The Clinton New Era, 1878-03-14, Page 411,T1.1. THE CLINTON' N'U'W ERA. MAll-611. 14, 1878, • stmonweisomporammouranmoorompoursorpro NEW A DVERTISEMENTS. Sophie Miles, Neteee_Iiodgins Pey, Cow for Sale—H. %gem, I.Vantecl----Mrs.J.Ransford, Ceder Posts—J. Braithwaite. Seed Wheet -ektines MeileTairn, Publie Meetinge4-W. C. Searle. To Builders—James Braithwaite. • Insolvent.Sale E, Robertson. Retirement—Meneies •& Whiting. Hareeee, trenks, &c,—J, 0. Miller. 0)pieo of to.day's 4Terf Rau awl tho' Book 114Oru of MORBPS. Jos, A. XIIM, ft114 .j. A. Relies Albert Street. rriee dents- vor.00m, • • • • (tiittton tw 9s.FiciAL PARO]? TE 4:313UNTY: 878: iiTATES SALT TRADE.It would atm* appear that every interest in the United Stetee was .ma - paged by shaipers, for there is searee.ly. any fitinneial olierattonmeetionennhe .newepepers of that. country. but. we .find there is a ring coeneCtion with it. This mode of -doing business has almost' totally deetroyed buisineee. integrity, and, it is now rib useloe A. Manta attempt. to earry ontousiness.witheut he is with-. in someeharmed , The prineiple maulers from" tliie 'state. of '.things Are. -he farmer§ and the'Oet bodyne Opera- • .ivee and.laborets, And it is no. .,wonder that they are • a loud mitcry egeinst the cobriddriatiens e„periele, ufit . . • sing to countereat the injustice. . New York a moVenient is heing made' to-bipakthe shackles that .have been put upon the foreign: salt ' beide, Which was done for the benefit Of 'a,•feve lecturers in :the -neighborhood , of Syri- CU.SO: It appears that they Wer0 not . s-itisfied with enjoying a protection of -eigla Cents per 100 lbee but must -get the Erie Canal Comreissioners •to put Cid exceptionally' high toll, of $1.85 per ton on .salt, thus still.. farther. leveeing if he had the opportunity ef Carrying out lets policy the Province would have cause for setisfaction that a change had been thade." As it is likety the Howie wilt be dis- solved almost iinmediately, Arid the dies position of the whole matter pieced in the hands of the people, ive see no rea- son for any one to become excited about it, and herete the Limit.Governmeet' s he Lad done someWeems crint6, If they '04e to attempt to carry en the governmeut for many months without an appeal to the people, then there would be ielason to comelein, end talk of -impeachment, but as it is, and, the course that the Lieut. Geyeenor and Ids , . . new 'Cabiuet are likely 0.'.pursue„ we have .no tears bee what the wishes of the people will*, earried-out, and •that. respensilele. government iI1 have n� -violence clone to ie . • The charge that the Ottawa Govern- ment have had embething" to do wit the crisis is pure fiction; for it could dee I WA gatel,•wiehmit, theelateegoveame merit had so ulana,ged matters, that they' had lost the confidence of the people ; otherwise the interference of the Ottewa Government (if there had been such) *mild erilY have created sympathy, atidthey would have been returned with a 'bigger majority than they had before: . • TUE EASTERN ,quEsTxoN. • There. is actually nothing being' done: at'pre,sent relation to the settleieent :of:the :Eastern.Qieistion, nor.is it lit all "likely till the ,forthcomir.e ie Conference • Whenleyeeythine'will be brOught before that body. fee a final, settlement ' • nrO tO jefer- from the active operations going on in ,Ek,dand, in. the wey of preparatiees.fer. war,. we sheuld not ..eterrie, to, the •e0noluSiOn that the tiglish government hail much faith the-poeferenee -to bring 'about 'a -peeve - Able' settlement 'of -the cliffieulties. • At present .there ..i.§. nothing' else' to) he .• done than aeeept • the pacifyiee. speeches -of the Ozer, ,end wait patientll for the veidict.el the confeirence; hoping' that it may .be peaceful one: ..• 4,.. , 411tLIAIII*NT. ' • • • •T. he Dominion, Perliament has now . • been .o'ver nionth in 'session/ and coin- peiatively. little. prantioal 'business Iia ben do, 'nearly the whcife time. liaie ing been, taken up in .speeeii inakine, and nearly. the whole • buyclen 'of 'these speeches has been the .subject •peotec- time for ' or against. . The eniejoidty.;:eif the: Conservetives diecuss it as if • there Were :no Principlee connected. •with it, lent:was a mere matter ,Of peliticel. ex- fedience, and now taken Up as a . good move 'for ,their party. • We would :be glint if.eVery voter had the opportunity iideilotrld errileall the iiPeeehe, for the argernente' of profeethinigts ake,really as, convincing to any one Who "can 'draw a lOgiCal conclusiOn of the soutniness of free trede, or re-venuetakiff, as those. ef the out and Out free trade. • The dif- . noulty meet., people .ise. that they have not..., schooled themeelVes to. the practice of folloWing out 'their own lino of argument, but niake unproven as- sertion intfa.vor of their own ideas, mid. think that others should accept it with ilia same credulity they del -themselves. In the course pf • the debate Sir John • A. Mitedonald moved. the following reso- laion, which iaptit as the policy of the 'Opposition; het definitely, .what 'kind 7of poliei it is imposiible to tellform this eonglomerate mess of Untrue assertions. It is really surprising that a man :of his position And stendina thotild pen, seal a- paragraph and permit it to b.e placed on record to be 'laughed • et:by every one -of eone mon sense There is otie good thing about iteand that iti it is utterly harmless, for if oven hie :party should come into power the teso- • lution does riot bind them to any differ- eittepolieyethen theeeneenoeventicitingt The movement in New York is not .prompted from :my desirato favor Wss- . if:ITT-consumers, but .for the benefit Of their.Shipping internst, for it wee found, the English salt _that. was • Used in the *est avoided 'the Erie .Canal• route; and consequently wasAent from Liver- -pool to _either Reeton, PeirtBaltieeees rnoi e, Philadelphia, ,New e:Or any °thee pert than Se* ;York, which would have ,been the 'theapest route if it - had not been for. the obStructivo. toll charged for the benefit .cof the Onondaga salt interest. It will' ever be'the cage that if lawS are made for the' especial benefit of any clues interest, that interest will .be like the leech, ever crying, ." give, give I" Lee our peopie.study the principles that govern trade and eon -melte, and if' do so, they will op eeverything that • • would favor one claseatthe eicpcinse of are, • . • , • other., . , • IT the dety_sei'salt-'gbing to the Ilia: od States is removed, which is 'Very probable, the works here will receive a, great etimulus and meet likely Worked to their utmost capacity'. , POLIVICAL.CRISIS QUEBE(.1. Political matters' in the province of Quebec still occupy a good deal of the attention of the people pf Ontario,: es. pecially the Conservative-. newspapers, although it hi of very 1ittIepiit to the people of this proyincer Mie Joly has succeeded' in forming a. minhstry, several of whom ever'e already members of the House,, and as they lose their seats by the acceptance of a portfolio, they „Meet haye considerable confideriee in the justice of their position and that the people would uphold. them in it. That the late- Government was not managing the affairs of the provinte in the interest of the ;people'is fully eel - dent, as will be, seen from the following extract, taken from an, article in. the Montreal Star, nominally Independent, but with 'conservative kanings "It may be safely Presumed that under no conceivable eireurnetinices could his (3oles) admitistretion bele) bad and unworthy of iniblic respect as -that of -Mr, DeBoucherville, while there are very good reasonsfor thinking that ,*OVI stIFVERING 1NOtIA1tIEV) Tile expression thet heads this article, has been made to de such service in Canada, in the way of aiding politicians, that persons not • itegimiated with the feats, or little given to iavestigation, have begun to look upon it • as: true, .Foreoter pwn pare we have' never- been able to see where the industriegeof Ca- nada have suffered any. more than the industries Of other countries, pr in_fact as much, and our. intimate acquaintance :with Apanyjeacling, manufacturers' given us opportunities of confirming' thishOlief. • ,,The prInciple of protection, bearing 4fireet1y :upon thisepoints is one. that we kno* would only naake matters .ecerse,. itietead f hetter„ ifaopted for this country, the statement of "eitumne. ing politicians" to the contrary notwith- standing. in the. course' of a very able speech. in' the HeuseeoiFrida7 eveningMr. Charlton entered . At length into the matter el protection, • and for the pine pose of finding but really how. leane- feature's) stood, be had previonsly issued. cireitiere to a number of them; asking forInformation as to their capital, pro- fits, &e., and the anewers he .reeeivecl were -very setisliktory indeed: We make an ext'ract from Ids speech below, to show the true state of affairs, and it etele hoped thak. all, be they .cenee.e. exporting to ,Australin:, Great Britain, and theUnited Sw Fatea; anted no more protec, times Next from e mainditeturer of knit geode: was holding bis Oro; thought others in the same hoe in about the same way. Another agektilteral implemeot ma,nufac, turer reported trade routhethe Same as in former years ; seeking to extend it in the Lower Previiieee.eand eeniptelnesLal diffi- enity in sending goods and 0 American competition ; had no•faith in Conservative protection. The Wee t letter !vas fromJas. Noxon, of Inuersoll, Pra esident the Nolt. on Bi•others 00111MY (ag. riaultural implement%) This gentleman yeports lest..yeerea.,,nreefit tweeey-eighe per ient, • . , After the' eea\cling of these letters, whieleelicitederneesh oheeringeerle_ ,MreCh ton Went On to slay, •• It might safely be said geherally that thethrnadian menufecturees- Were as pros- perous as three) of aey other country in the' world. To reseme, of. those twenty-one . establishments -MX reported, diviclende of- twerity.per Cent. and tipa arda ; IWO:report- ed ten per crept:: two that tlieir profits Were scitisfactUry, and tr'oin what he knew of them lie believed they exceeded twenty per cent.- One 'reported profits, nmeh the• same aa in former years, six profits at from- _fi to 8 per bent,,prO.profits_reducestas cein%, pared wltlaurtnin; years, aaAviro only no dividend He had a statement of the busi- ness of forty eigbt manufacturing firms in New•--Ruglund-laaVyear; and was happy to jay that the exhibit of. the Canadian firm& wai much- More satisfactory, The New • nglitild firms represented a capitalof ;$52,- 320,000. Sixteen reperteci lost year no lese-than six per 'eent,, eight six per canto', and. but 'seven. ten per cent., and upWarffs, What a contrast. I The Ca- nadian manufaCturers were' highlrprosper- eusoompared with thofie.of New England. He had furnished suiliCient satisfactory proof that his aesertien•as to the soperior con d Woe Of oer manufacturers and'artisans valise' or Reformer, will be hcinest Was correct.. He repeated, also; thet. the Orieingli to lay aside any ferthee "" Pre.- 'distress here had been less and, also the depreesioe than in the United,States, Eteg- teetion" viewsthey mey enterteite:— . deed, and Russia:" • ' . . • PENCIT-L_P.PPIT$. • , _ • • • Tni removal' ef .the Coenty -Sat of :ninth to "Oiriton -vvoula be a step the right: clieeetion..--Parkhgt ,Gazeyee 'Your head is level now. •. - With rewird to the state of ear industries, he' had some remarks' to Make.' • At this 'moment, and ler the.last four years, there was less depression and distress iii CU.fia.ffa• • than in the States, enjoying all the benefits of proteatiOn. . Lees also'than in England, .firitt INK that tkepia.and,Paraclise ef-protec- tie)), "Russia. We 'were singularly forth, nate in,this respect as compared with the • neighbering•nations. ' He had correspond- ed with a great • many .manufacturers in .Canacia"Hince..the opening of Parliament, irrespective of their polities, with respect to- the _condition of Wolfe hide:Aries:- .fle had received answers froni a' great inieiy, fortning: a very satisfactory mass . of evi- dance as to:the .condition of ' our niannfac-: •turett. Faun one extensive cotton mill in the West canie inform:1;0cm that last year it had earned ten per cent. • He had' twe., letters on ' this enbject, 'one Of a terra 're- specting .Which hi* corresPendent stated that,he Matte no dividend last year. He- .liact another letter; stating that the firm it . spoke for.earned ten per cent, but no dend was deClarod, the. revenue•beingtpass-• ed to capital secount to Imy, :inaehinery; and orders w,ere coming in faster than they could stipply themi", • The next letter Was. from au extensive maitufaetniy, with a capi- tal .0t 18O,000.;$grosdprofite last year, , ten per dont. ; prespeets of present year 'en- eoniaging, • His next letter was from an exeenslye fonnder, with a capital 60180,-. 000, who had made no profits °nth° fixed capital last year in consequence of a great - many bad debts ; report beide' coinpetition too keen, and business already overdone ; 1 that the.protectiori-he had enjoyed had ac- tually stimulated this industry,. which was therefore. overdone. The nett I lei ws I from an exteneiveevioollen mant. actory ; they reported that the depression had af- feeted their business unfavorably, and that there e was no prospect Of immediate -iin- provement ; profits mi eepital lagt yearsix per cent. He (Mr. ()beaten) had noticed the remarkable fact that fhen our menu- . lecturers earned no higher tha.n a medium rate Of Interest they thought thsir affairs in a ruinous condition. A repoyt. fretn a • " That the Speaker do leave the ehair, but that it be resolved that this House is of opinion that the welfare of Canada requires the adoption of a national po- licy which, by a judicious re -adjustment of-the-tariffe-willeheneat and foster the agekultural, the mining, thiiiiilfLii turing, and other interests (if the Do rainioni That ouch a policy Will retain in Canada thousands of Mir felloev-coun trymen now obliged to expatriate theni selvee in searelt of employment denied them at bome--will restore proepetity to our struggling industries, now se sadly depreased-,-will preveni.t Canada from being made a saerifice market— will eneourage and devote') • an :active inter.,Provincial trade—and moving (as it ought to do) in, the direction of red- procity of tariffs with ,Our neighbOrs, SO far as the varied interests of Canada may demand will greatly tend to pro,. cure for this country eventually a reel, pro:icily, of trade,", hoisery establishment, in the West,ffeelared too much home competition and business overdone; the writer believed a revenue tariff the true policy ; profits last year six per cent., very much cut down by bad debts; proapeeta the present year fair t� god. managers of all snob enterteininents in. future, that tlaev send • complimentary tiekets to this office, if they have a de- sire to see, a report in the paper. If„we receive no tickets, we shall, if we think plioper, write ao report Aleut' such infor- matien as we may be Able to obtain, and shall not accept a report from any person unless we request it. , OTTAWA Topics. —On Saturday last Sir John Macdon- ald told asepporter of bis that be and Tupper should certainly be eancli.; dates for the constitemicies they now PindertaijT that at the 'recent Opposttioti 'Milieus, in • Ottawa,- it, was definitely- deeidedete •feet, a thaege in the leatte,rshite Ofbhe party before the generel elections, • - . ee-Sitysn borrespondOnFiL-4It is quite evident the Opposition are doing their' utmost to retard bnsiness. In the Pub-, lie ..keeounts'ecurrmittee.,-Orr'Tsoncething- being said that it was thisirable to bring the,session to a elose as soon as possible, _Mie,Mitehelleepoltelipecuidesiiid.‘'.Npre you. don't; you won't have so short a session as yo e think." 'It' is now stated that the Opposition ha -v� elecided te keep Parliament sitting lour menitts, one of which ended on Thursday." --eAn Ottavla correspondent writes as follows :—It is stilted that. Tom Daly •was. nominated 14 :the Veneervatives NorthePerth simply.because he told them -that he would run eilyeetty, mbether, hci ,was chosen -to do so or riot. - Mr. Mon- teith denies that,lie will:withdraw from the Ridine. And feels -Very bitter atthe attempt to throw hine overboard. and resist it, ' Mr. Daly's baek=clown in. Centre Torento several years age, when he Wee brought out by the-Leaf/0 against .John Maecionald, will aot he for- • gotten, and it is not amlikely he" will, again proye a fizzle. ' TRE • CODSOrVatiVOS of .Lennox have selected 'the Hon. W.; Macdougall as their eandidate to oppose Hon. R. Cart- wright; tit.the next eleCtien: = The Hon. • William" has it with so many disap- pointments in this life, that he will be somewhat prep:tett .for the 'disaPpoint,' nient in store ler hire if ICC -Consents to run in that Constituency: ; „ . • . ConeEeemenENe of the London Free, makes the following very pertinent , retuark, end one Which shotild beeret,9' in.mind by all.,concernecle--- The next communication was from an ex- tensive foundry. Trade last year very good; profits eight per cent. ; did not .anticipate any great increase, of profit a i'ViEyear, so frorn,perhaps the most 'extensive seviing machine teetory in the Dominion. Small improvement:4 so far in 1878 ; not running full time '; had"tO be satisfied with interest on investments.; waut reoiprocity. From an exten si ve m an u fact 1.1 ter of carriagegoods: Business fairly remunotoative last year ; presets of increased business this. year ; wohld like a duty of twenty per cent. From the most extensile concern in .the West : 'Hardly an great profits last year as might have been realized on capital by -loaning on notes and mertgages. From an agricultural implement manuffitturer : re- ports last ten months' business very good, exportieg to Great Britain, Germany, Alia- 1r/dirt:an. ,41.Africa,. satewing_machine manufactuter toeing three -tot -tabs time, profits last year reduced, want free trade in brass, iron, and other raw inateeiale. From a veil, ettetisive iniplernent manufae- turer iii the West: did a larger and more profitable buainees than ever before, ex - peen: to increase it this year; profits aatist fatitoeyeevauted no more protection ; dutiea more proteetive now than in I 809-7071, and. '72. Prom a large foundry in the West : business improving ; profits list year 20 per cent, : too much home eetnpe- tition. Another letter from an agricultural implement manufeettiree in the %Vest : ma- king every year 1,500 reapers, businets'ine (*easing, profite lad year 23 per cant, ; move -protection wonld damage buaineale Another western manufacturer wrote busi- ness increasing rapidly, exporting 400 Ma- chines: profits last year 20 per cent, ses • • • " It' might not be amiss to suggest that places dedicated to the worship of God tire not the most appeopriate for - either concerts,. lectures .or total absti- nence meetings." ItEeEnnizeet to. Mr. Barthe's new In- solvent Act, mew before the Howie, the 'Mentreal Star makes" the following. per- tinent remark e. The law sbOtild provide that all inset; vents pay at 'least 75 per 'sent. of their debts, and that Until they do so it would be unlawful for. them to enterinto busi- ness. This would have a salutaryeeffeot in tnaking tradet's more ealefful. WE don't expect our Conservative friends to pay us -for the insertion of the following advertisement, but Will pub- lish it for the benefit of that elan of our readers who are interested in the gath- ering, and that they may govern -them- selves accordingly' A Special Meeting of the Libeeal (Jon- servative Association of the South Ride lug pf Huron will he herd in Brueefield, on Thursday, March 21st., at Twelve O'Clock, Noon; for the purpose of se- lecting candidates for the, next elections for the House of Commons and Legisla- tive Assembly of Ontario. • To -day a sovereign rules by the grace of the people, whose choice he J,. and by means of the support which the Throne acquires from the consent of the governed, as illustrated by the ac- tion of their parliementary repreeenta- tins. .e • • We clip the above front the London -Pro Pros, being-- part of an antelt- on the Quebec ministerial crisis, which smacks soMewhat of repub1ic:1,111.0o, and notealtogether in keeping With its pro- fessed *Conservative principles, We' think tVe time has arrived when that paper, at least, should change its Political cognomen, ,and dub itself a "Democrat," and go in, for an electiVe Governor and upper 'house, and then it woad no long- er be sailing under false totem. In publishing the 'report of en enter- tainment, the Viciter Times of last week makes the lb -flaring praetical appendura, sales, 40 on eapttal. Ancither implement and one which will eqUallye apply to manufacturer expected; to do double the other plifees: -'1`lit above report has been handed to usbY a friend, with a request for its nitbikation. In thiginstance we cheer-; fully comply, but would Suggest to the —Saye' en Ottawa :correspondent :•-• Notwithstanding the sneers from. the .organs Atethe -statement-- that -Sir. John is to' eatiee from 'the ...leadership of the Conservative, party, the, beliefthet eueb is the fact is gredmilly gaining gyound, It is geld on Very good au thoeity that the private understanding 'o�tweenblrn- scif and the Other leadeye. is that every effort shall be maile. 'to restore him .to 'pewee, so 'that he -May be, as it were, ostensibly rehabilitated as 4o. his politi- eareheraCter and go to England and, as- sert his right, after bitter eepentaoate to be Worn in RS Privy' Cmincillor. Canadian News Itelnil• , Mr. 'Joseph Locke, el Matilda, recent- ly cat a tree evbielt contained 8,090 feet' of okay lumber. Voting en the Dunkin .Act in Hall- berton, on Saturday, resulted in a ma- jority of four in favor of the Act Wharfage has been seoured at itifefi, 1 treal for a new line of sterner § between diet city and Glasgow,' - Thirty-six failures wel'e reported in 1$V.:08:::54.01._d_nii,n,.g When:ivy: the. ties being $3,935,290e. end the, emote, -During-a party disturbance at Moo- treal, en Tuesdaynight, fire -arms were freelyelesedel Severa),. persons, were • °re or siees'n.-ireldrel held d :it Montreal 'on Tuesday night for the purpose Of pro- • uniting the emigratioe , of '411011100yea Warking,ruen to Manitoba, The Hamilton ,Police Magistrate has raised the fine for drunkenness to , 1 -hopingehretirieemelinee eh—deerease number while increasing the city funde. An Orange and Geeen riot took place ine-Montreal hist c4untlay night. • Two men were stabbed,but their wounds are not dangerous. Three arrests were melte. , , It is stated from Washington . that a Canadian saw-MillisTuffilling.a eontiedt on the Canadian Pacific railway.. by . • means of timber etble from American soil"; , • - One night last week. the house Of .Mio.. McGregor-' Kerwood; was entered and relieved ofa eodeiclerable sum of money, variouelyHneined from sik to fifteen ' -hundred dollars; ' • .. Horsemen in Hamilton are *ruled , at the seppeare.nce of the epizootic, a painful and dontagious disease, whirch made much havoc among the horses in this country some time, ago: • : _Mr. T.4; Xfulitete Reeve, of _ITshorne litte sold bis entire bore,-" Pride ofTlive ion?' to Messrs. Makin & Fisher, which theY,Peiekeee tra,volling Illinois during the corning Seeson, R. 'McDowell and wife, E. 'McDowell and wife, a lady friend, and J. Wilson, a1jof Waivanosli„ :took the etrain frcen Blyili stStion on Wednesday Morning, • . direct for Iowa, where they intend to settler —It ie not Often thatParliamentary'. •debateti are relieved by theexhibition of such. readywit. as that shown a- few evereinge age At Ottawa, duiug th P. e .. when Mr. Mitchell was boring the ffouse withe lone:speech on the subject of the expenses - of the GoVernot-general in Beitish Colunibia. Several slier') mi.: . countees had aireedy taken 'piece lee-' tween the speaker and other members, • and the 'member. for Northumberland was becoming ,somewhat testy: •After' one Or several interruptioni he called "Mit sharply ACIOSS' the floor: Who Was it that bra) �d and e the atewee, "It was only an echo," promptly given, was greeted with a buret of cheers and laughter, , • • ' business of 1877" this year,wanted no more protection ; profits on dapital laSt year not less than twenty por cent. From another implement manufacturer_in the_Weetebusie ness twenty pifr cord, greater than over be- fore, and rapidly inoteasing ; profits good; —Here is a speeimen of how thiuge go on 'at Ottawa :—Those of the Oppo- sition who -were not jumping up and down to interpose points of order =need themseivespelting each other with -paper wads. .A. huge fool's cap made of -color- ed paper was construoted by another of the patriots on. the Opposition benches and planted on the head of Robitailie, who serenely slept in his seat in. the Middle -of the War of Words ping on and the laughter of those who took advan- tage of his obliviousness to make a guy ofhitn, and yet these ithinud Antics, and hoe'ridiculousdisCusiions of . points 'of : order of the tweedleclune•and tWeedledee deticription lere• set forth in. the Oppo- sition organs as the noble, and patriotic efforts of the patty to resist the "op- pressions of' a tyrannical majority." e --Considerable amusement ,is created, by the joke diet the Conservative party in Ontario and Quebec is really managed by the politleal 'editors of the Toronto Mail and the 11Iontre4 Gazette. When the committees are in.session and efforts are being made to fish for, scandals im- plicating the Government; those gentle- men sit in the rear dello) room and pull the wires by sending notes containing -orderseandeinstruotions to. sueli .celebre, ties Its Plumb, Dotirville, "Angevin and Bowe% and these hop up and hob eround as the working wires are jerked. Tide was 'particularly made manifest last Thursolay, when the attempt was made t� imply Suspicion with regard to Mr,. Nixon, Purveyor to the Pacific Railway. No one seemed to have courage enough to:emelt° a charge, and it was hoped. Mr. Mackenzie 'would, therefore, refuse an investigation, 80 that a howl might be raised that he was afraid of some aloe - sures and. tOok advantage of. a predict) that, in this applkation, should have no more weight than a mere technicality. When the House f in Session, notes, Winks and nods are exchanged freely be- tiveiirlhose who sit on the Conservative benehes,Including Sir John and the Con- servative wine of the gallery Where these editors have atieped to themselves seats so that they may with more ease overseo. the' party, . and watch the' executions , of their ordeta, .10e. Recently$2,000, pf book :debts be- longieg to an insolvent :store .estate 'at •' Erin were sold for, $75, ft *Guelph man being the purchaser. .The' sameparty Wight the book- debts of -a firm abont $1,000' for less than ten per cent of them face Value. Mrs., MeCoY, eflIlerritton; wasfound dead in the fielkhour :her' houee'on Tuesday,. • 'She had been,•intaieated the night before, and was locked in the' h,ouee by a eieighber to:pre-vent her.gete tine' more liquor ,•• but thepeor worean " . broke through %the wilidove, and wee. found as stated next- morning. •• 'Rev." lir. Fraser, who has spent five years as a reissionaty in China.'addreste ed a' large meeting in -St. Andrews • . church,. London, on Wednesday. Be eidd that:Able:high the' people, bete, knew little of the Chinese, they would soon haveenough of there, as they were end..., grating in. lerge numbers. • On Saturday afternoon, white sonie men -were preparing dynamite, cartridges for blaeting at 1VIr. John Riordon'e pulp mills, in. Merritten, twelve ' cartridges e exploded, killing instantly J. Sammen, , foreman of the Mill, .and severelyeand e probably fatally.wounding a man named These Madill. o A by Mimed O'Neill was also. seaortely, injored. Sainniort was 'a steady, industrions man, A report comes from Ottawa that there is a probability' thatthose detect-. ed Adulterating food; drags; Paris greet), &c, Wili be prosecuted. It :is also:in- timated that a Toronto apothecary who: ' has been paying 32 cents per lb. ler Petrie green by wholesale has been re- tailing it at 25 cents per lb. -4A, nice way to make a . peofit.1--backwards ; butas the pure _article was liberally adeltereted with an inferiee and cheaper article, the profits nuty have amounted • to a handsome sem -4, The boiler in lile new saw -mill' be- lopking to Thomas Robineon, Newbury, exploded Shortly before eiglit o'clock ore - Thursday morning With sucli violence is to shake the earth for niiies irottrid, shattering the building and ma.thinery to fragmente. Portions of the mitehin- ay vac litirltd-a-ilistance -tvfo-h-tifi- dred yards: There were °illy two men in the mill at the time of the •exifiosiee, Alexander'Ring, head stover, and. Geo': Harris, ,firernan. They were conipletee ly buried in the debris. When taiga out they were in a, mangled condition, and were. thought to be deed, but medi- cal aid being procured they rallied, but King had intellect steam 'be such an ten that that death put an end to his Suffer - live an hour from the tiine.Of the acei- dent Harris is gradually improving, and every hopepf hi reeovery is enter- tained. Mr. 1-10hinsmi sustains a heavy loss of $O,000 by the aceident, and hes - no insurance. Sale Register. .Farin`8tock,'&c., of James Dobbl, lot 20, con. 1, East Wawanoeh, de the 25th insa. Jet. Hatvson, mule • NW IraellsilsTED1000.13S, at Gra Ounninglatmeo.