HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-03-07, Page 8THE CLINTON NEW ERA. CLINTON' NEW E Xoc l Vl tt•er'. THOROUGHBRED LIVE B STOOK, SALE, The first annual sale Of thoroughbred.. stock, under the .auspices of the Huron Live Stodk Association, took placein this town yesterday. The' weather was fair and mild-, unuautll•y, so for the Bea • son, and the gathering was very great, there being -not lees than 2,000 straug- ers in town. • The Catalogue • (If sleek was large and contained the `navies of • • many of. the bear horses in the eoun:try, and they , were all in Prime condition and looked well. . It was feared that the depressed state of trade, and the dearth of Money would have • a 'depressing effect ' upon the sale, `which, unforltnately, turned out to be the case, for although the � ene�al very v mod- upset prices were g , ;ally.. ,. erate, but few aminate changed hands, Those horses that wenexold, .'we thinkx were purchased at ti, low .figure..' . Although there was a'good• show of thoroughbred bulls, .cows .and calves, '!•farmers ' appeared to. be very back= ward in bidding, apparently as if they did not want to snake inyesttnents in• .this kind of stock, fearing, that stock raising was not going to be Very. .profit- able, notwithstanding the increasing de- mand for it in England. The. saute may he said of sheep and pigs, appa- rently as if scarcely any one was in the buying snood. That the inauguration cittht'S, it 1 auction sale was a good idea,' cannot, but be admitted,, but the,, condition; of the. times was such as to almost forbid the possibility of a success, financially ;' but the fact is established that•a large amount of stook can be gathered, and people in abundance -will attend• the sale..Many of the animals were brought from a distance, and among. the •arow.d were intending buyers trom 'all around. We' give a list of the' sale' as it too place, with the sem at which they'wero knocked down. ' Most of the animals, it will be seen, being bid in. lkst is given the name of animal, then propriktor's name, then' purchaser and figure -tile word 'owner signifying that the animal was'bid'in by,him Guat'credit•is due toall• the promo- tern of the affair, and..if any -were, i'n' 1.-,rtieuIar deserving of notice more than others, it was• the Secretary,_ .Mr. Y.., i17cLeain, and Mr. W. Hodgson, who much towards' the success. of the sale : STALLIONS. Young Miracle, agricultural. Jas.Blake, prop. Win. Walker, Lucan, 8480, Young Peacock, carriage. Thos. Moon, prop. Owner, $300. ' Hard Fortune, draught. Jas: Watson, pro- prietor. Owner, $700; Dick Tnrpus, draught. T. J. Boll, prop. Owner, 8900. Yopng Smiler, carriage. W. Walters, pro- prietor. Owner, $340. ' Ring John, general purpose. 8. Hunter, prop. Owner,- $250. Canadian Prince, agricultural. J. Mason, rrop. Owner, $300. • Yopng Hambletonian, roadster. J. Bea- com, prop„ Owner, $600. Wideawake, Gold Dust. Owner, $325. Clifton, Gold Duet.- Owner; $30O; Young Perfection, general purpose. W. 8. Ferguson, prop. Donald MolLnrchie,•$325. Glenlee. 0. Dale, Tnckeramitb, prop. Love & Brown, $810. Joseph Baxter, Wm. Walters, prop. Ow- ner, $250. Lord Dufforin, draugghht. W. L. Ferguson, prop, Arch. Boyce,:ffolborne,.$1400. • King of the Dominion, agricultural. John Cawing, prop. Owner, 8400. Young What's Wantod, draught T. 3. Bell, prop. Owner, $2,000.• Young Peacock, carriage. 3. J. Fisher, plop. Owner, $1600. Honest Tom, general purpose. 'Peter Mo- Tavish,, prop. No hid. Young Merry Legs. Jahn Mason, prop. Owner, $, 00. Canaby, draught. Thos. .Evans, prop. Owrie'r,.$2,000. Sir Archy, blood. Mex. Innis, prop. 00, n. r. $5500. Sir Tatton Coachman, blood. Jas. Itogers, prop. Owner, $500, • Young Phenomenon, general purpose, W. Herbison, prop. Owner, $700. • Glory Bright, agricultural. John Thorny. son, prop. No offer: . England's Banner, carriage. J _Horton, prop. No bid.' Coachman. 0. and L. Hunter,. prop. Otg- ner, $580. Canadian Wonder, Agricultural. V. Dria- cow, prop., $200. Lord Haddow, Agricultural._„ lti...,L'exdue, prop. Canadian Ploughboy, General Purpose. Jos. Walker, prop , $600. General Purpose. 3. G. Trimmer, prop.,• 8280. Bentucky Blood. John Leckie, drop., 8160. England's Glory,Agricultural. T. Das - tow., prop., $275. John Bull, agricultural. 8. Barr, prop., $200. Honest Billy, agricultural. Wm. ligan, prop. King of the West; agricultural. J. Mc. Donald,°propp., $190. Scotch Mamie, draught. Thos, Sale, prop. $601 warrior, carriage. J. Johnston, :prop. $2,. 00� "v Prince, roadster. ° J. Fitzgerald, prep, --",et. Stock, 7 stallionsand «nn.. _ Mei • MARES. Queen of Bruen; general pnipose. 1... Hamilton, prop. Owner, $120. Flower of Exeter, draaght, G1, lviace,,prop, W. Eawkshaw, $19.6. Maid of Usborne, Carriage, L., Hunter, prop, H. Alexander, $140., .' BULLS,. •i Don Fernando, J 8 Smith, proprietor, j1100; owner. ' Bull Calf, 1:3. Suet), prop. 8. Sel;titiller, Goderioti,°$40. West Johnston, l'I..Spell, prop. •Lr; E. Wawanosh, $146. Baron Gano, C A. O'Malley, prop, No bid:�.- .. ».-� ,..a._.�.:.-..:.-.��......_°.....,,_... Oxford Duke, A • T. Tyerman, prop. Ow- Wellington Oltief, uo•offer. George Green, prep,, Mazurka Duke, • O. A. O'Malley,•. prop, Owner,. $160. . .• Young, Prince Arthur, A,. Elpoat, prop. Wm. Heron, .$55., •'Seebnd I+'ainosa Chief, J 8,. Smith, prop, C. Dale, jr.,''Tuchersmith„$150 •Oxford Duke, A.-i1,''Stowart, prop, Own. er; $190, ' Duke of Wellington.., • Noah Bechtel, l{ays villa, $70. • Barrington Airdrie. No offur. Stanley (ruler, Dan Wilson.; Owner; $50. Sir Wincey Broughton. P. Lemis, purchaser, $ T1. Kentucky,arn, purchaser, Jr,J $102. rchaser, $0 . Forest Prince. :Donald Currie, purchaser, ,$70: • • • COWS AND HAIFBRS, Rose 'of Maple, Lodge. J. S: SmiTh, prop. W. 'Iodgson, $140 Princess and Bu1l.Calf " J, S. Sutitli,' prep. Owner, $120. Princess ',Myra.. H. Snell, prop. G. John- ston,-London,:$175., Snow Drop.. , R. Gibson,. -pr -op. --•••A. Eleoa:t;• $120, nor, $50. Town Connell,' The regular•monthly naming of the Town. Oouncil took place on Monday evening; all the metnbers• present. Minutes of last meeting read and air; proved.' The report of tht:' Fiance Committee, recommending the payment of the following accounts; was then read and adopted;=h1. Robson, .salary, &c.; -$i101-42 Wr-J--FaialSyysalesry; aolleat. ing :.taxes;. &c., $153.25 ; J. Calfieck, cedar,lumber, $134,60 ;--Jas -': `owsor selling , weigh scales, $3 ,, .repairing l H W � i M Sandi, k 5U :a;,ttum,.not toexceed $1,000, beexpelid- ed in building writer tanks, proogrivg a naiad, engive, and tri other ways rog- ing.tlle meansof fire proteotiott " ' titer being read; cons%derable dspussion'• fol lowed, when the report. was ordered to be'laid oval'. By-laws Gomnritiee,re• ported Pmendmetits. in `the �by-law re- specting° -thee duties of the'ai•fferelit tom- tuitteera, find also recgtnmendingthe ern"- ploynreat of a oellipetentpArsen to ro� visa And, consolidate rile bylaws of the town.• Report adopted:. The' Property Clotnrriittee reported as fellows s Th@t. a eu,ilable piece of ground be purchased for:.A pound, and that a. urinary becon- tatruoted ; "t also gave a, list of the . mov- able property belonging.to• the' town. `Phu report rues received' with inetruc- tiyne to Mind a:eti,i.table.pieceof lground for. a.pound;• and report at next }nesting. Z'lie Ia'efliae fiend. ; pt'titoned' for: the `tiles of Ilio gallery ip tits town hall to practisq iu.. (xranted: Colntnunica- boner, from'Go'derioh and Sarnia, rend in relation' to fire engines for sale. A resolution was moved .to appoint a dopa baton tri proeeea to Sarnia to see, th• st�atn fire engine there, and t� er►deayor '• b 1 division. . Communication from M. C. Cam.ron, Esq., Goderich, giving hid le- gal opinion,'as follows on the by-lai <to regulate the sale of meat t. " I have examined the by -lata, and I am of the opinion that the corporation had the power .to pass the. first section of the• by-law, and that under. this provision the butchers are bound to sell in the itiarket.'stalle, and in violation of sec tion one, are liable to fine.. The Conn- cil then adjourned until the 7th last: MAtiulr came in as "meek as a lamb." IY ook-up, 45.37 ; Wm. Foster a.nd, W m. Steep,' services at the late fire, $2 each ;, . and A. Cook, de., 62 cents- eac r ; work.; on street,: dents; D..B. Kennedy; rent of 'pound, $12 D, B. 7Cennedy, filling tanks, dzc., $7.5'O , J. L Sheppard, -,ringing bell, $17.50.; also; that the -bonds' of N. Rob- son, treasurer, be accepted. ....The Fire to negotiate for it, but it was oat on a H. B. A, S., DINNEit.-The annual dinner in connection with the. Iullett Branch Agricultural. Society took place, at Pike.'s Hotel in this town, on. Wed nesday evening, and, no doubt, Wean- sequence ri' eon-• sequence of the thoroughbred stock Sale taking place the Seine, day, the number of gentlemen that sat down to the lux- urious and abundantly spread table vita larger than usual, there not being less than 200 tickets sold. The head of the 'table was occupied by S. Andrews, Esq,, the president cf the society, and an his rig Prof. 'Johxistotr,--of--the--Ontario Agricultural Model Farm; and then on his left • Mrs Weld of the .Farmer's. Ad- vocate, and among those present were Messrs. J,' Digging, :J. Shipley, C. Dale, R. Gibson, Wm. Kitchen, 11. Steep, H. Snell, H. LoveJ, Morgan, 3, W. Big- gins, A. McAllister,J., Middleton, Jos. Howson, Wm. Wise, .3''. Brunsdon, T. Arty, C. Carbert, W. Colwell;. R. Jack - 801, A. Elcont, T. Frear, G. Stanbury, J. Coming, T. Corbett, J. Joslin, John McMillan, J. Johnston, .1. Lashant, R.. Cole, A. Govenlock, J. Mason,T. Tip - ling, T. Bell, T. Neilans, N'. Robson, ll; Robertson, J.. Shaw and Wm. Gra- ham. As we have; to go to press early this morning, the balance of oar report has to 'be omitted until next week. . w a IAmi 7, 1875. "Jul" . hal .had his cab refitted. and refurnished, and now it looks. es good flsLAST Saturday s everat Tncliaas graced our streets, •and wended axe -handles and whipstocks. , '` 1VIon> 4ordwood has been brought' into town this winter, in waggon racks, than for many years •past, • 'REv, Mu. HADWIN, formerly of Bay field circuit, preached ntorning and even- ing in the• Methgdist ohuroh, oix Sunday LEarinie.--••- F, 'G. Widdows, ex -Fran- oisean Monk, will lecture in the towel hall here, on Wednesday evening next,., the 13th inst.. House Soin,-•.-IVfr, W Johnston leas ao Sl_?1is :hoose _.And half acre Int- tr' :4k . bert Street to• Mt J hn Chtirohill, for the sutu.of $$50. - itity, Jos. PHILP, of TToliuesville,; will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist chnrch here, on Sunday next, - morning aitd evening. • • • .ktonsxs SOLD. -The span of black M. carriagehorkes; owned 'by the late Robt„ Callander, have • beau:sold to NIr. John Shipley, for. the . suns of $20(7. TF You want to see anybody,`go to the Post. Office and remain. for a .time. •You will be sure to see almost everybody in Clinton during the course of',a day. A an.EAm'many impostors are' •tra'vel- Jing-around the eountry..getting' their .living in 'an easy manner •by pretending tb be aliiieted. Look out for them; • - AcoinnNT•-On Sunday last, :the wife of Mr. A. Graham (wlo lately pnrchas- ed the• Fulton farm met with a serious accident,.• .While out walking, slid slip- ped down, .breaking leer leg at the ankle. ,. B4Ln BAor'n.:Yesterday, :Mr. John Ward;.'of th.e Base Line, drew. a large crowd around Lith by a free exhibition of'a •fine speciuien. of ;the bald eagle, iclr-he-eaught4n-a-trap-a-ahct�t--time•- i.nce T Taz; '1to.�Ds.-At 1'esent the road% p.• in -this -neighborhood. are in a-sbpotibi ly bad:State,.partipularly those that are• not to any great extent gravelled. •This. is due to the open weather end con- tinuous , trafiio :.over ahem. •• Honss":roe 'inn U. S. -Yesterday Dr. Soierville, of Buffalo, •purchased. four or five horses hero, for use on the American. ; street -cap. tracks,' at prices ran in from '.80 to i:110 On Tuesday lie purchasednine at.Seaforth.- • TEnPERANOV . EN TERTAINgE14T. = O.n Thursday•evening lasttthe United Teui- plans of this town entertained the Lodge frogx .Londesboro• in their roost Huron :Street," After refreshreents had 'bean partaken of,. the •evening. was:spent' in readings;: recitations, .dzc.•. '.. , • -A .,nEau IEUL 'tnstaitce" of .youthful• simplicity transpired in:toipri. the Other. day,.:'A :little girl was' -asked where she came from, 'meaning : where • she ..was born. -Her answer was "" Like an air. ple,1 grew on a tree; and when:I waa ripe they went out„and piclked me. DONIiIEs.-Yesterday 'a. pair of that;•- onghbred donkeys, hitched to a buck- board, attached considerable notice' on account of their '" enormous" size. They are .the property of• 1M1r. John Joslin, Varna, and stand about 30 inches high; And look as if a 'good • sized man could pick one. up under each arnt and walk away With them. COMFLIYENTAItY.---SIA renewing • hip subscription, Mir, HarryReed, of St. Louis, (a former. Clintoni-an,) ,pays the NEw ERA the following compliment -= If the "old town' has gone ahead ' as fast as its paper -you ought to feel proud of both. Allow me to congratu- late yoti on its find appearance, and may its "shadow never'grow less:" • • PROPERTY r$, ALE.^-WTha hotel, COM - 'wooly known as .Lanes', was gold by aucton on Tuesday, and knooked down 16 the mortgagee's for $2475. That lot and building on the east aide of Victoria street, many years ago used as at cabi- net and undertaker's :shop, has been purchased by Mr.. John McMurray, who is pulling down the old and'unsightly- building perparatory to the erection' of a cottage. • A nA» " SF.f,T.;'.•-•'Cho' wooden. figure used by; Mr. Thos, Jackson as an 'adver- tieing medium for his clothing, is the source of no end of blunders and consid- erable amusement. The other day et, lady passing down guest, was 'astonish- ed to see the figure throwing kisses and beckoning tog her, and apparently won - tiered how ever a.wooderi imago could. be made to act so nicely. But her as toniahment was turned to vexation when she discovered tilat;a fun -loving •youth -was standing behind the dummy moving the arms • • PEnsoNAb,.--•Joseph Whitehead, Esq., has-.r,eturned from Manitoba ,to this town, where he will remain for a few days. He speaks its high terms: of Man- itoba, both as'to its; agricultural resourc- es and its e1inrtate; he, latter, he bays, being .much more salitbriotts, than On- tario, beingless' i:hangable and dryer. This season it has been° very 'mild, his men on the Pacific Railway being able to work all the winter without their, coats, The soil, be states, is not equal - lea in Ontario for agricultural purposes. The crops, notwithstanding the wet sea - eon, have been very good, and'ihe con. ditioti•of the country Is in•a very pros- porous state. YEs1EBDAr was asst Wednesday.. MR. J, O. Mt1,Lus has. received large stock of trunks, valises, whips,. &o, &c, itis advertisement was too late for this issue and will appear in, our- next. WE AnE;•pleasetl to see that. Mr. John Hudgins„ who .leas been confined to his house for. some days, by illness, is• again alil'6•to be oat, but is look tng.very feeble. Tn.ntrs.-No less' than four.of these individuals were provided With free lode ings in the titarket building, on Tees - day night; they tratttping on next°morn ing, • A Tonotr dealer advertises pants at 40 touts, Unless a lot of,pe'ople that we know up this way,�visit us soon, we won't be able to invest in a pair, cheap as ,theyare.. , _ A PF,DES't'1tWAN standing,' on the cross., ing cf Heron and Albeit, streets, sols- logtiisef3 se follows yesterday ;-" Mud. to the right of ate, mild to the left -of. me, ntud all aroli.nd me."' . INSTEAD of the .administration of the sacrament 'once a quarter, as has been the etistom in •tire Methodist Church of this town, it will in future be adminiu tered on 'the first Sun day of every month.. CHEAP FARES TO t'1`TONTREAL. The' Grand Trunk Railway' will •issue tickets: to Montreol and return, good far ten. days, at single fire for the double jour- nay, on the 18th inst,, and also on' the lst +of April. • Hlalr'SQH0OL STAFF. -The fell-iwing is the' stall of'teachers etn'ployed in the High School of this; town. Mr. James Turnbull, headmaster; and Mr'.. J. Bryant, Mr. J. R. Balfour, and Miss. M. O•Netll, assistants!. YistER»AY two young men, named Churchill and Morrison, were arrested for fighting, and. both fined $1 and costs. For being drunk, and disorderly, T,:Appleby, was fined $1 and costs: 'All wore Arrested, by Constailr`ie Paisley. ' CATTLE FOR 'ENOLAfD.'-Os Tuesday Mr. Thos. Govenloslr, of •Seafortli, •shi . ped -from' this station; nineteen -lead -Of cattle, direct` to. the: English' market. This is the first 'shipement of'the kind front this'station The, cattle were va-' lued'.at $1,300, 'or nearly. $70 a head. TEMPEliatios.=On Tuesday evening lest. a. public meeting 'was' held in the iMethodist Church, here,. for. the purpose of inaugurating, the Rine' tewperance movement: Rev. Mr. Fowler occupies'' fife- haix,' arid. the meebibg was address- ed; by 'Mr. H. King, an assistant of Mr: Rine, who. spoke of the work. performed and, progress made by,tlte,several tem peranee'advoeates of the day, conolaaing I his earnest address,- which was attentive ly listened to, Witji an appeal to all who desired to sign tiie pledge, to •cogie.for' ward and. do : so;• to which quite a" nuiii. bei complied. A second Meeting was held in the: sante .place' last evening, *lien, • notwithstanding the unfavorable weather, quite a number were 'present; and: pledged themselves `to• the cause: Subsequent meetings are ; to be. held. in .the town hall, commencing to -night, StarrxR.-On Thursday evening ;last, the...merubers of. the Clinton Cricket Club, with the 'boarders 'of the Batten bury House', entertained' Mr. J. K. Sherwood to a supper on the occasion of 'his leaving' town for nig home 'in King- ston. After.'full jastice had been • done lit the splendid repast placed upon the table by Mr. 1.. Rattenbury, of the Rat- tenbuiy 'Rouse, Mr..' Railton, presi- dent of the cly}b, took ate .chair; and pro- posed the usual loyal toasts which were heartily drank to. "The Guest" was drank with the greatest enthusiasm. Mr. 'Sherwood,' on rising to respond, thanked the gentletnen present for the Very hearty mannerjn which they drank the toast. He was pleased to see so many of his friends before hint, and thanked them all for the kindness' and great.' attention they had shown him during.his illness, but he desired ntore 'especially to thank one who had been a Very dear friend, end one, butfor'whose 'care; he would not have been before them to -night, Ere referred to Mrs. Rance,. and paid'her a high compliment for the kind attention she had shown during his 'late severe illness, In connection with the cricket club, he hoped that this season would be as successful as last and wished the club every prosperity.' r� The Manufacturing Interests:" coupled with the names of Messrs. Cullen add Macplterson,$ '" Suecess to the Cricket Club," coupled with the name of gr. B. J. Wade ; '-The Stranger's," coupled o f Mr. 0: McLeod. and with the 'names f . 14T Loo Capt. McCulloch ;: " The :l'Iunicipalily of Clinton," coupled With the name of Councillor Jackson, and " The Ladies," were elI proposed 'and duly responded to. ke u lr 1. 'after - twelve company bio p s ori y twelve o'eloek, ,well: pleased• with tiro evening's pleasures. • • • .: Arioriftn.-On Thursday evening, another farewell supper was Otani to Mr. J. Wiseman, at Itis boarding house on the occasion of his leaving for Galt.' A pioasant evening was enjoyed. /OW V. t1D,tvcIA 0.01/6/26' and I�FH01VrS, at eirassick d .°twang/tame& ;Sale Register. Patin stock, implements, &e. of G.,,Sprung; lot 43, con. 18, Ittllett,•on the 20th inet,, G. M. Trueman, duct.- o'A2VN,PD' +7OO14*,' at Q'rauiekot aunningliante'a. d • 18.78, 1 -acus_ r 1878. :CLQ;T IN NI'EIt0EL NT,. 000 �II C NFURNISHINGS. Our stock of the above line . is now complete, and is, without .exp •ption,- the FINEST WE HAVE EVER SHOWN, • SILK SQUARES, - a Magnificent Assortment. SILK .TIES LINEN COLLARS, • LEA S, BRACES _ HOSI - ERX,. an Endless Variety. all Styles and Sizes. Splendid 'Lines. e• a Tremendous ,Assortment. _KID::' L _VE - G 0 S . -th Newest :Sit ..; ... - .a11 e . - .ewest .... ales. - IN :' WHI'I'.t,. OXFORD, 'AND REGATTA SHIRTS,,. we are: showing alt • the latest styles; ' Our stock of A T tom leta and comprise the. Fine t w� e 'have ever opened out. CLINTi:*i, March 6, f878. THOS'. JACKSON. Somet: N E V xr t • NTO �L For theBenefit f .-th People. Fo B:ane t o � �. popie THE UNDERSIGNED TAKE THIS 'OPPORTUNITY OP INFORMING THE PEO • tut of Clinton and'vicinity; that they have commenced business 1 In the stand lately. occupied • by Mr. T. Jackson, Where they will be able to suppl... those favoring them with their, custom, with anything in their line, which;ia as follows s • FEUIT.S ,OF ALL 'KINDS, IN- SEASON. . CONFECTIOT 'ERY IN ALM OST; ENDLESS 'V-ARIETY. NUTS OF ALL KINDS, such as •I+'i1berts Brazil, Allnoudg, Walnuts, Cocoanuts;, &e.' CA.N�E'D GFOODSPeaches, F u m.g ... l • Pears Toma toes Straw`. , , , berries,':lackberxies; •Lobsteis, Salmon, Sardines, 86c. FINE "TOB•ACCQS Z** They have an endless variety in FIFES, front the common Clay to the finest Meerschaum. • All the novelties In. Ciebilt HOLDERS, CASES, POttCEES, PIPE STEMS, WAX VBSTAS, MATCH BOXES;. &c. • O'V'ER Twtwry' ' 13RAIWDS:• O1+`-. CIGARS, froth the common three cent ones to the nestitasana.. - OYSTMta OYSTtRS. OYSTER PARLORS IN CONNECTION Whet* any number. can be .aeoonniodated on the shortest notice, and have their 'Oysters In any style. We also keep 0y"sterefbrasale .by the quart,can, or case. It geed* ,rola this store are warranted as represented,and cast ra-• turned if not sathia410 y, Tit 0'NA.(rtB, � RESPRCTI+ULLZ•Sq;,LioIT1Jt1. . . C'xRASazCK & CUNNX111CrRA11/tZ. w'TbN'y J`an,•lo, s.}