HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-03-28, Page 3r
MARCH 28, 187
Stttek-ull people—glue-nmkers,
A rousing time—Just before bvetlk^
How t0, keep an umbrella," is the
title of a newspaper rix cle. We know,
Dig a hole sixteen feet deep and bury it.
The Buffalo Express. replies to the
y "`P•itteinfrrg:` ''elegrcclglea- ingtiryi:,• ` Gat "
two constitute a riot T by pitying, "Not
unless they etre married.'!
A. ,negrb• teamster in Nashville de-
clares that he must either gi°vice up' driv-
ing mules or withdraw from the church,
the two positions being incompatible.
f •
eigtoresvo eorner,
There isa bird called ; the gross -bill, �
which breeds in the spruce, and pine i
Items or interest to, the nttle• fence, of New Brunswick in the month f
of February,- and some of these young.
Father--+' Why doxt't yeti say yer Nutt were recently wound �n oAA Boit
genes, Oharley'I" Chailey= cf' hy,'OW'Vermont. '
I .don't like the looks o' theta were," Vermont.'.
, enol,
A tram entered a house 'in A
A Philadelphia boy of 12. shot anoth- Mass.`, the other day when only a Ivo- i
er boy dead for refusing to divide a manat d , her child were ' present, and
stink of nand with liim. �'he • oath•• catahin u i the latter threatened to. hill �,
f'ul°milttxllrlrel: istt�ttll'r*d:
y Y e C ,
it inT6 was seal; given sero toTi'ang o, ea
at once. Thn mother went into another
room, but instead "of bringing back food,.
presented a pistol.. The tramp dropped �•T r ill
he child and made his exit backward. Cr 01111 . KNOWI
little 'girl joyfully informed .bee
mother the other day that elle had foetid
out where they make }iorseM -she had
seen a man in a shop just finishingone
of them, for he was nailing on the last
foot. -' •- �_:•...,� t�,4
Sly which the principal can
be repaid in part or all at.
any time dueling the terns
of Loon. . •
W. . I ]R
�' Ali, AN.
Clinton, Maroly, 1870..
,Father Wolob, pastor .of the Cathelic.
iihurch at ..Long Branch, "on-71.1.day,
, _
ori, 7.t is' claimed, •h•a`swined `"°` Ii;ttle-lll-ary P s fetcher hnd=�goite -to I caused the-�url>ast of- two liquor dealers•
ali',^iLrrc rh`nr apidity -of m-ot;on-within lii+'urope; -During his- absence`elm prayed •there; fee -selling whiskey-to•=a-w-ontait
>a I
the last. hundred years,_ . Atthatrate_ continually. for _% hi that ..God. would wise, went. to his church _'„drunk and
it would soon overtake•a boy On an eta take Dare of him and bless hint, On danced the whole length of the aisle to
rand. .. the tune of. St., Patrick's Day, which
Y b` t'VhY d ' 3 f er •was being played -by the organa
If there is an thfnd that. will, tempt • • , •
his return rho ceased praying. for hire.
:don't you pray'for father now1”
asked 'her mother. "We have of
him at°home. low and we can take
care of -hint ourselves." .
a. paragrapliist to swear it is to thick g •A deplorable state of affairs exists in one
lip joke bound to convulse thecoun > of the natinties of Minnesota. In .the
try, and. .theri'f"forget it before he 'can pat two years 1t3i360 acres of giowine
write it down.wheat bavebeen ruined by grasshoppers
Rev. Joseph Cnok says that "Dar -
A very little boy. had one day' done
Wrong, and he was sent after paternal
fey act ae, to: Rek in secret the tel aye..
nese of, his Heavenly Father. His of,
' fence was passion. • Anxious to hear
'What be Weald sayhis, trotter followed
him to the door of his rooni, Cn lis in'n
ascents she heard' him ask -to be made
better, and elixir with childlike iii pli
city, he addetla "'Load:, melte ma's tem-
per better, too."`
find now the -farmers,. who have 20,000
acres ready for seeding,, say that unless
Win's hypothesis of- pangenesesinvolves ,
several untenable subsidiary hypdthe tiie grain is furnished ,them by thi
ses," . Very few 'pegpie supposed: it was State, .they cannot plant more than ane.
half; of the lima prepared,
as bad as. theta
• "Have yon, a Chaucer 1". asked a p o :' One of the meanest misers on .record
young lady, looking in at, t.boak store: lives in Bueklend;. Matta. Although
Thepolite clerk replied no, never..; ' Q 1 he is supposed to be the wealthiest Mian.
used it ;; but there •was; a tobacconist's•
across the street. "' • . '
• The pathway of life is full of dif ctrl
ties, but Griggins says . he has about
made up .his mind that one of the hard,.
est things in the world for a man to do
is to admit to his wife that he has been
in the .wrong.
".Yes," said Smith the other night,
" Columbus was ft great man . ' He; die-
covered America. But dou't know
as be did either," lie added after rt pause.
• . little sixyear-old boy .was watch=
ing the sunbeams as they shot through
the window .and danced _diagonally
•across•the room.
" M '`
amma,'said lie, °" wIiat are those:
" Those, say Son," Elio, replied, " are
sunbeams from Heaven."'
" Oh, I •know ' what they are for`,
:tuaxiladA, Jbiid the,little fellow, wlto had
been .sliding down beams An: • the ' Mira
"Ji merica-is,,such ..a.size :he could hard- . loft -"they are what :Go'd -elidesbabiess
-.ly-hareanisse&it." - • # down -on w'hem. he -sends -'ens -to. folds!' ..•
Teacher with reading class:=73oy'
(reading)—" Aad as she' sailed down •
the rives•- ." Teaolrer—" Why are ships
called she 1" Boy(precociously alive to
the responsibilities ,of his .sex)—"Bea
cause they need men to. manage m'
A New Yorlr piper=speafting:of',.the
remarkable rise of n.. old; townsman,
said, " he arrived in, California twenty
-years tigo with Only one shirt
g y . to his
back ; but since then, by, continued ap-
plication to business, he has accuingi
laced ten millions.
A. Nevada man tvho had seven 'borne
ly daughters, for a box of.cigars got. the .and unflinchiing face, though the- -big
localedito to ubrun
tor ruor. that: he',; tearsfishes -his eyes: Then, in•a
was a Reoperate e` old Misery ' who hail: solemn 'gone; he addressed `his: brother,
1"'Willie, which :$vouid .you rather '..eat
lar, and all his denghterswere married
seven barrels. of -gold buried i.n_his eek- .all .'of.,thitt musliard'"� rointin ` to the
off in four months from that date. • mustard pot,; "or have a bumblebee
sting •yon in your eye ?" ;Some months
When the weary and discoliraand ge'd• before a'bee had stung: Willie •near'
Children of Israel caught sight of the . the eye, little Flarry remembered
• Promised Land, the bliss`tll prospect the eye, teace, and -drew. hist Own
resented was probably, the 'brightest' inferences,
e er laid bare to the' gaze of ixtor�tal--• .,,�, e •
A 'friend tells us the following dose -
dote of his little .three:and-nhalf•-year-
old Harry. :One day at dinner Har-
ries .attention was turned to brother
Willie: who thou h onl six -and u -half
was . fond of condiments, and had been:
allowed a dash of mustard on his'cold
beef. He wanted mustard, lino. His'
mamma assured him; that -he •would
not like it at all, but the boy eeri1est-
ly persisted in his request to try it,
and .finally ' a , tiny morsel wan pre-
sented to ,:hiin on' a fork• Harry
swallowed it 'down 'With `.erect Plead.
• you acre
fl the manabout to start: a newspa-., " The A,Ipiue Avalanche.
canned with°his mind's. eye the In' the surntner of 1864 a .party of.
field before .him. . tourists, while visiting the A les, climbed,
boy, when your. mother turns' with great dificulty,.to an elevated and
her knee, you're transparent. snow-covered plateatr; in order to obtain
oak Because you see she a bettevr view.of.Sw'iss scenery, and con -
puts panes . into .you. --N, Y: ilfatl..
And she tak
N. Y. Graphic.
situation for the
These jokes are a
away your wind -oh !—
Rather an on-kneesy
. b.—Yonkers GaKelte,,
y to see through; 0
An Irish olergyt an preaching a ser-
mon on death conciiicied with the fol-
lowing observation i--••t•E But even death,.
my.brethren, so well deserved by man-
kind for their sins, the Wisdom of Pro•
vidence has, in its paternal kindness,
put at the end of our existenee ; for only
think what Iife would be woe tit if death
were at the beginning."
• The simplicity of rural,conrtsli}:pwas
.never•bettor illustrated than by th- fol.
lows r""g anecdote :La" I'in gaup to be
marrit, Peggy," said a hind to a serve
lass whom ho had been in the habit o
visiting. " Ay, are ye 1 And Co tvhoma
gin T may be allowed to spelt'!" " To
yersel' Peggy." , " Are yet" said Peg-:
,gy ; "I wish I had kceti'd sooner"
. �.
small, ragged, bo entered an ti �s^
A ,ma 1, gg yy
ter house in Salem, Mage., the other
day, and• stepping np to the proprietor,.
asked: "W'Vill you sell me an •oyster
for a cent? I watt it for my rack mo-
thee. What t the matter with your
niother," naked thea man, as he proceacla
ed to 611 a can with the bivalves, think-
ing he would help relieve a case of suf-
fering. " She's got a blank eye," was
_tilt, reply_ The benevolence vcllenae fatletl from
the mind of iho oyster mall as lie put;
one oyster in a paper bag..
'A, wedding was unavoilably post-
poned a few .ditys ago ottt'in Riverton,
Iowa, becalm the 'bt`itlegi;oom, on bis
way to " the residence of the ,bridc.'tt
parents," in his happy .heedless mood,
thoughtlessly and .Ignorantly sot his
-foot upon a cat. One of those kind of
oats that make their homes in the: sand-
banks, and when trod inion, turn, and
tcank-thc (am% of1amlet's i ; le
which "smelled to heaven." The wretch.
-•ed bridegroom walked away otlt into
the 'l loneliest place he multi find to'
Limberger cheese factory, in Montgom-
era+ County.
toast the beauty and richness of mid-
summer below with the bleakness and
sterility of midwinter around and above
them.. .'In play they rolled. the moist
snow into 1,trge•,balls, they crowded 'ib'
over the .edge of. tlic plateau.: In. fall-
ing :t +struck softer snow,, w.hicli imme-
diately gave way, and 'semi an avalanche
was tearing, :down the mountain side
burying and 'destroying everything. in
its course. As the handful' of snow be-
came the irresistible. avalanche,. so the
.eking cough with sore threat and ca-
tarrh,. if neglected, speedily develops
into that dread destroyer, cousttmption.
In the early stageaa, Dr. '&le's,,Catarrh
Remedy will e, ec'tir eur`e; though if the
blood be effected or impoverished it
mist be purified and enriched l,y T)r.
Pierce's'Golden 'Medical Discovery, and
he liver and bowels kept active by his
easant.Purgetive Pellets. ' . Many who
,d d f life d had' b
in the town he --has-' 'sent his boy. to
sehoul this winter 'so poorly chid that
the teacbei Ina been obliged to kee a
needle' and thread earl take bite p
out pf
the school room and serv•his, rags. toge-
ther'in order to cover his nakedness..
° Jacoli Weber, a: Swiss brewer,:' has
just died.at Toleds,. the victim of a
straege and • horrible accident ` .. On
Thursday he was, slaokiug a bucket of
'Blue to be used for disinfecting ..per
peseta, 'when it exploded, filling his face,.;
throat and lungs .with ° the, stufi:' 2t
-fairly �,tt itq nay Into .liis \itals, and
ef-ter tli-ree�-day eadellgirt- alto -died: ----a-
The N. Y. World says that two Gera
manfamilies in Elizabeth,.N'. J.,_nan,ed
Trope, and Wallack, respectively, , have
been partially subsisting on:dog-Meat,.
and found it palatable, nutritive; and:
very strengthening.•:. The story was.
circulated --that in their .utter 'poverty
they,were redueed to this Bort of food.
'Tlie fact° ap.pears. to be, however, .that
the fainly dog of the Trepan was first
saertfieed,.;in the'inipression that its fat
would be greatly Strengthen :'Jr. Trope,
who has been an invalid.. • The sick, man.
.lik.ed the fleshy and roan lariats too, and
thinks highly' of the recuperative pre -
potties of flog -treat•
A ease has beersbefore the Courts in
Bryan, -Ohio, which is of a novel .char -
actor ;and hrts excited great tnteiestaan
that locality. , A` branch Of' -the Men-
nonites, called the •Ai Church of God,"
placed one John , Lee t3-:-.under_;_.tlre
"ban," forbidding -:all the members of
his family speaking -to him:except when
Strictly necessary, end not eating at the
same, table with the culprit, until he
repented, The wife, however,.' ?van: al-
lowed:to keep house for her husband:
For a year Leohty strove. to'overcome
the scnteuce, •and then sued the Claureb
authorities for $10.,00.0 for estranging
his ri'ife'from hew ,sifter hearing the
evidence a jury awarded him $2,.500.•
•The noyelspectace of selling a negrt.
to the highest bidder was witnessed. in
the streets of Hickman, Ky., on Seam: -
day. Mt. jams, Barksdale was the
auctioneer, and as the,negro man stood
ori the block, and the voice of the auc-
tioneer rose and fell crying the bide, it
revived reminiscences of old and by.•
gone days. The colored people crowded
around ;in anxious expectancy. The
negro sold wtts'ono John (topper, who
had been previously tried gad convicted,
as a vagrant, and • the verdict ,of' the
jury' was that he should' he sold into
tie. h w.
servitude for rise months., s ..the
provides and directs..
David H. Brower, refusets to marry
Miss Hynrs in Nashville, after ,at doe pt.
ship of several years. The jilted girl's
inotliet pit a revolver into her pocket
elsatie o 1 0 air ter' can given up and went°otit to find ,' r He had
tote by 'physicians mad frieude, t? ' been ibforrnel of her murderous i :tete-
,, - above 'e f•.
:tea -
their .0 l,estoratiott to the I mac fes. tiolr, and ort rtieetiing her i`1' the- street,
Env, TOIVat May 8tI1, 1877. -he dodged behind u fist+viii, and devil;
Dn,.PIE en, Blifl'alo, N..'Y.: tightly to him. The friemrl rlid nest like
t i 5 b utt! 1n l
D1411 it --I vats r s d so
barricade, ' tae..
r i the clan er.of bests at nod I 4
I pleat • tt ut
- ea� lee with o t.tmon ,"
` reicitr To .cta:'r - moon
- .; . aaa� cauc�s�
Cr00D .TtA for 80,; 40, 50, 80, and 75 cents per lb.
.000D SUGAR, 11 Dunes Ser Dae dollar.. _.•
GOOD. RAISINS, 18 ponndefor one dollar.
A Ape assortment of
China, Glass ard-Ctocker :ver • ehea+. -
�` Z'
Call and see stook before purobasing olaewhera, ,All
kinds of Produce taken it exchange for goods.
j'iu s 111Y$ ri ns co2ttstitErtljen lanai.
• ' cu1�INo1IAME s arKENI;EAt.
'Clinton, X07..8,1877.. •
jl ]Hf rjnuj and any other Linflammatory
atoky I 1Y,t 1x191 disease saved in a pew 4oRre.
ago, akin irritation,'ulcere Efrroymsipagn1y causeeaunlad aphaunni-
dred other diseases are caused by an acid ferment,
which produces iniii[mmatoryaotion; Bruntonla Ab-
eorbent wiil,piositi�ety efface a ours iu a tewhoare, by
aiisorbang the 5015 .iroison from iho eyetew. Sola, by
druggists. Pried 60c A
Sg deice it particular cases free,
' . , . W. Y. BRUNTON •
. Lendoie, Ont.
Awarded the Highest Modal at Vienna.'
N. & A, :T. ANTHONY & CO.,.
591 BROADWAY, NEw roiuL
Manufacturers, lmpotters and dealers in
Engravibgs,-hrolnos and Fralrnes:.:
.41bni z , G'rz>pho5CUp58 PIrotogrtrp1i ,
And kindred geode-Oelebritiee,Aortesses, &e
We are headquarters for' everything in the way of
mppnfaotnrers'of the Miero-Scientilia Lentern,;Stereo-
•.anop aeon, ra,v• =•p 1 •.5,• +. riser's -Ste=
rgoptieon, Artopticon; .School Lantern, Family Lan.
tern, People's Lantern,oaeh style beingthe best of its:
class in the market:
• Beautiful Phottigrahbic-Transpareimies-sf-.Statuary,
,and Engravinga for the win.' ow, Convex glass , Manu.
faetu0ers of Velvet Frames for Miniatures, and convex;
glass pictures, • , •
Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with ; directions
for using, sent on.applioation. , Ant enterprising man
can .make money with a llragie.Latitern: •
.Cut this advertisement' kir future re/evince.
Money `Lenton Mortgages for 2, 3, or 5 Years.
Interest at O'lier, cert allowed' on llelioaUa. "
.Real Butate bought iin.t .solei an coma/Wien.
First.cl.issPtttx,.Lit?e;.and Ano nt::X Insurance Com:
patties represented..
Wo rau'uow Rize loauir on first:oless sent Cy' at 8 per et
dv tfcn> t ltl,ROP .
Crftnton, Avg. ST, 7877
threey • t 1 p , caped atom it by slipptlr,, out of his
whir7li. left avis �wfh a: trotlblsonrts ciu h, overcoat, which he "left in Brewer's ,
hander.. Then Brewer' ran with all his
might; and Mrs. Hynes chased hon,.
while keeping up ra scattering fire with.
the revolver. , She was itt snot captured
1i roan.
bp�pc ice
Rents in New York tiro likely units
fer another serious fail this spring. Last
year the gelnerr:l reduction was not less
than fifteen per ce1t., and in 1876 it was
at least ten per cent. It is expected
that tt further ten per cent.. will have to
be yielded this year: There ie Fi great
fall fit the rents of fetuses, that casts'
brought from »4,000 to $0,1'10() Per an••
num. 1lMany-of tlit:nt are now offeaed
at $1,800 t.1.S2,500, and still hang oil
curl, Those abominations of (lothetIn
that. gradually
sk iian8 gave nle
tion. I tried •rev
e(lvortised to eureti
obtaining a
Withoutoba ng
,Seeing your` GOTden•
and Pleasant Purgative. Pellets. ttrlver-
.used,. I concluded to 'try them, teal I
found then to be all that y rte claim for
thein.- . Aly restoration ha tied
rew•worse' aural (illy
to, die with consUtit p•
'tel remedies, that are"
consumlition, . tint
relief" or l t ut;-alt.:
complete for over two years.
fend $1.5() for a copy of your
Sense 11iedieal Advertiser.
JASON C. l)AR'tttor.ot11A
Antlerieau News Items.
Texatahas tt two-year old lisb • which
wetg s etgh yiive pouritly. a iartnrent ilolrses ere In rent tleineirtl
.n Francisco imports :vat Ot- neloI.s 1' ' g
o , S } . e r t --ti sure indication of the number
from tliSandwichands train
e �gla .
by :v been r•
1 people who have ee t t
Drees wealthy eo e
ship. Y l }
cad to give up keeping separate esttiblis-
It is thought possible, owing to a dis. Mont%, Business property down -town is
1 g.• lzR 'v ,..ss r1 than residence aro.
pm is congregation, Rav. I)r, still more depie a s pro.
ate with lr
Talmage ay exchange his l3rooklye, peaty.. Stores on. Laver Broadway
N. •Y., pastorship for a charge in. Lon- that rented for $30,000 fottr years ago
don,'Eng: , can now be rented for .$7,000 to $1.2,OGo.
e his clothes, but ever that pro*
n did not prevent, the associated
d t 1
from telegraphing all over the
ry " the destruction by are of a
r i1iE. StrilSCntliER IDEC03 LEAVE TO 13TAS!E
:..,0 t8r50 and superior alaraot
to the publin that he keeps eonstantiy on band.
goffin•Trimmings and Eobea,-
.1 tVlth aap:n+idid'nLAlISE.. Pt,.trx rtlrrr.rs al,t'sya
en baud. I+artioK cin bo , op ,,led fu Guo hour, at
'r�;,.l �� •ryT arty ti Mee, at r�y •t •,-��v �i
^ ' CEIN PE II ( >i1 1 ,1TaSS.
Than can be procured at any other place. •
Afull stock. of FUB,1IITU1tE
Always ou hand.
t':Inton,May 10,1877.
anwarwrilawarrasa. -. serearnaser
KN 13yrsdsdttt� fartl'Irr•rciicinq
the inostI nabte trutlrq 005-
tahted in the best nett mt
book et or is�3uert, entitled
trp�r■��p, p s1:.tx°-rltnsNitv.c2rov'
p HYSELFPr9cconly$I. Betrtbyrnnrt
I! 6 d Aw YY on receipt of prt+:c, Ii
`. l V'it li I' Stn ttnro Deeltnc•
New Tweeds,
•� N w �'u r �.. ISH
e -lats S
• NewWorsted Coatings,
ew Ili/ ire D"rh is
r .
.e . po. d hirts: ...
New Heiser .
e : Lustres
f ° F+'R(' t fi ('t•FSFR YNTPA ID
• ',; SES 00 'S
H r
dke c�.x
e x� of
� a
New Veilings,
CtIN'TON, Match '28, 1878..
Climax 3Doble Cylinder Threshing Machines,
Combination and Vibrator Threshing, Machines,
Atte all kinds of AGRICULTURA] IMPLEMENTS alwayscmhand,
To meet the,iarge and increasing demand for our celebrated Th eshit g'llfaohines,. front s •
Parts of the .13ominion, • we Mise, by the- introduction of the. latest and most approver&'
inacliinery into our works, greatly increased' our manufacturing facilities. We are therefore
• in a position to fill all orders promptly.•
ir g y tested before leaving the.shop, and warranted to give
Every tnacluit a is run and thorou 111
• • entire s#i`tist lotion.' .
air Petard ordering etteav)xere'send for'Ci'st&lara and Posters:. Order early
. N & CO CLi4 o
• INCOFU'OILATEb 18''4. Successors to Thomson &• Williams, of Mitchell,
.A. ricultural in _ ine Works
$Eo.-f'n5As. 3'J.• REDF(IItD, W. 11IOWA.T, J, CORCORAN; W. MARSHALL..
S nReapers,d nos
Joh stoo harvesters, � I Mowers and Combined �lach�
n ��F� x,
trpatgefl'tsrlett'd n ty r . "
is.rervott an( Jtysieal'Debility, and the eritnesg 7 y ;• t tr °
rrnrnffilliettlr Lail-untold-miaories,therresult5_- a st STi r�JQ ±.G ,.:.F7 iC1 v t 1 tr0_f3f%PQ I%�
1ltrrelroni, anti contains more than 50 Original pre.
s,:ri3)tion0, nay oho of whioh.is worth the price et
tie Bink. This -book was written by the Most ex
t u noand' probably the ram talcilfutprattitkaner
fn heel+•a toWhaniwnattwordedapole nud,leer'.
tit, int,.•iial by the Net (analrfrdic:il <l:'tso0Eation.
A 1 ,tuplld, illnstte,d with the vet- snot
Nt 1 L;'{tririetq,a-••a mot--rr1fart att,t'iomia.*'� �'�
s -se race to all,_ bract
f t ..r. nrrd.e. A+idret~r1
f`4 tiTI"nl I,:, I<o. 4 Tlril. Y .YSELF
. tl:t•!h $ o Roston, Mase.
Machines, Grain Crushers, Straw butters, Plows, Gang Plows, &C..
Builders "of' Steam Engines and Boilers, all sizes,,
WATE11 NIllut:i„3 AND A1I, Iri`'f).$ OE MILL MACHINERY.
Contractors for (Triol and Sate Mir& com lets, ., Aleofor• Water Works .for espies, town* mkt
t'lllitrlo�:r,. on the yfolty R'ystent. Cheoee' Factory Machinery a &pteialty.
1,1)1)R t'ga filOUSt.1 ,6. VILLA U8 MAIiJrACrTtBtNG acre 0110104,
Feb, 0, 1370
b '