of his fa being part of his old homestead, situate with house on rn on on tag ttuatp .on the 1st' Con, of Colborne,- on rms. Each let. has about 40 acres Owned, b lot and barn on the other. d e s. n Benraiiler P:.0 Colboino, Noy. 27;1877. HOUSE: DOR SALE ..That *ell -built, two story tense on 'Spencer Street,' now occupiedby, 0, Manning, with quarter -acre lot, will •-be. 'sold • on moderate terms. -Most of the purchase:money may re main on mortgage; if desired. Good carpen- ter -shop, stable and garden,' An adjaceut half«lot,• not yet fenced, will be solcl-v's'ith Apply:t Clinton, May 2, 1878.::: FARA' AI F ALE .,,LOT. QRS lc , Lot Thirty-four in tho. Firet Concession (Unroll ltoad,) Tuolcersinith, will be. sold on easy, terms of payment. The' lot is on the main road about two miles. from Clinton, and contains ninety-eight acres of first-class land, 1t'o improvements except a board fence in, front. The dot is covered with . good hard- wood timber,: and is crossed by the Grand' Trunk Rail;nay,--is. wellwatered, and can be .n}ade a superior daily farm. Apply to ' • • • 11. HALE, • ' Clinton, Clinton. May 7, 1878. l''OLr WANT CLO JJNG I'U. , AS DRB$S SUITS WALKING SUITS HOLIDAY ' SUITS, &c.,. �. got .tip in frst•elass city style, and at very low rates, give 0 R 0 11 0I-1 r. TH:11-1.A.MERI0.AN CUTTER, • A ATP. Temp,. Court House, f in Town of Glodorioll, ,His shop ie over Gordon do rinittyson's store, Clinton, May 16, 1878, JUST.RECEIVED,• 11 �V114.Y';. the Salt- .11TIVE 'next,. At-twaetelock • ',gnu ADAMSON, Co. Clerk. Cleddrich, May'2a,1878;' y_ NEW CARRIAGE WORKS IN RI. 'Y-7` H. J.'AMES tLARK Bas pietism in snnouncingto the inhabitants ofifytl[ and vicinity, that he has opened out in the carrhtge making business, and is new prepared to 811 all orders' • for CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, r f BUGGIES ilTO, $ V,4 O:. 9Rd1EBR-W9SM0 tzar 1rt itis, CLOTHS WRINGERS, .r, R VIII. RACEY, � --IHPOR'l'E7t Ob" --- upon the shortest notice, arta tithe ,most reaaonsble sates. None but first -dais workinsn employed, and the very beat material {read. REPAIRING- attended to promptly and setidfeotorily. HORSE SHOEING a speciality. Aon for Fleury fs Arng ri It ,l lcmonts: t ca uru tm b ll• 1 One of the beat mannfactorioe In Gafiadd. Cail and see samples of Reapore, Mowers, Seed Drnre, Horse Raiigtr Plonhe, &o, &s rb foo re nrcssfi elsewhere, 1a` SHOP ON 4WEC11T Tilt111tt'i', ..X! Opposite the Dominion Telegraph ofller+. Blyth, litay20, D178. AND ALIEt-p:Nsnzk,.n C'L((NT- N. .81. it *net 28,18'!13: ' •B1LtCi".CEFIELD. UitlexET. -,The' kirueetilel<l Cricket se - Mired' suitable Vanua for practice.: ' . The club are now well'. supplied with both clefensiveand offensive twiner, and are now. '. engaged in • vigorous practice.. They anticipate i>,. record this- year equal. Club have •organized this Apr ng, if not superior to that of former years. • STANLEY.: • 0aors.=--The long period .of wet eve:t- trier cleared' tip lag week, as is .com- monly the case at this season of the year, with. frost.'. On Monday, Tues- day arid Wednesday ice of considerable thickness wes •£ounce on vessels of water wbicb'were exposed: The smaller fruits-, such as gooseberries, currants, &'o., have suffered severely. Plurms are rconeider- 'abldms ed:, • Apples ae supposed.to have escaped not binsufficiently ad- , g vanced to: suffer, BAY'FIELD, ., FIRE. -Adams' :,sash, door and plan- ing factory Was burned at three. o'clock oh Sunday morning: The valuable Ma- chinery and •tools were destroyed,• to- gether with tti lar a lot of inateii l•ready fel; delivery; The the .was, evidently the work of an .incendiary, as the fires Were out and all was right at 1,Q o'clock, on Saturday night when NIr. 'Adams visited the mill.- Loss,, $3,000 insnr- (Mlice, $1,500. :