HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-04-25, Page 8• CLINTON NEW ERA. gear Vr#a. Tun trees are leafing out splendidly. Goon Friday was decorously observed, V'tz0 will Bring, us the ,first straw- berries. Thursday the the -dust 'wive ,blown along the street in clouds • • Wove preparation is being made for, the celebration of the 24th of May l CHERRY 'and wild ,plums are out blossom som :in town, How's that for earl WE ;notice a number of farmers ittik- ing home salt by the wagon lead, This is a good sign. , ' ,.• M. JAMES HARPER, fqi some time a resident here, purposes leaving for Mani- toba this morning Mies FIELDS, • A Normal School schol- ar • chol-ar; has been engaged in the •school here, in place of Miss . Forsyth,;in the.seventh division.* . ' ONE'of Clinton's hotels boasts a wait- er who can balance a cup and saucer., idled, on the top of his finger, and carry the came obout'•the room. • e,.. CA,TEReoLLARs,—Qitite a number of these pests are'to be found on the apple trees, and it will require great vigilance to preserke tthe trees, from injury., 'lac epring.liusiness;done by our niei•- ehants,'•so far, is a•• pleasing improve ment in trade.; and there is eery indi- cation::that it`will continue to improve. Sem.ani—On•Saturday'rimming lest a young. son .ol Mr. Kew,. of the G. W. R., while •playing aroundthe house, fo)1' into.':a pail.ofhot water and was verely"°scalded. , • ALL.:the bookbelonging t the Mete chanicc' .Institute, are desired to be re- turned by to-roorrow exening; in order that the committee' may . reporrt' on the state of the same. , • • Mn. •. E. ' W,oRwitin4 ro$, Son of our., townsman, who has been employed• an. connection . with: the,..Canada Paeific' • Railway, at Kamiuistiqua, rias• returned None, iookiagavell. • • IN oneof the Junior departments of r. the school, the •.other day, a pupil .told the teacher. that •" unless she gave hire 'a better motnthly report, ire• wits going to. get a thrashing at home BASE BALI:.: A moetingof ilieDaunt: less Base Bali eiitb' 'will take place ter aright .(Thursday): at McLaren's •Hotel, for the•purpcseof making arrangements in regard to grouncla in "the new Driving Park. . L-o7id7 Vistz;--0ii Tuesday evening! the members of the 'United Temperance Association, :'of this'. total, paid a visit to the Lodge at: Londesboro, where they were entertained with the proverbial liberality of the Londesboro people. ; . Lento GRAss.= bl Tuesday: i4Ir. Jas, Walkinshaw,: of Hullett, brought us. several blades • of .grass which he had: pulled in his .orchard.. They' measured about eighteen inches • in length, :being remarkably long,for this time of year. A Quito . a numbers of our townspeople are still eniployed in th'e .laudable op .eration of"planting shade trees, andnow is the time to continue the same. We understand that a large •number to he had froth farmers at the rate• of 3,cents each, by fetching thein, • . LIRowINo .T11e recent rains Have Inde the fall wheat and in fact• every- thing - a eev ay thing else, shoot forward with wonder • ful rapidity, and the only• thing to be feared now is that the growth of•sralk in the wheat will be•so great as to cause it to fall clown and rot: ON Thursday evening Mi'. John Day: went engreed the servicee of the.Juve- nilBand to ala in e B d front of his shop. l y 0 It is needless to say that they' drew.a crowd, and, besides • the• pleasure, of the music, bad an opportiiuity of se,eing•the large supply of splendid heat he had provided for the delectation of the beef raters of Clinton 3oT'soz,iu, g7ie heitse •of Johnston, put up by auction on Satur- day last,•wsts bid in at;$790. Datmits,—On Saturday last John Autterson and R. Henry were up before the Mayor for drunkenness, and tined $1 and: costs. PAULY VEGETABLES, On Wednesday; Mr: Sam. Cook showed us some fine apinage that "'he bulb grown tb1.s-sspring, which he was taking to grace the table at the Rattenbury house. MR. T. FAIR, postmaster, who hoe carried the mails to and ,from the sta- tion for many .years, -having -expressed a desire to cease from the same, the eon - tract for this work -has, been awarded ' Mr, .1, A. Yuill, Wire is in .a position to satisfactorily perforin the shine. • • SocIAL.—A, social under the anipioes of the X. 0.. 0. F.`of this place, will be giy. en in •their new hall in the • Victoria Block, ' to -morrow` (Friday) evening, a Large"number are invited and a;very'ple- sent time is expected. .Refreshments are to be _starved in Mr.:.T.witbhell's araoms .on the second' flat, W:• NARRUw• BeeArE.=On Sunday: last a young •son of Mr. P: Cavan had a .very narrow escape from what might have been a serious. injury: A cow was gees. ing in front of the house, and he • went out to • drive it away, when it .turned and hooked him, 'throwing bini down, and was about to renew ` the charge' when 'Mr, W. Cantolon ran across trnd drove the animal off. • • • TRADE SALE In order to try the ef. fioaey of a. trade sale by, auction, Mr. J. A. Tulll• will commence a stile on Wed. nesday evening next, !in his° book store, when a quantity of`:standard works; mu sic' and 'prayer. books, fancy goods, Sze., will be put up by auction.; • The stock being first class, any in want ilk such; slioelcl avail themselves of•this opportii- nity of procuring the saute, ON Friday evening last -,a couple Of, ladies from Clinton werLt for a drive in the direction of Loradesboro.. Being late in their return, and, the darkness such that it could ..almost be felt, their horse was unable. to -'keep the. void, ,and five or six` times ,they 'found theinselves the ditch at the roadside, it being fie- •cessary to take the horse from the•bnggy once, in order to get on the. Road again, Fortunately they sustained- no injury 'SCHOOL, OENstrs.—Mr. Hine, the Sec rotary of the School Board, has just. completed the _annual. schooll' census, with the following results•:— . Nb.. children of school :ago, between 5 ' •And .16' ,care,, , . . s•ic Between 7 ant 19 years . i 401 731 Being Ain inevese over lea year of se.- No• ettending,i'ublic S,O,00l 620 liyglt te do Privado9 571 '6 years of age, batt not oornntenced bI 7 to 12. ,rears, ,rot. going. ..... 16 ';"'"'1! •to 16 years, 'working or at home.. ,; bl ";' 160' DANGnnotrs.-•On Friday, while the •volunteers were at target l rectioe,. the rifle balls .were over the farm of Mr. Graham, (late Fulton's) rather freely. Parties that 'were at work in the fields could bear the balls whistle ever .their heads with ai startling dig= tinctness, warning them of danger, which they were not slow to sot upon. Bra CiaetiLAR,--Several 'of our mer- chants have got out this spring eireulars of good dimensions, but Messrs, G. EL Wright &. Co have outstripped them all, laving issued this meek a'fuil four page sheet, half the size of the Nnw ERA,, lull of information for customer'. •The circular is an evidence of the enterprise of the rn fir, and equally so of the office in which it was printed, at the whole of It was printed at one impression, and it contains sixty different fonts of typo, al- most all being job type.: • The neatest small circular got out, his year, was by Mr. T. Jaekgon, being COmposed of sire half -sheets of note, held together by a brass clamp, and we be, lieve we are. safe in saying 'that no country printing' office could surpass it for beauty and variety of type, and general workmanship, •Two or -three Of these at home :are physically incapable.` • RIFLE i rATGH.=Orr Friday Hast No, 4 Conip., of ,;33rd Battalion, held;their annual shooting ;match' at .Atholcot; Range. -The day waefine and favorable for shooting, ' ' The following are' the prize • winners Privates" Ross, Cole; Campbell, Hewson;_I1cKay, Shaw, Gro- gan, Graham,: Tripple, Wright, Green, Jos. Shaw,' Bogan; Gilmour and Cruick- shank ; Cruick-shank•,Sorgt. Morsel., Corp. .Helyar, and Notley. The n inners in the all - comers =tell were, llelyarRoss, Gras-' sick, Tuscople, Howson, Daymeiat, R•i- dor and MegaT, The three -year's ser- vice match, three shots at 200 yards. from the shoulder,.Was won by Howson. About 40 in .nnaount, ineludirlg money and articles,'were offered erad xn prizes, which .•hod been contributed by the townspeoplo and members of the com- pany. d , , thernoomae ia...--•A.0 equal to the cele* heated note of ".Ban)ster" will bo found in the following,from the pen of one ,of the Justices of the Peace; not a hundred miles fromm this' placer—Wea hereby Cer- tify that an information .'Preferred by W, C— against J. W -_-r-• for that said J.' W did unlawfully Steele newt belonging to the said. %V C---- on the third rlt of April. A. D. 1878 off the Queens highway in the :Village of in the Tt'w`li- slrip of ---•-- in the County. of Ili-. ton, with on the ninth day of april A.D. 1878 and again on' the Eleventh day of april of said month Considered by us two of Her Majesty's Justices of -the Peace in and,,for the said County of Hu- ro1r, and was by us disnrissticl. 'With Costs against the Plaintiff Dated this 15th day of april one thousand. Eight Hundred and Seventy•Eight , • e A. Bxonsr.—The dot and dry atino- sphere experienced up to Friday evening last, created the hope in the minds of many that we would• soon have. rain,. aziri soon it carne, but with a violence Haat was 'unexpected. , "At Aborti nine o'clock . on that evening, it commenced to lightning, thunder following, trod then the rain began to deep with .a pleas- ing gentleness. Soon it carte hi tar. rents, and for about an hour ail a half•. One of the most violent thunder storms !eveis experienced, was witnessed. The lightning flashed with alarming sttdden- nese and frequency, and peal after of almost deafening thunder, apple -ntly in 'close proximity, followed, ►d it !night be • almost literally said " the flood gates of heaven were opened," for the rarn;fol! utteeas ngfy. 4 THE CLINTON. NEW ERA. BB1',11T.N4;i•8111141ir • SOt1TH RIDING HURON SPRING Snow. -The Spring Show, under the auspices of the South Riding Huron Agricultural .Society, took place at Brucefleld, on Friday last. The day: being fine, seed, ing nearly finished,, and theday observed by a aminber as an holiday, the gather- ing was unustitally large, The number ofentries was. also .in .excesset previous. years, The interest taken in the intro- duction and raising of good stock is in, creasing end highly commendable, and, in view of the growing demand for good horeaand cattle •for the English mark- et, too strong a feeling cermet. be well entertained, Most of the animals shown Vere .very geed,'well "sustaining: the ie • potation of this society for good exhi- bitions, As will be seen by the ;prize list, when compared with the prize list of neighboring' shows,different judges give different .decisions, which will al- ways'betheease, itis there are so many points that go towards making the sunt total of a good horse, that it is almost impossible for two parties to Makethe same estimate, The following isthe prize list :- HEAVY DRAUGHT •HORSES, AGED-- seven entries:' . 1st, Donald Dinney, C, IViasou; 2nd, Sterlinshiro Champion, McGregor &' Cook ; • 3rd, Wellington Gienlee; C. Dale. HEAVY DRAUGHT, T7U7EE YEAR OLD Yoaang Enterprise, Peter McEwen. ;HEAVY Futano ir, `u*o YEAR' oL1)•--4 entries. lst, Ca» adiaai Scotchman, T. Lee, ;sr; 2nd,-HonestSandy,,:P, McTav- ish., . 3rd, Young Wellington,,'Carter r di Willis; Turner's•' special prize, Yonug Enterprise, P. McEwen. • AGItictl'LTU7tAi,; A0» -,--Wo. entries,' 1st, Yonne LordHaddo, Wm.Por- cine ; urcine; 2nd,• Charitplain,;•hloEvren & Hor- ',CnREE YEAR, OL4=--•5 entries, 1st; Farmer's Pride, Alex. Dalgetty ;, 2nd, Wellington, Thomas Robertson.;•. 3rd,. Young:LardHackie, Win. Smale. T y YEAR OLD ,i—Honeat Toni, Jima, Perdue. • GENERAL 'PURPOSE, AGED--3'.'entries, 1st, 'Performer; Wio. Dixon.;.• 2nd, Scotch Miracle, W. Hill.; 3rd, Voting Enterprise, .Jolnr. J. Parish. • • :. • GENERAL PURPOSE,: THREE, ` YEAR OLD —4 -entries. . l.st, Pride of the Domire ion, , Jas. Willson ; 2nd, Young Enter prise, Wm Train ; 3rd; Herd •Laddie.: vas. 'Irwin.. Two YEAR OLD.- -3 entries„. 1st, Young Sarsfield, P. Ford; - 3rid ' The MossT'rooter,Jas. Young; 3rd, flognt iia; •;flatter, Jonah Nicolson. Rq•,ib'XLvt C.ljEtttz uE er ti'iosslst,n Young Peacock, J J: Fisher ; ,2d; Sorrel Cloud, 'A, lririr's•, 3rd, Pride ,of England,' Carter .& Wyllis .I3L'OODS two • eirtrie:t.:•. 1st,, Iron ;Brittle; ',r'.. Green. • BULLS,- AGED six entries, 1st, Young Eat of Goodness, Jas::Dicks'on;. 2nd, Magnet; George Sprout : 3rd, .Far - Mose Chief, 0. Dale, j nr.. BtI.LS, ANY. AGE=G.• eitries. 1St, Rob Roy, Geo. Hart.; 2iid, •Huron. Star, W. Fowler ; ?rd, Sir :William; John Kitchen.. ' AYRSH1Rr s, :2 trlrtries.- -rat, -Rantiit Robbin, J Cochrane; .grid, Scarborough Chief, P, Mt;Tavish. • - J"vnGEs--T•IORSEs. —• Jacob`. -Willson, Colborne; Jas. Cowno, Bayfield ; Jas. Racking, U'sborue; John Marquis, God- erich township; Jas. Itiairii, McGilvraty; •John McMillan, Ifnllett, • `13u.LLs.:-- John. Petty, Hensall ; P. h 1!oirler;r,,•Tockersrnith; Duncan Mc- Hibbert; 1V1,•Balhintyne,'D'owri- ey ,john, Willis, Exeter,. 1VEST Rinn.w lvitoN.--This Suety(• was field at Smith's Hill, on Wednesday of last week, unci was poorly attended eo.far as sp fetntors go, but the display tandh of horses vats• verygood, u few t bulls were on the. ground. The follow- iug is, tire Prize List ;.-- • 1.1nAvv 'bRA,tJCztr.r 5. McDona; li's "Scotehtnari," 1st; Jas. Wilson's "Hard • T'irr•tute,,> ,. 2 nd. GENERAL I'1'_7'•1RPos1:-.A04b--I,. firm- ter's " Old Coachman;" 1st, IL Beadle's " Conqueror of the West," 2nd.. GENERAL . Pt tieosi , foaled. since jail.. 1st 1875--O. Wilson's "(ling of the Donli,lioli," 1st; D,Moliurclay's."Y'onng Perfection," 2ird,' . t;0ACHERS-AGED-•-J:J, 'igher: s' "Pea-. cock," 181; Alexander Innis' r' Sorrel. Cloud," 2nd: C'oaeitERs, foaled Since Jan. t 1875 N. Walter's "Young Smr`l .fir ' 1st; B. P. Fisher's: " young Pride of the West" 2tir1. 13t'Lr.s, AGED DtRttAn J`olm Wash- ington's "Rosy Prince'," 1st;. Robert Match's rr Ontario Chief," 2nd; D. Mo- I1tvain"s " Star of Peace," 3rd, , 17ctarttnst---under two years of age- 'Pobert Medd's "P'rince of Wales," rat; Geo. Robertson's "nixie Duke,", 2iid; Jos. Tewsley's. f' Young Briton," 3rd, lit;rr, any other breed—Gordon Young's °' Ayrshire." Juzrrtns,---W, G. Ringston,`11russels,, J'osepir Salkeld, Stratford, Sohn Mar. quit, Porter's Hill, n Tho office of the Fitnbr0 Plauri was destro;'ed ley fire on Monday. • ties CD 02-01 ord rn• m Q ca .o co Q.' r. 1 o bo.42-P 0 Gard c so re W ca 7; •ca tr-1 :e. . f-y'I • f-e •1 4-1 ro 44'.eigiril i d'. • tri co g3411 •. ce isCD a dJ ce CD -ict 4 c i1878. 500 API iL25 187$. 1878. -0 OTI-IING • MERCHANT) (VICTORIA CLINTON.$LOCK,` •.. We are showing a tremendous large assortment of. /. WHITE, OXFORD; BEC ATTR; And,' DUPLEX ewest Styles and Patterns. Everybody, ,should. see them ... C.KT ON'.S C _ O TIII HOUSF AJ E. l •GQt7 P4 LVT IND i''EST :1L'AXCERS" lir A V • • • ., 7}F:f)? rtfr t?,te ,.tl o, ,A l,•Ur77) •MACHINIST Cl:I T'L.ON • April 1 A, 1.878: J i. WEk : ' PLANTS.' GRASSICK & CUNNINGHA Tale pleasure in it6rnainrs the-ptr.blic`generally., that they" hive on hand and•wiltkeeli for one month, a . LARGE. ASSORTMENT.O ' ' FLOWER W. O ER PLANTS, Which they willsell at GREEN" HOUSE PRICES and any alsnt not in stock irk t,an bo had by ordering one day in advancer. Parties •WISErtNGIBASKETS FILLED, s ill please leave their orders as soon as' possible, as they will have a better varier of plants to choose from at the first of the season. )N" ACCOUNT t)F THE EARLY SPR'INC> THEY WILL Receive . Oysters ori Friday and "Saturdays only, i trtrl thri 1st of IVT3y, after tvfiis•ii 1Tio St.ori will-tic+'•re tilted Tor tTjo 4trtnni.r Tr,ule, A FR.ESHLOT or. CANNED C ODE? ► ,JUST „RECEIVED Also, FINEST BRANDS of . CONFEOTIONA%Yr' FItUI' OF ALLY -KINDS IY SBASO;i; T1 a. OE. ATEATl I). VANITY FAIR. TOBAceo . . AGsKAGE 1 DR ' 13Ul;K, li'fi`iE CIGARS : WHOLESALE AND .P.0- ilC;`r.Alt.- . - OVER ONE, HUNDRED DIFEEitI'NT STYLES t) ' A. .211- riPpls, WIlTCitt THEY ARE SELtXNG AT CDS 1'. -trfi, ICE CREAM and SODA WATER IN SEASON.. rn Remember that anythrnq got frena .their citrin' can he returned, it at. t as repreaenrret}„ Clinton, Aril, 11378. 1 , GRASSIOK R Ot?NNINGf AME. •