The Clinton New Era, 1878-03-21, Page 6`1'l'iL C>' .l 1ri'UN NEW LiiA, �`�AII(:•1'f 1, i,:' English and Foreignliteins.. Thirty-six persons were drowned at Brest, France, oil. Thursd y. Typites fever is so prevalent at St. Petersburg that many families clic) lea,- ing the city, • The Czar of Russia bus authorized some .Now York oa,,italists to erect grain elevator:' tbionghout the empire: In China gfrls-nt e-"eoneidet etl 0£ -13o - little consequence that their parents do not nettle them, but designate them by a number. - Thus: First daughter, sepond. daughter, and so on. Russia has itl Turkey and Roumania •in all 400,000• men 'and, 140,04 guns, e: yet 50 00 In us 'a 't 1 o a 1 0 I Ii, i r 1 5 t st ae there. men and. 600 guns; beyond this there is a-. roserve•of '72,000 men; 'with 224 guns,- T,tie.Russlan-arnlnv-iJt-Asitt•Miner. amounts fo.nearly 100,000 then, The London Daily Sews says owing to the large retium emigration last y'ar, 81,848, 'England only, lust 88;129 peo- ple, alittle 'more than one-sixth of what used to be, the ease. The emi- grants from Canada ,wore 5,000. against 7,000 who left for Canada, giving„•the. colony a gain of just 2,000 souls. A Paris surgeou'recently had occasion to administer etherto tb beautiful young, lady of Lyons. While she was inhal- ing the gas from,tho .sack, a light was brought neat,the ether . -vitas ignited, and the sack exploding, the doctor was seri. ouslyand .the i?ttiei1t,terribl burned, Y injured, her nose beingtakenoff, and one side of the upper jaw laid ware. The doctor committed suicide. Cockroaches have become a•phtguein some parts'of France, and the people have adopted sore •singlllar-eipedients for relief. Toads have been introduced • into not onlythe gnrdens.btit the:dwol- lings, And ladies are said'to have even made potsof.. toads for th9 protection the v•ad%rd. •But oneof the best results' of the plague is that the: people leave taken to the rearing of"the niglitingale: as an ally against the eoehroach:es: A man of singular force of mind died- •a,few . days cillos. in Dublin...few hours (previous to hie demise he; called' for pen, ink and paper, Wrote- 'the' fol-: lowing conlmunicatioti and sent 'it' by hand -to the office of the 'Pr-0-3mc n''s Jour-.. .till ; " We, rogret;to announce the, death at an advanced age ofotirrospeet-' ed fellow -citizen J. MacNamara (.;ant-• well, M., Esq., solicitor. The deceased geutfeman longoccti )ied to prominent, . 1 position in politics, and was justly es- teemed by all classes for his,• politicril,'as well as .'professional. aprigbtnoss.'and probity." Of him it may truly be said.• that he had not -only it'profeund con=, m'for _ tern!. the grave, liut.a;n oxlilkeci_oan-' sci ofus e n ss of his.own merits. ---pi-legmatie, .rarisian, wllh had. bought a house intim Chautseed'An'tilr, was told that•an immense. treasure was hidden somewhere in the cellar. "Very well," sai:elhe,Caine, "let the,owne e co and it they find it they; shall have it." In due time the owner of the hidden treasure offered to buy the house. "No, no, h'ang.it!" exclaimed the proprietor, " I don't move. Come and, tako the treasure if there be one; britdon't spell my furniture and•don't disturb my peace of mind." - The visitor 'reminded him that by thelauvs of France he would, be entitled to a share of the treasure'fouild in the house. " If • that in. all that troubles you," was -the' reply, '('begin - your search.; I shall not .claim a :nen- time." The visitor went • down cellar and found behind ane of d1)e stones in the wall -a box containing jewels and coin worth x80,000. Tho householder was as good as bis wOrd'; he, would not take the smallest gift. Alneit ica,u NOW's Item. The'Uniou Pacific Railroad Company intends to build a road to the Meek Hills.• At Pensacola, Florida, en Thursday, it negro raped tr'Cliild,five years old, who died. Tho mob lynched him last night. A.alleriff's posse killed otto and wounded live, dangerously,, Dtrs!tatobea frotn.fift .seven points in Y Althorn Ohio, Indiana, and •Northern Kenluoky, indicate that the prospects of a latae crop of wheat are exceedingly georl•.' The acreage sown last fall was larger than ever known before. By the burning of a baggage clay at C'hicttgo, One pnrty lost $5,000 worth of diamonds ; ,another $120 worth of bag, gage ; marry others a lesser amotirr4, $y= 000 poundg of mail was burned, -but no letters. It is estimated thntonlyhale' is Much fuel has been consumed in Minnesota -the past winter as in ordinary seasons. Stock has got along with one-third less feed than usual, and fresh ;pleat,-htl€ter; eggs have been at times drug in the 'market. ' California is cheerful over the bene- fits which will result from the late flood. It is estimated that 10,000 acres of land heretoforeComparatively unpro- ductive have been covered frotn silt in. to two feet with a rich alluvial deposit.. The "hard pan" covered with this-"Fedi- ment makes the very $ best.graiu land. The success of an Italian•boy, named Lally, who emigrated to Texas about eight years ago, is , relnarkable. At that time he was an organ -grinder, and all he owned besideir liis"orgfit3 was a monkey. Itis pet died', and hip Hired himself out as to theep-hercl'er near La- redo, 13y bard work ile aecumnlated a berd of hie own, and now he it; indepen- dently riob. It to generally supposed that u trip to I urope costs a Ittrge amount of money,: lint the Detroit. "roe Press shows that this is not necessarily the case. A. let. ter intended for a Orin `in London, Ont., was posted' in Detroit about fivemonths two, The ems_icor .ne leeted, tO ut•the rr, Ont,” ow the letter, t viaiie a oft don in oaoh • of the 'following States : Michigan, Kansas, Kentucky, Pennteyl- vania, •Nebraska, Ohio, Missouri, and Indiana, It began its • second tour when a postmaster wrote "Eng," on it, and the letter started- on a European ,, tout:. •It isiui) sslb eoi r Ecom ., i � �'r�'k a-� pito its•Wars :the niitlifier"-'(„(loos it .visited there, but is quite evident 'that• the en- velope=onu never -be .pas°sed.•o0 on any. •one as.. an originallywhite envelope.. Finally,_; t came', back to America and took`a rest until it was by some e1'aance sent to London, Ont., in a new envelope, and it reached the firmit was intended for after nearly half a year i f,Eiirpean and American travel, all because a. De- troiter neglected to put three letters on the envelope in the first place. '• arvitTLE NAV Through the Medium of, advertisingMessrs, Tuckett tt Billings are—as is their practice. -again-calling• the attention of the public to their,Myitlo vy brand ofsmaki ngtobacot,.: The success i h hit`s attended the manufae- tore Qf this-tgbacoo may well be, considei•oil as one of, the marvels of. Canadian manufao• :taring indpstry. ,Two chief reasons. have obit, triliutod to this success; first the• " Myrtle Navy!' has been kept up.to a' uniform excel • - lence:of quality, and.second it has been Made extensively known to 'consumers of the.fra- ':grant weed." ' The expense of advertising it• would have been.last money to the firtn'if the quality "of the 'brand had not corresponded with the claims which they mnrle oil its bar half, and the quality alone would have brought it hilt slowly though. surely into public.fayor. The, two agencies combined have made it 'the favorite smokiug'tobaeco • of Canada,•' and it can be.fmind in 'o cry grooers store. from the Thdifisto-tha—Atlentic: ceretkof ,imitations- rrf if have been attempted but; none of,them have had more than ,avery fitful exietonoe: Perhaps it will interest the users of it to'know. the reason why. • . • .•.The manufacture of the Navy really' commences in the tobacco regions in which 'the leaf is grown. •);rr)m the transplantation of the crop until its ripening i£ is carefully .watclied iby experts on behalf of tbe,firni, and in the interest';of the Myrtle Navy ..brand.' Several times a year one or other of the pro .prietors takes a'trtp to the Boprh for thepur pose of personal inspection and the verities- •tion..o.f the reports of •tents,' The section within which the Myrtle' Navy leaf is grown is comparatively alitnited-one, but oven with, iu that region• ,careful selection hits to bo made. ' 'Next to the quality. of .tho 'raw •. leaf 'the matter of first importance is the method .of As. treatment after. it. comes ..to maturity.. 'Theliabits of every planter in this• respect withtn the: section already monti andare este- fully noted,; and only -thee° who: adopt the. inothode aro' dealt with by' 'the •$rni. .many people Suppose.that the. manufacture •of.to- bae5o consists in stripping the stents from tho leaf and crushing the •reinaibder ° into plugs.' The fact is•'that it is a very;in.tricate process, and if a single mjstake.is made in any of its links tho final result cannot be a' satisfactory •one. • The planters bring the: leaf to market in September in a partially dried ' condition, and from the time it is purchased by Messrs. Tuckett &.S3illings until it ie shipped from their factory in its completed Shape it' never passes out of their superintending dare. They own four large ',storehouses ,in • Virginia and North Carolina,: arid in these the tobacco leaf, after being purchased; is stored ; not paokod. away, however; but .hun'g' in.' bnnohes upon 'racks..To bring out thp•trne quality of the leaf' great care and skill are required at this stage., •,Against a damp wind the' windows, of the building 'must be 'carefully closed, and to a dry wind as carefully opened.: By- about the beginuing•of June, if everything has gone favorably, the leaf has reached that condition in which it may be Safely packer, in heaps of from sevonty-five to eighty thousand pounds' ;each. Ti, when this ;part of tile, process is reached, the leaf is either too dry or too moist it is spoiled as raw motorial for the Myrtle Navy;-" T1is, . howo ter, . rarely happens, , bet cause the leaf is watched' by skilled assistants from beginning to end of the process. A few weeks after the loaf has been bulked the heaps already described•' aro said to bo `" cured," Mid are ready for packing and shipment.. We have before now dedcribed the care' With •which the tobacco is treated in the pro - Oen of manufacture in the factory in Hamil- ton, and the description need not be repeated here. A Significant £aet.connected with this cele- brated brand can be•fottarl in the last volume of the tables' of Trade and Navigation. ' It will be found there that the tobtrecs leaf un - ported into the Province of Qusbeo passes through Ilia enstoms at an average price of seven otitishil otitisper pound, we the average priceof the import into Ontario•—Mose,>re, Tnokett & Billings receiving tile greater part ofit—possesthrough at an avera,n o cost of fifteen cents per,pouud. These official figures reveal the whole story of the cheaper brands of tobacco which aim to atippfant the Myrtle Navy.- Another siguifieant faet, attested upon oflueial authority, is that in the Beeville( of Quebec the foreign', matter used in tha nta- finTRettireottobaccoaverages Il perseentTot the total weight, while in Ontario it reaches only 4 per .oent, These facts will serve to show why it .,is that this enterprising firm have achieved Such a prodigious suecoas in the tnannfacturo"ef their favorite brand.--Ilamii.._ tea Papers. mower re keolNe MORTGAGES, Nt3res,. AND 0.131E11 Cool, Securities. Purchased. ' W. N. PARRAN: otinfoa; Nov, 0,197. 41 A .41id1 • ,ASTggisit2xCI Strocuss.--It is the duty of every person who leas used Ilosgt> i,'s Gills& r SYRUP,: to let its wonderful qualities be known to their -friends iii curing consumption, severe coughs, event), asthma, • pnuemonia, and in fact all throat and lung diseases, No per- son can use it without in lmerliate .relief Threw doses will reliove.anY case, and we consider' it the duty; of all druggists to recommend it to the poor dying can- snrnptive, at least to try ono bottle, as 40,000 dozen bottles were sold last year and no one case where it failed was re- ported. oSuch a medicine as the Gorman Syrup cannot be' to widely known.•• Sample bottle to try, 10 cents, regular size, 75 Cents.. -Sold by J. II. Cotnbe, CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT, oww,,t it, cot. ill, 1914,' THORI$RI) pISaQUNT ON A1IER10AN 11`F.A Uvoices untilturtbor nottoe, 1 poro'Snt. •. J0J3N#t9N,. x' ' .CoOiil5sioner of Oustorns; AG] NCY OF, QUEEN,. .N J! SOLATED,' T$K, • AND STANDARD, INSURA.NCE4 COMPANIES Risk's of all doscriptrons taken at the lowest rate's,. 0, luDou'.t' . Clinton, rob. 7,1878. { P:T3M �`ACTORY r 'uin suisonIBEIi•1F,SIRES TO RETURN 1118• sincere thanks for. the littoralshare of. patronage atlorded Lim, and waul'd ciao 111tirnate that he arse. dux• ing the'past winter, laid fu n largo stock of f,rst-class matprial, ani(is now preparedto make andput in, the MOST :-atJ-PERIOR. . PUMPS Of (dory description, on the SuoitrEST Norrea, and on•tltomosb-reesonable-terni s 'Remember thoiabe—next door to 4.. Matheson's Blacksmith Shop. Olintou, April 10,1877- -,TAMES FERGUSON. BIDDLECC. ,, • J _MBE. Watch and : Clock' Maker f JET rLLTi.IZ, die,, -: would respectfully announce to his 'oustsmers`and 5110 0 pr1bl4a generally,Ihnt lance the hir dieaetYoil s fro' h0 has scentthe, • Store lately000u led b9 Mosul 8. Palliser & qo., • • Whore ho will keep on hand a.eolect,assortmont of• Clocks, Watphes, Jewolty, and Sitverwate ofali kinds,' Wf 1ch'he•"wfil sell,at:reasonabie rates:. •itopSiring of every ttosceitt*n pro 0plat5ertde4 to. ' '•.. J., nrDD%n00MBE; ALnner sTnhET. CHnton, Jan. $4,1878.' • (..10N801,IDAT1rn BANK OF CANADA, -.CAPITAL,, $4,000,000.' (LIN.TON :1S.GBNOY. interest from Four to five per Ceut' allowed on Deposits. • M. LO.UGII; Agent, -. Clinton, April, 1876, ' 1=7 FRESH YS T E R S AT- Alto chore FAIYIILY GROCERIES 1 Confectionery, fakes, Biscuits, CannotGoods, Choice Tobacco, Cigars,•'eie. O'YBTL'ftS irl Seas th by the can or dish. t3 myr CStOrrssi, MTf Th1 and, PORE: PIES. always ready. T. A. T. SAL`.[", 'TOTOWA. STREET' Minton, Oct. 55.1877. CANADA': PERMANEW1 • t Loal A. Savings Oompcllly t 1tEAU orrl i%,• MASONIC !TALL, Tot1oNTO, • LS,$4Q, TOCAPITA!. ASTS0000, To FARMERS .& LANDOWNERS Do you raditt to' liQ?rotrr Money 'Co buy More land for yourself or foryour Ronal To, band a horse or a barn? To fence, akar, nndor•droin, or otherwise lmprovo your land 7 To pay oft a Mort- gage orother deLta7 or tor any other varpoeo7 If you do, the reduced terms of the C.esanx rens tx- ttt3NT LOAN AND SAVINGS Coin tav,'tvhich has n)ado moreloans to b armors during the last tivottyonoyears' than anrother, afford facilities and advantages hereto- fore unequalied by any Company intim Domini T igilest Price paid far Good Mol,'tgagos. Tor futth0e nformatioil SSPIy is - • J.1tECix1ERT n!4t 0 , wrArritona,Toaettro,''. Or to, I'IS�B 1 t t;. . �.R,• GzainuN.. Clintcrxr Dec. 0:1877 MONS' ' TO LOAN:. ON EASY TERMS, Ilt3' which the ;nrIlle*psrl can be rkpalil 1n part or all al any time during the tern* „ •as' 1Loran. A pit'.Eey TO ilii", -33t. -.1I:' :,EAZT . Olinton, March. 1876. ''F'O'RTH KNOWING-, wirtat 17ro G1ET coon IIIS • ic`OI;2,rA.,!1,I-i 5007) TEA. for $0, 40, 50, 80, and 75 penes perlh,. GOOD SUGAR, 11 pounds for ono dollar, • QOQD It.A.781Ns, 18 pounds for ono dollar, • • w A tiee assortrrtont ot•' China, Glass' inn Cxool1ery, very cheap u basin elsewhere. All 11.andsea t ok befit re.-- . As o p g Pall �nexchange goods, kinds of Prodacatnk In 6 g d ,, FRESH OTF.ITi llS constantly on linii(1, QUNIi GI AIF E 6c A7EENIU1AD. olntou, Nov: 8,1877. and any,'other inJtainniatory, dt ones auto in'a feta h.onrs. a j.��lttr ATrS�i RUE. Zryeipulae, sgrolgla, p(rrri• ago, skin irritation, ulaers.frons any fawn, and a hon•. dred other diseases aro caused .by,an acid ferment, which produces inflammatory notion, Brunton's ,Ab- eortient will positively effect' a• 01158 in a tow hours', by absorbing taq ncid•poisoh from the .syetetn. Sold by druggists., Price, 50o. Advice in particular eases' tree. W. X. BRUNTON, t'. London, Ont.. Awarded the•Nighest Medal at Vienna. r •, R. fl •.• ' . CO OY N AT N &, •.•'581 1311dADWAX;'NLrWY0111i. Manufaoturers,impoitors and aoahitt In Engravingsq Ohromos._al d-Frame.s,- STl IUIQSCQPES AND VIEWS, "AtG7rifts Crrtw .Bosco fi, Plcotori'a '1t , ✓ Ir , And kindred goods-0eiebritles, Aertessee, ,Pro, PHOTOGRAPHIC ,MATEBIALS.' - -IVaare'--heationnrternfor -evorything: in -the way; of s1EREoPTICONS and MAO10 LANTERNS,' being manufacturers of the hlicro•scienti8c Lantern, Stereo. l'anopticon, University Stereopticon, Advertiser's ste- reopticon, Artoptieon, School Lantern, Family Lan- torn,Poopla's Lantern, each style being the boat of its eines in the market.. • Beautifnlphotegraphio Transparencies of Statuary and Engraviugs,for thewintow. Convesglass. Aiaun- tacturoisof velvet yramee for Miniatures; and convex glass pietuues, catalogues :of Lanterns and Slides, witlldrreetlons for using, -sent on 4rppliontinn. Any enterprising 'pian can make money with a'Magia Lantern. PIR/I GOOD_ ,RESH ARRIVALS. o rove •pleasure hi informing the young gentle- - : - t. I,,- u men o#'- Clinton-li- and vicinity., tha have_ j� s't_ opened -to -day- ••a -,lot --of •especially_ nice 'ggoods for theSpring Trade,. consisting. of new patterns in S g SPRING TWEEDS' AND COATINGS. The winter • being_so__;rery mild, and heavy goods being. in such slow •demand `that: I have concluded to bring goods that will soil. Also,al0 � _ .... - . line7FUR VATS, all shades and prices, about 25 per cent less -than last earsprices. • I anticipate a large increase in. , �yalready large e. Tailoxing bUsiness., as. Z have engaged! NP: Neniedy' valuable ser.rices for another year, as Ra-'' Cat int this' advertisement torfuture reference. WISEIVIAll BROS., • D f1EAL ESTATE �N R�f�C• Money I,ent on Mortgages fox 2, 3, or 5 Years, `•ilii}1trTGAGDS BOUGHT: AMERICAN CURRENCY BOUGHT AND SOLD. ;' .40/..NOTES OF H 1 D f)IS00UNTED.1r i ftllerci1 at 0 per cent, allotae1 on deposits. • Read Estate Locgi1 t and eOld on eontntission INSURAN E at LOW RATES. First -blabs. Ftti i, UXrn, and Acolnnat Insurance oom, panics reprefeated. Wo can now give loans onllrst-alas, scour ty atSper•ot OFFICE ON HURON STREET, CLINTON. 'mos. $.. oiinton, Aug. 21, 1877 sisaniimeinusasin �NOE�TANINC Yfilinx smisanr71°(•,'ItEEGSLEAVE TO STATE 1 t+! We public that ho keeps constantly on hand a largo and 'superior armed CoFrINS,• CAST ETS, •• 4"ofizl Trin,niings and Robes, Witit a splendid If diti11:. Pr..u1 Co)'r•t:cs: always on band, Parties tan be snppliitd in ono'iliour, at anytime, at r�PN E'D, CENT LESS Than can betproeuxod at any other place. A full stock of FURNITITRE 'Alivaysenlona. • 'i Ii(SS. STEVENSoll, oliaten,biay10,.1$71, K N OW yrndln•Shaid: pralticeig tante 'nte'lehaed1al book ever isturd, entitled SEL1' PItESE1WATION !P, TRpt Ee FrPrbOeoul $1, sentbytrinu ,AY6s�R nn rootlet of 1)1100. ?t=. treats ef Exhausted Vitality, Pr-matura Decline, Nervous and t.'hysicat Debility, and the endless rcneamitant ills and untold miseries that result ihorefrotll, andcontuiBA more than' Seeriginal pre. seril1)tiorls, anyone of witicli%vworthi tllp price of the hook. This bookWas written by the in 08t ex. teneine:inti probably the most stttlfnl practitionet m It meriea, to whotu was awarded a goklanrl jew. (1(110(111111(0 ythe7 ttonctMeticalAssaciatton. ,k I'lmirbicf, illustrated with the very, ilnest fat. l I;teravinae-n mar. ?rl of rat and beatityy-- ��oo HsA atrt )'l.r:r to alta fien(1 F. for it rt once.Address P iilttt $II:UICAL I��a 11;h•li;,..`1a.-a.1inY....,. �� tn••14•,;• , Slos;uu,Mass, Cutter,41, and gentlemen can assui"e themse gyres.' _ g 1. that --eves effort. W-ilib-e- made, byy... _him.-to_.ive them perfect sa ti sfact oh, Please •give ug a call. As extmonth is ourstocktaking season,on I in- tend •- tend i >n large iedu loris in prices on all in ,1 •-" Of �'laying- classesof •goods. � � Peo a desirous large stocks of goods for future uoe will be sure of big,, (�ad..t.a o � want, .:. ^• 40 VC `- at the longest prices. CLINTON, Feb. ].4, .1578.. 4) I • AGRICULTURAL WORKS, Climax • Double Cylinder Threshing Machines, Ctiambination and .Vibrator Threshing . Machines, ,And. all kinds uf_At'4P-Tf titT'UfAL• riaLNM,ENTS-. always :on.hatttl. To meet the largo and increasing dos td•for onr celebrated Threshing- Machines; from a parts of the Dominion, .wo have,. by .the •fntroihiction of. the latest and most' approved. machinery into our works, greatly increased our manufacturing; fabilitfes; We are therefore in a position to fill all orders promptly. . ' L'`.very machine is run and thoroughly tested before leaving the shop, and warranted)give entire satisfaction. .. . ' dar'- prdering ei 'seto7cere send for Circulars ctnd Poateas, % ' Order early LASQ0W 14tAGPFhE tS N& 00.,CLtrl ro THE THOMSON &17111111.111SIGNIIPACTIMING � ► ItAT F 0ItD Successors to Thotrtson & Wilitarns, of Mite1re11, • • I CJOR: ORATED 1874. Sueces • l.c .ltur f En.: h o Wore , 1D,IREOTOI1 Il•0131;itT '1`IIONISO . ,P'x1 iit)E:VT ' A. I. WIILI,IAMS, VierPans. ; ALEX, GRANT'. ,�SE'o,-Tftu&s, ; .J,7. Yltt1 DFORD, W. MOWV•e1T, J. CORCORAN, W. MARSHALL. 1ttANUPACIEDDIaRS Op' • Johesfoo ` harvesters Single Oen err, Mowers and. • Cobibrood Machioos l f7 P .! r ' _ .. , - -. , .. • ..._ �... - - -..,, MAO .j�. , ... Sawing Dr oadcast..weecters, Seed Drills, H se oWors, Sawing Machines Grain Crushers, Straw cutters, Plows, Ching Blear.% &ci, Builders of Steam En. Ines and Boilers al) sizes, 9 6 SVAT dit WfEtiELS ANE ALL I IND§. OI+' MIL], iMrAC1TXNERV, . Contractorsrr Grist and Sato Mills complete.' il:lso;for Water Works for cities, towns and ttillttgea,• oft the Holly 'System. tor .CTieese I'actot'' Machinery a 4Ypecialty, • ADDIV.IM ' HO 1Si1N gt. WILLIAMR N[ANUIiAOTflR111(1 O(1,, fii' i'ff11ib'. •