The Clinton New Era, 1878-03-14, Page 2THE CLINTON NEW ERA.
11/L4R011 14, 1878.
I'itneee son the farm, Jane Ann, end, buy a hou.103
R'crime made on offer yesterditY.--13011 pay the mow
Me field he witen'tanxions, hub he had the carob ooparei
-And reminded me that nowadaye cath miles aro 1743Ty
•The farm,ain't :worth inuelt, anyway, the soil is mighty
' thin, ,
_ Ala4.9.49.9r9P,s.4..Yield8 ;40. Aff. raatl!4' oZ
theta In ;
•Thisidoe, that poelty railroad that they'ee puttin' through
thio way
mu cat the old, pleat; elan in two-Jonee told me so to
I ain't &feared of work, you know --•my daddy Obis said,
There ain't a single lazy hair in ishemiah's head.'
7b4res'06.11.?...162•7.1'4.1rib I)ao,.jsz ia ol& 1.e.a4r9A
hfs, . •
Tor he did the work of throe hired oxen h epite of rhea;
matte, *
no, I'm not aftared of work-ol that don't awn.
•Pee tried to work with ;111in' hands In sunshine end In
rain; ,•
knd I've allus Wore a enful face, (*cent at Wise;
1• may be, •
When• then giddy, head -strong steers o' Mine would
"haw' whon I yelled 'geel"
.2riterhaps litinay be sinful/or a mortal to And fault,
—With toiling hard both darand night, if he only makes
hie salt, • .• . '
•Mut I've thought while ceadlinirein-ledged-oatsbon the
• • 'aidob111ovr there,
That my camas was moat too hefty for a small -boned
man to bear. •
It's aI1uobeoniuy oustom when a-plowln" etionpy soil
Lo hum some good, oldleihioned.bynenit aorter eased
•-• - my Mae
Bat I tell you what 'twas pretty herd td smotherworda
of sin •• '
Whene'er aepringy root aid break and whack me on the
I mention these 'ere things, Jane Ann, 'because I'd Ulm
to lead • ••••
Peaceful; blameless kind blife, from all temptations
But as long au Hessian files exiet, and tater bogs
There'll be gorge tallprofanity at times a•floatin' round.
So. now if yotere 'agreed, •Jane Ann, I'll sell jarm to
llenf find that- whet it lecke in Belli); well mode -sip in
stones- • • - • •
'31nd we'll:novo Into the town .next -week• -:what's- that,
yon'reeayin', wifo •
You'll novel -butte the good old place as'Iong as you
have life
Well, there it goof', again, 1 yam!' 00 diraTidliave your'
say -
Tour bound to wear, the beeeolies-in a figgerative.
Bat you'll find 1'11 have (ray way this time, oid girl, ad
well as yon,
Sit Itymere bound to stay right here, by grannie -TU
tay tool" ,
• .
A •Sieggestive Pieture.
We take the following deplorable
picture of commercial., niOrality in Chi.
cago, and, of the :Manner in; which
ministers of the Oospel play -into the
hands,- of rich sierretain that -City, from'
recent number of the ',Buffalo E.•
prese.. 'The picture elraWii 6f clergymen
„ weeping publiely over the 'Misfortunes
of fraudulent insolvents Who •happen
also to be ohtiyeli membete is indeed
edifying. After referring to certain
lawsuits respecting church , property;
arieing out orthe.seliisrii in the Pro-
testant Episcopal Church, gave
rise' to the Reformed Episcopal Church,
the correspondent says:
It Seems- strange to amere . worldling
that prolessing Christians should. gi . to
law; but who • wonders . at anything,
when we reflect that .very' many- 'or
those who have robbed the poor • Of
their hard earnings were- members of
our religious organizations. • And
lave noticed when one of these - busi-
ness scoundrels conteniplates it' failure,
be 6ist joins- a church, beeomes a
teacher in the Sundey-school, and then
deeds his residence, to his wife, who
mortgages it to her father, brother, or
some conscientioes fiierid. .. Then he is
• reedy for bankruptcy ; 'the wife has to
• give up her finelionie to satisfy .this
• heartless brother, father Or friend, and
•-they inoVe into timelier quarters. •l3tit
if the truth is known, indirectly,' she
• is receiving. from 150 t6 $150 for the
• rent of the very house she has been so
ruthlessly deprived, of. Iler Minister
• will speak from the pelpit • of the
changed, condition of some ef his flock,
and of the beautiful daughters driven.
forth into a old and heartless world-,
while a tear 6tsyhlpahy will roll down
his cheek, Ohl it. is a sad thing to ba
poor; but it' pays to -beleng to
religious organization, whose niiniater
•stands ready to hirer you the conSolation
'of the gospel, if. you can, :lord to pay
for it.
Bet woe be to the poor /tonal man I
The reinic cornea on, he cannot collect
what is clue to him, his paper is ma.
taxing, he looks' the matter, squarely
in the face, pets every dollar of his
assets into the bands Of an assignee
for their benefit, and beeornes m1volmrn
troy bankrUpt. • 'Alashe belongs to no
churth.' He ha a perhaps given • some.
" thing in his prosperous days to all of
them, and has been kind to the poor
as far its he wag able, but he belongs
to no religious bodya, he's a poor devil
net in W6 lohl, Of Iii na it will 'be
said, he teenaged badly-, be failed and
left his family destitute, There IS no
minister to open-'ffia mouth or shed.• a
'bat of sympathy for him or his. ,
• '" Isthis picture •overdrawn.3 • 1 can
give you names if you desire it. I
can shoW 'you any day the widows and
orphans whose only means of 'upper*,
'Were placed, from, tinfe totime, an Spen-
cer's State Savings Brink, or iii Settle
other awindlitg concern, or in the
worthless securitiee of, men who are
walkipg our streets boldly; and Wheat)
homes are blessed; Orrettraed, With every
luxury, I do not mean to be antler
stood that there are not •scoundrela
all cities, bnt 1ao say that Chicago
'boa been mere afflicted, and has bad „a
larger proportion of high.foned rascals
than any city •clf her population and
they 'seem te go unwhipped of justice,
flaunting their abundance under the
, _
very noses 0 the pbor, etarving, shiv-
ering wretohee whose confidence they
have betrayed. 1 ohould tiilly believe
in the doctrine of the Anal salvation of
all men, ,bub how in the. great hereafter
are snob unmitigated, lawless scoundrels
to be dieposed of '1 That is what I want
to know. •
•yeattatio old
Argus was an old %vete:11111°g, and be
to. lap:lees-family in Albfaiiy,.
N.H. Raving long :pirtliyed his use-
fulness ( was prestimed,)illii-O-W-nerft
diad determined to put him out of the„
. way, ancl had Several times disposed of
him, as they thought, but he had, al-
ways returned to them again alive and
well, •"Finally a neighbor' called One
day, -with his rifle in his -bad,, He
had been out after a fox. One of the
laiclin with him to talte Argo eut
into the woods to shoot hire:-The'Ord
dog was always elazy to follow a -gun.
He liy in the plied and heard the con-
versation, and whet), .finally, the 'rifle.
Man called to him, be got up and fol.
'lowed -hiM.-•'mat-folloWed him around
to the rear of the barn and there disap-
peared. It Would ,seefil that had:. u 117
.derstood exactly the meaning of the
'compact- whiCh had been framed against
• hitHife. At all events, •he disappeared,
anctforaix daya we saw him not, though
two oi three times W'e fancied We could,
detect his tracks, where be.bad,been nt
-the 13.wi114ub during thel night: • The
seventh night of, the dog's absence. was.
the night..of Saterclay.', Daringthe day
soap had been Made and•boiled•dciwe
mid a heavy baking done in a great
..eVerr-a Somewhere 'Jest ' tnicinight''all
hands were'. aroused by the
end howling, and whining, end serateh-
ing OE old Argus. We 'knew .the Voice,
but we were determined riot. to let him
in. • He redoubled his cries; and his
scratching upon .the door. • Atlength
•the bead of the • family, in his 'wrath,
tee* down a loaded muaket,-loaded
for:allawk-a-and.threwalp a -window of
the sitting-roorn. • NO 'sooner was the
'sash raised than the Old dog' came in
hound, and -without stoppipg_ties
wbMbia-reception to be, he 'leaped
through the door opening ..-,freni..the.
goat kitehen out, into the wash-rpom,
and wood -shed, where he,,,
scratched passefieed..."' 'lido and
'1'41*W:that Sclinething. intuit be wi.64,4
outside, so we tinftioned. the door, rind
ris we. opened it the. dOg beunded out
to the shed, where was a 'great wooden
. • I
the best evidenee o the' sufferina that'
1=0 exist there. In two of ti; city
churches--Nlethodist and Congregation-
al -lunch rooms have been established,
and there the poor and hungry resort
eVery day to partake of a substantial
meal provided by the ladies of the on.
„ „
lietheas'acee PocnillarY Crime.
Tao intirderet must e a cause Or
murdering, the brute m si have a vio.
tiro near, the ravisher must have oppor.
tunity, but the forger or the swindler or
the nbeat-is always provoked .trial al ways
ready. ,There is alwaysyroperty to be
.obtained,and lact;te al w aye wanting it;
This reason is unanswerable, and is
always quoted by statesmen an sefficient
answer to any-plea-fcie redneing. the
'penaltieson pecuniary •criine, but it is
not, as some writers of recent lettere
• ,
seem to fancy, the only Justlfacation for
the laws. • They forget or have never
thought what a seaundrel an educated
thief, whatever brawl ef .thieving he
pursues, must necessarily he. • Ile, al -
Most alone among Crireinalamniat per-
form his critnes in cold blood. He
must. whethehe iS. a ,forger, .embsz-
zler or.pnly,oheat, plan his crime down
t� its smallest details, coolly, soberly,
with 'deliberatidn and with all his .fa'
celtieS at tbeirootenost stretch.
Aman eannet forge in a, passion or
ueder terror, .erwhen nearly blind with
drialt., He must carefully foresee the
,conseqeences dL11iitct, muSe Je careful'
to avoid -all haste or passion and must.
be Utterly --indifferept,to, any suffering
be may inflict, however disproportionate
the ,gain to hiniselt. . The larger his op-
erations the "greater intellect they re-
qu, • •
ire, the more cool and composed must
he his judgment; and the. greater tbe
amount of torment the innocent will
suffer: ; The defaill'ing blinker, the
lawyer who .bolts with his client's mo-
.ney, thalorger who 'ruins a. arm, the
embezzler who elestrays a family, cOn*:
stantly,, inflicts as much, suffering as the
most vielent of the brutes wheel the
magistrates, moved hy somereasoning
we have. never beep able to.follow, s�
frequently :let off with inadequate sen;
• tences.:.•' , •
. We abbor• the brute whet.. half rnur-
ders wife;: b • ut. lie searcely more
cruel than ,the defaulter vvlio deliberate-
• ly does acts which send whole.familieS
previously decent and.respeetable to the
• workhOnse and the asylum. ' -We detest
the brutal reugh, but is he no more brutal'
-4`13y a thorough t aowledae oi the natural
laws which govern the cperations of disesellon
and antritien, awl by a ea,refal ay-Pitoation
of the fine properties' ,tf Well -selected co_coa,
Mr. Elpps ha provided our- breakfast tables
with a de4oate1y flavored beVeragewhich may
save us nieny heavy doctors bills. It to by
ate jedieions use of each articles of diet that
a oonstitution may be gradually built up un-
til strong enough,to resist every tendency to
aitease, Hundred's et aubtle maladies- are
flotithug around us ready to attack Wherever
there is bint Wernrayeacapermany
foetal shaft by keepiag ourselves well forti-
'Ad with pure blood and it properly
ed Service Oftzettc.--Seld only
in Packets labelled -" jAmits Erre & Co., Ho.
mosoPathia Chendits, 48, Threadneedlestreet,
44 170, PiCoadilly, Leaden."
- NeCtrir IleitfiNS,=3Yooly .horsee_are not so_
- rare as.inany.suppose, notsuch.grefit
either, there are'infiuy to. be found in various
parte of the country, but we doubt if they 'Will
ever prove as*altiable to their mum* as the one
exhibited by Barnum ; we imaginet'their owners -
would consider them More, valuablewithont the
wool; for this roitgli and wooly. state of the hair.
indicatee that the horse is net in a healthy con-
dition -probably hide -bound, or, suffering from
some diseaee which occasions this unnatural ap-
rance such cases use Darley's Condition
Powdera and Arabian Heave Heinedy• it wal
purify the bloed, correct the appearance, re-
move all obstructions from the lungs and liver,
alai give to the coat-a'aleek.and shining appear-
ance. Remember the naine, and see that the
signature of Hurd & Oo. is Ott each package..
Northrop re Lyman, Newoastle, Ont., proprie-
ors for Canada. Saki by ell medicine, dealers
A common cough or cold sheet d ,never be
trifled with, often when neglected it is cony.ert,
ed into a'serions and generally fatal pulmonary
disease. Tile, more prudent,aware of this',
promptly use Bryan's Pulmonio Wafers" a cu-
rative which. hag sustained its reputation for
over twenty yea,rs,..they-axe...alvvays officadinue-
and exert a most beriiificial inflnence on all the
Bronchial and puhnonary organa. Sold by all
• drue•giets •and country dealere Price 25 ets.
'than the agent who quietly swindles au
aged. clergynian out of his all,' and senate
hien to die and his children to live as
paupertrxr. aublie -charity are
all 'agree to hang the nitirderer, but is
it so enuch Worse than .the man -we
have known the casei-awlm for years'
deliberately eats up old servante' savinge,
hex halttilled withashes. • But we had and leaves there; irt ,dozens 'at a tinle, to
no need'. to go further -to learn what suicide, otArvation or the. union..1 ,
was the matter: The shed was filled There is not a Oriminal lasvyer in the
With, smoke, and . ft Sharpcrfickling
broke upon our ears. The.lish•bax was
9n fire, from eoals which had been care-
Itssly thrown in during the ifternoon
before, and the fire had •taken to the
dry pine partition between the. shed
and, wiab.rcioni, and :had mede its way
almost to .the toot A smart wind was
blowing, 'and in ten •tninutes more, the
fire would have been entirely beyon
our control, anti' those ton minutes an
country who does •not know or 'cases
'where swindlers have dest•royed whole
fitniilies, have wrecked the happiness. of
dozens- persons and have inflicted suf-
ferings which jia their long duration ate
as much worse than physical pain. as
misgovernment• is • Worse than • war, •
Merely that they themselves Might lead
lives a Mlle easier than they otherwiie.
wohld have done. A frau.duleut bank-
er; a •twindling.atedreey, a sneeessful
more would,have becingtven to the erie...Eorget., kcaue-as misery bra .aciist, misery-.
Any'but for • ' As it Was, having
water hanay, we put out the fire with
only the loss of. the aeli boic and a part
of the partition; • but • the experience
gained wag worth more than that.
Grand old dog Be had prept to -the
house to satisfy,hishunger from the
poor swillAiicket, fearing death if he
were discovered ; bet when be found •
danger. to the family-aa.daager which •
he inast have ,eeuiprehended inetantly
and eompletely-he thought no more
of self; to save -those whom he hall'
toyed becaine his sole object, and how
be did it we have Seen. Be sure there
WHI•C no more thoughts' of killing that
dog, norbf giving him away: •
- _
• 11•1 isart-NALvis.
An Walla& r' entedy for .all disea*ea ot the
eye. (accute or chronic), eranaiatiort Of the
lids; alceration of the lachrymal glands,
• _film, (end, •,r0:1oree of the visioefrom any
••Ticfr .let.fslito411 Era-Stars'is presented the
Public with the•asimrance -of its efficiene s.a
.cerative of most iliseases of, the eye, ac or
chronic infiatitmatiOn; whether.inanced tiy scro-
• fulous origin, qr otherwise, weakness or defect
of Vision, diminished toneof the Optic, nerve,
or a; diseased State of -the-tissues eonstituting•
that organ. Also, for all persons whose voca-
tion • requires an incessant Action tbe eyes,
:the Wig will Act as a eharm itt reptering a uni-
form healthy action, where weakness, pain, and
misery. may luive long 'threatened a fatal ter -
1 mination. It is the Most siinple, safe, and ef-
fectual remedy ever diseoveted. The materials
of which it ismade are pure, perfect, Luisa costly,
•compounded with elaborate Care and exactness,
safe in its application, being used externally,
,air 1, of ceurae, avoiding the pain and danger
Which neeemiarily -attends thir-introduction ' of
eatietic minerals rind_ Te- washes. RAM/WO=
and Omo CtutoNie Spass, of scrofulous origin,
or madam.' from ' whatever cause, .yeild-to the
:a . itiES. It
fect is immediate, and a permanent cure requires
..11`te!31.1 aata1!1°En:i Airirgit4
ET n's •
t C AL whiIe
making new and improved Machinery for inakl
• ing ti nrore perfect box for the Ilve,Sm,its, have
changed theTasna.-11,Littic on_the_ejiver se. as 0'
correapond with the OW, on, the -Wrapper, qr.-
' Advertisement$1.ete, We-callattention
to this, as it might •otherwiSe he regarded" ati..
• eounterfeiting. ' • . •
- PETTIT $(.? tARICER, " •
.Froprietors, Freedom", N. Y.'
• Toronto, Agents kir Canada. •
.1..y sanitonW• tire 'children !
• • .- • • • •
COV.1.11,Ao's'SWEET, CI:ASTOR Off, equally Suit.
able for children • and adnits. Endorsed by
over 600 doctors in ()amide ' The difficulty of
administering riautteriuS medicines, and -the de-.
eirability of having them pleasant to the twat),
induced 1. coiwod to undertake researches
• which resulted in the discovery of a Sweet this-
• tor Oil,. perfectly ixilatable. +if the same strength
; .and while equally sae and harmless, yet
actingwithmore certainty, alai producing nei-
ther nausea. .nor griping, Some ehildren eay it
is honey ; others call it syrup' -they n.11 say they
like it. One pareittsaks-''S My children ,deink
it like water ;" another-" We had to hide the
'bottle or they would have finished it right of ;"
another -" 'Afy- little girl has taken it twice
without any trouble; and dorm not icnoiv ,what
it is, though she hates, the oedinary Castnr Oil,
and we never could -get her to take it without a
fight;" 'yet another I wish .you success ot
your SWEET OASToR.OH, it is splendid thine
-sure to take the place of all the common oil,"
The extraordinary. demand for this improve.'
!Tient ot staple household medicine hatbrought
fraudulent imitations into the market, but the
public can guard themselves against eubstitutes
(which- unprincipled' parties are attempting. to
sell on the reputation, of tbis artiele) by seeing
that the name (fort/aro% SWEET CASTOR.0$1,, •
is on both wrapper aha direction label.
The undersigned,. having .purcluised .1ktessrs,
T, Copland .!t Co's interest the above prepa-
ration, are now manufactutine it from the gri.
ginal recipe.
NOB,THROP & Lria.tAN. Toronto.
Ask for CortAxt_p's SWEET 0Asroa 01L.
Serve the mune. Do nokbe deceieed. • Sold by
all medicine 'dealers. Price, 25 cents,
her father 'arid sat quietly and gravely . ,
The Distreter at San Frahelluie.
The distress at San Francisco is op -
Ogling. During ou'r reeent brief. Visit
We sew more absolute Want than in the
whole course of ourprevioue life. Many
men able and willing to work Call get
no ,ern; loyment ; and having exhausted
their slender Weans beg froni door to
door or hang about street earners and
hotel doors beseeching for alms ; others,
ashrtined to beg," take to the highway.
Garroting is of frequent occurrence on
the Most freqttent thoroughfares, and
critne is ',everywhere rattipant. A. call
from 'the railroad compeny for 1,000
laborees at $1 per day drew forth seve-
ral th °Waal d applicants. We felt in-
terested to see the kind: of men who
were willing to work for $1 a day in
Golden Califoinia where it costs-11.50
a Oily to live, and so visited the works.
Most of the laborers were sturdy, naive
young 'fellows ; but there- were not Al
few *hose bout shoulders and gray
hairs deneteir that they had reached a
peria-of life when "no man oat work,"
at least with salisfaetion 0 bis employ-
er; and there were others whose pinell-
'ed and. Wall faces showed' Signs of hi -
tense mental or bodily Buffering, and
whose delicate' frames and white hands
indicated thai they were. unaccustomed
to manual labor. The fact that arty
Mati-not a Chinarean--Can he found
to work for $1 a day' in California is
as. acute as any ever inflicted by the.
rough who kicks his -wife half dead, or
beats a casual passer-by into 'a Tong
and dangerous illness.-Loadoa Specta-
• .A. M eau ti
A friend in Philadelphia has it
sweet golden -haired little daughter, aged
three 'eats, whet is devoted to be& fa -
tiler, and endeavors, after her baby fa-
shiOn to govern beratctione by his otvn.
This 'habit causee retieh:amusement in
the family; th,ough the little one seems
quite unconecioes that she is the cause
iof alk• Net long ago the child attend.
ed'diving setvice for the flesatiine with '
a:nl. medical glut Wes AS. the ordinary Castor
in the pew until the close of the sermon.
It chanced to becornrnunionSundtay,
and Nfr. ,---, being a cominifoiatint,
wnett with others towards the chancel!
nacjoes that hie little daughter was
following him, -As he,knelt and bowed
his head, the 'baby of three years beide
him also. knelt- and -bowed her savea,
face upon her tiny hands. Those who
saw the touching Bight were affected al-
nigstt to trpars, andmobody attempated to
retnove the small communicant. Ndt
until my friend roue to return to his
seat did he discover the child, W lig tileo
rose, and slipping her little hand in his,
walked griareIy toward the pew,. The
clergyman speaking of it afterward, said
it was in his (minion, the most beantifitl
sight be bad twee seen.. -fleaper'a
• orriao as rt 3010, but taken lit Eitiagetit.
The'other day two young halies on
the INTebraske frontier .jokingly offeired
to trtide,themselves ofi to a eon ple 'of
Indians for fifteen ponies. each, Rid the
rndians veey" willingly took the offer.
Finding that the joke was taken earn-
estly by their Indiatr,friends, the girls
becanie spmewhet alartne:I the 'ed men
were told tha it was a Jake, but they
would have taken the .girls by force had
they' not been intimidated.
MitchellOielladOnria Impreved India fitiliber Poen
There neve& has been atinny when the healing
ergomany differelient se
aspehas been cause
by ouravarel.apelieation as the present, It is an
undisputed fact that over half of the entire pn.
inflation' ¶el the globe resoet to the use of ordi-
nary plasters.-
The principal ingredients used in riatinife-
these Plesters-ara Gum Olihanum-or better
koown rld the PranIcincense of the Wilde -nub -
her, and Iiiireandy Pitch.; which when scienti
compounded, la full of e eetricity, stiti
when combined with the pure medicinal gums,
it found tribe oite of the greatest healing medi-
ums ever brougght before the Minion rue: e
• They ate selcuow egeil by oll who haie used
them to aet qtucker than. any other Plasters
they ever before tried, and that one of these
Plasters will .do more real service than a lani*
deed of the ordinary kind, All other Plasters
are slow of action, and he worn. con-
tinually to effect a cure ; but with these it is en-
tirely different the instant (mulls applied the
patient will feel its effect.
• They pdasess all the soothing, warming, imp*
porting and etreligtheriing eualitiesof all other
Plasters. Many tv110 have been relieved of
TtODOL011tt.rX, asiC
rums other pante in the ICTI)NRYS, BhbA.ST
or StDB, and believe it is solely done hy tho
electrical rptalities which the Porous Plasters
contain, and which is iniparted le the system,
thue reetoring them to a liealth3r etmclitietn.
They are very soft and pliable, still very ad.
besive amid a sure cure fol. VVITAX 11A.OIC8,
Are invaluable to those who,have a COLD of
long standing, find often prevents CONS;ITIIP-
TION. Some even tell us they believe they
wereentirely euredbY the use of them of a long-
pemed Consumptioa.
toFtvr:Taruedasle 0111011,01 urconul,t,
• ohl by all Druggists.
;kJ at NIGHT thee-, The Booms over; the Store of
Onnninglianie aiteicheaa-41ie-seeetre,euaten,
• eanten,peo, 20,1877, •
rill. REEVE, Physician, Barnet/lit_ to,, Coroner for,
• (knotty of Ifaroa, Iteeieteueo and, Oftleiv—COrnor ot
Adbert and Mill Streets, Clititou.
August ilth,1809. •
` . .
itilMinTntWAST, , D., 0. M., GRADUATE Or
•inlay Moutreel ; Physioiten,Sutgeoe and'
itoeonclieur. Reeidence-Baventomo,
January 4,1871. '
V V . College, Toronto, Phygoien Surgeon, &o.,
Ont, • Ofilcda-Opposite Shane's Hotel. •
Blyth, Jan, 20, 1875, '• 4 '
• ra 'YOUNG, M,B., (GRADCIATI1 Tuunno
-We tinivoreitya PhyaielenTillirgeon, &a. residence
at blr.hiltlintees, three doors eat Of the ieumeninee
Hall, Londelboro. Ont. „„..,
Londestoro,17nue 14,167V -s`
STANBURY, oRiDuAii OP .T1113.lidEllICAL
-8-Y• Department of Victoria ifnivereRy, Toronto, for-
merly of the Hoapitals and Dispensaries, NOW York;
Coroner forth° County OE Iluron,BAYrrtffin,, Ont,
4u1y 22, 1874,',
J., (moss, Aceouolamars,' &e. Ofthie, Albert Street,
°plicate ; • .
H, Dowinat; D. . A. M;GiNdON, M. D.
Clinton, May 10, 1877. ,
• '•
_ . .
Aceollehour, Licentiate of the College of physicinne
and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provineial Licenti-
ate sue Coeonor for the County'ot Huron. (Illies'and
residence,,—The building formerly occupied by Mr,
Thwaitee, Huron street, • •• •• •• •
Clinton Jan, 10, 1871.
1,6 amens qarbo,
„Intersid.' H. HALE. • '
Clinton, August 9th, 1809,• . -7-tt
. ,
vaxon, Valuator, and Laud Agent. '0$11eWIose-
pliine street, Wingliron.
Wingharn, Aug. 2, 1877. • •
.1.J.0 Apply at the ToWn. Hall; or at the' residence of the
subscriber,' near tho -London, Buten & litnee Ranvier
Station. • • JAAIES, SCOTT, •
• Leiner of .MarriageldoeneoS•
Clinton, •April 27th 1876. •
el.: Marring° Licensee under the new Aet,•Cominiselorn
er• lot taking Affidavits it the Queen's Benda,. for Coun-
ties. ot Huron and Bruce. •OolliefidinnillE able?, Stich ikti
14(46614.,14014.4, Contidatd,.. ',ilk, Emits, and aiort4agoa,,
Peari small.: Residittio4okioszte.P611ffiderHOESE:" "
411ffild'Y ADVANOOD ON -BEAL ser.vr-co,
BaYfieldi. Sept. 14, I875, .
LIAMS, piano timer for A. & S. Nord.heimer, To-
ronto, will be in Clinton periodically, for tuning 'Armee
Partiee who whh their pianos tuned, tan leave orders
at Mr. J. A.•Yuill'a book store. .
* •
• • 044,44
.• m A 11.i'elr estaIIN VVATfliON,
"Ozanne A. WATSON," '8. AfALC061E;ON,
W.11. MOFAimE3,,,
•• Goderich.
air.Malcorasou will be in Clinton eieryi Friday.
- . 1V1oPey.. to 1.40an..
• ,Ofinton 'Do • 611.1, 1876. ' • '
N C R. NE.
aatenorna Mar. 2 ikp.m. •
• .
CALIFORNTA...* afar. ' 8:110 a.m •
• EYSIOPIA Mar, 16 8 pan '
BOLLVIA. •Mar. as 9 am
VIcTORIA ' Mar. ' 8 pan
•' DEVONIA Apr. 6., 7:O am '•
• AN C tIORIA Apr. 13...... 2 pm
CALIFORNIA. Apr. 20 .. • • . 8 am
ETHIOPIA . Apr. 27,... 2 p.m
TO Glasgow, Livtrpool, Iffiudeuderry, or Belfast, Cahill
80 to ese, gold, to .London direct, 853 to 570, actordinif
to accommodations. • letennediate end Steerage as low
as by any othcr tiratIlass line. For tiekets infer,
mation, apply to .
0. Ir.' RA I Ll'OX, Anat.
ounica,san. 17, 1877, •
Tbe kbleanielitottm Navigation Company's Steamelt4
DAvricasrame vaii6t1States '
otaatkale . . . . Mar. 2...; 3 p in •
. •
Mar. 7.... 7 a iu
ADRIATIC Mar.16„.. 8 p m
BRITANNIC Mar. 23.. .1; m
CELTIC .. ...? Mar. 28 ... 1 p m •
Will sail from Now York (Pier 52 N. BI On SA1171041'8,
and from Livetroon TILIJasDAY6, calling at COtk,
Ireland both ways. The aterwathIps of Hoe Line ato
all ubw, lalilt of nou, water.tight compartmente, pad
offer to paeseegere unrivalled accommodetIona. The
Saloons and state -Booms beteg located in the mid.ship
eeetion, but little motion is felt, ;
na'tes of passage,. Saloon., 460 to $1008gold ; Retinal
Tickete, good fot one year, 8145 to 8175, gold, seeord.
icg te accommodation is. Steerage passage, to. or front
Europe, at low ratea. For plan et steamere, and other
inforfuation, apply to
•W. ItAILTON, G,W.,11., Agent.
arasvott, lan. loth, len.
• .1.1.0YA, I, NIA IL ST tA NISHIPS. •
btrerpraltsLoadeibiVrre and Glasgooe. •
• sArtisors Ilt0111
CIE0A8SIA77, AtAn.s.
• shotteeesee. pesstige ocotionly. comfort, 270 rune,
of ocean navigation reteC,I,
C-470A13IS TICKETS Futerflart•titottoan,
Int erniealaienaNteeragrifiiree aglow-astritny
titemage peseengeis torwatded to Derey, 11011114,
Queenstotra, Glasgow, arid London, at same ratee no t.'
lAverpool. The met trein earrying the, Cariadian inane
end eonnecting with the ncean ataanidlima at. Halifax,
lekves Toronto every taasy, a. mn. ressengei
via title' roui 0 travel through Canadian territory, there
fore evade all Casten% itouse esaminetem bf baggage.
ror Through Tickets and every Diformation,apply tc
. • .
. AT itA ll'ON, G. T. IL Agent, Clinton.
Clinton, Dec 13,1877.
Mocks, Watolaeeflowellery, 84e
s FoIntLE
Deface to return
hiesincere thunke
, to hie nun:Worm
• friends and °Into.
uters.for thelibera
alehare of patron.
age that he has re.
oeived. while carry.
Ing on bu obsess in
• by a etriet atten-
tion to business,.
and using el'etr
effort to meet the
wants of his many
friend, to °entir,
ne to retain their
He would also take this epportunity of stating thee no
has taken hie oon into partuership, and that the busl.
nees_willbecendueted in fitting -undee the -style of S. - -
FOWLER & SON. Theifirra will keep on hand
Wattles, -Olooka,-, arewellerya•Speettieles).
• . •• And all other artioles .in their line
Alekinde of Pipes Repaired and Mounted. .
Repairing, 0:leaning, &e., drifirelimishort nolo, in a •
•'workmanlike manner, and on reasonable tonne'.
' Clinton, Deo. 0, 1817, • °
Matuteastles MILLS.
inform the inhabitants of Clinton and surrounding
country thathe has started his .
Opposite the Great Western. Station
And „is prepared to .
fu 4 . figt, (*.shore , or cheap fair Cash.
• .
Ile bad also liALTIVIA1111. of al kinds on hand, fdr !sale;
'11,191.TXTC. 44-teirrtap..
Cninros, Wan, 17, 1878,1
Cap.a,d.a Comp. any LanCl..
f -A. the Canada Company may be aoen al the office of
Obi undersigned.' •
Clinton, Jan. 17, 1873. _ •
•Stottisi Commetcial- Fire.1nOince, Co,., .
. .
•OF OteaSGOWt. '
Capital. 'rtvo Millions Stirling.
• Easeeute, • . -•1,000,000. '
Aiselette, .• - •• - • -
• pnoviger, 010 oisirAnto
• Head Office 7 'Toronto: Street, TbitONTO"
..apaari_orpiaarrrona ' •
boa t,.:Branira, rag:,ettstrinnn, PiesIde,nt Caned*
t aralba CeeditCompany. • • • • •
bus 6.. PLaytAin, Esq.; of Bryce, Mcidurrich.& Co.,
.714, of,, ,Eeo,„,• yiee•praaident,,,Pederal
• Depbsited with the Gwvernment lit (Maui, for seen- ..
rityof Ciinatibin 5100,900k , ' • •
Coffigany is3Ugs Pbllsierot liMuttintie 'figaintit
loss pr damage by lire or 3ightulng, on mercantile, nian. '
Ofieturing, :farm and 'household riske, at eurreue
,p04n10erloeaiosraoitietseau,wedft.rhOotuto_ fo4idolato;;sial aettledodirectly•br
All Preminins taken inthh4 ;felinity are inveeted
Cenatlian eeceritieg. , • . •
. .
Clintoltfletly 12, 1877. •
• , • .
On appio'ved Farm or- Town proilerty, for any term •
from Ond to twenty plate, or repeyable at'such pctiode, .
either in install:ouzel; or etherwise, as may be agreed
The Intereet, on payment of any part of the principal,
at once ceatme gn each amount. .
If it is arranged to poy• the interest litlf-yearly, not
In advabed, the rate, per annum, for $11bprOsente vallbe •
8 per cent. On loans for it fixed terin.of years, Si pet
tent, if interest id rondo payable yearly, not to edvent0. •
....41ortuayis and .Municipatdebentares jsurcautasi
•For turth'ei partielars apply to
(linton, July 12,1877,
...11.1*Vr 11,31.1.1cra v ;Dr),
LAU016 a rood OF -1...1
Citskets; Gobs, Cob. frimmifigs, Rbc,.
11TC., C.
•supgeled watt the mi1otJ at shorteet imilee, arid
Also). a'luod HEARSE supplied.
Remembea the Plaoe-VICTORtA Street
• fkE0.11,(11t1. DIEHL
GRANT) TRUNK RAILWAY., eant.,... 801,1 dam
clittl,1i.44:4?.. or rE.4.1-ilia.(3.,
Passenger 'hates %venous Clinton etntion as follows
Gotso 14Atir, Skpeosii, A.,1L, arriving et London
10.58 Totonto at 1.05 P.M. Mail and Expreee,
121013.11,01-1-1611)5, 'roreet o at 0.49 P.M.. London, at
6,152.11.Mixed, 425 P .11e, arriving at Stratford at
6.45 PM., -London itt 115 I". 51anima arriven froin
Godelela 10 A, M.
, Trains will errivo Af4 f011OWN Mixed,10, from
steattord. Mail and Expreee, 3.45 P.5f. fi•ero Torento,
Buffalo. and Loudon. Exprees, 9.20 P.14., (rem Moffatt.,
Torontd, eridranidety. Mixed 5.35 P. XL
•J. HIOKSON, Gtharal 1.tbsti4a*
A - STRATTON, Agentat Olinton.
Dee, 27, ,1677,•
1.3r. Wirt. Gray's.; 1.4ricteific Mediaine
If iliegroltr.Riev he ot: ftrititItti:lAnordak:
commemied se art
unfailing cure for
Reorient Weak-
. SpardlatOrr•
• $
and It'll diseaees
hes, Impiitency,
"'store Taltino" thnt follow aa II
,7*P611(1bIt4(4 ot seif, re-L3ex,
Abuse; 6$ Erma of Memory, linitersalLaseitrule, Pain in
the Bowe, Dietocate of Violent. ?tweeter.; Dld Age,
many other direeses diet lead to Inset:Ai* Cortaro:up, •
Mon, and a.Ptemeture Grave, ell of which n tole are
dtet deeded by deviating' Item the path of main° and
ovet.indulgewee, rite Spartito medi rine iK the reettlt of
it life STOiTj ahd 8dA34 ;Mesef experience in treating
theft Special dim:time. Painphlet free by men. The
Specide Wahine le RI1Drogpikte at et per paek•
ego, Or sia paekitget ter $5, Or will be Mat blr maU oh
need t of the rooneeby.adateeelert Wbf„. (HRAI t;
toOultogeofiaroldhorinefelf., nton by $4a.eorabe,tai4