HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-04-18, Page 1AND DENTE: J WRQN GENERAL ADVERTISE , x1/014. 1s, N0, 18 t . , TiERItt6,–t Loo Pe.r.A►1; um,y.,,.,,,, MON TR•EA • CI NT,ON ( N'T'A.RTO„ THURSDAY, APRIL 18 1878. USE. s Il G, rsa8.. 108.PR We have much pleasure • t annelMbing that We will open our NE\V SHOW ROOM, • DOWN STAIRS,. on' Y th • 2Oth. Of: M P R 'WITH. A; GRAND: DISPLAY 4I+` - The eb dea_qnd-aha er which mark -the season's fashions - having been selected with -great• cure in the New York, Montreal, and Toronto markets., Our pattern Donets arta Bats • being genuine Paris importations, deserve specie.), attention, as they give the tone asto. what will be:worn. MA -WTI -MS ••We 'lave a splendid range in ENGLISH, GERMAN and.Al l tICAN:'ianu. facture. \ANTLE$ TQ ORDER, A. 'ECTAI.7X. r.. it'_. arei ares i ort o of IN LINEN COSTUMES. we slvhving thtr_,l g,t a s, m t this Lee,/ sensou.'ra btyles in Clinton., L, U SS• . Is replete with. all the Novelties -iu B:IURETT• 'A.S,-DR,Ar DE 'ARDEH ICNICKERS, SNOW FLAKES, CLAIRE DE. LUNE, (Alpaccas,) &e:,, &,;., which makes_onr stock one of the most extensive and attractive north of London, t IN or e 801i At eoU ll " aid o MOURN G IN• TAP we are showin values that cannot be equalled' by any, Hoose in''the 3 Lwest E and a careful inspection will' rave' this etatetnent.: • P p. - CLOTHING DEPARTMENT -� • �iUR ORDERED ,LONDESBORO. Our old and esteemed friend, the Rev, Mr, Yenng, is in the village, paying his friends a visit livA looking• Bale and hearty • Mt, AT.tnnul -i5 putting up .a new, wire fence •around his residence,. 'which. adds greatly to its appearallee. Mr, Thos. Edclyand son left here. per G. W. -R.- last Monday . for, Manitoba. Thay intend taking up land there. • Mr, Holmes' new house is gutting well on towards completion, 'and will. add greatly to the appearance of the vil- lage. Mr. J; iiaggitt has got into , his Itew shop, c nd is doing a 'flourishing busi- ness., A. social will be helot at the Presby e terian- manse, 1+'ritiay-L*veniing, 1.1t1rin5t.- large tern out is.ex >d: A g_ ta .lecto , Workhas already commenced on the 11Iet1iodist parsonage.. It promises' to. be afine structures. • • • Huber:, Bros. have started ' at Broom •Handle Factory inconnection 'With their mills and it promises to be a success; "_STANL+:Y'. COIJNCti-7!li'e Conmlcil inet, '>rtrstiant l. to•.adjourn.rnent at'Varna, on Saturday, .tie 6th inst. Members all present'; the. Reeve 'in thin chair. Minutes of lust. meeting read and adopted: • ' i! loved by Mr. Castlei'eecd. by M, r. -Aikenhead, that the Reeve give an order to 'Otero Baird and' George Parks for $5:each;:for their services asauditors. foe :this year. ---Carried. Moved' by Mr. Aikenhead, seed. by Mr. Castle, that the 'Reeve give' an orderto Win -,Edgar for the from of '' :3.25, for repairing scrapers for 1875. Curried:. Moved by Mr. Douglas, seed. by Air.. Castle, that this Council • grant R. Shea the sunt of $20, for the )riviledgo of cuttidg, off a creek from hie farm for the beriefitof the road alongside his farm;—Carried: :Moved by Mr. Mc- Kinley, seed. by Mr. Castle; that • the sue h .;a s itisfaotor Under our � Ir. M. -FISCHER, the swell Oatter in Minton,' has shown h t y increase ns to justify ue keeping in stock the largest assortment .of''FRENCH and ENGLISH WORSTEDS, ENIILISH, SCOTCH and CANADIAN TWEEDS,.VESTINGS, ()VER: COATINGS,•&c.,` i i the eoultty; made •up' at the most reasonable ridge. and,every Order • guaranteed, EP���� R• M NT OUR HOUSE FURN S D � ,. Since onr recent Extensive Alterations, i8 tha•,most complete north of;London, so'that :parties wishing CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS; LACI': CURTAINS, -c;e.; ca snow vee a full.assortment in all the well known makes, without taking a•trip to the city, TO THE FARMERS we • give the highest price for BUTTER' and J.GGA, A l.TTJ :�i L,L O•QOTJS , PR16:11i'$-- FISHER, CRAIB 84-' COS - Clinton, April IS, 1878. PIANO l'OR SA1.LB.• • First-class Piano, pare carved legs, near-` 1 new, full con se rare tone byga New 9P , York maker, for sale cheap ; cash or credit to suit purchaser. Address,' - Y.Y.Z.; CLINTON P.O. FOUR CM'S :FOlt SALE. Four cows in calf, :red two horses. for sale.' Apply to H. NORSEWOR'I'liY, ' • near the Commercial. Clinton, April 3, 1874, JUST RECEIVED, THC :!LXfl JAIR, BE$T IN t•wl?. . • CLOTHES.r'W }. tl i r •t. R. M: RACEY, •-1MrORTER O1r.r ANL,. Tif 11,111, 0LI'NTON March 28,1878. FIRST-CLASS FARA1 FOR SALE The undersigned otters Lis farm of so scree, Wag lot 83, con. 8th, Goodell township, 0 Milo, froth Clinton and 7. from Ooderieh,• for sale. About 74 cleared, re- mainder good hardwood, On the pnreroiece are good frame buildings,good orchard, end plenty of *YAW.The whole being fnstate of good cultivation.. Trico, $60 per Marc, and reasonable terms. ROBERT MILLER, • l'oner's 1'1111.' eoderieh township, Apr11 10, 1878, • pUBLIG A C1ION. The unsettteit accounts due the Eatete of. P E 'I' I;'.I:� . ; C; .ES: V A' N Amounting to 'about 1':igbty Dollars (880)', will be mold without reserve, on tr• enistepeers leen. J evy ot-Al4I, 14 79 s At Rattenbury's Hotel, Clinton, at 12 o'clock -noes;- All necessary particulars will be fnruiidiee on. • A, T. MOORS, Assignee. POST PN:EI1,fiENT • day of aide. In consequence of the inability of the As - signet, to be present-ffris day, the above sale ie postponed till VICTIM 4M, 25th inst. Chiba, April 11,1878, dr al x - t ��• '1 1' (, l, . Offers will be received by Jolts tresis, ' Earl,, Cbairm`Anof thel•Touse of Refuge Com- ; ruittee; Iinita:cat,s UNTIL �9 ..T E .11 I: X•�" o h � �A',�Y� �9E partite :Iroto 1• r tea h s,vrng 50, rG, or'i'1)0 aeros of land to sell, suitable_for a site for a'IT•ause of Refuge: The land must not be more than :two miles distant from some Station on the Grand Trunk, Wellington, Gorey and Bruce,. or London, Burgo and Bruce Railways, in the County of iluron. Parties to state in their otters the entnber 1 of lot, number of acres, price pet acre,-nnut. bar of •acres cleared; and distance from station, • The lowest, or ear offer, not necessarily accepted, • • By order, ' ' • P14T1+i1t ADAi1I9ON, deri h Ap- . ra County C Clerk. Glo e ,AR 1 �1, . x878, pathmasters have full power to cause all „fences anti` other, obstructions to ;be 're- moved off all sidercads and other ltigh- ways -Carried; Moved by Mr, Caste, seed. by -Mr. Aik'enhe icl. 1 hat A. lfoo Wr i .' �Iackai,clCJer and. T. lien}rdd> ' t t1'I!' a e --p t . masters for Brucofield,,•,,and W.' Portly for VarnsV:-Gtatried:3.1.6vtiii""trAfi -' Castle, seed. by • Mr. Douglas,` that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the or- ders of the Reeve and Deputy-Beeve.f'or boundary line fund. till December next. —Carried. Moved by Mr. Castle, seed. by iVi;:, Aikonhead, that the Auditor's Report' be passed and that the Clerk get 10.0. copies printed.•—Carried, 'Moved by Me. Douglas,` .seed. by Mr. Castle, that•this'Council! ;rant the sum of $100 for the purpose of innl;roving the south boundary, provided the Council of Hay grant an equivalent,aiid the Clerk send copy of this resolution• to the Hay Conn oil: -Carried. , 3I'oved by Mr. Douglas, seed. by lir, Castle, that this Couincil, grant the sum 'of $'50 to be spent in im- proving* Shea'a--sideroad, between • the Bronson and Sanble.—Gamed. 1.1 ovecl by 11i'r. Aikenhead, 'Seed: by .Mr. Doug- las, that the, sum of $20 be granted for 1Vlurdock's sideroad and .$40 for the Granton sideroad.--.Carried. Moved by Mr, McKinley, secci. by Me, Castle,. that. $20 be ;ranted. to. be expended on. the 6icleroaclbetween Goshen and Baby- Ion: --Carried. Moved by Air. i IcKin- ley, seed by .Mr. 'Douglas, that this Council authorize Mr. Castle to attend the first meeting of the Bayfield Coun- cil and deinand.a settlement of the claims of this inunicipality.--Carried. ;}loved: by Mr, 'Aikenitoad,seed. by Mr. Castle, that the 'Nle suiai of x;15 begranted to - eil 117cfdi1l's , sidnrofid:•---•Carried. ., 7%ve.1 by Mr.1tIcKinley, seed. by Mr. Aikeit- ]fend, that the Bayfield roam be supple- mented by a grant Of :$100 ; :$;s0 to be expended east, and $50 west of Varna ; rho 'Sauhle lino, $20 ;: llrouson, .$30 ;' and Goshen, $30. ;-Ual'r'ied. ?.love l ley Air. Castle,' seal, by 'Ari. Aikenllcacl,' strait this Council do now adjourn to meet on the last Saturday in May, at 10 o'clock, ii.:in., and for other general til sine ass. --•Carried. •4 'it. Pl:ulllfr:TT,•Clerk E, WANES at NON, • and helpless, was. granted $15. Moved, • secd. and carried, that thefollowing ac- counte he potCl,' v.iz.t Nixoii Sturdy, for One new culvert stud • repairing one, ,$6 50 , TWetbei nlcl. snrvaying'in No 4 -Sub -division, $6-a- Wm Stanle3: re-•• ,pairing culvert and digging ditch Huron Road, $8 ; Joshua 'Hill, oho eulvni.t on lot 15, con. 16, $7 ; Robinson . Pinel w,' repairing aerap'er, 75 ets.; A, Bedour,, timber ; for two new culverts, $6; 'Jacob 'Miller, diggiug'ditch on Bay. Coin,, $5 ; .Hugh Johnston, con. 4, for gravel, $8.56. Robt. Rnsseli:, assessor, was paid $85, amount in full, the assessment roll being completed and returned to clerk. The state of the roads. consequent on ..the open :winter, occupied a: considerable time in dtsetigsion, but nothing definite was arrived Lit untilnext'meeting, several iratpv einents su g gnested by • different me!nbei•s, being laid„oteer. The Ci'outicil' nieut when the reached Clinton, be found no ono who would invest ih such a pur- chase,:, .He then drove back to Bayfield,. and . solo his pork to- i11r.,'1'. Marks, of -that-village: : "IVir, Tilos ;hTetlaus, posh 'master at. Hitrlock, has been: again :awarded the Contract for COn.vaYing tier .Majesty's' mails th.ree times, a week :between Sea forth_aind that office, The' contract ex - -tends over a period of four.ye,irs; The farm formerly occupied by Mr. Alex. Bradburn, • 1qt 3, con. 5, Morris,. has been .purchased by Mr, McVettie foe the sum of $3,200, IV1'r, Bradburn: a few years ago received $900 from the railway company , for eightacres .co. same farm. A dry goods merchant and the owner of a •phining ' mill at 'Seaford', have both- succuutbed. to the-pressure-of-the- adjourned. he- pressure -of the - 1 adjourned to meet a sin on• the iia•st Bard tinier Thee- latter :has Called u Mondayin 11Ma . . JAS PATTON Cknli. nleetiing of biasc>e:Jitoisantioffers:ii coni- y promise of 2o cents on the ,.$,'or an ex • tension of to time. '1 the extent of four GUDE-WO From the Signal.) years when he will pay all' s U. Hamilton,. of Blytlr,,lras.put;chased_ • A- oinErt Quir,r ills. aobt.. Hen- the lob •ndjoining.his• pl;op'erty, oriDirts-: Berson, of Goderich, lass a quilt.of.'the .front ;David ,Tenkins, for the. log _cabin” pattern which contains350 and intend erecting.:a. 3,750 "pied s store on it this. summer. Mr. 11., sold: I,rcitiolt CAs$U.---Ou Saturday, Thos. this lot -to M1', J, eighteen iinonthe ago Cba•mpii n, of -Ashfield, was fined $2Q' for $100, and now7,bought it..back''at and costa, by Mayor • Pollock :and P. $350 Lind considers he •got it cheap. Adamsoti,. Esq:, for selling liquor. with- A meeting • of the managing eom.mit7 mita license tee tf.theHuron,LiVe Stock Associatien • Pttov1;'*ItTY fJu tNcT:s.--illi. D. Holmes,. • •wag heli%_ t_.Briiceiield-sortie da. s -'a e. , ..,a y 3' concliletor,' has bought Mr.. John Lees house null lot near -r Tinos. Andrew's, residence, for thes31nit, .:of. $376. This: is' an ,'excellent bargain. Judge Squier has purchased the .li>indsome;:resirienea, of Mr.";.F •`C. Kirkpatrick, who is' re moving:,, o Toronto, ••for 'tire sum of •STATISTICS --i?i•cinr the asSeaters.' re- biros for: this year w,e .learn that the assessed Value• of real, property in town .ins $1,052,295 ;;Personal property, .2 50; x ,r. is less than that of 187:7 by. $8,890. Number of persona civet. '21 yearlef a e, • 1 ��., g .2,083;'fotxl:population,' 4,664. --In this; respect the town ns iaot itrlvancuig og •g. „ 1, , a pew bna�y: and harness,,costing .uettrly. %. Tel: congregational meeting 'in. .$300', 800.1iiishels'of•wheat, 350 bushels of oats, besides peas, barley, flax': seed- aud:,other field seeds, . fatnning mill; pigs poultry, and• A. large supply of dried pork besides several tons of hay and other feed, also '22 sheep and 1:3 lan bs: l a _]urs,; estimated : at over $3,000., The fire dvident'ly the Work of:int incen- diary. 1)learacti nt' Scene,,. Froin the Hamilton, Vines. Of till 'tine disgraceful Scenes that liittve •happened in, Parliament for twenty years, that which• occurred last Saturday night out Herod''s thein all. It is the talk of the :town as it will be of the country. ' Nothing of any moment tookplaee until twao'clock. Brit aborit"two o'clock Mr. McDougall, of Three Rivera, ,rose and proved' the adjourn- ment of the debate. The,Go.vernmeut be- lieving; the subject'had been exhausted, denIauded a division.•The'Opposition >io silted'itoitotatly and Mr. McD'ongall thear proceeded to address the•Houso, which by that time was in: an execrable humor.. He - ••- - ..a.- -=-- ; was unfit for the task ho•haii undertaken.. HURON EMS. He talked sn•stnpidlyin English that those " of his friends who .were able to see tae was • t making a•"fool of himself caped upon hint Moire from this -place.. • Dr, to speak .in French. He then began in. that language and continued rambling in the moat demented way. His face: was The fine weather (luring the last two Weeks has been very favorable for put- ting in than seed, and farnners are ittkieg advaut:tge of it. Some of then are al- ready tlnrouglt, end the greater part will be through uglr ill a week. k, rt is about a th month earlier than last year. GODEIt CH' TOWNSHIP. Coinion. L'lll~;1T1xu.-•.-Council nisi at I7olnriesville, on the 1st.. itnsi;',-Itur'suatxt- to adjournment. 12etnbel•a all present. Xllintttes of last meeting, read and passed. By-laws No. 4 and 5, of present year, were rears and passed. The Court of Revision for the township will be held on the 27th 'day of May, 1878, com- mencing at 10 o'clock, R. 1n. William ),non, an indigent who iso aged, infirm The Secretary's' report of the financial ' position •of the Association was'read•and adopted as. satisfactory, There is, after paying all 'expenses', it balance of .$115, which amount • the. ,Secretary was in strutted to• deposit in the bank to the eredit•.ofthe Association; 'It was decid- ed to°call a meeting of thef members: gf the Association some time in September. ,to make-arrangotonts for the next.sale,: —xpoator, A` destructive • fire oecuri:ed on the Grey, n on Weds esday rnornin g'I r?n resulti a Iry the :loss of a large barn and stables, two span„of horses, one yoke of oxen,. a•• Knox ehurcli on Thursday evening, • it •Wits reported 1.110 •solve forty-eight per- sons •stibsct:ib'ed 0,500 towards the chum exterl$tOn and i1 was 1' s vo • b e o1 d that .the. work be commenced 'at ' once. The rains of $4.,000. is to be borrowed,- making ' the chnrch debt .$5,500 in ail, of which annount $2,600 has •been raised and the greaterportion of . the congre ga- tion is yet to be canvassed. A COIDEe, T.—A • -kW days ago' while. Mr. 3. h'1lliller, •T. 1".,S:,. avts.driving along near' the Nile .on the way to one of theschools; in the: vicinity, one of the axles of his buggy broke,parecipitating:' hits' to the road with considerable vio-` ]ence. The horse was frightened, and i.(r. Millet holding•on,to the reins was dragged a considerable distance before c�a the animal stopped. :As the.roads'were inutidy, Mr, Miller esc•tped serious iii July; although he was considerably shaken ftp. Mr. John Allen left:Brusseis On Mon- r” d s burr twisted'into all sorra Mon- day lost for Arkansas., flaring rod, his • of positions' and his general exterior exceed- 'O-ittllo2lstof' Mareh 1• 1 Mao the population ingly diegreditabte, which. everybody*. re- of Wingbam wtt5'2,072. ' ' • grecs,' as he is one o! the best -natured men The Grand Trunk Co. offers a reward in the Rouse and,well• laced, He had, of $100' for file apprehension' of till' `however, been egged on by his Mende to havingdone tic hits ,n talo the floor, and , ,circus• who bot latized t11 t e e f3eafor.h stubborn persiateno3 kept him on ins feet station:. for an hour, although he was interrupted. -On •IUonday, last Mr. Jolla Stewart in -n, manner• the like of which has not been saw a number of young birds complete- soon since the Cloefederation. Affer talk- ly fe;nthci'eti, lying on rile farm 6f D'lr, ill: for, an hour and sayieg what nobody W.„,(1 I•Iilinston 73rtissels, , understood, and what n)body oared any, a s called to order byb r, ••i thl;ts;,abtsttt,.tle was 1 Mrs. :I. hacrett has in her possession McDougall, of Elgin, Who drew Ibo Speak- s patch -work : uilt, which contains -• er's attention to the fact Nit:. McDatt-, 50i1 >i0eoi . 'Tito • atilt is a'nade of , 'lk all, of Three Rivera, was not spoakin;1.Eo 1 riat t the question of adjourning the debate. The polilins;"ancl french merino•, point. being well taken, he had to resume Itev%vai services in file, C'anitdtt his seat. 13o was' promptly folloivtd' by Methodist , arta Bible Christian churches, Mr, Cirnnn, trio spoke in Frew') for two Exeter, are very largely attended and. hours, Iie occgpied most of hie time in promise to be productive of much good. reading extracts from' books,• and the con fusion , which be ars description, . con - yoke gi3 P I 11 gory Lundy, of 1Vlorris, ivntln one f tinned °until the uproar became something t Yoko of oxen, and the assistance of four i m>osntively. dreadful. The Minititextaliata, men, loi . r ed seven. acre on Thunscla h interrupted and the Opposition aided in logged � y,4t 1 p, pp � . inst. .Thio is consideread an extrttordin- i the row, each aisle trying, with stentorian Ary duty's wollr, l lungs and• herculean strength, to make n • On the first of 3Vtay next a Conveutioin .' a memh r would rise amidihb gen ra din will beheld at Dungannon for the but.- to a point of order, he would be met with ,Hose of selecting o' eandiclate :tee dotntest a howl no if from the lower regions, and. the Riding of W, Huron, in the Censor- would bo comptlied'to♦drop into hie seat. ° . , � representative in the Desks were pounded kicked and scraped ; Legislative A as a l too coven were• lifted �and.dropped ; tram- Legtsltnttve' Asse1n1i1'y, t�t8 vitro blownn ; Ann �s antro and•an, a '. A few days ago .a residers of Stan lgy Soar kept u Tho Sb eaker a pealed o having dressed it splcndtddig weighing the House to., coolie to some' arptan`. enlent 863' lbs, brought it out to : Clinton by and preterit such an unseemly exhibition. way of Brucefneld. Failing 'to sell it in Neither eido wall fouling to give in, and' 73rttcoield he drove on. to Clinton, feel -.cups of coffee, refreshments, cake, eta., taeon made their appearance en rho, desks ing fttlly,astsured lie would meet with A of several of fire :aneirihers, there' being an ready sale, but what was his astonish- evident deteminatiorl to 'e Sit it out." Singing wa8 beguu•, and "La Mariellaise," "Auld Lang Syne," boat songs and shanty' •. ditties, a th rousing chariness, were ret dered et thetop of the eingers' voices. ,. The scene i+, alt its phases defies deacrip- tiorr,' Oneineideut is worthy mentioning Tandy Dufferin took a seat ore the floor of the House, near ATr, Speaker. In the ' afternoon the Uproar' vies at its'grentest-- • "French' tneinbei3:' were sinking the'""Mar eelleis," English ones joined -'in ",Auld Irtng:..Syne'" and, '"1` Wont Go Motile THEMorning,',' Toy balloons wore squeaking, desire were groaning, ntemborewere:silent-' ing "order" and col in the nienibers," ' ' Her excellency appeared greatly aniusecl;• at the extraordinary scene. • About 4p.no., • when silo rose to leave,' the members on the 1Viinisterial side epr'aug to their feet, and, as if by concert, the patriotic,at,nairls. df "Goo Savo THU Quiais" burst forth from their throats. Tbe•Oppositicn tyok- it: up. Thy galleries, which, were cr-wded ,, fo� the.r„ mr r,BG part with' ladles, oghnHd till.. entire chain her r .vita ; '•rho loyal tnelodv. • Ihtee heartycl.eei•e .. followed, and When the`r,heniber$ resumed•' their smuts lw feeling of cordiality appeared to have, spread aver the chamber, softens ing the asperities that •were creepinai;) ete.• a reedit of the struggle that had been gaffing on for so many hours, • The compliment was no clo utlt appre.oiated by Lady .Duf- feria, 1'hes 'ti, ht of 'smite tw 'hundred men forgetting,f,ir trio niotnent their party contentioes end itnit•iug in au expression af.'gor>d will to •her, Excellency and'clevo- - tion to the Quem, wasone that could not be.fnr/often, • 'OTTAWA 'TOPICS: - Me. Kingsford, Engineer of Rivers . and lieubors, and Mr'. Bousaet, his as- sistant, were ' eicansined • before. the. Tiarninistiquia. Committee, ': on . Friday.. inornirig, Both gave .•thea,., straightest• possible evidence in, favorof the Kann -' • istiquia'River being made al ._harbor' in preference to Prinee :Arthur's Landing.`. Said one inernber to another on Fri- day, "'The sittplieity :of that squeaking rooster, Farrow, aiuuses ate. He i ctu- ally',asked vie just now if—,1 Wore the .. . e clothes at home that I de here." Then the two members enjoyed °a hearty laugh, and voted F iso.. - s < uestion the greenest thing of Jor,-Advei•t.i.er.. • Mr. • CCartwrig thjas oved for leave to , ;.subscribes for. i5 t10O:Oftsta"thern Rail- way '`tis _wa. e axay first ing +pug ,14t> d , -which, t the. price they are selling; will be the equiva- lent of`tlte,£13 500 sterling •wliicli was discovered •to: haav'a been robbed 'out of the funds: of the country null-• paitr as charity to Sir John 11lacclonald :inti ars election expenses to Messrs }Beverly Robili on; Uu nberiand and atliet:s. It A:ieturn brought down.10 Parlianment of the expenses of 'advertising and stab' scriptious to different j>il>gf8'on behalf of the Government din ing '1871, 187.15' and 1876 • shows.. conclusively that the present . "Government iso -not : subsidize their newspaper sthl)portei•uto any hark- ' ed extent. Taking the lending journals of Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto, it•,arp-. pears that the Conservative papers ro• 1. ceived at least one•tl iiil *note' than those of the Reform side. itTr. Mackenzie 'does not find it •neeessatry to btty the newspaper support es Sir John did. There liretiiines--when it requires the • greatest tact Ana judgment in the Speak- ei• to preserve the decorum becoming the 'House, and the tumult which some- times arises upon 'a matter of very small consequence, requires to •b; repressed with the calls of 'order" in Mr. Sperm ers sternest voice. The 'Cheers in the House of Commons, When the champions of either party •fn•e on their feet are •stIch, that when otiee hoard,' they ate-•-_ never forgotten. Ort Wednesday Mr. Archibald asked whether: the rtecottntu of William Wats lace, late :Cloimissariat officer, paymas- ter or aceotuitaut on the Canaclitin Pa- cific Survey; have been finally closed 2 T.f so, `leave the money,cheques, etc., • which were entrusted to liiin,wbc*mi satis- factorily accounted fort and if not, what , luuointt has been fully accounted for, what amount partially accounted•for and vh itt onmt remains wholly nn aCcaUnt- ed for 1 Mr. lackenzie's reply- was of • the fairest character, and should have shamed Mi, Wallace; who has publicly, • and privately abused loin in this matter. 7t is stated that of the large Sums which pissed through 1VIr. Wallace's hands there are between $7,000 and $0,0U0 for whichthere aro no vouchers to show how it was expended. Out of that amount is to be deducted what Mr. Wii1]Iieo mated his salary, though no one •knows how much that was. It is under- , stood his incom0 was $150 a month, but that he, of his own account; raised it to ,• "a larger sant, a It is fnrthea• stated that. the sunmof nearly $40,000 • is• by no means satisfaetorily accounted for, the' papers not oven. explaining how the money was expended, tMr, Archibald, , at the suggestion of Mn. Braukentie, will mn.ei% for the papers, returns,. etc. ;