HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-03-14, Page 1• ••”•-. .4 AND QENTRg RPRON t• TERNS -01.39 key Annum/ Its edivalsceo •••••••• --r."1,21#.041Mgr GENERAL ADVERTISER. • LwAottoti#onenic. isstra OF -THE CLINTON OltICRIT CLOD, . . . „. A general eervant, where nurse girl isitept. MRS. JOHN ihistSgORD, Stapleton, March, 12, 107.8, . COW FOR SALE. A good witch. Cow is .'offered for eale by the undersigned. Will calve about the beginning of May. L BICairklg, Maple Street. Clinton, March 13th, 1878. - CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE, At Prices to filuit'illskt • The Subscriber offers for sale, 'on his farm,' near Londesboro, a large quantity of first class Coder Posts, at 6 cents -each,- Use, about 10 acres of standing cedar. at prices to suit the times. JA$. BR AiTHWA Londesboro, March 14, 1878. 3 ' pusuc MEETING; In compliauce vrith a resolution of the Council, passed on Thursday evening last,. I hereby call.a public meeting of the ratepayers, to be held in tiao TOWN HALL, on • . TOWN HALt2,--ONE NIGHT ONLY , . '•• . . -,.. • " :TEM P914.1LAIt AND PArirOurro ' • itiiss SOPHIE .MILES; Spackam's .1toyal Star Draniatio.. Compaq .MONDAYIEVENING, March 181 18,j8. • Buren= BY GitAT NEW topic. SENSATION. Under the , Gaslight," • ' Olt TUE Mysteries ancrMiseries of New 'York city, life; with its. Realistic Dock and Railroad Scenee, Singing, Dancing, and the D.Iwu •Express Train at full seed. Btix" Sheet at J. Bookstore. Ad. miseion, 25 and 50 gents. STRAY.. GATTI:X.. Strayed from the Premisaa at the subscriber, Lot 8, Con.‘1, Stanley, last eurnmer, a 000 Year old BULL, rpottea red and whlte, and a one year ESIFER, white, With red 'spots. Any person giving such information as 'will load to their recovery will lie 'finitely rewarded. . . . JO IN . Stanley, Feb. 21, 18* .• ,• • • ' Wednesday, March 20th' . *. • . • xEc,tlow,s'vp.Trox . Com menoiug,at 7.30 p.mfor the purpose. or— - dis.cusaing.the question of'Fire 13rotect1On: c,„„•:.,...„ ,-, ....'• - - • ..xotice is hereby given, that all indebted to tho estate '-'•^,skILLI.e.4-alf,i-Y-9r- oighetetermflomAs.GAItla, are required to settle the -Clinton, March 14, 1878. . ' • . .. ,•. same, on or' before the ,let•of March -next,. and. tho , ,se - ''' 'having elshagairait the- sdltos estgte-'arolequcated to - TO BUILDERS. Notice is hereby given that sealed tenders will Ile received by.the subscriber at his office •Londeaboro, vino Tint lei Alum 1878 attwo P.M. for the erection Of Brick Parsonage and frame stable., at Londesboro. • , Plans and specifications can be Been at the said offiie. The To twec,s do not bind them- selves to accept the lowest, or any tender. JA -S. BRAI-THWAITE, $11e. Board of Trustees. Londesboro, 13th March 1878. ' `!4.... NOTICE- OF #RETIRKSTI4NT., The undersigned beg to return .thanks to their numerous friends, and' the publicgene: rally, 'for the liberal patronage reVeived by them while carrying on the business of cabi- net makers, and.hope the genie will boon - tinned to their succeseore. Broadfoot & Box, wh? will cam y'on the business as It branch of their Seaforth manufactory establishment. They would alto notify all parties lutvin,g" claims against Ole firm t present thorn tot settlement, and that all accdunta d ne firm must be paid before the Orst of April. •MENZIES & WHITING. Clinton, Mara 14th, 1878. INSOLVE1,3, T SALE OF CTIZ, 0 CM RiIM8.. , The undersigned will reveireTentlers up to and including Saturday, -tile 16th. Inst, At so much on the dollar, as per tho signee's Inventery, for the purchase of a stook of Groceries, amounting to $870. Also, a separate Tender for the book ae. counts, amounting.te $354. • The stock is new, find in iirst-nlass order.--. .Tendere to be in bash. Steck and Inventery eau be examined on application to • • 1.1. I 11013VRTSON,, AsSignee • bated at ClEnton. this Oth day of March, 1878, • SEED-W.HEAT . MeN.A1R- FLAB Its, — AT ISS".••...111152.112 SEED STORE, HOIION. STos , The following varieties ULDORADO, price KO A ItAMAXICEE, 3:75 • WHITE IFJL " 0.75 WRITE RUSSIAN, LOST NA.TION, " • 3.50 RED FERN; And all other varielieli: Sentinels sent on op.- . plication. • • ,TANIF,8 AtelfAilt • Godcrielr, Mexicali% • MALAGA GRAPES' and 11A.E.A. .YA 3,. jugt receive/4 at Grassick *.riunninaharar's. WANTED, 4..•good plain cook. A ppiy at, • MRS. R. ht. 11:101,Ws8, Clutton, March 7, 1878. t HOUSE AND LOT FOR . SALE, The subscribers offer for Stile, in thei village of Londeshoro, a newly -built Cottage to,a The lot is well fenced,' and has thereon a good well. 'Will be sold cheap for cash. rot par- ticulars apply to ,l/illtElt EROS'. Loniethoro dffl Maroli 1878, present them for settlement after the same date. ' ADFDEToN E7.001T, t• eeu ors. t 1208102T ELGIE, Ttiokeramitir, Feb. IS, 1878. • •Bit • .FOR SAIX; -• The nodereigned offers for fiale hia term of 50 noreS. being the (mat -half of lot 24, 5th coo. Sul lett, situated sip:Wes from • ciinton.; as torso clooroc, and in good, state of etativation, balance good. hitrawond. On tho proudiee are. a good log house. stable; hearing orchard, und-a-livingoipring.,of weter-trear Pap .1i4piteer pirthdr 'arge ra roslieflieny,Folmie2son,to the subser2ber,-C1.212vott • v • • JOHN EROWNLEE,. UW5tab. 48., .1875. • • • (21.00D •0.1-IA8N,C1.4,1 Ant A, BARGAIN, Nit • „ FAUX VOA . . . . - weii-sot lot 15,•north4jalf lot 16, in the Brd con,..of Tfullttt, containini 199 serifs, more 42 bus; 90 cleared, 73 under good cultivation, 16 cf new fallow, hairnet, timber, d. hero ore 11 (eves of tall whcat, end de (ores - fall ploughed. Sidi, elicy. loam. Good frame house, barn, Rhoda. stab;es good orchierd of Choice !mit. The place is well watered, and eitUated Si miles trete Clin• ton.. Fur particulars al ply on the ivereiers, or by mail to J. C. tutinNact, 02.,IN:20N P.O. ; FAIoN..E FOR SALE 011 TO RENT. anbeeriber offerthat eligibly situated farm, north part 1.8 3, 10th -eon. landed& Townetip, 0 22. tainiug 54 aoree,40r FRIO 02 to rent. It la well steered, mint frame house, leg hare, frame stable, 'All 'watered, 'end a youhg 'bearing trobard, 21 miles front Minton. Ala°, a good working mare for male, or to trade for Ininber. Apply. to • W. bObb'WOIVPH, . • Lot 84.10th CO214 Godedeh Township. relt. 7,1818. • A.R.51 FOB SALK. The subscriber:1, ifers fersalC that .couvonlontly cart. ated farm, west haif ot lot 24, Sayfield con. Goderich township, containing lila :Louis, 70 cleared; the remain der good hardwood bush. There is a log bones and bare ottid a smell orchard on the liken. 'The land Is Aricoleos and under amid cultivation. About live miles (vim liayflidd end Clinton. Torun', sown, rem ulneer its ;naiad upon. - • J0110`. COWAN. Clinton,Ificb. 15, 1878. FARM FOR SALE. • The undersigned offors fot sale his farna Of 76 acres, consisting of north-so:4 bolt of Mt 19, Huron Hoed, Goderich Township. Over CO sores cleared, and in a good state ot anat./Afton, remainder good hardwoOd. CloOd frame house, with atone °eller, frame bent, out• bbildings, 8o3. Two orobe.rdo, one of 70 trees, newly planted. . Situate 11 miles froat Clinton. RICKARD RTE. floderieb Township, Feb. 14, 1870. int. flARM. FOR •- The tmerolentle otters his itirm'et 50 'Acres, beirtg lot 28, cert. 880, Oodorich township., d miles front Olinton and 7 'rem Ooderi, h, for Age. About 74 cleared, te- tanindor good hardwood ; sii, rich cloy lonfoi Ten atone are mom With fall wheat, and about 40 fall plough- ed. On the pion feta ore 0 good, new frame house.stene fOntidatioh and cellar, tem, stables, outheikunes won, .ank crook teatime neer the burn, good hearingerithard,- the whets' tieing in *tete of high sanitation. Totes' and particulate on application to proprietor. RbilERT • Porter'a Goiletish fownehipanb. 7,1878. -Use and Lot for *Salp. noun UNDEESTONED orsurts rou tur.z rizu J.- hotels rola lot on Hilton street, enemata. mccsrmoy Thente.res witting facilty. The bous'e,eontainei 7 rooms, has atone toortastton, ,The lot is halt wittestat Ao„-tuoreeir. surto olo Of tho-lberTeeillAtuf in toain, rrice, 81.800 Otteh or 81,400 On t.12110—nne•third down" • balance in equal anneal instaboostoovitn intoreSt at8 per cent.. nEtrar STEVENS, Clint »e,. 21,1877. VALUABLE FARM -FOR SkTJE Vrtu.a The undersigned offers for sele ft farmof 130 acres, being lot 27, con, 14, Hullett ; about. 60 acres cleared, balance well timbered with beech and maple ; sitttate 1 miles from the Enid 2 mites from Blyth. Frame house, barn, „outbuilding ,0 well, and a few fruit trait on the place. ' Will bo aelfrobeap, aud remortable time given if required, 1). ERWIN. Clinton, March 7, 11370. • • 0.4.LIFOANIA GEAPES; freektruit, at Gressiek& Ounninahames, Clintea, • ONT.A.R10,• ,vxaeette,s.eawt,eoioetmeawwewewwrreweewwtenw,wwl, 48781-- • ,,COLBORNE. N4w Posr 0F1IQE..-91.`hp proposed °Mee itt ,Anthony Allen's corner has been -estabashed under the name of Mil.; burn: - Mr: Horace Ibrtert -Jr is post-- • _ master. •' • „ Bsmso'l,Ilc --Mr M.Lawson, having sold his farm, intends starting 'up' the lakes as 'soon as'iltavi"titien opens, with view to find.a suitable place of loca-; tion, He has sonata' idea of removing to the IVIanitoulit, Islands or Manitoba. JEWLIGETT. INDooriorit—,Rev, J. 8. Lochead” will be induced into the charge of Londes. boro and Ilullett congregations, en Thursday next, _ • Cour 0011 Mason has sold his three year old colt Young *ea- clowtegs, to Messrs. W. Morrow and Sheppa t•d, of Goderich townehip • for the surn. of $200; SOMER.—A Soiree -Will e 1e1d itt the EfulIett Rresbyterian Church, on Thtiii- day, ,the 21st • inst., when, a number of rcresesreesn• . d gentlemen deliver ad- • TEA MEETING AT StrliME117111LE.-4. tea meeting:will be held in. the. B. C. Church • Summerhill, • on • Wednesday evening maxt. An - address will be delivered by 'Rey. T. Mason, and a lec:. tore (in1 temperance, illustrated .by chart, given by Rev. J. W, Butcher, Of ,Exeteri_ Muse: will be. furnished, by -the choir. • 1 • • VARNA. Tnaclintts' Insranm—The yegidar bi-monthly meeting of the Varna Tench - ms'• Institute was held - in the school- lionse,-ats-Varint, on 'Saturday last. TheiO was a fair attendance of the leaohers'Of tile tpwnShip. Mr, McAndicav gtiVe his method ofteaAing Geography to•jettiors, showing how to kunke the subject inter esting -to pupils, and also to give them a clearidett of the definitions of, the suh- ject. „Mr. Geo, 13aird, jr,, gave hie,:sy-4- tent a Pennianship, ;showing hew he tesOlies•the subjeet from' the $pencerine principleS., • Mr, •Geo.•••Bitird; sr,, gave solutionsof .the11 ChiSS• Natural Pmi1. or4hy piipee foe Dee., 1877. .`• The sub-! jecta Wore well.received by the Institn to: The ,foliewing :officers 'were elected for the current year McAndrew, Prest ; Geo. Baird, fr.', Vice-Pretat., and Geo, Baird, st, SeeretarY-.Treasurer, •The Seel elary was instructed, to procure " Carrie on Edneation" for the Institute Library. Mesqra, McAndrew, TAivq, nniea, jr., and. Baird, sr.,- were apoointed to take subjects for next nieeting , The Instititte then adjourned; to meet •on Saturday; May 4th, at 10 a.m. • • . STANLEY. Coulant., RtEuXo:--,—Cimencil met Por - sunlit te adjournment in the hall, Varna, on Saturday, the 4th of March, at 10 o'clock. Meinbera all present. The, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting reackand adopted: A petition . 'watt read from Mr. joslin, asking the Council to furnish the plank for a side- walk fromcorner to school and hall, lie furnialling spikes and work. Laid over. The tendera fot• the tewnship printing was read, When it wat found that Ili -6 NEW Enn. was lowest.. A. elt'cular wits read from the .County Clerk, inquiring the livelier who could be Sent to a Count' Poor House; and the amount Spent in 4454 in 1877. The Olplic W218 instructed to state that two 'persons only could be sent to the poor house, and $18 VAS spent in this township itt charity. 111.1877. Mr. Sparks presented the Gal - lector's 'toll and. Statement. It was then moved, seconded and carried, t•hat Mr. Sparks receive hissalary as Collec- tor, and that the, satrt of 43 ets. be dia. „eharged,off the Roll, as the taxis were paid by Mr. Diehl on the'stilne lot. Al - o, that $472, be put. in debenture No. I, and 4'1439 in NO', 2, for Mr., Peek., Also-, that the Reeve give orders to De - putty Returning Officers; and for tho ase of school -houses at hist elections. Also, that the Towdship ptinting 4n3 given to Clinton Nvav Ens. office, as it is lowest. The following-aceonnts-LA' yet* ,paid Win.- Johnson, $1.35, for gravel ; Stinson, $1.25 for cord of wood ; pogitor office, $34.07, * big; V. Her- man, 50 cts, mendi allot boxi W. Bell, $4; for gravel. The following sums were apportioned to th.i several lines, vit., London Road, $50 ; 2nd and 3rd con., :$111 ; ,1th and 5t1i, $11,5 ; Gth and 7th, $100 ; 8th and 9th,, $100 ; 10th and Hth, $1.16; Bronson line, $115; Bauble line, $150; Bayfield road, east of :Creme, $200 ; west,. $100 ; on centre road, botween Brom* and Go- shen, $25,; Goshen and 13abylon, $50 ; Babylon and Par,. $40 Tile &mei' adjourned to:meet on the first Saturday in April, at 10 *look, aim , Pidisiturr, Clerk. 'PORTER'S 'HILL. ASSESSING.,.. --MF, R. Russell is. at WOrk flariessing the Township, He is in no fean,of being bitten by•clogs, while a tax..is.iinposed' on ..these. WORRIED.—•MT. G. Pratt, fith con., had 'nine sheep worried by dogs one night last week, Two of them were killed outright and several .others will .1•418Y PookaiETelt,—Atr,', If. Evans, late of Kippen,: has :rented the store latelypecapied by Mr. J. Hendry; and is continuing the •business. • FAitsw0r.,; Surrtn.—On night lust the friends of Mr. j. Hendry entertained his family at an Dieter map- per, at the 'residence of Mr. • C. Older, man, as a mark Of respect to them and an expression of regret at their depart - tire from this neighborhood, 'Mr. Hen- dry* was unable to be present biraself, having been detained in .Glammis,.Bruce ccnnty, to which he is going; making arrangements for his removal Some • . . twenty-five persons sat down to supper, and a very,pleasant evening was spent. All- United in •wishing success to -„Mr.... .Hendry and his fainily in their new lo.- cation, and•generatregret was expressed in parting with therm • • EXETEIL • 2kCC1DE10.--A sad and fatal nocident , oatiorred near here lctst Week, As; Frank..Hamilton a. Widower • was re. r turning in bia Carriage with his Children from t social, held in the stone Presby-.. terian Church on the' Thaines Road, in the township' of Usberne, ocr Wednesday .night;last, mid while attempting to cross a dret4c• near Wni. Passniore's being Very dark, .the horses. went too near the edge of the bridge, Whioh„was without- a railing, and fell :oyer bate the • water, draggingthe bugg; .anctita °Oen- pants; with.. Are 'exeettien, with ...them. M r, Haniilton :became entangled, and was held ;in the water for a length of time, being_ nimble to 'help himself till Iticld mitting the harness succeeded in- rescuing him. and a little..giel in a state'of unconscious- nessfroin their pbsition ;. the, other little girl having jumped upon ;the the. :eourio'of the fall, was• 'on hurt ; .the litt1 hoy was picked. up dead seine:rods frOtti the, scene of theaeciclent, help not havin,g been at band in time to .Save him'front drowning. • Mr. Uamil ton's. feelings, when restored to Conscioutt- mess, cannot -be. described .on , 8044 the dead body of his only son.. IS GODERICEt TOWNSUIP TEA ATIM.TINO.---A tea meeting Wag held in Cole's Church-, (13 iyfielci circuit); on Tiiesility hVening of last ..veek, which• was well attended. A. number of tut..• chews, wore delivered, • which, inter- apertiod witla.,si ngi lIg, made it plertsant 'evening's en tertainnaent, • OA. Were tlin- OrOCeed 0 it the, roi 1041 o - emiree was held, when $11 was raised. Roraima 13keic...,-A."-..contain. well-to- do farmer in °Aerial.) toWnship inform- ed uo last week,.that he had not yet.dis- pesed .orit Single pound of his lastAir's crop, of any shisCription. The reason .tor._lteeping :it -thus lotiv,, ,hn. said, was not • that , he anticipated better prices, butcifolini-atinideti-- had pi•evented hLrn getting it ' ready • for imitket. Alan - ;Stately, be is a person who caw snstain any loss, it foss there be, resulting from tibia cottrai. • ' • • Ciotixotr. Ittntrisma.—Couneil met at Holnieiville, oh the 4th. inst., pit:latent toadiournment. Members alit present. Minutee of loot 'fleeting read and passed. The' principal part of the day was era- ployed in 'reading arid amending.ty-1# W§ 01 publication, in pkraphlet form. By- law No. 8 of present :year read and. p1tl3se..1, Viva dollars.. was given to eac17. cif the Atitlk Round Iteepera to repair the several petit:ids. ilir. Yeo was paid two 'dollars for.cla.nacte to buggy throligh de- fectin road; Th; letter of John Wright and others, relating to side: line near Maitletal, river; laid ovoe to next meet- ing ,,nf Contain. Archibald Itennedy, hotel keeper, Itoltnesville, on application stating his lieense woo too high,' as his reosipts are !Ault' off, was refunded ten &Hata.. Collector on . stating .ho had several journeys to Goderich and„other extra work in the publicinterest; over and .ahave his ordinary duties, was granted fifteen dollars. . Mr. - joint Woods appliedand weer; appointed Col- lector of taxes. Wil:fain. Collins, indi- gent, Sirdll grfilited twenty.dollars„ An- drew MalCee, indigent, was grantea ten dollart‘ The following accounts Were paid iAlet„,..Ohbahellti,, for gravel,.$20,-•, 72 ;' Treasurer, year's, poettqc. and one half per cont. on special' school tat, 7.50; also one 'per cent. ort plying Legislative and, Oonnty,,Pchaol. Grants, $10'.d The 0Junci1 adjourned to meet on the first Monday in: April.. — Lute ri.troitt LONOESBORO. • biEW PA.,'RSOXAGIE..-1;oridera are balled for the erection Of a iiriCk parsenage, for the Methodist's of is stniletbing "that_was„ much .kkeetlisd; ,Should the attendance of elitirehl:gders- moms° pouch there will soon be a ne- cessity. of another extensien, ftsk the pre; sent edifice is quite frequentlt" filled to overflowing." • ' • , -QtarnatztSenttn„7---0a Sunday last a very unusual Scene was witnessed in °lir usually quiet village. Ex -monk Wicl- clow's preaclied'here, in the, afternoon, in Piont's mush, hal; :anti at the ' own- • mencement of his remarks,. be defended himself- against solaria-- attackS made on 111117 by the editor of the Mitchell Cate; be termed, " the Lord Mayor of Alitqlielj," Widdows Was apparently unitivara.that there' resided in this place. two relatives of the editor; and was to,- Icen",te task for . the :expression. lay...Mr,- Henry Davis, who,' with others, inter- rupted him. At-the-conoliksion of the _set:Vice, which lasted about an hour, the. ex -monk • was on his Way. to his hotel; when Davis came up behind, 'and touch- ing his shoulder; said I want to speak to you it .amaient," and on Wichlows turning round, the former dealt him a blow ou the cheek; causing him to stag- ger, and knocking off his hat, ; On Mon.: clay a ,warettot was issued, and Davis •hrought-before nos, Ifohnew, .J. -.p., Who tidjanrued the ease nntil next DrIon; day. ' The event caused considerable ex- eitement,. an,..c1 the finale -op the matter be.,anicioay,aWaitedd tVRCILARY.—' Puring Stuutay night, or early Monday morning, the freight -shed of tile 6. w. R. Company was entered bY burglars, the safe blown open, and the suni of ..$70 abStractea therefrom. &- tinned :kii4,8 effeeted • by breaking in the front,Iloor of the shed, which work artist have been done with a:heavy iron' bar, . as the lock was broken, and tae street.); fasteningson the insiclesent partly across • the I-milt:ling by the. force of the " big ptuilt"' made. A bele had been drilied in .the,.safotlercer; and naredire thon•foreed The door of the safe washloWn elear. off, and lay 'at a considerable • 'distance .from its usual position., Between $05 and .$7q.were taken, arid' the Company may be congratulated on 'getting off so easy, as if the Istirglais had _made a visit on Friday, night, they would have found nearly $400 in the Safe. No clue to the thieves Las been obtained, and in all probability there won'tbe any.. The ,neakest house to the Freight Shed is Dinsley's Hotel; and the occupants of that place were not disturbed by the ex- plosion, 01' any' unusual noise during -the night. =RON ITEMS-. A.Bayfitdd, shop licenses cost $80, and tavern,. $.60. ' A. Conservative banquet is to be held la Btussels to -night. • Mr. Wm. Hill, of Seaforth, i &lima to start a branch stCSre ii Brucelleld. A.licied, formerly of Exeter, an one bundretl yards in 114 seconds, lately. Mr. G. E. Cresswell, of Tuckerstnith, and Mist Cresswell, arrived home frotn England on !riday °Veining last. Metiers. Scott Brothers, of tioa.forth, have sold their farm on the Sauble Line, Stanley-, to Mr, -G. Thompson, of Mc- Killop. Payne has sold his farm. lot 27, con. 9, Meitillop, ,to Mr. Sohn Mc - •Elroy, fin; the snip of $2,200. The farm contained 50 acres. Mr; Ileaeont Ints purchased Mr. Marks's new • stoi.e, Ilityfield;and has also rented the Bayfiehl weigh scales on the market square, • • At Exeter a bey last week stole $35 watch from, the house Of Mr. J. McInnes, selling it afterwards for. a few • cents. This article was recovered. • Messrs. 'Bennett, Smith Co., of • Brussels have secured the contract for building the•Teeswater Roman Gatholic Church. The building will cost $8,400. 11. Sweet, of Crediton, who has only been moiled a short time; ran •Etway last week, not even informing his :wife 'Of his intentions:, 'Mary yotere "sweet" youth. ' The directors of. the' West Riding gricultttral Sooiety we in Goderich • I&week, when. arrangenaenta 'Were made o hohl the annual' Spring show o entire s ook at Smith's Hill on. Wed- nesday, April', 7th. • .A. Hentiall correspondent, writes The benefit the railway is' to uS, is now being found ouP.hY• tho farmers along the lino ; land that they *mild have to pay tWelve doilars tier() for chopping, • 41.1e11011.14HP1-1!-- 01. , - • ' 4.••••••••*••••••••••••,..r........• left ready for the crop, they giving twelve doll era an acre foe the hard wood, •Mi. S., Scarlett, of Mcitill 4), on Sa- turday last, sold a pair ,of veryfine l'ats steers to Mr. 11,-Wintere, of Senforth. Tliese—iiiiiinals Weighed; 3,000, pounds; 1V1r..Winters paid $1,1Q fOr them, They were purchased for the English market. . A successful Sabbath Sehool coovetr-: 'lion, in vonnectitin with the Presbyter-, ian S, 8, of tile Oeunty, Was held in Seaforth, on the , 28th Feb, Several good acldresseS were' delivered and mach interest was manifestechin the proceed, ings. ' • • • • A fleet of fishing boats went. out from' Goderich on Thursday March 7111, and not a piece of ice could be seen,_. This is phenomenon never seen'here befot.e. . It is nsually the•triirldle or end of - before Stich large. number of 1364t$ ipftVe barbor.. . - - The Canada:Presbyterian of Toronto ssyS : We are requested to contradict the statement to the efteet that the Pres- byterians' of Seaforth had given a eall to . Rev. Mr. Fraser, o'f St, Thonuts. Mr.• Fraser's name has pot .been before the Seaforth congregation. Three Division Court debtors were. Committed to Goderich jail last week for terms of thirty days each, -having t ;neglected to plitnic down as .ordered by. - the tout.• Two of them, after three days! incarceration, settled , the billo.. against. thetn.and were discharged. • 7,• We notice from our • exehangos, that the fees charged ter taterit and shop; _ licenies throughont. the Province, range "from $100 to $200, the •amerage: 'being Iri Wit -Thant the feeti, are $70. Verily the licjitor seller's of ; this a,mlei- tiOtts rounicurality. itt.e. faVoilid c:4111118181t • own.- 04,000, • The c/loderich 'Foundry Co. has re- ceived au order-I-forint/Saler. lot of 80 sets of car wheels for use on section, 15 Of the Canada Pacific . Rkilway, The Contract has also heen teceived .for fit, ting uP 18 twit run nrist inill at • Ailsa Craig aniouraing to -Omit $23500, and other. Orders .nre, Coining. Int item tor protectionists . Two ambition yoit 013.0f the :mature age of 14 years, belonging to two of the most respectable families in .East Wa- wanosb; conceived brilliant.idea, of " seeing the World." Accordingly,...01,1 Wednesday ing,lit of last week, thsy set old With that 'object in vieW, not, how- ever, without the necessary stampit,,one or the boys haviog approptiated front the patdrual chest a poaket book Con- tdining about $100 cash and a note for $150...• Next day •the Ands and wallet were miSsecl, when prompt notion Was taken. to ‘,Bectire their . return home; which restil their capture on Sa- turday sA; S • e. „ --- To the Editor of the Yap Era: 1 tan *heartily join. with every one ugaged in the furtherance of the tent. cause.. It Litho question of questiOns t mat be kept prominently before the pub. lie, until the people are educated to view the license svatem in all Re enormity. May ,the time collie, and tltat soon, when we will look upon it as a g!eat. crime ; when wo, a free, a great, and united people, with one voice shall' decree its downfall. The traffic. of liquor must come to an end ; the enrse of God is upon it. How cart it continue to exist, being accursed. of and; and a curse to nutn, with the best intellect of the wr.i`rld opposlne it ? The slave trait) was once a mighty power in the world, and was thonght invulnerable by the greatest statesmen of the day, in the most powerful nations of the earth. But, sir, it was Fa/tailed, and that most trintuphantly too, . and where is it to -day in protestant lands ? 181s talked of 228 it thing cut tho past, with the utrood abhorrence. i ask now where is the man that does not look upend:very as a great crime. The time is conking,. nil that aeon, when men will look 1111021 ail buying and eon.. " • ing,of alcohol as we do new upon the slave. question. History' will repeat itself in the temperanee cause as it has done in the,;abo. Wort of slavery. It is trtte nian cannot law- fully be enslaved, and held hi bonds, although by a Hoene% (for money) he May cell that to a man that enslaves him, whereby he is held in bonds by the devil. The signs 01 1118 times are • hopeful, for the sue ess of our cause. Reason must have its sway, and • the trutjr must pro, vail ; the Bible says Ito. 1Ve live'in an age of toleration. Pica is more petverful than Mil- lets—ink, than powder, rind the best of all. the press, the most powerful, is on our The other day Lora Beaconsfield set the :tow in motion for the protection of British Inter- ests in Turkey, And backed, as ib was, by the peopl? of England, the autocrat of all the Enemas growled defiantly at first at InCing of his good Upon Turkey. Tho Great Boar sucked bin paw for a while in angry Mo. ditation at the aublime, roaring of the British Lion, For the benefit of hie bosh!) h* is gone to Turku, and is now smoking thebelabrit of ° peace with the Sultan in Turkey, ,congratulat- ng laim upon his ese.tpe from his porver, as he tell net allowed, through British influence, to walk into his'affections as much as he wished. This le just tom ittatance of the power of the pr.'s. With theatt auxiliaries we shall ultimately succeed by the help 013 od, hi rolling out Of ' the land one of the most injurious laws. phyla - daily and morally. that now rottfigufg ttg in the statute hooks of this our beloved Dominion 1101# oIettred1 by the Company, And ° f Canada. Clinton, March II, /378. R. NV.