HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-05-16, Page 6THE OLINTO' NEW ERA. 1VIA11 XU, 1878. Tx><t 1415 CIC ntolt4J.lST, 4.4,44.44 '" when Adam delved and i ve span, Wit° was thou •the penmen ?' t$'ome people have concluded .that, since there wee a periodin the history of the world. when every person was al. Post, or altogether, equip in rank, or at leafit had very few marked different els or characteristics but what were com- mon property, that this is the natural • condition 'of -maul arrcl,-being-naturel';' is ......nonselpieil.tlu.nios,L1Lgreeable:and pleas• ing.; and, alsor that it would badesirable to renew or again inaugurate soma such' order of things. We suppose. what they „mean is that they vouldlike to �. r ext hem r'bt ti n f o w �• se - •d t e st re, . i$ 1 l .o o p p, ya they, without exertion, would obtain a share amongst the rest. This would be the lazy man's Eden. Whether or not. his primitive state of ".simplicity., is. so desirable, Maty be, in a measure; ¢leaned 'from tlil" ie -rimes of `the early pin,. neers of. this votary, who lt-vedin the' most unpretentious :and lioniclg way.. Now, 014 conclusion di a wri,,, ttotll the narration . of their experience3 of tliese early idles he that they endured pi- 13idles- hardships ,unto ld: ILwe are toclteva them, they lived a ife of great and varied self denial, without many of the co'inforts; and even noes - odes of life ; they pointkick to that time to showy us how highly favored we. are to what they were ret that tithe. They may strive to impress the traits of frugality, industry and sobriety of: those early times on the rising genera- tiou, who are prone•toslih:t what they' by sad experieuoeva>snie highly,' but think they world not 'like to prolong: that early, primitive order of things. If we adopt. th-e epiourf°an doctrine 1 tT "-That self . ilial. is the f;i•eiftest source •of happiness," .then we might conclnde they were happy in very remote tiwes, but othorwiso it, is difiqult:to 'believe they were, • if, therefore; we ]rave more enjoyments and pleasures than•' people had in earliertine, it Must arise.•from' the accumulation and ae,quisition:of pro porty or capital of variouskinds:. Sincp• this.is the case, it appears of, the utmost . importtince that the habits which tend: to encourage' these results should ,b9 • carefully cultivated and encouraged in - youth.: .It is the opinion of.tbose who, • think Most 'seriousiyr (other opinions. are of no value) that no community can be enriched but by labor,: frugality and such like virtues. No act of par••- lianient—no aseeciations-. not even • a silver basis -or the manufacture of !hili' plasters—or any other.00ntrivance, can create anything' but.a, fictitious value. Nations or individuals. may repud}ate take advantage of an. insolvent net, or by .some questionable means over -reach .-- ;;',A' YA • his". -4e t=mreaiin�r-saeattiir 4 t•3-Y1:s2, � O e s it is only transferring, it,` and in anille- gal manner too, .. Thit,,howvever; •1s.as.a • knife that cuts Both wsys;• and the 'Vic- for of to -day may be the• vaiiquisheld of, to -morrow, besides public faith and.np=' rightness isthe backbone of commerce and national p"rospeiity.; without moral, .principle or some high and noble motive no nation can long,,. fiourish, and al- though it is moat conspiceous and •bo coming in nations, .it is conducive ina high: degree to theeach-Mem- ber state il 'teach - oe- ber composing it should' cultivate' such ennobling principles. • vantage, as long as he does, so in eon- t'ornlity to established law,custotn or good order, Bat, this leads us to the. comdiderntiotl of. what constitute') free drl:of action wild good fellowship, and. as this is a point on which the unthink- ing and unlearned often stttmble, per- haps it wilLbe profitable to carefully examine the matter, '.:ur proximiity to the Republic explains in a certain way the existence of many erroneous views propounded in baste and pinked upp at random- '•-There IS that they !fever tire in proclaiming, viz :. that '' all men are free and equal." No -doubt, ina limited 'sense, t is true ; all men are free to breat a to think, (140,, -.to i whatever -is fo r tile],. pleasure or.advantage, as long (but ne longer) 'as they -do not do so to the in jur'y,oe-discomfort of..bny..,one else, At this point,• however, our choice 18 limit- ed by law. as well as often by_ good, man net's, and whenever our freedotn conchs in collision it is 'plain someone's free; dom must be limited and disorder en - Eine. Now the poet Pope says, - All combinationsexcept such as are purely philanthropic, should be discoun- tenanced, or frowned down as\public enemies ; their object is manifestly seq- tionffi and must 'he oppressive in Settle part of the body politic. If. Iabor re- bels against capital we will find labor ruling, and would labor. inako .a bettor ruler than capital, or in other' words, would we prefer rulers coarse and bru- tal or refined and polite -=-capital iii'• duces ease and refinement: ' These com- binations in the 'United Suttee an (1 Russia 'are apparently likely to be• a soureee much dsuger in the future. They:may go under the name of LaborTThions, Gem, mutiists, Nihilists, or Modified farms' of the titles, but still the same element is 1n comihotion ; avarice, want, indolence, prodigality and molt like eldments are inarms against order, security., stability, refinement, and all that is sacred in the. oyes and hearts of civilized organisa- tions, for the protection and culture of such blessings as all right thinking peo- ple cherish. We can see .an; illustra- tion of the animus that; prompts and the spirit that directs such actions .155 were applauded and perpetrated by the rioters of Pittsburg and other; places in the States lately, the communist Of Paris in 187T,. and lately in Russia, In England these results aro ,milder,but stillinjurious to all parties :concerned therein, and the .country at large is in. tome measure inlueneed thereby. All the dlfieren t members of society in every country hai►e individually some capital of one kind or another, some have phy- sical strength, which is capital i;f:•right- ly applied and directed; some have skill in some 'particular line of business some knowledge of sotao useful lint which is saleable, as the knowlecl•>~e of law, medicine, divinity, &c.. Some, again, own houses, seine own 'lands, othera money, some merchandise, •&e. Now each of these various interests re- quite protection for their proper level• opmetxt, one interest must not rise at the expense of another's downfall, the conflicting interests, must be iiieely balanced so as riot to bo Unduly favored. Each individual in ' a =it lieos s p essed -of• the freedom to invest or dispose of his capital, whatever' it is, to'the 'rest ai l- • Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, &o Ss FOWLER. • Desiree to return'. . his sincere thanks tit his numereue frienda and oustO- mere,forthalibel- alshare ofPatron. agotbatbehasre. oeivedwhaleoarry. tug onbueineepin Olinton,endhOpes by d suint atten- tion 60 business, and tieing every •efo to...neet.tho., wants of Ids many frieuda,-to coati - tie to retain their patronage: Se would also take tills opportunity of eOting that he bas takon'hta arm into partnership, and that the busi- ness will be oondneted in future nndor the sty le Of 8 .1MlaaFs st... ff..--1th 111111 fib ks+sp st:t hen& s Watche()looks' Jewelle . S ootftoles _, , rYa l' , • A- ll-o il a rtloles in- their ln e '911 kinds'of Pipes Repaired and Mounted. Repairing, cleaning, Bfo.,. done ort short potion, in: a workmanlike nionnet, avia ,orl reasonable toms, -= ` 1,1117at tSTlurb t ,.•i OR7 fr`e71::'rP111; MUM'.".., Clinton, 1)eq;, fi, . ""order is Heaven's Bret law, and this oonfessod, . Sens are and must be greater than the rest:, in the lower animal creation we have degrees of excellence; why, then, should. We, not, have degrees of excellence in the higher elasses.,of cre.,tion, for 'in- stance in, the hnivan species. 'We 'yowe-: :times see cattle of the °Batrs sr ein'scl1- ing for thirty thousand dollars,' whete>as we. gen' buy lots of•common cattleat tbe•rate of.thirty dollars.; one of these kiinds-mnst be More :t•xoellent, siire1y' But to illustrate tliifl':I'anl<oo delusion, leguy..i.t ..i1' - . a le t o o au anecdote �vliiell has 1 point, oi'lie'r adn,ns the late: Two', ycting,(`tl1•tyi•tlis who halal. Xtewly re -.I turned. ha)uie,f>ostl ;,ojunruieg in. Uncle'' S•ltil • 1) 11 i11ii)u And. SI11.0 had hastily: ltllbi'.e"1 e1•L,"Coel lllany. erroneous Views. fr 0114 tact -with'tbe. least': in ley Inca of tlltit class of our ll.epnblicatr. neighbots who no the haw ,•;wvhilo.t.hey hold in, •satptowci cv<.nfeilllft; those 'who(10-the thinking, or• at least invert the good Old.'Frenci>;� ln'overb,' "Parley/ pas' et - pellet's. Lien,. and speak twice and bawl thtiec while "they think once:, were in- dulging 1n"frolic, tumusetilelit and some of the dviigs'which ei•o legally. sold in go village" tavern. • One of .the young men' referred. to was relating fill sorts of ridiculous' thing's which he had. seen and 'beard. in •his extended travels, warming by .the ,suliie.t, &c., he eloquent- ly rind, as he thought, logically,: exclili ua- 'ed, _ whilb seated and his`feet• elevated on some ' object •as • high :as his. head, • in true Democratic' style, and with his: •head -leaning well back against the wall, 'a'It is my opinion,. and 'I,ki ow it so, every :man has a : ;per'foot . right- to do hwhatever hed- : n plisses.'" .IF and"comra�lr.e itn `tit vel" was' mean it e promenading the:bar-roorn,;liolding.lirgh carnival • on a monstrous quid:: of ,tobuc co,, Off .hearingab'is remark he suddeuly Cance t0 !,bolt t0 affirm, end1 seh>'_co- reborate this conspicuous .truth, and proelaimed, - "that is even so,; by gad,' •thats_eirao.tly tuy opinion; .•o,::Man has a perfect right to do whatever hethinlis At and ib is' nobody's-businesp,"_ and on oonouding gave the- tobacco anextra scti eeze in his mouth;; and immediately after landed,'rtoatly tid••elevetly; .about a pint of juice into the•.otliei::s face; still reiterating the >,ssertion,, azul: ad:d• •"I btbve. a perfect right to'- spit wherever .I'.d—n ,please," Those tact quite conyincetl of the evil results of these.. and:. kindred opinions• on the • ris- ing generation would , do 'well -'to lead the retnarks' trade by the Rev, John Hall, "Notes of waning. to young and old, .as to their conduct,". a short ex.. tract of whioh .may be seen in :the Lon- •don,' Weekly ;Herald of the: Slid inst.. Dr. Hall is a careful observer, a Judi- cious thinker, and •exirresses himself intelligently and clearly. • ''lis reniaf•k• ought to.earry great weight. .'.The llev, entleman's advice is'in harmony with the teachings of serious;. thinkers.,and well-wishers of the human species. '• A celebrated English 'n'oblemain enjoined upon, his son the following ddvico:' to Do not try to appear a gentlutuan— •try to be Dian." ' here, therefore, is the niattei• in a nutsbell�do not try to rap- pear what you are not --•-otherwise, use . no deception: ' What'effect .migh.t'this, be ,supposed to have on the world in general, 1' it. was inaugurated by pr.to. tied, •nXaiversiilly; the would.ltave few- er insolvents, fewer divoroes, fewer. swinfl ars, &c. In act, otriving to ap- Iiearfrlifforent ie. what facts ,warrant. ifj ;tgo source of half the trouble which overrates ,men in life. , Rut to return tar the !subject of universril equality, in those countries where different •ranks are acknowledged, is ,there not some beautiful examples of noble Worth and g �.00dness, in those countries where"tlle principles are recognized and approved'. of As an illustration, take the higher classes ici Great Britain, Is their ex-, ample not of the.'bighest value as in- centives to goodness and greatness iii ednidering that they are placed sib far above Want' that he nec 'ty exists, for e*ertion, wvo cannot bt�dtnire when we see men • thus circumstanced submit to the most arduous labors, dangers,. the, Flow they do dare, sometimes even seeking re utatihn•'at the cannon's p rnoutlt:, and encountering accidents by flood and field. All like J•oab to" main•, tain their integrity—striving to raise themselves i .v eltia learning and boory accomplishment above the lower n'oo'ses; SO as to render themselves tZeserellrg oIf • 'Tic Uo schist eii+ MounteastAI I L IfS sobs! U13t:fi liL' p1,G1`F1JI,r.Y BEGS. d•0 Ainform the inhabitant -of tJt en and aa,'rounding country that be has tor' eahie • ,• N E W • SAW. "M: I X.' x., ,, ttN,IITIMEST1il.1'1•, - Opposite tile Great Western Station. And Is poplin dto •. • .'. (714./...0g g ofi Shores, .or.:deco i for awli•. he 'hos also.1.t'ff liE11 of al kiuds'on Mind, foe colo. • 111,' I%i:()1U.N.: C`e :`4T]G.E.,.: Curl:row, Jan.'17,,1878: Canada • Company Lands ANCHOR LINE ---xal at-• NEW•..1(QRK & GI.ASGAWRY. RATER "A RFPASBAQFi: To ({las� g"ew, Liverpool, >i ondonderry, or Belfast, Cabin $05 to $tats, gold, to London direct, 255 to $70, aeoording to aceommedettens. Intermediate end 'Stearns. as low. as by any other Bret -cruse line, For ttokete and inter: motion, apply to , G. W, RA.rLTO.,V, 0,1Y.P:, Agenf, Clinton,Jan.11,I$77. i and any other inaaminetory It tttitilt itl•�mI-'l- i•17��-ateeeae oured4Wa few hours, 1LHJJ U Mill.L J tJltri rrrye1pelas, dgrofala, pain- ago, skin irritation, uloerp from any name, and a 'mu - fired other disease ere caused by an acid ferment; which produoos inflammatory action, Brunton'e Ab tOrbent will positively offeae e'Duro in a few beers, by absorbing the aoi$ poietin fri nr•the system. Sold by ig drul• fists. Prion, 50e Advice in particular ogee free W •Y BBUNTON, Ii'oudon Critt. AGENCY. Or:. • Ox7EE.'N z•. I, Ol.Arl''.D`I;ISIf, S • • TN1—, awn "q. •' �, Tt ).A.141'D,• • „ I TS`URA,NLE. COIfP.A.NI ;'S Risks of all doserlptians taken .at the lgwost sites, 'G: 1l.TT,ot1T, Clintoni:Fei:7,1875.• 1[ONE?• TO -LOAN, oN 'E RIE' TERMS,, By which the •prittjai pal: can. be repaid' in part or all at any -.lone dying the cerin Of ,Loan. AI+IDLY. TO W. W. FILRk .AN.' Clinton, it arob..11176.• pp Lisa' OV LANDS I:7 HUROIN i Olt SAIaE BY ,SI IiSCRII311 .FO]; THE:. NEW !ERA,' ., is th'e•Canada. Company may be seen at the office of •'biundorsigned, A IiA:x+E, Clinton, J,,n,17,1871.• T1'FL]EC Scottish. Commercial-.Fire.Insuraoce Co;, OF -GLASGOW. Capital, .:;:: Two liiliontt•.Stirlfu ;` Adsett,, $1,o�0,000, Incouee„,, • s I;U 0,000: PROVINCE air ONTARIO BaANCH. ' Head , Office: - 7 Toronto Street;. TOILONTO '• •'.BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Jonx,'L, Ilttnche Es(. Chairman 'Pr sident Canada Linde('CreditCorppany. . ' e JohrN 8. PLAY$Aln, Esq., of Bryce, blebinrrieh Co.: W aLUM Ar.r:%Arum, .1:ery,..Vice•I'rosident Fedora). Bank of Canada. 7 INSPECTOR --ROBERT McLEAN.' RESIDENT. SECRETARY — L MVrtnnon, RUCHAN:- Deposited witi he. Oovernrhent at Att're's,.for seon- rityof Canadian Pclieyholder!5100,000. '' any -Limo :linin rsiV f`••35iiieirs:Witfieasi. '. osaor annpn,le by fire or lightning, oh merc¢nttle, man- tifeeturing, farm and household risks, at current rates; Policies noi>esned'from and looses settled direetlyby ` the Toronto doles; without tido. • Ali Prc"niinma takeit in. taie,eonntry are invested in Canadian Securities. corn • • RYDouT, AGENT FOR CLINTON Alun • VICINITY, a• Clinton, July 12, 1877: ' MONEY. TO . LOA Na • 05 approved Patin or Town I.roporty,.•for anyterm from ono to twenty years, or repayable at,such pe;iada, either' in inatalanenti or.Othet vice; as Wrap to agreed ttponr' . • The Intoreet, on payment of an tart of the principal., at once cellos on such amount. • If itis arranged to paq'tho• interest :half -yearly, not in advance, the rate, por.aunumcfor the present, will be 8 por cont. net Ioans for- a fixed corm of yens, 8i per cent, it interest Is made 'payable yearly, not in adrnute. •CMIAIiGES MODERATE. ' Ilfortuotpsrend Jrttnee.ii,alilelieatttfres purchased For further irariicatars apply. to - - 0, A. ,1IA8TT, Attanaoy>it:Law: Clinton,Jnly 12,1877. • EO. D •I E- H. UNDERTAKER, 41[71.4.1` 1;1=C E X' V ED', t,. —A iAROn s,or,7t `i71r•— • Caskets, Coffins, Collin' Trimmings, Robes ETC„ ETC. Puttee enierlied with the bto 11 interleaf Iloilte, and at the VERY LOWEST RA'TES.,. r... i s , Boa HEARSE supplleQ enaemb r' he Pla . e— e t ac irTOTOi;rIA Street GEORG' Mgt, Clinton, Sept e, 1877.• )(Jr. Wan. Grays's 1 ocitlts 112ec1ioliie tGT I:iigEEllsh RIIEAemaly is especially ro commended as an unfailing cure for SeminalSVeak- news', Sparivatorr- Itoa, impotency, : and all Outset that follow rte a , i >31lfore Tr,kinre-toque/Ice of et . A.iter 'akin Self. Abase, as Ldsa of Dlomorp, Untverea1Laesitncio,-Iraln In the Back, bimnese of Vigilon,, 3rotnatnte-014 Ago, and many otherdim:mime that load to nifaiiity or 'Conanmp• Soh. and a Premature Gravo; t111 of which as 8 rule aro first canoed by deviating. from •tho path of nature ands overindulgenoo, TheSpeoillemedicineietheroonitof a life stndy'aitd many years of experience in treating these epeeist!' :ltUnitises. Pampplat free by mail,' This S tillabfodici e nota lab 42,!tl it a o y ggi4tnat8l potpaok• ago, or aix ppackages for $5, ar w,111 bo tent by mail off reeetppt of Omalonoy,1)y addrosting'`vi1r, GRAY 4 00, Windsor,Ont. Sold inClintonbyJ',11.Combo,and al{ aruiratggiateevorytvnore, 7'1 IS.J.:J.lI.I-'AN • .1,�.:L OS a, ___THIS Another lot of those justly -celebrated A MERI CAN WHITE,.�R S Sr TOKALQ N SHI R TS� Best fitting goods made. Beautiful range .an COLORED SILKS. 1n Blue, Green Drb,'Black,. "Seal Brown ,and Stone. yery prettygoods. ...he.. celebrated .._arat ed .M4NTREAL WRITE COTTON always kept stock. • Best value ” 1n the T1 ode. NEW REPS 4APFER; . GOUDS to • hand: O E R S patterns. . INSURANCI{; ani la's0ral MONEY LENT ON ,MORTGAGE AT 8 PER •'CENT.. NOW IGAGES-BOUGHT.• *EL NOTES' OF HAND.DISCOUNTED. INTEREST'ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS .b'iret-class )'ire, Life and Accident !new -mice. Companies relrreee>ated. - AosNTs. i• en 'flE'CA''Ani Lint A0SnnANOE COSoPANl. • Capital:marl l'undd. ` 534750.000 Amount of Assurance ' 164412,997' Weekly lneoute 13;000 11i.tes lower than any other .Company in thio country.' y' >,' PASSL`NOtIB AGENCY Fon the.Cunartl and Inman Line' of Steamers, The oldest nnd.most rcliable'•linee croseing theAtlantie. Tickets loaned:it lowest rates, from and to Clinton, toand from GreaUxritaiu. -- 0.P.h7CR oz IICTRoY s7: 01.1-21:70N, � v i t4 i4111Zt!„ N''" BROS. Clinton, April 24, 1878. ' Eao1 ' `Ping of 03,6' . Myrtle :Naimy .I1obaccb y. IS STAi11Pl;;l) J.. Az_ • IN GILT Ii1•:`i"TEIttS. • .ar Noire other is Qenuin • Iiamiltosi, !'area 21,1878. U.ND R TAKING. mini STISSOME1113BOS LEAVE TO STATE 4. to the pagan that he keepu.constantly on hand a large and superior elites of COFFINS, ••• CASKETS, Coin Trimmings and Ytolles, With a splendid HEARSE, PLAIN. CoFkxl t aitvays on hend. Partiescan•btf pnppiled .in one hour, at any time, at 'TEN PER CENT LESS Than ceg ba-proottred`at any other plate. A tall stock o>f FURNITURE Alwaya•on hand. ' • THOS. STEVEN,Sbx1. Cllntom, Alan 1O, 1877. KNOWI3yrendti,nab1 iuiIigena the fnestimnbte ttufba <•Arc=' tamed in the best-nacilr.al • ook ever ia�tlrd, aattitlyd SL+L) PR altrAT1ON, TKYSE- L f>etricboriptti, -11517 ,m It VV a! On receipt of •prlCt�.' 1t treats of 5tfanated Vitality Prlmatt)re Decline, T e ahii:Physicnl Debility, and the endless' �,•' c011 emltAnt 1111 and 'entold Miseries- that remelt lherefram,and contains nioro than 50 original pre. Seri >tioias, alas*ono of 101,108Is%VOrLfl the price of - the book. Tltis' book .traswrittenbylltomcstex. trn<,'vc Mid probahlytlib molt diitful iiraelitloner in Amex Ica, l oWhom wvaft atvarcirtl a ;told and jcty rlk•d hire'!' by the National7Tedteal AeitoclatIon. A I'senliihact, illnRtratctl with tlto, very illies1 Itrr•t11lnpravin s--1tlnar. sir art enc# beatify-. • ' vol C i y at at 1'+tx;E to aU. Send far it at ranee. Addrose • - PT .tr;013v MI DIC'AL I�" L'1'Cl'1`i:, Ivor i21ttl.THySELF b.t• It 8 . iluston, :class CORSETS, TIES • HOSIERY,• GLOVES RIBBONS, COLLAR .. and 'CUFFS, FS FRILLINGS HANDKER- CHIEFS, CHIEFS OOSSAMERS NETS, QQ,,,,c • - A Big Stock. t0 ;... M Two Good:Coat Makers akers •wanted nintredlately.. OPPOSITE: Tilt POST OFFICE; GIIICULTURAL WORKS. Clinaa t Double . Cyl'inder... Threshing . Machines, Combination ,and. Vibrator Threshing Mahines Aii& all kinds of AQRIERI34RUit4L IMPLEMENTS always on hand, To meet the large and, increasing demand for out celebrated 'Threshing Machines, - from all parts of the. Dominion, we have; by the introduction of the latest and most approved machinery inter our works, greatly increased our manufacturing facilities, Weare therefor. in a position to fill all orders promptly.• • Svery Machine is run andithoronghly tested before leaving the shop, and warranted ,to `give 'entire s tisfaction, y • Oir Before ordering elsewhere send for Cr culars zinc!.• �•Poaiers. Order earl -GLA.SGC W, l4CA.CPFlERS0N es 00,, CtxNscoN.,, 1111-1001;01.8T WILLIAAINANUFAC 1111110:11-,:,.• OF ST'R'A:TFORD, n. •INdO PORATED 1- r .. R; .874. Buecesaofis to aoWilittlma, oYMitohell, Agt. i. �..:..ultur c � n, In �:� e Works az g O ks RoB1t T'1x0MSON kilasit)ENT; A. R. Vi?ILLI�GElt2S, VIDE-1'is>a.; ALEX. N',.. Ec.•Tates. J. BEDFORD, W. AIOWAx, J. CORCOl2RAN, W, 1IARSHALI.. MANUFACTURERS OF Johnston hamsters, Sin le Reapers, Mowers and Combined Machines, p Broadcast Seeders, Seed Drills, Horse Powers Sawing. Ntaohines, Grain Oritehera, Strawy Cutters, Plows, Gang—Plow/Om.. • Builders .:ofSteam En ine . l sand • oz � leis all -sizes, 1 su<`Let`J9 WATER, tIiICL AN1J ALL I RDSonlAoIIINEIM Contractors for rest and Saw Milts complete, .Also for Water r 1ark a for cities, towns s ant } villagej, I / ,S`Js1em, >�' Cheese b•actor✓vntaa,merJ 7x tpecattlGy. MUM , THOM8O11 C !AMMO IIANG'PAG'itaniq UOI,, STEATITE), Yob.: 9, 1 VGA