HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-03-28, Page 1r ,
• V01.. 13, NO. 13.
TER3011-41,40 PDX' AutoOtt, Its-ndlnallitee.
. ..._
_ •
Wanted, a duarititY orlira1O-DegarEttwve Bolts, MIA
Heacling, Apply at Factory, to foreman, H. R. NVALIC
or at iitanlotrin Salt Virtaks,*te
. n. eittsaoma .
stapaioe, rat 7./878, 4 ,
The 'suborner afore f or.salo ;that, nonigifilently Atm.
ated farm, wost .lialf of lot 24, Bayneld con. Goderich
township, containing 100 mato, 70 cleared, the remain.•
,g h ood , bush There is a log house and
barn, and a small orchard on the Flinn. The land. is
first•class and under good cultivation. Ahoutflve Milo
froze Reynold and -Clinton. Tonna, one-third dont,
remainder as agroed upon.
Clinton,Feb. 18, 1878.
The undersigned offers for sale his farm of.70 aorta.
coneisting of north -West hair of lot 19, Huron Road,
Gederich Towniddl), -Over 60sone enema, Mid in a
good state of cultivation, remainder good hardwood,
Good frame home, with otono cellar, frame barn, out.
buildings, (U. Two oroliards,.ono of 751re" newly
planted. Situate 11 milefrom Clinton.
Goderich Townahip, Feb. 14, 1878. im*
The undersigned offers his farm OZ IV acrot, being lot
28, con. tith, tioderich township, 6 mileo fTete Clinton
and 7 from GOderich, for sale. About 74 cleared, re-,
mainder good hardwood; soil, ric1i clay loom. Ton
acres ere sown with fall wheat, and about 40 fall plough-
ed. On the premises aro a goed,new frame 11.411003 et OAP
foundation aud collar, barn, stables, outbuildings, well,
and creek running near the barn, good bearing orchard,
the whole being in state of high cultivation. Terme
and particulars on application to proprietor. '
• '•Vortex's Hill.'
•Goderich township, Feb. 7,1878. . •
you SALE....
"ii/est.half 1415, north -hall lot ld, ifithe 8rd con. of
Bullett, containing 100 aeras,,more ox low; 96 °limed,
75 under goed cultivation, 35 of new fallow. 'balance
timber. There pro 11 aloes of fall wheat, and 80 stores
. fall ploughed. Soil', clay •loam. Good frame house,
barn, sheds, stables ; goodorchard of choice frnit. Tho
place is well watered, and eituated 8 miles from Olin..
ton. For partionlars apply 011 the memises, or by mail
CLINTON 11101 SeltOOL.
• SOkiill 3CSVNTEF.S.:4879.
EARBAN, es..blayor of Clinton, &airman,
A, WORTIIINGTON, Bow,Sapretary on& Vette.
H. HALE, Esq., M.A., It. RACtESlt, Est
JOHN ItEEVE,Eaq., M.D. A. S. If HER, Pm,.
ocia,lueaanist.m.ttesionl. ts.
&ue.sua, 1°014°
TH111.413111.L, B. A. Scholar in' Claesics alld
eratYt Ilea Mester, = "' - '
Oheeltsi MOderti Languages, and Higher English,
JOTU 1 A,, Gold bledellist in Bathe.
mane, T'oronto'VaireroitY
- - Hathernatics, Naturol, Science, A1111 Xria1k91i.,
•lona BALFOtTlt, 17n6ergrad04te,•T010nth Univer-,
pity ;
• Asoistantin hiathomaticl and gngliolt•
atiliS N. °NEILL, •• .
Junior snglisb, PtonolL t1 eri:non.
Banseeleas diving to bonus a grist
13oftts Joao already left Gederich fat
•northern porta' • ' •• ,
Goderich bas an Athletic Club, and
hew waet 1 ymnasiiina
There will be nplipring show for entire
toek 111Seaforth-this• sea sone,-
. The spring Show of entire stook Will
de hold in Brussels on April 9th. •
Mr. W. Douglas and Wife left :Brea-
• seli for Manitoba on Monday last.
This Sobool wepares pipits for the Vniver.
sities and for entering upon the study grimy
of the professions. Special attention is given.
to the atddies reorred• for Public Sehool
Teachers. .As ono of the County Model
-Schools is now established in Clinton, teach,
ers of the third class can complete Aleir pro;
feseional.course in ttils.trtvra, Students pas-
sing the Intermediate Examination are en-
titled, On teeetring one year and attending the
Norutel Sabo' for one -session to A Second
Class Provincial Certificate, Grade. B. ,
' An excellent chemical laboratory has been
Provided, and it is believed that the course
In natural science will be_ of great benefit to
those who intenri to follow farming pursuits.;
Book-keeping and the other hr,onches of ' a
geocl.mereamile education are also taught. /
13y the latest official report of the Inspeez
tors,.....whicli divides the 11.1gir Schools. of 'the
-Provinee_into eight Classes,the Miami Segiol
is placed in the second Clisi; only
(Collegiate.lustitutes in cities and large towns)
bciiig placed in tbe class ober° it. Since
'that report Was made, "tica teaching -Stall of'
Abe School bas'been increased and improved,
'new apparatus premixed, and a 'conirnedio'us
brick building has been completeil for the
school at a cost to, tire town of $5 000
EXILxn.rA;not,r,--The examinations fornd-
Mission are heldat the Clintori'Model Sho�I
(Central School Btfilding) half yearly in 4uve
Decembcr. Notice of the exact time will
be duly given in the County papers. • The
following are the requirements : •
firarsnia.-rourthReading Book to p, 946 and Spelr.
Ing Boolc. Wnirra0.---Neatly and legibly. ARETIL316`
•Tro.-Principles of Aril& and Roman notation; vur
gar fractions; decimal fractiona; simple 'proportion,
with reasons of rules; mental artthmetio. Oaamirmi.
-Prineimir grammatical sorms litd• definitions; semi;
of suave sentences; parsing simple oentencee.
osiroerrionr-Simple and cerenles Sentences, orally or'
Inivriting; grammaticalchanges of construction; short
narrative or deaerIption; familiar iettoro.'• GEOORAPHY.
—Saps of America, Enrope,•Aiia, ana Africa; maps of
canticle. and. Ontario.Iptaan, paawitio.r.ounine ot
moss; Donlon oweeis on paper. -
dates will be esamittediu the leading facto of English
.The questions set will ir-t demand •a minute
knowledge ot details, but will, be strictly limited to the
outlines of the saldeot. Ittantuo•-Candidates will be
examined, aa 'heretofore, in reading tiOnl the Fourth
lleader, pp. 1-246; but they win, addition, be ex-
pected to show that they understand the moaning of
these reeding leseons. They Will likewise bo examined
more minutely on the selections enumerated in the fa -
lowing list,lind they will be required to reprodnco the
. substance of one or more of them in their own language.
-.-(1,) The Norwegian Colonieuin Greenland.—SeorcX-
bg. (2) The foturdirig of the North Arnerica# COloriles:
•-Pedien• 194 Tho 'Voyage Of (ho Golden
Enterpriee. (4.) The discovery.of Anserica..-•Rotert,.
son. (5.) Tho Death- of Montca1m.---1atokins.-(6.)
..Taceties Cartier at •Tfoeholaga.....diatokins. (7.) Cortes -
in Merico.--Cessers Paper. (a.) The Bucc00eers.-
27te•Scu. (O.) TneUarthouako oniarecass.--ilusitotat.
(10.) The conquest of Peru.—Annalt of IMmantic Aare,*
tore. .(11.) The Conquest of Iyaleer-WhiteeLamintarke.
(12.) Hermann, the Deliverer, of esrinany.-,Thier.
(18.) The:Burning of Illoscow.-Seour's Narrative. (14.)
Tbe Battle of Thorrnopylre.-Baleiph. (15) Tho Do-
otroction of Pompeii.--Alitgarins of Art. (16.) Ihe
Taking Of aibreitar.-overtand.RoUte. A
Candidates for the Intermediate Examin-
ation and. for Second Class Certideates are
examined.in the High School Building in July
and December, usually iu the -litst week of
each term. •
lisOes will be • held on the Brussels
driving park on july let and 2nd
A billiard lieehse has been granted to
Mrs. Johnston, by the Bayfiald Council;
for' $30, , • . •
The'first barrel of fresh fish shipped
from etocletica tale season, was forward -
dell laSt Week, ••'
. " .
• . •
i g .1tiOLMEN ea NOS.
E. Publishers,
Canadian Nevio Items.
Over 800 cords of mud have beeu
.scruped off London streets during the
pa*few tleysa,-- • -7-7--
Eight bundled iInd 64Y 1-411,erers and
carters have been irictiinized by an ab-
sconding eub-contractor on the latchine
,Canal, who clotted off with $7,000
that he should have peid them as wens,
--Aaaer dietof marialaughterranda-aana.
tende of ten years -in :the Penitentiary
was reeorded against Munn, for ttlie
murder of Sqiitre's, in Landon town-
ship, about tbteeweeks ago. Wa think
lie gets A' very easy •for his savage
crane, .
Mr. John Collins, of Hay, boa a cow
ftoni whieh he .matle 25' poencls of but-
. . . . .
tet in in eight days. . .
Mi.". B. Neibero•all left Goderioh, on
Monday, far British Colpnibia,where.be
ithifilcs' of aettling: ,
Rev, air, lattynter, of Chicago, is about
to start revival services. in Goderich.
Fro has a large field to work in,. •
Mr. a. Daninell, of Rochester, lats
.been4nrchasing.horses in the vi.einity
,ef Brussels, _ariershippiug them_ direct
to 'Rochester. ' '
Horeb 28,18W
• Mr. IL S. Milky,. 1
teae ,at TaylOr s
Corner's; Goacrielt toseliship„ afiao. few
,eveninca, since presented with. a gold
peneil anti album, hy nia sc)elair--ta '
• TERNS -AND VACA.TIONS.----Thire • are now
three terms eatablished by law„ the first cam-
naencing on January. 7th, and ending on the
Thursday before Easter ; the second cora-
mencing on the first. Tuesday after Baster,
and ending on 1y 13th; and the third com-
mencing. on September let, and ending on
December 22nd. . It is desirable that papils
should enter at the beginning either of the
first or of the third term. ,
Good hoiird canbe obtained in Ceepeetablo
families at from $2,to $3 per week. Pupils
'alt have access to,,the largo and valuable
brry and well•mipplied reading -room tf the
Clinton Mechanics' Institute, (open fite even --
A firat•class farm iu the 3.8th Concossiort 'of jogs in the week) at the moderate fee of $1 a
• Hallett, .100-stereS, 'GO acres cleared, and 4° year, be at that rate for a lose, period,
"Treo8rhsetkalellchtoilnapb.efTae'rms 'of polnent Further information w' ill be given on appli-
cation to theSeoretary or the Mad Maar r
cantonosterci, 28, 1878.
The „Stephen and "Ifsborne Spring
ShoWaavill-baalield at_ tha Society's
grounds, in Exeter, on Friday, .April
12, for the exhibition of horses and bulls.
A very painful accident occurred near
Smith's Hill, in Dodd's sa,tv mill, on
Satuaday, whereby Tb os. Johnston had
1118 hind cut, off below- the wrist in a
frightful manner. , . .
.A.t the auction sale of Mr: S. Shaw's
firm stock, in Tuckersiaitha.on Fridaa
last, n thoroughbred. lieffer, rising three
yealli old, woe sold 19 Mr. E. NI.01, of
Wingham for the Slid of a 1'61. a
Last aveek.alr. Thonwson, Of Ilia
2nd ,con. „of,' • Stanley -a' sold Mr. • j:
Throp, Of the 2nd coo, Tookorsorith,
a Pair of draught Mimes sired . by Loud
'lladdow for the sum of a300 cash.' •
A farm of GO acres, 40 acres' cleared, iu the
4th Concession of Wawanoth.
For further particulat's apply to ,
A. 8, ilostitlift.
ulinton, Mar& 20, 1,878. • 4i
Notice is hereby given that scaled tenders
*Will be received by the subscriber at his office
Londesboro, erre Tns In Arita, 1878 ;it two
P.M. for the ereetion of a trick Parsonage
and frame stable. at Londosboro, •
Plans and specifications can be seen at the
said office. The Trustees do not bind thetn.
selves toateeept tbe lowest, or any tender..
• See. 13oard. of Trustees.
Londesbero, 13th March 18/8.
• The undersIgned offers tor sae a farm et
139 acres, being Id 27, 6011. le, Iltillotb •
acres-cleare , •A mice we nn ere
with beech and maple i Situate 14 mines from
the 41.W.11., and. 2 ranee from Illyth, rrame
house, barn, outbuildings, well, and s •few
fruit trees on the place. Will be Bota eheap,
and reasonable time given required,
Clinton, March 7, 1878.
•••••••• ••••••••• •••,•••••
• •
h f 11 4. utgentio coonnts of every tia.•
tra tee rig n a
non of ancient and modern times, and including a•ble.
tory Of the riso end fall, of the Greek and liertian
pirce, the growth of the nations of modern Europe, the
middle ages, the crutiadeo, tho feudal tlystinti, tho refor-
mation, the discovery and oettlementoLthoNewWorld,
It containo 472
,fine hiatorkai sngiavings and 1260
largo demblo column' 'loges .and is the moot somidete
aso whr It sotto rooter than any caber book. Address, .
'with another geritlerean from 'Woodleina-
aaatteratsanwelages andurtra terron to A gmitit, anti
N'Avietnit Pneumatic co., Philadelphia, PA. avere on their way home from' Exeter
Proarie Ores in Manitoba last week,
The Quebec. Legislature WKS'on Satur-
day,dissolved by prochtmation end
writs Wei° to•have been issued for the
liaareleatidias:a -Tlio-licatiinationa -wilt
take place on the 24th prox., ana the
Honse •will meet on, the' 1st of June.
During the past week Mr. Redinan,
o 09°k -raiser of California, but formerly
of.-alevelay, has-been at Galt, buying
IffillibircalaTaallayment ter tlie-Gol-den
State. There lieve a1s6 been Sline gen-
ilemeu baying horses in this vicinity to
ship. to otber points ,in tho States.
Iletwy horses are mostly asked for.
On • Monday last, some scoundrel .
placed a pile of atones; and a pieee ef
railway iron 011 the Grand Trunk track,
about half 'n'ity between Parkhill and
Ailsa Craig, bat theywere discovered
in tame te.prevent au -accident:
A porter in. an Ottawa firm was
charged', by the senior member of tber.
oompli4 with selling liirg,e quantities of
goods and nuking no j eturns, It 18 es-
timated that he has deft 'aided the arm'
out 'Or at least $10 000. Ile confessed:
Ida guilt. , • • . • •
In the London- torture ease true .bills
for cruelty and torture. wete on Thula-,
•clay returned against the prisoner. Har7,
graves. As the latteta was ,being 'x -o -
moved ' he was mobbed by a futious
crowd, ancl threats,Of lynching, him were,
freelyainatle.l' His trial ,nee .1?Paa post-
poned until next Assizes; owing to the
absence of his partner, Jarvis, 'who hag
left the country.' ,
A London paperau& there is at pres-
ent re'sidirig 'in that city' a cleegynian,
•who whilstattending•Aelleee New
Mr. Badaayea of Senforth; haa rentea
his hotel to Mr. J. W. Carroll; of .Cve-
ditonrfor. $400 per annum. The new
proprietor is am- old hand at* the Wei-.
ness,and takes posseasion en. the Oth of
April. • . ,
On the evening' Of the aara inst.,
while Mr. j. Hickey, of Hibbert, near
Carrofibroek, was wrestlingin deyersion
with one of the, men who had been
working at a chopping "bee" he' had,
he got, his right thighbone fractured,
, by the man falling across it, , •
, • .
Messrs, Chappell & Gordon, butchers,
of •Lucknow, have bought the largest.
and fattest' cow ever brought into Luck -
now: Ti was peachasecl, from Jainee
McGowan, of Kinloss, and Weigbala
950 poui'els. The price paid was
per cwt., live wpight-nutking tr total
of $7345.. _ •
• • .
*Some time since BrusseIs was favored
With n, corporation baby, that j, 11 Child
wee left on a citizen's doorsteP, afid the
'place had to. leek ;After it. ' Mr. :Dina -
man, of Hay, has 1(1)111 ed it., tacit
week another.; '; Lulea?' '018 fOliliti
OR a doorstep; rout its permits not be-
ing known, it avas clubbed " Little Brufa
Muirkirk, it Tuoaday, while croas-
ing the railway, 1VIr. Warken was re*
into bya train, and instantly killed, ; •
Recently,' 04 -AfentOrrite sold in Win-
nipeg thoirgo8t ox oi.her broogiir
tbero ; weight,a,330; ibs., p: leo four
cents; per lb. Eve
aa'. fire broke • ont at Teeswat6r, on
Saturday, in a building..pWried by tur-
Mitakeriaie. end occnoteatintaloaltat
Malaga' as a bakery "mai grocery store.
The building and a Store and dwelling
adjoining, owned by Wm. Falconer 'awl •
oectipiett . by D. P. Cataipbell as a con-
footionary ond fruit store was tOtally
censumed, The Teesvrater Plantag Milis
and the dwelling of W. R. Thompson
'‘.\11,4338reOsllitvf)erde.1.•:)•. number ofaimea but they
." Granger",senda the folioiviog to an :
ezcliange :-About the 25th of last De-
cember, I said that we woeldhave open ,
weather for the next 'three inoetbs, and-,,
fat it.„Was. I now say thatthe lest.Week
Of lalarch .ena trst two weeks of April.
will: be cold and stormy; with sechienaa •
changes: It will be a late spring, A.m.
farmers that •cannot get all their wheat
thethaas elle supposed, !worm powders; sowed -before -tha"!27th -Aprilabetter sow .
but it peeved, to be atrychnine. Medi.
cal aid was iminediately sent for, but
tbefere it 'could be had both .were dead.'
Both were boys, one fourteen and the
other twelve. It has,diaven the mother
nearly insane.
A servantgirl in the employ or Mr..
Win. Eisen'of London township, was
the vietint of an accident the oilier day
that will probably blind her foe. life.
She was uncorking a bottle ,of hartshorn,
when tile .cork flew- out and the gas
nmaing its way to oyes„ had the ef-
fect stated. Perseus cannot be too eare
ful in their aendline of such things. •
A telaiale accidant ira reported from
the tosynship.of Cartwright.. The wife
of Nar: Learner, thinaingthat her dil-
atant were troubled with worms, gave
•• A sample of euperior sugar ,encl‘'nio-
iassesa•produCed Irma 'cane grown on -it
farm Wiedonaita was exhibited ou
the 'Corn .Exchange, Torontor on Thera-
daa, The exiiitetor, who was not of-
faingthe articles for sale, stated that
100. gallons were produced from *one:
acre, and the same cane could be grewn
Jersey, walked. all tlItaaaty from an On in Canada with like resul _Aug
aP1160'4n and-asyrupoWere pronounced by all to be
be has' how no Charge -he astonished, "fir
a iota o abrought An sold
f th t d heie-
a• congregationaby giving,, out and. react- '
ing the 119th Psalm, the Whole Of Which
he evidently expected the congi egation:.
to sing. They, however, strualal.aefote
many .verees avere'get through,
' '
•Mr. D. I. IC,,Rinelias issued the fol-
lowing %it'd :,.---TO' Rine Teta] , Abiiti-
;nence : Clubs . of , Canada and ;II con;
cerroa,:-Dear friende,--After a cell:
suit:Ai:on with prominent' temperance
workers, His deemed advisable..that r -
shoot], in --viow' of existing eirctimstau-,
Ces, call in my engegements for the }rtes.
ent, which .1 desire now to de, and hope .
there will beato rash oa premature actiofl.
by any Chtba or their indialitualamain-
b.ers: •The proper time ,will ebitte. for
the consideration of change of name, or
alteting of Constitution in the cOntern-
plated convention to be holden in june
on July.. I ask a suspension of judg-
ment. and the measure Of charity to-
wards myself that -1 have eitemled to
Others. Y.ours, fcir the fallen, ..... D., I.
.K. Rim?. . • ' '
aRiee's private secretary,. 'who made
himself velar busy after the arrest of his
printipaI in trying to comptonase mat-
ters, with Bliss Gibling'ind her: father,
is 'evideella- a 41 high-toned" young man.
In conversation with leading gentlemen
connected with the temperance move -
Mont, he Confessed viitla the most un-
blushing effrontery and .coolness that.
previous to his joining Rine lie had been,
keeping It disrepitteble house in Pitts-
burg, that he mid Janie had been in the
habit, of ,taking liberties with girls,. ae.,.
ate.Snch things were not thought any-
thing of in, Pittsburg, indeed' a Man
might go a great deal thrthee than Rine
did in ' Stratford, and get or With a
couple of weeks in jail. All of 'Which is'
decidedly rengh 'on Pittabarga but is
worth cbronieling as showing wimp inata
tier of men these tire- that have been
humbugging the Canadiali public for 'a
year of niore.a-Sarerford Beacon,
.. A lairision Comt case vital held in
a‘liltoa lately that is of considerable im-
porteuee, ' Mr. Bonk sued the Trafalgar
Aaricuitural faociety for a:144am amount
of prizes eavardett hint aka tattle, ao.,
at the Society's. fair: Tiak Society de -
dared the prizee forfeited; on the grotipti
that' Mr, linak liad .1.rivnii the -0;101961M
the fair greeful, and Ilea shindereal the
judges,' Contrery to tbeie rule / 'The
following is the decision of th judgma-
"In this caw' I unike iny.,in gnient in
the nature' of aa award, rather deal t
one night last week, they met a team EL 111(1011unit for %lie scisusi that I um of
short diStitrice below tlie tillage. AS the 'opinion Butt the Association had
or its own. pica
neinbers and exhibit -
y moll tub ia. and the
We lerten Bea T. J- Wiildron, son of
Mr. J. Waldron, of,Steplien,lias ebtained
a second chiefs grade A, Provimail Oele
tifienaa, Waldrou wag the mita one
who aebtaialad It certificate at ' the' De,
ceieber examination without being aorta
polled to spend a session under training
ift the Model School. 'to was formerly
a pupil of Clinton High School,'
Ilistoii; of the World ever iiribliehtd. Tt sells at ght, AS Catlicart„ in eoniptiny
• Each' Ping ei** ate
1yrikNvy Inbace,o
et 23
Or Nam .othor is Go
Hamilton, garelt
Oraesice& COniyejlecone'*, Clinton
Two fox cara on the C. S, R., at
'Highgate took fire on Tuesday of last
week In one, of them were six horses,
and in another, font., belonging to- a
couple of farmers remoaing to Manitoba.
the niglit was cloak neither of the drivera
'seemed inclined to tuen out, "and cora
sequently Mr. Catboat -tat buggy was
smashed by coining in contact witit the
other vehicle, which was a beery wagon.
Mr. Cathcart returtiedto Exeter, where
the driver, of the other' valliele intended
to- remain over night, but he steam! for
poWee to make rule
aloe, and that the
ma were bound
rule.s suffieien
tion bill fur
the pini
barley, for aay-•wheat aewed,after that
date get blighted next hatvest.
The month of May will be very warm.
and dra, Crops will be light.; The-:.„
price of wheat will be low: Barley will. .
be o 'fair price.
-0017,EXPORA-RT TES, -
Broughato a fine ticiat, 'the Opaosi-
tioll ilibeay of preaeetion to anatar •
ing meal% that the people Of the ..
Doininion Shall only be able to get eight
pounds Of sugar for o dollar instead' or
10 or 12, ia order that a few refiners in.
fcattines. This kind of " legislating for
the, Masses" 'Italy be a benefit to the,
whale. cOuntry, but we fail to see it.----
Sarayard Reacdn:
.. ,
Mx. N. F. Davin as One of the lesser
apostles of the Conservative Protection- .'
. , ., , ,
The &rites burst out fiereely,-and.before„ .'sb'nrv'enlerit' again announces thetaahe -
adaes'not want Canadian cattle sent to
Englan_jd • be wants them eaten by Cana:
diana:.°-.This is, indeeda•aornewitat worse
than the Yankee atrateina for.,:cittr maa e
hors ore - bendir4 all 'their enereie -.Jo
the reising- and. exportation of catIo to,
Europe, and fiod .it •one of 'thei nicist
profitable branches:, of ' trade.. at our
Conservatives' aniapose:•otialte • cling He-
-rota They want us to ma - faciare all
our own goods, eat all o
and' eonsurne ftll our
keep all the 14ed fore grins that make
up the rest °lathe/arid at' a distance...-
When -the Macdo ala -Davin poligr is '
carried into. ,effect aye will aell nothing' • . .
to anybody avWdoes not live in. Canada, , .
awl buy nothing from ahybedy.. who .
does not Iivp in Canada. ' We shall alive
safety of the ether, idso abrakepatua she as Sir Joh stifs,• !aCanade for the Ca -
telegraphed to , him, esking if he Wald all 'tddialis.11 out, eeeea aressets eau- rot; a
s 1.1iiitntigtheet,.o:ne4e tievomuief
d." "t:,toh.c.ariwllhart'yifronilisnO
, thing to bring to
The St. Lae:Preece
be borne in the .morning, and intended aa be blocked tip at its • mouth. The
toquit railroading.' Oa his aetara trip OLIALULle will be shut or only used for the: '
Ise was arosliod to ileath couPling• cars /trade between Canadian ports. . The
at Brigdeir. The body WSW brongh Detroit, Buffalo, Clifton and Maine con.'
home on Tuesday. The•tWo daught nections of the Great Western, Canada '
la jielicteadlutihosot nilioetlhpleeraaw, iiniiirdociotvier liito
reexa: will be cat'off, seeing that then it will
Southern and Grand Trunk -Railavays
SCSI. The deepest ' sympathy is,1felt for be not only a crimp but an impossibility
the family in their terrible calamit3a to either sell to or buy from the detest -
and is being martifestetli A tangible .ea yeakees, we will All becolie rich ,,,
I •
wtiy4v, the 3itiY.(35ItpoflL3l'ClIY. . by taxing each other and vow wealthy
frae. -Loom Fret3. kaaaa says : On 1,7. makin* g profit outof each. other. -e--,
Monday night there- aaeived in this city laraaaa..• • . • .' . •
by the London, Hu On oratBruce Rail- ,We love repeatedly slown. hew tit -a •
way fifty. persons, Hale and female, from teilyindiffeimit the Conservative plata •
Bo • neighborho a of Litekitcea, who tectionisis are to fads.. The Toronto
were on their) ay to Trail County, Da- Zeadmin one colaum pablifthes an ar.
kota Territon, wbere they olives° tak. Bele asserting the Yankee tariff to. be
in.. up. 10141an
', d engegingin-farming fey essential to 1130 prosperity of Canada; %
tareliedinlee of their days. They were and in onother a letter telling of staria
1irinea4ily Highlend Seetch people, and itig Nworkingltion in the. states, ' The
Coral:Rased •fiaa •fitalilieso and a taimbea :Brantford Cottaier publishea an . artiele,
OfAaning taanatiied men. Three of the declaring that our industries itre ruined, '
fartnera, Viz. :-A rinstrong, Pass ;and, and at the same time has art accpunt of
'McLeod- have already taken -up home- a Brantford inanufnetoring .es.tablish.
steads in that 'country, and sufficient ponatinta is sending its products to
land has linen pre-empted to supply the balf a doaen foreign markets, , The sane
amnainine male inembete of the party. journal onarridoy has, along with its
Tbey take with them twenty-fiveliorses, demand for this tariff, a letter from a
and intend going into farming on an ex. Brantford Centorvative 1l8'av in 'Virginia,
tensive„seale. ' The young people are a avlio writes to it as follows :-,-"As re- . .
hardy -looking lot, ana juit the kiwi of gards business, the merelnants complain
people suited to amid the rigors of of terrible tiines, in fact times aro fat
that Weetein. climate. The famillea worsediere than in. Canada; hundrede '
were Mr. Armstrong, wife and four ere out Of employment find on tile verge
children ; Mr.. Ross, wife and eeven of starvatioh, and were it net that theso "
ehildren, ; Mr, arogine, wife anti sevenere fed daily tit the soup house, . the re -
y eppear lit the exhibe childian ; Ma. 'aleCrotty, wife anal two •sult Wotild be melancholy te contemplate,
877 ; and by the, evidence children, and Mr. McLeod!, wife itna in conversation with...one of the leading
i the trial. I do not think eight ehildren; ',The rornatinrig dozen merchants eathis place a few evening* .
SitiCe, Ito statenO 1110 ' that the 'United .
States was' the ixiost ruined 'country en. ,
the face of the earth' -these. were Itia
irrrroilr s, al—Td7ciu Will:probe:US,. kcereof' .
with him too..." The, Consftv.ative lead,
ors Will reart.thia C311111$ 3114 ttiatt Fii1503t '
the old story that we eialar need Yankee
protectionisai in COado, te. give our etti-
aerie constant enatilitanient at kll *ape..
the attendants could jtimp, off they had
a narrow 'eseapea The agonizeca screams
of the poor anirnala in 'the.: flarneq:.w ere
terrible to hear, and, When they were
git mit of 'the car,' every bit of beir -was.
burned 'frOte their' belt% and they pre-
sented a hoirible sight
The family of Mis. M6Conite1l, cif St.
Thetriasa have sefferecain o heartrenaing
manner during the past fortnight. je,sse
McConnell, brakeman, was killialaten
cloys ago at IIar%vich, by ..fialing be-
tween;the cars, and was brought home
terribly .maitaded.. . The mother took
it 16 heart, and it was feared would lose
aer reason. After...partially recovering,
She dreamt the saw•tWo Coffins, in -.Ala.
were her two 'sons, 'and, fearing for the.
own cattle,
vra grains and •
iir forfeits his prizes by inter -
i111 his cattle, but on the other
aftforthatlantaatwo o'cleek the next char e of slandering the 'rakes I think
morning. Constable Gill was despatch- .t.1 direitors bed sailunent ova mice e
afte,r Mtn, and In -might him back ore them tojeatify Been 'in endeavoring
They however, settled the affair by etic to uphold their, rules by withholding
paying little the expenses itieurred lit e the prizes awarded to the plaiiitiffa,.
pairing the velliele end\ay the cons Me adjudge'the plaintiff $20 without Oafs', 1
going to *Seatorth,'•; to bo paid in itZ days."
are eingle men, who, while they have
some miseivings :is to their etiCeeeia
neverthele.ss intended doing everything
thaattriarin-at1Waliaafioweia-te btiiltl up a
'competency in Built riew•-ionies, The
party left for the West otialtriday morn-
ing. They state that eleven aclditional-
fairdlies intended folloWing them from
do same motion.