HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-03-07, Page 5THE CLINTON 3N EW ERA. • OW.. TAKING STOC: • ,ZrTi11010 ill!: --trppts2- 0 Owing to the severe illness •of one of the firM, we wet() unable to get stock taken and dissolve, prtnership 'bythe brat of. March, as an - mouneed..- --We- -are now •getting' •matters arranted as fast Iia we can, to do so. HODGINS & PAY, Manchester FiOuse, CLINTON, March 1, 1878, A.1.1111 --1C) tTGI 11'1-1323. • • • V‘r. -$.0-jui SILAS DAVIS IS NOW ° PREPARED TO UFPLY HIS CUSTOMERS WITH STOVES, TIN AND HARDWARE, AS USUAL. AFTER THE SERIOUS LDSS HE BUSTAINED„BY THE 1 HE HAS CAREFULLY SELECTED A. FULL STOOK OF HARDWARE; STOVES, GLASS, PAINTS.; '&c., TO 'ARRIVE. TINSMITHS olsr Best. $0iebte.c1-:.-SEE:D.S'oi-_ •• I - Highest cash price for Hides and Skins. CLINTON, March 7, 1878.' ' • °' SPECIAL NOTICE lay a...a...* Oa** • . Cagan/kw IloasEt.-....Xessrs, Peters Compton, of London, England, havejust bought in the vicinity of Toronto SAX - teen horses, good to.ride and drive, all geldings between five and seven years old, from 51 to 61 bands high; colors, bays, browns, and b1aio VTa clo not know the exact price at which the hor ses were houkllt, but understand that they averaged in• the neighborhood of $400 each. They will be exported by the est steamship to Englund from 1VIontreal on the opening of navigation. There is a great demand fo horses in Englapl of this dodiption.:--Globe. BUSINESS 1$ rm WEST. -Ohio and-. Missouri haye Suffered millions of '1 lars of loos through the' mud blockade - which Since earlyrfall lids rendered the 'reads impassable, ancl.which-just novi7,19 !Norse than -.ever. 'Theta is business ene4h waiting-for-a-ehhnce - to Last, season's abundant crops are ready for shipment, but they cannot be hauled from barns. Yet; his outlook is report. ed ss goed. Winter wheat piornises most successful yield, and a few weeks of hard roads must send an abundance of grain to market. PLIPITON iiltIREIrS. • , • 11{aieh 7," L613,' Wheat, fall, red, f bush, $1. 05 a 1 08 %Viieat, fall, white, 1 12 a 1 15 • -Spring; ' • '• ' - 0 90 a'0 95 Fife, • - , - • . • 0 95 ' a 1 00 Oats, - - 0 30 a 0 31- ' Bailey, • - • 0 40 a 0 50 .0:55'a '0•,0 - 5 00 a 5 50 • Potatoes,' • - 0,35 a 0 40 • 4 85 'a 4 90 "'Beef, - 4 50 a 5 50 •Butter, • • • 0 12 a 0 15 .• " • - 1- 0 12 a 0 13 Turkeys, 0 50 a 1 00 Ohieltens, per pair, 0 30 •a 0 40 ' Hay,'" • .0 900 a 11 00, Hides, - 4 ' 400 a 4 50 • 'Sheepskins . . 0.40. a 0.75 Clover - • ..,3 00 • a'3.50 -Timothy'. - - 1 60 a 2 25 ' ' • ' 04411/ER1011 IIIAR*161:10 .• 7.11areh 7,. 1878. Wheat -Fall - ' $1 12 a 1 15. •_ Spring ' I • ,• 0 90 a , 0 95 ' Flour. ^ - • - • 4 50 a 5.00 Oats, ' - , - - - 0 '30 a sO 33 ' •• Pep, -_ _ J0 56 a- „0" 57 Barley, - - • - ' 0 ,40, a .0. 48 'Potatoes • - 0 00* a 0 30 titiatYte r • 7. .... . '• • 8 00. ea 10 00 . . 0 14 . a 0 15. , Eggs, - . - .- - 0 12 a -.0 15 , -Pork, - ' • 4 00 , a 4 50 ' Hides - . • - • • 4 50 A 4 50 Wood ' '2 10 a ' 2 *50 • Beef,. - • ..• ' • '. • 4 50 a 5 50' SEA1P0111.11 MARKET-.. : .. . M.. 31 18/8 Wheat -Fall • .,•••• $112 a' 1 15 :. :Spring' - • - 0 90 a. 0 96 Flour, . .. - . ,• 4 50 a .5 00, .• • Peati. -• 0 .58 ; a 6Q ," Barlq ; "- • - • 0 4' 0 50 Potatoes • • -:-035a 040 Butter "u - 13 a-. 0 .16 ' s' Eggs, - 0.12 • a '01,3 Hay, ' 10.00 -6'.• 11 00 NOTICE OF REMOVAL,.: 4ohn.Dayment, butc4er, Thanks •hts Manycobtomers for past favora, and hega leuckt000tily them that IM him removed from the. stall in"the Masket building to . untees Oki Stand, Huron -Street, Ilext, door io ettimibelVa Hornets Simi, ' - Where be will be pleased to meet there •all, and soy Mime who may favor him with their cookout, inutile . will do his beet it anobly them with Pipit 01084 4f4 9a1 remonabli, ram: . . • .7011N DATItaINI.". (Milton; Veb. 10, 1878. :Wl‘it OVAL. ! it:EggvAT:1:. •• . R. Fitzsimons, 'butcher, flaming moved ictm the lifarket.building,i0 one Oefriier ' Of the. OL1NTON HOTEL BUILOING0 NEXT TO VICTO/{11,13X,OGN, Will be gla to inset all Ida idd friends and oustsoradra there. The liberal patronage he received in the past assorea him that in his new premioes he will be equally well supported: No pains 'will be Oared to meet tho witthee of Ida customer's. • ORDERS SOIJOIPE.O. ROBERT PITZSIM ON S. Clinton, 14,1878, • a NOTICE NOTICE. NOTICE" a* •• POSITIVELY 0. RE 1)I.11 TYE • rri][if.4 1)..ikr1130. ALL GOODS SOLD AT • •••---."-•-*••••••4 titicral is.:lakokksax )117. • O • . HUCH INA.LLAqE.-'. LONDSBORO, llarch 7, 187a • `111--1333 • ccjo.r.cri-awlijsrj a e-,•\ E;if • F.J. 0 p .c74- 0 •• ". • n.q. Gods selling atIrolondoal ;toriice al leo • • 0 PF4 -- Everybpay7astonished at the Bargains they get. n 1/4/ rii; .ua ti • „• • -* • • •• LJ EVERYTHING HAS TO BE SOLD; SO THE PEOPLX CAN RELY H 5 ON 'GETTING BARGAINS THAT THEY NEVER. HAD A plIANCE Q Janies Tewsley, buteher;-- While thanking his friends for the liberal patronage bestowed ott him in the past, takes this means of in. forming them that'be him, removed town tho Market linilding, • To the Shop occupied by E. Finch, Albert street, directly opposite the Market, where lie Will be pleaccil to meet them all and as merli:kW ones • ao him their anotoni. Having rented our Warerooms, and nossession to be given on the 11th.oflgarch, • All kinds of Meat kept in .ftemoon, and' 001e1 • . we offer the balance of onr stook of • • . - . at reatonable Prim, , ' skates uwsr,ty • '• Clinton, rely. Id, 1873. Mft.itT I) 3N-- .. I r.r TY ER.) • - • - ., . 1111EUMATISK Ery.10.0., i.,,...„,„,...,piirti.• . . . . • . , At a still greater reduction in price than evert . . age, eicitt irvitation, ulcer; from any canon, rind ft.hoti- dred other MEMOS are caused by an add fameof, . , . , Which prodoges laarentatory action. Brenton's Ali- isorhent will positively affect * eine is a 16.,, hours', by. AS TIIE wiforx MUST BE SOLD, PAGARDLESS, Or COST. . druggicte. thrioe.,500. Adylce In Partieslat esseette. absorbing tt- 6 tkeid pcion from :ho hyth:ohnln:Oolan: i W. Y. BRUNTON, , • Como all(1 ot, Foititllitat yollr' '011 .pricos. ,,, IIIIIII SUBSCRIBER ORPERS t'Olt sax, Two Land for Sari): • ..1 hondted Rotel; of Ilia farm, being pad of las Old JIM/BM:13ft THE sTA.14.1)--nttiox BLOCK. horeestohil. situate ost the lot Con, of Colborne, on r0000nable terMR. Eget) lot hoo slung SO tierce (sleeted, • 1v193. boinni 40(1. born bn One lot, and DAM on the other. 3S4=W.ZXMS St "VcrxIXTII\TC4-.. ,. I, MUER, Clinton, Feb. 21, 1878. BoamUlea Colborne, i4,.,1877. ' P, O.. • . , 4 OF (JETTING IN CLINTON 11 prvonu: ‘ , ' 0 -,..... • • . „ 0 VOti SA.I.A11;:.01--IjilA.1=).. • . . 0 1 set. of Double Harness, nearly new ; 1 set of Single Harness; 1 new Phaeto*it ht.0`r Z t. Buggy, 1 Democrat Waggon, 1 Cutter,•Robes, etc; 2 Show Cases, 3 new six- - -"" ai bracket Chandeliers, a Coal Stoves; 4 Wood Stoves, and a great quantity of otherej c -t- 03 -•.,.; Shop Fixtores. .A ll will be sold; as we are winding ofi„the hnsineas, . ., , ,.._ (;) %..) . . • • ,, 14-- . tli 4 . ..4 0 r...! riljzoN-3:333-imas•. Vg• " Will be rei:eived front no'.v until the 15th of;lqarch, for the whole stock and shop c+1-4 fixtures at so much ori the della:r. The stook is well -assorted and. good • gr'02 17 =mints to about $15,000, and is in one of the best stands in the Town -of Ciin. 311 =mi ton. A business of so,opo a.year can be done.Aoy person bnying it can have 04 .5..1,4 ti; five year's lease of the shop. :0 LN /71- 41 R. 'OALLANIAA & DOminion. House, 0 51. 8 tt s 000 •••••••••* oitt. Tc) A new Shop, Suitable for a•general store, al! fitted tip and temly to move into, in the Village Druceiield. Apply to JOHN CALLANDER, CLINTON, or to GEORGE 1111U-01rIELD, CLINTON, Iib, 21, 1819. • :