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The Clinton New Era, 1878-05-16, Page 8
THE CLTNTON NEW. EVA, CLINTON* Snow STousi,—On Saturday morning LZ rU'T NE WIA rite a heavy snow' storm was ex- ., Deft quite It was, however, of short, duration, ` CHANGE of TME'....., -.The express train, on the 14 , H. & B. which formerly went South at 0,30 li. m., hag been changed to 6,85 p, m, OPEN I IEETIN(t,—An iceeream enter- tainment Will be given, by the United Temperance ,Association, in their lodge oo'n'teethiee '' .'1- iursday)-even i to Fnosx.••-•The pest few nights have witnessed very sharp frosts, U)(1 We. feat considerable -injury 'has.been done,. early vegetables having been complete- ly blighted, ., Nzsl!•1tiy 'ever' •otlter 'num you meet bn the streets•jest-now; is either a Be' foene or Conservative pauvasser,-and' al •most ell the, a corner crowds" prove to ho !$ open-air political meetings." ' Iv •Lucie,--\Ve, congratulate Judge 'Togas; of Goderieh, ,on Ins good fortune in Iris wife failing heir to several then- sand dollars lately, The matter is no secret but neither of the Goderich papers b'tee .as yet Hearth, of it, al)l) reutly, F.i ED; --011- Sittnrclay tlireo females were arrested' by Constable Paisley, charged:with keeping 'a house of ill - Lune., They .were ti ied before Mr. Me - (larva, J r., •Who fined,,two .of them f:1 and cestsi each, and dismi •soil the other. Town Council, • ,,A special meeting of the Council took " place on Tuesday evening last all the members present except Coun. A1lieon. >6y -laws No, 8 and 6 were introduced *--iel-posset.leethe fleet fnstlle.k .tl~Ql:_.Cge.•: lection of the..publio grounds in ,the . town, and the ..other to amend the pottnd by-law. The petition of B, P.umball. and 42 others,. asking for a sidewalk on Huron street was referred to the street oononittee. A by-law :to raise' by way of loan $6,0'00 for 'fire -protection pill,-' ' poses was then ietrod iced. • The Conn: oil resolved itself into• committee .uf the • whole and. considered the by-law olitnse by clause, wvhen•two amendments were " moved, but were lost 'on a. vote The: by-law was then passed and .'the.:clerk authorized' to advertize it. The street 'committee wat,s instructed to lay down a sidewalk from the corner' of .Huroli street to the Post•t0'Dee, On inotioli of Coun. Cooper see.. by Conn. Uabbings, the thotiotl in reference to a sidewalk en Prineeas street, was. rescinded, and the halance of the apllro- .liriatien for Stc Andrew a 1:'aTard to: 1)e spent iu 1;licing: Tt vasa'tlieri uloveil .)y CfoUn. -1G enzies,, sec„ by (.can. Chidley, , that a n•ew sidewalk be 'hale .along the brick block from T3,. i1t. Racers) :to hiss's corner, provided all'Veralldtlls be taken dowel. An amendment . wizs• moved- tInttit 1)e- refor'red to _'thiel-•-,sta!aotr f• committee, which , Was carried, The 'Colnicil.theri adj.ourned..• --4340•14,1/2 !THERE is every likelihood that there will be a large crowd:'of people here.oiz the 24th of May. WE ARE HOW enj oyiiag' a dry Spell of O'.►' weather --quite an a„eoable Change fi'om the past few weeks. _ QC"ITE'a number of ottr townspeople'. availed themseWes of the ehoip• f ire` to Toronto yesterday. • THE Post Office building has heed moved a few• feet further.• seutli, ',a.iscl iraiseci• a' couple of .feet.': o n v • — il.ishu ant'tlelly 1- ( • A >rL. Tliefn r l e. ing ofi200 coeds of gravel, on the streets here, will be let by auction oil the :mar- ket square, on the 25th inst. '• VEGETABLES.—MPS, Penliebitkei' "is again on her rounds with vegetables; on Tuesday she left with us a. bench of large and well grown rhubarb. .• •- LONG GRAss.--:MI . Wm.-Jai•iis, jt.,: of the Ruron Road bus shown us grass, _. ...--C.444.0..111-114 f .0 f1 ' • ,-th it ,1P''-' trtft ee 1.,1 s. ria length. Promise of plenty, of bay, WE believe'that .during the: al MIT weeks, after the 24th of Ma.y,. it is the. intention of the Juvenile :Band to . give open air Concerts, every Friday evening: POLITICAL. ---1111: Porter, the. Conser- vative nominee for the South Riding ',of Ilbron, will address the electors in Clin- ton on Monday- evening next.. silo. is, inking a torr through •the riding. • SELLING WitrilOtTr LIt;ENsk.•-- On Tuesday Mrs. Vanhern was charged by Inspector • Yates; ,with selling liquor without a license, and the charge being proved, she was filled $20 arid costs., :Poor RACE.—Ori Monday a foot tracer was run between Geo. McTaggart and T. '\ iseman, once around. the course in the•old show grottnd,• on a wager.of which was easily won. by Me'Paggart. .Mushroom.—Last Week Mr. T, Coo- per, of this town,' brought lilt a mush- room, itt size 'about three itielies across the tip, that grew on his place; and was • picked in April, This i5 a rug'c+t• .sir 1 1 5 early in the 8(518011. . . VINE 1''Lownes.-ekeining her collec- tion of house plant§, elle wife of Mr, R. Sturgeon has a Palesgonie which,• is 5 feet 3 incites in height, and a •Potunia, '5 feet 6 inches, both being in. bloom. This i3 tai unusual height. ' ee • Acct uix'r.---On Tuesday whiles young elan named O'Neill was engaged in painting on the outside of the foun-. dry, the ladder on which he was stand; ing broke, precipitating•: him to the ground, and inflicting Several • severe sprains, • ' ewe\ Poor lines, . fow,,evenings. Since , <t wife in town went' after her dissipated husband to fetch him 'home, but he, itt1- ticipating her object, started with rapid striders tli(ereforynnd when within a few paces of it, went sprawling in the street,' his arose ploughing tip the earth. to wasn't mad, oh, no. Tun attention of one readers is direct. ed to the firstportion of an article un:" .der the heading of "the 1tustic Moral- ist" which appears on oursixth page, as it contains ideas that are. sound sense, and recognized principles, but appetir to be lost sight of in the Burly -burly Baste to get rich and lead an easy life, of the present. age. ToD .. . rsszitOv; CArI,Itrx.trtAtts,mode of destroying caterpillars lots been dis- covered by accident. .ii piece of woollen rag had been blown by the wind into a current bush, and when taken out. was found covered by these leaf -devouring insects. Pieces of woollen- cloth were immediately placed otr every bush ,in the garden, and next day. the' caterpil- lars had universally takon to them for Shelter. to dila way' thousands wero destroyed every morning, ALyeeour 4•Hoost :,l1 .-Ournewly; appointed •Pond II.eeper::and ",Neigh - bee had a ',;',war of words" one, ev3ein last week, • of err .the impounding. of `° •r icly Diflbrin " 'Clio debate was not co -ailed to wog cl :iii -T ciietiotlai'e, Miff listeners seeanecl• to think, ,Joe 'haul. the best of the argument, . . \:[lain TAM, WneAz —Mr. 3.• li.cane ln•oiglrt iu a sample of full wheat that he had,ptilledin tl).e.country, which iiieat- sured;over• throe .fnet 'in length. • Me. D.E.. Stlnley,• of the filth Colt. '(aodericli -township, se t s 115 a • serol )le that: is nl 1 three feet seven •niches, long almost in. r„ full heak which he hos tett acres' of:•' 'OArTen :Goer, ---This Week a man titrnal Moorey, of ` I%ioorey Bitters" :fairies was arrested at. Blytll,' by Con- stable Paisley, of•.this:'.tofga,.• c•ltarged with s sivi'dling:he li tving:been taking in. the -green onesof town by a gamic' ealleci: " &etch the loop." He w is' n) ade ,to pay costs tied refund ;the inonev. .• Moly •STOLEN:. O1i •Friday :evening Ii young man named. Connell, ;who. had' been workleg in town for :a. short time; helped hiinaaelf to a ..$ bill' and some, .looso change tliat•lie had seen placed in a .11ra'wei in•'Lane' 3`llatel. Tile robbery t1'Aiw*Uta I oeirseerr.--On Stinday last. a;:young mail named Henry,'while out walking in the foods, sighted a ground» hog. He gave chase, but tripping on a, zstiok, fell, and a snag ran: into his face, just below the eye -ball, almost forcing it out, • WEhave before us a letter -head, got upo by au office not a thousand. miles away, in which is a prominent aline in s4 shaded -text type, and this is how the w51i•ci, UsscoI1onncal" is spelt -- • covonii- rah Mistakes will happen in'all offices,. but forte in one word is scattering, them pretty free. PERSONee.—MV. Sherwood, who has been for. some time' past connected with the Consolidated Bank hero, has been transferred to Chatham, and. Mr. Hod. der, -who holds a similerr position' is about• to be;ohanged to St, Catharines, The former's plece_will be- takenby"151x•. Ord, from Toronto, and the hatt'er's by Mr, Davidson, of S. Catharines, The council have so amended the by- laws that no. animals but caws .etre now allowed to run• at large, pigs; sheep, horses, &o., beingliubloto be put in the pound. They..have also. made ' the by- law more • stringent with referenee to the removal of sods from the highway's; squavoe or parks of the town, proliibit- -ing z•t: entirely; • :A, Psis tie Dlsrzli e ---A tjtlestion than in .causing considerable debate. in this place isie--The mean ITuro raves, found guilty of cruelty in Lozidon, •m- eekly, was ttfecl on three counts, arid the.J udge ill,' passing a son tenci",`of three „years o, a e lclt' f cant, :stated that the terrti:3 woret,o ran coecn1rently.. Now,' the elispntid point is, what ire the mean-: ii .gg of the wept' oneurrene 2 Sone af- firm, that" -tile sentence . implies nine years' itlprisoument, that is, that at the :ekphatioh of three years, a second term of three. eminences,,and,so on until the Bine , have expired. Others bold that: the entire tem a only for threo, years, which is coilaeet, Had the Judge, passing sentence,, oniitted .the word concurrent," thus,. " three Years on .eaaeh•,count,'!s the prisoner Would than have had a legal off' nine year,.' I . n hope that better. Methods may be devised reuderiug the needed aasistanoe to those whets duty it is to enforce those laws, as it is well known that the constabulary in many places pay no attention to thein` du- ties in this respeot, We :would further submit that too many of tlfose holdipg licenses, give no assistance whatever,, to Inspectors and Magistrates, in putting down the illicit traffic that so. • largely pre°- vails, We hope that ' some enaetieent may .lao-adppte i by one legislatuxo, where- he it May be made oonzpnlsol'y on the part f-thoste_r sceiei.ng^,.licensesr to rade assistanee in rooting out illicit traffic, and in this 'connection we hold that it should be the first duty of those receiving license to' do so, if even asi a matter of protection to their lawful calling. Waernbrace thio opportunity of thank- ing ytour,Ttordship.for. your able'address.te us, as to our duties„ at. the Opening 'of the Court; and we nte?tii;'rreiiitily•,cincur with the Bar of the County of Boron, in • con- gratulating your Loi.daliip on, year eleva' tion to the Bench, and feel satisfied that jestiee will !be ably, and imptixtialiy,.aa neiniste?retl by'your Lirdship oil all Koos• siting, 1'V": Dztv;fuor Grand ,Tory Rooms, ..T.+oretean: '• floderich, May9th,. 3878: • SritiNct •ASSIZES The t u p1i11 wing ia , a' centinaliititln. of the cases tried at the late Assizes: Wm.sn VS. Bitowee—An •action C,tt 'pion issozynote, tried 'by jury. . The jury. were absea.t .nearly, two''limits, and hav- ing,' duly'. considered the'.gnestions• sub- nitted is Lor dts i rete noda VM.- b t.yH p, eict for plaintiff for $436,56 Mr. M. C. Carnerun,,Q.C., for ptf,',.Mr. J'.'1', Garrow. for def;.• was liseovered the"Sante eveuier,'bat rte'. sisal CLEGHORN 1 T. At.`VS.' PARK.:—bei'd.ict, mails ecl'to elude• capture., and Kent for $527.65 '•.Mr.. Seager, applied on be- • 'half of tlamtiff ruff• inlntednrie execsititin;: ,.w.... ..,.. k. .- .. ,al•.kLt ,.ti n' •_.vn It r aiLix t r. .. r, • s t •t•a.'e t 'fiI o c ti o- •,ivbtc L rte'" ' • RSV. ?11t, ffootrr n.=Wo are : )1.lensed ' . ',SCoTT':vs: J.ACKSON— Sorr,An action- for se - to learn that sin effort. is tele inade to' dection, ..Vlaintitf lived' in. East Wawa keep this gentleman in 'Mitch ell anotlt er nosh and 'defendant lived • In Hallett, and year . The Stationing Comn?ittee p issed : 1"is rtxcently gone;. to Man-itoba, the se= a resolution "tho. other ev.eniug, asking'jury retarbed a duction took'plaSeverdict a year ago. The for plaintiff with the :Bible Culttian . C,onferenc will Shortly'meet, to make no: change 'C,, appeared for the plaintiff, and Nr. C. for .the present. 1)Zr... Hooper is• not it Seager'; Jr., for pit's defendeut. only* populair with his own people, bust FErRiBY vs., WELLS.--Ali action for se - he is held ill the Very highest esteem by dine tion. ,'Alt the parties live. fn' Colborne,. all classes of the :comntu1iity. arnd`the seduction teek place, iu -August' I y' last. Verdict for plaintiff for .$50.. Arr. Q • G s s. Spgorier, 'Mooney & M. '0. Cameron, Q.C., for plaintiff. De - (Jos last.week purchased Yifty head of >i p fine cattle for shipment to the old,coun- try,, in the neighborhood. of M:itcbeth The price paid was' about six tents. pee' MASON vss BuRRouGHS:-An action 011 contt•act. M. C:' Cameron, Q.0.,'for-plain-, tiff, and Dr. McMichaele9,0., for defend - et) t, ` J udginent reserved. lit of free trade in corn' ; rho cattle avast rite Qur:Er)' vs. ;JAMEs LAiRD.--Ptison- be fed .€off+ the English eimieet, Awl no er was:sirrsiigntld and pleaded 'not guilty-,' feed is. so good and cheat) as corn'. What to.an iudictmen.t for alistrtictiDP and as• shy sryfectiollists to that 1 •sa,eltrna a pence nlhcer in the dsscharae of y 1 his duty. Mr. (l. It. 1"anNorruan, for the Ai tris'r AN Accv[DMIT.--00 'Tuesday Crown, and Mr.: B, L. Doyle' for •the de - e, ;whzoir $100-daeueges. Mr,°i Z. C, Canierot•,, t fendent was of represented. Trze QUEEN' Fs. DUNOAN McDo:rALD..•- A charge of murder. A report of 'this case will he found elsewhere, • lb, live weight. pThey•weee all fed by. Mr. J; Mtrrpliey, who fed 2,400 bushels of corn'tc them.' • This,proves. the bene- evc'liing lir T Cc Pickard,of Il'oliiie s fendeut. \r'a:rdlctof `writ,goilty,' entorod bad ,, a narrow' p esca rom a run_ by.Itis L:)rilship. " ' ttpsa y. arcitlettt. :,fust as ho was rtboitt Qt1a1:x VII. S. J. Avnnaw•,t,—A.ttenipt td startler home, after attooding the district meeting here; his Horse; took fright, ttnd'cornenonced to kick'', thereby breakin g.tlre shafts of his buggy,- ,which SELtnna) 15 Causo(1 hat, to start but Mr, Pickard a'Iish pedler•of Baytiirld, •axttl the :defeii- ulled hila round so as. to 'go ill) bill; dant a fanner living in Tuelcersmith. ()n thus keeping the, buggy» the horses' heels, which was soon.brou ht to a stand,, without further injtt'y than 'the hiceak- i1l (af the shafts. ' ' • .to • defraud the . Post Ofllce department, not guilty, M. O. Cameron for deft. Q',rrax . T4ci sl:nxv.---1' rjury. Nast' sillily. . SherAL-1 'ata•r,tinatawz,:--'Tlie ladies 'of' Clinton intend giving a, social enter- tainment, in nter-tainnient,`in the town 'h hall, oirtho.:.tjt+en-. Ing ofthe 24111' of i4iay, All and sun- dry are cordially invited, atlid•the ladiee. confidently expect that no one with .the smallest span, of chivalry in his nature, will stay. ' away. . Loyalty to tlie Queen acid 'devotion to the fair ogles alike de- mend his presence on that ocea'siofi. The entertainment ,will eonsist ofd music, readings, • tableaux, dsc. ' R;efresltn eeits will be. served during the evening. For particulars see progi`ammes, .. 4 VITAOTIOUS 17nu.r1t.—Oa Thurs- day ni ht.last a middlo•aged .arae lay on, Albert Street, thunk; lio was grant- ing, and two young Wren, attracted by the noise, attempted to find out who he wee and gety hint Immo, They had ne Sot:iier bot hal on his feet than, with many oaths, be declared his intention to fight, and although the young pen toldhint they did not wish to fight, he pulled off his coat, aid made an attempt to strike -one of them, when, gtiick ns a flash, one young fellow trirped hive rip, and 6101 back onthe ground with st thud. The fall .appeared to Sober hini, for he seen gathered .himself and clothes' together, and hat in hatah,'tnstle a start' for home; . 27th Jitti then latter Laid an infoxiiintion against the plaintiff, 'tb'the effect that, he had stolen it watch from' him: Plaintiff oalle 1 at defendant's house to sell fish, mid was seen .to enter the hoose. After his departure, Forsyth found :that .his watch .was• missiyg, which had been left in the house, thereupon he: laid information:. to the above effect. Had he sworn that h had reason to believe that Sollars stole to ;snatch, this suit tnioltt, not have beery brought. Verdiet'for.plaintiff $GO damn- ' J. T. Garrott' for plfl'., a. H« Benson and A1r, C. ir!amerotr for deft. The Grand Jury brought in the 'fol- lowing presentment t The Jurors for our Lady tho•Qaieen, beg, leave to prcaent that we have visited the gaol and we fined eleven prisoners confined therein, eight males, and three females we found everything in in abontthe gaorff clean and in good, order, and heard: no complaints from any of the prisoners. We found the gaoler, Mr. Dickson, and, his as- sistant, RobertHendereon, very courteous and attentive to our every inquiry. 'Itw) of the female poisoners are reported to be hopelessly insane, such we would rscrant• trend their speedy ret,iovttl to an asylum,. The majority of tho reale prisoners are dile-bodied risen who, we thinks should he employedat stone species of labor, and we would recommend' that this, matter be at- tended to by the proper authority. In our visitation to the gaol.wo have the fact again most painfully forced upon usl. that a vast majority pf the crimes coming before jurors and courts are largely trace- able to the use of intoxicants'. ',Ve are pleura to find that both Le;;ielaateres are Milking enactments with is view of at least lessening •this great evil, and we earnestly ...ii 'r s.e.veq...•.... 18'78, MAN' 1.6, 1878, H O S. J 1878. 0 Hli] ON Mr: 1I, Taylor,. of Hallett, near. Kill - burn, .Rift oil '1'huradaty,'i'on.tt visit to E eotlar, 1. . . :itessrs:.l'a.' Martin. aieil:•l lii(;oll; Brusse]s, lire ofi'in. Kansas viewing the land in, that •section.. - IVIi•, W,• 1:o lgson,• of l+yxetor,, who has been indisposed for the: past fete weeks, is' able to bo' -.round agtltr ° At lleo'lifst meatltlg of 't ea session a: t Knox church, B'rus'sels; it was decided tJtat the organ should:be put out of the. Sunday Sell° 1.• ' The, tetgujar Annual "Meeting .of the, Conservative Association for :tlie.South Riding of,iuron, will Abe held :iii Bruce .field,on Monday,; 20th inst.,at 12 o'clock VI TORIA BLOCK, CLINTON, Ove,.. _.. V E3a3TABISESD 1854, :I 0 a , N T 11i.aVu Dixonof Stanley, sold the • Oto• stack'in.the above department ill still'eempli;te W4111111.010 'Nov:el- rey,, s • ii io young general. - purpose.: stallion; .ties . '.." ti :E. i_ . -'. _ fi , ,. I , r a 1 1 In L'NCrLIio'ET slid AiVIEI I(,A ST11tP I•I ,TS .3©la'T which he•purchased from S; Hantor;, to • 11,1r.• 1't. Sharp, Stai11 v. The )rico 1 WOOL -HATS, and .ill the '.la'teat AMERICAN CA P8,, S . 1, ofe, 1 , paid .fol•' him • was $500: . 1• Rev. G. W,, Andrews who' has for the I. gist twelve inollth' officiated Acceptably .iI t E. bpi re. splendid nett line ver the,Jahn sttiset r 1. I;, • cItirch l3rus- sets soft en'Frida last for iris new a .:.. ' , y I' LINEN HA CS. unci. OAPS. r • ).. ih. •' wi• o ntmoiit tnesfo d_ 01 .best rhes 1 r , z- go with hiw., - , On.Tuesda 11i. Wlei. ` Rolvlaind'of t'. Y• — of. Grey, left •fbc.Kansas, on it: visit to : - RECEIVED i11 YOUTI-I'S ••an,''cl BOY'S;, H their friends. They. were-,saccotnpatued• VESTINCS. by 'Messrs. Pearce, Cleunan and Daniel The latter intends :to':remain ^I1yau,; The e, but the others µ:ill rettlral.: itr about a ,1 ion.t 1 1. x:zc .. .a ti..nrx.• Nafi'L-ttl'v.7rK%« nc J. . YS pF" .: . ..5 1—a•Lxss •••xe' If.tlie byy-lairs whielr-nyi '.to •l e`,snh witted to the ratepayorss' illi carried,. Brussel✓} will'this year have a' debt of $29;000--s$,20;600 to ‘1. 'AS Ronald, of Chatiiain ; $5,000 fora fire -engine, $2,- 000 foe stilet levelling and sewers;. and. '$2;060. to encourage Mr..;Vanatone and his flouring mill. The: following. ie the list• pt officers of the Exeter Mechanics' Institute.:- --Pres:, De. Eyed itlau; 1st Vice -Pres, IZev: i, Hartley.; 2nd `4rice=Pres., W. J White ; Sec., M 2 F. Rosbt rgh ; Treas., ',J, N: .Hooper; Committee of ?danagement. i.) Johns, G. Satinwell; J', Banton, Jas, Izitohing, C. Senior,.:.' • •CLOTTON, May 1G;1578. ' At the, last • meeting off" Maple Leaf Lodge,•No: 357, L 0. U. 'i`:, Blyth; the follewhig ofiloers wero 'elected, for the ensuing.teem, vizi—Ci. 'V. Foody; `.C..; Bella Bain, W. V. T.;. M. Steitihofi', Mary :2d oTavish, VV, ,S'. ; W. Pollock, NV. V. i .;. IL Somers, \V. M ; Martha. Rogerson, W. 1,. t.-1-.; W. Blair, \V: 0. G, • II: McQuarrie, W. 0:•;Belli Moore' N. D1. 1V Janet lion, W. R: i1. S. ; Macy McQuarrie, W. L. II, `SS. A fear!'t1 tornutlo't)assed over•Uelltra-' lie, ,on Wednesday, swoopingg, things gercratlly. The Clonrolereihl 1:CQtel,, in course of erection, was ,}down down, snaking a fearful Srtmas h. • The parties working at it barely eScaped•witli their lives. It is a bed. job for Mr, Baker, the contractor, who hie ;ill lila wort€ to, (61(4),4'overt again besides the exp penSe of t a oltettii tteri 1. Friday evening', Mr.1..44eri et, of: the let coni. Morris, mot with a .Balli-. ful eeeitl'ent. Mr.. Forrest had taken• Mathis teorn to Wafer,: elle, they, 'twine exceedingly restivii ' The animal lie led, bounding forward; drew hitn out of his seat on to the horse's nook, fr•oilt whence he was thrown, to this ground,, the animal jumping over • him. One foot, st'ruek his upturned face breaking the, bones of the noso• said selton9ly in- juring tho cheek and eye:; . • • On Tuesday Mr. It, ;Winter, cattle dealer, Soafortll, shipped for the Eno; lisp market a car load of as fine stock as "ever left that station. `The following are the, weights and.ptices of some of the` best ; Five steers front T. .f gown,. \Vawtmoslr, weighing 5,950 pounds, at 41 cents per pound ; one steer 'fermi A. Monteith, Tucker:Stnith, weighing 1,300 pounds; at $50 ; one°buil from. J: Thomp- son, Tuckorsmith, weighing 1,700 poirnrls, at 3 cents; ,fuer steers from B,,. Wright fullett at :250; one heifer from S. . Saunders, Mullett, weighing. 1,300 pounds, at 41 emits. All these animals are destained for langland. • Be- sides these theire were in the car eight very fine cattle, for the Canadian mar- ket, which had been purchased' at an average price ofb$38 )er head. r • i TIfif3 .JACKSO T; .rF 7'YF„r»•,.ryu r • ... ..,iqu .. ,..-u..,a +w "'m.kr d'r 4^, t'4.,•.tr . ASSICK & CONNINGHAME Take pleasure iu informing the public generally, that they,have.401 hand and will keep 'fel' one month, a « LI•.RC•E ASSORTMENT OF. FLOWER- PLANTS, Which they will Stijl at tx;,F;I EN Fit/ CSE' I Ric ES, and ate/ idant ;int in'stuck can. be had byurdotipr one day in advance;.L artiesj WI it11NG HANGING' BASKETS FILLED, will. please leave their orders as soon as passible, as'the,yy will have it better Varicty'oi paints to choose frontt at the firs!, of lit keened. ON ACCOUNT ()li' TI1141 EARLY ,SPICING . rH13Y WELL Receive Oyite° rs on Friday and Saturdays only, .14hitil the Isl *)f May, after which the Storo will be rerfitted for the Seamier' Trade, A: FRESH LOT OF OANN• D GOODS JUST RECEIVED?. Akio . u BRANDS or CONititt,liltlNAiYYc -.. ----000----- . -000_...- 'raun or AilN lg. D N 3 S. S S Sit T1 1 . CELERft..1ED: VANiT'Y .l ASR, TOA Q I3Y..1'AGRA,GOOR 'BMW. PINI' CIGARS WITOLtelALE AND,, RETAIL n. : '" OVER Ol`TE t3:U11bit ED DIFFERENT STYLES OF -tee. eel. PIPES, eV EIICEI Telty A11.1' SELLING AT COST. rFe% , , 10E. CREAM and SOPA WATER.. Remember that anything , 6t f ont their store can be returned:, ic" not as rrepresestted. x SEASON. 2 GRASSICEE .fC atIls1XINGRAIdit Clinton, April, 1878. • •