The Clinton New Era, 1878-03-14, Page 7EATtou 14, 187S.
riaNalanta .
Aa we ceold not gave a fallrepart oa the,
- •
dinner litat week •we tialagia0 :Warn:Tsai'
of the speeehee.- '
After tba table wee 'cleared, 'Mr. 'Alia
-drew§ the chairman, briefly addtesoed the
cum pany,.ex presaing himself highly plea -
ed te ace the large gathering that had at"-
teeded the Mak, anal the large number
• at the'dinner'showing that, an inereesing
interest wati• being taloa iir agrioeltural
Inattera, and ap had every reason to hope
that farmerswould, in, the fatitre, criani.
fest that degreeof enterprising spirit that
wa* . requicate•to senora rine:Peas, He then
gave the " cailezinaaand the " larioce rced.
• Princess of Wales, and the other members
(*the roy.el family," botbaof which *ere
. aesponcledto with, enthusatatu, ahree roma
"ingacheersheiog giran for eaoh heist. .
The VieechairMan, Mr. 1.,Lattisoa, then
gave 44 Lord.Dtifferi ,n the Governor -Gene.
iral,•" and "the Hon. Mr. MoDoutild, Lieut.-
.--Oomernoraaeth•of which•wete'enthusiae•
- received. . • . , •
• The thairmaa than gave the." Agricul-
tural. Inoteresta of Canada," •coaplea with
thenaines of Prof. Johntiton, of the Model:
Foie,. and Mr. John,MoMillataa •. •
Ma....Tmariaama, .in .respending ,to. the
aaidahe-was highly pleasea to be one
in their Matipany, and called ' upon to
iesaencl to such a team; • He said in this.
Detainiori ;there were a toultitede of ha
'Wrests,. :but wee, lie thought, tearing a
higher position than that of `Eigrioolture,
not only becauso. it reedereal,the greatest
aniouat of 'exportable areaime •Ifrom the
.camitea but ale° from itaimpoitaat
He then gave .a few Studs.
'tics of the a_mmont of •produceathataaWas-
_ -
imported and exported, in:whidti he she!-
' ed that for the past few yearwearnported
as much wheat and fleur as we exported,
proving, as he thought, that the yield of
wheat at the present thiPlawa's n ot equal to
what it was a few years ao in coiaparisen
to the acres sown and the labor expended,
the reason for this .being, that_the elatitita.
• atcropping had in seine degree exbanated
thealand, and that if as good crepe tie for-
merly •Weiat expected they. must supply the
soil with alive ingredients that the:differ.
ent crops required. He said healid not
think it wouad be patriotic for tbis Cotintry.
to ask for a aeciproolay treaty,' Oa -fatter
how:deisiralale such a treaty acluldlie,..fied.
we at ould,...therefore, ateek...othera•tratlets-
for our produce. • He then thawed how
W6 were more and more eactouaterieg coma-
apatition_from the differeat'couritaiee of the
world, and the impossibilita of eaoidina
no matter what kiad,of laws were epactea,
and the Only wise poems to perdue was: to
anceessfully meat it by itnproved thedee of
cultivation, the intrOductien aff,eaary'
plianco that would lessen labor, and in
every other way endeayer to make aerie-
iug more remunerative. He then atiove.
tu itnpress the fact open his hearers that.
• to be a successful farmer a no,aii must he
thoroughly educated to it, aud be else a• .
good business man:- 'AlIrlie•-saida could
not be educated- in the science of agricul-.
• tufa, but the more thoroughly they. wore so,
• the , marc success would atteild •thela
bigh, tribute t,, the tininaah• ta
we's continuallytrying_ experiments,. 'who
by this means coatributed- greatly to the
wealth of the 'ensietaa.. He said that .all
should strive to add to the knowledge of
agriculture: He stiongly, uageil farmers
to.see that their Ong more
gated in our common. &tam& in the acieace
of agriculture. He believed in ,a practical
•educatiou, that woula fit their children for
their f u t ure occupations in life. He ad vo "
.cated the system of evening classes, where
the different sciences would he tiughL
Has then adverted 'to the fact that•mealyaif
the soos of farmers left the farm for Oceta
pations in towns, .and thonght a emitter'
process might be inatimaatted by holding
ont „inducements to young mee iii 'the
towns to attend agricultural schools aticl
colleges, se that they might afterward be-
come farmers. He then gave a statement
of the mimber of sthools and 'colleges
there were in the United States, and the:
amount of revenue to each, •which he 'said
was about $14,000: ale advoeated the in.
StitllLilfl af moad aagricultural colleges in
Canada, and said it was the dety oi Go-
verntnent to grant a larger amount of am.
ney for this ptirpose. He then gave a
brief •statement of what bad beenalone 011.
the latodel Feria, soak as „the sobjecting
the different portions of •the feral to tin-
derdraining and putting it under a system
of rotation of roots, and believed the trial
was producing good results. HO eerieltula
ed with a brief exordium to fanners to fit
themselves to carry on their gectipation til
the best possible manaer, So that they
. could not only successfully compete with
all other countries, but make fatiniug aa
lucrative as it ought to bo
Mr. John Joslin then itang "Tho battle
and the breeze," followed by a song from
a Mr. Wm. Nettling. .
Neafraietrt then follotIdaaaa-
latinga lirti*or his experience in first seta
g n that country-, end the conditiotath
which he found it, and the great Amigo
that had ,taken plaoe, especially in the
growth of its towns and villages. He thee
spoke a few words upon the magnet) that
been made in agriculture in Canada. a He
Willi 1 ; , VOCI1 le princip
of all farmers going into thoroughbred
stock.raising, but they nualit to encourage
the'breeditty of thoroughbred 81 ick, • for if
they would raise good stock they must
have thoroughbred males. lie then gave
an nutline-of the rise and growth of dairy-
ing both in Canada end the 'United Strata,
and showed what beneficial results had
followed, both with reaped to the increas-
ed returns land the improveinent of the
land. He then sorrowfolly mentioned
the fact
undertnek t
were not act we onragecl ea they ought
to be, apparently as if the farmers rare
unwilling that they (the `busitiese' urea)
should make money otit of anything in
conneetion with thetn. He thought they
ehould'all work in harmony, without the
slightest degree af prejudice. To make A
cheese factory profitable mere farmers'
should unite to support it, so that the
uathering of milk' would not, be so costly
lie 'beget.' the raiting,ef owe at horn°,
that oil their own farms, and the bring.
ink in of heifera at two yeare of.age, which
he found to be better than at three years
old. ale then briefly adverted to the no,
cessity of keeping (Attie growing from the
bushing men, when they
try on a cheese factory,
time they were -alroppea to their full of the so'll by returning to it the virtue
agtiroptvpItyhinal:ithretetgaohinortzd wthietitnekoloityallict tahoeyowieenreg4ovo:taluubarlileyt deicetearavicptittit fr,c)ifinthlte,
gentletteatinant to cows, if ,prolit was ex. care atal attentioa that , was reqeisite 'to
Pasted, Fawners ahauld pay particular mate good borses Ho also Spoke of eat,
attention to things that arc transpiring tle 11 d Owen raising, and said he believed
armind them, and draw their owaretineita that to make it prelitable, they eluet look
mons from these obServatioue, lie cue- especially to the size,: that is the emount
chided with a' fe* worde 0Lp:eve-tit:toot ttbh: of wool grown. beef and muttera and the'ailiaotitY of
Pleasure he experienced in
Model Varna and whathe aim there, 1VIr. Weld then gave " pioneers of
The vice chairman then gave the "breed- the H. B. A. Soelety, Mr.. I. Biggins ni-
ers of thoroughbred stook, which waa responded to by Mr. C. O'Mally, of Middle -
mix, who curt!) fetid he Wished the farrnera
of Huron prized good stock as they ap-
peared to prize good tile, ea he brought
good steak into the county taxa fie would
have to take it home agein, for no buyers
could be fotind,
ME, RION. Gatsoa, also of :Middlesex,
respolided to the toait,'..and said that lie
was glad .tti be One among them on- the
present occasion; although he had not
been yeay euceessfel In disposing of his
spondieg, but that gentleman did not
claim. to be one OF the pioneers of the SO-
ON ty, 014 being nue of those who had
aided in ittaugureting the anneal dinner,
whiolt, he was happy to 'say, he heti attend
ed anatially halm the beginning,
Several more voluntary thetas were then
giveix, among .which vvere theatallea,"
respdaded to by Mr. John Beacom,. and
" the -hoan
st a hostess," responded ta. by
fake, The company briar° up short-
ly after midnight, all Willa Well pleased
at 'being able to Attend inc Of:the must.
cattle, 't he had done a little nussienary suoceseful and: otimeronsla attended din.
work, with what effect time abate cocacl • ners slime its beginning, the only draw.
tell, but he hoped those whe had bougbt • back being the noisy conduot of One inai.
his stock would hese successful with them vidualaawlicise education and praition in
that they would visit him for the purchase society is such aa to elinge 4 reasonable ex,
of afore. ' • • pectatiou of setaethiag better freta liiui
Ma. H. Love; of Hill's Green, %Yes alio
called upon, who aaid he was not prepared
to make a speeoh, but would say a few,
worde ore the trale that had 'taken place
to day Although it had not been as tie
eancially successful as desired, yet it had
been in somemeasure•ti success, and the
inanagekil. Of , it are satisfied that great,
benefits Will result frana it, awl that fu-
`ture sales may he an itaproaernent on this
one., 'Being an importer of horses he knew,
-personally,--thatatheinaper attain -of-frorges•
had .not been a paying operation, end he
for this, .not having patronized them •to
the extent they should. ' :For himself he .
could' say tha he; did:uot intend to be an
iteporter.folat mai hire. -
S•inge r. Rich. ,H•ye and Mr. Win.
• . Itural tory With a Moral.
..N4.110NAJG. vNfi.
This (Jemmy's Sot oonsiete OfTwelve,Sistmlaati, full-
leer Liverpool awl fteteettetawit.
wool vier 44, It., tsst spriagastrect, TO$14
FOr Janine** /fleece. .
Front pier 51, N.11., feet Phristoplier trod, V.ew
The socentmodations for (IWO Peeeengers' by these
Steamers are arst otos. The rates of passage aro from
PO upward, wording. to the location el sleeping berths.
All (labia pasiAngers have equal privileges in the Sateen.
Eremitical or retlum tiokots at maimed rates. For fur-
ther information as te Sailiogs, and for rates of Cabin
mid Steerage passage, apply to
eMCK ItAILTON. Agent G,W,.1t,
Olinien,Marett 29, 181/.
M/LLINERY Establishmeilt
A. large aasortmettt of FEAT abus, FLONVATtOr
stags afid alDBONS, in the newest shaden.
Also, a lamostock of 411.11,V and erfta...:W gar,' of
thelatest styles. oensilTe, eke.
Agent for Sessureir's P.(Twardis of, garMents of all
desoriPtions ; alarge etopli kept (M112044, ,
Felt and. Straw ara,ts cleaned. arid, !gored
U7• 7E11 110111B17 IND3 MID 11;31111
' Olbaten, Oct. la, 1077,
Where you can new• find, WITHOUT EXOEPTION, the largest and finest seleetion of .
vertised as, 'eure-alle,;lertecaor,e specific's in
the disease ror which:they'
'following stat
Are not ad
agricultifral &Jena sell& us th
, upon acts. e oommencl .inaesagatars at ?EA StLIECTI6141
it. to 'the calefuleonsideration nf 't1Leli`targ""Y' °441lieotlitt:gletiriYheedaetrnittlirkitEl.
(Ail or htt'lle eh.3rge of sWine (1015 vocosocs of tbe 9 18 1110 (inly law tritii
eAliofiacerTeT eb.o„apgthicit oaf me Wale. pigs Ot rinnionipie fear el% egenalateatasairoe:taleuritaty' t 'No/ Isnot ue lay
er kee7e4 thettn`a" yh-eighiLr ePl'itee'oandi ted° ca a a‘
gr":"fibrli=t1,TAerren9 (05-
a§ le basedemena whi.0 assuree
" X elated, and how do you
tSw: eboacersa:pnhldetirr:inalvtil xot:o:0rb,ceened,r. 01 el! r dsoaillen r 1°9.41.1;11a nieed,..
ja7eding then:), ha came to Ole exclaim up to mineral
aortae of the—breed of ' of
_espie yon,7 , , p tlons end rest upon any other
"You remember that 'I, bought- n'
of merit. •
ba issutellifilgthanai
Is. Pectoral.
Is ettelagegue. es' liver stignutaut.
like them 7" aiterative "or bleed -cleansing'.
" Can't get- theta tin to 300 pounds
The chairman then. gave the • M Anti- " E) Y
teighteenmonths and you aid the
factoring interesta of • Canada," couplml. Wbuld scale 600. •
with the name of .Mr. E; Corbett, Who "Come and look at ma," said ',1-, .
briefly respanded, a.od said that his bust- and he accompinned me to my pen. '
farina% that be might almOitt_ IX; caraider-
pee:Mafia to say Mitt die ptga •you Bold Dy reason of its AlteratiVe groperties, cures Diseases of
A iscovery
ed rnembea of the agricultural • fraternity. the mood and Skin, fib Serofula or King's v I
-that had •been-maclean-Canadarbothiir-
haaal----0 al, de; the -same-stock- and breeliaL-----
me are of •tae same breed." a • .
pilTpigetie Int
When he looked baok upea the progress
„ _ cures 13roneltial; Throat and Luni?ruptlras llyvi)-tuo 61 to :Ajcpaetionslittelisnent
own and • other 'manufactures, he was • " Why • you mast take •the to bs,. Consumption; Lingering ; and Chronic LerY11-
nose was so blebiled with his friends the- .4 Now," said he, exentedlyaa" d°- .Y914 --•GOLDEN BIEDW D" —
sinfost lost in• wonder it Wat3 Alillo8t be ignoi Efams. . dome over and see thein, gams. Its elaalagiagee properirs Tinley it an unequal-
'1' 11 1 8 or we ' I r
gond calculation. He then ap?ke upon and peal find them as mean, ra wbonedi &alit Ve. and lit);:k3= 'Prepgti:marICepirt..:ZI
the subject of th.e growth of woe' Egad rts • fifemriv f, I cur ng gestIon, Loss of Appetite, and
manufacture; and aloo upon.the necessity • • a • a o yon ever
9.8 1 i lous i I I
4 Dystateepsia,
. eaes on, and. rsball . eicpec,t :you to re-. I . When the skin le salletv-and'ekiVeted with bloteltee
numb and.inoie in. demand. . He thee ask- .fana my • MoneY.' • .:
1, ' ! 1)171 taafrtoeci:tiliolaneve, r.astfe:0:octotile08:::(81:11:101:1yeedilicoaNlD;i•eboyoewr?ny
mi much clotted. wo011arought to merket, in December, in a pen *neve the • Mild
i with. hot flushesi, lew spirits and gloomy loreborEtt,em,
of which Waa that some far/afire. did not. their, food. (Cern i the ) . • th'
n e eat !vita rowni ,. irregular appetite, and tongueleoated,.you are suffering'
Alp 'Own early eneugh but eetenittea a nd Ai)
shelter' the had as a. 21""' 1"1" l'rtvF' " Bill°45'ness. Iti many eases et.
of growing atter wool, which was beaoreing ' •• , and tanplee, or Where there aro serofulope swellings
ed the centation how it was that. there woe, : went with:him end found his hogs, ; effect an entire cure. If you feel dull, drown d
and give his opinion as to the comma, one •Wrie eighteen inches deep, in svhieh Vona/ tentatigYait=tolegie Zeirarinessa
a eonly 1 Ver C.0)11pia , only part of these eymptotils al3pear•
aecoud growth. Auotlier was that the
• *
Ever shown in Clinton, Cotie and be convinced, by an examination of the stook.a
poets, ./31egraphieti, Histories, sand Miseellaneoue Books of ever? -deseraitien, eiegMat
• binding, just the thang for aieseptatiou. • 7
13Isras'-Pooket, Pew, Family, and. the new Teachers' Vine, with Judea and Concordance
equal to Bagsteas, and at half the prica.....,Psayea Books and Churela.Seraioesaelegantla •
bound in Gold, Platinum and Heal Morocco.. , • -
"ALBUMS, am-Photogtaph Albumia for Cards and Cabinets, bound in laairoceo; Wood,
Peaal Tatiera-Mnibia; Also, the elegant new EASEL ALBUM. Autograph Albums,'
$orrip Books', Mark Twaina,Sorap. Book, Ariunican'Floral •AIbuin. • • •
HandsOme Inkstands, GolcaPen•GolcIPancils, Paper Knives, ,yritina basks, Portfolios,
Pocket Books, Ladies. Work Boxes, Games in endless' varioty.
Glove and alan.akerchief Sete train $1 to $15, niapiestioaalaly the Oiliest ever shown in -town...-
Silver Card Baskets; ,Jewel Cases, and Card (ass, new patterns and very cheap.
BOHEMIAN GLASSWARE, in Vases ;aid 'Elegant Cologne Sate, it half price charged
4ote Paper and Enielopes, in fancy boxes; a splendid assortment, from 20 ate. to 43 each.
Christmas and New Year's Cards, very fine assortateut.
Silk Bookmarks, Mottoes and Motte.Frames. Stereoscopes and View
• . • .
• Also, just reoeived, a 'ane.lot of the new cELLITLOID CORAL JEWELLEItYa especially,
for the Chaistnias trade. . ••_
'But come and see for Yourselves. Even the AretoEra. iteteu swan to enumerate all theleau-
.. tifillgoeds suitable for Holiday Gifts.. So call, and you be shown eVerything,
' As sucil, A OHIFIISTMAS. .
TREE will be prepared 'for the Little Folks, whith
Dollars;_and ONLY T13N ,CENTS A TibKET. _ . ., , „... ., . . _ ___.....
Will be loaded with "Xoye and Fancy Articles, ranging in value, from Ten Cents• to Three
___, -- ---- -
To save time I have •introduced a aew FEATURE, and during tbe Holiday season will con-
vert one complete aide Of my slop into A DOLLAR STORE, andaferalre.atim of
(Me boiler, my customers May Belot ataything•tharefreas, without the trouble of inquiring*
prim:of-As there will_be-good,-eaooda, worth double . that figure, the discerning ones
can secure good bargains. • . •
. • . • - . • . . , . .
_ • • , , S E 'IMO' apartment . was a few poles lat ( Aw a remedy for all sue! eases Dr Pierce's 6rOlden. I). -- ..
01\T"r mo.A.'-±"... " .ri" •.- a. ...A.r.... T_.. -L9-1\TtIrs4 . T1.. '104.t -I'77 '
took was retawect too lows on the - 'e o , .. ,, , ., . . ) , ,
I Medical Discovery has tie cepa!, as it effects perfect ' . - . • . . C4 - - . . - - •- . • --'- - -- -- .---- - - -
111.1m1 wIcE.1.- irowt cha-0„.. He th,„„kti- w.i.s -a01•084----ozio-dirtl-,of '-theanneleattre" rover , mires,. leaving Die liver strengthened nee healthy.
.0 .. . .
quite as iirtpertent to eriake.a.thaneta'an.
stock as it WAS tO a elianga seeis. A.fter
' • •
which' a le w boards •were laid kiorizon-
tally, so titetstlie rains kept the swiire
(trenched in wet weather, Net a •para
ticle of straw vats ;given them -as-a bed, aa,„
and X. torned tt way, 'wandering which 40'V* diVaallar011ar
had tbe. Most .common sepse, the hogs
br their..owner. • • ,
• a Neighbor," said might to 110 1
indicted, air cruelty to animals. Can it
'be possible that you don't know any
better than, to treatr your pigs in this r
• , ,
P P YylL1,4
. sign Of the Big Book; opiddite'A, S. Fisher's .Dry Geode Sterea
.aafew :gensaal rereatha upon. the aclvance• -
naitiamade inanufacturea Cited the' gene;
. •
• • • a ,
amidst the loud' tipalemse of the a tnipatiy.
CLINTOlaa Dec. 20, 1877.-
ral trade of -the country, he took :his seat
Mn. Waal>, Of the Farmer's. Advocate,
then follbaed, with a 'brief address upon
agalculture-athe 'Modena:lien and the sale
that had taken ,pitica •tlitit day, which he
thought had beenverycliacottraging to the
breederfc, but had not been a failure. He
thought farmers had -Massed oppottunitieg
'of 'Captaining fine stock tit• very Moderate,
pricee, iyhich he thought Would never bo.
presented theta again, . He urged them tn.
pesh the sale along and keep it' op, for it
would succeed in 'future, just as other
Aldus" have done. He then briefly apoke
upon the snbaiet of dairying,. and upon thc.
mapufacture olearnargerine, whichwas
Worth more than a great deal.of the 'but-
ter that wag made in Canaia, He advo-
cAted the establishment of butter factOries,
• whica turned ota ati article that was worth
far More thee was made at private dairies.
He then briefly spoke of his visit to Mithi.
gan, for the purpose of aeeing what Was
done ie. the way ofaarfning in other places,
anal he tholight they lied „brought agricula
Oral mealtimes to greeter perfeetien there
than in this conntry, • Hifiliought Onia.;
rio farmers should More thoroughly turn
their attentiop to stock breeding, delaying
arid fruit raising,. as more money, he bc--
lived, would be made at- these depaita
amine cif farining,,
. Masan. HOLMES and ,A,x,taiNr briefly re -
*Vended to. the Iowa of the "Press," the
latter vaying.that he was glad to see so
meaty gathered it this " feast' of rtaagon
'and flo* of soul," and then spoke of the.
nicessitar of being well educated to be a
suecessful fernier, and of the linportance
of returning, to the soil' the virtue that
Was taketa ont of it by, coestalt cropping,
if they hoped to ninon it in its original
He than briefly spoke bf the
benefits that he hoped *mild fie* from
the stock sale they had wietiessed that. day._
• Air. Weld made a .proposition for the
ealablishment of • an inetitation for .the
gaowth of seeds and the irosproveniont of
stock, and altered to invest $2',500
in it. •
Mr. gave The rt-Olnairs,
of the }LB. A. Saliciety " responded to by
Mr. Andrews, who' aaid that the- directors,
of the society had • spared neither pains
nor expense- to make the society ad mica
eessful as possible, •
Messrs, Z. Aksokt,. S. MOOTita, and
Beactiar, also briefly reapooded, the
latter relying that he greatly regretted to
gee to ninth ane scock brotight here and
so little retained. '
Mr, II. Love gave " the health et -Mr.
Redrawn," the initiatot•..of the sale that
had taken plods that dor" It
altc, fl000goar briefly responfied, and
said although the gale had not been as atm-
-neasfu tie it WM-anticipated, yet it had
aiieff them .such encooragemettatbat they
intendedlil'ill it agaia.
, A flambee of voluntary toast were then
given, one of which wall, "The health of
pnrchasers of stock thit day," *haat was
responded 'to by gr., O. Dale, who said lie
W18 glad teatiee tech a large gathering of
gentlemen in Clinton, and such OilS idDekj
and he was glad to be A puachaser of one
maiund which he tilt:eight to bo very good.
Ho theu gave a felt obaeraatianis on the
subject of agrietiltnie; and showed hew
important it was to keep tip the fertility
Vic aina*Ii •
ay a. In the first placelhea Itee,half- ',Purely Vegetable: No care'regniren
starVedi as one-halfthe corn fed to them while itailV Ulm.
is 108t,in the Mad, and the'other half is The . 'fi Little Giant" •Cathartic, or MULTUM • I,
eaten! with so much filth that it boaely Tatr liPuMCSICI, Eledreely larger than nmetard scale,
a it gar -coated. They retneve the neceesity of
keeps. life within thein. You should
taking the groat, crudo, drastic!, sickening pills, hereto-
, forces notch in tole.
lay a plank floor over the 'entire eneaos- • As a remedy for headache, Dizzine s, hush of Dlood
to the Ilead,'Tightness about the Cheat, Bad Taste in
ure ;, then •you'. should build a" a,arth mount, Etnetations front the Stonnieli,Didous attacks
sleeping apt tment, -vvith dellin,cale roof, aattneiaa Pain in the Kidneys highly -colored Urine,
. .. ---....-.---,
and then feed your hogs on cooked food [Ina Irnal F8VEITDI -Eg urp
u4o41ly1 but 'ne.ver on eorn m the ear:
,Cora ' niettl may dOo but it paysr-Well to
it Get a frtroacs kettle that.
holds from -forty to sixty gallons set it
in bri .1ra and mortar in an ont'-honse
whet.° there ig a chimney, or build one
.if you have florin, and then mix Indian
meal with riotatoei, carrots, parsnips or
beak atici ceok all together, giving the
feed warm as often au you tan con,veni-
ently-all they Will eat to those you
473 faltentng (thi-Others.keep separate)
;7:And, after following my:advice Knr a
season, Jeimmo' to ine and report the re-,.
suit. .
s. unsurp-----------------------------
that their action is unirsal, not gland escaing
their sanitary improve. gge doen not bupair the prop.
(miles of those Pellets. They are sugar-coated and in.
closed in glass bettlee, their Virtuetthelng thereby pro.
serVtal unimpaired for any length uf time, so that they
'are always freeh and- reliable. Thin is noti the ease
adtli *these pills 'Which are put up In cheap, wooden or
pasteboard' boxes. The daily no of two Pellets bo
cured the meet obstbm to eases of Sexottila, Tel -tett Salt.
rhettm,Erysipelas; Belle, Inotelles, Pimples, a oreEyee,
and Eruptions. 'they are however, recommended to
be taken liveouneetion call the (folder' Medial Ins,
downy, lit order to soeure the best resulte.
did not happen to see thfit man till
.the next fall at the annual fair, where I
found him with a group of farmers -ad-
miring' 1301n0 line hogs that they said
had taken the fist premium "Whoge
are they 1" 1 asked, "hey ate tnine,
from the stook 1 bought �f you," replied
.11,r neigbboi, . "1 did as you.
directed and 1 am satisfied now that
the pigs 'yott sold me were the pure
breed, ju as arm represented
The moral of thicresult is, that it
pays well to tithe eare''..of all animals, to
risvitle 'coinforrable eitiarters for theiii,
to- give them plenty of straw for their
becle, ankt to feed them in a rational
, • -
RxistAtnett is (initiate or
year for pntiemonia, long fever, coughs*
colds, and fatal results of predisposition
to consumptionaod other throat and
lung diseases„--. llosonExes GhlaIrA)I
SYRUP has been used in this neighbor;
hood for the past two or throe years,
without a single failure trkeure. If you
have not •ueed this medicine yottrself,
go to your dinggist,-and ask him eg its
wondarful woes among his easterners.
Three doses will relieve the worat ease.
Buy a SAID pit) of 130SOIMIE.°S. GEMMAN
SYRUP for 10 antis, and try it. gegu.
kir -Size 7 CROW, DOD% neglect It tough
to save 75 dente,
. .
Texas paper says that it man with
he other helpthan two well-trained
dogs, drovo 4,000 sheep across the ton.
tinent, and in addition. drove a team.
wOrldtg ,fliapellIgar)
' The remedial niumagersent of thus° ylieenses peculiar '
to worilCiti has afforded a large experience atthe World's
Diepcneary, of -which Dr. Pierre iv the chief consulting
physician, in ndapting remedies for their cure. 'Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the reenit of this ex-
tended oxperionee, and has 'become justly oelebrated
for its Many and remarkable mita of all therm chronie
;Mulattos and . *
Weakness peenliar . fo Feina es
. , . .... _
r40 arosortielou is a Pitwerfiil-Ile-fitorative Tonic
to the entire systole. It is a nerving, of titieurpneeed
efficacy* and, -while it (pilots nervous irritation, It
tanniethour the enfeebled mavens. r„astozia thereby re,
storing it ES healthful vigite... The following ' (Menges
aro neumg Aimee In which the Favorite, Prtseription
hits ivorkoil waste•ourataviza Letteorrigra, or "Whites,"
Egeesatvc Plowlne, painful atettatturatea,' Unnatural
Ffilppreaaleilay IVesk Da*, Drolapens, or tailing of the_
terns; Anteii erinen, itoiroversion, Dearing -down Sen.
Hatton, Chronic. Congeetion, Ina am ation and tile oration
of the Uterus, Internal neat, Nervous Depression, De-
bility, Despondency and very many other clonie di.
seism peculiar to women, but net mentioned here.
The following- ladies aro a tow of the many Duni.
011,111:18 V110 eau testify to the Milan* of Dr. Pierco'n Fa-
vorite Prescription, front experleneeand observation:
Mrs. Cornelia. A.ilisen, reosta, rows; mrs. Then. J'.
Met ftvin, hateher's Station, On.i Mrs. T. A. Seymour,
Dome, N. y.4. Mrs. F. lIfiswiek, Versailles Mao," lira
Leroy Putnana,North Wharton, Va..; ItlreAtury a. int
twit, kitting, Mo.; Arre. Mary A.• Fright°, talcum), Pa ;
hits, D. L OM. ClillPeothe, 011ie; Mrs; harriet E. 16•1 -
lone, VVest Suringlield, Pa.; Mrs. Ir. Inatt, Propori ,
itam.t. mise.Loniso Pratt* Dodgeville, Matas,; Mrs. t.,.
osshista, Nerainaarc•; Itfre 0, Allison, Preetor, Tow t;
tgg /ertli :Froward Street, Baltimore, kW., Mrs, r.. oa
Mrs. it N..Vernon. Rt. Thomas, Ont.;3Irs, S. O. kror ti,
Callinan, Parnenilile, Older laro. Ilaao MoNabOtr
Sofforsan, Iowa; Mrs. L. G. Stointod, FrIendehip, Not.;
miss plien Cady, Westfield, N.Y.; Mrs. A..aniana, Ve-
rona, ht It.; trio. B. N. nooks, Grand Rigids, Iltrelm,
Mrs. V. H. Webb, Wathrtown, N.V. Thousands of re-
terenpes eon bo von 0 tile Vforld's Dispornittry. ,
The People's Medical Servant.
1(1(01 V. Pierce is the sole proprietor and tnaimirita.
truer of the foregoing remedies, all of Which are sold
by druggints.. he hi also the &labor or the.reoplo's
Common aenso Medial) Adviseri a work of nearly one
thousand gages, with tge hundred OA aightrtw.0,...
wood.ongravinga stsf colotedirlatoa., Bo has already
sold 0.! tilts popOlas work
ea)- OVER 100,000 COPIES .011
• Price,-(aostpold)Stlie, . .
AIDDittia, ,
Most complete and best furnished country office
in Canada.
Having recently added Steam; Power, two New Presses, raid it 'urge.. amount of
Type, to our previously extensive assortmenkand increased our facilities hy the
creation of a separate Job Iloont, We are in a' better position than over before, to
• exeCute promptly, and on the most reasonable terms, any description or
IR,..1:-.19"s' 97 I .1
Cour improvements liaVe been tkIttd0 a•very heavy outlay, and 'we trust the
business men of Clinton An,a vicinity will extend t as such mt liberal assistaxieo
-" AS will show thit our oiterprise is _appreciated.
Cori had see Saniglieci* arid tOt Prieesfr and be convinced that you gun get any viesertation
• �t Printing, done In firist.cloon etyleo At tke verv lawest rarco. •
x-xcxt,%4213443 5ec..1q, •