HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-05-16, Page 2THE CLINTONNEW ERA. — . . The iioeeter panareet• . topsail „ i - :. yard 404 wateb .fer the orst 'fallen.dr of a-, breeze.; Arrived on' the ()yore yard, the .gloorn Wati eo intenSe tha„t lode, he •could not see :the waterii, bel'etve el'. theugu he stiii gesed io do_ ,41rookkul: as it reality or imeginationl, go thought he ;meld detect. the elm- ma; , line of something shooting sronnt-i fits , stern. . • -,_.„_„,„• • hOw- for outslyth;esahripthteololi other , . . ere he coold. let go of the topaail yard to descend, weedd.have oa...,04ed.lxint to fall eli the bun/verse; when •., , course, be would. have, DOW k111. ?..d... .. • ., ; a.a. _ .: IsT. eve.r• befhore,4 Pala tile iitteeter, . i „ I near ti,r. 811.0... 4 ..ar_fe.g.. Per Orrflaneeo 'Ay ! eXeltumea 3,443Or Upton. 'God bleep. lthe t 14.ere,:13.e.1,. luL *di hp% 'nation .has ill many Poles been furnishf 1 • 1 .4 ''' It 1 ea bl, ih IL . e 0 .00r4 o oca .. giniu. ura., 1, soeietiee, or le!ta$04 on ,their obeerva. .a tio.ne,'•andie, therefore, in 4 high degree 1) truetworty, .We• have despatches frem ;. States and one Territory, sent in N' , . . . . ., ,. . , 0 0. 0 v.rn!„ Q.;kigep,$ ..ftpr .13cit, pOt. of ten 710 in eing e a ea. ir ter.e pen en, s 0 almost- with.out exception" send 'go -61:i t :, news, The ticist,weett-.--n~tinfiM 30. I'M ta ruined man, ate i sign elverythieg ia go4e. at last I , • otbmg tO *thew 'ter the trouble and toil .0.t•the Weary vearsthat are past$, :ougee :tea lands And money and all,29 Have taken wings and fled, bie. very Teeming" 1 algae(); away The roof from over our head. . , 01400141A care for myself, Kate $ . .ehip,s fizrused-te-thiovorld!e•rough-ways, fe dug and delved, and plodded. along Through SU My •Manboed days.; at, 1 think of you and the children, And it almost hreetue my heert, , or I thought so surely to give my bop And girls o splendid otort. . . onianY years. on the ladder Ikhought I was getting eo near the ;Pop-- • , , Inly a .feWyears' longer, and then • •I• fondly expeeted tci stop, • .nd. put the boys in good. places, 1Cate, Witnan easier life ahead, : •• . ;at now I must Alva the prospect up p .. .. , That :comforting thought is dead, • . 'I'm worth more than nay .gold," eh, Ketel, . ... _ You're good to haat at it eo, K , ••, Int a.man isn't worth very meth, ate, . When his hair hitt:truing to enoW; • ly per little ,girls, with their sea white. And innocent eyes' of 'blue,. ' .., Diana, .arned adrift in the add and Iteaitlees.world, What can and .vvhat will we do? • ' An hottest failure?" indeed it was, , Dollar for dollar paid . • ' knd never a prediter euffered, what'er Hard,. unfeeling.people have said. • 3eiter are rep elle a eenoolonce clear . ., '. . Than a iiiilace and iltishes of•Shanie ;. • . )no thing I sliallleave: to iny children,.Kalei And that is an honest name. ' . , ' .. .. , ffhtft's that? (`,The boys aro not troubled a They. are ready now to. begio ; •,,''bit." knd gam us anothtv fortline, and wdrk-: And toil through thick and thin,. . • rinoneble feileiyal-,alriedy„14eel : • ei•ha-een't :fto inaeh.to.bear,: 7• . • ., • 2 ' rheir courage has lightened my lieavy load • • Of, misery aud (impair. . : ' ' : .. ' 1' And. the girls are se *glad it was.honest ?. . • They'd Tether not .dress eo, fine, • • rhan think. they did it with money. That Wasn't honealy edge. . • • : • l'heY're reatly to show what..they're,made,ef, quick to earn as.well as to save ?' . • My blessed, goodlittle.daughterS, • So generous and se brave 1 ., . . .. find you think, , We needn't fret,' Kate! While we .have each other left,- No matter of w.bat poss,eisiene our lives, Have been bY thia stroke bereft ?• • .' . You are right, Kate; with .a quiet cOn4cienee,, And a wife so good and titni . , • .. . i'll put my hand to the plough' again, • . ...:. GAnd I; know that•nee,Wili pull through., ... ,. gratourdestmlitTrW.geo, viiv moon parting, the:clouds, a flood of 417 very light wae.,poured dewn on Ilya ship and water, revealing a sight that ailed the young Man With .horter.--.4 scene s0 sudden and unexpected that his ,heart seemed to stand, 'still', - . . " ' ' While:- he was -aloft Bell .I.Ipton had , 00roe out on the. quarter-deok, and now stood with .ber ba.ck .to the • rail,". about two feet from it, her head ., in deep thought, so that.: hbeQr wrii,edeuatsif.tilfl white .face 4.5rie like pp.4ehed ivory in the:bright in. o, °alight. . There, uoseen, unheard by the young •girl, n Ilindoo, -. I „., . , , ed. to the th a long ROO body, naked with . , . • waist, had clambered pp the aide frein. a large canoe containing halra,dozen of hiS eqmpaniona, and. had. .Contrired to glide, serpentIlike, On .the outside 9f ;the ship uhtil he had 'gained a ipOsitior. .dieectly behind her, When-. be , diew' 0 large dirk • which be was new on the . • • t. •. . ... .. : .. .. pOint of phinging ietp the snowy neck of' the 'fair passenteer, that she ritiolit ngw. • • • .. . --7-7- ci. . not giVe. an: alarm. ' . The . lieutenant • clenched' the 'yard • • - • . . . .. 111.0 a v.ise, AS be beheld the:yoirno• ladv7e .7 o .e , peril:- . He. mnet , save her -he wotild .,„. ' eaNe 4e17' 14 tileu°1t;; Yet beW. *" " to b-e.'clotie I-- To 'iris() an alarm Would , . 4.11_0. , 0. .,, , , ... . ....• • : .. ,onty pas en tee. ne.i.i,..s, doom ,•to oeseenct, 110 imater', ,.. • v,v qinct,..ty, by means.ot one. . ow: of•the I). ickstays,'would be no• use; , as • She 'Must perish before -he could reauli. the deck and attempt .to etay the dead.- , , ., ly .haid. . ., . ., ,.. , . . , There was. no4nue to,•lcise. • In Once eeconds the 'dirk , would descentl,• . anti the girl would he, killed at - one streka, so tba t the Murderer's •COi'dpiltl10Off, 'Nyltii.. lied already 'begun to ascend the. Ves-: . eel's' side, ;coold potince-on. the •droWE4 :Male.occtipants of tlie deck,- and slaying. thein, 'Make thetneelves masters Of. Abe •ehip.olnest before .a warning : could, • be • ; . • . , . r,iven. • , . .. •„,.,„ . • Like a, lightning dash,the instinec. of ave Bell Sine hive, the reselution to o . ,, .. •• :way . froth his ire tnediate .attack, 'Sent a sudden thought through the -brain of the agonized specttor. . . Th , , . . 'e Hiiidoo Murderer- in his position - . ' , • I. • • '9 .the ea.t.ei4e of the ebil), .was Ilt#1er. the yard, although ,001.1t. forty .feek.be.. .le* him; whP"he girl; 8iAndin.g. ' two 'feet • from the rail; was , within. . eaSy reach of , the native, hose arra • • I f .• b b Ote e4 on P., .,..:• , YQ!!1-1/1:,1 put 9640ihetilledg r:f hi78:•:•tiautoltet, in those of the' lieutenant,' and turned his head away to. hide a few tears On his tir.eynnz3emt epiaeteekly'" ..noer, . t;47e youp; to, att•• had been bronglit' aboat•d an ofr shore. breeze s.praze op oenabling the captain * ? to head sea -weed, In due time dhe vee: .. • ber•.lumee 'Port, when the sliaLult.eetnahg, who by this -Woe bad ..faily. tecoveted frOM the :eifecte of his • foil, elaitned hie beautiful tnel willing bride. ., . • . .. • i• , . . . . •d .for • t ... 0 the, • a . utb 1 i .YeRrlt. ,. . general..repe 0 , o country in io adeanced a- Condition and ' making such . gratifying premises of I abendantlyield,, An exCeptionally open , t f ' 1.1 • ' e d ' h ' Ws::e,teotritilewplittul7mett early spring,htis i free-) three, to Ay.. e weeks.i.,4tositi„yons.,.. heve been sent and destriietive etorme, ., withheld in most sectiona, and theyeeng blade's and'bude are now c,hie.flypast.the 'danger' of late feeds, of inseet poste,. whose ravages have been se..fotal to (he . .foreer's prosperity in years: past,. few 1 ore ieported to he active this. season, At no Seed tittle for twenty, years have the farmers felt 'so` ho• I eful of e. • : . , . • - • . T. lie ceents in tee Steiger Am; . . nee:Arioie. Ex cote& • - rtliATiLTL.9.7.` MILES, 'PROVINCIAL LAND SI7•Ni kJ *trrou, Valuator anti Land Agent: °Mee .)-Iose= .phine str14, Winghain. . - - Winglmin, Aug, 2, 1$77. . , " . ' iervests, ' .• -,---- .The New York ..7.'inie.$ furnishes .' i ti readers: With neorlY• a •dozen eolitnitri • Of telegre.phic reportS ' of the state of all the droffrirTtwenty-seven Of the neigh- boring States and sin 'one' rDeritor . 1 Perhaps never .befole ha ve.anehglo wit):.L. and inspiritine.lpfeapeetS ' 1.)0011 Sll b iiiit7 - f ..9941 04.. ted to anyela9ss of retideox - after , Column ii •Iffn",Ir • ,,,, i th :sulreely • • • . • ''..- . • • • . :-.0-.haDoivio, cheeritio lantruan-e Such • as • ''' c ._-..., - - •• c c o ) : one is 'quite unaecustomed - to-seo ' it this...tiMe,•nf. the, i.ea.t. with reference to the iire,•viti6-' frhits-funl ariins of any, • ' . ...:.,-'-.. • : .- - ' ' • country. . 4s .-Cantida and the I.Tnited ,,,.. , __, ii_. ,Q,„.__ __,1,, _ , or, .,,,, er 0„tapes . e. • -i) lien ay ic gt,tn , t1 it which r.prcivee'true l'n' this respect' of 'the One generally is the 'caati: with thenther. In ecineequdnee of this :fact,. and slab be . • , catif,e so: far 'no 084ml-0o:has been made of Oil r owa crops -we refer .:tt• some length', to the idarmatien furniabed by the • Times, belieVioe it will •bo encotieteginei in its nnt,itoTif: dyer oao k .• b nows a. un- dant •litir vests ai'e the- certain prectir$orS • . • • . : .• ' of improved times, We quote a few of ..the' headings 'which appear over' the • ..-;,1,ctialleci. .rei).0,1;ts••• ..N. ov ' H.e,..,:tepshire an :linusuany early• season.-,the:pros-'. , . good":Al ' ' t, • kp ... pee.s. .,,..., ,rHeacIns, .s: . ro1-: pects of a oonoci .croit.Connecticut " Abundant oropS,aeticieated• through:. • . ..s , . . ... . tobacco, .' the tute--=-Iiay, etro, r370; and .. potatoes .portioulai ly. abundant." New ' Yerk.: "The most 'i•etnarkable sea- eon ever' known, lcindset Crops tin- ' ? • •• ' precedentedly early i; an enormous yield of" ft•nits,' grains, and vegetables" 6046., cii,utty , nxiiented.„ pennsyigali. i.ii :.L._ „..The larva( ,ordp. . ever harvegted.. .e.x..., rinnteA.vy the fatmeis ; •eei.eioe,en4.fruite .,„.4.iiny--ferward • and.heeitiiii., 4 ,01-6 . .. -,, .,.• :-•• • . , , , ;..., • '-'-' se may a moan anetto...0I 18.8t year:- ' To be hiss detailed, •we.nely say .that ••"ti . , .. New ,Tersey larger fruit crops thanever before lire antiopated.' • In DelaWare;. wheat and.''corn Will be more abutid,aut than ever before. In West 'Virginia, there. Are•prospects'of an earlY. Crop' mid an increase of feetV-fire-, per cent. 'in staple prodnets. .. In Noah, oltrolina,: largely Increased- cotton and grain 'crops are predieted. • ' In. Georgia; 'everything' . tbrivine. In .Alebania :the crepe are. is ' ' . • . • P forwardand prOmisin o. unusually • and .* . . . . • . • 0eeted •. the largest yteld.since1850 is exp In Kentucky the prospect is better than for Many years and • tlic 'blue. „Wass . ro- cion is •untigually -fertile. . In. ()bio, •-• there -will be eorly and abondant: Crops- throbgbout the state and thirty 'million. bushelof wheat are. ex-Pecled; •fruits and vegetables are in excellent condi-, tion. In Indiana, the yield of fruits, (militia and grasses is expected' to be at Feast' la per eent; Aimee the average. • in- Illinois, the mall .grain crona promise . to to exe.ptionally levity', -while - all 440..etopioprodtiets of the state ate. fiontisitirio, . In miahigeu, . the motif, heentifullarveit ever known is prowl's- D.1, /1s. cereals: an.d fruits aro doino• well.. . 0 . In Iowa, there. $ 0 1 th ' „ r ,.., essinance of . wo ,.. grat.st crop. ever .raised, and every kind of grain iii:daveleping rapidly, and, with remarkable proeusenese. . In 'Wis.: consin, thje is the best serteon for eropS in the history of the Stete; ankeligettins-,-.weaation tire in a remarkablef3tte of foreeirdness.- Itt 'Minnesota, the wheat crop'. cis,' tn vlentlid •eonditioni, and, there are . ex.' p ecte t ioiii Of an it citeosed yield of, th itty .per cent .% In Kansas, a million and one quhrter • Acres have been • sewn ` with' w1ieat...100111,the unneeally laege cep)), that is.-,ekpeeted, it is believed there will .bo a,:surplus of thirty millions of bushels for eeport. • . All eereale and fruit are in a flourishing condition. In Nebraska there' will be an enormous yield -of cereals, . Such rill also be the case in 11liseonri, where the harvest will. beta:tram:me iti the opening day e of .fune. For A.rkaestts, Colorado tied the Indian. Territory the prospects are equally, bril. lieut. ' . . .• • In some parts' of the State of New York,.rye was 'headed out on the 2.06 of April, , fully twenty, days ahead • of the ordinery4time, and hi pladeil geass wee two and a.hitif, feel high. The Ileekian fly had been reported froin thicr or twolecalitiee but its ravages were not feared. tro close so glowing an ac Oonlit. Of ths crop 'and fruit prospects, we trensfer to this column a paragraph fronl the Plineg, Tat tell part of Whioh equally applies to Canada. It says"--• "The facts given •have been gathered through the ebseivation :and .thquitids- of faithful correspondenttq 40 0110110 crop or product of tommereial Inver- twice, no seetion, or country whosi. fer- - Elosplrable Eeyond .hcr atones. , _ . • A. etergymen travelling in the. moon,. .taiils• of West Virginia .pet tip foe the night at the behea.of 4...pious Old lady; who. never i:efeeed to entartein etran,;, • ers,,,Iest 16,1. dy,44,4„en angel thight,•:*) turn - ed from • her doot.. unawares. Shortly • • . . , ,... : • • .. after ii iti arriV51. tulips). . was Renounced, end the. Old' IplY, after 'a:blessing had. been eulv01;e44.L.b.e,g.an..40.•174.ttle, :the Pal)4:-. o. ud .s.o.ticers preperatOry tO the •ni itren; ty ceimuony,1-..of • potiging ou t suiti hand- log iirOund the hot: coffee. It was. to nutry to in the inquiry, and;there- fore , the good tionapi, with -.0 .g,taMOus' •s.niile.- inqUirea of her gtrest' ..-. • ::.._,D0 yo,ii take sur,ar in youth ?"-.' • 0 • ' if you please, eeplied the hnngry. 'attd• thiratY- tivangelisti " end 'Illl'•• be .;ohli..ge•O If ye6:.Ptelte•. 4 tolerably WNW" '.'. •.' Tee old lady began ' to twisf• in her • • , - • ' . chair,- adirtat' her spectaolls, and look searchingly •eionni.• the table,• , .' She• dipped the spoon.desperittely it, the blue. ;•• .chieu seger-beed;;bet it rattled eetie-, otisiy against.- the sides; Of :the. empty. vesiel.. ' . At 'the Attat'..•slie•-sui-amoned .. :. eitirage to tell the .tritth, .. With adroit- able..pluck.....end .enndet. eh°. opened . bee oe muth.tul• spike' and the words • at . .. .. , . th reached' the Par at 4e.r•-gneStw.e.re. these. : !•'-§tre-rikei", we .liaitkitli!,''''. .. .' :• - : . . . . A FALL. FOR .LIFE: • ' •• • ; - • . -- • The merebita 'ship pitiiti, from,B•Qii37, bay for London; lay becalmed - off - the west. coastofIlindesttin, . between c,*rea, and Marigaloie, where'..the. Ghtints Mountains wereseen, toweeing in say. age graria4at,tifousanaii:Of .foot in air, With' *lid torrents''1eaPing. demo .the rocks, flashing through the dark green. ebrohhei•y', . and .rtiShing' With the :din he thunder.- '', ''' 7' '...• .....• ' , • • ..' i; :"', • 'If the wind does not rise.,befere O..... : .. morrow, morning' we Will 'haee to an.; chor,' ,said the .captain ' to:Robert:Win.. field, a handsome young .naval lieuten-. ant on, leave of •absence from the frig- ate stationed at Bombay. .4 T.,d0a.,t want to lay the ship's bones on the' coast, nor. do. I :like . to get too near it. I have 'heard bad steries... of the. natives :there; at atty. rate,1 • believe that alinoit everyIlindoP is a : thief - . , and. murderer by nature.' .• . - . . - '' BelUpton,. danghter of Major l , - ton, who 'Was en his way lio' mo. from his India, regiment on sick leaVe,. heard the Words, and shuddering ' drew closer '' • - • to her invalid father, ' ., ' 'A quick glance. Was exchanged 'be: tween her alul .the yonng naval lieut. tenant, whose 'reassuring leek seemed at once to dispel her fears. " • Major Upton, seeing • the • glance, frowned, end; Mad to his daughter, -tooth e Dell, let us go' below!. • . • Winfield had been rt. suitor.of Bell's since she cam to via her faller ' at Bombay, some Months before. The girl favored hiM, but nOt• so the inst. or who waited her to chose a weal- thy loVcr. ° ' • • . . Bell was beautiful, with a feria , .of unrivalled •grac.i, brown.ty,eS, a clear,- pearl -white skin, 'with little eeloe; and' dark golden hair, that fell in rippling irtasses over a pair of magnificent shouldere. The lieutenant letched her admiringly tuitil she disappeared in the cabin.. " - •• 4 No--'' harm shell . befall . her,. n5t. while 1 live,'. he thought ..es he now glance. uneasily toward • the ocaSt.-, 'We have arms aboard, have we not ?' he added eloed to the captain, , • 'Ay, ay, sir ; .bilt, it is • not likely ,we shall be attacked, We are fell two leagues from the coast, end before we are hear enough to be boarded, .a. breeze will spring up, I have .not a doribt2• ' ,A few.' hoe' es later night closed around the Ship, • Tho shy was •car- tired by .t14ck. ciOnda ' which :obscured the moon, and netted •to betoken that a breeze would spring tip- before loug, Meanwhile the ship b having diifted a league nearer the coast, the,lieuten-, ant thOught the captain very careless not to have more than one lookoat post. ed forward Ott so dark a night, Before eleven o'olook _ the quarter- deck Was deserted by all save the be- ficer of the wateli,, a lazy fellow, who was noW stretehed On the carpenter's chest half . asleep, tvhile the watch &MIN, as Winfield (who stood lean- ing over • the rail • amidships) . could pertioWia by (bo light . of a lanternill the fore rigging, Illy reclining ou. the hatch, Some of them snoring.. ' Xot feeling ,eleepy,.. the lieutenant , .. . _ _ _ • ........- , . . ... ".1roa!!0!'iltn,Rcat'Poncr..”. • . ..'. :. -7-7.7- • '. •, :.• : A. story..18 going, the. rOunds. eetting, forth •the trot") of 'the • teitive. saw -and what is more it is pertectly :true.,;. -4.. feW :dale after . the•great .6 re it ' Chielgo „. in '1871; which everybody' rertieinberS, . • • • -. niteyeorryngalmi.:firelleDdosw-soesmsel...t.hwerr:t:otho6. I 11 °6 9, t: - • • . ' .. • • • . • uncle, who' was a ,,,.esident-in..an elsteen city.. 'aeking for u Toon to assist ber hue - band,who bad' •a good. position, . to it furnish thelionee they.had taken; 'Was proftis,a ih hie promisee of payfliOnt, :Md.:POO was proniptiv advanced. Her .T1c19' ' who was an oldbachelor era -very well t� do as kiffliciently well' and liberot• minded m to' hove ade- the sem a preseut 011ie niece h4/1.6he not • • : mle, so • many protestations ' Of her • .e .. ,., . , ,, ,. ability and anxtoty. . to. repey,,the Men. Having so fully Conamitied herself, the upcle took lit31.-ttt ' li Or Word and r(isolved . to. see what . . . , 'the outcome would •be • He did so for years,. but -the ,.tnoney nosier 4a1111?'' The Other ,xluy that, anclo died, having altered -hie Will. So 'that • tiot olio peen y .went to his niece in•Chicago who had beet ietended ,for his. sole %heiress, 1:16',Cld inalk, who had been perfectly arid hitnnelf, thought lie would to:lob hiS telatire a lesson, and accordingly Ike left every, cent he was Worth to a sister in Vaigland, of the Chicego lady; While the pee will_rejoice at hetgood forteen;., the °thee will- lament. the .canse phica geve her nnnli offence.' • body, a.s air ett'dy. :stated, ere drit'Vii V- . . f:rorn.the• belwarke'to•gi,ve fore • , , e to the meditated mow. . The . yo.ang . man., ,therefore,',.deeniedit would be an easy matter to teaela the. Hindoo in:the only way it poold no w.be d.one with'snfficient i,,apiditylci prevent the accomplishment be hie deadly. purpose. --a Way at .once novel 'aoti desperate, and which wonid„ perhaps, involve his enve'rlestruction., : .- In a. word, net hesifitting, to risk life eelisib. for the ,wernan. he loved; Lieu- tenant. Winfield. resolved to drop down. . • . ... near e mi from the end Of the 'topsail • . . • • - • yard upon the Iliptfore forty feet•below, and thus dash •hitn 'frpin . the rail' into the sea; perhaps killing' himself, 'ere he ' ld deal the fatal' blow with the un- c°1-1 • ' • ' • • . '. - lifted dhk, ' `119,.• lir.old- utter A, shrill. cry -'-e waning - to the erew-ashe cleaved the eie, thus .ropsipg there,' Per- her, ill ill -11°J13. 'Ile° the at'tgOc- of 'qle robbers,. and ensure the l'uttlier salctY of Dell ane.the .0'4, . . ' • The emergeney:admitted oft e ,delay, The young man clutched the yard -arm hear the end, and huog' by it for a see, ond to iniike sure ho. was in • line with. the. IIindo6 beiteeth, then . , just as .the dirk 'wag about te.descend, he let go - Of .the Spar with a. long, wild' :cry 'that piereed every corner bf the .ship, ' Mid;. down. he went,. cleaving „through the air with terrible yekteity. : There was 'a .whirlingi rushing sound, thee a lend thud as the beevy boa -heels of the fall t ing body'erushed tipon theledd of the native ernlm cam use his knife, dash- ing him from the rail into the sea,. nna killing hint instatitly.. , , ; - .• • The watch heard 'the warning dry or the lieutenant, and hfore the other n1- tives could reeover frond their snrprise at the oeCurreneo whieli had„Sesiddenly eticl: imexpectedly, broken ..upoli .thein the creeks . wows alive . with ' the whole crew, awl the entire gang of robbers beat a hasty retreat, • ' . - 'Meanwhile Ilell •IlP(on had been so bewildered bY that Budder), fettrful cry shelind heard, and the sebeequent splash' Of tho .6(Alos in the Water, that not notil the boat wee lowered ar:ti the . , liententint„ who 'had been struggling in the spa, was. brought , aboard and into.. . . :jilt) cabin, to. ex.plain in a faint vojce how he had saved her life, did she. clear- iy bertaprehend ell' that had happened. Then elm threw herself down by the prostrate form of her lover, and hung over him ht agony, fearing that he was fatally ,intured. Soon, however, the doctor gave cheering information to the contrary. -0 The young man had .s-tistained it fear- ful, shock .froirt his contaet with the Hindothr body, , hut as that body 'had offered little Tesistenee to biedownward progress when lie struck it, being situ' ply 'driven before hint intothe sea, his lov,,er limbs,.allhough partially peralyeed . _ .. _ • ' ono iyity ot ohing ft. ... The followineittident took Phice iu an Atnericao shipping alloe : The con, was •on betting,„ eachperson J4r, 41,0 0in ' ,.......CO rson 3e in tarn 'soe one operation of the kind' that he had ..been engeoed in. . ririallyit earne. to a • cet•-' bin tap taio ;Tne'ri; who. opened .by soy in& he never mad,e.a. bet. of tiny conse, ..* . quenco, or (1Vti not.recollect one. jUst nnee, but would bet nriy ono in the room five dollars that he would mire "hat hat"'--pointing,to one ---through it ring whieh belied on his finger, And not in._ jure the hat, "That can't be did.„ -n6. "how 1" said some . one in the'rootn. u Will you 1)4r-r5oked theta -Phan. "1 dun% care if 1 do,l, said..-uuAtt,cr tworis eyes glistening at the prospea: of -mak- lug eve donuts -0n such u "Suit thifig,t1 as he red' it, TIM' money With de- . • peene qui the company gathered :retina tie See tome one "4000 brown," Captain Sack slowly took off the ring and, nasied it round to show that an woe fair. tVery . one Was attliified. Then he deliberately wiped and polisbed the inside, and announced he was ready.. Vutritet WO adv.anded. to the" pile" to be in readiness.. The captain held the ring between his forefinger and thumb, arid marched towards the hat, holding. the, ring an in tech, from it - He yan his small finger through the ring, the former striking the bat and winning iihn the bet, as ite had "poked the hat through tbe,ring." ,, ....--.-...:4..........e.------• . How to get a -long well -Rave it dug reS0 0 'go' a o t on tho intzeon for the tfirle, were not brokon. JIO'hricl tility entitles it to .4 ' otice; - in or- deep. • , .. ... ... Bere's0o0o4., • (larrzrof,aaviteemalonziN0 "By a thorough t nowledge of the natural we which govern tho rperatiooli of digestion nd, nutrition, arid by a carefta application f the fine propertice 3f welbseleoted cocoa, Ir, Epps ha provided our breakfast tables itlt a delicately flavored beverage which may ave us many heavy doctors' bills, It is by e ituliciout use of :nosh articles ef diet that conetitation may be gradually built up un - 1 %I:1'011g enough to resiet every fendeney to it,easor-Alundreds-nt-aubthrialtladles or oetins around us ready to attack wherever hereas a weak poidt. We may escape Many I fatal shaft by keeping ourselvea well forti- edowith pure bleed and a properly nourish - d frame,"-COvil Rerrice gazette. --So)d only n Packets labelled -" JAitas Errs & Co., Hee mnopathic Ohemlate ' 48, Threadneedle atreet, and, 170, Piccadilly, iJondon.” . -WoOLy lionsee.-Wooly !Tortes. airnot"sri are as many auppose, not such great curiesitiont ither; there are many to be, fouod in various, arta Of the examtry, but we doubt if they will ver prove as valuable to their amen) tie the one xhihited by.Barnom ; we imagine their owners you'd eonsider them more valuable without the wool, for this rough' and woely. state of the hair udicetes that the horse is not in a healthy eon, (Mien -probably hide -bound, or suffering from some disease which occasions this unnatural ltp- pearance ; in such cases use Darley's"Condition• Powderreaul-Alablan-Reave Remedy- it will purify the blood, correct the appearance, re- move all olastractions from.the lunge And liver, ahd give to the coat a iteek and shining appear - :ince, Remember the name, ad eee that the signature of I•Iurd & Co. le on moll package, Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., proPrie- ors for Canada. • Sold by all raellicine dealers . A. eorninon eoughor mad SIIOUd neverbe' trifled atoll when neglected it is convert- ed into a serious and generally fatal pulmonary disease: The nore prudent, aware of this, promptly Ilse Bryan's Pulmonio 'W&fere” a cu- rative which -has -sustained its reputation for over-twerty yeailo tliey, are always, oilicaeinne and. exert a most beeeficial influence on all the Bronchial and plamonary 'organs. 'Sold by all .drvige,hits and.:country„ dealers. '',riee 25 :,ets. per box." , ' • 114'. ;:rftW. ikE.eALVE, . . Alt, tojalliNe.renzedy -joi,"441 diserthes.:or the' ,eye (aecute, or .chivaie); gramdadon -of •thc '11tegration. 'tribe ylamle, Ntra, and :,wealepeee of the 11505Pew• any A:AR:MOAN EYE -SAVE is presented te the public with the assurance :of its. efficience as a curative of lima diseases'. of, the 'eye, acute or chronic inflatmnation, whether induced' by scro•;, fultmS origin or otherwise,weakness or. defect •of visioe, diminished tone Of the optic nerve, Or a dieeased state of the tissues constituting' 'that organ. Also, for all persons whose erica, thin: requires an inceSeant action of the •ey.t.44, the salve will.nt 11/5. a charm in restorieg a form healthy tiotion, where.wealiness, pain' and inisery may have long threatened A fatalter- mination. • Ttis the teat simple' safe, and ef.• •fecttial remedy ever ,discovered'. 'The materials• , of. %Vidal' it is mile are pare, perfect, and costly,. ' coMpounded with elaborate care and • exactness, • safe in itl. application, beingused externally, and, of'•cOurseikeoiding the pain and danger witioh necessar'ily, attends the introduction of caustic.minerals. and„eye-washes. • ItiNoWecia nnd"Obn Cuetione Scams, of screfuleus •erigin, . or resoltine.from • whateyer cause, yeild to the • AmiefeaalItys-Sar,va. . IT IS 1.TSEI) SUC- CESSULLY Fort PILES, Its soothing ef- fect ia imniediate, and & permanent :sure req :tires hut a few applicatiote, - sTlie proprietors of Da, J. Prerres AMEaTentrYK-SAtit," while 'making e anditupro ve$1;nfachin67 for iltga More perfea,boX foi the EY.B.S.tiYE, have changed thaTila.MSMAItK on,the coVer. SO at141) correspond with the Cut on the :Wrapper, Cir-"• , culas, Advertisements, etc:. • We ,eall 'attention et%tnlitiesr,faseitttiamight otheiiviee .be -40.,;:arcled. as ••• PETTIT ,16 BARKER, - '• . .Paeprietors, Freedenis, N, NORTHitOP & LYMAN, • „ • Toronto,. Agents for Canada.. • SOY among. the .Children COI/REAND'S SWEET CASTOR Ora equally suit- able for 'Children and adults. Dndoraed by he& 900 doctoes t•ia Caeada. 'Toe difficulty of -administering nauseous 'medicines, and the de, sirability of havitig them ideasaut. tothe taste, induced T. Copland to undertake researches whieh resulted in thil. discovery of a Sweet Cu.! tor 011,•p4rfectly palatable. of the satne strength. and. medical ottalities cia the ordinary Castor Oil ; and. while eqOally safe and harmless, yet' actiug With More certainty, and producing nei- ther nauteea nor griping. ,alotite children say if is honey ; others eail it syrup -they all say they like i. 011e paieot says -" "Afy children 'atonic it like water .ritiother-" We bail ,o hide the. bottle or they 'AVottlil have liniehell if right eff ;••• wenther„-t•-ary little,. girl hae.'fakeit ,it tivice without any tronble, gni anal not ;cow .11 is, though she Inktes the e'lelinary Castor Oil, ma we never could get Tier to teltO lb -,ivithent. tight ;" ,yet another -14A .y114 oucebss 01 your 1-1* CET CAgrott Olt; ; it 13 it sploCilit( thing •.4-8oro b) take the place of all' tiW'roinnion. ofiN The extraordinary denamd for this imprilv: Ment �t 8 staple limpteliold pletlinine frandulettt imitations into the triarket, 1.1q the public! can guard themselves agaimt ,spbstitutns (which unprincipled .mfrties are attemptingto sell on the repetation of tide article) by.tweiritt, that the mane Cortaxn's„Sweer C.tweal Mt both wraimer and direction label: . • The tuelersigned,Thaviud purehasect ;Li:reser:4; T. Copland & Co's ineereet in the abore,prelin-: ration, are now manufacturing, it from,the ori, 9111,31 e•CiPNe'oltl'illtiDP. &It YUAN', Toronto. 3 Ask for tiort.iisn's CAA'rOlt 011,. 01; - serve the. mune, Do not be deceiged. Sold by all medicine dealers., l'aiee, 25 emits, Mitchell's Belladonna impieved Indla Rubber..rorous Flatter,• • .„ „az, ; There never hen been8 time -when thehealing Of so many tltiferent tlitroa.ses has been caused by outivant applicatiott 58 the. present. It iS undisputed faoffthatt over half of the make po- pulation ..of the globe t•esort tO the age of ordi- <11.57114ritp8rteintp. al ingredientused itt inalcing these Plasters aro Gtuni 011banuin --or !fetter knew) RS t110 Frankincense of tke tibia -nub.. her, and 13urgondy Pitch ; which, when scienti- fically compounded, is 'fell iTt tdeotrieit#, and when combineffleith the DAM medicinal gtinil, is foetid to be one .of the greatest healing meth. nis ever brought' before the human race, They are aeknowleged by all who have used them to act quicker than any other Plasters they ever before trieil, and that one of these Plasters will 110 MOTS real service than when. died of the ortlinary kind, All other Plasters are slow of natio, and require to be worn con. tinually to effect a cure ; bot with these 1110. en- tirely different' the inetant one is applied the patient wkilieel its effect. • They possess all the soothing,. warming, sok porting and strengthening qualttieaof airotiier Plaaters. • ivany who have been relieved of RIIKUMATISNI, TIODOLOMWX, anti va- rious other pales in the KIDNEYS, BREAST . SIDE, and believe 11 10 solely done by the electrical qualities which the Porous Plasters contain, and which is hoparted4o.the system, thus matoriiig them to a healthy condition, They' are ver3r soft eniPpliable, still' very ad- hesive ; and a eure.cure for WEAK I3ACICS, PAINS IN THRB E S/DE AND BAST; and are invaluable to those who have a COLD of Nig standing, anil often prorate C0NSTI:111%. PION', Some eVen tell us they believe they Wtht entirely mired by theme of them of a lefig• seated Consumption, • • • • li Prepte.ed by oncaGE MITCIft,I Lowell,111ass • . Sok' allDruggicitif.. • .IVIA.V 16; 18/8. let/kcal garbo. -. _ DAPPLaCTON, -L. 04470E --at D.S.X time eea ..a.., at rnear time-. The goome oler the Stere of Cunningbame if Aikenhead-the Square,ClintOn.- Clinton. Deo. 20,1877. . .4... fl, =DIM PhY0101101, Sergeont etc., Coroner or County of Huron, gosiden000nd Ofliea--,corner of Albert and Min Streets, canton. ....mu...1.4.1th.,-.-.-,---. ..,-.....7„-.14g.,.... rAlfE$ STgWAgT, M. 1).v.0.. 14., GRADVATE OP el Idegill University, Montreal; Physician, Surgeon ena Adscounhenr. Ilesidence-BaucxxXELD. • January 4,1871. OYOUNG, M.11,, (GRApt7ATE or TORONTO s Muiveraity,) Physlciant.Surgeon, 616., reetdenee at /dr. Manning% three doom at of the Temperance gall, 7,ondesbarq, Ont. Loadeeboro, /nue 14,16,7. . - .. • -.. . . „ , na. STANB. URI, GRADUATE OP TIIE MNDIOAL .1., 1)epartmbnt Of ;Victoria Onivers14, Terouto, for- merly of the Melanie' and Dispensaries, gew York, Coroner for the County of Omen, gAyrnsfm, Out, July 52, 1874. . v; al ' TIOWSUEY • 4 meson; PIT/24CIANS, • ElliFt. 2-, exerts, Aoconeheurs, &o. Oftlee, Albert Street, opposite )air's Mills, . . • D. EL DOWSPLY; M. 1). . A. M. Clasen,. M.D. °Raton, 1'14y 10, 1577, ' . •)- -nit, • wORTBINCIT0N, eursfozAii, sunengox, .1„, Addimelteur, Licentiate of the College of Ph31E11010.110 113211 Surgeons of 'lower Canada, and Pl:QVineial Lipenti- ,ato and Coroner for the County 0 Itaron. Offleo fInd reddesco,-The building • formerly occupied DY hir. Thwaitee, Huron street., • • •• . Clinton, Jan. 10, 1871, . zsreitineatts arbs . ,,,,s, „, • • Ls -1 ' , • . xreNrs TO LY11,7D, IN.LA110E 011 SIALI. '1E5- 05 good•mortgago security, at moderate= rates ot Interest. U. ILmx. ' ' • .• Clinton, August 0 Oa, 1869, ' . rtliATiLTL.9.7.` MILES, 'PROVINCIAL LAND SI7•Ni kJ *trrou, Valuator anti Land Agent: °Mee .)-Iose= .phine str14, Winghain. . - - Winglmin, Aug, 2, 1$77. . , " . ' ., _, 111 AIIIIIMiN 1,4ICLNSES 'AND, CERTIFICATES. -- .1.11„ Apply at the Tows Hallror at the residenco of the subscriber, Pear the London, Huron 4 Bruce tailway Station, ,. . JAUES SCOTT, • ,. leaner of Marxism) Licenses, Clinton, Aprit 57th, 1876, • ' • ., • J.0. MaINT0s11, BAYFIELD, - ISsUEll 0F s Marriage Licenses undo the new Act, Comnzinaion- er for taking Affidavits 15 the Queen's Bench, for Conn. ties of Huron and Bruee, Conveyancing aone, mica se r..eases, geoids, Contracts,. r'ills, Deeds, and Mortgagee, Fees.small. • liesidanee---mm"ositd Pollock's Hotel.' • . :SONNY ADVANCED ex NEAL minis., . •„)30,3•11eld, Sept, 14, 1875, , , . . .• . • . BrAr..contstN et WA.11780N, ' BARRISTERS; Am., ” • CLINTONAND GODhltIOIl. . • 0.1:01t01,1 A.. WATSON, ,L:' .• .S. Manceassead; Clinton. 'W. 13. Ilicifonert, . • , . • Goderich. , . fr., Maleorneon will Lc in Olinton every. FridaY, • . . . , . .. itrASOINI- 85. riunson., Accountants, :Auctioneer's, -1- Fire andLife Insurance And General Commission 'Agents. Insurance . twb.third cheaper than ordinary cost,And first•oless Stock and Mutual Companiea repre- sented. Money to loan, and all •Icinds of property bougid alid Relit. ' goderate charges, ,0111ce--11ndo Sr, RENSALt. . . • • ' • • . Joan MAsotr, , . , 5o sxmc Iirnsour C,oinanitisioner andiseuer of , • Conveyancer. ,..ldirrisge Licensee. ' '• 18 , . NOKR770 A -12.4N. • • MorerGAGEt NO1116-" 0 AND OTEEB ,.. • . . = . '-..diod Securities Purchased,'. . 0.1VVEIrATCIATG. .. w, W. VAUBAN; • ;. Clinton, NoN. 0,1874:47 • CON81/LIDATED BAN K. OF CANADA , ............. , , . • • • cA PITA I,i $4,000;000.. •, . ._ . 1.; L I N TD, N AGE NCY . . ,.. .4,. . , •,......,... ." .., • 1 " oae..4 finni Pour to Flee per cent allowed ' 1' • - ant Deposits, - • .!.. „ • • NO 1,01_7(4.1J, Agent. 1 .,' 4 linton, April, 133111. • .1.13' * • .• . WITITE.„STAR LINK ,,. ., , • •. .„....._ Tbe Oceanic Steam Naviption CompaUy's Stetimabil • (car4in5 Untied States Mails) . 'Will sail, from Nolv York (Piel"rg..s.ii) ott S.ttnidins, and fr.qa Divn nroot, on trunctshavIroollinfOOt 0001, Irelan,l, both ways, 0.'in0steamships of thicL)ne aro all new, built of iron, In water -tight computmontel and offer to. 'passengers unrivalled .accommtelations. The Saloons and State -Rooms being located in the mid•ship • sectionFbut Milo motion 11 felt, , . ....-- • itatcs of passage, Salocnt, 880 to staremea; Return . TtelaaS, good for one year, ;5145 taame, gold, creord, ing to acoommodations. Steerage passage, to. or born Europe, /Aloe, tales. For_ plan of steamers, and 'otter haformation, apply to ' . 0.:411.11AILTO.N, ‘11..Nir..11., Agent.- Ot isron.„.aefoleth, 1877. , . ' 'TILE ALLAN LINE - iloy.,s4.T.,' Al'A 1 L. STBAAISHIX'S. _ Lircrpoul, LoActonlirrry +tuft 4r4c4Sgt1114. — NEW ItOUTE, via, aA.LIFAx. Shortest tort tat/Nage, oeaumny. comfort. ' 2/0 011o, of ocean navigation savod. 0,47' 0A/SlX,TTC1ClITS Tr -11.11.11/E11 1111DITCED. Intermediate and Steerage (area as low as by ally °Nun line. Steerage pit/meager)) forwardeil to Derry, Belfast; Queenstown, Glasgow, and London, at same (Atte as C. Liverpool. The tast train carrying the Canadian !Milo aml cent:meting with the oaten stattashipg- dtitalitax, IC2VCA Toronto every 1"rIday.,817,02 s. nb Passaotta Via this route travel through Canadian territory, theta fore evaffe all Custom Eons() examinat'on of baggage, •For ThroughTlekets (Ln eroreratennation,setee te • e. ernerl'on. 0, 2'. n. Agent% Onion, • Clinton, Dec 10,1877. . . . . . -... . GRA XD TRUITT< RAILWAY. . _ /....11, •--.., ....0.111. 4.- !=':':- • '''',.. -.. -„,-..ex., 4, -"II /IAA0 4r*".Vol 111/Leo 1.. '''. EY.Z't XW I.:1, AFTER, MONDAY, DEC. 24, , . • Passenger Trains Will kind; Clinton station' as followe Goiso. Moro tioresste.27 A.M., arriving at Loudon 10.65 A.M., Toronto 0,1.05 P.M. Mail itna Etprese, 12.50 P„M,, tirrivingf Torento at 6.40 P.M., London, at 8.18 P.M Mixed, 0.25 P .M.' iirriving /1 0. StrAttovi at t1,45.1).M., London at 0.15 P: NI, Allsed srrlyds from' Goderich 10 A. M. . Trains will arrive ado] low s' . At ix ca ,10.00A.M., from Stratford, Mail and Express, 2,45 P.M., from,Toronto 0 Buffalo. and Leaden . Express, 0.20 P.31., from Buffalo, Toronto, end Lonilon, Mixed 5,06P,M. • T. 111C/CSONI• oenersi items 5 Con 0 / tiriVil li ........5 ...i lIttrt'a.a Det,27, 1877."'