The Clinton New Era, 1878-03-14, Page 88 TIE •fiI7INTON CLINTON' NT; W h'END US.ZOc4L We•wentto ntake•the NOW SRA as thor- ough a local newspaper as it is possible for a local newspaper, to l,e,•4�td•ortr readers all over purines-eaaultel ,la staceededtti.e :. tent, We Want to (tear or accidents, fiJlcts, marriages, bia'ths, deaths, farm . stprovernefts, otezv dzvellrngs, barns, iwprovonent %to schools, nezv teachers, rEmovals, land sates,, road fan, proveanents,•znnnici�al election.ttewa,:•Lig work, and an, ything:and evet'yticino else•that anybodt, tvoui4 lV e'.tb z•ead.,' Never mind about spelling, punctuation or grammar. Givens the1''AQT$ and we'tL attend to' the Test. 'Writeon postal cards, or. f cit'•:aper, : eno.o$e' is • an urtsealetl envelope, marked- 4° ,•Inte'r's co z -and - our- • correspondence will only cost yes a cent a weal. Any; person•wie tants to etrgnge-thenufuetves as fare[ )nhorcrs may leave Rich• names and Places of residence at this oIllee, as parties • ,stiMetintes 'halm euryuiries df os it we know of ouch, • and [Logo wie 'ting taen,ploy snob CAll do the same. LAs ' week an Italian did a good bit- ei ness in town, in the way of selling plas- •ter-of Paris statues, SocnAL,—.A. social will be held -at the residence of Mr, James. Smith, to -mor- row (Friday). evening. R sv. Mn. WADE, of this place, preach- '•ed in: tha•1Vlethodist._Episcopal Ohu ch,. Seaforth,.on'Sund'ay last, morning and evening, TIRE roads are sV bad in ,town that 'butchers are delivering their meat on; horseback, instead of th customary " butcher's cart.". 'Owing to 'the present ill -health of Mr. Hodgins, 'the partnership eXisting between him and &Cr. ' Pay, and ti� hick expired ani the ist test., has been renew- ed e iew ed for. anothcw year. The Farmers' Ach ocate, of London, Says " The Hullett 'Branch .A.grioul- t fi 1.Siictety, keep up this old English plan of leaving an annual dinner, better than any other society'in Canada." WHEN a merchant has ':to .accept a' gorat I;ittk#, ' srriall pair of dumb. bells'. in settietnent of a .good-sized' account, as a Clinton merchant had recently to clo, it would: THE '•AU'P[tr1El<l3Y LA ',rlLr'.1llAliK 'I`,_ i. aigAttteliat the system of. bartet'4bad .not°entirely'become bbsoleto. • We: noticed in an issue a couple. of weeks ago, that the butchers .had left the maiket.buildin'g and opened shops in different. parts of the • town '•and 'have also previously stated , that the Mayor was authorized 'by, the Council to obtain legal. advice as to the legality' .of the Market by-law.. Whether the majority/- of ajority of the Council were disposed •to, use co- ercive measures, to compel the .butchers• to remain inthe sharnbles if they found they had the power, 'we cannot ,say, but .if they did not we think it was ' a•. very foolish waste of the funde. of the -towns to use it in.seeking'legal •advice, in rile matter. At any rate the .butchers are now out of the building and •by the .annulling of .the by-law for the regula- tion of the sale of 'meat, they are placer upon the same footing as all "other _ _trades and occupations, as far_ as i egards their (,location,; but they are ' now open to more .severe competition, as' there' is __--_,._nothing to hinder farmers or an other party; from-bringing-meat=to-•townand peddling. and selling it in . any quantity purchasers may choose. It isquite.pro-. halite that: our citizens will be gainers bythe . whole transaction ''and as`no one , 'will continue thelmitchering.busi..ness • without -it is.iemunerative, there Will be really no boss:to those avho• continue •to -• follow the occupation: T ] t of d 1 f rate: • • NEW 'FIRM' --We believe that Messrs.'. Broadfoot & Box, of Seaforth, have leis- ed the .sligpof Messrs. Menzies & Whit-. big,'annfin end•openinga beanch.furni- ture establishmentthere. Theyare pushing men, and will,` doubtless, reoei'e: a share• of business. • �NorllExr HOTEL, --Mr. A, .Knox is fitting up: the, hotel buildilg'at the sta •tion, and jntends applyilig for a license thereto, should there be sufficient pope lation to warrant' an increase - in, the number of hotels,' which .it :is conficldut ly expected there will be, ` . WE regret •to learn . that • Messrs, :Shantz Bros., of the Parkhill flax txlill';. (formerly of Clinton) have'been cotnpell' ed to' make stn ssigneient: I'-i'omnv-htrt; ,we can find outs. the flax business of the past year has not been a paying one, and to-thi ei-eattributed-theirtrenble-: Huitov RIFLE AssocFA1zov -teA. ineet- ing of this association Was held here on: 1Vloiida Y y last, the only business transact ecl' being the selection �of the .following officers: --Major ttnrav, Pres., .G W. .Railton,..; Sec:,and' •Messrs Grassick,' Sheppard and Robson, menagingg coni- •mittee,_" - t O Sh iida 3i a number• of,'boyst ..who , should have been at Sabbath School, wended their 'way over towards.' the. Western depot, doubtless =intending •to have a, geed afternoon's sport, brit Mr. Kew.threatened them with :it stick, and' tt br"oilld to'Manitoba" is the prevail- ing inquiry. Tirosi possessing low land,, in• tower and elsewhere, should see that. ditches' are opened, and stagnant water drained. off. Lois' S'oLD,----Mr...7, T. Wilkie has sold his lot on. Cutter Street' (in the rear oriri�; ilk) to x, q in If Murrey, for the sum of $150, Mr. G, Diehl sold •his lot, south of the Presbyterian Church; to Mr. Peter Cempbell, for. $1.50. . MlssxoxtAxtY SEttvICEs.—On Thursday evening last Missionary services were held in St, Peas Church, here, at which' addresses' were delivered byMessrs;. Evans, of Mitchell, Gam bel; of Sea- forth, ea- fo rth and Mathews ':asteeof the huroh e � , p c . , t e •i...- f- ister all of -whom acres t nt.ve y 1 ned�td+r– A READER Of tbe.NEW ERA, in Cali- fornia; in a recent letter, says :—" Since the change in stylet think that the pa- per is very' iniich improved,,' and its ge- neral get up I like' very well. ".Several others beside .myself read' -it here, and their. opinion is' t% very good- paper in, deed,' " • • • WILL any one give to. the; readers the NEW ERA'the tresefnt o iulation o£ 1 p L the globe, based on the following sup- position. Noah,:. with his family of eight' persons, . doubled ..by -birth every 33•f years, and .deaa:ease'•l by .deaths 25 per »Dant. every generation, (say. 33i years)', in 4,000 yeai•s'how many poisons will 'there be.l-.IGNoRAMrgs. A GOOD Coxmitwwr;—We understand hyesterday f noon 1l that afternoon Ma. • White- head,' C. P.R. 'R coritraetor, visited the Ontario Car Works, •in London East,.. and gave is contract for' 70` • cars, to be used on 'hat line. It. is said. that M r. Whitehead, who has a, large portion of theliew road utnder,cgntract,,pays over $4;000 a week 'for wages.:—Tontloni Free Press: • •.OA.vanr4v, it'rititig from California to this-�offtce, .ailiclet�-date_of'.the.,2Sih Feb., says �'--Since the lift of January, there Inas been a continual rainfall here. 'Bridget have been swept away, towns- submerged, and.. 'lunch injury, done,, Neal l 30 inches. fallen , ' ' have1 n some la;; tas,_: Still' -.them rise :. oosl:: ros e this' props." • - 1 of year'sp • Tait; superfluous third "has' been .sornp- ed'' from some .of tire' principal street crossings, ftnd"new walking across thein is accompanied with a little snore *moire than formerly. . Private individuals•• in different parts of the town might clo much in !. this, respect, ivithont much trouble or . labor, and • they monad ' gain NEW EIU. Tuxs is the season of Lent -ea good many can say the same of their umbrella, Sort of our sportsman now enjoy VW sport along the Maitland, where there are said, to be quite a number of wild docks, •L'.AsT week, by error, we gave the name of Thos .,,E1,ppleby, its being fined for • arunk`au disorderly conduct. It should, have been Thos. Boland, CoararENCE and elenn tip . yards,. both front and rear, The Health Inspector may visit your p1emisesend find what he considers an unhealthy. mess, and thein;- 1tCIi 14,' 1878. '• Arnthe stores and other business -places in torn will observe $t. Patrick's do '--t1'e 17th of this uloxath--by;. otos- ;tng:ul� - If.:yon dont believe tt- loak at your• caulewdar. \ itAx is wanted :11ow is fol souse in- ventive genius to introduce a way Where- by' mud, pure and simple; ctin be, coin vextod into. .a handsome polish the iiio: Arent it sticks on the .boots. There's it fortune for'sech, a man, • • "" Ex -Morn, G. Widdows, lectured in this town last night, but in conse- quence of.the state of the weather and streets, and also:'beceuse`a rumor got circulated. that ho would not be here, the audience ,wars ..not large: One. excellent coteui, the Loudon Ad., ret:tjser, has commenced'the issue of an-. early inorning edition; besides that of the, evening. This ,is an 'evidence- et progress —indeed the whole' career of the 4tdvertiser-is such «-lid we•trust he venture l av full realize -i i ' n t nt Cl e� )tins. . Y 1 a ueri:tt.—O �1 Friday evening'last S n .Y tete' Masonic brethren, of .this place, held a' •supper at MCLaren's Hot©l, on the oe- eltsion of the dedication of their. nt•w hall in Victoria Block, A large `stun-' ger of visitors from Ca•bclerieh, Seaforth anal` Blyth, •:wet'e iu.'att entrance, and a Very pleasant. evening Was spent. 1878, MORE or TitE�t.—The Great Western authorities :hevo received information thiit ni'x� gttlititioii to tiro Ciel a lloiis et% r-, • t' their freight sh d at n sty e e �` I �,hant, On Sunday last, the station.honses at. Bi'iteefield and Bltlevale; on the }4i B: • Railway, warm • enteredl and the safes' broken open..,.Detectiveg have. been dispatched fter_.'thte thieves.. --Lon, den Pres 'Press. • COMPAtlsox.--Searall'among the manuscript, palters of the "oldest inha- bitailt's father" fails to roveal any docu- meait "giving a record of Weather to coni- pare"lith the present.. '1',•hn :entry of 'Perin .'Connoll- g 1 , t ie ea Dempe estrxaust lel d cti, at any. I b 1ltia�h• was. mild ; aintl few .three rht;.,it A.n adjourihed - meeting of the town . Council was held .on Thursday, evening,- .a.ail niembers.present except Mr. Leslie.. The auditor's repeit, of the .%town''for 1877`, (vas then reed. . On motion • o Coun. Chidley, sec by' Cann. Menzies, the report was tai men. the table. for dis- cussion, and was afterwards -referredato the Finance Committed. A communication from • Dr: Worth- ...._ ington was read,; also a petition for iii- crease in the hotel 'accommodation. On ,motion of Colin. Forrester, .see. by Corin; Cantelon, the Clerk' was str.ucted to nienioralize .the Governor -in- Council in regard to . the taking of 4hrL enfinn of kite icavih foo-Lthe-tairpgs of granting further hotel accommodation. Moved by Coun. Jackson, see. by Conn. Allison;that by-law with re- ference to the sale' of neat should be rescinded. --Carried. • l4tovecl •Fay Conn. Menzies, sec.. by Corm. Forrester that Mrs. Thor;.•Taylor's taxes be refunded... --Carried. - It was then moved by Coitn, Smart, sec. by Coun. Smith, and. carried, that, '.the Mayor -be requested to_call a public' meeting on the Otl inst,, to disci;ss the question of fire protection. The Council then adjourned. . • ' woid:id:continue, but -the§ far it iters be- J ey�•-_as x yc athlels _ over , le ence, QUI'm•d' .,CdMfiL1tEwr.—On• MOnlltty coin ' very • eln•ing:like and-Warta,'die and'•out of his• domain. last Miss :Lovett, teacher of the Junior 1,rttrrosjille�re: being, even wcirtnei' •than is .Fins PRoTrcUtov.—It will be ,.seen division of the 13lyth school, visited that soinetilnes neptt�ienced in: gay Sure; that' b .. aclvertiseinent .t meetingLias •departinetlt in the Clinton :School' pre- 'i ii nekiny lass 'ens; elnplc3yOes have, beeng f Ysided _ovei:b lilies Cxriiihcl. tit 'the ricewithi Farm - been galled by the niedne,. to meet in. .:. Y 3, worltillg lu the otllee .open windows,. ,: the :town hall on '1Vednesday evening conat�andatlon ot'Mr..Desvar,.Inslleetot; ship] slloll cloors,s#athd'operl wide, btu•m-. next, for the"1 nlrpose of discussiflg the to witness her., nlocle.'of`.teaching,and ers.are Blowing in sod; and in a few ' fort and in their- studies the .: subject offuether fire protection. That bringingv days will continence seeding. Shell s n something should be done thele can be notivo opinions, but exactly what there is softie .difficulty in saying. The first and lnost'imjiortant point isthe supply .of,aVailiffr..land until that is definitely set- - tied it is almost . useless to 'discuss the question of a hand or steam fire engin: At an ate we ho h(; the.=meetiag v' well 'attended, and a free expression of 1878 v CLQ'THI.IN G 'M,ERCIH.A,N T., BLOCK. CLINTON coo • •E T I' N G � I �.N S .�N o. Our k ofthe abovelineis lee O stook .- now coin letd�. and rs without x '' p w .hq a ception, the FINEST WE HAVE, EVER SHOWI . SILK- S UA�RES SILK TIES, LINEN- COLL . .ARS,.. BRACES, HOSIER •S�ID GLOVE -'.a Magnificent :Assortment. an' End lest V ' dl art et+ Y • all Styles. and' Sizes. S lendid Lines. p• a� Tremendous xneridous Assortment. ` 'i nx t e _Newest � __Nevi s _ ha _a . _ h _ _ des 3� IN f 1 OXFORD, , ' AND REGATTA -SHIRTS e lira Il\ S i-1 ),. , D, N I�);Gs TA SH P.T� we - at sho v1a a.l the' latest styles. Of A T' S . is ,pow complete; a d com rse•the finest Eli stock � : Fl � 4 we have ever .a erred out. p •�. OLI•i ro , March 0,1875..-. Pt asoirAise•sOn Monday Mr: Joseph. Whitehead left •this place on his return to Manitoba. Before proceeding there, lie goes' to Ottawa and then to Molttreai. lifessrs, P. Kelly, Blyth, and: John Bat tenhnry,l3rncefield,:at'e purchasing -fifty horses for use on the,x.ailroad, which are to be shipped this week, seventeen were purchased its theneighbor1io7tlof Blyth, and fine animals they are, too, some at Seiifortli, Brucefield and Exeter, ranging. itsprice from .$100to6.1::80, Mr. Clark, _ .. . 'one of Mr Whitehiads foremen, -who is DETECTIVE Heenan, of the , G. T. R. service, paid this to tvn a visit this week, on matters connected. with the road. . SALE OF KEtiTt;CICY' Goin DUs'1' Stmt.—The . stock brought here by Mesers. J. W. Hornsby & •Brio,; of -Emi- nence l y., not being sold at last week's sale, lets 'since been disposed of ..by_pri- vate sale. - The following aro the nantee of the animals and their purcbasots " Champion," q year old' sttllion, J: Oallnnger, Clinton; "Wideawttke," '3 year old stallion;' Jos. Corrie, G•oclericlh township ; "Juliet, and Mate,' J oho W.: -floss:; -Cllntotr; tt rerlus," yettt v filly, D. •Cantivn; Clintoit;. "lick,"• 2 year old stallion, +' llorlgins, Wiuglutm; Clifton," 8 year old stallion Thos. Connell, Gorterich.township. The ani- mals are all very fine ones, and 'we are ..lad. tl,.,t tr stoe-k,-of-tltis county has_ received .this acquisition. to At, The which theywere lurha ' t prices at ` blain l c seal was very low, indeed, their hreedersaid that tt they were sold lower than any 'stock he had ever sold before," and it was only with .a desire to introduce the breed and because they had been brought a long distance that he permit- ted them to go at the figures he did. Since the sate, they have been inspected and' adit�'t • it Ifs':- riitt i-fty tntl"waitld- doubtless have' been bought' at • eon- siderably higher •figures, had niot the stringeney of the. times curtailed the power of would -he purchasers.. The prices at which they were sold are all. private, but we understand they ranged from $125 be $300. 'to -take charge cif" the horses, will have some difficulty in getting them to their destination,' as sp•ittg has opened so early. After leaving Winnipeg,"'tx number of senall, lakes have to be eros Ted, before ipaCCliiug' lie works; and'i was intended to.croes these on the ice, but alas, fitlo weather has cleared all tbo ice away, 'caving now open water. l:lNt; T ;rtPEttAN'et CwcLUn.-.Tile tem- pexance Meetings still centinuc within- creased vigor, The meetings were first held in the Methodist church, then in the toem hall, and afterwards . in tite Bible-Chlist-ittn•-church, t-Ite:-llMter-=- having been uncomfortably, full Nearly 600' persons have signed rho pledge; among the number several who laid be- come somewhat notorious on adeolnit of. their di inking habits. On &aturday evening 11, meeting was held for the ltr- pose•of forming a Rine Total Abstinence . CIub, when the following were elected as officer's :•—Pt ec. Mr. E. • Corl,ett; 1st Vice -Pres.; lilt, 1? Straitlx; 2nd Vies. Pres,; tilt. Wortllin,gton; See., Austin Callander; Asst. -Sem, Miss Call; l"inane eiers•Chas. Coats; Tram,: C. J. Steven- son ; Ckap,, John ' Mulloy t E tectttive Cont,,xtevs. Messrs, fowler,Courticeand Mathews, and Messrs. TI.Manning, W. Ii`9tC ,�" `: 3VIbtCll j+, J`itL–"ThOMpllbn, ]i i. Townsend, and Mre..rowler, Mtt- tlhows, Bidcdleeombe,, Marti, and Mistles W. White, L, Reid,. L..Rippey, and M. Smith., The night of meeting of the Club will be Monday. 'he publllie .meet- ings wilt continue,, to -night, its the Me- thodist churddh. ' juvenfl'e scholars, a feature that has dis- tinguished this• lady since her connec- tion with th's-school here. ON Tuesday Me. John Goderie b; who .a short time. since 'was' .unfortunate as to ,Beet. with art acct dont necessitating. -"the amputation of h's.Lee.,_iiassecl.through hole ori Itis 'wiry to Detroit, le procure a ' Wooden leg:. We don't know whet Visa politics are, but he is evidently not a protectionist, for he was berating the ,Government because a -duty of 1'7 pet •cent would have to be- paid on the to tide,-itcotning ,underthc head. of "mauufantured&goods," Docs W, utttvi to ' SHEEP,. -.-Almost, every breeder' in the County loses, -more- or less sheep yearly from the •effects of worrying by dogs. Many persons -do 'not know the law on this snbjeot, 'and are at a loss whet to:do with stray .dogs which they suspect, Tlro law, however, is very sintplo in the matter. The fol ]giving is an extract -from the Revised Statutes. of Ontario,. cap. 194, sec, 10': Any 'person may kill any dog which ho sees pursuing, worrying, or. wounding, Key"eheeli or tatnlr,,,, Too Stdutr' FOR TIisuf,—It is weli- knoWn that A,tnoriean sharpers send out circulars to such names as they can get hold of, (sdiuletinies through newspapers, and, -other means) .offering counterfeit money at a big discount:. Persons who send for. them have always to send the' cash in advance, and that is generally all they hear of it. Some time since a irc.enlarof this deseripthan was reeeive. try a person iht`this neighborhood, .who, however, was suf oieiently well posted to know that it was oilly agameintend- :ed to cheat hitt'. Being in a disposition to' try and get " the advantaja'• of the sit rims he sent tlteni tt letter, stating tl' tit • this was just what he haal beets• a n the lookntit for; l� �i'a"htiil;'"beel so o, h ftent was determined to x nn that he•'. f takeny not to invest until he saw a specitnen of the article they tinttnextetilred."-"1 'The, bills they proposed to cOtuitet•feit were the Dominion bilis. After waiting some time, lie, receivocl a reply to Ins letter, wher•eill'was it ;genuine new $1 bill of this denomination, and which experience as this, in:tho early pert of March, is iutpreeodeuted in Canada, and those wlto fot•te,erly entertai.nedthe idea that our Or/entry was only a ec snow - bank," as itis` sonietitnesterned in Eng - hind;; will 'tow: be ably to form a; diffi•r ent couelusion.- • [Since the above was til typi.ax snow stol•ni h e; Sot in; and wo 'tike it all back,j ' ClitICKI<T .Flan tTAtNt sNT.—Ott. Mon_ clay evening next an Eatteet:demerit :ttr3- der.the auspices of the Clinton Cri&cet cleb, will take place in:thhe •town• hall. As previously aunt,nneed, the c1ttFT idi tended getting up a local pei•foral:ince, but instead have engaged Miss' Sophie .Miles, and Spackthan;s.Itoyal Stag ill's- uratic Company, who will platy the ,teat New York Sensation entitled " Untler the Gaslight," The club have gone. to a• great expense its engaging this Company, and they are. making great preparations.for the entertainment, which will be one of the best ever given in this place, th company have for the past week been playing hi Uoderich rind Seatertl', to crowded houses, and we presume from b ir•exeellent reputation objector the entertai.uuent, that their will be t crowded house.. The juvenile Band; under theleadership ot`111r. Scott will also be present atltl' give 'mune riew nelectinns which they have- now in praetide, • -Lt., gln•4'Y ..��AcftANT.•--Among. the area army of vagrants now going t Beau F T1108. J .GHUON. o of. the People. HI; UN[wl:ftatOrNI;l3 TAKE 'r1iiIs.o1,PORT INITY OI'' INFORMING TII 1 ' prat of Cltntott ttt,.1 vicinity, that they have commenced business In the tot 1 lately . ()Coupled by Hr..Ti t Jackson Whet- they will be able to suppl 'those favoring tlwni with their custntn, with anything in - n' which h is of:'foilowtl': when hue, vliicl FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, IN SEASON. IN AL1VIO ST ENDLESS ESS'VARIETY. - • CONFECTIONERY.k :> 'lx as 13'i13nrts I3i'' iT . mo> .cls NUT'S OF AIL KINDS, such k , , 'Walntis, C",oc;oanttt ,e. CANNED GOODS, Pe5ones, Piuns1 Pears, T• otnatoes a Sbrw- berries, Blackberries, Lobsters,,.Salmpn, Sardines, &c. thee/tit em. feint, . the i121rlk; possess some high-toned ones in spirit, brit who aro still subject 'to the vices of a wicked world.,. Last week Henry day went :around ' town begging, which is nothing i1ntlsuel these times, but Henry seems to be gaiter its his idea of what t beggar should nc e et than most people, He ryas, atsevelal tares 1 I p , offered foots, which' he haughtily re- fused, declaring ,it -vas phoney to buy whiskey that he wanted," and when open lady offered: hits .somel.•;good food, he used Ulstilting language, and pitched the food at her, Subsequently, . _ Con. 1 stable Paisley .dt opped down upon him, and marched hint oil' to the lock-up for' -the 3 r t . + •-.', ytr x: tsf�tltut�=rrtr•--being drunk=tnil�pdisDt'Etst:l• •�incl�wlize� nufactul•e, Doubtless the Idea in send- in, limbo Ile aniseed hintsrlf and atllhPy ed, in'g a good bill', -was to lead the appli- others by hooting, howling, &c.. Next cant to think it was all excelent inrita• . morning be had an interview with the tion, and then ingest, but he was not Mayer, who told him it woultlbe $1 and thus to to be bit, anti retaining the bill, :costs., btttnot having the wherewith to was eo much ahead, les' his • ostage pay, he was removed to Castle f tunittatr, over the eort•eepondenco. at Goderich. FBNE TOBACCOS They have an 'endless variety in 'PIPES„ from the common Clay to the.finest Meerschaum, ,All the novelties iu.C.,IG111: IIU7,I)1:i23,. 6,!t51;g, P()I'[",fLlB, 1'IFLSTnr8 b, WAX. $ VESTA8, ?MATCH 110X118, Sic, . °VIM TWENTY -. x.'. OF YXtrtlItS from the common three cent ones' to the UtLR, -r31tA1V'I d (. , finest Havana. • V 3 sJl. , & PITS, reit. PA.Tal.ORS IN CONATiCTION; •t Where any number?:*can be accntnntodtteit onthe shortest, notice, and Have their~ Oypter0 in any style: We also keels Oysters int- sato by the quart, • can, or case, -tom t1,--9614-11'ivr-th,te•,sters,,Are tram uteriae_1mptagnie. :tlttil•.ctlat Fre ,lttrned 1? not satisfactOi•y. • ' PATTRONA.GFri _ •.liEg°PlCTPilLLY SOJ;,ic'iTE» GRASSICE . & CUNNING AMMZ. OBIN.TON.,:an. Ii1j, WS t +