HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-02-28, Page 5FEBRUARY 28, 1878; AM" THE CLINTON° NEW ERA. THE PRICES OF THE GOODS L AT THE GREAT ALE!S HODGINS MAI VOA, CANADIAN P01.11411Y.— ' A. Consul at Liverpool Js of the opinion that, as in Canadian beef, a large trade can be established by the export of Oe• nadian poultry,. alive or dead, to •Eng-, latd, - In that country the 401eteile price of turkeys average 15 cents pound, and chickens 16e., and tts the liesdiep poeltey issupeviior to the -g_ng- lish, so would they sell more readily in CANADIAN HORS68,—In hitt last week's letter, the English correspond- ent of the Globe. says "Tho imP0i- OF . tation of horses from.the DOillitriOn has been found profitable, 'nearly 3,000 •. " o„gtitnals hfren sent to F,ngland.shice tile trade first begtiu. MesaraYC4*.a ciz Sons advertise in the 'enclitic, English papers the sale of 1,500 horses 'this. , . .., spring, The Attention of English buy- . • . ft erS will be directed to the. excellent . .. hunters and carriage horses that On= . END OF THE PARTNERSHIP, BONAFIDE-SALE Nth.W GOING- ON. CHEAPKNOWN. ST GOODS . COMPETITION DRIVEN INTO A OORNER,: by the • prices we are selling. goods TELL YOUR FRIENbS, NO HOUSE SHALL UNDERSELL US:• • . HODGINS & PAY,ifoindiesfer •House. CLINTON, Nov. 22nd, 1877. • GREAT :).-TNriarvuims CA LLA N D ER'S S • Everybody astonished at. the Bargains they get,. EVERYTHING HAS • TO BE SOLD, SO, THE PEOPLE CAN • RELY . . ON GETTING BARGAINS THAT THEY NEVERHAP A CHANCE OF GETTING IN CLINTON BEFORE. • • • , • . . FOR Si- QIELF 1 set of Double Harness, nearly new;.1 set of .Single Harness, 1 new. Phaeton Buggy, 1 Democrat Waggon, 1 Cutter, Robes, etc. 2 Show Cases, 3 new six-' bracket Chandeliers, 3 Coal Stoves, 4 Woo(' Stoves, and a great quantity of other Shop Fixtures. All will be sold; as we are winding up the businesi. 11/19l\TD343AS • Will be reCei•VAd• from now untiLthe 15th, of March, for the whole stock and shop fixtures, at so =eh on the &Afar. The .stock is well -assorted and pod ; it amounts to about $15,000, and is in one of the best stands in the Town of Olin. ton. A business of $40,000 a year can be done, Any person buying it can. have • a five year's lease of the shop. R CALLANDER, & CO.,, New:Dominion House. • ••• 000 • • A new Shop, suitable for a general store, all fitted u and ready to move it, in the Village of Brucefield. Apply to SOHN' CALLA.NDER, CLINTON; or to • GEORGE BAIRD, 311;., BIIITOEFIELD. ' • CLINTON, Feb. 21, 1878. SPECIAL NOTICE, Having rented our Waterooms, and possession'to be given on the lith of March, we offer the "miaow of our Stock of PlITIRil\T I IT ER) At a still greater reduction ht Price than ever, AS THE WHOLE MtlST BE SOLD, N,EGARDLESS OP COST. • 11W Coe *got Fortin at your on irk• , REMEMBER, THE STAND.--;--BRICIC BLOCK. or, Clinton, Feb. 21, 1898. t 4" 48 tavio produces, and no doubt there will be a better attendance than before. Al- though the prices realized for first7clase horses are lower.than they were two or three years, •,there is still an ample margin for profit in the difference be- tween the. value of horses Canada or this country, . Tits ExPoirrs , or CAN,ank AND Tuil ST'Ans.— A. few days ago meeting was held in 'Washington of manufacturers and others, to devise some. meting 'to in- crease, the export trade of =the:United. States, and so relieve .the manufacturers froin the disastrous effects of over prO" dttction, At the meeting it was stated that the total 'exports from that cOan- try in 1877,.amounted to $601,000,000. This seems a Very large areonnt, ,yet it is, in fact, less than that df Canada in proportion to the population of the two countries: Canada exported $75,875,- 393 worth; and'tlie States,. to have done proportionately as lunch as we' did in that line; should hive:exported; to the extentof V50;009,000. 'rho figivres-ate even, .more: disproportionate, for' those fcr the States are, for the' year Jan, .1 7—Des. 31,1877; while ours are tor tho yeliirVelihning July•1, 1876, •and. end- ing .june 30,: ' During the last six menths of , that year we exported greatly more. than'we did- during the laSt six Months` clf 18,76, so that when the full figures for 1877 -are produced they will flow that our ekport trade is .pro- portionately much larger then that of the States, • Even es they•are, the figures speak well fr. Canada'. • M'ONTR8AL BUSINESS A vrauts,--Sonte NOT TOE 01? REMOVAL, ugly developmentshave been the re 811 I l• of a scrutiny of the aits of sone Mollt tree), insolvents. The elate of things brought to light exhibits rottenness arming business uitti which wonld hardly be believed could haes'exietecl any comniercial city, Little wonder it4tbttt there have been so many fail - 111s in that city. Trade Will 080111310 e better aspect when bankers exercise a 1 e prudence and—FC'ett-ATM-51fifir ness gamblers (row going into dan- gerous speculatierts..4 Some of the banks have been 11,1tvy sufferers and, the lesson will not be lost upon thein fora few years at least. •• Land fcir: Sale. . OFFERS FOR SALE TWO iiiihdrediiiree of hitt farm, bring, part of hie old bomestead, situate on the 1st Con. of Colborne,- on r0S130111010803111111. Each lot has about 80 gores cleared, • • with house arid baro. on ont lot,za,11.74,bBFainsnmuopnuRet;:er o.toh.7.; Colborne; Nov. 27, 1877.•. • • 4 . Desirable Farm For Sale. • 'LOT 21, CON, 0, TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT, .1-.4 County 08 Huron,live from Clinton, and t mile from railway. It contailne 100 armee of heavily timbered land and good moil, Apply to It. BaRKWELL, Lucknow. ' Lirekn'ow, Nov. 16, 1877. • Rouse' and Lot' fo.r Sate. , I MEIN SUBSCRIBER . OFFERS THE HOUSE AND , lot on -Albeit Street, at present °coup edbl; him- eolf, for sale.: It contain,' 08X 8001110.• With closets and every convenience for a small family; hard and .oft water. The lot contains half an Rem, oll which there are a number 'bf choice fruit trees knit beginning to bole.- MO, for tale, a golddfitIngliolwe, yhate • W. C. JOHNSON. Clinton, Deo. 27, 1177,. . • • aouse and Lot -for -Sale: • -• • rriHE UNDERSIGNED ,OFFERS FOR SALE' THE h01410 find lot nn Huron atreet, oppoeite McCartney Thonason's..planing factory. The „house contains 7 rooms, has stone formdation cellar, Sco. The•lot is half sere, with. Stablerfruit trees, wells, &c., thereon. and ie ono of the beet locations in town, „ Price, 51,200 crash ; or 51,400 on time -one-third down balance in equal Annual instalment!), with intereetcat 8 per cent. Clinton, Me.. 27. , 1877. • • HENRY.STEVENS. Land forSale• . mem UNBERSIGNNITSTFERS FOR SALE THAT • -4; eligibly situated parcel- of- land -On the London Road, within half a mile of Clinton, being north, part 'of Lot 86,•let Con:: St01:1114, • The land le Arst.olass; all dean," and kneed, and being a corner lot is con- veniently situated for a market garden. Further par- ticular) can be obtained on application, The lot eon. John Dayment, butcher, Thanks many customer, for pact favore, and begs leave to notify than thet be hoe removed from the 11011 in the Market building to Honter's Old Stand, Huron Street, Next door to CainpbelPs Harness Shop, _Where he will be_ip_leased to Meat them all, and ally '15*Mrs wno may aver lore with r cm, a lop bias boot to onpply them with • ,' • ifird Close KIM Ts at reasonable rata: • JOHN DAYMENT, Olinton, k'eb. 18.1878. • , ItElVICIVA,14 giVI,OVA L 1 R. Fitisimcins, imtcher, Having mined Inn kin Market Bulldins, to one ooroor Q1'the OLD DLINTON • HOTEL sualiploo Noxi' TO TTCTOIVIA 1114008fi Will be gla to meet all hie old iriende and oustomere there. The metal nstronase \ received in the past 1113011,201i that 011 740 1:101V• premises he will be wally well supported. Ne. Pains will be spared to,nreet the wishes of his onstomers. • ORDERS SOLICITED. ROBERT naternoNS. Clinton F•11 14 Me • :1Q'EM,QVAL. • James Tewsley, butcher, 'Whi le thankinl ife friends-1*er ThWe r;r Petrel3e0o H tii 1Z1 ' 17! 13.0 , c.4..„ beatowed an him in the past, takes•this Wane ni in- 1I ' ' g ,,_..6.....J'71. ;:j8. , ', . • . 101,11111g them tbat he. has removed from the Market . (,,„,) irri . ,..., O. . - - L.-) • .1_„,,i • To .thoshop occupied, by L.Finch, , . . 01..., .t., ls.,t: :._ i...) - • will be plowed to meet them all and as many new °nee .i. ' • .._"7.1 ' Albert Street, directly oppoeite the Market, where he, 3.... .1-ri > ":....., . . . . ' as may favor hini with their custom. .4 . r -mi • ,,y1 -...;._ p . . . . . _7 , em4 • • cm w - a/Area% kai :deg leV.ramteesa.e ke•Pe, J,1:248:37:1:wa:(:::.4.1 Thi . 64. ,..9.:,6E1.,c4- : Olt:1ton, Feb. 140678. • .0 ' ' 6 wal•v4 4 o o cLiNT,?Ns• • g Finur and Feed Stiore, K. Z °4t1t • JOSEPH nowsot„. The•subscribers bag to anuounde that thei have eri- • • JOHN 110DGINS. tared into partnersh'p to carry on the business of Flour • ajPc Clii ton, Dem 11, 1877; . • - reed, end General Groceries, in the adore , • CAUTION: V(THERRAS, IT .HAS 190315 TO OUR KNOW. F Y nunot that 00800 of the firm pr. agents Of W. DOERR= 8C 90.,01inion, are offering for gale organe hearing our name, we hereby give notice that we will not become reeponsibltrfornor guarantee the genuine- ness of any organs purchaaelt from said parties and , • won suggest to Intending purchaeare to deal wiil; our el, 074 11 Ricer .16 authorized tweets, the Mean. WADE BE0f3, Clinton. • DOMINION oltoAN ZOMPANY, ' Jno Wesley Sedy. 1 Feb..28 .1878. . , Wheat, fall,red, $1 05 .a, 08 Wheat, fit14..white,..... ... 1 12. ;a 1 15 Spring, ". .". '0 90 a• 0 95 - Fife, . - 0 95 a. 1..00 , . . - . 0 )30 a 0 31 • Barley,. - 0 40 a 0 50 • .Peas, 0.55: a 0 60 , • Flour, - • .5 00 6 60 Potatoes, • 0 35 8 0 40 Pork, '4. 85'a 90 , Beef,• ;. 4 60 •a 5 50 Butter, -• - 12 • a 0.15 Eggs, 0.12 a 013 Turkeys; - - • 0'50 a 100 Chickens, per pair... ' 0 30 a 0 40 Hay, - 9 00 a 11 90. Rides,' • • 4 00 a 4 50 i Sheepskins • - • 0 40 a 9 75 • Clover • 00 a 300 'Timothy - • • 1 60 a 2 25 • clomienstme. NARK Elt09 • ,,•••••••• • ' Fab. 27, 1878. ---$1-11.2 -a 1 15 • Spring - - 090 a 095 Flour , 4, 4 50 a 5 00 Oats, . -•0 30 a 033 Peas, 0 56 a 05.7 Barley, - • , 0* 45 a 0 48 Potatoes - Butter' ' Eggs, - Pork, • Hides -• Wood - 2 10 a 2 50 Seef, - - 460 a 550 Feb. 23, 16/8 • Wheat—Fall • $1 12 a 1 15 Spring , 6 90 a 0 95' • Flour, 5 00 a 5 50 Oats -• • - 0 30 a 031 Peas - 0 58 s 0-60 Batley r'• • . • 0 '45 a 0 60 Potatoes - , • ,0 36 a 0 40 Butter - = 0 13 `a 0 15 Eggs, . 0 12 a 0 .13 Hay, 10 00 a /1 00 Montreal Cai I le Irtarket. Feb, 25. • About 13 car loads of cattle were offered at this mbrket, which met .with stow sale. • Prices, however, were steady, ranging from. gib to 4ic for fair to choice fat cattle. Ten ear loads of choice (at, steers are being shipped through to ingland by the Do- minion steamer " Dominio'," from Port- land this week. • American cattle Market*. ' • Chicago, .Feb, 26. I:Thos.—Market goietf-alieut-5crd light 'grades selling at $3.90 to heavy, mixed packing, $3,70 to $3.85 ; shipping, $3.80 to $3.95. • Buffalo, Feb. 26, CATTLE. —Market -dull ; goOrl choice eteers at $4,85 to' $4.851, ; medium ship- irers at $4.20 to 4.60 • ,light butchers' at $3,75 to $4 ; etockeralir, $2.75 to $3..55 ; oxen at $3. to $4.20, according to weight and quality ;'htills at $2,50 le $3 26. „ lioos.—Market moderately 'active Tor lotkers;"good to choice at $4.20 to $4.25; heavy to fair good at $4.15 to $4.20. dtisee.-:-Market firtn ; all sold ;.sales f iir to good ist $4.40 to $6.50. • . ST. 140C18, Feb. 26. Hoo.. -Active; light grades, $3,80 to $3.10; 'packing, $3.75 to $am; butchers', . 000 a 03 •- 8 00 .8 10 00 O1: a 016 0 12 a 0.15 • 400 a 450 450 450 Bowinafiville,'Dee: MC, 877% . eLit • l'A'RTNERS11113 . ' ; • '•-•-• • • rage no'ilto that the, P.irtriership „heretofore exiating under UM mune. ,style and Illm'of H, R. Beacem," thin day been diesolved bymatual eoneent. Dated at Bayileld this 10th day of January,' A. D., 1878. ; • :WITNESS': W; BEA.0011. 11. ERW/N. SRO/MET BTAC0111. N. 11. -The said business will in future'be oarried on iziorteltrY Beal:tom, to whom all debts due late firm u be Pc11,11e INA.N.PACIFIC:RAILWA.Y. CAINTA. Tenders far bilranydifinit lier:idAIng, Tani* Sealed Tenders addressed. to the undersigned, and endorsed " Tender Petrillo Railway," will be received up to Noon of FRIDAY, thel 1.8 day of March, next, for works required to be executed in completing that por- tion of the Pembina Branch of the 'Canadian Mudd° nallwey extending from Stint Bonlface Station south- ward to the International Betuidary at Emerson, a dia. Wee. of 63 FOr plans, speoifiestioris, approximate quantities, forms of tender and other information,. apply to tho 08.- 5. of the.Engineet.in•Chief, Ottawa, and- at the Office of the District Erilitneer, Winnipeg.. ' Contractor* are notified that Tinders will not be con. Adored unless' made strictly in aocordenceowjth the "Onto!' forme, end -41i the OW Of Arras -mein •there are attached the actual olsnattae and.the nature ot the ocampetion and plan of moldings of each 'member of the sarne... . • • • . Forth.'dne !Pigment of the 'cora:ad, • trash deposit to anamoUnt of 8888 OitNT On the bulks= of the centred will be requires.. To the Terider.mnst be attached the actual Sig111. tures Wiwi responsible and solvent persons, residents of the Dominion, willing to beams sureties for the carrying wdt. of' these conditioss, as well ae the due performance of the worki embraced in the Contra,* • ThliDepa;tment dose not, hearever, hind laid to leapt the lowest or any tender. • • . • By order, Department et Pnblie Worlo;.1 11; BRA3311, SeGreti"1° Moors, ro. 7th. 1078. • ' Special Notice. S. DAVIS Would be happy to:Poleax vieitfrom .11 7188 em Mende especially those who ire Indebted to hire, to head -Mt all the money owing him kr ail 10 71.10 reestablishing. Ile would alio refobrratudthine:krithoawtt hes rental the Old 80 • The CLINTON HOTEL Whets he will moping in a few asp with; INE1V SUPPLY OF GOODS • CoaL0ii. 20 es pergallon, prar;utineed yo: I or it may be - $3.00 to $4. _ Clinton, Feb. 7, bile. . $1. 4.. Formerly oarried on by D. Erwin, Albert'Street, • • Where they' will keep constantly on hand a large and,- . <1 0 O, " 1-.3• "go Sooa.atook ce FLODE, FEAT), GENERAL GROCE. P-4 " • suEfi, &.., &0. •• • • • • (4) L.) • 4VESTE.107 COPN AL WAYS . OW HAI p • at lowest.prices. . • • LAND ?LATER cowers. on leand. dash paid for Sidra, Ilides;.Poltit, Furs,. &c. 411 aceonnte.due te D. Erwin' mllet be tottlaa Once. otherwite they be Placed in Coiiit for collection., • ERWI* & SCANPRET.P. • . • canton; 7,1278. • • •-• IMPORTANT to . `." .F0t NDRYMEN, Ami nailer Manufacturers. , . . 741.04.1101e. P.t.to.pery FOR SALE OR LEASE, Situato. along sideof the Grand*Trunk Railroad, At CLINTON, in tholounty of &iron, And formerlyknown se the WIII7EHEAD Mint Property, comprising tour acres of land, on wIdith foe erected a Daretory Brick brillding 88 x 42, elate roof, with brick engine room 20 x 42; also,large Frame Storehouse, ca- pacity 40,000 bushels; cooper shope and start or lumber abed., large pond of isoft water, for eta= and °the.* • pUrpoSee* , • • • 'This property is one of the boot situated for maim - lecturing purposes In the County of lluron. Terms of payment will.be made liberal, In event of any safe and reaeonably profitable manufacturing bird, noes loading lime, it dogtrot, 1 wi I financially ameba the enterp,rise. • " For furtherpartiettlars apply to or addrese itICUARIL itt.WIN, PaOpairrote, , • LINTON, (iNt. • AUCTION- SALE. to* DARORDT AHD EMIT Alio Tem &ram Di7Gorl:,BootsimiShooi, efkel,s4e4elite,* • Ever offered for nth In 'the Total of Clinton, To he sold by Auction or Privito Sale It; Shop lately occupied by Mr, Robson, • Next door • 80 Kitts! „titug :Store, • 4=1.1=101, • This SW IS NO HUMBIAi The Goads have been bought for cards, • attd"nrill be total rex- °alb. lar The goods will be ilea by Anetion, et Pour can prices, W1T11011T IMSEItY.D. . . Sale each Day and Evening, at 2 and 7 o'clock p. welt, 008 8011 THE IlED PZAO. THOMAS TYNAN, Attellopeer. Clinton, tot, 7,1410. ti P' 441 co U.Pt A.,- hi m- 1-4 • • a o td . 104 In *I- a t•cp'111 W • D'Art:19,93 kv 5- r/2 Fxs gle)..rn t 0 i;1 • .• P' " tbePrjj ,•NT. at pm- Pl2 • 1. 0 0 0 2, 01 cg 8W Po it .4. .114 " bi • 10-3 1--4 11-3 0 • 0 ,r,, 0 0 o, • z-3 • z u 1:1 * .4. 1.7.14 • 0, • •.1