HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-03-21, Page 5MA1tcll:Ra'1, itS79. •.• :., .'. - : 40w01a:*^4.41",C44.4,4 40;st.mc,0.11(4 Y ^s1MA"t.�. ...:µR:....tq 1QTXOF 'O' TIE P-eJ'13IO The undersigned respectfullyannounce that, owing to the receni illness of Miit. 11QDGINS, ancLthe present unsatisfactory state of his health, the contemplated :o'bange in the business, for which every necessary preparation was hieing made, will not take .place - this season, and we have nitltually agreed to renew and extend the Deed of Patinership, heretofore existing between us, for one year. from 1st day•of March, 1578,;,. JO'HN""HQDIn, J, WISEi 1 N.:j • G t'O, E. PAY, -•'�Y1TNrl�s, We also beg to innounee that we have entered stock and are getti figlired-ttii a , ,fast as we eau to balance our hooka, We hope it will come out with a x plus, notwithstanding the very hard ordeal the trade has gone through the past year. We purpose at onee.:to renovate .and fix_.up.-11te Steve, by.. 11,5ving..a genota4.house cleaning, after whicirwe will open . " NEW 'SPRING GOO IIS _ALi THE DEPARTMENTS, And every, effort will be put forth to merit the confidence and patronage . of the people, by offering as gold value and ast:hoioe.goods as can be bad in the trade., At present we have a full stock of all the Staple and General leading lines of Goode wanted in the trade, the great bulk of which .we have ' dseided.,ib'..offelt at, the reduced prices et our'Great Winter Sale. HODGINS . & PAY, Manchester Huse; CLINTON; It/larch 14, .1878 • J. TWIT01-1ELIA, i[ll1llftI1I, ' And. dealer ,in , ' . OATS c SHOES • Tha subscriber, while thanking his many friends for the liberal patronage bestowed so'n him in the past, would inform them that he bas removed to his new. store, in VICTORIA. BLOCK, where he will be pleased to meet all bus old e.ustomers,. and as many new 'ones as relay favor him with their patronage. He has on hand a large stock of HEAVY AND , LIMIT ., HARNESS, Whips, Combe, Brushes, Trunks,' Valises, Satchels, 44c., tf c. Ho has also added to his business•• that of Boots. and Shoos, aid has imported a atock_of Hoots and Shoe - of 4.0 kinds, Which he will. sell CHEAP FOR CA 1.3 ROOMS TO LET.--$everal room`s to let, at reasonable,raits suitable-•fer' ofhees'; the story above the shop, in the building .known as Victoria Block:, , Always on band, first and second class SHINGLED whiefi whale sort Cheap HORS=E FOR SALD—a good working, horse for sale Clinton, March 21, 187S. tic • 333141=.'01724U/1 • , The subscriber -has now on hand; and is ' constantly; receiving, a large stock of TRVili:o, LTCIIL$DADTCflIL&c. Of various sizes and descriptions': which he is enabled, to offer lower than ever, in consequence of the fall in prices, through the depression of the tunes: HARNESS a OF ALL KINDS. •On hand or made to order, and having taken Fi1.ST PRIZE at the'Prcrvinclitl Exhibition, held at London last fall, he feels. confident of bein(, able to guarantee satisfaetIi:n, Clinton, Marchi 14, 1878. REMOVAL, J. . C. MILLER. + NOTICE OF. REMOVAL.' James TewsleY) butcher, . ., � �o�in, Da�rm:en�,`�ut�he, While thanking his friends for tholiheral patronaaes Thanlrs hfsmany eustoroersfurPbetiavara, and -hens be,towe,l on hint in the rant, takes this means of aft- roseate notify thein that hr, h: s rrmaved horn Ehir stuff forming them that he hap removorl iron the.ltarket Buildiva, • To the Shop occupied by E. 'Fhich,' Albert Street, directly opposite the Market, whore he s i!1 be pleased to ,iieet there all and 55 rent), hats ones as may favor him with their cuntom. ,111 f,•lutlu of Jf at kept in grasr5a, and lad "t r.naonahle rates. ' SLUFF! Y1,w8Lr:F, Cl:ntun, Feb. 11, 1578. 411A',A(A GRAPES' rtml ./141. reLtite1s, just rerrired, at Cleassirk e{ CttLrtiinghanie'8 in ilia bending to • Hunter's Oki Stahl ,' Huron Street) iloxt ,icor to Campbelrs harness Shop, . where het will be ,pleased torero. diets al1,' itnd any others who. zea favor hud.vita. thrix rttst ,ni, sue he St to seppTy thorn I ith'" -THE CLINTON NEW. -ERA, . anti'glitunctui v 4,009,311 hogs were ltaciced at Chi- cago in the year ending Marolt 1st•—a large increase over the previous year, Messrs. Lingliam & Son, cattle drov- ers,, Belleville, have received from _ an English army contractor an order for beef cattle. ' A. return shows the value of articles exported from Canada to. Australia be tween d'nly 1st, ..1874, and December 81st, 18'77, to have been $422,891, ' Five Canadian horses were bought at Lucas' Repository, Liverpool, this week, for the British army at prices ranging . from 48 to G5„ guineas apiece, . A. very good price. • CAtcxr 1, foil ' Gaanart ., --Thee ' ap- pears to be another new move in the export -trade of cattle... A Chicago firm has •purchased between three, and four hundred steers,:which are to be sent to -the pastures. of North • Germany . for the purpose of fattening. The Prairie .Farmer, published at. Chicago, speaking of several vatgoes of 'Canadian barley, says :—Lt That'no bar- ley such as that obtained from Canada' is or can be grown iii the prairie region tributary to file ,Mississippi 'river. Largely demanded in Chicago and else - ware et the ' West, great quantities are' annually imported.'.. The Guelph . cattle dealers:.' have cided that Toronto cannot have it all its own way and have established a syn- dicate, with a cash capital of $100,000. -It `is proposed to purchase_ for the Fu •ropean market, ;between now and . the middle of May, 5,000 heavy, cattle. Sonne 2,700 head have already been bespoken,, principally in the county'of Wellington.. 4DLI TON_li]+` taitars •Maroh'21, 1878.`.. Wheat, fall, red, 'bus1L, $1 08 a 1..05" Wheat, fall,, white, '- 1 10"' a ' 1 15 S ring, 0 90 • a 0 95. 095 a.100 Fjfe,w . . oasts, 0410. a . 2 0 82 Barley, - 0 40 a 0 50 Peas, 0 57 a 0 60 Flour, • - • 5.'00 .a 5 50. POttttue9r _ 0.-39: a=.0 35. • Pork, - 4 05 a 4 00 Beef,: •4 50. a 5 50 :Butter, 0 12 a 015 Eggs, •• 0 10 a 0 10 turkeys, 0 50 a 1 00 Chickens, per Pair, 0 :30. a 0 40 -Hay, 900 a 1100 t - Hides, • 4 00, a . 4 50 Sheepskins -.• +• .- • ' 0 40 a 0 75' Clover' 3 00 a .3 50 ` .Timothy -• 1 60 a • 2 25 3I11lrf ILE'1'R • March 21, 1878.. Wheat—ball -. Spring..; Flour. • . Oita,• Peat, Barley,, Potatoes, Sax .•, Butter:. Egg.,. - Ptt•k, • Hide. • 'Wood' Beet' - sTi4FOii1'Ic • Wheat—Fall • Spring Flour, Oats Peas . Barley ,. Potatoes Butter tet -o tCt o W o▪ uj 15. st p 02 • tlj • 7,4 tea oQ ryyren n 0 VT y . Vw 1-3 13> ti .4 N txi PC, sn P> pzi .tij� Gd p g0 .t•i-so .,Q' r r� oz,. ti rn l 1> .71 :(O.12 0 ll M'. y l M d• tzi0 .- 1.1 ti fr-1 0 iv 4.'0 Q 1-4 tzi H3 Ps 2 Q^� CI . o' ,0. 0 5' O0 w ' t-- -b Erij 0. txj2i ,�. t Fr)ma=r'6,4 Y ' • t t-ftd •Bggst Hay, 10 00 a 11 00 Montreal Cattle Haricot ' • . March 18:, The arrivals of live etotk last week were but eight carload of cattle and 189 hogs; today "three more carloads of cattle 'arrived. " The price of cattle has alightly advanced, and very few remain unsold on the market ;• a few more cattle would•now be in order, although the demand :is..light,'and likely to continue so forwo or three weeks to come. The ran{te'of'prices to.day.was from 3;o to .4ae per lb, for city consumption. The SS. " Ott. tario" took over 200 ea•tle fust Saturday, from Portland for Liverpool. The SS. `• Lake Nipogou" will take 80 bead of cattle next ria- tnrday. The prices of hides arc 'advancing,. No. ], inspected is $6.50 No. 2, .$5.50, and No, 8, $4,50 per 100 lbs ; -ealfakina•8c per lb , ohecpstc ns, $4 25 to $1.S� each ; spring lamb- skins, 20e each ; tallow, rough; 4/4e per Ib. • . $1 10 a .1,.12 • - 0 •90 , a 0.955 450 a 500 - .0 30 a b 33 ' 057 • a 0.60 -.045,a.048... 0'00 z 0 30 • 8..00 'a 10 00 0 14 a. 0'15 • - . 0.10 a 0:12 4 00 a.4 50 4 50 .'a 4 50'. • 210 a'2 50- • .4 50 ' a 5, 50' itI $flKE'TK March 210 1878 $1.10 a• 1 I2' 0 90 •a .0.95 450•a 500 • 030 a 0'31. •' 05.1„a 060- .'0.45-a. 050 • 030 a••085 1.3._a 015: 0 12 a• .0 13 A. N T.ylt; A general servant; where nurse gut i:r la: ti • • ‘: MRS. ,It?1fN 11ANSFOI111. SLaaplc,toe, NIareh 12, 1876. , �1171,Ysp, . AN"'ll LOT F O ItT�lsr Tfiti.subscribers offer. for sale, in the village of Londesborn, a newly -built Cottage and lot. Tne lot is •well 'feliced, 'and has thereon a goad well. Will be sold cheap for c•ash. , Vet par- ttcuiars nhnly to . r7 First /;lass Arran at retcaannl to items, ,X)21;1 11.1Y ttfl 'L: Olinton, hbb, fe, lb78. 1710VA ; r 1ti M( STA L 1:lt i',11t1 ti. Lou 'eabort Mills, March 0, .1II.'87Itl8. ,. °map POSTS, FC)It SALE, t At Ieriect1 to Sult tete ifiiarex. TAMES ?ATTERSON, PLASTER ER. All kinds of Ornttmeletal work tone to order. Work promptly attender, to in toren or couutly, Best. donee, next door north 01 the Presbyterian Church. Clinton, rob 14,1879: e • gm:' 1.ICEN5E INSPIW1'OIt'S NOTICE • ail parties intending to apply for License, whether for Tavern, Shop, •or 'Wholesale, for 1878.9, inns. have inch applications in the iihnds of tit* timpani -Air, nr:r•ot n elle: remise DA:til APRI1. unxr.' • • ST itilIElls7 1'4:T1,8, License Inspector. (1•odoricb, March.7, 1878. R. Fitzsimons, butohei, liming moved frc tet tbo btatltr t )lnliding, to coo corner of the OLD •Ol.iilT0ili . HOTEL, ii;lJit DI G N'sxt mo Vir'reittx latter.. •Willbc lila . to meet all his oil frientia and'cvatrmers there. The liberal patronage ate received in. the peat assures him that in his new promises he will be squally etliiltrfp7.n1'ttxt.si<ci faros-'attl 1,5*area tomcat thtf wlstres of his enstornertr. opppil?S SO1Ir'f71;%r, 11011gnv i ET i151o:i1. Clinton, Pk 14, 187'. ' /417a /V VA C IA 0114. GES an,./ 4111'0Y8, at frrctolek tb f"tttintn;th tae's. ` 130. IR, 13R . . . WINDOW PAF Ali eW - Pattern ::.anti. Splendid Vaine Having bought from the manufacturers'. in Eng- and and the :United -States T -can.- :offer ithe Nur., ., ►ST_.._PATTE. in' these. goods, T ain.d at pr•ices to; suitmy customers. `. JAMES A. YLULL. ,: TOT ,rr:0 F '' ,13 0 E lEK g co. E ». CLINTON, March 21,:1878, The s1bsci iber offers for sale, on his faint, near Londosbora, a large quantity of first• class • (."oclar Posts, at 0 cents each, Also, about 10 mores of standing cedar. at prices to suit the times.. r� tt 1.1.11. .1A8., lilt AJTt1 VY 1'.� I,ondesboro, March 14, 187,9, . 3 1 VA1.,VABLB FARM .Ft_)R SALE.1- t `l he undersigned offers Or sale,:a, farm of i • 139' acres, beisrg lot 27, non. ;14, Hallett ; about 501401'48 alcarc tl„ balanco well tiniboretl with beech and maple situateI;i miles from the 0,W.11,,,, Alla 2 nlilns from Blyth. Frame 1101180,= :barn; outbuildings, Well, and n few fruit trees on the place. Mit fie sotci. cheat,, and reas1lnr.J,le Coto given f recluiretl. • ' ' 1). ' Clinton, illarch i, 1878, • 4, 1 O 1-3 (17; F-42 R9 5 M Iv o s” L 0 .o 5 rr rn o d go Fit'" r ' Cf m r NOTICE,` NOTI PQSITIVELIf - 4 4' GOODS. LDAT-- LOWEST ASH: RrQE --- --060 Butieli and 'Eggs. 'laNeu fhc s�iic as Cash, - HUGH. ALLA boopt LLON ;E BOV,O, March 7) 1878, • ;1