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The Clinton New Era, 1878-03-28, Page 5
• BEG TO ,A,NNO(iNCE THAT THEY AIiWOP NX E\\ SPRIN&— -GOODS - Iaw:, all. lie c arae n1s Anti-calA speOiial *attention to:the choice•-laelegtion,.of -«4 r "PRINTS LUSTNES, BLAEK GQOOS. Novelties: in LADIES TIES, -CLOVES, &c. Alio, great'vaiae In all COTTON, LINES and STAPLE GOODS, WE 'ARE .DETERi11IXT.ED r.[(? STA,'ND 'IN THE FRONT RAlqc. WITH HAVING- A" ,COMPLI TE AND CI DICE. sT.001C Ole ALi,L THE, NEWEST GOODS IN , THE. E • To which wo stilt the inspection of .oiir customers ::kyle friends. ITODGINS & PAY, Manchester: Rouse, CLINTON, March 27, 1878 a TWITCH L, ae_ aPufac1llrer C_� And 'dealer in. �c>TS 8 SHCJ Th:l subscribor, white thanking: his many' friends for th 'boial patronage bestowed en flim _ the "..ast, wouldfnforrn 'them:that . he has removed. to his new sbore, •in: VICTORIABLOCK, where lie wilLlis -pleased .to Meet aIHus-o.m old- uatera,,,a • ma new ones ; al)n s may favor Min with. their patronage: ' He s on hand a largo stock .of I3EAVY`� ..XN GI -H'1' �. LT: --, - ESS Whips, • Combs, Brushes,:Tr•itnlot, Valises; $atahels, d (3.;. (6e • He has also added to his business that:of Boots and Shoes, and has' imparted n .stock. of l3oott mudShoes .of f11' lrx lrcl , • Which he v.i11 sell CHEAP' ]?O11,.CAf CAM.: 1,00315 TO LET.—Several rooms to let, at reasonable• rates, snitab1e• for offices, iDe. the story above the shop, in the building,known as Vleteria:13100k., ,...• . Always on hand, first and second class SHINGLES which will be bold cheap 1 HORSE FOR SALE—a good working horse for. sale: ; j. Clinton, 111areh.21y 1878. is `ME CLINTON NEW all to a*tt Atnt : 00110.,trril t, 13exiat, a wealthy .Matter .dealer, of Montreal, is standing his trail'. for rye fusing to give up ,samples for analysis. ,-lie has sold n. poor quality to several• parties. A. lenge landowner of the city acquired his wealth sanely in the " u a- nufacture" of what he sold as butter: A. correspondent front Chiciago writes; --The farmers in Nebraska and Minuet. sots have mac e •rle progress t uring'th7F past six days with sowing wheat, and; there is every possibility that the whole crop will be in the ground by the 20th•. of the present month . Minnesota has loaned 200,0(10 bushels •of wheat to cite . _ grasshopper stdlorers, -collectable with; the;F, real and'personal ax. A 1t1 lir'Sl ane, of `Mo1at1°ercl, Was Q11 Tuesday CI ilirl Sed befON1.- a': Committee at "Ottawa, iii -regard to the cattle trade between Canada and the United Z�ing- dom.. fie said there were prospects of an extensive trade . being estttblisbed,. but he expressed the opinion that the .Dominions cattle were not as .valuable for exportation as those of•:tba Western States, About 4,000 cattle and 2,50Q sheep were ei ported . to England. from Montreal last year. .The value of the cattle t'anaed from £20,to £40 a head, and that of the sheep 'front '42' to £• 10s, when. they Were sold: • : The eXpor. taction of horses;. he :stated, ,IMO:At'he. come a valuable trade if exporters would be careful . to select good animals,,A good I1oi•8e•svoiild briar' about" 100 .in the Old; Country - • The officers of the Western Railways in. Now. York, report .that agents of 'trio 1ngli'll Govenmellt 'are . actively' e11•' gaged throughout the We and South, 'west' in hn'ying.iip, for export,' horses for the oaval , flor'vice. The largest purchases hen been Slade in Kentucky And, Illinois::Et is reported that .18,- 000 horsei3 aro to 'be 'purchased altogether -and shipments nr e .Made bv_ wkly at Cha nada.. As fast' as horses.bonght are tie, cepted; each i5 branded with the letter G S5—= wlrrsir „signifiejiesYic�l. Freight agents of ,the :(:lrioago ci, •Vorthwestern' Railway . Company report shipments over their. road .of five to ten .car -loads of horses daily, consigned to _i'oreign agents.: CLINTON 111a.Iti rs t, I•,.J:. :..A.. O n —OF—. to F,• WINDOW PAP :Ali .-I eoT .)Patterns and :Splendlel Yalu. O . 0 Having bought from the manufacturers in Eng- land' -an - —t --he—., TT-nited States, _.I can offel theSE EST PATTERNS in: these -..goods, and at prices. to 1 MUD my customers. • Metall 28, 18 Wheat, fall, red, Ipbnsh, •.$1, Os a I t fall bite • 10 a 1 Wheat, , white, • 1 Spring; - 0 00 a 0 Tife,, ., Oats,. • . Barley,'... Was, • ..Flour, - Potatoes, -„ Pork, • Beef; Butter, Eggs,. Turkeys, • Chickens, per pain 70 • 5. .12 95' • 095.a 1.00 0 80 a 0:81: • 040.a 050 0 57,. a • 0 80 a 00a- :Di; '50 • 0 25 . a .,0 30 4' 50' a 4 )0 450. a• 5 50 . 0 •12 :..a 0 15 0 30. a"Q 10` 0 50 a 1 00.. 0 30' a 0 40 9-00 •a 11 00..: 1 '.Hides, - 4 50 a .5 00 Sheepskins 0 40 , a 0 75. Clover 3 00 . a 3.50'. Timothy • 1. 60 'a 2.25 GODERIC L. 1ltirl�l'1s The subset•iber has -no v an hand, and isconstantly receiving, a large stud: of a i fid uu1iu u e>ti �ttir n>t a r el+ews tett a nw � n Nr Of various sizes and deaeriptions, which. he is enabled to •oddor Deter than, ever, in consequence of the fall in prices, through .tho depression u£ the threes. • HARNESS OF ' ALL ' KINDS On- hand or made to order; and having taken FIRST 'PRIZE at, the Provincial -1+ bibitiorl,.held_ALLa ldoti.last fall, he feels confident of being able to guarantee L4 MILLER. �. , Clinton, March 14, 1878. Desirable Farts For Sale. 1'• oT 21, CON. 9, TOW 8N I4YP or WIILLETT 1.4 County or limon, five milrn from Clinton and mile from a railway. It contains 100 acres ofheavily timbered loud and good soil. Apply to. ii. BAi1KWELL;. Lneknoe. Lneknow, Nov. 15,1877. Land for Sale, rpm susscrnIAER.OFFERS IOU SUE VIVO hundred sores of his farre,.being part of his old hofoestead, situate on the 1st Coni of Colborne, on reasonable torso.I aoh jot has about 80' Sores cleated, with house and barn on dna lot, and barn on the other. • .44. y. FISHHit, 13enrf1ler, r O. Colborne, Nov. 07,1877. SEED WHEAT McN:AIR ELAS • ` AT Htt' SEED STORE, ;HURON ST., CGi-o EXE Zc .. The following varietiet :— ELDORADO, price 84.00 ,t RAMAP1$1"B'', " 3.75 Wx1T B: s is WHITE BAJSSIA.N, " ;2.75 LOST NATION, " • 3.50/ . RED FERN; " 1, And all other varieties.. Sam p les'ifitt on rip. / plication. , JAMES 1CXCNAXI1. Doderieb Iifareh 18, 1818; law VA: 1t*NO'X W?AY0'.i±'S • ,rft l 7.l,iM't711�`.i", Yet-l4?-aseie ;t Cunninphame's. LICENSE INSPECTOR'S NOTICE • All parties intending to apply for License, whether for TaYorn, Shop, or Wholesale, for 1878.9; mast sieve each applications in the hands' of the Inspector, saroaa Tun 1rxu81 11Ay 01 APRIL NEXT. STEPHEN YATES, Lioonie Inspector. Godericb, March 7, 1878. - IMPORTANT TO FOUN11YMEN, MILLERS Ani Other Ilialntaifnetdi erb. Valuable P operty rani, ,ALE' oR. LEASE, Situate along side of the (hand Trn11kfallroad, it CLINTON, In the County Of Horan, And fortaerlyknow'id as the'R'nrrnaitan Dfzr,uproperty, bornpprieing font acres of land, on. Which are greeted e ave•etory rrrickbnilding 88 a 42, slat° toot, with brick engine rooms() x 42; s!so,large Frame storehouse, ea-, paeity40,000 bnehela; cooper shops end stave or lumber sheds, large pond of soft Water, !oreteani and. °the ',_...,.... Tliie,property ie one of the beat eltnated for mania. "taathrieg immosee in the Connty of Iforon.• vormeof payment will be Made Mine/. in Arent of any safe and reasonably profitable inannfeetdring lend. nest legating here, If doeired, I wi 1' 8naneialIy asofat the onterprlao. ForltrtlrettAttienlargapply to or address tf Wheat• -«•Fall. Spring Flour .• oats; . Peas, . ' • Barley, Potatoes - Hay - . Butter - Eggs, Pork, - Irides Wooit - 13cef, '- •'5Iarch 28,1878. $1 ,10 a, 1 12.- • 090 'a .0;15 4 50 ..a. 00;. -.•030 a 033•' - +.. 0 57 a 0.60 ; i)45 a, 048 0 00 a 0'30. • .800 14,1000 . 014'a 016 • 0 10 a 11 12 4 50 5 00. • 4 50 a 5 00 : • 0 50 a .5'00 • 450 a 550 yl;Atlr1)RTti MANN. • March 28, 1878 trheat---Pall ,,••. • $1 10• a .1.12.' Spring - 000 "a 0 95 Fio'ur, - 4 50 a 5 00 Oats' • . • 0 30 , a.. 031 Peas • ,- •• 0. 58' a 0 60 ;.$arley . . + 0'45 a . 0 50 • Potatoes - . - 0 25 a 0 30 Butter '- - 0 1.3 a 0 15 Eggs, - 0 10 . a 0 10' Hay, . •10 00 a 11 00 lHoutreol Cattle Marke:t.. March 25. Eleven carloads of cattle and 341 hogs ar• rived at Point St. Charlet last weak. Eight additional carloads of cattle have arrived tbie week, causing a'rather duller feeling in. the market. The sales macre to -day were at about the mane rate as on Last week, hut there area good many cattle remaining unsold, prices ranging from 34e to 41.e per Ib ; 60 per lb was asked' to -day for a few veryo fine cattle, but no person seemed *Ming to pay Buell prices. ovinmetiminewnetwe TAMES PATTERSON, . PLASTER Eke:.• All kilt t. of Ornamental work done to order. Werk prcuaptly attended to In town or country. Vassar denoe,neat door north of the Presbyterian Church, Ciinton,r`sb.14,I81t. ` • e Sml HOUSE . AND ' LOT FOR SALE. The subscribers inferior sale, in the village of Londeaboro, a fiewlybuiit Cottage dna lot The lot is well fenced, and bas thereon a good well. Will be eold Cheap for eagli. For par- ticulars apply to ' HU BER BROS. . Lond'esboro Mille, March 0, 1878. EDA.POSTS FOR SALE, At PrteeRd to Salt ,h0 tirtrktl. • The subscriber offers for sale, on hit farm, neat Londesboro,a large quantity'of firat•clast Codar Posts, at 6 cents each, Also, about 10 Wet ni standing eedar, at pricea.to snit the L. 0. MIGHT & CO. 01.-a1\11110 JAM ES= A, YU 1 LL, OLINTON,' March 21,• 1878. • 3€ OK s," 4 —SOmg mil : St1iM1 OTICE1 NO' POSITIVELY CREDIT GIVE AT'TL1�t, H>aS I).,•'TE. LI. GOODS SOLD AT. LOWEST. Aq CAS H © u Y P•H I,C d .. .110.61):# eggs laked IN same as Cash, HUGH WALLACE'•>>! G0 .1 It/CHART) TWIN, ly'flt)1!ltrr-i.'Tea,, time-. Zt0NLLESBO1tO, 11Mareh. 7, 1878. 'CLYNTON, ONT, Londesboro, March '.I.4, 1878. 3' .. M' •4 Is noir,.. lull aln�. eQa�,- ; plete _ . all the. depart ments of our_ business.. Ta those who can buy vcrherethey please% we offer the GREATEST INDUOEIVIENTS we have ever offered, Goods of ,1i kindsa"..M were .never ' as °heap. i Ganda:as they are to -day: R. i'i' uVtHi WrCo, ALBERT STREET, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, CLINtO . OLINtolz, Iamb OLIO,