HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-03-21, Page 2et Voice tr0111 TONnilv
From the Perth Courier. • .
PEAR 'BraTOU,—The subjoined letter
"is One 'I here just received from ney
brother ansepb. It will speak for itself.
'The, writer left Ontario a few yearago
-44ta,tes. ,lie wrought with an Illinoie
tarraer ter two years at the trate of $245
n -Year fluid found. Married his eat-
4)10Yelje daughter, and • with his young
'wife ad $390 in his poeltet went to
'the sunny south 'to make a borne. Re
-reached, his present location in Vebra-
-iiry '1876, .and •Viitla at Arst than:lied
. *with appearaneeS—peaeh trees in b1os-
-1----,7-42ionr—and- oats -eovering-the-ground.---I
twrotelim eboet •time since, •and or:.
-dered,the maps and ,panaphlets bea.ritege
on Manitoletaind the Nertli Weet to be
. -sent to hint. • It any of your readera„
aro trieclitating a removal:to the balmy
smith let them first bear: what -the said
-.Joseph says. ;Tont; Buowet, Lanark,
_ Fiefint,.351:tatreplOO.;
• 1878. f
DEAlt BnOTRE11,--Yollr welcome
letter mine duly to hand and right glad
were We to hear front 'yen. We oleo
received the maps and pamphlets from.
--Ottawaron-Manitoba, euee
we are very grateful. Remember; we
nee not staying here contentedly ; we
are staying here because. we ,cannot well
get away. The Place ive,have is a very'
-nice little one, eontaining. 7:4 Rotes of
Erie. splendid well of water, for
this .country. , If vvereould sell and get
,our •mpney back, we.would bid Texas a
nal adieu --plain speaking, -is best
sometimes. This is the worst place in
• •the world to bang up a fainily in: Some
say morals are corrupt ; I am inclined
to think ,there are. no morals at all.
'The people her are a drinking, Ogliting,
swearing, sliciotini, thieviug set. •We'
will sell. out Owe if ,we an aud go
nor . iaw is o ithee. •
teas not•brotight up with -a revolver and
lowee-knife.' .It is. not-safiefor.
go•out at night, for thei•e are eem• e
•parties watching in the hush for'others
and will shoot the first that Comes along.
______Thave_not_been. en served, 'he t L know.
'those who 'have since.' 0a1130 here,
can 1 will remove to some: Britieb
Province, * • .* • I would rather.
• work by_the month and make 0, decent
'living for my wife and •child, than be
• • liers half siek on cOrn-bread. and molas-.
nee; the best our house can afford.. We
• &aye not had wheat -flour in our• home
foiesix menthe.Flour is $15 per bar -
Tel; and a poor article at that.
• The pea& trees are in bloom and. flow,
' .heir corn: IeIarn ''asseased last
-Wit for $7tny takes are 84.90; and I
have tenday -reekviroylee--They will pot
have a. team pia -the eoads, eo I will*have
to • work it out with the. hoe and the
axe, so you pee there itt• a, swindle in
everything. One of my neighbors is
41issatisfied else. ' I gave him the three
•_pamphlets to read, and he says he will
sell his place arid go to Manitoba too.
We will both Reif we can sell out. One
thing we will not stay heridewe have
to let the place and let it go hack to the
original owner. Please Write and give
us some news about Manitoba. . Texas
ie not the.placeTfirst thetight it wee.
Little '
• • •
Last week we noticed the eatie of a
- child in 134elin.beieg dragged abeet.in
a bag by,its playmates till its recoveey
Was despaired of. We learn that the
` Utile sufferer died on Monday, orlait
week. Tbe following are the full par-
ticulars :—The Wife of MY. C.„ Frost(
living near the Grand Trunk stetion,
wet from her "home to, visit a
neighbor, and left her youpgeet
iterd--ate 'Tars, UWdcaiFThiiW
" ged eiliten or eight" • A et:rubor of
ear, .
neig14ior. 'Children being present and
.enjoying theinselvee at play ihe girl be:
tame exasperated, becanse• sbe had:
look after the little one and wai thus
pievented from joining in the frolics of
her companions; The rnoreeshe thought
of itethe wildise-Theetinetiter_liare to
get rid of the iecumbrance, and in her
rage she dgap to aline° the child. inthe
moat fi dish manner, being aided in
d•signs by itiOnle of the other,
re hp /teemed to enter heartiy into
t e spil it of the thing. First she filled
the little one's mouth with snow-. That
failing to quiet it 'she next dipped tho
helplees thine' info a quantity of water
tilt it ',Tag nearly drowned. Then it
was placed in the oven of the stove
and burned and bruised, and next thrust
under the stove. This still peeving in-
" effectuill the girl.fieud threw her Into
.the cradle and rushed up.stairs to get a
saw, saying that she would saw its had
oft This design was not Carried out,
however and ' another plan - filet •or
putting it fete a bag and dragging it
• Ova the , Isom sees substituted mid
cairied before the horrorstricken
,_____thee_alteiendn-thee-ecente—Of -course,:
such treatment would have beet enough
to kill an adult, and oould only ttrove
fatal. Cate. RIfornier.
EhoadIunrr Scene.
There as an extraordinary iscene in
the coulee of 'the., recent trial of the
Nihilists in SC,Trii.ltersburg, A prisoner
natned blisehltin complained of the
tnercilesit 'lineage $114 tortire te Whiela
he bad been forced to submit (or two
years. Aceording to otatentent,
during the preloeged examination; forty.
three 'a 016- 'oifo
prisoners had died from natural ()ewe,
twelve had committed kuicide, and
twenty-eight had gone mad. Ile de.'
nonneed the proceedings as a miserable
farce, At these words the juageinraP"
ecleup and--geve-orders that the prisener-
should be at once remoVed. Aa officer'
of the gendarmes, promptly seized Miech-
law, but at the,. Beale- tivae-etwo ether_
prisoners rushed tq the aid of the latter,
and a hand-to-hand fight ensned, in
which the efficer had to Oententl, egainst
the three, Mischkie , continued in a
louder key to veil against the ()earl) and
the judges.' 'At lite% gsg.wag forced
Into Moutlt aritr.4e,
prisoners; Wits dragged uftheobau
ber. terrible tomtit erisiteU in *the
court. 'Many women', some ofethene
wives -of the prisoners, fainted ' or went
•into hysterics, end loud °nese° were
*Aril, • The prisoners, officialSi .speote-
tors; and gendarmes were involved in a
riotous struggle,but eventually a de-:
-tachuiene of-soldiere -succeeded
ing the plaee.
Silly Wife.
While two'young doves that had been
...watedonJyaourssabflhin,gand coo-
ing in the wafting, room Of ille-IffehT:
gan Central dept, Detroit; one day.lase
week, three yeers-eld child watched
them 'and -finally toddled -up te them.
The bridegroom, in the innocence of his
heart began to play WWI the little oire,
and finally dropped into. conversation
with •the mother, a • matronly. looking
wotaan who was smiling complatently.
The bride •wtte jealous.
ered :withemotion and. her apt ed
With tears; and sh.0
finally turned her
-back to the group,- walked out Of the tea reportodbyLodgeo
from the officere, Revolvers were
ereetn,-the women sereamed, the preaell-
er leaped Upon a ellaie and ealiortea the
erowd to keep the peace, and only' ow-
ing to hie inflame° were Abe officers
able to remove the prisoner freip the
etrurch. Upon the street the meb of
se ve reth n ndteel-ni a eeno t )ier-push.npxn.
the officers, demanding the prisoner,
and - crying,—" Shoet the • murderer,"
and sueli like expressions. The ofiloere
foroed their way through the crowd with
their revolvers, arid took the prisoner to
a jnetice's offhie privately secured a
back, drove.repidly from towe, and took
the prisonei to Rushville, „perms the
-eettutry•nearly twenty
• Report of tho G4andtaineretnV;,.
' Mr.. J. -B. King; of Brantford, the
Grand;Secretaty of the Independent Or-
der.of Odilfellows of Ontarie, ,Jets
piled»the following, statisties of the Or-
der in the -Province for the past year; --
Number of Lodge's, , ........ 173
Initiated doting the yeti'. ,, • 1,618
Admitted by'e card, , ... .... . • , . 249
Reinstated , ... . .. ; . ........ 9$
. 2,2g3
LOB aoatits,V'thdretvalp, t,662
et increase . • • ..... • ; • • • ••• . ... • •• • •
211.04-• • • • • • • • • • 'AP •
Prt;sofft membership • . .. . .... • • •
Number of Brothers to.
. whore. •wom paid ciek
belefi is . •
.1•Itunber wid,owed
families relieved...... •
•Affluent paid Hick benefi to.
Amount paid relief • of. '
• Witiows• . • • . • ..
Ainount paid clarity, •••'..
Ainount paid burying the
dead ,
..., 610
TOtal Relief ;...•
,Total receipts of Leaps '
percentage of relief to re,
coipts . . . . . . ... . '
• Total (torrent 03,30use4
' 90.08
1114ucti 21, 1878,
.7-1413y it thstrough neWItalLeii of the. natural
laws:Which govern: the rperations of digestton
1511(1 autritioa, and by a .otkreful applicatent
ef. the flue properties .wel1,selected cootie,
"Mr. .1..}pa ha provided our. breakfaet tables
with a delieetely fieverea beverage which May
save na utatiy heavy •doctorte bilis. It is . by
the incliciona' pito of atioh articles Of dha that
til atrimg etiough :to resist every- teudency to
diaease. Ilundrede ot maladies are
fleeting around us ready tejmeek,„eseterexee,
is awe10ti1tWo nay oi-oapo molly
41014 Shaft by keeping •enreelvets well fern-
fied, with pore blood and It • properly aciarish-
ed Serviee Oagettg.--Satil only
ill Pat/Irate labellea -•Jatege Evr.s&C)0,,
111609pathie C4100119* 48,.Threadncodieetreej;„
Ond•17Q, riceadilly,..tondon" •
WDDIX 1-10103PA,.--WroOly horses are, not So
tratimanTenppose, ,greatmatiOtattea.
.eit • IV thera.ere_marly, to„he: found in: yariens
parte • .. e olifitiv, but we doubt if theywite
ever prove as valuable to:their owners as the, one.
exhibited 14 Barnum ; • we imagine their:owners
would Of:mentor them. more valuable without UM
wool, ,for this rough and wooly atate of the hair
'Indicatett that the horse in not in A healthy et/M.
dition÷prObahly kide-bound, .or'safferizie; from
aome disease whielt.oceesions unnaturall,/.1
.pearanoti; la such oases ise Darley's Condition
Powdere And Arabian ..fieave• Reinedy-. it. will
purify. the,. blood, -correct tha:appearancer.re-
APPLIV.i011.- OFZION.- at DAY time awl
4-, at 1110111! I iroo — The ltobru5 Over the Store of
Ounuiugliame Alkonimed-the Setter°, filluten.
Des. 29, 1677,
I) ll Surgeon; .oto,, Coroner tor
Comaty et Munn. itoSidwasonn4,0fthea...Nerner.te,
etnestratianntstreaiietteitee, .
Amgen Oflai 1809. 1.0
.„.13,.41:.,n1M.41,7y 47877. Vrt-7-•-rtrth':
At";041outiillellurij.niltls3;111teYntettfill'irtVP1411.P143in'ti,4141' Sa4e912471
! College, Toronto, Fbyelelau Surgeon, Myth,
Ont. Officat-Oppouito Shane's Rotel.
Jiin. 20, 1.878, • . ' 4,
(-1 voone, aral„ (Glill)CJAT.D. OF T011ONTO
••••••" • university,/ abyttiolati,;suraeoo, Ste., residenee
Dan, Londesboto. ont. •
• Vontletiboro, him 14,1817,
.1., -Department of Vietorin nitiverility,•Toronto, for.
iforTy. of the lIespitala Ann Dispeatiaries, Now -York,
Comma for the County of /111roni ,ti•trylef,n, Ont,
Suly 22, 1574. • • 81.
• 013050, Aceouchears, offiee, Alberti Street.
opposite Fair's ,
D. 13:-DowariErr,11-1.)-----..---,-A, Gionow, 11 D.
move all obetraetions from the ltulgt.t and " Clinton, May /0, 1877,
ahd give to the coat a sleek and shunts* appear. ,
epee. Remember' the name, and see 'that the AVOItTIIINOTON 1.111:8101AN, SIMONON,
signature of Hord & 'Go. le ofi .enoli ;package. -Li' Meolleneftr, Licentiate td the gollega o,f Physictiana
dui Sargeona of Lower Canada, and PrOineial Licenti.•
Northrop 41 'QvIrna,n, Neweastle, proprie.
nto and Coronor for tlio Comill of 'lump.. 911lee and
arS for Canada,. Sold by all metlictue dealers residoncee,-The budding formerly ,oceupieta by Mr,
.A. ()etymon ciaigh or cold shoo, d never be Time/tea, Heron street. ' -
-trifled Wit11,.Often when neglecteda convert- • Clinton) Jon, 1j4 1871,-
12,848 ed into a sonints and generally fatal pulmonary
disease. The mort7prudent„ aw'are of this,. '11.): r
.. 1016 rative which has effstairted its reputation for ntiotelia4to4;$ o.
prom.ptly nee Bryan. s Pulmonic,Wafers" a cu -
• 148
room and,• with. rapid stride, approech- "peroontaga of do. to re. •
ed tbe river. tier husband balled after mew ra.(es i la us 21-48
No. of weeks ateknoo2 for. •
°stilts, , ... ..1. . 112.87
her,but she would not answer,, and it
-Was not until she Was 'Within ii-fewle.et
of the edge of the wharf that be caught
1..tp with here eeized „her shoulders and
heldIeeTaink: italteciWtedged that
,shewas hen) n-pOn self-destruction, and'
justified herself on the ground that be
had been flirti it 11
-ty t 9T went, o
, the waiting, rdorn end held each other's.
hands :until the for Toledo :cattle
t),7 t e hoerid •wottlan.
li _had 1 h Tb backt
ideal Funning.",
. The Woolaeocket Patriot comments,'
in the folloWing.philosoPhieal style, on.
the 'recent expose which Col,r. Waring
has given of hie ten years' experienee on
Ogden Firm goionel: Weeing,„ of
NeWoort, went ideal
farming,fdr the ,profits;. and We
eeedingly sad that liehae harvested very
'-canSiderable. losses. • Iie says ,,that in;
,ten years the debtor: side of his ledger.
shows $125,057, and .the credit page,
$107,032exhibiting en aggregate lass
of.$18,025. Nata killing loss, te• be
sure; but then withthe good-. luck of
selling gold-tintedhutter at $1 per
pound, aristoci;atic heifere at $300 and
upwards, we think the Colonel should
-have conte out of little ahead. Doubt-
lesS there were compensations in 'those.
toti'yeare worth three -fold the. eighteen
thousand dollars lost; ouch tie watehing
,oVer a royal herd. cifleeseys, seeing the
sun rise 4,650- timea- dyer ,Narragatisett
Bay, listening *to .orchavd-hymns from
countless birds, enjoying robust 'health,
Add taking a seduetive pull at Newport
eider en bleak and dreary Winter nights.
Ideal. fare dog i.not all it loss and Ahern,'
Colonel." •• • •
A Coanteraction.
"A[orastown, Penn.) people gave a
practical illustration of .the sagacity
ehitineterizea -so largely the-be-
nevolentw.ork of our. time. l'he city
has .been' the scene' Of a remarkable
tempeiance. work by which scores.; of
men have been reclaimed feoin victons
habits and led to rejoice in the pi ospoct
of restored welfare and respectability,
and the hope of eternal life. The drink , as he claims, without aim 'or seeing any Ask for Clortaae-s sweler easeon oiet„ ()b. Ltreepepi, Lovelenderry atel trieseeie.'
Do not be deceived, •
traffic in the place was serienely affect -I -one to DAM at. But the report of Cite • ter" the Ilan"' .
which . bonellta
' 1-7
Average paid. to 00811 •
Drunter .' .... 8 21.17
'A,7e,Tge to total member- •
-Goners1 fluiror 12-niges 228,718 89
W.ar4 0. fund of a...edges • 68,494.21 ,
• Contingent en& pf lodge4 o 0,080.70
• Total faudii845 245.88
▪ oliown; last year.. 9'23,215A5 ,
Inereeee ...... $ 7024 41 -
The following miw ,Ledges ',have been
insatnted since the hist nession of Greed
"Ledge ..A.uuttt '
Eotl.y.ilinotthe,n1.148.7ed7g, e. 2.. 0$.-e-, ton,'
Millbank Lodge; No: 20911'Iiillaink,
Dec. 1211j, .1877: .
, Bre defield' ,Lodge, No, 2 10HR rtiee-
field., 'Feb. 28th--,
• The returns ef eit4.4odgeahave net
.yete, keen. received, ,and 'to .henhl.
will doultlees alter. .tlie 'above 'figines
seritetehat, thongh ,possibly not mate;
,... •
!rho Illan Who Novo? Stnilen.
.• •
• Springfield Itepublieurre,
Ooverner .Rice is aak,ed to pram:L.
Odd O'Donnell, of: Milhury, • frotij,
Charlestown, and it gentleman W110 re-
cently visited, the State Pilsen. thus tells
his etory:-"Peritletnen,".seitt the Wei. -
den, "I want to bring before yOu„ atie;
of thu moet remarkable eases' hafe
the Prison. We Call hina 'the man who
oeVer sniiles; • and I wiali before he
comes to tell yen' his ;story. „:110
Seethe to be a Man of niore', than Oidi-
nary of the better °lass Of
stibstantial; frugAl. Irish' citizens Who
aWned small place iu One o'f our.
man efactUringe villages, where he twirl-
ed with his 'family of grovin-upsons and.
duttghtera; all pe.rnutuently entplOyed
and in cOynforteble cireamstancee, • The
'_old.inen had a tine gerdeu oa whiela he
bestowed his leisure hours, in„a pint of
which wes .fine lot a cabbage's. It
seeme ,that the: boys in the neighbor.
hood -had. a habit of. trespassing on the
old mati's garden, until lie had deter-
., • On getting idof them by firing
Mier twenty years,;they: are always eflicacioue
and ex -ell a most bbnelimal influence on all the ltrol`lEY IMNDi IN LARGIll 011 emelt tim8!
Bronolrhrlahd ptilnnonarr orearetr,Srild'hy all AIX gHeo,dninAtourt.sfl.a speerity;ift taaderata rates Of
druggietit and country clealas "dee ea ntg, Interest.
Clinton, Angue‘t 9611, 18110. 7-11
per liox,
1)}: rirr,t4 veyea, viduator, and Looll .10001. 011100 :---JOse-
• • nhiwnieussIbraemot: 4111211.021r t8u7.
Alt tiit&lUk. remedy fon 'all dimwit of the
eyg (agoate ohronio), granatation Of (he
me,. 'laceration: of the Neltryrnal
filyn, and ioettleneg4 of 'tke.pieion feoy?, any
cat.18e:• :
lee Amtexcee 7 -Sava 8* presented to the
ptiblie with the aasurauce of ite eflicieney .as a
curative of nit 'iliatittees of the ,eye, acute er
chrbilio inflainm whether -induced -.by sore-,
fulous origin orotherwisea weakuees. or defect
ttf • vision, Thininished totie,of -the optic nerve,
OA (Rammed state of the tisanes constituting
•--thatirgetn.- -Also. for all pereene-avliotie-voca-.
ti6n -requires MI incessant action of the eyi.s,
the salve will atilt as a charm in restoring. a mil-
' forni healthy 'action, Where weakness, pain, and
misery may have long thrateneil a fatal ter-
mination., ./tis the most aimple; safe, atal'ef-.
factual reineitY utter diecoVered. :The mitteriala
of which it is made are pure, 'perfect, and teary;
eon/pounded with elaborate care and exitethees,
' safe in itfi 'Utiing;.Aised externally,
an I,. of course,'-aViddlinrthe pain and danger
whielt" necessarily . attends the intiaidnetion, oE
caastio minerals, and eye -washes. Riato went
'ainiCtii Carte:ale, S'ents of .screfulous origin
Or resulting frbtn whatever cittse; yeild to the
• Asimucatt EvE-Saratal.'• IT. IS .USED WC-
CESSFULLY li'oR PILES: Its soothing4.
feet is.immediate? and a pertniment eure requires
hut ' ,Iew 'applications. The fproprietors of.
-".1) PETTIT'S AMEarcAff ETE-Satvo," whi le
•maltirig new and improved' tiniehinery for. M
ing a'intire'peffeet bvix'for the El'S•f4A.f.t•s, htfve
,cluinged the TaanE Maux on the cover 80 as to.
ettirrespond with; the Outtiti tire • WraPPer;
cuars, Advertisements, ett., attention
to this, as it Might, otherwise be regarded. aft
connterfeiting, . • '
• • . . • leE'rerr 13411.Klil
• Proprieters,Xreedonie, N. Y.
a • •
, Toronto,' 'ikgentii ferilanatla. '•
,ifoy Ittikostg* tit Children I •
• . . ,
fibiftilaND's Cafinta. Om -equally
oble for children and adults-. Ithidnrsed by
Overlie() doctors 'in Canada.- The.difilculty Of
admieistering nauseous me:licit/ea, and the det.
sirability of having them, pleasant to.the taste,
inditced T. CoPland to Amilertalte, rot:arches
whieh resuItedin the:Ably/very of a Sweet
tor Oil, purfeetly Palatable, of theSame strength
and medical: unalities ap the ordiuttry Caster
Oil:;' and While equally -safe' aitro-.06.,s; rev
acting with' moreourtmeity, And !trod tieing. neis
'ther .intuspa ifor griping. Some Children say it
la honey ; °there cal! it syrup -they all say the3•
like it. One' parent stipt-a" ehildren drink
itlike water'r another-" We bad tallith: the
bottle:or they wohld have finished it right nff ;'''
another -" 11.Ty little girl has tftirtad it twice
lyitheut anylrouble.,, and doeit not :know 11,111:t
it is) though she hates the ordinary „Castor Oil,
and We never coidd get her to take it without a
fight ;" yet aaothor -" I wish yen success. of
your S•wita1T' CAST° a OIL ,„• it 15,0. splendid thing
-sure to take the place ()Fall the eorinnon .
The, extraordinary demand for this improve-•
Inent tit a stap,le houtiehold medicine has brotight
frandttlent imitation into the market, bat the •
public taitipiard themselves against substitutea
(which unprinciPleil parties are attempting. to
sell on the repotation of • thiet article) by peeing
that the ttaine C,Ort,AND'S SWEET Oatereu terre •
AUL Apply at the Town hall, o; al the residence oithe-
sabsoriber, near the Aoudon, .Anton.dt Dined. Nally/ay
Station. , sOOT1',
• Issuer of AlarrfugoLlo nime
• 40. :11:11INT'7.61'0h8, 17,•IELD,
_tr....marriage LicenseannilettlainewAet,..Qmoini*
Or for taking, Anklavits in the, gneen'S Benob, for. Conn.
ties of Huron and Dime°. Consoyaneing done, 91104 ea
-Looses, Bonds;-Colit.W.tra, Deeds, and Itortgages.
Fees email. Assiclenee--oppouite Pollock's
• ' • - 5.10g81, airwazt$00-•onlitean astArie;-
Sept. 14 1871.° •
1.311ARTO 16I.J XING. - LtEDE ilICIt WIL•
LL LIA,61$, piano 1)1105 101.1. S. Nordheimer, To.
most°, will bolu tante periOdically, for toning planets
Parties who wish their planes inned, ran 100.ye,ordets
• X, A. Yuia's ltbok more, '
31ALCO•11140Si dr,4ATOION, • •
BA RaIsT1011.8. &co .
ol.lairON AND OODEMan.
OiMiton A. ,WArsos, $.' 0rALOOSISON,
' C11111016• W. H. Moranurnt;
Nly.kaicomson will be in 011xiton every Friday.
,.1VIoney:' to
, 'P'
°lintel* De nth, 1876..
1§1 C 11 0 PiE
N.. a.
PIEWYOFfic 8e GireAS.t6Oi'tf
2); • . • 9
• VICTORIA. ., a p.m
DIrvosiA . Nei, 6 7: 0 :Cm
• -A1•01108.14 ; Apr. 13, • 2 p.m
CALIFORNIA . Apr. . • .. eato
Air. 27. paa
. •
• 1-7,,,A.TES .07 i"ASAGE.
To Glasgow, Li04rpoo1, 'Londonderry, or Belfast, -Cabin
800 to 880, sold. to London dirobt, 955 to 570; according
accommodations. Intermediate and Steerage ea low
as by any other 504.014% line, Pur tickets and infor-
metier, Apply 10
4a.•rtz.1 LT0..v, 0. 3V,R
tliotoo, 3301. 47, 1877.
. . . .
The Oceanic Steam...Navigation -Company's Fi,te,anathlk
fearrying,1144,4ytatotrahrusy • ,
;.„ • .26.... 9 a In
cEralti Mei. 28 ... • 1 p511
Win sail from Now Yeti; (1•,er 72 N. )•on. SA're5.0.•
and th ltrittyttsfionr.-"f.n T 'calms's* tolling at cork,
treiand, 110111 1:9;y8. The 54.411144p:4. of this! IAna Inc
all ttov, built of iron, in uateatight compartment:bona
offer to passengers unriyarai ',acacia:Aeneas. Tha
stamina ion Statc-liemati bring Masted in 'Om' ittidoibly
simtiou, bot little mutton is felt. • '
Matta passage, Saletee, $00 'to $100, gold '; Retain
Tickets, good for one year, ,11..0 to :4175, gold, accord.
Ingle ttereintuodatieusi Steerage Passage, to Irmo
thiropo,, at lemmas. for plan of stqateurs,,and other
information, apply to . • • ' 33
O G. W. BAIL•roic, Agent,
ontEros, Ian. lfith, 11;77. . ,•• • '
• . '
bis gun to frighten therti away Ori' '9ne
night'. heather some• cite in his arcten, yopheld & Co's
Te_rilie.leutweroraiLpeeritataiv(illiirge!it)itiornehlaabgeeld. messr4. ---11.-Ftiatax]
g .interestIn the above:prep* '
be tOOk down 131S rritn, and, getting bo_ ration, are now manafaeturing 't fe tl •
I Oill 18 on-
iarden, giealrecipoirrintop tylvaw,
hind the hedge; fi0red into the• Toronto '
• "="
' I tl---the--4 eights 'h , NEW ROUTE, via 11A.LIFAX
all medicine ilealees. Price, 25 ceata.
1 11
--tegan a itetne am, Ns 0 -,--en
Mpg kgreed to lay in an extta "stodk -ofrushing into the gerden, fotind the life- ee ' ,
. fa oll s elladonna Improved India Rubber Peretts.
ne11191`8 for ,p, freetreat hoping, amidst leee bodfof a young -girl.' shot through •, • ?how. '
th$, eXeitetnent8 Of the day to break the.heart, The old Wan, whet te.ld, There neVerliagbee-ti a time l'ellen thehealing
down the resolUtions :of their,former. what he had done, . was struck dumb, of go.. many different diseasee 11m been caused
tatil The t Ile tv "ested and sante d i by outward application aR the pro alf, It lona
. undisputed fact that over half of tite erne%) pe.
8 ars. emper t cc. folk a ,,o t ar.1 nee o tn.
counteract the adversary, engaged the -
Pair Grounds fat it free .Pietrie ; hired
20 waggons and put, reformed men on
mettrivers-,-wi:the-orderte-to-earr '
everybody who would go ; eodueed good
:speakers, end puhlished it gmend in-'
entatime The Christien wanton a tile
town: supplied tho tables bonntifully.
rive thousand• people atleast were on
the grottuds at one Hine, enjeyiiig the
scene, the convene,. the repast, and like
b, : ri,( o ie nyi nary ktntl 2‘11 other Plast era
tened, to ,'Wholeseme and eloquent 'ad- Instead or: A ' ire slia44; of action, and req.uire to lie. warn con.
'. I I li 1 f ' d '' t ' 1
mained almost untenclied. ,
p et, mt. . 11t43. •p ut no 3011 ,
,p11.41•4611 .0f the glebe resort,to the lin a ardz•
hem ten yeare, as his 'face has becomeekteirs: plasters. *
; 414 ; thld'!ele...elfaignteelspalariengortualifita Amyl' in Making
; fical13,. compounded', is fitil I, clean" ei aud
superatition eniong the young girls that ' +when et /Alava with the pure medicinal 'gums
SS Marble "
diadem- Or better
t reade-ekeoen the Pra,:tkilluelx05 lir 1.111110 —Rub.
fel night, In Ireland' they have a her, allf‘slinrcandy Pita.' whip Min ricott-
a' hottoever 11.8110wC'en Shall plaen a 1 is founti brim one of the. greatest healing meth'.
thole is no hope
111.-t-ille-eklereinatubratico or.ti
• l*iit'ff4:11g1 —
atedAVIAN - - .. April Othl .
.•. 3 r Al'i, - .., 14 mil,
•SARDINLO, '• - • .• .“ isei.
veneer:tie -
.1 . t\:: 2270111! ;
SjiatlliigleTE(AtISN', ' - . • • "Iiitty •41h.
1 .
• fis.) f/ 1.11": •
ada8311.1'1, May 1101. •
•I •
shortest tica,pasottge, eeottaloy, cenifort, 970 istlicL
et eaeatt navigation. rav.te.
*S. ' VICK PDS Ft:I(T111.11t 11117) 0 MM.
inter0144 attia, ZdEtrital, 1"" ati„ ew 2, PA, 9, CA
'line, swinge pssmigcrs torWarartt to. limy, mita tt,
1:i:teen:town, tiloagow, and Is.e.lati, at sante rani; dit t•
• i;e; petti. The ita- tr., in warying the Conteffatt *naffs
sod contacting with tato maau steadobigo at,italifetd,
kaats Toninfo , rtn Fthlv, at 70:1. oitgeit
%is this route travel t Canadian territery, the 0
1,q8 Ccado Castnet Hetes: exantleat on Of 'baggage,
r. r Itrongligiaket avtl tay loforntaf irr: Otpply 12
, • , tii• ATI:1,11'0N , G. "r. A.gent;Clintmt.
Clinion,1 ea 18,1877. ,
(ai ANT) Tit tf".\.1' It' RAI I:AWAY:77
obbagy6 tivor the door will marry [ha umRever In -might before the human race.
first , young man that enters the door
, 1,100 Ur nett• rtnicker than any other Plasters
They are' acknowleged by all who ha% e
aftefwards. Aud,this, was Proved, •they ever !tefore tried, and that one of these
ikaa the i.,:mma of tee youog-girl in tio ,Plasters Will tic! more real aervice than a, han-
'd-.1 id •
oki man's garden., But '
• thitialIV to effect a cur •-•
vt.ce. The extra • stole of Apnea re-
-t wit ) these it la en.
, tirely different - the instant one i•4 applied th
. 5
patient wilt fed its effect.
• A featful eataetrophe hire occurred
! They 3.1.004110 all the soothing, warming, sup.
• P01111a, An artillery officer Alia six , forting and strenethenine et:With:se, another
st,a e en y wit- chestnut tree with dyttynite In the r ons nth r italna it; 'iti'M 1.1.)1::...? , ,.. littArji:f!
rieSsed in. a elnlieh neat.. Itichtnond, Ind, public prorneuittle, when, iiWing to the or SIDE, (05,1 130111(50 ibis' solely eerie he the
electrical qualities which thb Perot:la Plaitera
A. murder' had been ceminitted and the teltier'e cerelesstaas an extdoeion en,-
emurdered-trmt"airotly-was--lying--itr -al-sutc1;:itillinrat-stsm-ral- . centain and whirls is imparted to the system,
church, while the futelrel 8 'V '
'fasten Mum who gave been relieved of
fueti Were trying to tipeoot an old horse lrettlict•AT sst )
A shocking scene s r e tl
. • ; an(
the eupposed assasein and took him to
look at the cortise. "evineed such
Change fLtrit" `r.ritae,
�747 45111r rent•-.1lONVAY, bittl.,"
ra etetiger rad* will hare +Aimee station AS tellorrs t
,Utime-.= •
et l•pes were etxty-three. 'Attong the killed are elle Thee' ere vorY soft Arta Pllab VerY Ltd -
being eonduCted. The officers arrested (Ander two sot d t hesi"• ami "4" c""(' f" 1/ACig8
Atnong the seriously wounded are four
noblemen and several gentlemen who
were out for their afternoon walk and
agtiation that the Inuedefed mate& sis-
tetserearned in affrikht.' 'Instantly. the
., t tors, an we c 1 I. ten. P AT'I'l IN Tilt SME AND DREAST I
are invalnable to those who have a COLD of
long standing, tont often prevents QONSUatpe.
T1ON, Some even 'tell us they believe they
were entirely cured by theuee of them of a long:
attracted to the spot from curiosity to iseitteaCensumptiou.
crowd in the churth made th epon goo tile experiment. SOMA of them are Prepared by fIROItGlE. J.. MtTORE:tt,
the prisoner' whom (they tried to force Aot expected to survive. LoWell
. ,
Or ,
• .
Bold by all Deugaiste.
A.at,, °route at I. es P.M. Mail owl Dxpresa,
12,705.111., arriving, Tsnam to, at 6.40 1,111.• London, at
6.105,1.0.24 I' •"•V•I arriving at Stratford at
0.19 ex., Leaden at. 0,1535. 11, Mixed arritelifroft
reail118 10 I1( killowa nixed, 10.005 ,ti,,ftbru
Stratford. Mail and 5fest,2.45 PAL, fromtrOrolitor
Dntrolo. Lottlou,
aL IptgO4 t900
.ta:te,t41ten. lliod 0.08P.1.
STDAITONv Agoht eitut(m.
Vocks, Watches, ?'ewellery,. ere
Desires to retura
MS Sincere thflas
tO 011010100s
friends gild met°.
mers,for tho inter .
id share of patron.
age thatheluis r ea.
ceived whileoetry.
offutoa,and hope
-breaatratt altOn•
Hon to businese,
and wing every
effort to meet the
wants 01 88* many
frieuds, to gontin- •
no to retaitt their
Ife would also take tide appcirtunity of stating that no
has taken his SOU into ttortnershin, en,d that the .basi
.0058 will be conducted in future under the style of 8,
POW14.111 & SON, Who iltm keep on_liiina,„„,,
-*"--at'oieti;301c' I
. .• .• Awl 00 Other iirtieles their line
All kinds. of Pipes Rep,alred and Mounted. ... • '
atmaiking, eleatani, ,te,, done on snort notice, in a
.worklattlikemanaer, ani on. national/le
. .
• cilinton, Dec. 0,1877.
Mounteastle's NI L L S.
mun STI13SCS113DR All'SPECTRDI.:1147/ 33E05 TO
1. inform the inhabitants Of .01inton,and surrounding
eoentry that he hap elartea hie
• •
•oN nerioN sietxue'.
405 131 prepar$0.6
dyt Le;es.en, alt•ar0, 'elteop for; ("ash.*
hiiu90 x.,tivinrat ot Di kinds on baud, for s.do.
etautes; n.17,, 1875.
:Canada .Company Lands.
„L"3.. the Canada Company may be talon at the offlee of •
eifitartedersighod,''' ' ,
Clinton, Jael,17, 1871. •• HALE. ,
• • ''JL.X•JOID •
ScoitIsh. Commermal F118 Insurance Co.,
Capital? • -. Two,
A14444014,, - • . $1,509,000.
infoosae; .° • • 1,900,000:
• Fit tiv'xiCeic OP ON Tiaffrti bea:eidit,
Head Offiee:-- 7.,Terente Street TORONTO
• , •
•• - • ROARti OR DIRECTORS : .
50$1•5.14;Bi:8.18fehE5g., ohairtnan, Promident Camel?.
". L:inded Credit Compans.
Ruts PLAyFAIR; Esq., (4Brytts,151chIarrieh ft Co
13rua...01:4 Ar•Exignne, Esti.; Vico-president 1e4erO1 "-
Dank of Oneida.• . • . .
INSizo'rou-•iouNiii!,iterd.;AN: .
RES1DE.NT Sg(litlf,,TART rm•tvi,tErioD
neposited with the. Governtnont at intavift, for: aaan-
illy of panatriln Pciley3foldets, 9100,00,0. ; '• '
•Thil -Cerepaby tames Policies Of. Inmarauee against •
loss or damao bi,fire or liglithing, on ranitantile; roan-
ntaeturfog,talta,iillaboUaehOlarlakil, 01 CUM:It rates.
.Polie1e8 are isteled Irmo and losses: tiottied, aireetly :by
the Toronto Wilco, without 5 delay. • • • -
All Premiums talom Jo ibis country are inVeStOd
C40001111 teen rities.
.70 ail'. ...7,.X.1110/7179
:filly 12, 1877,
the approred 'Parra or .ToWn prOpert,y, for arty tom'
froth 000 to t weidy ye. or repayable at such potiods;
011800 :44 initalinen's to. OtlietWitiO, as may he agreed.
, • .
tylrjullt of any part of tit ;prtaaipal,;. •
onae ceases; '10 015.511 amount: • , •
. .• • .
72 11 is arranged to pay the interest It of.) early, non
in advance, the rate, per Annum; for timpresent,
8 per cent:. On limas for a fixed. Man of Yelets, SI per
tint, if interest is tustlepayable yottiy, not In top:Ansa.
.citAita40.; 0tongit;v11t. •
lir or t g aye* and ..1.1 oicipat d eieutor es neri ham ti
'For nattier Particulars *pit, to „
..01inten;. hay 12, 1877.
D I El -it'
t..‘10)÷: ict0(.1!
Ca$16,, CoOls, C.pfOit Trimmiiiws Rubes
nye., rA,c.
boveatteherteetaidieepanti -
at the vLny LOWDSW BATES,
Also, a utici HEARSE stub',
'Remember the Plnee-V/CTOItT.A, Street
Uri o SCIA 6.11111:
1).1.. Wick. t-4i)ecitie Aledivitme
14 Till:: CHEAT 33
.Ititatirk 11.1aor
Is eatiestroly re -
•to. aa 1111
ttarailing ewe too es"
esearat Weak.'
ate, Ina, Depotaney,
i7tt4 and all dis08558
follow 50 it r
Ablate, rot Lam of itfontory,1.1niVerael Lees! tine, Fain iti
iltertatik Direncasof DrcinatOre Chi Aro tood
many °feet dieeneoe that Iced to /nottnifr or C041 111:011
K011,, and a Grave, Olaf **blithest rtill Am
arta emitted by deviating front the path ef nature and
ovevitaluattsuce, The Spectile medicine le mohit off
a lita fitthly end mule veneer expeticitm ia troo404i
thmo spoofol diseases. ParntlIct tree by volt The
Spectito Medic Int Is Weld 14 an Drrigglata it al viz p_litkt.
•oites or Oa 0401400 tor aakot will be neat laa,liatila eat.
teeetot dame etemw, . by addreraing Oxixtr & CO, t
x4O*,Ortt, lead Ott eautiAt by CotaPO,
dmgooht MMFW010M.