HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-03-07, Page 7. .. I
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MARCII 7, 1.876. - . : . . 11 . THF,, OLTNTION NEW ERA, I . I . .1 .7 -
. . . ---- ---- ----
. mommu --- -- -- ---------. I I . _-----P"W-- I.--------- —.—---- - 11111. a
- 4 Metnq . `wbiin t * I - . . . i'l . I RIM I . I
. .11][ODERN DRFXNvrilo N atnu .9. buy f4tind 'Xin' 'OP, -111 "W"Ib qa-q
vxx4 but a short . i , . , g8toll has a deacit of $11,000 !a
-- . I 11 . .. A I rtee$ !for tile last fiscal yi ar, . I — am 34 11111M .
. I . TUIg oempany's floot consists of Twolvq class; Iiii1f.- "
ra ,.v strated, but in valti, *alld re vived it Vol. i ... . . . NAT'10,NAL LANE "'OL)"LA " 9:0 A. , ZLIA'a
gp con. a 6row4holdilig tile lopei They'rel,4011-'it 1
- .
Banki-ttlit—A mau who givoil Overy- . 1; I , 0 .1. . - ' - Okigta I I . . I .TO
I think to a lawyer, so thab Ill$, oreditm Y. of stones -in replY., Tile ballolon wa,s, 1 - 4 Lve potato btig was seett in. Nvolk. powi,rpd StatinuilliPs, . . . . I .
. ' for it 4 -or X,4T9rPQ01 atiatit 411evvistewn, - I , I .
, . I
.- . pkilled to. the earth and om. in pleo" . oi toii 011e (Illy lahb NveoL, looking roin lilQr,14. N. It., took 81),1110 Street, New TOO. . I . . I —0-0 ------ 1 --4 I ..
I will not get it. . - before the . policq gould ll,trive to inu r- Potato patell, . I F I I . . I . .
Asaigueq—i8 the chap, who has the - . . I 1. .. For 1.01tilloll .11,11reet, I . - - . I
. soft Yaw TOVJA I Au
fore. "NO cause is-assignod foi- 010 out- : It is.estimaked Out about 250 pet, vrout Itior.0t, N. III,, toot 0bristophorstr HOW TO- ENJOY A -111EIR11Y CHRISTMAS .
deal, and gives himself fou".406ti, . rade, ". l . ,. . I Son . . ' - -8'by h a . . . . I . . . . . I .1 .
. I ,. s will leave t4e"Otiawa. Valley ibis, The aqatinuilodattill's 10'r cablu Pens"401 - i ao I . . .
A Bank—Is a place w4ere people . " , * , I , StaintorsareAr4talaso. 'rho rates o%paomgo4io1Voih' I . I . 4 I
civilized . people read with 0 W . n spring for li atiitobt.%,. ' . . 101k. 071YUPWArd, 9,400rdlug to tile location of sloopfugli6th . . . , 11 . I . .
I * I . ' I I 1 . -
.. -- put their money so that it will lie bandy I . . eqilal rl S I 6,
. All calsin.passansero have ,vilegev lit the a can. . . AND A HAPPY XE W 74A . . I I
11 - fol .- - --- -- . ' .. "mouthed -wonder -of the -danobvit- dervish .. Ilje:.. axpuroWn or rcturn Ooketa at radticell rates, r,or fur. . . . I I RIO I
. wLe other -k v aiiit it I . ." . I -EII,Q,st-..-iT7ul)lk-,l,velief,s" .ip,ty-haa- - . I . I . .
I -th- -infornuittintrite'to- eii1lingo, nod- for-ratoo vt bab I - - --------:.:*- . .
A Depo itor--Is it man who don' es Of 4ba East, who llvibirl in their mmd,. .ty,.twQ.a1)p1iqutiOnS" . . I .. ,a 11 ---..-1. . ,
. . . ---111---- ---.--,---.
. t - I I I .per day, during Feb.- 'll"'I Stooroge poi.stiogits alipi" I . . -.1 . -.---.--, .-
, yto . . .11 I . I . . . . .
,reelp itntil they fall 4XIIIatisted to thA ruary 66n) pars " . I . I I .
know how tro spend his itioney and gets ' . ons. whose,means ,wer(l 040. W, RAILTOX Agent G,W,R.
' I .
gious frenzy to explain his conduct, . . . . I . 1. . ' I .
President—Is the big fitt man . who ,oun d, bu . t a dervish lies the excuse I I . ollutort, March, 29, 1877. . . I ILL? US' 18, MUM , '
the cashier to show hirp. gi I of Swept hway in. tile, great,, Are, I .
reli ,
'm I av MR84 BF,tBLIft'S WET you , , . .
. - while Christiao young ladies like Rtigio Dri, Thumdt. .morning last a man. . , . . I 1. . I.. 1. I
. I . I I . . I . -1
promises to boss the jo4 and afterward$ . from the country arrived iti"Iffolit'real: . . . . . . , I . ..
. . . ., . ., . I I . , .
I I .
% Mur iLLINiiYa XsltablishmentL, 1, . I - I . '. . .
1. 11 A!tnoon 1re--tuoti0at1y46-NT1 01 . . I . I - I -------- .-11--..--W.-.... I.."."
. Sublets it. ..-I . - - . - _ yt,qf, .. pey qiik.wb,q.WA.14o!l for - -- -_X - A 1 ; -
- . . -
I - . A bire,otor—la one of those that no- filllhour the -other night and bit$ . Sin . ce I . Ion ol be I , "' , . — . .b..! - ; ... ... "" - .
, -- , , , . . . -1 ... .. . . . , ,. . : -1
. . I 1,VAo-- ,ivar4lIlyt tt,tXclXe4, Jlt .- -ttliont - of -V4ATfTZBSI. IT40NTLOUS I 1 1 , -- 7, - ' - -- '- - - - - . , I I ..
.. . .I --- 1. I .. . I . the Iargo-ta sol .
I- .1 . la-iti tilloons . CIOUs at,* 4, ,hlg 400ri. Are, 0 six.411 - ....X . . ..i.. ; ' I . i. I : . . . : . I
a beP'ts'atrn'4 that don't involve either , , , . I ea . qfternuon the pair,were inal,ried,,and, tit SILKS and AIJ.3130X,4,4u 038 n woot allati6s, . . . ' ' . . . L I . . I D , I
e uso of his eyes or his 6ars. 'not 4evotees buf imbeciles, -pure anO . I Also, a larg"tock of FEL'A' and STR1W.H,11J0S, at
. .. . . . it e our. .the latestatylon. 06TIS-ZTS,0&o. I . I ----, I
ill Simple, The art of to dawrioing", no nine o'clock wereon t1A 'w"dding.t .TTI - I . - .
Cashier—is often it ulan, who ider- I . -I; I.JJA -UL'S ."n 110K, 8TqAE
, , , Aivtnt 9pr BuIrrAlOK's VATTJ11l$fC 4Pf gsriucnto at nl sil. *AX.- ' Y . .1 D -V ,
Ul 4. Ine. ("r"how praCt 06d, iS'nOt, Of th' i t on, ail easter'n bound trail desoriptiom; % large ittook kept on hand, . . I I . . 51
?I takes to stippoi t a wife, six ehiltfien *Afi ,I It allos, . . 041 it few Fel . t 'find Straw Mats cleaned ana e6;tere0 ' . , * . . . I . I I . I .
a brown stalle front, oil fifty intellectu,al character, arid requit'esjur' . .A photogropber of Alontr . . . I . . I . . . . .1 . .
. , . . . Olini Ili, Oat; 1,8, 1877. 1 . . IVIiere you pat) now find, WITHOUT RU QEPTI03N.,_tlig.lititgg ii; , .
li, 11)b heads- days' ago took the jtbotogvaph ,of a -mari , " - . . .. 4 . . . I . . . Ud 'fiticat selectit. n I Of .
Month arid be honest. *tff W.KeWC-dev0lopmVnt.Only:. , I I I . I . . ----- , I I . I .. . . . . I . .. . . . I .1 1. . I . .
.. . I and,heelo, but wb6n carried to.atacll ex.. Wllicll,sliow`,4, Nsides his hatural hands, . . I . . . , I . . . . I 1. . I . . 1. .. .
Collitterals-Are certain pieces of -pa. I - . . k . . : .
per as good its go)d, alle and payable treines it IJACOnJe8- AS, OBpio,able P$ .PX. four miiall liand.s . reast. . . -8- .- ' Boo ' F AN C V GO IRS"
.. on his b ' .11e DR. PIEW M . . KS9 TAT1016VE RVAnd ' 11111. 10.. . .
. . . '1 - . . .9.1
- oessive I urn. drinki - Opium eatilii, wi % born, ill 1882 in the,county 6i"Roix. . . , . : .. L, . . . . I I I . I . . .
oil the Ist da . ... , lig 01 , '. . , , . - . . .
y of April. !- . . I . ville,, P, Ql"bil,t. lives 1.11 the United # 11 . .. I . .- i .. - . .1 . . : , . . 1. . .1 .. . . . .
11 --La STANDARD.. I . 'Bver.showafn Clinton.. .0orne-ilind be cofivivic.ed; by art.axorniiiation of thesioik, .
Assets usually, consist of five obt rs ' W.-Ytia'r Uj)w*rda of $08,000,000 ., . I
. 0 , 'Stateg, and the place lie now resides. -in . . . I , . . .. .. - . I . , I . . I . . . . . 1. I I
and an old ptove ; to these may be Added were swel t away. ))y, confliitgration,i ill - . . , .,r" 1. . 1 4 . .. I . '. : I v . I .. . I .. ...., . . . ..
is named 4fter him. .He Says th extra - , ' I . . I I I .
a Spittoon if t'he "I bust " ain't it bad the United $tates. Not one. ceot of . --AR-E11A1ED _E -S . FINE ASSORTMENT' AND.EXTRA UA L U F, - IN.
I I . hakids begiin to grow upoil. him ia. 1866, . . . I . 1. . I . . . .
I .
Ore. . this vast Sol wiflVever return; in fkt, it tbitt lie feels' that t'wo. moli,o liands Avo . vot . . ...,., .. .. 1. . I . . .1 .. I., 1. I -.. , 7. , , .. - I .
. . . and adyettisqd a', "ourti-alls," but, tire specifics i . I....9
a, n lographiles,% flistories, and 'NUAliellanioun -,,Book% - of every loscription, if. also, * , `
. Liabilities -Are uirililly it big ,-blind" is annihilated., N&kv, if (lie prip-Illati(Al. , , . . ,.,a,.,I ", " Poeta,'Bi I aiat .
0 1 . . are about to' niake their appearanco.. I the , biall, thoY are reQoulillei,dod, . . . .. .
that tile assets Will neither "See " nor nurobers 40,'000'000, this luxes pach, in. ,rili I ' - . . . .binding, j1*1kq t4ing, for ellt4tion. I . . .. . ..
, ; - I pp , .
, I a individual bas twice boon confined, NATURAL SMFECTION; , .- .1 . . - . 1. . : . . I " . " ., I . . I . . . :
I -9 raise." . I dividutil.Hbout 0:1*.70, whiub,' ht 6 -pel.' . I L . . . I. . . I . I . 'd, BIBLE.87-111, ' - with Index and Coacotdantie . ,
. . .. I . I . I . I t I iclonco have demonstrate I I ocket, Pe*,'Faiu1iy, and th'e new Te'uhar4JU.;ble, .
Iva I a . .1
' -p ' . ldyepresen-t a. - 28 : I" .:a hill-Alic a,23,111111. . . .11 11 St trovero ,,tliattlirotigboiittlie,,aiii;natI kin-. equal to %geter's, and at half the. price. Tra3W Books sail Churtili Serxices, ut " . : ,
A Not -A promise to do AD IM 68- OU11t., WOu cipitul of,$ . . beyond cox. are of naturn
. I , !.. - - . . . doni the 11 4 survival of the WOO" Is U16 (;Illy Imly th9t , I . , I 11 ,. clega .1y, .
sible thing at An inipossible-time. or the-enollmous ju-m:of 4.,.000 000 000.- 'I'll'o rAll,01,15" .W0040)"Onleg 'of out' , . 'porpetultil . .. bourld in 06 . . I . . . . . ... ,.
. a olisitfes, thrift and ,',. Loos no the same, I Id, -,R,l:itiUum'ftUi1 Iteld '1 16riiciio. I
. ) I .1 , , . - - . . . I I . I I. , . ,-, . I
. . . I , I .
. p Endorser -Is a man who signs it c6m,- It is-feat-ful to contermillate, tind wofi. Y,kiilcee o6iisias litis been. discolii.ited by principle govern the commercial UMS &,c --PhotrigrApli Albums; formCards and Cabinets, bound ilk 211 rocco, odi. .
I .. proipenty ,of man?
. . I . . I Anijiferforeaniiatsuporsbd.eiLstip,oriorarttele. Byrea- ALT3 - . We - ' I
. '11talitity, of 111liestono., kno,ple stigar, . son of superior iner. ledloillos d-.1'apier-Ifalthie. Alsoi, the ele Araph Albums
I merciitl philopeita wifli it friend and gets darful, Abat'ljeopile.do. not se.e'the nec6s-. it I . 0 4,.Dii. PloreWi -Standard it Pearl ,an , _ I Lyant new.EAUL ALBUM, AL4tO . .. .
caught. -S. Y. pup&r. . sity ,of buildinat With. les , a 4sti. 4.6ff, up.on it. Montreal dealer find tva Qutriyallod* all others, 'por sale in tile United Sorap:Books, Afairk.Twain'd Scrip Book, A mei feart Plural AlbUm, * ; . I . . . ". 0 0
. - 1. . g , I notable "Alln I St4to I d ae million dollars per annuin . . . . . . I . . . . I I . .. I I I.. . ! , . .
I .* . 11. m-utefials. Piheflod sitnastairsshould Vy Iiiin to a Toronto confectioner. o voral hundrea I . . .
I Sold vibilo, h'.',',' ',.',,' ,'t' ',.I!.'rt,d'f..t I up to Be req - ) ii Des, - a - .
, ' ' . , - gandsome Inkstands, 461d'Pens, Gold Pencils, Paper, Kni% ,, .N'iiti g Us, Portfolio , . .
a . PooketBooks, Ltx iis WorkBoxes, Ga rneslnequxjles vailit,ty, . -
I Tl!e limestone It, d.. be6n. qiiatrt idniore, Wobusities, coiildgro vtdsu hgiguit-
31ANITOBA. not be used in. Sho'consoti6tiom.of Our. '. . I 'o iorouris and rost u , - - . .
. , ' . , pon an -Is tilan hat . I I , 0 .. . 1. - . 1. ,. 7 . s ., r ,- "- .. 11 . . . . . I... . . . I .
I -- i ' tlil. sh, . *tbe ,sbapo of ii bi,ick, coated with.sugar, , . , -1 - . - .i9f morlt!nWitirba, I -- I I - .15 nil astionably 6elinest ever shown in,tov n. - , '
The following interesting letter, received houses, or it thei ar usett'.- Y., ould, . . i ,; ,: ' -- , . .. ,.GI6vea44 11 n4kerchief Sets from.91 to,Q t. .1111 .. '. . . - . .
' . . .
- , . LDEN .49DICAt Diaeov . . . I . . - I . .
a friend who intends removing to INInuitobaby bit cheh lc4y pr pawe,.-',- 60 that they find thus the sw''hidie wits'atecomPlisbed, GO' ery Silver Card Baskets,'Jeweil C4ies, a'ud 0ant t. ases, iieWi I ..., .. I
, . . pationisaild'very c4ea - . -, , - . - ,
I the spring, and vrho has been asking for infor. ld ruer6ly chitr. . Although 01.1b, would Lave iliwight tile t. ameralitive, or bloo4t.cleftlorgling., . . . - . . . . . . . . .p. . I
won . . . . , . I .1 I I . EleL L I . 1: ..
... . . 3 - arrd 'ant Colog, Ike $ :
. Very 110HEM AN -Q,LLA,SSWAR,E, in NIA as SoU,'at )Ia](. price zolitirgea '
mation. concerning that .country, has beer) . . w6iglit of the .11,roek - .candy".. sufficient, GOLD'EN MED10AL.W.06 . , . ... . . . ".. . L - . ...
Keel y . 3 .. . . is Pectoral. - . . ]a t 5* . . .. . . ,
. . . I . . I . L . . . . . . .
Probably a niirn A *of tnotor fallle' is 'hopele"'y I . . . . . . I . . . . . .
handc-d us for publication L - . * " * -of itself to arotise . I . I . I " ,
bar of our readers may i d in it such infor .bankrupt. Strange As itL cr I .9rispieloll. . . I . I . . I 1, . I I . . - . .
. I - . . . GOLDEN MEDICAL'Discovery - IN to g'aper and Enveloped, in fancy- boxes,. a sipleudid detsortill"t, front 0 ottl,19.193 -eno , "%
ay appi'aws . I . 6- . 0 , . it. .
Cleveland ed'i -lost-a-1fdge-t"nolint Thld rainor of the. posA i1i . I . 1 .
mation as ruay be of advautAge to theint. es- 't6tAtAq I . -4 Ity of* Gpoiit A likolagoirtitie, or livor stillstallill t. I I I . I . .1. . . ; I I —
I ' - ' a . christidas find New, Year's cards, -very fine ns.sorttuep ., - .; .. I -L, . i., . . . . . . I . . . .
I peciallythose who contemplate makfug the of'ro'oney. on Ithe teatisparent fra,u d, and BritAin. becoming ixiVolv-,o'd' lit a Euro- GNU. covery, .1 . . . L I ., . L . I . .. . ,
I I peI'baPAJbaJ.'S W1111.t innLke'.4 tlIa C']( -,V -War has', as, lui,flit have been, ' . . 1-4 Ironie. . - I . . . ...
Prairie Province their future pialle of resitionce, . , I- , I Silk Bookalarks, N16 t es ,find 11otto Frames. $toroopeupw.k . ' . , . * . .
I ... peall . 0. ! . L ex ! , .. ., . . . It . . .. t4ll views .
. .
WilixiflEa, 25th Jau,: 1878. lIkIld .Merald -A mad - and w . cted, showii- the intense L - . . ry I . elicilred, a L . . 1 I . . ... .
ail t ta Sell d Pa . . . and abiding . LDEN. XEDIVAL Discov6 ' -. Also, just r fine-lotbi-fbaL'naw-,C.tL,I,TJLOID CORAL JH VELLE EY, qSpPcia1.Iy--'.L 'L
- 0 . I A--' I I .1 )I . I of -its At . a h Ik, j# .'-.. I ""' . . ;' , - " " ' - .' - , ,:. . . , . . - . . I . ; .
-,tit M..it , . .- , - :. By reast urow Diseq,jesto - . -. ---,-:.*..---,-,-- --l -l'- ,,- - 7 1 7-,.- .. -- --7- - . T - -- - ,
r, try. r -t ,;, -M yil I , ,
. , , %di -
-Received yours of the 15thi and J . Mal . the. Oul. Jcr -tho4 Q, -
I -... - beg. leaw in raply. to sayi- that -ae, -you, have- de.v — -- " , I * U-21 im- ,M-gk&-,r,-O-.--Sdr-of 487,-r , ii,. " U. I . . . .
. Dictut SIR, __ CL 1 * ,,, - terative propertle ,
i _ X i S tit W -1)61= . -Tu-w, ,. . : . . . . I
_ b .
termined to come in the spring, I oo qsider tb lv absorbed. aboul on6 hit ildred thousanil: . INIR I Court. L 'A Iretidy it very large ko , ; * all III . . . I . . I. .
- K, , 'ruptions. q virtuo. of ite.rbetoral pro 1. . I * ' ' I . . . .
6 J : . . . o , nkors , Ulcers, or old Soros ; Blotches ; Piruplas STIVEAS NOTE ,PAPER, and 'By-VIFILOPEks. I - I
earlier you get here the better, as it is like] d(lin'lls frorii"ctedul %ls ,p6Oj4e to,deyo rl zOer L f oflibers have Sent In'ciffers to' H . parties, . ..L A . , - , . .. . . I . .
. y . . . . . I , , Oures Brouchial,"I'llrovi iind 4ppg Affect,1011,4; Incipient . , , , I , . . . . I
that a girvat rnrli will be made here this sea. 101) hisAninibug inachine, which ivis 1711,190 I-OgI11101AS for .Sel!N ieft it) the lffii .Col)siiiiil)ti(jii-;.Lliiiroi-lnl,,C( UgII4; Rild0broulcligryn-', ' 11f.come.and'so"o for- Vauraelvao. hi .0 tbe'.Lyir y P")-eg igloo I;IUsll ta''eliqlai-rAfe all the beau- - *., -
I son, and, of course, you have to go fart er . I . . . . . t, , " ily,-an . d evii I * i1lL fact,_ eV 6itis. It's Cholago lie irropertica ronder-Itan uueqiial-' I tiful'go dsysuital],Ie foi li6lid4y Gifts. 8 - oall'jinfl you willbe shown Overyt . I I . ... . . . . I .
k going to supersede steam, ainddispen8e 'sit arl -Y day I L I bi . . 1. .
I back, if lands nearer be taken Up. L, YOU aS L I , 0Y ed remedy for. h! !ou.,ne*s,. Wrpid Llve , or 11 Liver . . . L. .. . . ug, :.. I . .
I . 0 rJJ e .1 of thes Colliplaint, ;" atilt 1W,rotlic . I I .. I. . . : '' . I I . . L . , . 1. . . L : .. 1. .,. . I
if it is a4visable to bring team I 41i I eiitire.Ly with the tlqe or,fuel. H wail; in rrtlSes the nuntlier e of- ,j),roperties make it equally . - 11. . ' .. .... il." , :
- In c- , , L )k . . .. I!. 1) L . 99 ppatUe, anif. .. ,As us .1 R 1?;r tS TR E S will bil prcpare d for tire Lit tip Folks, w jich,.' - - * '
; ; f effleacious lit o0i4ig Indigent on, L 9 of A
t %v. I , . . . ,.. 1 , . .
9 i At . .:Ia. - 40
no ; you call purchase here heaper, ooZiu tendeS tbAt'w.ith it tefteilpful .0 t ot, b6 fers-fr6n) all I its of the coiirt,try,' '. , . .r
y 0'r
X . . ..L . . I yspeli I will bel -S.44 witV, Va Y Artioleso rengingfri va.liwiroin Ton 'Cents to T ree .
-on go oil oil improved farm,, Uld. I't'n 11 .tl ' Il Ofr cars, .g I r .. L I . I . When the.s%lii is '1 1,110W Rlld.Ccv() ed with 6lotc6;.4 . 9, , , . . . I . L
and pill,PI6. .
. all expenses. If 3 co . 141, L h- ' ' litillared- . r*oyonlig itiell otterylli.; oli business , or where tl)ereare..,,ierorulous,si olliiigs: Dollars, alid .,Z,T,y T,0 Cr I'S 4 TIOKET... . .. '. . L I L. . I .
oxen are best for the first few years ; you can I ' 0 . - 0. i, . . 4 .. I . . . I . . . 1. I .1 I I I
*or $150. . Dvei ed 'it L h %e on:crodit; . "I . I . . . .
inilds. For' ,' t ree - yd66 Aie 11 v' . i andaffections, afo%Vbuttles of Golden WedictilDfAconri - I . I I I .. I - . - .1 . .
. ' generally get a good yoke for $IAO . . . I . . . isto,wclb bolig, t it ho) I winctreptalaantirocurw Ifyolk.feeldoll, dreiVs ,,de- I 11 . . .
I - sit ai ptii6naly,- drove. 'fine. horses, W . , a . . partl , s6i, ai)d being unable to i).,q, b1litated,litiviI sallow color of',41,ln, -or. yellowlsh bruwu To'aav titne I have irtroducea 16IY V,FrxTulm, 'amil.tIllrilif"036 koli tav 'seawn will cQn., , L . : .
. -
I American ploughs are best suitcd for '-'lireak . 'In L ' . ' .- - horse ' so zed Itar-41 ' )tsLaiaacevrbod;y, . frequent heallacho or dizziness; 4 . my shop ititla. A DOLLAR—$" f*6kF _for 'tI to L sum * or . L I
. , , . l . , 'Rlld td, taste Ili nionth, -at aWil'ohinir alternated One Dollar, My cuetomera may select , anythinii therefrona-, witholl ro: bloF6(' inquiring , - .
I prairie ; you can get thern here,. or at diamonds,1- aq lo at dielthe, Was I Vert 6per complete side'of aukl
, . . .. i . _
ge Ia Prnirie, at about $26 (,I- $28. .They dArank oba,w . . i . 16 (164- -'b',I' Internal lie L , t th 't .
tn-gr,t I experne of -the stoic'Efid'Iders in I I i a , n-3, 6, , ' lac6d. by,flic'.,bailiff in (lie stable of-,Uie with lust fluslws, low nitirits and gloonny f6rahadings, , irtb. double ill 1; f! no I , Ili i erruni- 6nis ', .,
manufacture bugglas here, and any ainount * 11 1? . prices. As there will, be iiiatry fjq(, goods', wo I ,A g C, I , .
ar I . tor embpavy. If KeoJy gets his deserts Gbvid Colitral J]Qtol' J11. tile nicantirne . fron3l, TorlIT Liver, or Bli'lousilass; In luany cancsI ot can ,pecure'good bargains. - , . . . . . . . . 11 . , . . . I
' of them import( -d for sale. I do not con I , L . . . . I I . . . . irnegular appetite, kind tougne coated, you are ouffering . " , - . . I .
, . ' .
! sider this"., good cliuntry'for raising apples o; be- NN ill furnish, motive power -for brelik.- , I . .L,syInpLtonI8'ApP.oftr . I . . . I . . . . - . :,.. I I L 7 . . L . : . ., 1?0.*. . I - L . . . I I . I
. the proprikor,of, tile hotel 'tQ01C tile' -Livbr t7ollip alwit;-only,llart of illeSs ' * ' " . I . I
. I . . ; . It 3;:kC);DZ .
I .. . a ,, , . ,
! . . ,is ;I rompay'for 441 such cases, Dr. Fieree's Gold . ii'z :u' -N = - 'X-0 - 6 -- T1, -P , W. Z) 11T81>:Ot bx.. . .
. . - . -liberty 0 :11sill,, .4 , id .,tfter're- mamvstry lide no equalt as it effects pdtfo t . . . . I . . .
pears, but t,moll fruits do very .well. I con. 'ti, ,,.tito.nein-ifie.peniteh.tia ," f, th hor'e' L" . . . I
. , , . ry , I ' ' 0 Xedlc,if, ' !Ia I I .. . . . . . I . ... . L . . I
[ sider this country beV.er for gruin raising'tban I i - ) .ti,lln,,,iliellyarsireiigtliot)edaiitllicnitb 4 , . : ., . , . . . . .. - . I
, i
. Ontario, so far as my experiunce goes. Last. L A ery extraordinary *Sen8iction bas turning him, tt.), the Aable' bo-'si@; cu"." 10 . . 3' . .L I " . I L ' L ,V L I . - 17 . . .. . .
I I . I .1 . . . * P I :. 1. . . L . ! . .1 1 :
been liellieved by Mr..'Con:IO look., in tbe and died. ,rho debtor hits ikw. paid tile ., . , . I . , 1 , , , , , .. - , in A U ILL, ,' . . . . . : -
I , SeftOon, I'lly wheat crop av'eraged 4,1 linbliels - I . ,. .1p I . I . I : 'a , . .1
. . , 0 1 , * " , , _ , L . I . . I I , . .'. : , :
. I I
0 , A, '. I . . .. . L I :. .. . - . .
11 . 9 , .
I , .
; ', or acre ; ciats, 75 burliv1s, p( . - Restoll., A,47,1,41130 " attiount ti,ni.ilrst tho" bors nild'dealtands ' , . .. ': ' " '7 , L , .
, ;r aore. Barle'y Ivirl-rat (if. Jailatbv. U PO , . ;!I P 0i I I ,
- - -
l,Ot4J_ce"Fi_ AbortioWk L ti_ _TWMIV fort. 10 . . . , , , I. , .. , , I . . . ... . - I . I iga of the BjgL pf,)svre A. 8 Fr4lik:1 'h 'I il, 1 c. "Ods Siore. :, ' :
Ars prne- ,his property. 'fliat bdino Ihinu, the I 3' 'LAO 1.
. turnips, and all, kinds of root 'crops do very , V . . I . .1 A . . I. ' ..k/.T) . . . L - I . .. I I
i . goes very welt; pcas not so good. " ye " , s. ... . . - L I ' . . , .9 I . .
.tiop,, in Now, YOT. sho -b , * CL04TOI "'' ,- 1877 , ' ,. :1 . I .
- arises., *%Vllo, ig" to " 1) I * - I L I I ,, Dec. -,20) . .' . .* . L ;1 . I L I '' 11 ,. I I I . I I .
. .
1 .is riladtit a. 'questi, I , L ill V the , V , V , , . . " . . . . . ... I .. . . .
well. Canadiatil.horses do not Iltrive 66 well oil , ,V* . IVOT`00 0.1. 1. "I, . . . I 1, . I . . I '.. I . I .. . . I .
1. as iu, (.111WArio, but cattle do very well My foitrineof-a ,Million Zrid.t% hailf at, het: piper, , ,Tile (iiie .$,iail. , N-111 lio Aloubt be , . . L . . . . . %L . . an I . . I . . I . , I . . I . . L 1. . I . . 1. . . . , .
. . I I . -- , — -------- - - I L -Man . . .. I . . . . .
' —
cattle this "ason are almost every day out -borrible tradp,.bas been oriftfeitnpris,on,'vd .-dooided!on'L wlv or otber shortl ' LL .. I. . VU,140141%i - , . L , I. 1 ' I . - I I.1 . . I . I . '. . L . I L .1 , .
* -, , ' .. . ,
grazing on the prair;e, but. of course, this Win- fo . r I ii' (I hiky. 've;is ago) and now caeries , . . " Y. , , . I- I . . L , 11 I., I . . . . . . .. . . . L I . . . I . . . I I . . . , . .
. - - fitrow ll'bill,'of theit t xcellenc'ics' . , , I . ; I . . . .. , . ,. . . ... I
- I .
I ter is an exceptional one ; *but cattle thrive it ()n.am - ' , ti ic ' . Tit ' L e , . ws ftu . , : . . . 1 . I ' I.. . . ..
I Eli'rl.afi(f Count( , 'S . ' .. . ' . , - , ' ' . . L * - . .
Pricet; of grain . . , L . ILI I _ S' 1) 46 ri in - . . . I .
I -y well every sea on, . oDg te - upper classeq" of New "tl' 'S of cattle. . , . L .. *V t 4.01VIO , I - I . - I q, . I .
here vei York goei , . . , . . I I . . . . . . . I . I . - L I . . . . .
I I I have ruled low this season; lVbeat -bore to- ty, adusdertained Oersonally. offat 0ttaNi1a,,`0U Wednesday, and, next I. . ' , . ' '416511,4 ' _, ## , ., , . ' . L . ' .rr. ' M ' .1 I , ..
. .01" . _. .
I day is 60 cents to 65 cents; oats, 80 cents; by Mr. C(trisiocIrt at her magnificent 6- the oraild fancy ballof 1876, was 1. I 45 AWV * . I I . . . .
per bushel. Vile resioerico on.) iftb, Avenue, ono block ill . . , . . . . I :-. - . . 1. . .... I . L . . . L
. ., I I '. . . .,
barley, 40 cents to 45 cents . e 1110.9,F brilliant of the kriad ev,pv wit- ' Iln'rel VegetaWe. ld, care re.tiulri,a. . . . . 11, . I I . I . . .1 .
I I J . I I . . k . . I . , I " L , . . I . .. I . - I L .
used to get much higheC ju-ioes, bat,there is froin the ijew. cathedral. - 'The mo'st sill - n, I - the , 11:jill" thellt. , . . - L . I . . I . I .
. now an immense quantity raised. Ifyono'Onle o - -essed -at- tbo6 pit,d, tile se'tlko in I . ii'llile I ; I . I . . . . 1. .. . . L . . I L I I ... I . . . I r
. . I . . i . . I . .
. I . .
L nh4 thiri' in tbe*, ai',Taii- so. fhr7fia-166 blill-rooln, which Was boalitifu '1113. T13)M IN, - I . . . I . . .
you aboald bring ally half it bi;phel of Golden' r ' . - . . .. I ly decor- T h o -1 Little Gilint" entbfiTtic" or I I . , . I . . . . . . .
p . Drop, nil! half a busbel of Fife IVIjeat, if you utter. inability bf a -00man -worth 8.1', ated. and. ill I . I PA14VO IM010, su%rceb- Wrier than niartard seatim,
. C L ' . ' I '
- I tipinated - -for the ocoasioli are Hugar-L'olited. 11,ficy rcluovuth" necessity of . I % .
don got such pure arid t1nan. I brought Itf. r Iwr'reloiso , being, oftbe-most danling descrilltioil.' takiii, GK. great, crado, tlriistfij, Ockcrilng (411", horato,-` . . I
. . I 0 . I . .1 I .
ferent kiuds of seed grain when I be' froui If ( I I ,-.- Tombs oil I( ob,irge.o to . . . I 0.11,11 .1. I I W - T RA
I out,, 500,00 to . I tItin 'bail fo ' . fare *,6 iiinch In two, . L 1'. N1 TOY. - ,"Ni I .
I L . I
I Im2 or' . f- is"- Tile cost4liles"'d tile hidies weO, . . . .
but it is now getting mixisd tip. no, had . : . . 'ct "ry As I& re netij for RevInche, DiiAInaqAJlo,5h,A 3310A I . I I I . , , .
small granaries ; but fiefili seed grain doeaL mennor. . 81.1p pfrored, tile. amoll-lit, ($I@,. rich and of Sur assin ' 'elegance. . .jill W tl.o Head, Iti4lituess'abont the ch"t, Bad ToRto In , . . . I . . I L .
' . . p 9 . . . . L .. .. I . . I '. . . . . .
I very well. Our wheat crop was very good the 000) ill casti, in U. 8.1 Olds, and liad. a tho."abinct-'Mini6ters, with,the.Jtylges . 31000A,'ELnCtAtl0IItt rro,w iiin stomile-fi,13111oug Attaehaj " . . - . . . . .. . I .. 11 . . .
I cl , pain in the nigile)fl, nipli-y-colotcd, Urine, . ., L . I I I I . .. I.. 4 , I . . . . .
last season. ring it few olipa of Lombardy 11 I 17101i, 4id 'to J:I I ii hond of -- IL111L 111111`ltprual Fever, lit. I'lere . . .
ulllli 'FNMO ......... y "'itrij, j?s I'llisairit- Purgative '"' . .
- I - tile SuProm6 Court, ivyore present to- l'ollott are il'isnritasood. bartherwore, I"wuuld say . . . I , , .. , I . L I .. . . . L . . . I I . I
op"68pring Poplar, and a few slips of the com. for Ill I if fbeir tianies couid be conconled. e a a flicefs thal. ffivir aq.ton is italverval,. tiol. -n gl it 0 .. 1.
gether witfi the sty r I milit ry o ' lit ping I I .. . . ,
t tIgc:prf,p- . I I . I-- I , .
0 i 14,1111tarylinpreas; Ago-de;cs not p4air I til rip 10 A 'A .
men Yellow Popinror Golden lVillow. Iwan ]]lit iltil-niagistrate firmly'refulied to so. who wern bero' to attend the Dominion ' "" . . I . .
i them, a,, they grow fast and there are none C, . . I . erfliKorthosoPolle's. 'rhoy'stroatz,.,iit-d(j;tfedf6tialu- , . .1 . . I .
. . 'L . . . , L . . .
i here. If N man, you could clept ally Of`-Ab(nJe-OffJ!rs`, the' artPlemO Rifle . s.4ociation--itiestinty',.tud,tlic ott'te ,flogoil lit glam bottivit, tlwfr vietitus beiilg tbereby pro- L . . 11 . I
. on are a inatried . - I . I . . I
no doubt r -tit a farm still ,put ill crop this c*,,ilri, ivfosed to in(erfeie, ;itid bo thr, of ill(,. city wor ,it sdrycit ur,114aired It-runylongthottl(M-0, soillatithily . I., L L . I 1. I . i . . .. L .
I I , e there en nuwc. . 'a rroaliartilrellawo. '1,'hhfimjiotthii.ps4, - . - I I 1 - . I " "'L .11 ----.11-.---', .. 1. I I . . I . -- - -- L - - ' --
. - 'en at I
Spring. if you wished. Y01i will have to "O woniall still 11PA41i tbeL Toiljhp - . . -, !w"Itin= pulp wItlet- aro, plit up in VhLap wot,L . . L . . I '. I . . 0 . I .
, . , .. , . , , I . I . .
. . I, , It was. iclely , circilllit .a , lub T i, . I . - I
probably 50 ruilas weat of me to vet gnod go- I . W ties- prestebriaid boxes.' TI(o*4#tlh-'ute of t%o Ilellits Law ' .
vernmoit land. I have seen wheat dn well I, ON I — . .day Ili 31antreal . arfiong Frbitch Claim. emed t)rcnl,,sL iilt.;tIyiof.f6,a,#eit4 Serofula, Tatter, Selt . . NTT G -ENT I - , .
C., i niadian News Item,90 I rheanI,Lrv4p6Ia Bulk. Blotebt 0, rilliplesiSf-re Eyes, I PRI JL.JLN ESTABLISHINIE , .
here that was sown as Iatn.ns May 124th, bet . . . . I I it 14illiracle" had boon pet 'rnptions. "I I . . . . . I I . . . . . . .
L . diang that , - tkna 2 fisy are, liawi,vor, .feconinituded, to . , . . .
* '
. we like to sow ,whent inApri). ' It L% stated tbitt; tbe ci is Move siek- f6rined i Robi a mall be tatou it eat.nvotiou with III6 001ilen Medical 11xv- ' . . . I . I . L . I . I . . I
- . . . . . It n strec,t, An ol OQV ry,'lh. Otdtlt to lit-OTI'M the beflv tt*113113tl.r. I .. I . I . . . . '. . . I I '. .- I
i a- - - - Iles-, iti, Montreal this Winter tborithere namod Istlie 'Haillet, it shoomakori ftcr L.. . . .. I I . .
. ' . ' I
. I .
. .is pas , III . .. . . . . . . . . I . I
I , . '. is , wo- xr r tzi M3 . .,
. - I I 0 . . . I I - ': i .
-ing,many Sensor ' t Mug been' a total, abstainer ',front . I 91CF* I . .
General News Items. has been. dui Pit P1 J91 ? ,Is_ -
, A Jersey City miser has beclVouth(A Ilevival serv. are Still Lgoin,6t on in .strong driulc f6i, tirany yeats, bouglif it . FAVOXITE - I I .1 t ' L . I . .. I . . .
. 0 . . I ., . . .
fee's liteliell, iskey .an . 1. I 1, . . . f , . . .- . . I I . :1 I
te'n thOUSaLd dollars to bet, Majesty the I two churches in, I ,the Bible bottle of NvId It asked'his wire'to . . . , . . I . I . .
Christian and Presbyterinn, with great, i .6. Ign, " ." I , . . . I I I , I
Queen. I I . . ... t5 in IA13 This she, L indi antly reftt.sedP R E S C R T P. 1".10IN * ' ' . I ' ' . . 11 I :
* . . I . I
It pays to be a tompennice rugn. 1. 1 8vuccess' . . . . . . I to do, arid, tpied to . dissuade hirri. front , . . L. . I . I : . I - . . . . . . . I . . I I I I . I . . .. . . . . I . . . . .
- . a have averaged him ' - breaking his , The ronicillal roauagonant 61 those alner.ace licerillar Most complete and'best furnished: cou , 'office: . .
'I B. Gough's lectum -The Irish Catholic .14ocicties of Moll pledge. ,But lie saff'! if"She !a has liftoideamargoexpor:mce, attileAvoirli's . . I . ntry .
- their St wouldnof drink with him he ivould , to '"" I 'of constilthig I . . . . I I I . : . . . . . , I
, . . treal. have decided to fbr,jo e Dispensary; (,I whit -It Dr. I'lotto ill 016 411. 1 . .1 .1 .
, . L . I . . .
1 $ I 127 each since 1$60. Patrick:18 Dity processio,li; this yt4r, - s a r1rink with the cross lie had mworn. upon. plysiolap, fit adapting to 6,11 !I for t air cur". Dr., . I . , I . . . i Canada. I . . 1. : .
t There bas been no rain in Q66"nslaud . a I vierooleled6vorlte ten I ti lit tha result of this ok- . . . . ... I in I . . . - I . .
mark of respoot foi- the, inetnovy_bf Piusi wlieii I , ie took the pledgd., .Taking art tonacd otriaiancot and ail 11094) 0 Jt1fitly colebrIlted . . . . I . . . . . .
l for eighteen woutba, and more or less 1, X. . - . * darkalslo curerr of all those chronfe * : . . . . .1 . I . . .
old % i I Woollens atilt . . 11 I . I . .
extended drouth has been exiierienced . . . . . odon.,crom frotir the wall, lib hold forits talifty art I . . I .. I . . I . . . :. I . I
i Tie it ill 611( llfln(i Anil took*it lolli dr;Ille'llt I . . . I .
. . I . O o--:_ . . . . " I
1. all ovor AuFtralia and tbe -1-1-awaiiiin .I laborers on .several sedtion'S. of' from the bottlP., which, lie h6j,dilk "his I ' ' , ,., I ..... . - . .. . . I I . 1. . .
I,dand, e:m.,inggreFkt damage to thecanettlie Nvellwll(t-cp,nitt-Aw4k oti-'Fl.i(lav for, . Wcahoss Doeflar . to. F&I6811 . . . . - 1. . I . I .. I L
. . . I . I I .
I crop ill t1le latter. . an irforease in waues from nindy. ;ents Other hand, Wllcll - file Iralift triat held : 1, I . . . I e . t ' . . . 0 . . .
. per day, t6 a tiolla'r and a. quart6l,,' It the' cross *becaw paridyzel. ' Nof dis. Pav,,tilte Pcoficriptiop,ly a Powlidul Ileptoratke Tonle I .. .
An American paper niakva a propos- I . doill"I ,a &)tthf, fo ,laoutim-oyst.in, IL14 it iiiii,elito of.ungfirpamiltil. -.11aving 1'ecently Added Steata pawqo, ,two 1 ew presses!"hild it larlyo uIllouliti of. . I .
, ;ed,. tile old 'tting toolt if', efileacy end, while It quictO tOrVOUNAfritatfou, it Type, to oti previouslk extensive iisAortmenc- and Increased t tv fa"Cilities b tild .
is gxl ectecl the mov"enle'rit' will btieotne ii , h 1; oyatera,
. . .
A', in tlie, ivtt-ri-st of hunimnity. Millions I . his. Other balid, and lie. siaoner liad sivengt ona thatinfoWed nervoll. thtitebyza- . 2 y
i or pvoplp at e suirving in Nortliern China, g"or . : I . . I staring It, to healthful !i,gor, 1.0fic folidwing dirwoci; .a rate Job! Room, wo -ire in a bettor'positibli than ever before, to * -
I ill,* , I lie, itono sq than tit tit itlsb beeatlid UROXISS. Are ftyllotig flidilo in wbIc the Favorite Iliqoirtlq I eve tion of a sepa . .
and it is renirm beret] tbat tit(! Ameri. A large ineeting Arm,4 held ill pel*ry's - IIFLglyorlic,dn.ztgidelu.og,vfz,* Li,vteotrlitt,it,or" l,'Llt...,;.'I I . execut6 pyouiptly, aiid: on th'q most rdasonable terins, ftny iles-criptiorf of , . . I
I . . I
I I A terrible O'UtUlgo was committed ExoegAvig Plo-wing, raluffil Mongtroativitt"VhPatilral , . I . I I . I I . I . I "
A260 - last Friday, it Z , -- " I.. - .... .. . , ---, I -1. .- . --- - - ,------ --- -- .-l—,--.....----- . -
can Govei ntperit has in bord some Ion " ' "'lit for qnPPtO#PloU#,%VotI . . -
" I re . 'a -last AVerinlemlayrright- y -timmbar"Of 4 'k.,B"k,X.Yol[Ll, ng'Ar.falling,ofr*lle . . ... - -- . .. . .- . -11. ..
,000 liDjlls:ly paid over by chill.; On nn Orgilni7ing an Anti 7" . n 31 tfteriis,,Sntet,v6rAfo,a,Retro,vetaion, Boaring-down Son- . - . .
It is tioggre 0 that """' " ' ill ei, )ung meti of London, u pon, tile person sation, chrouit congestion, Inflarnation and Illedration . . . . . . . I
the rl'o" o
rld Rettlrm(mt. ,ociety- A number ofleadi P . 61 the ittrerus, Enternal Ifent,Xervoug Depri,sqIot;#Da . I I .
.sff bac,"'11-11 al.0 su, 6f it girl nattied Minnie Priscilla Kedge. I . ,
11iis amonnt: be F:ei)t iminaiiiAtt-ly for citi"'lls pportino the 111OVOInotlE, , , blIJty,I50-pontIou6y hind,veryulany tithavcliynniedt I . L 9=
.. I SiXteell years, IV:,tq
P, I .Sho 'is twed a -boot , s,,Arho peetiliar to women, but lynt, nitnitfolled bore, AIN AN D , 0 R"' N"AMENTAL ' .
,rho tonowing. latues, are a tow of flie, inany thou- . I
the rpli(,f f Oil. f."Illiflo-strickell. , , SayS I,. Stratford paj)er.-The taxa,- bi.ougl;t pron, E'llgland by Miss Ryo, a do who call testify to the eMeney tifDr. Plarco"o Va. I I I I . ; 11 . .
f I vorlto Prosleription, front oilpeHenccantl aliAi!rvnt1nft! I I .
Tile extiaordinw-y stnt(-inent is made ti011 here 81110111AS to Over $5 per (in- and placed out at Mr., Fraser"s, neat, s a I - I
- - Varlsilef, it pi-Rsant of Mos- . .tifra. Corbells, Aillswit, Pcus(a, Iowa, Mris, Thng, .7. . , I . .
; that Fcdnt I num for every Illan, I votnan. and child, Mount Forest, County of Wellington Ueffiviti, Iflitolier'S StriticD, Go.; Mrs, V A. Seyniour, , . I
cow, lint.), in 1872, tit tb(- o-ge of 75, arid When, any tow'n-.of thib size call Silo .cattle to 11 pndon and wag Nvande ' liomc,,N.1l.;iirra,.Tj'.Hu vick.Yei-saillt,o,-Ob.io,,,Ifta. I - I I . . . ..
I r r Leroy 11abriarl. North Wlitirtoin, Pa.,, Uro. Very A.. Ilit. I I . I , L., .. I 11 I—
i ,-iglity-seven ciii1dr-f-ii by two wives. show A, bigber per Capita rate thail tbfi j iug about inquiring for it .place- as ser- nolt; paitift. Mil.04vo, Mnyy,i. Frial)lo, UbInnu, Pa.; I I II 1. .. . , .
. , Molloy %Va ' '111, ChIlAt 001"14 . , .
-,iifo l,ore lit ii qui-tilruplets .%Its 3)* L G -.6thil, Ohio; Mfg, f%rrIqfX,. 314-
i Ili,; first I f vallt girl, whell 8110 wasi-Accostoil by a inna" iles qVrillgrield, Pa.; Mrs. 11, 11fact, 'Plaporla,
I - I 'tind less, io show M- the . ran-; 1189-17,oal8c Praff, DallgovIII6, 3fang,; Urg, U A. (, - %q 'k..17" - I , .1 I, -
four titres, Iripit-lb thrf.f. tinies. And .kha:11 be happy to record the fact, Bolid %voll-dro'ssod youiig trian, who undertook: -t . . I -1 I . .
twing sixfoet) titnes. Ilis second W'ife, along tlid'illforuldtion. . .. DARldrill, Norfolk, va,-,Vtoi. 0, Alligall, J?roetcrt Xowa; . . I . I -
. . to conduct horAo'bis Own home, saying ',Nrrq.,T. X.Vorobh, St. Thomao, Onf,illfrot. Fl. q.1%r0rw,. ' I . '. 1. ." I .
or) eight occasiolls, preselited him with I 2-q North Rnwitril Stroot, 13.0tillictoo Md., Mrs, Luoy . . . I
1 A n Otta #a; correspondent gRys :' It llis lrlother wanted a hurse, anti thitt, " DWo; lirra. Nancy MeNhuglit, I . I . I 1. . .
. . . . I nallinad llationvIlle I . " . . . . . I . . ,, I .
- 16 091 ' '; . . I . . . I I . " .
There gratioit to the, North-West 13 -about to hitli tip by the o ibffiorx groullds, whell fee let Zsilyr W(MI161-1, %V,; Mrs. A. Anian' Our improveiiiienti linve been in ada sit a vorylleirvy tltla ,Ilnd 6 trust thh
silpf's lamilv were aiivp in IST2. Ia woryl; with
t iahter-ii chililt-ml. E,ighty-tbiee of Vas ' is Surprising tbo extent t6 Nrlifoh eint'. tile girl vi,ould suit. Sl I #, towlit Mrs. L. 0. sterartid, rtion,lahip, i I . .
- ' I mult, . ,.; Rro, , X. XtOoka, Graid R'lPide, *1 ; .
Aarried from this part, of tile coun . obb. atortil,sti, X.Y ,Tbougat .1.
f,lcts, it is 411id, can lie vasilv wirifte3 box \ I .
try. 016-yoully, man. fell im, with three or ,"', - , buaintoff Men of Oliliton and viciiiitj will extend to its such it liberal assistalice ,A
I hy records ill '. 011 tll(Y first of Alarch savell families , 15? . to n4!cer,oanbeglvci%o.tih6NVorJd'#.]DlfqpnodL,r . .1 \
Moscow, where tile Vap . r, S,-alld, 411,together" took . . . as will thow th'at our enterprise is appreciated. . \ .
out, Cora pailloll I ' . I I .
? silefs art, well khOwn. I , iteross The 1 odical Serynat . .
1.0re" 'to leavo Pak,dilligm f , People 8 U . . . . I . 111 .
. ,or Maniftolm, Its they pretended, [&.short .010 . . ., I . I I \
1 A haloon aseenpion which. was to have and ih tbQ vicinity of Forgrtsonl.q Falls the, 1)xrk. No; I tr the now- (11-111 Oled one . Dr 34., V. I'lored to tba sola'proprietor and Yartunfad- . .. I . I . I . ., . . I , . I . I I ". I
I . truer of tho forogoinq tonawlips, 611 of which araL sold: , I . I . .
j been inarle at Bill colona, a" tile. iijac disioll and tanark there are thirteen farailica of 010 party laid Violent hands Oil tile by "Inggiats. An to alga fliti ikuthor of the lleople'o, . I . . I I , I I - . .\ 11
d6nuWan,8onA6 Ma3leal Adviser, it work of hostly 6126 . . . . . . . . I .
of the niarringf. of the. King of Spain, who. intend to sturb fortho. " Prairie, poor girl, throw her down, itni each.,mia thodeatia pages, with two Int"drol And elshby-two Call anti nee ft"pleff, unit got PrIeco, and bweanvindeol d4lit, Von can Not any defierfollon
. V, I
fo - Frr a PlAtint. ' e hak oilrbAdy , t
I was postponed on accotpit of tbd wind Lands" r' Oub the Arst of April When of, them in turn acoomplifill'od, llis plat* sold a Wit, Popular work . .
, '.b , J 111,11 AVIn9ft anti M&Ar d . ..I. . of Pirtudogt doub,ld dev -ciaiI4 60103. At flat vbrv, l0rent tittit.k.
until Ft.l.. 5, whvii tht, aptonant tiRemirl. finNittfal'olrope'n q ln.iho spring lb i4 pro- 1)080, while tho OtIlel's hot() ler, T14 IW ovER, ioa,bob covmm .O- I . . . I , . I . .
. . . . .
11 ed, arconilianied-*ywrrother lim-smil Vito' .U1514%hat, tlm oniigratiort to.. lie Nolth -then left hori find she lodge,t r complaint I . , . I
. . Woo, (flostpald) ta. 510. , . . , 'A' - - ai; -- 0,1 -'
-no I I .. 0 1 . . . I , :1,. XXOT,14 ia, .
I with his wife, took the risk, aldhoug J Veikt,'WhOi 64 passago will be tiecurad with tit($ poliee, . (It 81n,ce 'turns out 1.&DIDUP,89 I I . J . . - . I . I
. . . . I
I' the wind Again blew in the direttion itt a great''deal '0116ALper PACO hall, at thlit; the girl is a hard cAst" and Alto brig, ! , I P Epto 4 M , '. - I I .., I
I the Mediterranean. They liad rise pregent, will b6irnimorfa#. . I . 11 . n. V. V D , . .. . I . . . I
I i boon sent to jail. ' Worlld)* 01aVellifeark Utiftllo. . . I I I . "',
I . - '--"'7 -"
, Ia ran a 6 1 1
do )JArs at!
_ I
1, I
in Va-
la ch.
do of re
I Y. I
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I . . I I . . I - . . I I . I I
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'I I I I . , . I I I . . . . I . . I I . I . . . . . I . . I . . 1. I . . . . . I . . . . . . . . I . .
I . . I I . . I . . 1. , , . . "", ,
. r. . I . . . I I I . . . 0 1 1 . I I 11 tc,10000& 9 -
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j& . O.LLL .
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