HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-04-25, Page 5:e_1:I:RIL. 25, 187 i.. tiy,�a..ot.. TRE CLINTON NEW ERA. HEAD and SllQULPERS ;above all Qthor•displays we ever made, arid not excelled by any, For Style, For Variety, For Quality,, Fur (he, best -Value to bo had In the .Dry Goods Trade, Is the 1 TQC ' OF-KODGNS .FOR THE STOOK .OF PRINTS, • THE 'STOOK OF WHITE GOODS; THE STOOK OF LUSTRE, THE STOOK OF ALL—WOOL 'CASHIIIE'RES, THE 'STOOK OF DRESS GOODS, THE STOOK OF BROWN HOLLANDS,•: • ./• • THE.STOOK OF COTTONS -GOODS, . • it TAF;STOOK OF DAMASKS AND ALIA LINEN GOODS, THE M.TO(3i OF GLOVES; THE STOOK .OF COTTON HOSIERY,' THE STOOK. OF NEW TIES, '. -THE STOOK QF CORSETS.,_ THE STOOK O. BWTT014i'S, • THE STOOK OF MILLINERY,' THE STOOK OF MEN'S HATS, THE STOOK OF GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS,: THE STOCK COMPLETE, ' • • -'THE STOOK AT POPULAR LOW PRICES. THE STOCK THAT:IS RIGHT :IN.VARIETY, THE STOOK THAT IS RIGHT IN STYLE AND QUALITY.. • • THE' STOOK THAT IS RIGHT WITH. PRICES TO MATCH, -SEE„ HODGINS & PK.Y'S,' Manchester House. CLINTON, April 11,-187,87 h New. Dominion. House. 1878. 000 1878. O+vi'ug to thedepression in trade, and. the exceeding hard times, .we iaavge: Leen n,nable to find anyone with money enough to buy our ,' stock of 1)ry Goods.. IVe have, therefore, beento the market and bought a Spring Stock, which we be- lieve to be the •'CHE &PEST STOCK. `:E` 1'R .OFFERED ' IN CLINTON; It being bought for cash, 'we are enabled' to :offal it. to the public at wholesale - price,g,.for'catih. Otw old stock. being, prett much sold':ol y auction, the.people. :'. Ii-fiud everytlring,.new and;'or the very est` gtlalityn ' .A'ii}%'ol+d.stook we':h'ave on hand, will be cleared.out at: .W f SOL' SALT, -PI,i.IpS AND LESS „ pl as mauy of our ctistomers'are of the opinion that we have given tip Business. in Clinton, we.,take._this_o-liportunity of letting there• know diet Weare still doing business as usual, and will, he Shad m to see them all, ,and supply th ,with, goods -in any line, as heretofore. 1., 1 rv'cas •f A. FIRST-CLASS GLASS ,,i T�LIA,EI an ••are secured the se 1 oi and -are have I , lsrepared to execute all orders in this department, in first-class style... Our Show 'Room will be opened in a fele days,•and the ladies will have chalice- of seeing all the New Patterns in Engiish, French and -American Millinery. MQQu aitt{,4..Tn Stanley, on the 19t11 inst., the wife of M. 'W'n, lvlcQueen, jr., of a daugh.. ter, FIZzsilsroN$ —In. Clinton, en the 20t1 Met ; the wife of Mr. R..kitzaitnoini, of a s n, Snlrn,—In Goderich, on the 1,9tb,lnst, the • wife of Mr. H. H. Smith, of a sae. 04.1. lox.- InVoderioh,' on the l2th inst., the wife of Mr. W, A, C:►lbiek, of a son, • MARRIED. 'l'a1vsl,tit.—Coos,—Ira Goderich, on the 24th --ins r by•th v i Preston, lir •James Tewsley, of Qliuton, to Mary A„ fourth daughter of Mr. A. Cook, of (xodorioh". DIED. (l.tz, lr: ox.—In Clinton, on the 22nd inst., John•liin►nertnan, son of Mr- I7; Oanteloup aged three years, HARrxR.-ln Clioton, On fire Ieth inst,,, Eta. ily, infant daughter of 'r, James Harper, .aged 8:mndnths. DOUGLASS.-Iii Morris, • near Blyth, on. the .23rd 'inst., at the residence of her father, Mr. ', Wright„Mrs. R. Douglass, aged 27, years..: aI.I 1dr ;tu&iikvi s, April '25, 1878, MAruive:s remainfirin: without any )material change. . So long as the East- ern question i etnains 'Unsettled the wheat market willrennain•'steady and firm, but if it was finally disposed of we thunk *heat would 'niaterially decline, as. they supply . is.. abundant and :the in - coining crop promises to 'lie large, 'In other produce there is no change. Wheat; fall, red; 1@tush,..$1' 05 a 1 08 W'hoat, fall, white, 1 08, a 1 10:.. Spring,,. ;i, 0 95 a. 0 98;, . ie, .1.00 ,.a 1.02 Oats, :' 0 30• :'a 0 31 Barley,. ,• • ;. 0 45, a 0 50' Peas, ••••'•.• "0.57 a 0 60 • Flour, • •:.5 00 . 'a ' 5 50' Potatoes, - 0 .25 : a 0.30 Pork, s, , .4 50 ';a' 500 Beef,- 4.50 a 5 50 /litter, 0.13 a 015 Eggs,0 0$• a '0 08 ;, Uu k_cys, ,• ,'-. 0 5Q a •1 00 Chickens, per pais', 0 30. 'a 0 40 • I'ay,' -. 9'00. a 11 00 Hides, _ 4 50 .a 5 00 Sheepskins - • 0 50. -a. 1 00 Clover... - 3 50 a .4 Of) • Timothy 1 0.0 a 2.25 GRANT'S. . EXCELSIOR: . HAY : FORK, 1/1i/tut Juc,3Vonr.n. 1'ritented••by PET2 R Z'rRANT, of Clinton, Ont;;,fbr ,thu•Domiuicn;of Canada, aid h'aabeen gradually grow - in iavor,,4tutil it has now been pronounced by all candid judges superior to anything,ot the kind ever in vented. It Sias •taken. six first Provinciall'i lzeoin Oaua- de,previous to its introduction into the l)nitodstates, 'and at -the centenuial EBposition, held at Philadelphia, 1878, it received the only 'medal and commendatory re-: port of the judges; ovor thirty-seven competitors. It is now introduood to the agriculturist of the United States. and Dominion of Canada, with the confident bow that it most enpersedo all other appliances of the kind.' The - patentee has tostinioniais from hundreds of Prominent' agricttuiistsinthe prnvince. It onlyrequires to bo seen tole fullynppreeiated. The advatitages'claintod' for it aro, that it (lees' Its rvo•lcilnickor, honor, and with 0..12 leas attendant labor e Ila ' n i n n other fork. A• boy years of ago can handle it with the greatest ease hey arehatensivelyrnationtoturod'by (imlorich \l'a,iutaotnr- ing co. • Price, $12. • • For prices and' full particulars: and ti iirittions for - ogeiteies, •tow,nshirl cud eouutry rights, ndtirees•' OUR-. TAILORING DEPARTMENZ• i'I;rE1i c�atNT, CLI2 Tr11,.oNT, Or, Cosponnwhip, Disr t, (.o., I'w., for Ut itod States. Is still under the management of MR. SMITH; *ho, we feel confident, can .give Clinton, April 25, 1878. satisfaction to every one, in i good -fitting suit: ' ' We have on hand .a splendid assortment of ENGLISH, FRENCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS, at the very .lowest figures. • Also, it SPLENDID LINE OF FRENCH WORSTED COATINGS. ' MEN AND B'OY'S FELT HATS, •IN ALL THI?] N'T«'F1ST A1+It;RI(1AN AND I NgLISI5'STYLES. • In a word, our stock is complete in every department, lend will bo -sorted overt/ week or so. +y \V.i have sari :int our stock of I3C)OTS• AND SHOES tea loot and Shoe lealer in town with whbtn.wc have; :wade arrangement to supply our customers at the very lowest rates. $UTTER AND EGGS taken . the sane ,s OASE. • Lam• \.J.41. IL q~.tiny <J 11•r R Cheap 'emit ttitvre. (_'tiuton, April 4tIi 1878 • 0. The subscriber bas now on hand, and is constantly receiving, a large stock of. Tv};I EABTCflflIAU5, &c! Of various sizes and descriptions, which he is enabled to °fret lower than ever, in consequence of the fail in •prices, through the depression of the titter, HARNESS OF • ALL. KiNDS On hand or toads• to order, and having takotr'FI1 ST PIRIZE at the Provincial . Exhibition, held at London last fall, ho feels confident of being able to guarrntae 8atis*tion. Clinton, March 14, 181$(. 4. J C. MILLER, pIANO'l 011 CASH VS, CREDIT. ITS 1Vfanpp are the opinions afloat as to the cause of the depg•tesion int trade and commerce, which has visited Most every commercial countiv oil the face of the globe durini;, the inlet four or five years, and which semis to stilt exult in this Dominion of ours. -a country notabluannong the nations for her agrienitural, lumbering, and mining resources, her educational appliances, her very extensive, valuable and coveted fish- eries and her No. 1 Coal Oil, at HARLAND BR'S,' at 20 cents per gallon, "liii»u vlttinf tliat"e�tiiaiit a`Treeis"tile' tivaa'of the evil, others, over pro?uetiou and too large importations, while others lay the whole blame oil the'present government -but we are of the opinion that'the long credit system is ono cause of the present,' trouble in this Canada of ours. Many are the schemes suggested forothe reinar. al of the so-called hard times; some advocate free trade, others say "increase the tariff, and others things too numerous to mention, while. we aie of the opinion that to btly and sell for Dash will be the,ntost sure and successful means of stamping out this monster crisis, This beim; • our conviotiop, we have decided to SELL OUR. GOODS XOR PAW, at prices that. loin astonish' all,"5as we have >n.ar1;ed them down a' a .1/WhirSJIAI.L ADVAIvrOF ON COST FOR .CASH, • We keep'coestantly onh and a lars@-'assertment. STOVES OF ALL : KiND% of the Latest Patterns, which we are sellint for cash at pricesthat defy competition. We manufacture TINWARE OF EVERY- IDESCRIFTION, and are prepared than to sellthe forlowest. cash at•pricestower - Call and gut rices for Milk Pana Pails `&o, g P . t i .':JOST RECEIVED, 'A LARo LOT OF' Spades, Shovels, Ford Rakes,'.I`XoesG'lotern Pumps, Nails, ',Looks, .IIinges, Paints,' Oils, Varnish, Window fllass,Putty, and all kinds .of RUJLDi R'S.HARDWARE. We keep constantly on hand al large assortment 011 AMre, Ousel rra, Cit-txosla its, BURNERS, OIMINIas, GLOBES..,&c. - Alen,' a large variety.. ' of Elali C feral, ' • We hulks t► epeeititty et' Eavetroaeh4 ' Tin•and Gtialvarilzed Iron Itoofiiia ,. .Sheet•Meta'i ('ornices, and all r, kinds of job work: del"Do not fail to call andtt? our prices, and be convinced that We are'sr`k,•ig goods at lower figures than Have ever been offered before in the 1 county. 1 Remember.:the place to buy goods cheap for ' cash, is at HARLA.ND pROS.' BRICK BLOCK,... opppsite Ross.'s Hotel, Albert. Street, Clinton HARILAND BROs N 0 'T I',t"' L 'r All overdue Nates and Accounts not .settled at once, will be placed in court for. ccltectioa Ciinton,'April4,1876 ' a er Bag.! aper Ba LINT4 $ tINTINGr : ESTABLISHMENT, IS' NOW THE Most complete. and best furnished country office in, Canad. S. •• ,1/ivi g re,ently an>det. 'Steain Power, two"New1ani a large a niolint ' of: '.Cyi r'e, to our previously ol.tensiri nssortnlent, (end iiioreaset Our facilities tle . by creation of a separate Sob Room, we''ire in a better position thitn ever -•before; to execute promptly, and on ;the tno`it reasonable:ternis, any description of • WrappingPaper ,_ WrappingPapeiJ. First-class Piaiio, equare,,carveillegs, near- ly new,full compass, raro tone„, by a New. York maker, for sale cheap ; cash or credit to suit purchaser, Address,.., X.Y.Z., CnfvroR P,O. FIRST-CLAss FARM FOR SALE. The undereigncd otters his farm of 8U Area, beim lot 28, con. 8th, Godorleh township, 0 miles from Clinton' and 7 from 0pderikh, ter sIle, About 74 etoared, re - mender good hardwood. On the premiacs fire good •IMMO lrbildiiigs, good orchard, and plenty of water, The whelp. being in stale of good cultivation,. Price, a80 per ncro, and roasonabk terms. • ROBERT MILLER, Porter's ltill,- (Fo terich township. April 10,1878. NOTICE, Notice is hereby given flint all persons aro warned against ueg' liatiug a note Made ley the firm. of the late 31. Callender ,t: Co., and in favor of John•Jonkirts, payment 'of the same having beep stopped. • • • JOHN JI NKK S. (ioderioh ;township, April'.',, 1878. WISEMAN. BROS., )3 11 OKRSN INSURAR'CE R1lilGeneral Agelits� MONEY LENT ON 10 T<A(E AT 8 PER' OMIT. MOI1,TGGAGES poir,c f'P, NOTES (IP 13ANI) DISCOCIVT D, i IN'ritiU iST A1,1LO1113114 4►Y 1)EI.05111i. Firat.riaeartt'r.,.T.f/8 and Accident Iniatrirur'e C'ontpani s rrpresented, s`rer.,-itlf0't'';t0b-r='t:iv't: a44IftACE Cor NY. Capital and *hand. .. ♦.. 3,750.00 Arinoumt er Akanra,, 10,412,907,' Weekly ,Iraeon144 ♦.... ....... 13,000 !Welt lower that; any *that 'Company, in this country' enssestte t A(kt:NOY.t'ui',. •the 0unard and Inman Line nt Steamers.. Tho oldest and moat reliable linos grossing tlieAtlsntie. Tielccts farmed at lowest rate,', from and f,r lAintonr to'andfrotn (treat Britain. OP• ,FIC1;•r71tfit Et'oz.r.S2. TOV. '0'VLCt40, J 1 bi1t `OSI. Ct((nton, .i>itlt tttr 1g;8.. \b . :.l - WO have oil hand a large as- Sortfiic.'ut • CI, 1 APER BAGS and wnAPP.1NO PAPEES,. tllatiuhtpturel . at the iilerritou„ .I'npei' Twp oiYer' to ,l)ttsiness: men at prises as low. as call be obtaiiieiF at the ti ll. They eaube has either with printed ll,:l er.ri: t:'went hereon, • Y i f71' witii'.ntt. E. HOT' JS & SON, y :y i PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL Our improvements liattve been Blade at a very heavy outlay, and We trust this Uusinee . men of Clinton and vicinity will extend to Cts such a liberalassistance' as will show that oust' enterprise is appreciated.' • oaf' aid see Natniites, Seidl get Prices* and be conv(nced that'you can get nay description. of i.'ritirtn'g, Jose to firet4e1nse ptptCr'tit the'corir lowest lrattot. 111- t -•l x..ivnEn8 etc soz",.'