HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-03-28, Page 88 THE XLI,NTON NEW. ERA. 'CLINTON NEW ERA. SEND ITS X.0'.(1.6 :LTJ im. We want to. make the 1V,l W ERA' as cher • ongh a local newspapet' as it is possible for a local ,cusp aper to be, and our readers' all Oven .the three ridings cart help Cts to'a wondcvfal'ea�• tent. iVe wan to idem o accidarlts.,,figjdk,,t• marriayes,'bit•tles, eleeths, ,}area. :aprovenents, new dwellings; barns,; mprooment taschools, new teache.e', rcrnovals, land sales, road iso p •O •.,nems, wiz:Sicipal election news, • bitl work, and anything and everything else that anyboclb ' would like to read. 1Vezrer.trtind 4bQ d spelling, pun etuatfen or oral itma.. Care tis Ike i! 'S and toe'll attend to the r•eat ^ Write Ppm postal Ia.,:ap -rarcle,. Aa iiF.Wi t scp p., a..a� sou t >f• upz$e led. envelope, marked ' Printer s• cop j" and. yoaar vpl correondene,'e �oi11 oltht, 004;a%oic a cent a, took Sennere r1EAe'Ifi, — Ort Sunday last Mr. W., Goodrich, b£ this place; died from, pleurisy, after en illness' of only one week, cover,u near North Norwich have eleven .children, the eldest of whom is barely loan::teeu years of age. --Acallenge. There is a lady .residing in this place ,„w119 hasepreenote4 her 1L = ! 'c Nv ten,ehildren in thirteen years'. Bogus,•- •$°p1O bills of the Consolidated Bunk, are turning •up in different parte:! of the Province, . The bills are genuine hints of the bunk, but evere stolen be-.. fore they -were Maned, and consequelitly- ° drat Vllttter , : 'Those who commenced garcicningop- erations last 'week,' have, 'for the time: being, ceased.' • Hoose-Sor.D.--141:r. Jos.. Grigg; has. hie t e and : •1 ., ei e lot ore Rat- e d sho J f of h s �. a r. o t d tenbury street, to Mr. S. Palliser.... T' ,. Aiztl"SoI:D.—SOLD.Jaailus Veil-, of flees place, •line purchased of Mr, .Jas. Miller, forty acres adjoining.his own • faint,' for the sum of $2,1150.: ' o d many faiiners• were in town on Saturday, and our merchants. report a1 pleasing, improvement :yin -the aiiiount-of•business transacted.. PL1 soNAL.-Rev. iltr: Clarke,,,,�v110 has been connected with the Brethren of this place and vicinity, ,.fol' sonie t rue, intends removing to 11tuskoka, • .. • (_ NFOUNDCD.--li•1'lnilOr was ceereiit in town last. Thu[•sday.evening,-' that tlir. D. T K. ,Rine was ing at one of our hotels, but 'sachems not. the ease. Orris eight persons .needled them• - selves of the .cheap faire •to. Tovonto, on Tuesday, by the G. T: R. It is'.evi• Latently- tee -early in_the- soas_o11 yet. -for excursions.. "PLOWING AND- pELDIxu.--.4110 WOW); er last week way favorable for this work. a considerable area haying been plowed and sown, no one anticipating stick •cold; weather as followed on Sunda•y.. .. -SUNDAY last, rpiir�of tete coldest and stormiest days experienced. a.11 winter, hacl one redeeming feattire-gat prevent; ed the crowd- of loafers' assembling at Fisher's corner, as is'thei'r:usual custom. .- POSTAL CARDS .TO ENGiLAND.-It may not be generally ltnown that postal cards for transmission to England,, are got- up espeeiallyLfor' this, .but' such: is the case,• and they nay beiobtained. alt the Post Office, for two cents. • • Rk,N•rirc• FAlnis.---11't•.d 1[eneyTews- ley, of this place, leis •rent•ed. tlle'farm of Mr. lee. Dodswortli, on the 1Gth-con. Goderieh township, lately occupied by lair. •Jos. Grigg, and the latter person has rented the farm of Mr. Jos, `4Vheat- ley, on the Bayfield: con. FOOT. Cern.—Informatioix has, poen received that Mr. W. Thornton (a son of Mr. Thornton of. this town) 'working • on the Cd. •P. It., in Manitoba,- a shoe's' time'. since, nilotewith a severe accident,- by—chopping ccident,- b`y chopping his foot, the ni mbet bei g parti t11y'severed from Ilia:lege . • EASY TO. BI AT.—Numbers of our changes are publishing iten is"with r•efer- once to the birth of lambs, as' something of•very. rare occurrence. at this season 'cif the year. Several farmers:hereabouts: ]tad thein iu the early part..of February, • and there are almost any • quantity of them in the.country new.• This sign "lt'or Sale" placed on the front of a House does not mean that; the. owner is anxious to dispose of the pro-, perry, but in dine cases out of ten he simply Wants to`fintcl out how' much he• can get for it, and then he proposes to keep it. A. man who wants to still generally advertises,ina newspaper. ROAD CLE.txnro.— `fine ` Street' (Jon1- 'mittee did a very sensible thing in,hav- ing -tine principal streets scraped of their superfluolrs nuad, and the sallto carted off and dumped • tepee. Streets that are. somewhat low. Of COUrS0 ;;�persons who' formei'ly lead 0, good street, eVon• if it was loty did not like mud' to be dumped before their' p?ernises, but it will make the road Se much •better in the future, as it will be hacked clown, . and. most likely, gravelled. • • A Dean I.EAT.—Publishers will. do well to give a certain journeying tramp•I a wide birth. lie is a German, hack from Stratford„ short in figure, with moustache. ile •cainehero-seprese ttinng that he was .out of funds, and not being able to swine work, he left, as we supposed; for some. other: town, brit. in- stead of so doing he went to Mr. J. W: Ross's hotel, represented that leo was work for ti. and eve would 'going'te ver , s, va ld be 'I responsible for his board. • While the fellow was getting his dinner, John's: suspicions were aroused, and meeting one of our stair, asked about the. fellow, and on learning the true state of affairs, „due was naturally- mtteli annoyead;, „and charged the fellow with deception, lite he persisted in his' first' statement and " cheokecl" it out. ' Hotel keepers are a class to be pitied in this .respect, for they.aro herpes/sal .on by many such in- dividuals; anti: theke is no way to obtain redress other than ` y imprieenreel$ which is little saitiefaonen to the -hotel` keeper: ; • vahtelce, , ,.. Taus- bank has noygpod $610 bills in' c renlation. FAILED ro Coimtr'; — The.:, ,otuie f.; n' -" lastv 'ai to n na cott" wtio Was � n a is S aeek ed to have�reechased time' grocery ef-10.- • PLENTY of 11114 HAY have sleighing. this month.yet. DoNer pick u! all the parcels yen see on .the street. pp Monday, or waer est much eagerness lu reference to inquiries. put to you, or youmay b© " fooled.' LAND Some.- Mr. S. /Tones, late 9f thio town, but now of British Columbia, inti esold-iris -••100- acmes ef--•lan€1:in--cul- • rose, to Mrs. Wan. Ballard, for $3,600 cash. - T`Iiu regular monthly meeting of the WA.WA11 OSH. The Iiauitobaa Free Press, of a lute date, says :_The tide of immigration for X878 has set,n. On Wednesday last, the 13th, the stage brought nine from Onterie---the first' arrival of any number this spring. The now.eomers will go to the western part of the Pro. vino to settle. In the party were Aens:" •Wm -,---And' •Samuel Molitten. nwd McIlvaney, of Wawanoeh, County of I:Iuron. ' Mr. Moxlvaney in opds starting a lumber- yard at the Por tige,"` "board of school trustees took place on to which place he will go next week.. Monany eyehing.last; but„, nothing fur= > •�•+ then than the passing or a few accourtte, le was. clone. .Ynsr gnax, the wife of <,lidr. W Mute ,rimy, while, standeang_-ou a stepladder;., Was so unfortennte as rte :hill down, •sus - 13. Caution :has failed to cools ca time . •tanning, a, very severe sprain of her leg, \ ' and' several braises. ' owing to Iles being tunable to vaise Nile • . necessery funds. Mr. Oentlou will con.' ' Dem( Axe l,Drsolt»Lnr' --On Tues-. tinue the business :is formerly clay. a woman named Louisa South was y' arrested by_ 0_onstablo Paisley, for .being Sarre The first_safe: turned mat.lpy drunk slid disotderly,and 'ccnimitted to the A. M. Gibson Mf'g,•Co, was shier Jail, for 20 days, by the Mayor aucl 3V e pori, t]lrbnalr ale lveek; to llfiessrs...0les- McGairva; J. P.. She was so drum ;t'bat gow, McPherson d, Co., Clinton, .for paisley had to carry 1 whom es pr built. It is � om itWes expressly b 1 �1.e y handsomely finished, and reflects the .very highest credit upon the makers.---' elf"tIhal t her all theway to the lock-up.. •t • MAraelasa.-�-Mr.nettle,'of the 11 ` i toba . Lancl Office,- Toronto, issued ` no- tices to the effect that lie would be here yesterday, to• ,lake' arrangements and: give inform aio,'to those wishing' to go z c ce c uses e. WHAT'S •}N A NAIVE ? One of •our, New York exoilaugee- Coutes to, this Of- fice addressed °" Ec rrore! as the•name of etre paper. We have seen New ERe. s elt in ai variety. of ways, but this is the most error -like we have had.' • We, snpposo some of our Cori vati *e friends Will say it's neaorest,thH proper naino.'` Morels Sebes.—"Meese:s: •, J; P.. Fisher And C. E. ,Mason have purchased the splendirl: Clydesdale stallion, "Donaild Dimrie,"':.of Mr. J. Bell,' of 1+7ast York,, at ' a cost of $2,1,00; The animal • is a very fine one, eeev�dn years old, weighing 2,000 pounds, and of ' (leek. brown coiol.; It:will; "this season, trnt-el this' section of the country. ,. juesexTxrrON,. MrS. Pres (late Miss Ryan) ;lust before: her mare ridge, was the recipient. of a. purse, ac- ..com anied ;with an Address, ex zressive pv 1 'of soirow at leer dcpaature' anal:Of: good wishes for her faiture welfare, .from thee members of the P. M. Church, Mitchell; as an 'expression of their -gratitude and. t admiration---forher efficient -services as organist: MEANivEss 011'NECPSSITY, Wiitcii 1- W o • don't mind, people ,stopping their. paper when they think they have some good eresison .foi,so doing, but five recent-_ • 1 :lost one subscriber because we'w' uld y 4 not takeeour pity ire tivwfipe; aiid if that -is a.goocl reason then we ". cave:`' •Why, -'0. dollar-aiid-a-half :s "worth "of turnips would be enough for' oiir :life time..• Tlronovaerii1tED week• n, 'year old: Short=horn Bu11, 1)itreliased 'at' Bow Par i v in Perk, air vod town f • 1V •iV of I1. I 1VIcTaggattPrevious to purclnasiug this one, Mr.. McTaggart lied spent eight clays continuous travel in looking -for one to suit hint, and it is almost needless• to say that the animal is at'fine one,ne an as he rarely buys Any brit what are fiimals; • •Spleen Fait ••TheerAND.—Messrs: Wat- son Sp.00ner,' Healer,. and Money,; of this town, have pip ehassd ebont .500 sheep and•70 head of cattle, which they intend shipping for the old couitry; about tlie second week in April. . They will be accompanied by Messrs Hearn and Spooner, who offer to pay the ex. pensee of any. young man who will go with them and assist in looking after the cattle. Here ice• chance for soine one. `,1'Iir; OItwAN ..t•'11.CToi1Y.• .-A largo ad- tlition Is being fitted up in connection with the stearal • pinning mill of ,Messrs,. McCartney & Thomson, for the ease of .Messrs. Doherty •.i Co., of the Clin- ton Oiganl Factory, Whose business leas• increased• so much ..as to warrant this iuiprov;cmcnt. In tide connection we might also mentioit that the pipe organ in the town hall is of theirinaniifaetnre, and releets great /reedit-tilt-them,-bein got alp and great ire a style, equal, o s y . 1 N that of any manufacture. ' X11 \ CCII) accident iia , pen - ed in town last week, of an unusual na- ture. ':During one• of the windy days of the • week, a well-dressed man was struck by a gust' of:wiiid, and instantly toppled over, striking his head oti' the sidewalk, aid' splitting it open. He was,anstantly carried into Jackson's tailor shoji and an investigation showed that his dead was badly .splintered, xlie mean was perfectly sober when it happened.. It will be some timeehefo'o aro can resunme. his .occupation, which is that of a statue in front of.Jacks3n's tai- lor shop, and his name is "Mr. Drea- my," • 6 Hietztee I311.Neni AG. SOG'II;TY.--At a meeting of this :society, held in this place on Saturday last, it was resolved to, hold tha annual spring show for the exhibition of entire stock, on Friday, the 12th of Ape)]. next. They also coin- plated a lease of the .Driving Park, for c 1iiilritiefierittle s ,..•fora torr, of nine- teen. years, and the exhibitions in •coi notion with this society 'will in future be held there, in place of the forniee ag- ricultural grounds. %.s there will bo n4 fcti�tlier�use for the Show `Ground, a meeting of the shareholders of the same will. be held at. the RLattenbuty House, to•niorrow afternoon, to see what dia.. position will be made of the name, S!'A.N,LEY. :` STOCK Soii eieast week,*Mr, klexa Trine's; of Stanley, sold. his three-year old colt, _" Little 'Sampson;". -to Mr, N, McFarlane, of Bruce Co., for the,suns` of 8300. • Sir. Archy has also been sold to a'geiitleman in Mitehell�-- REFoitAt. Mr: George. Forest, Presi dent'of the Reform. Association,. of the' township, held• a ineeti `,wipe the 'school is :S. we Y t tea Monday eyellx`t , for the ' 13 4. '• ;Ot appointing . eagirletili tees for th 'eastern part of the township, a pi oratory step for the 'canvass fora election. Me. kalmps 4 obt. °Yaill was appointed pchairman , and Thos..Ft.aset, Secretary. .. , • 40,0 COLBORN' E.' Last. 1VIr. J. Sa118w. �f Colborne to •11ianitoba tvitli'a .company, ore :the weeks b 10th of Api•il. . But few responded to sold his Term, •lot 7, 9t11 con,, commis - the notice, partly because the roads are ing 100 acres, to Mr: McCracken for so bad and weather inclement; and,�also, ;the sum of $ 5,500.. Mr. Sallows is, an. because some think: it too:early in the• old.settler in Colborne, having.lived .on easel . the above • lot,' for: 44 years:. , HO%'has DIDN'T aSuCa.CI9D.—It is time,'bought Me. I. Jones'', farm on ,the : 8th N give ' ,high con,, close ta• Manchester,.'coutaini[tg. 47; people refitsecl to s' any.chaiity what- ever to applicants, as it ie almost invari_ acres, for $2,$90, whither lie. has re - ably the case that they are not deserving moved. Before leaving, the old home- of it.. The other day a4 ivonai> went to stead, Mr. Sallows entel.teined a num. the Mayor And :piteously pleaded >to be bei of • his old friends at supper, and a granted a pass or Money to carr her to, . very ploseent evening was spent' • Mi;. 1 y y Sallow s carries with hint the best'wishes :some friends,;, when. it was found that shoo ai;tually, had in, her possession. a • of his•many friends, •wh'o, regret' to :lose- ilergast, railroad ticket for her intended' journey.' so old and estimable a neighbor.. Ib is "needless to say, her application ' was net granted. • EXETER. _. 1 r. •ames Pickard has opened a Iliepeeit ee:Ou • S f 1 I J • 1 r ea ort z cotemporar •branch store at. Hensel. - 1VIr. lv - hardly does Clintoii justice'in the hatter , of itsrtarketreports, whieh.we presume Pickard, his... on,,'is in charge.. aro corrected from,our own issue, , .In . ,Mr. E. Christie, of -the Royal `7Iotel,, our market reports -two kinds of fell has rented' his prenuses to 'Mr. it. At - wheat ;aro homed the first» red acnzt se.kinson who takes -possession in 11 few cone evbitee tine ;latter being the better days. ` , gram, receiving, the• highest price; .and Sunday services are being hold in the should be taken as the guide ht pries for •.Presbyterian Church once a' fortnight; fall grain, but instead'of doing this, the alt 6:30 p.m., in. addition to the regular .E positer:duotes; red,: which is ten •cents weekly services; rat 2.39 P. m.• a bushel lower than the other, and leads "'` At the'.:close of a' social held. in the its readers to believe that this is the bfethodist church, on Friday' evening, a highest price. foe grain Jiere. ` Week liiirse ofw1 ti was:.presented to the, Reel.' after •week liasf it' Clone this_; -•and al Ajar:• `Bolmes,. n ehalf'of the'congrega-! though feegiiently:spoken to about' the. tion.I . nmettbr•, we Intve ref9•amed. from saying Rev. Jamey 73utchinsdnr y an eldeiI anything; previously, because we thought it was and oversight, .and ot'ititentional- minister of ,the. English Church• and fa- it n the,. '1t bin at of• ' ly tnisleacleng„ • . of Des lT'1 c son, late e Karltton,. ,.. but now of Exeter, died suddenly at his. residence here on Thursday last, in the. 76th year.of his age . • NOTICES. A NLw iil.sioi<r 01..lin Weu1;v.•--`%:etake pleasure in reak.nowledging the receipt of the Rev. rather Brennan, of Mt. Carmel, advance slicets of the latest publication of was in town On•'Saturday last and made mite IVateonal Publishing; Company of Phi's, -arrangements witl'i Messrs;. Dyke, Oke Ar.1phia. The vfOrk. is HISTORY ni TSF. WORr.tled TIM o, embracing fall - Howa•rd for.'the completion of the anti authentic' accounts of .every nation of twee and spire of the Roman Catholic auciont..and..modern tinges, and including a church on the London road, in McGilli- history of that*, and fall of the Greek and vey. The work will cot about -$1,400. .Romani-Empires:, the growth of the nations• f• of Modern. T;nrops, the Middle Ages,. the We. • have lead morefrequent its 1. rutiactos time gondol Systeun the Reformat, from travelling minstrels and theatrical Lion, thediscovery' and settlement, ' of the' troupes than would tend to the elevation New World,, etc., etc, It is from the pen of of the ,t>aorals of Qin village. Some of James D. McCabe, an author well . known for his.historicnl writings, who has devotee- these companies have sent paree1s of years of study and research to the production their advertisements on. .more than one of this volume.• Thebook is literally a libra- occasion to our Public School for dia- ry in itself, and as ,one of the most valuable tribution .amongst the . scholars. •,'We works everoffered•to the public. It presents to the reader a mase' of information respect are glad, ho vever, to know that our' ing ancient, mediaeval and modern hietory Principal acted the better part and coin not to•bo found ip any other book, and does signed them to the, flames. . this ie the most fascinating and entertaininn " manner. ; It brings ,up before uS the various 411 • O. •great'men of ancient and modern times—the 1 An Elephant on an Engine. warriors, poets, statoimen, sages, •and ttriitors rand shows them to ns as they replly.,tlere • Brom tlia Itangoon 0d110 Times. in life.Itcoo tains1,260largedouble,00lumn As a railroad train was passing pages, and over 650 fine engravings illustra- tlarou 11 the forest, •about 35 theles from rive of 'the events recorded in the narrative g. embracing battles and other historical scones; 'Rangoon:, India, . a short time 'ago, portraits of the .groat menof ancient and mc- driven by Mr. Stone; locomotive super - ',dem times, ,and' views -04.06 principal, eat" ►nitelSdent assisted by 1Vrr. Stewart , lo/ of' the world, .Ttao engravings in this hawk'comet ve�firetnan, a large elephant �wrts are genuine works of art, and were made at a cost of over 825,000. The great number and soon to Break through the fence and get high,oharacter of these engravings make this on the line. Steam was shot off, and the most voidable art publication of the eon• 1G Ir. 'Stone tried to Op• en trio vfastee0ok,. ttiryr. A protr►euent feature of the work id a which, being in front of the engine, complete, hietory of the wpb between: Russia and Turkey -the only one in print. It is the: would, by electing hot water some. dis- most completeand readable history of the tance ahead, induce •r,' tusks" to leave world ever published, and agents who take the track. The cock`was'eleghtly,stiff hold'i f it will reap a rich harvest. The book is for sale by eubserilption•only, and the pub. • and 'could not readily be' opened;, tend liahers want agents, as will be seen by their the engine was 9,00Jict upon the unfortu- aac Yortfsement in another column, nate beast. Thie4lifte had turned and • f+•:t— fled .on :seeing iliPtegine, but was The new .American silver dollar speedily caught, Theeleleffer beams of North ninety-two cents bears on its the engine being very lois,- the basses.1,Y„ ✓ face the -motto "Ire Goa --We Trust," hind legs were takea•fro1Tj unler,.,hian, and it has formed the . text of a geed and he was forced to sit ,down, asit deal of newspaper banter. The 'New . were, with his°hind-gttartere against the York 11Caii thinks the short -dollar men' smoking -house door, which /was, of will find girt after the die that " there course rod -hot. The ' oor•beast manag- is no reciprocity. in., t the "'sentiment." .. ed to keep his fore -feet going, though The Ch 'stiac, Union suggests that hustled along faster than ever, he. had "forgive us our debts". would .be more gone in his life before, -and in a few appsopiiato. • Another peeper thinlcs,the minutes the train came to a standstill motto incomplete without the addition and 4e got away. Ile moved off the of the words !..',with • about eight per 1ine4at the double, uprooted a thump of cent. oil:" The 'Cincinnati t omnzereiai,thump barnboo.°then wreaked dire .vengeance a ofirlv`ocaieeof io ieeitd lliilyp-=' n treerand:vss .last Seen 'rushing pears•to be somewhat conscience -smitten through the jungle, tearing and , smash- t rr 1 ing everything p .. and protests -that stn absarcf' promell. eve .thin ' in his path. Ile .was once has been given the r In God We sadly cut and burned in. the .hind -quare Trust;' it should have been 'one. bun- 'tern, and will probably never be of use cared cents." To' this the IIartford again. • The mahout luckily escaped, Coruritet justly replies:rt That would with his life, while those on the engine ,have been more of nof a ---whopper may aafoly .congratulate themselves ori than the other'," their escapo. 1878. SPICING. NIARCIz28,.. ISM. 1 i 1878, 1 C o LCI'ORllr Il�r E 8'T A n LAE - S H:n P. 1 S .ti'4. od'o ScotchTwee Our stoek of 'the above: goods is now complete, imported direct `. 'from• Scotland,and is, withont.eXce tion the finest ever shown l? r in this: part' of; the Country. e `•are showing' a line a S a Suit, in which -we defy competition,1%t �� 0, ., CANADIAN T WEEDS at $12 a Start. All, being entirely new, sand the N'obbieet Patterns to be .obtained. 090 • TWO CASES OiF,. NEW HATS 'JUST RECEIVED.' .THOS. JACKSON. Cly NITON,. Marcie :.21,1878. • • �m.et�hn, NEW x11- ::[7L111r_ro 112 For. the .Benefit ::of :.the• Peg le. . mgT; tl'`"DEft6IG•ti LD TAKE THIS OPPC�RTtJNr'1'Y Ob' Z�°1!'OIt,1TING.'T1:i17 EEO- ' L.; PGE of Clinton'and vicinity, that they have commenced busitress-•• — a In the stand occu. 'ed later. �x D, r. T Jackson. Y �' Where they will' be able to supply those flavoring them' with their custom, with anything n their lite, which is as follows ;-' Y DSIN SEASON. FRUITS OF .ALL .�.X�v, CONFECITIO:MZYIN ALMOST ENDLESS VARIETY.. NUTS 0� AL , L KINDS such as Filberts, Ertzi.1, Almonds, p W1nuts, Cocoanuts, CA NED.GO( S, l'eache's, Plums, Pears, Tomatoes, Straw- , berries, Blackberries, Lobsters, Salmon, Sardines, &c. FINE TOBAGCOS .° They have an endless variety In leIPES, from the Common Clay to the finest Meerschaum. i «._ Y; , ., � ; STEMS,WAX. All the npvelties in CIG.AIt HOLrpEICS, GASES, POUCHES, PIPE/ VESTAS4 `MATCle BOXES,' *e.• _ ...-._ TY BRANDS O1' ,CIGAUS, from the cominon three gent ones to the ' OVER, T�VE N, finest Tlavana. • :.... . OYSTERS. OSSm.s 3 ``��ii R. . J. OYST11 R ARLOitS d 1tN'EaTIOI+T, s accommodated our the shortest notice, and have their Oyster Where any style. eau be noenm . sten tor silo b . the uart can, or case - any style. _ We else iceep.•Uy ey quart, ...r.,-.Ogir ..� 'ova a;tied ag r•e'preeente,_ tawlcttpz be Itiff All Goode from, store ttre rr 1 r t=urned if not satie actors. . • '�TI0 AGI RBSl?ECT1,tTLLY SOLICITED. GRASSICK ,L1X G AM CLINTON', .est*, f0, 1878 r6•