HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-04-18, Page 8THE CLINTON NE* L1A,
wood *moo.
The spi'inpg show fn connection with
the H. 13, A, Society came often Friday,'
last, on the Biding Park' Association
Grounds, whiell have been leased by the
Agrioultnral,'Sooiety for exhibition pur-
poses, es rj rinniit ilsg°Mtve1 •
situated, and of rolling character, there-
by. making it dry:. and firms is well
adapted for this object. It is well fenced
and 'when a suitable .exhibition building
is erected, Clinton will possess the best
and largest exhibition:' grounds in the
County, The.dev was fine and pleasant
° ai
• WHAT do you think of this for April
weather ?
Sunless ThATu, --1Vf r.. W. Vitt, wlto
dropped dead at Lucian, on Saturday,.
from apoplexy, was fettlier of Mr, W,
Kitt, of this' :Awn, :
Tits Exeter -Yam.' boasts of iti calf in
that village; weighing over 100• pounds.
We. believe it, and suppose it refers to
the. one employed. on their staff.,
Lar oz..LMIr:, Geo. Cottle has pur-
chased a lot on Rattenbury.terrace from
Mr, S. Davis, for the stun of $111,.' and
will metre- the, hoose ccoupied by him,
which he has purchased from Mr, Searle,
on t&.it,
-ern oat ditol
•EXPLANATION.).� th t li se -
port, published last,.. eel.,:: t}le item of
STORES will be closed to -morrow.
EGGS are likely to go clq.tvin between
this aid Monday,
Now THAT the assessors are wrought',
doge are returning, front their,,Ttolideys.
MAOIMS.--Wheat is a trifle higher
and firmer,. blip ' scarcely anything is.
being done, as farmers aro too busy
seeding to Como to market.
BusxNEss men and others who sweep
refuse matter out into the gutter in
front • of . their premises'and leave it
there, should remember that it is illegal,
" Qin IM1 "' suggests that the molaa-
-choly expression on tlio countenances
of some of our townsmen is caused by
the fact that this is house ole4ning.time.
and a Itil ge ifiowd .�`.:is resent to wilt- BAsi .RALT:.', e>- -practice .-•gatna. ,of
Show, p ?7 Is to a � fear as the char e•for
Dass the silo. w, . We have ne doubt u : 0 11 g • Base Ball will take, place. on Good Fri-,
p ' One by-law, by Messrs, Mal» r
,marry more vvotiltJ .liavo been tliere,•bnt drawing . clay, oil time tlgricultnt'al $liow.(Iroands,
the time and opportunity for spring seed colnsotx� & Watson ; It should be.;,, for at 10 . o'clock., between the members of
Lug was too precious to. lose.. The'ent• dmawmg by-laws, etc; tile. Etenntlees Base• Balls Club,which
ries were larger than. usnal,:and the •TITLnn.--Otlr Mayor received..,a let- will be the commencetllent Orr 1111p1ay
number• of . imported and,.thot'oughbred •tex from'a firm in the States, the other ing for: the season
horses were also above •any' 'previous .day, which was addressed, "Hon, W,.C,. ''
Searle," iVho' says' he is not us" Well FASTED IFAT. - our - hoteliers, as
Show., .
usual; will .lake a dis pl,i of Eest-
The following is the 'prize 'list • Worthy •of the handle. to his 'name as er meat which all goodhould sec Mr. J.
HEAVY DRAuJGIIT I:10RSES:-�7 entries, several down as Ottawa just now.?
r*:ailitnportd. late:"DonaldDinnie." C. • TRE work in connection -with the Bi- 'Daynteht.bo�vs'tsvo beeves, 'two: lambs,
, g , tris G1lristian "a > ointments on this. air- ytea sheej) and one calf. One is a four
Mason,owner .2nd; "]dank of + Deland " ' i p year •old 11Pifer v5'ef;h• 1,cJ60 1b5.,, the
J. 1liasomi: ' :, suit having ;been found more than one other,n two year old aveighing 1,,3 S0 lbs.,
GENERA PiltirosE. -4 entries. bit, person can do justice to, application will both•fed byMr. C1, E. Watson, lir: ]3..
" Young Contest," `Thos. Boll ; 2nd, • be reade'at the .June couferenoe for ;in Fitzsimons 1
"Young or 13 'ddo ". J, Perdue..supply.-irn tis slum is one beef l y Mr. J.
Yon Lord 3 a . , . additional
1; entries,''. 1`irrawn,, IIullott ; • two beeves; fed lyF
ROAD AND C}AiunACE.- (' 131, T11•(lRANeI.-John Stanley �t as. ar- Mr. J. Collison, W. Wawanosh , one
"Merry Legs,", J..AIa oii ..2rid I3anible resteil'on Tuesday, for frequenting barns: lamb, , fed by 11:E1r, S., Butts, Goderiob
tone n, J. Beacom. �' anti tables and braving no visible means' ownshi one pig and ane, s11Ce i •'fed
Two• YEAR, OLD •, EAvY. DR,A.IJUHT, , g �' 1 ) 1 map,
a .g entries. 1st; "Young Honest 5am.d i": of support, and being brought before' t1Ls- by Join'Speung,. Hullett..; and one calf,.'
o ,t,, Mayor,, was fined''' 1 mid costs; but not. fed byrhini e'if.• Mr.,. 'j. T'ewslet shows.
J. Perdue. •, ..nd, Dslnta Horlte, Rab:, ham2,i'ng the wherewith to Settle, he ' was. One foul" year old heier, weighing 1,605
McMichael,. :- • :� T : -•,, . sent to C1oclnrich for 10 (Flys. > lbs , fed. by h:itimself ,two 2 -year old: he%v.
John Pollock's i et ng• St. L' Lawrence :fere 'fed b Mi , Jos l'eyvste Coll erne
war highly recon"mended. , A Goon BanGAIN;=A few hays since, , y y, ,
g y . :wen ,hi
Only one aged thorough bull, belong `1:Ir. W. J., Paisley, Of this• town, put- b ng' 1,100 lUs. each ; one ,sFteep,
'one fwo chased file farm of ]12i=. Alex. Ciunpbell,. n sighing 265 4; two :lambs incl one;
ing to Mr..B. Manning, and o e r
year old thoroughbred 1401/ belonging lot: 4,:OtIi, con .of Morris,' consisting 'of pig. ggIr. Dlnsle y shores one well fed
to Mr. 3: :Shipley, both.. Dul:hatn,: Were 100 :teres,. for the slim. of , 3,160;. after beef, one; limbi and one pig. Owing to
shown.. wxde reselling the farin' to 111x. John Chic warm .weather they. do not intend
Junons,-Nicest s. J:Pet'ty,. Reiisall. ; Watt, of Mot t is,: for an tSdvanco of 4S56.0
Wna. Hawkslitie-,:Blyth ; Robt. Medd a•good profit. '
BtcA' i -A t �lubni n, . one daj' last
Tun efeen $ B. A.UNG .s, SIIsweet. • week, the ]Corse of a c0i1Tmeleial travel
Came off at Blyth on Tuesday. The ler:, with a buggy' attaahe4, ran.away,
day was splendid and the turn.:out of and was stopped in its •nine . career by a
spectators large, but the nub ber' of brave young lady; named Miss Edmond-.
entries was not' gtiite ' so great as last son, before , any.. damage • was. • done.
year ; but it was 'a . ood.show,' especial.; Heroines are not all' dead yet, it will be.
g 1 seen Yonngr men_who contAna ,
_T1y in tht�:bacLttnd._carlauge.:class�wltiislt --�� 1��°+'
was fully equal to the 'show in Clinton. .ing to Manitoba eoulcltnot do better than
The show of bulls was notlargeebut the secnre•such a prize for a companion
thoroughbreds were very good. ' Mr.
Manning walks the course meeting with
no competitors., ' His is certainly a very
fine bull. The directors of the society
took 'especial pains . toprevent any fa-
-_'.. voritisnl or partiality `ill the awarding:
of• prizes, as they appointed' five judges.
The follolving is the prize list :=
HEAVY DRAiTTIT'HORSnS.- 4 ellti1es:"
1st "Bank of England," ¥ason,i; 2nd,
=" Heather "Jock;" 'Alexander'.• JZ, Bell ; •
3rd, ('What's Wanted," Thos. Bell. •
• ROAD AND CARRIAGE. -5. entries. IBC;
"Sorel Cloud," A. ,Ennis ;•2nd, "Itimiile-
tonian," J. Beacom;. 3rd, "Merry, Legs,"
J. Mason.
GENERAL Pinirose.-
- 4
entries. 'ne
•" Young Contest," I, G.', Bell 2nd,
'Kingof Dominion!13.:Wilson. .
3rd, "gonadial" Plowboy,"
Jos. Walker..
"Danta Davey," Romit. McMichael:.
BuLLs-Tnon tiorrni u.». -r'- E. Man-
UNDER- TWO YEATts.-3 entries. 1st,
J. Rossi; 2nd. Joh n Brigham , 3rd, G,;
Robertson, .
Guam: I3uLLs.--2 entries, 1at,.' :Jojl.
Lyons ; 2nd, I+'.. Moimning. •
JUDGES -HORSES. -(leo. 11lace, Ex4id
ter ; A. Macdonald, lianclieeter ; 'Phos.
. Sharpe, Seaforth ; Robb, Medd and John
• Young,' W. Wawanosh.
Eyes. -John Shipley, Hullett i
13. Biggius, Stanley; J.,Ctuuin;, ITttllet,
Tun volnnteore have Been: practising
at the rifle ranges lately. , No doubt
to -day many of -them will say "I can
.make a bull's eye every time," but to
ship -
morrow their expression iiia be "et this
rifle's played out, if I had a good gnu I
could. have clone it," • . Shooters .never
lay the blame of a miss :ori thenmsclves:
A were on the G. T. U. made four
and it -half miles between Weston . and
Carleton in three and tutee -quartet
minutes the other day„-•-Loiitloit .4c/ear-
then' Frshhttr:I that'snotliing. We once
rode .on a Grand Trunk train that made
the extraordinary speed of 116 utiles' in
six hours and a -half, and' this rate
wasn't the train's "level best."
- Comer. Mm nriN I. --The counci : met
▪ pursuant to adjournment, of onday
evening. A report show). c.1 the popu-
lation of the town. tone' ,000,'was read,
when the clerk wet
the chairman o
ere of the
slaught'tiing long before it„ig.cut.Li.p.;,so
. every one wlio wisbtvs'to. sec it•inust go.
this evening: .
The (Attica/4o Poultry . Pez•ieto, for April,
published at Strathroy, has been :reeetvod,
Thispublication is exclusively • for the inter-
est of poultry and small game fanciers, and
being well got up,merits a liberal support,
raeo•RFssivEi.- We . are-pleaaed-•to--netic
that the advertising business of the Hamilton
pews is such as to necessitate the issue of •a
• double sheet on Saturday. This is a good
11MOlit 'EAI1LY' Riiuesele. Last week sign, indi0ating prosperity 9n the one 'hand,
we mentioned • the reception of ' faonie and recognition of a.good Advertising medium
'early rliubarb,askiegwhere were the two en the other
J•oes. • We, now learn 'that one of them
(Jos. Allainsony was, not to be', caught'
`ia 1f.ping spring,, .this ti•rina,, as'heshadrhubarb
.eighteen. inches .long by; 'thin end:of
March Lind beginning of A > 11 • Win ex
peat he is 'going to giro agood • uecotnit,.
of himself'cluring.tins. season a's.a mar-
ket gardener.
ar-ket-gardener. ••
• ':'Lir APPLY, BLoSsoM . 'Yesterday:eve
were shown; by Me. A. S.Fisher,
species of aphtis, filet aro'attacking. the
apple blossan,' They' are.only just visi-
ble to the. naked . eye, but are .:causing
flip, bio son to have pl. blighted •• appear•
ance. They aro inunerous,'and if neth-
%rig Happens oto destroy them, •ratty clo
eonaidelil'ble injury..
Coi riiic�r AwAnni.u, •--.The 'coiltraet
foe the' erection ,of Messrs. Searle and
Biddlecotnbe's .bi ildinggs,. have • •Peon
awarded as fellows --Messrs. Cooper &
McKenzie the, w oodworlc of Mr. Searle's,
and 1VIcCarincyt 3 ;Thomson:that of Mr,
l3iddlecotnbe, the Messiss Bowcy having
the Centred for ail the brickwork, .John
Cron for plastering, chid J. Copp for
painting. A. number of tenders were
received front outside patties, but 'all
who hold contracts are' residetlts ef.thii
town.' The'bililelin s are to be:eolnple
ted by the let df October
ship ou the 8th of ]?abrn
OAr'rr.E FOR Ezeur,:'txn;-•--011'1�htn•sda' Years, liar•o been hand
lstat'-lleeerte: Spooner,'Moolley, •:]:Ioat.n `1.'hef stati?ct'of
and. Watson, shipped two . curs of very. to Ireland, w
the c,gc of
fine fat' cattle foe Eni;lanit,' froze tithe of �i'oth'
A. letter is published from Mrs, Til-
ton, re -assorting and confirming; the
,charges of a criminal eenneetion between
herself and the Rev, Henry Ward.
Beecher .She acknowledges to have,
lived "an intolerable lie" touring the past
four years and in expressing a desire to
return to her husband anticipates the
oausea to which will be atttibuted her
most extraordinary conduct. A tele'
gram is also published from Rev. Henry
Ward Berreher-giving theseonfeesioxt-o..
Mrs. Tilton an absolute denial and a£
finning that she is innocent of the "great
transgression" with which she charges
•.A' oockgeneral•serVarr girl ::.A-pply-to---::
Clinton, April, 18, "�1$7S,
WA N 7,' F:[A
A few good Stonemasons ;. also a lylason's
laborer 'Apply ou lot 30, 4th eon, Stanley, to
• JAS. iyf'cFAREANE.
Stanley, April II,' 1878. *.
Notice is hereby given that all persons are
warned againstnegotiating,a note made by
this firm of the late lt•, Callender' et Co,, and
in favor of, John Jenkins, payment iof the
same having been stopped.. ,
fxadvriclt township, .April 3, 1878, . .`
• aK
As the underiignecl• has given •uj) businesic;
be hereby notifies all indebted to him, either
by note.or book account; that a settlemuent.
must be Made on or before the 20th Met,
otherwise they will be placecl.in court. for eel
lection. • - • • -'
C!lint9ii, April; 1878.
�' ozmp,IC.ZI,
The:undersigned has on .'hand and for sale,
•IstPROVPU Fe,e.c er.bwS, A Stfeen ei .
• F,h 1 R \. RARTTY` 1VFRDION•T SB• 3t''•
NEL1iEAUVv, LATE R.osu;,
glib. OTHER VAR. -TIES,.
He his also a large quantity of
, •. ,
E 'Z ,A •li: a;.tt sir
A a ;ts 4,,
ar �''
e showinga %remendou large as ort ' ant of
S �; S 1x1....
NewestStyles .and ; Patterns. . Everybody . should •
000 . PANT A ..ern: VEST 41fAKKEl>'Sc-1D'A,.'VTED at ohm. Also,
Tic (inci.nn;tti Breal.� ast ' able, one of;,the,TC1lG'IIXNI.ST.
,� � •A!! kinds Field and hard®..Seeds, ..
best family newspapers in t le' country, will
be, sent from now till ?Jiiroh .lst,. 1879, post. +
. ,aid. to any address for one dollar. • 'Itis a. • •• 1ttAmirt 'Q:ti S't'air• i'..
light, haudsotnely printed, ti-Gicly of forty-
:eight columns;, ful1•of.original humor,: enter. JAMES IsleNAUB .
-tar pins et:ind instrue tie n;'fit'at class' in every` (4Oder Iclt,•J.i,%•il f8,•'I878'�
•Dhettenttie; "Cts stir 'ic1'e"fefiittllticri anelimtieeteie" ` _
circulation fully:..attest.. Address, E. P.
•SraWii, 1'ublislier, Civcint,ati; .Ohio, CASH'
�.A,S fir` '��S ' �.
A !GOOD 1'nreu.=Tice Ottawa .daily .&,''; ' ,
Prck,'which bas'recently, nuderwent oonsid• ••
enable mechanical improven)ent, iS. note olio of • lrany Ore the t,t,inioiis afloat as to the, came
d1te beat dailies publishes], . Being the ,only of the eleprEssion in trade and :coinmerce, thigh
Ministerial paper at ,the capital,' it.devotes has visited most every commercial countiy on
much space td •atttleentle.inforntatioit in refer- the face of the- globe during the past'fouror
once' to the doings there, heaidts being in a five years,, and which seems to still exist in this
petition :to supply: the earliest news of inter•-. Dominion of ours -a; countrynotabloamong the
est. The weekly iasimn of the some is also :a nations" for. her agricultural,; lutnbering, and
s , >1Cnnc
resources,' educational. a
good one, an oil • chronic of Lod `l�ufi'eitu be: mining , I I
ing given to each subscriber thereto• her very extensive, valuable, and covetred. shy
'crick and her No.1 Goal Oilat 1f.A t�AIY])
• fnurriao tie axii Tim' 7'it)L 6Y17inpty than- 13R(.)S.' set 20 omits par gc;116n:
sand copies have already been sold rf Will ?i,
Tbotntisoa'a famous song: "Gatliering Shelia .;ion„ ,.i.. .that• extrava' , lithe cause of
front. the • Sea Shore. "„ It. is thought that the will ; others, over.pro • etion and;too large.
•' Drifting with the Title,'; thfs titethot's last importations, wlifie sits s lay the whole blame
composition, will` even •' a;elipse•- '.! Gathering on the present, gave�r merit= -hut we Lire of the
$hells" in pnpulnrityy. • Any music dealer will 0 iAnion at- the on credit system is one cause
mail.•either of these beautiful pieces to your f "
address An recejpt'of price; 40 ets. 'Published
by W. L. 7 noire ox & Co., Ease Liverpool;
Ohio.. '
• , ` , OBITUARY.
'' • Tlie folliissing particulars,
m ativo to
Alia. Hamilton, who died iii C, i erinh town -
y, last, aged 89.
ne for publication:.
its obituary was born
J. ' She.was converted at
, through the iestrurncutality
ism, ...a 'joined the church,- and
ed a faithful member till her death;
place, Mr.' Hearn preceded ,this ship
i y meat to Cxueltilt, where he. would ship
two cars of caf.tle and• 500 sheep, nn
then .all would proceed togotl t
port of embarkation. The "d
larger well-fed '.cattle for t
market is alinosesenlist;
who•hilve.eapital to '
with a reasonabl
turd, This i
end retjui •
its 0
netructed to notify
e License coeiiniseion-
tmtt, stnld to tattler the ac-
count the expenses for taking the
sai cgnsus, to Mr. Imes 'Turner:
Cho r
se report of Street Corn re-
Committee, re
commending the laying down of side-
walks and other improvements in the
different wards,. was read. • Several of
the clauses in said report, ;Avow slightly
amended and after some dfsetlssion.
thereon, were adopted ; one or two of the
clause': wore not adopted. The Street
Inspector was instructed to see that all
parties planting trees on the streets', p;tt
thein hit ft,' from the tint: forme. The
'.Treasurer was instructed to pay the bal-
ance of the High School fund to hand,
to the Trustees of the high School.
'1'he cannel tlileti adjourned.
('.' p'
Ler e
et' inti for
1, and.thoso
beast exit do •so
;respect of a goof] TO-
rest ncedteue 1 n•otcetiolt,
s no bonus, ha will stand .on
1 Merits,- asking no favors -oi'
dope at the expense of anyone.
Pliereare CItANf;Ey. C1ml li eiday last
the house and lot of Mr. lradlev, beyond
the Western statiop, was snld•byattrition,
14fr. WVnt. Cora being the purchaser at
$",2OO, at which price the property is very
eiteap.:,,::;i ri. A rtitttr'Cantlon, of Clods .
rich township, has purchased the house
and lot in Win filum, owned' by qtr, T.
Cooker, of that place, for wliirlt he paid
$500, which is considered very low,, but
as Mr. Cooper, is going to 7Mculitoba, it
had 'to be sold, therefore 'tvlr. 0antlon.
got a good bal gain..". ...On Saturday the
property belonging to Mr. 1).11rcTavish,
situate ot-'Mary Street, WWI sold by auc
tion,'° Mr. John Callander being the pur.
chaser, at ,$'620,.. .Mr, A. S. Fisher,
of this to'vn,. has sold to Ir, W. Coveu-
try, of Londesboro, ' 100 acres of• wild
land otl the 4th con, of Wawanosh,'•att
$15 per•acre,....16. D. Erwin, of Clift=
ton, has also sold his farm, lot 2fi,' 11th.
con,. of Millet, being 1351 steres, to lifts
A. Nairn, of Toxoeto, foto the sum of
1 :r last. words were "Gklor, .Glory, all is
well." She died as she lived; ever i•eadv:to
testify uf;.God'e power to save from all •sin,
.Sho with her hituband. and •family'carire to
Canada in 1821,' awl euttled 'itt the• town -
all fp
ownship of'I'uronto, where they t'enurined about
12 years %",hen they reinoved tfi' Goderiele
About three years .bftew they removed to''
the township of Goclerfcli. She then •ttpcl1'
ed her lrniiso for prayer. 'W'hen talki:,cl of
raining a Omen she was the first 'ft .soh-
scribe, and was always ready for ore* Ls/ nal
wuik She *as a strong advocate' of.torn-..
llerattoa ; and very strict to attend .the
place of worshilp.:Wlion sicinitsisO1 trc}lble
was in the neighbni•Iicctd, she was there to
cr.wforr •turd console. Was it widotv 27
yes; s. 1+' atlier.Haniiltou, as be was called, L' 1,011118 Ifo RD it .1.1111...,.
anti two daugbtera, aro •;;Win before,. ' She
: was one of the best of wives, and a emost. 'Vekeep constantly onbaud •tlntge avgorttnent
irtlitetinnate mother. Her sickness was of L•ui.rt, Bit .u'itan,.(Ju:tNnT.GID Ra, 33c ii Das,
inflammation of. the lungs, which she took ('nttir:atew, (41. mks 'otic. {Also, a law variety
nri S•itnrday, end tlfed on l! t•iilayttiornring at, Uf ]3tltn t•,tr.i::..
While idols -her four tiittmghtcrs, \Ye ir,5►i •
0 tr KP00rinity att 1",eti et, ottC;ies,
mfrs. Tames Elliott, itlrti. Joa,. Spa ling, • ils► /Leo Q,ittX,•naixeti ]trot~ recr'ilit:,
o the preen
i\'l'any are
rou ,1e in this Canada of ours.'
ee schemes suggested for the' reinov
al of t d"so•callett ]lard times ; ,some advocate.
free ad's,' otliers.say',inereass the tariff, and
o ars things too numerous to mention; while
we are of the opinion that t�buy and sell for::
casts will be the most sure and suseesaful means'
of stamping out this monster crisis: This being
our conviction, we lave decided to '
,5'EI,L 0 UR GOODS E`OJ ad $11, at prieett
t&at wilt, ,astonish all; as v;e'lcxt;r lnxrkr(t
7E SWAM; III • • !.
them clow n 2 a 1 Glt Y Si 1I1.i; Al A.cl'aT.
1)'1' c!Q,47' P011 CAW.
• OLTDTT43N,.Ap'tl.i•Feis78.• .:.
We lrenl, constantly cm hand:, large ii,sortnient
• of
of the Latest Patterns, witicli ir.;e are selling for
cosh at prices that defy competition.' We
, manufacture
anti are prepared to sem •for cash at prie's f,twer.
t 1 than the lowetit: • 1
0111. irnd >±t prim forliil>;''ktat 110, got
.Tt:'u' 1tErnivatn, A T..rR(415 t.or
ffpa(tr•,q, :tili.nt:rrv, Forks, Rakes,' Imes, (Ji' 1'J':1
I'umpb, Saila, Locks, • JJisClr;, Paints, (tile,
1 trrt[iy)r, ll�irlck,t i attics; Ptttty, rtuftctll kinds of
Mrs. rs1eT ee, hurl Hire. Goo. Pratt, a:9r!i!tt f 1a0et.neini 5'Arttieetr,.tiil4 All
e+1 by others, slid everything that could_ be icintira or Job wn•Ic.
antic to case pain nod prolong life. Great.
er affection was never witnesses]. She Orno not fail.tn call and Cts.., our irrira:i; nue t,o
„ oonvfncusl that we are sclChi „nde ab lower
1f. sv, ,t lire tiiau lift is and five snn in-laws: figures than have ever been oITere.l before itt the
31) grand and 42 ;;leaf grandchildren, • minty.
bale iteltiister. It.en'retiilrer Clio place trr'.buy goods cheap for
. opposite ltocs's Tfot;'1, Albert Street, Clinton,
Louse `and•3nt,, property, 91 �` , John/toe, '
en Albert Street, Clinton, on Seterday, HtAND B ROS.
2001 fust:, D: 'Dickinson auctioneer.
• cult, is at IIAltli .? 1)1ll1O;C, 13m.ic.1c ilkocrc,
tit'ItING SITOWS. • v, ,:�1 0 T 1
Shows -for the exhil i ti:u1 of entire stock will .All ove(,Tue Mites and t nounts.nt!t settled at
be held as follows:, .• f• p• ' once, will hc•plttced 1n court for collection.
At I3rueefieltl, on the IOIb of Alai], p.tesesi, holt 4,1878.
• 1'
Take pleasure in Informing the mablic generally, th.
t, they brave an hand and s'ill;kecp.
for ofto month, n •
Which they will sell at GREEN HOUSE' PRICES, and arty plant iiot in,strick par).. hes
lard by ordering one ;lay in advancer, ' Parties WISHING HANGING 13ASItETS
FILT: +'O,'wi'1'1 please leave their orders as soon as possible, as they will hr#ve ti better
variety of plants to choose, from at the first of the scram.
Receive Oysters on Friday and Saturdays only,
tTiitil the 1st of nay, after which the Store will b refitted for the Summer trade,
E'` i. t' 1wl'. - .. A N E DGOODS
tet' �O� ��
tE=.'.teak > atti=tvi ri.
/; �! dim . t {�.1 . � � � ,a; . f1� {r g. p {t t q� p �{
ii ¢bi.Rt31� aiEt`� H tl k'l.EiTIO iii, tr•. ltUIT. la. iii �Y t1
a H i N a�kYilr.
plitgKAng It EiUt1(. F114.17.1 f)f(U.kftS WJ:IOL!:4ATi i AND RETAIL. . • :L
(Vh:11 0N33 rHIJN11103II DIk'p'71t1a NT S'1'i*I,1 S
is=`h L'x1'ltii,
WIllati THEY AIt'NI ' S'.E:T,LING AT Cosr, " *
Aenienber that a111ythiilg got from :their eters cart' be returned. f.1 not as reprexented.
!into! T, Api•, 1.878..