The Clinton New Era, 1878-05-16, Page 4• NEW ADVBRTISEMUNT , Spring --T, Jaclesoe. Clething-S. Creech. By -Law -J. A: Nteles .To Hand -J. 0, Gilroy. Auctioneer -1. Lane, Stoie for Se1e-I-1. 1140, Railavey-eao Change--tewin Seteudrett. Lot for SoleTeeers. Pieldhottee. Court of Revision -J. 'A, Nelles, THE CLINTON NEW ERA. seen why so much bitternesa was. Mani- fested against him. It is gratifying, however, to find that there are sonic Conservatives who are sufficiently hula - pendent to act Its their conscienee die- tate s,. A TIIIIKATENED, INVASION. • - C1111100 %if 40.11AY'o_XSAY linty Do'stnu. tom ilook . Store of Arossro. an% A. 80 4. A, 'Alla!' . Albert Street. .Prtoo ionto pet («ivy. _ Cantu OFFICIAL PAPER OF TEE COUNTY- • . . THUI1SDAYMAY 1878. THE siTtLATI70;41N QUAnEV, Although the elections. aro ever, we know who the perties- are that aro rotin•ned, there is still some doubt as to the strength . of. the . Cloverrunent, .01 whether they will begthle even to con 17 mewl a 106M-4; so AS • to. retein... the reins of ger eminteitt. 1421.9t \Nrodned4y. Sir .1 ()hit A. e I MI kit,a ;dent:reel, when woolens. of the seppertere • of the, 1)o Dotte'ler tilde adreiniStratien • Was held, lint n4..d more: than tWent.y.si:k coultl. it.rittiteye.d ipt•onounced portal's of his, who 'were either preSent, or'sent in. ,letters uf adherence.' Evert if wo take the Opposition estimate of their. strength \\*() find that 60- have no confidence wLatever in being .able, to defee..t.the «Icily Government, a's will be seen by..tho following -extract from the Montreal correspoudence ;the The policy of tho Opposition ie.t.o se- cure the views .of the Government, lutve a short session; and then' adjourn tinti,1 January. In the interval. several seats will be regained. Montmoyeney,. Iti- monski, Miseisquoie Montreal West, Kemouraska, end some- other constitte- encies which are safe for the . Conseeva- tives on a new eleetione are .to• be' con- tested; entieeren_etheAteense freeeetsei January there will be a Conservative majority of ten' or twelve. • This is tantamount to an admisSion that on the meeting of tbe House. on the 4th of June, the GOverument will possess a majmity and be 'able to carry' on the affairs of.theprovince. eleliat the opposieion will bo able in eight or ten mouths from this to regain a eniejority is an assertionethat. is no more to be fulfilled then the' boast,. made .4o - fere the' late l`teetiOnS, thAt th6lttto - Wt./lila be eupported'hy an aver: • whelming IMO ority, and that the f,ient-. I :o•urnor woula lkaNe to take thetn back.. Seneetional reports, concerning 11: teroplated inytesion in Canecla by the- Pettians, are daily beieg flaelied tteross the eelegrapli wires from the neighboring Republic, end Wino of the American. . newspepers, „ eVer-eem---ehe alet•e foe anything that will .creatt, an excitement; write- up ,the reperts.. in a se istitional• nneer, othei.s eeoet the idea. .0e, reonstroesly, nenseesical. The eeeeets bear the. evidence of false- hbod on their fiteo, for it is Stated that .G'ene O'Neill Will take coinmand of one Tortion of the ' invading aerie. wheietas this' poraon has beee deed nearly a year. While We haveem fe,ers wbetever of a ptesent invasion, 1 we believe Soule of the.illiterate people , of . the tfaiied Stnfea WoUld 1.;e foolish enettbit to at,. tempt such in the event of wet: between Ihiglend and' Ruesitt ; but •it:;wettlti be tbe :Most- foolish .stop they ever. took, ftir Catutaditois, ever willing 'tO .arinsin tit en• it try's defence, tveula give them stieli 'It reception that atioat of them would never i•eturn'to the St It(' alivo." MONEY Now, many will eay, what a question to ask; who is, there that has arrived at years of diseretion that doee not know whet money is ? And, yet, when eve hear the aSSeli1011 SO often made, wben speak - ingot' the eabject of protectioe, that the' mone „goes out of the eounte *0 tIterefere, so Much ipso, end others whet talk abeut petting money .% Olivet:dation; _ • we meteor how it is spent, whether in a reproductive way or for. objects that aee destroyed in the using, we dannot but ehipk" there are many who do net eely knew what money is. Such people look upon money- as possessing.sowp t.Fir..mte valuerwhieh-will no1". be-Tditniiiished et eestioyed, no matter how many halide it Mee pass thrOugh. There are others that look Upon meney as capital, and not What it really hi, it doe Nil, enthe repeesei i t a tive .of...citpetege Money, 110 matfee What ehape it is, whether it paper, gold, eilver, eopptee nickel, 'le tuerely ' peomiso to pet forte eeime seeviee to the eeeeiveie or give some pro dect ef Itibor fiie it .on. demand -Tele feet, a Incensed fapiliteting tetreer .aineng. ntankind. To iperease the rputneity a'epttey.ii SSy country, without a corresponding it crease the corn nioditities or product 6 ship eften°, worth about twenty.,0entri, but it would'be. no tteci to attempt the busiuees at present, • The Grange sOeiety might do a good servieo by taking hold of the butterques, teen. They O011iti combine end send. alt of their good butter t� feign market, enel.etetveee.egeeLeeteeeei ter wOuld then Only. be :bought at HS grease Value*, *It& would soon: cense the 'makers of it,eitl,ler to give up mak- ing'or meke a geed quality, EDITPRIALI NC,)17.a.: 'Ts )1FAV �f' the approaching elect ions, Conserttative editors are commeroing ter wip&thedect from flag and rooster eats, Put thotn back, friends, .they won't be required. • PAOROGATION, The following was the °toeing epeeelt of Lord Dulferin, delivered on the. occa- sion of the prorogating of the gonse, on Thursday last t -,-- Hon. Gentketen of the Senate, Gentlemen of 'the Rouse of Gommon4 Xothing coele have given Inc more gratificatiere than -thee: ' with which you." 'have Itenored me on the eve of my deperture, lely interest in Canada shall not cease when say vas- etee Her Majesty's Viceroy shall have terminated,' and am glad to know that you have tekele SO favorable a V1eNv Of my. e.fferti_ to fittingly ...repreisie.n.st.....t ;Meat Gracious Queen in the portant of -Her -Majesty'e eoloniel pos- sessions. now ineleyott Steteeeele ante, etTilikibef lettY find the• fit° tures the manifold •blessiege which I shall-- ever pray, moy lie continually: showered upon you, , KAY 16: 1878. Toronto News. (vroat ear 0/14 COM199nlient.) Daring the past eeek'our city has given many evidences that we are 'rapidly plum- ing into the heat of summer although the weather during the past fete tdeye has been disagreeably cold. Dog oatchers have start- ed out on the war -path, vowing death to all the uuhappy.canine who are caught in their toils, VVetering.carta 'have also commenced • .v uotnination Of, 3..3. Hawkins, in • thigM04,4 ,01!„...1?_.nris',E:crib.itio,I. Conseretietee leteeeete .Th.e Premier' fete receiveti thejollow- ie even a 'bigger fere° thhrt one of ,j6tevestiDg kttica" from khe Right 'Conservative 1101111)1(31 30)11 in this tottn- ,Hoo. Di• Ly 011 111.3rftkit :-- • • •• • IttratTrOlrthrinreete. rite lever of -Me strawberry can now obtain that artiele at (30) thirty mute per box. Many flower garclena In the eity already.present a very beautiful appearance. The great CONSFAVATIVE rnocESSION • .« took place on Saturday evening last, vihen tbe-Oonservativesief-theeeity-did OW-UV- itiOtt to welcome the men whom they delight _te.honor,,Sir, 3Ohii and Dr; Tupper. 1.36;- tween 7 and 8 it. en. a pretty large crowd ,. proceeded to the.Niepising statlinto Vhitie they met the two gentlemen, and atsi Placing them in a hack and four, a torch., . „light processioa And several bands escorted ' them through several streets. The erowd was meetly composed of those who. ate a3. much interested in A dog fight lu.1 a temper. one° lecture, but, ,go to both. The iron. clad steamer, • ' .catiocret, fornterly.a.'.biocado steit•nier, and *recently . on the upper lakes,. has been .fitted np at ". great expense, and is liew ono cif the fittest • and laraeat boats softie?, en ourieland we- . , tent. She made her first 'trip odSaturday, with about 000 en boarcl. She is an -ireti- Clad, awl had to he cut in two, iti order to • get herr throtigh the \Vellend Qanal. ' Oil' 't.!Olifiervative lino. "Quite 'likely, pur- 1 cannot refrain fi:eni, eomplimenking you ou preached are going. to fail into the . .. • . ,. ..... . . . .. . ,..... • . .. . . 4 SEamoN" ()entre II viron, of \. d38 inspects, the Industrial Deuertment Senday.evemng }net the 1.tevi Mactionnell . . ' the admirable...position. -Which Cankla has to • ..,. , 11(0 ken in the rochibitioh. l.t.',_is the duly 1..'olony. es; ',,..; e. i , "e • • . . 01 91 i. WittraLthe,Conacranatives profess to greatly. • ' • • when they se lts_er ernount-ex Advocates of 'protection are pleased than imports, imadiaing that by such a XL , cotmtry, wouldnet be a 'bone- fieer bleSsing,l.mt the reverae, for -it would. Should an invasion take place, ,of which disarrange prices aid fixed incomes an there is little'llitelibood, the invaders ellonld be shot down withont nibrcy, 111 3111)'. 31011,) ins with •ettch clatrieters is be Aro Men Wile come „into a come free armed. mid bent en- pilte inal• des- truction, al* not the "Meg' to listen to reason, tincl coercive Meastires, such. as shot and bity0110., 41176 recitlit'Od. to 4hOW erder and Peace will be maintained. , Ceders have been issned to several v 01 un t cert.; :Wee i ; them- selves•ia readinees for; immeditete ser- viceearatuanition lets been screed out and _every precaution taken to he ready fo meet the inbuders. • A ruiner is eur- 'rent that. IVIOnteeal is to be the seene 'of an invaSion on 'the 1 2,611 Ittly, and also that .while troops' are assembled- process we ale beeominiCrieher, •when . • . in reality We are becomitter poorer, or -tat unsettle tints whole besinese of the conn- . . • • . , try„ The _mete wealth. of a cotintry is laboe, alai the product of Jabot', and ca- pital is the ticcumulatiOn of the 'prodnet ,01.that, labor, The idea, that tha,for- enaeion ot. a company and :power given them to issue bilis is one,avaY of gnat- ing ettpitO1,..or Oren: if the some thing is .done by 0S tttier ,00nSenfig ; the bills tut i.Cally Valiteicse, 11 18 enly the 1° 01)1150 bear' :that gives them.value,'Mill then;. only. when that promise is made by « a pttrty who is 1.1u1Ei and Will make geed the premise• ty, which is sayieg a great deal. • Tele' Lond on :Free Press thinks 'that, among 'other constituencieS, Seta and (Ifratice) April 20, 187$. My Dear Air Mrickenzie,-e- I have eome ever here to make a preliini• bar, inspection of the Exhibition,,in my ea - pack). of (fhairman of the Finance Committed of the .113yal Commissit 11, before- the P.iince there, rents Will be made at other points -onetheeteaute. day, eleit.. the, -artilieti-es- ,, place 'be reliance,on tip reports. A cm:tux To ewe • The session of Parliament which' dos' ed last week has been prolific of seams which can oily be charactevized graceful, and while each party lays the 7- matter upon the ether's shoulders, it exiquires very little penetration to spew where the blame really rests. On the last occasion of such scenea, My: D. A. Smith, the member for Selkirkewas de fending himself against 'sane imputa- tions cast upon him hy the leader Of the Opposition, when he was ft:equentlyeek. terrupted and contradicted by Dr. per, ani the Manner of the latter woe such as to bring forth the expression from Mr. Smith, that "Sir ',Sohn. A. was the biggest scoundrel the eounti7," :Ind this interchange of complithenti led to such choice expressieps ds, "coward, scoundrel, liar," te.c., being flung 'at each other, Sir John taking part in it.' •or a few moments the. scene With. one of the wildest eeciteniera, and it Wa9 fore ed it would come to blows. noch.ester, a Conservative M. P., plainly inthrtat. ing his willingness to " take a, hand in it." The Miele occurred just 'as the members were -Amite() Prodeed to the Selig° Chamber -to hear the prorogation address, and the '1181101-.0f the Meek Rod wil4 hardly Ale to dischtirge his duties, owing to the turbulent male. ' Ths Speaker gave the owlet- to arrest ROM Of t,110 members, bet the confusion was so general that the order could not; be carried out. „ , • As Smith was a supporta' oi AN•10 government previous to ite defeat,. lat.t refused to follow his leader through the Pacific Seandal mire, it wilt easily be ovnit ANXIETY, Purl iathent .itf no Sooner Peorogeed, and a reviewsof its feansaeteons recorded, then the Oensereative pre.es, as with- oee aceord, vise up •in, their dignity,. and cry enithepause Mr. efeckeitzie has not beformed the piiblie when. the general eleediene ere to be . They maintain' that this Wei tieetter of vical,impertanee to tee people at laege, mid °,18 Should not haviebeen left " a vague un- certainty," only to be revealed at •the svhim or caprice' of "Arr. • eilackenzie. Tliey also deelareethab the lieforine' rs are -" cooking and .stuffing" the 'Voter's lists, to the detrenent of Conservatives. We opine it is net, in. thepablic in- terest." that these paitive 'wish the niattee of the elections...to bo made knoWit, but nierety that they may fay their own plans accordingly; Mr. Mae- kenzie, as bittuager of public aliens, will leC the. public knew when the elections will be audit lie thought it was in their interest to be made known. at present, ib would certainly -rue en advan- tage to hituself:to comply with theft. de.' sires. No matter whothee the eleetions come SO011er Or later, after they are over, wo aro inclined to think it will beibuncl they were toe, soon, fey .tho Conserve - If they sincerely believe their party will bc restored to power, in ,con- quence of good memo, the lapse of a lit- tle titne mill only more fully confirm the pub%) in their view. Put we aro •tie the opinion the present administre- tion ia poptilar to -day its when first returned, the majority of the electors seeing that their course has beext in -keeping With the best ilitereste of the country, and 'also knowing that the charges of incapacity and corruption. ineitteigainsb them are entirely grotind. less. With referenee to tho Vote's lists, teiZeteeis little probabiliey of the Itefoetners getting the start of their. op, ponents, and, indeed, if they did it would ba the faith of tho latter, as each party have the privilege of.appeal against any irregularities iit the list. Mr. It §tephenson, has been re -nominated by the Conservatives of Tient, 'tieniarly- the fieetro reline-, that win be ready for the-rrince s inspoution •I . in ow , lee 8, taking the seventh common( unnt es Ins text, together 'with ott Niondey neit. The TtoPhY, winch iS 114' the interpretation, put upon it Matthew • • mirablo, cannot he completed for ten days Yetl • Tut 'Montreal '50.w (moderato bat thiseis no fault et your agents, 3,(4 ,f the \ • 28. 134fore eomffielleinll his. discourse eeevative) tells -the teeth- ie the fellow Yreact.), wtio have not Yet eomeleted. the'. he idainlY stated' that there wore any • , • who had come tothe church thet evening building ie wilich it is. The genertikspace r(iltY or. fin, it whs. his 'desire „that: hie, Sentence given to the Dominion is 114111h-44 Advanced, for. ffi, , and filled With specimens 01185'! materials aud 'they shoeitfl6ave atIonere... Ra treated the • The leador Of theparty now in power- . , in )(either and tweeds esp1cial:y 1 had 110 11(011 „tenderness ancreaxnestnesN appealing verY': manufactures, WI)1011 have:fairly surprisecime, subject plainly and boldly, but with ,great in18 si:n. Of the' iiityruittide of the Pa- . that Canada 'was- so far advanced. • your exhibition will do fetich honor to the Domini, on, end I have no' douht, ezutribute to its material prosperity. You lia've chosen your .bringing this subject. before 'a mixed con. have procured .a alumina: of pamphlets .gregation.; but ho said there' was great ,eific Settedal: to answee fer., affectioeately to every' feeling of man's bet- ternature to support the Sacredness of•the marriage tie. 110 declared that he was:well ' • any rate the • holders of..less ttctual. wealth. When. gold iS lirtirtgliteinto the country, instead of some other commo- 'day. of actual use ler inan's stistenunee or comfort, itt payment' of ,the ekeess of exportatXon over intporta.tion, it is only for the pinpose of holding it till we can exeliange it to better advantage foe thes conneodities• 'some future time: If that•exchange cenld not be made ttt; any Montent the hintortetioa of gold would be detriinental to a c6tnatry, for, although gold is the product of labor, it is really ofno intrinsic; Tale°, no ,inerettient by any possibility being derived froin ibs possession, . It is merely a den; bill for geeviee teudered, , a very costly one, true, but not one atotn. hotter for use than& premise to- pay issued by a don- •stithtional government. •Clovernineht itione should have. the power oe issuing bills, for then all ita inhabitants votild realize, to rt. certain .ex.tent,. an equal benefit front thitt issee, and not as is notv the ease where a body of mete eat multiply theie capital four or five thine .ley the iseue of notes, and then get them. eirculetted theough the .commuitity. by Traduce dealers, •tbutt moans they 'are getting from the community a larger ambuirt- of interest time they ought, or have" a moral right to, besides, the gain that aceruesgthrough the lois and deStrii`ction anoteii. If the gOVISMIIMIt date iElarted. no testhe whale community WoUld enjoy these gains'. , OVTTEIL. . • aware of the tiff-lit:MIT which lay in way of CossintymetV E . can t? aeee re • hereabOtt ts agents well, and 'they have doife their work aeb. piirabIy.. , • • . .0it the " 1:intiereil PolleY," written by brought into. the. pnlpit • more frequently,. need for it, and thonalit. that it should be til visionttry, Political ,econc4inist, lie than it wits° bet with great care and jiid0- ' W... Phipp.S of 'T'oronto, ti, man; ' melte . .., ,, eneut, as he thol4tht it needed the attention Yours sincerely, ; LYON. PrAltdin To the 1:ien. ' Tun (48,1iAT noAT nAun, • 'from' his; position its' a broker, sltotild of the • wisest 'of' our ministers. . He wits THE CA.ITADIAN SIXCI:SSFUT,. • The boat eace at Toronto yesterday, between ljanlun of that eity, and J-Ittis.: ted ef NOW y rk, attracted, meny thou- _ . lietenecl'teAhretighottewitli niar.ked attene have' mere souse time to 'issue stieleeal soneee don. • senselees lucubt•ation. Even the seems to have beeornea thania'in•the city, says. it cannot. a,gree with- all ins pi OPO almost erery day me hear of attempts, sitions. We should think pot. too ninny of which are unhappily success- , . e • • beve made many geinefrom theRefoere ranks, owing to their adeptien of the. Night, and- that paper 'war Tianeeforth eeeeette sand speete, 'leo, he bein his oppon s, and was won by Hine six. boat lengths ahead'of the winning post. The diatance, 2 mile Was roweeein 12 min - fates, the shortest enne on recerd.. Con- eiderableefieeteyeeetetrigeedelteriTs.. a fel. The '• canees ascribed for.the Rep vary SID., D. 1..1C. has made arrabgethents With"the Saturdeili, ille-nlileiti;'-arggictrtfib7feiiiiie:iance preteetioneplatforza;41Myeliave:Also connected with him. At hie firat apPeare tallied severe logs*, many of the intollie &Moe After his .frial, in the Opera' House,. gent 'farmers belonging eo thet petty POLITICAL NOTES. the building was crowded frotntoplo bet- eem, by a erdwd, which the gasstper'Saya .Perceitring that'‚ Proteetion, to , mann- wateeenly equalled by that which greeted e fitelatees"...enelies ' 'additional berdetift te. Henry Ward 'Reacher; , which would . go to Barn:ix-M.'s 'to 500-1110 largest. living . thein, and Oyes:int° ,their determine. Dellemoth, mentioned.in Scripture. Mr. D. grithire. 111, P., hat; been re- bent fret ted by the South 'Wellington Itelf1.6.thCe.vaSeatchard, cnts been te- nominabed in. the Referee interesb for North Middlesex. Ilan. J: 13. Robinson lute been ee- neetiinated,by the Conservatives of West Toronto' for the House of Commons. teen to support Mr. Mackenzie's revenne tariff"policy. —Catharine R Reecher, sister' of Henry WArd- Beecher,' died at Elmite, N. Y., . . 'Atoll; et' the leboritie clites• the on the 12,0 hue; aged 78.. • United States. are ou the verge. ef• star- • Rtimorsetre .eureent that considerable vetion, and' ductile in their hehalf-ave- . .changes will he made in .the, officers ef . echignetde to the pablie. Mime who the House oegoustnons-beeore long. 'The .. , . Clerk, Mr. • Patrick, • and •Seyeral :other' ArterierlY darned $10, 81 2ernid $e5. per . employees will 'probably be stmerttnntle . - week, now only make SI. and .$5, and afed end a more econornietil eitieof the ernien ti and efficient it ie representee that. en the different . system establieheel • • . Col, Walker, of London, is -out 1111 an •• ••. e thotistpuls • We. S. R. IleesitineStratford, heti been nominated Conservative 'candidate -foie the representetion North 'Perth,. in. the Com MODS, tere aro indepen•. leer Ieteee's nomination is !looked who would gladly . de,ntiv111 12( ibeoreul., forthe owe's; t H JohnC of • upon in litany quarters ns a beige joke. do anything to obtain cetereees the meana of sustenance. While this 0011801Tativo enePerhaps ib is but' the blustering Hiber- didate. . state of affairs is pitiable in thex e treme On the return a of Sir John and j) Man froni.Illyth is not the victimLet r. Canadian protectioniets are heartless Tupper, freen Ottawe, they we're media- Bite:11°.Ermaisisieeil: :01:tnmene teet 'eut • • • 11315 number of thole sympathisers. . -(14 gets oht the following neat hits' The Earl `Dufferin and GAM were talking of Si,- Sohn 'Macdonald. "ho its a peliticel Titen," said theeeleael- 4 "Yes," said Gate, " inul there were "• More political tighteuns there last week." Then His Lordship had to be taken home in a cab, and has never been. able to sion a death -warrant since fey laugh- • Grit meets Tory' from Lower Canada. in Area. . "Ilelloettre you folks ten -n - hag of.A the Ministry because they're Woe- 'Conseevative " Couservative 1" replies • L. C., '",-No, because, they're...too eon- foundedly 0011-grabative. Grits goes off, thinking pet haps our focal aro a little tho same way. Salt Register. . Six Lots, situate on Rattenburilterrace, property of late Robt. Callender, on the • att of one, 3". tovrson, /tact. . W Ito lorso5 and canvase for his notee. siastically .receivetl at Torohto, by enehgli to sly that eveeything is pros- perotte over tliere. The 'West. Middlesex Reformers have nominated Mr. G. W. ROSS, 111, P., es East Hultox of their candidete to contest the; i Wine; .at Mee john 'Leckie; reeve of Brussels, freely spoken of the probable centlie date for the House of Columns at. the next eldetfon. -Who his opponent wiltbe is a Mystery, but it is -generally un- derstood he will:have none„ that Rid- • ing always &OS Reform, .The selection 'is 41 good one, rte 11 would be herd te- find it leter num.-800'W ' Our contempoiary is slighely- astray, The losses maintained by most tga the - parties who dm& , in butter 'last year - will not only make them more cautious, but cause a (101/rDelat/0n. en price to the producer. The butter trade ie totally' oat of joint Its barter for .gootis really at tho bottbm ok tho whole diffi- culty.; for it is then taken without re.' formic() to its (peeler, and, therefore, no one is encoutaeed tomall) (toed° There , • 'from way of retnedying the evil except by btiying it for eash, and paying aecoriling to quality. The number of good makers are fewer than some p6op1e would film, gin% they sbarcely making enough for home. consumption. First.elass butter, if enough of it could be got to make it an object to enter into the business to • tag .1-forovi is not It Riding fiir the „ , Muse or uti thommons, anerelore can- not send a member lea from the reed- ing of the paragraph We presume Centre ilitron is meant, aryl 'erste the annonneel ment is somewhat premature. CONSEUVATIVE papers are mourning the approachieg general elections. . , The following_ Reform nominations 'were made on Theriday feu the genet:al elections :-Xent, Hugh McMahon; Q., C., of London'Wellithil, .18.Ir. Edwin Heashey, Reeve of Bettie. • . The only members -of Psi -Cement who aro now in the House, and who were representatives in 1858, are Sir John Mitedonald, end Mess& 13bur11814113 Pope rotn pton), Ay in al; aitd Laegevin. The inembere of lifie•J'oly's,Adminis- teation has's doeided to fennel/cash twerity per cent. of their official saliiries to the Provinee, thus reducing the figure of their honterariem from $3,750 each to $3,000. • . Mr. G. Moffat, late M. P. for Itesti- gotiche, died itt his residence, Dalhousie-, heealise the governmenb do not admit N. B•J on Monday, after a Abort throes. them to their confidence, and jive them ah insight ihto all their private alletire ; but when we read their luctibrations we think they have nothing to complain of, for they profess to know far more about the doings of Refoemers than the Re- formers do themselves*. On Tuesday the Mail said that the Reform members of Parliament; fuel adVised the Govern- ment not to bring on the eleetione early. Viet is newe to us, end no doubt it is to ell Reformers, and, at itny vete, it is oontrary to the advice WO should give if we were asked, for we think the soon- er agony is over tho bettor, for..then thew would be less party rani faetious discussion. Mr, Moffet was in his sixty-eighth year, having been born in Scotland in 1810, and WAS Conservative in politics: Some eurious doenments have been laid before the Govirinnent,which vitiate beyond doubt the feet that certain load- ing engineers and employees of the Pub- lic Works Department on the Canadian Pacific Railway have persistently acted in political opposition to the Govern:. men t. A great outcry has been* retied about the number ot the nnemployee itt tho city or Ottawa. 'Upon direct applies- tioo being made le obtain information with vetoed to thotte thus out of eel ploynient, °sully twenty-seven tones Were returned. The cry wee mainly t1 - 'work of a few- polititeal agile tots, who 'Sought to make, party capital against the Government. , Clinton, on the 1411t inst., the wife of Mr, A. 8, libber, of (58011. Mooite.-In Stratford, on the 13th inst.,' tbe wife of Mr. A. Moore, of twins-- • 01e. mARitieD.. „ atnexesex,_...twometh,it.t. thaexesalenetof the belle's father, Hiram Campbell, 'Esq., Wawanosh, oh the '76. inst., by the nett, Geo. Clark, eir. le M. Rogerson, of the firm of Rogerson Trewitt,. 'Myth, to Arise Alberta, AdAy • DIED Cootz,--In Goderich TownihiP,on 1110 leth inst., /idiot S. son of Aft, Davie Cook aged, 8 years.