HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-02-28, Page 44 • NE \y A DYE RT ISE ii•IE NTS.. -Notice-John Campbell. For Sale -W. C. 'clearle. 'Stray Pigs -Win 'Craig. ..• Notice -James Sheppard. Needles --Thos. jachson, Or. Rheumatism -M. T. Bruntin, Perm for Sale -Joh u 'Brownlee. Farm for Sale --.T. C. Brintnell, New Goods. --G. H. Wright & Co. solvent Attriit S7-Itbbuii,. Insolvent Act of 1.875-Robt. Gibbons. l• lex of.to•atee NioW URA May be oat; ay tio Book . Ftore. of Masers. Jee. A. Yaill and J. A. Zielloe ' Albert Street. Witte 8 OMR rex 001)Y. oily ...• ' OFFIC 1 L PAPER OF THE COUNTY. DAY,' FEB. 28,1878. ". ON THICLUMGETSPEECH.. • - . .THEitLINTON ERA, his interest be enhanced by placing du- piesenting 20,000 miners, at Aberdare, time te correct it. The general Price ties *pen agricultural proaree, for we agreed to accept a live per cent. redue- from $65 to $100 per Ur°, oeCording to imported nething of ivnY Illopent. As tion in their wages, awl so to continue location, the average price at Whieh we have said, the wetter is of deep in- till coal advanced, It will be wise in ewers have recently changed hands being terest to all, let all seek the truth upon it - • • column we give a synopsis 't Speech of Mr..Ca.rtwright, ugh nnt flattering melee condition of the .country„ - ...nal a .bed state as inight , ...have been expected, consideratien greatly curtailed jinportatiensand husi- . ness of the country. It is our interest; equally with all ethos in the country, that the utmost degree of econemy should be practiced, and we would not, nor do we, complain if the opposition "disbovers expenditures that might hare been cut down. But froni a careful &errata of the speeelies yet delivered we cannot see where Rey degree ,cif extra- vagance has been indulged in. There are a few things which we think:Might have: been kept down., Auch as the •sn- perannuation fund, the .cost of legisia- tion,!and innuigratke, but they are raocit• questions, and do not .eareaunt to a very great figure after. ell. The items upon which a paring could be .clene are of a limited extent, and the total of them is less than one quarter:of-the expendi- ture of the country, the •remainder be- ing fixed beyond the control of the Gov- ernment. _ Although there is a deficit in. the in- come the Government.do not intend to nerease the :taxation of the conitry by and ,Antitax. it with other territory to he heposition of any higher tariff on" ierontenegro,4 &nisei to have.•,po,y,,,,r; Tinitortations, believiog that if there Ade' the Dobtaidseba to 13,1:41941142 in • even an average crop tint year, andthe- ' '• - • • . eXcheirire7for ..Itournanian • IleSsarebie ; O ordinary amount of business that wari cessions of temitery in • Bosnia 114 to - done before the depresgion, the inceme , • Weida Nish to. Servia of will be equal to the expenditure. O It must be remembered' that our ex pasoipg,through the Straits •:.te nitieot-• war; except in: kolitted Oses ; absolute • -• pendittires are unusually heavy in con - freedom of the passage frit urs ercharitnien, sequence of the large pubtie works that e• ven in: times of 'waii; - payment of an are being carried on, such as the Padific indemnity of fourteen hundred mullion Railway, Welland Canal., and several other smaller works, which we reckon roubles, to- cover: WO Terkey..ie to to be worth all we ere paying for them, cede Batouni, Ears, ,BayaZid, Ardaham, and are, therefore, an accumulation of and the Adjacent territory; Turkey also wealth. • to pay forty.•millionii sterling 'bonds, We think Mr. Cartwright acted not the interest and: einkirig fund of.Which• only very wisely, but on principle., When are to be juarenteed by Bulgatian .and he stated that he would make no change Egyptian tributei, • Anatolian revenue in the tariffras the people would soon. and lieraelea .•mines; ten mink:his a have an opportunity • ot speaking • (Or roubles tO he paid immediately to in - themselves in the matter, especially ao demnity• the Russian residents Of Pon. the main plank in the Platform of the S.,tantioeple ; tirkey. to reinibuttie Bus - Opposition is the principle of protection, -siap. capital invested in Turkish. bond ; that is, aigh duties to benefit special in-, also, to pay ,for the • maintenance Of fewest; in the Dciminion. As this is pritenera of,rear and the re -opening of the principal question before the people, the Saline month of the Danube. • and the largest amount of talk is be.stow. It thotight that if these 'terms are eel upon it by the Opposition,. every insisted upon .by Russia the peiree of one should thoroughly post themselves. RU'rope will be jeopardized; 13rit Eng - upon it. It is an important matter, and the prosperity of the country vvill be kind Will nrost illtely,roalte firtn 84ind • against the denands of Russia, and she greatly affected by it. In a speech on Friday, Mr, Tepper singled out barley will moat likely recede to seine degree; .as an illustration of the unfair way ih THE ZAHOR MARKET* which the farmers of Canada were treat. • • ed. The United States placed a heavy ,It 18 iaid there. are a rnesiderabie duty on the importation of this grain, number of nlen out of' employeaerit, who Canada permits it tone= infreer-which an find no one to employ thetrritt• the he said whs unjust. But the truth is Wages they have previously been receiv-• we do not nor never will import any lig. We believe this mai be the case, barley from the United States, hut liend as many who were compelled to employ there annually from 4,000,000 to 6,009,. men did not make sufficient out of the 4000 beshels, and if they do not pay, us businesses they were engaged in to war - a fair price for it it will be gent to rant them in paying as. high, Wages this Europe, where a good market is opening year. As most all attieleg of 'cormump-' for it. dot are milling loWer this year it is. rm. A very prominent agriculturist irk thing butreasonable to expect that la - this county lately said that the more* 1301) wilt also rule lower, he it is as much examined the subjeet of our import eitia Marketable:commodity, eubject to ths. export trade, the more be was tontine-. -Seine 'errs as any atticie the product,or ed that the interest of the farmer cam labor... In °England the artiearlif, riainers, sisted in having the tariff' as low at factory operatiree and faint laborers hive possible upon all articles that .he con- aif ho )tibinit to a reduction in their sumei and that by no poilatbilitar eturld Wiegee, 1,1eitilitylagt ..,dehrgates re. Tem" itasmuitai atainueamo, Apparently :the • inost im iortant events that'e ransJi1ing, oven for thia The trite saylog that rnietakes will • country, Ate matters connected ,with the be Inede iii the best regulated families" Eastern •Qiiestion ; .but the reports from is verified. ita outselvea in:relation to our Ithe imatiof t1e. trotible are's° contradie- ertiele upon the School Question, .foryee hoy that Scarcely any reliance can be Ond We ,did eity What the 'Signal ()bargee upon : them"... We do know that. 'os: with:4.. How,' it. loccurriel; 'Whether .tr, bloody contrast has. been bioughb 4 aPikaort, 014 o changedln the 'Proo' .., • Wesel in Borne measure,and that neght.iii-. reading We canuot say, but we intended tiara . are le, pr. ogreee for the; estehlisle . to. say that 'there :'was az iinPressien empref ay.:permanent peace; • beb. what' abroad,not .thet : We thbright so, that :kind elf -a peace wi11 ,he patched up kis' teachenie.arisociatiens were of, a , nature iniposgible to tell. Lest week we gave • to Produce a lessening effect in the eon.); a. brief SYnOPSis. oftire, eonditiens .of petition for Situations„ and we •think. peace: which .1ititedu .• demanded • :from that is the case, for we, frequently.lrear Turkey, but since then fresh conditions expressions dropped that Will bear that ,hate been promulgated; whieh we think. eonstructien.' .will pries. so heavily npen Tnrliey that . . she will not be able to catty them out: Tt ig.scarcely,•any iise speculating upon We .Make a• few .extracte•-•froug -this 'the Probability of these cooditions being Report, that may be of interest tobat the :basis of peaee, for the interests 'of 'readers).i..e-, other countries have to be. eoneklered, ,For carrying • the mail betweerl..clire avIrieb will be done at the. forthcernifig" London,. m; A. Jamieson last conference;..and therewe shrill robot like- year reeeived. $2,498 ; 'between. Clinton V see those •other bountrits . protesting aed. Po, ter'a Hill, A. 1: joiclain„ .$139'; "iegainet.the exacting terma ,of -Russia, Clinton and Wingliren, T. W..• Colles, As fat-, as • regards the -indemnity, We $1,200.; Goderieh arid Luckeew, A:. M. do not believe England will :consent.te PolleY; $350; Goderich and It incardine,, see Turkey Inekt, insuch an enormous 07. Gentlee, $1,1-80; Seaferth and :Witii.c7 site], and • the latest advices....frOrn • the °ter; ' - • East state that -Tairkey objets . to the The:gross° revenue from pieces:in this payieent of the. ten ••milhon rouble', ' count',, 'are as fellows, Bayfield, $4414 . &Wit and forty 'million's sterling ;in, peeminer; $41.50 ,Blirevale, •$288. 60 ; . bonds,' andalso 01000..'60:the. surrender. Blyth; , $675.75; :Berme field , $312.86 ; of the'lroriclads.,• Brussels, $1,758 97, Buslifield, $17.75 ; . The. eonditionsproride ter an menu, Clinton, $2,929.01.; Dungannon, $275:- -10 -of notahlet-tra, eleet ii__Sovereign 71 ;.' -Egmendyille, :•0289,65 ; Exeter; *prince: for_Balgaria„ whose .nerniriation $1,749, 92, Godeiioh, $4,648. 77.;:: Ha r - is to be •stilainitted • fo. ,sanction to the 10011,' 07.96; Het, 0105.87 ;. Home% poke. aird the ...Eirefesur Powers.. The $1.36k90''; C'reen 4°6:55 ; Helm"; , • • • . , • . Ert:garian tribute to-theToete is.to 11e, $75 37, Xolineotes. Mil1,.$"25.22 (alma .in eniotint:te•the ...eat ',revenue: 'pf .Ki=?Imirri, 3122' 14 Ic•54)0611,• $144'45 ; the F.covinee. .A. Russian -CciromisaionLonclesboro,0353'41. :; • MAne•hestet''' $223,p,i..ivieti.400,..$04Q.i4.; • .1{0.dger.; ie.te. superintend the Bulgariao,GoVern-, Ville,. $168.69 '.; Seaferth,..$3;168.70. Ment far tvia'years,.and 50,000 :Ressi•ati Sunshine, $11.37 ;. V-arna; :-$191..26•; troops are' to oecup_y. tbe principality Walteni.$184,'23; Wingbem, $1,929..387 during the seraeperiOd. ,*The Conclitierta reittee; $6.82 $28-k.39. • also requite the cesion..Of Poidgoritia, . a. • • oe, •Year 076., ..892 •illegiti. mate' eirildren. were born in this Pro- .vincet '• Aatery bad reeprd, 'and one that requires no eeminent. • •We this year mks • the'spiey Ottawa letters of ."•13ur1ington," to. the Handl:, ton •Times. te 1i ain 'Mg the dear de•.:' parted," or what :has 'become•.(4bire ? O ,wHERp scariet. 0* typpuii fever is pre- valent, acorrespcindent a the Hamilton Tinies•recorriniexids a free use of tobacco, in the way of pinking, affirming that it is an.exeellexit :disinfectant . Ix Harnilteri we notice that three partiekwere ,summoned• to appear before the Potice•Magistrate, .by the elerk of the city, for neglecting to register the births of their °Children, and were fined $5" each for this breach .of the act. • A. watering for parents.. . • ' laborers to seek einploymeet at onco,atal submit to a reduotion if they can do no better. irieaoritita, AiseeCia9rIoNs, •• .16 • 'POSTHASTER-GIENERALPii REPOHT. • F$BRUABY 2.8)-487-K.------ : ,•7.e.e.S.I.e.srltrorref'sscressg,„ ,,....SeTerir..,9"ereeers i by liev. Mt, Sieveright of Goderich, . A resident of Point Edward', named A: teaeneeting was held in tiar Vitureb 111eDougall, being struck by a; snow ball on Monday evening, which • was ale> on Seturday„ burnt a Rood vessel Well attended', WM. Hawktillaw„, SWinnipeg iYth, has. sold his A peg • .. . 0 despateh says there is '' 411°4' •. • • about $75 per acre, and -we know tome: stallion, " Heither •joek," to 1-L Alex- great Activity among the Fenians A . . eilt,13e0r0..R.T.u...1 J. Ferter,• for the sum of St,. Paid, and it Is believed. that a that could. not be. purchased . fee $100 : ' • - • ""-":::-- Movenient is iritended in -the direetion* Pe•IA. "lOvu'ei; us instance of Conservative stole a riouple of barrels of herring be- . • .'014..Tinicsaay night, some - warencier tordlilanai4litnogbiao,.Rinuststitillgrro. bible , eve, ot • ,r..speettee statement lopeing.to-Me..j.„--Robinsene-groeeeref : A-,-spert-good-good--worLirie tiorgec4iril noW current in them ranks here,; to the. Wirigham, which had been left under fair condition, were sold on the. Elora effect that. should Sir John by any the verandah in front of the stere, ' frtOiials iir:i.ittindse'ttliii.ofiat(double bri rblayfaorie •:ilevreonr. menus .obtain'Pewer during uext Pallia-. Mr Wm Wm. Johnson., Of the Par %Line; o hmr ‘tv,ilalftoeor, eticheeduteellu; g400.1.y8renenicleti.a., taken Stanley, 489tri;l,sieyap, •dstrW45e.d.moinnutthees.f7Turi;:f:gra. awool7e..fouAr (1;0111:gs mooldw,se2velat.1:0.0;180,0n.otistii. . .andbe._ Kc'Neughton pear Varna,.100 logs. in * a neck•yoke for thirty cent, riBeekf°trtillo. inte,°;1081tbaltr for tlithemat•tiot •°w°41al.i°1'): 'Standard logs and there Were tereeets in lsolfnagmin;gg.toi-N.bilihjati,-;•rPt .%itie;koka:"od,413loaantr.:'• majority in ' Ontario thereafterOtta-, ,oadiii.,* ..,..,.. „ ,..,. . , . . . w wh. xs quo° 4, elmosiii, It ii4s. iivo., ,... ii*Coli-; °lase:- . .. .. . ' . :A. ferny a -12o agree, lot 21, south of , , • • The feregoiug is certainly looking ir The Raydeld Road, on:, Towrisuip. ': et. diStinot bodies, being Only attathed at • the hips ; two beads, Sit legs and two, .i.ctin!oi:itaiitii:afasotdr::atbh:eat Rtiltirierimisse 60r :0 i ;P:f147,11t ;I 3 9ii re- . ' coofpaVp6,a1r2aoti,v,hlye worthless. thmerreo. An .bmeiang . . • •• Destructite • freshets, caused bythe • Stanley, wari kat Week Sold for thorium Mils. • : ... - heavy rains, 'have oCcurred at Oshawa • Ioenragain . bqeeine premier, he cannot .1terilie was the Oro:ileac!. . and 13* Hope; at both of which places Olio day last week, the Mearbere 'Of gerrymander the_eidings' in this county oisaaeentageously for Re- a. 'we., Brown tith a !Apemen° pair the Exeter Fire Brigade ;Pregented Mr, great dainage to. property boa 'resulted much mere .. • At Port Hope pert of the Midland. - railway track has been waelied amity, formers than they are; .... • of sleeve buttons in recognition' of the severe'bridges' destroyed, and twO Tue :.itier11111" G4zoie ,wants to, .enterBev-vice he 'vendeied talc° bigade in v4an- Whiten drowned The streets were • 'aging the' nte recent Firemen's Entertain . . . ... , . flooded With• water and jemmed. ' with . , into a 'diseussion with Us upon 4e leer.... mut. ,. ice, the: ground floors of set . eralbuildings •' its of the co• nstruetion-pf a new Connty. A number of the members of Walton: being ender water. .• ' 7 . ., . out of Pal.be Of Middlesex, Latnbton and eirCuit, belonging to .thtrrie's appoint- A Six Months old' 'child of W.' R.: litrfon, 04,pi;oposei e , irtunher of quee .Ment„ met at the .4VIethodist:.• personage. in Welton;. cer•Friday evening, a.a..pre- BaskerVille, Burford, was fatally scalded- . tiene-fg to answer.. "- Seine Of , the on WedneedaY night of ,last week. . A kallie with tt...bealltif.gl tea- -small- boy' was. Putting a-teit-irettle-of 7 ..cit One:Inds:est: t.Itt :11.,7t-Ortlineer• 'esd an ' t'llts.WNYei;:;44'1140' swelinitc'elid.:0:sh:usband,replied... • , • .. • : . of boiling' water• -right into the Cradle,. the stove,' and upset a: pot : • service, accompanied' by an '''address;,• to, ..yrnter on think. Would ,Only arouse a• still stronger- _ ..- . • , • . ,.. . , • ' 'One Village Clerk has received %porn, Which was. near the. stove. The poor , • . feeling of Contention, to whioh no dee; mnnicatiOn froni. the Clerk of the Comity child -lingered • a, few boars in terrible . nite.conClusientpuld.be arrived at .A.'s Council aelting . how ' 'iristny . indigents agony, scalded freer head to foot, • when • , 0 ) • 1:truest's could send ,to a County ,Pcor death put an endto its e,ufferinge. . the','9azes.it,e1 SaY8' • 66111.3 1°,1•ti6" of the lionsii.' • We, would ..not .like ,te. state . ceurity,iga long distance frOm ,the Conn-. the:eXact niimbei, but if the • aecoMtne-: A bey. named ,Tanies. King, attend- ing school :in, the town of Perth, 'etre*. ty seat, but those portions helipen to be dation is geed, pretty near every person his teacher, for witioh ,irt tovvri is in eligible candidate. What .. he has been ex- - polled from school, :taken before • a J. • in tar opposite direction. t� the Section, SaY tilt) business men !,:-41ratosels .Ppse. P., and condemned to ten ' clays. inne tp-creified bY the 'Gazette. 'Perhaps' the ' In aCcortlance'.with intiinatione made prisonment, , and ,pay a fine Of $6 and beet way to bring the c'eunty seat nearer: . At the nomination on the 314 Dec.'. last, costs or • remain ,in jolt twenty days • . to. the greater. part of.the county_Would.4viz, that should tiro ,Bill to incorporate mole; 'This Should be 'a ^warning - to : 'be ,to remove it to Clintoe.• . Whitt does. the Town. of Wingbarn not pass they : him and to all -.other, bad boys, to be • the•qazette. say' to, that'? ' ' : would resign their eats at the Council, Careful. hew they treat their teachers •• .Uoard.. 13. Wilson,, Reeve, ..and Conn, •'. On Wednesday, , a little ' girl„"riged diners Macdonald and 13race„ at a meetingon MondaY.Plght, tenderelPteheeiai tr, about ihi),tinhirsteoevneyr,eaza, tri.RatTaetetors.vonf;x1,,;.;,,:, resigneaons, which *ere accepted. •-", standing :on ..e. broken. chair, leaching • • An „accident Whit:11'0:0M have been ne into the eupboard;• :when her. feet 'attended with serious consequences ' oc- .slipped.'suddenly, and she 'fell With.iin enrred at ' SeefOrth . on Monday., The greatviolence. that one of the • range Queen's. Hotel baggage • waggon was Of , the .back ofthehroken chair:entered. driven chitin to the station to collect her body; Idercing herlin the locality • luggage; when the .driver, on attenipting Of the heart, ;The poor 'little •creeture. , to cross the rails, at it tune when, some moaned and •• cried„ •',,' 0, I'm killed!". care. Were liking. shunted,. 'was rim ink.", and died in less than, . two iniuutes... keikkirrr the: waggon .and. one ' Of his • ..; At the Division Coiart Olandelin horriee over, and 'stripping the horses'. Of , , . Ye, ,every vestige-orbairneee .*! : • • : .:, '. Jaines Hodgins, butcher, sped. oeveral, - oustoniere Tor amounts, .none exceeding 1 • ' 'on Thursday, Mr. iras. MaXwell,Brus- 7.5; cerits, without eV& renderhig• ac- - . , . . „ riels,..3:00,Nit4 a ver7 •pirinfil'accitlent, emints or asking for the arnounts.',' The • Ile Was'ehoPping4n- •Mr. ,MeCutcheorre Ant' ,and. largest; foi'..; 75 cents, wes• • .bush, and, hid . fallen it. innall...tree on bronglit'im; judge•Elltotti on hear- , 'which ter•falt a larger one, and,Was Welke' ing the ,facts Of : the- ',ease, •gate •judg- • . . • . . ing aking the former. to reach the latter, Merit for the Claim; but ,made c. ortipbrin-• . when he Slipped and. fell, breaking his ant pay Ms own costa, and two 'dollars ' leg at the thigh.. He WAS alone in the of defendant's eosts, for not -either' esk- ' bush at the .thrie, where he 'remained ing for the • amount 'or presenting 'e for*a considerable of tithe before bull his -mitre' attractedittention; .. . • .i4, seaters ernident eacurrect at Mr. Robertioxi'i farm, 'near St. Catharines,., ealk0011. NeVY's ItenAsi. . on Monday last,. which Was attended . ". ' ' • • ..' ' with . distressing results'. Mr. • Robert. ° The Midland' Railway .strilte .,is , et • son tt 4' ' 'cutting 'machine an 'a en :ing a an •ench• . , • . . .. deiven ° by 'horse power. He stooped - .. • Toronto contemplates thaeyection, Of down to adjustioinething under the Ma- n:small-pox hospital. ' '. - ' •aline, • when his feet sliptied, and he . A :daughter of William •Lyori Mao- placed right „hand near the 'rollers. kenzie died at Toronto, last week. ' ' which- feed the • cutting knives. His .. There. were 1,313 births mestere& fingers. were. drawn' in, . in the Coirrity Of 'Perth in 1876; eea• revolving:with great speed, thilieelt'finiiigversit inierriages, and 406 deaths. were chopped. off in:slices, until :finally. _ Mr, Willii'm Workman •, ex. -Mayor o'f his hand -was sliced rip to about an inch .. - re- lkeiontreal, died on Saturday night after above his knuckles: 13y this. time ag- e, long and severe illness; . • • •sisteoCe reached him, rind the cutter was " Hamilton Opera .House was 'burned theown out Of gear„ notwithstanding.the dorvn on Thursday, morning, and two dreadful injurybe had received, he walk - &chitin severely •ireured. ... . ,.... . ed ,orer to his • house unaided, and .auch • . assistance as was possible was there 1150- .A certaiti man in Mitchell° • has •dered Until a, surgeon could be. gent for scarcely seen a sober moment since New to drees the wounded limb. Not long . • tears, and his familyare in great want, ago he haa the Misfortune_tehreak hig Three counterfeiters visited Ifistorvell leg. last Week, arid passed a number .�f . bogus 50 cent pieces; , pail* detected , ' . ,It.aungiuu TH1'4.7 , and 'prireued, they. .firi e at their par, Now is the time of year for Pneumonia, Lung . . . , litiers•anctescaped, • , _ Vever, Coughs,Slolds, and fatal results of sire- • A contract for one htinditd andsixty- diersition to Consumption and other Throat .„ an Lung Disease. . Besorrits's Gensois Sleep, treed letttrtTiV211:1rdnem.,,fmilitit gag .. five theusatia railWay.ties; for the Pem, 14,"eboereA, bine. Branch, has beeft awarded torWil. .cure. If veyhave not used this 1116111C111,6 yre0111,. 7 ' limn Robinon, 'Winnipeg, at ?0,,tytnur self, go to,your Druggist, and ask. hint of HA- ' ' , . . . wonderful succesa among his taistomers. Three, • '- cents per tie.' • •. . •doses will relieve the worst CILNOL• • If you , have The second day's •voting on. the by- on faithitt any medlcine„ lust buy a sample ' lor repealing the Dunkin Act in the bottle of BOSCHEE'tA Granule SYRUP for 10 cents ' eounty of Brant, resulted in. thh majority neglect a ,cough to itave 75 cent& ' and try it. Regular size bottle 75 cents, Don't for repeal being increased to Over eight '':"- . .htindred. •. HURON ITEMS. Hensall boaiits of a $500 hearer). . •• Meeting 'ofethe P,eformeri el East Grey, was held at drinbrook, on Toes; day., - • -:, . 11:fr. McCarter, 7th con., Morris, had • twelve sheep' worried 'last Week. • One of the dogs was Ought and shot., .• , . The Manchester and Smith's Hill, cou gregeticing agreed rinarihnously to give •a call to Rev. :rani& Pickard,' or..1,10-. bn'Wednestia,y last ati adoPted son'Of M. Smeltzor Of orriri'; fell off Straw Stack prel. itijured iningelf eheerthe head: and , face. • • • Cyrus Turner has rented his farm on the third eancesaion Of Tnekerernitla, to Mr. S. Whitmore. his neighbor, for -five years, aka rental of $320. Oa year. :j11 ,irdvance,•• • ... • S, meeting of. the: 'Conservatives of '.0olborrie.was laatweeli held ab . Smith's and the following otlicere elected.; President, A. H. Green Vice -President, W. J. Harris ; Secretary, 3. -Beck; Trea- surer, P. Carroll. 'tits London ,Advertiter last , week gave Mr. Farrbw, M. P., for North Helton, a yery decided pi;ke in the ribs, and said hiciforte is rather setting the teeth 6f the House on edge with his saw-tharpening elocution; than any pre - tenoning to a; knOwledge of politicalhis tory. , . "O'Doxotetritosse," or AS the Ameri- cans call him, O'Dynarnite Rostra," a prominent Irish agitator and leader of the Fenian, is announced to deliver a lecture ie. Toronto, on the liberty of Ireland, and a, correspondent in ,,the Maa proteots against him being permit- ted to inflame the minds of Irish Cana- dians. There may- be good groinkds for objections against him, but the Irish in Canada are too intelligent to take much stock .in sech inflararriatoq characters, or to be influeneed by hiilectereg. L Rogerson's saw mill at Sunshine, was •discovered on fire on Friday, under such headway that no efforts could save it from total destruction; Loss. about $2,500.; insured for .$1,000. Cause of .fire enknown. Mr. Alex. Livingstone has sold his farm of 400 acres, on the 4th cencession, L. S., to Mr. Robertrieve, for the sum of $6;500,7 Mr, Liingstone bought this farm about six years ago from Win. MOICeY, for 38,200. Mr. Itivingstone has sines purchased the Niehol farm, on the 3.id•con., near the mill road; for $7,- 500.' •'.•. H.mitfonpliith, has sold his farm, "the nortli. half of lot 41, in the let 'hoe., Wire/allege to Wm. Cole,of Loncleshoro, for $2,500. This is the balance of the IlktrAley-eetate, Which Mr. II. purchas- ed th'ree weeks ago, for $5,700. He sold,:the Mier halflo las Potterfor 700, thus making $300, the trailer& e "toilow"ing officers have been ie. stalled irk Royal Oak Temple, ITo. 480, L 0. G, T., Tuck'ersmith Asher Cos - ens, W. d. T.; Ellen Crich„ W. V; T.; John Landesborotigh, W. S.; Geo. Crich, W. T.; A. Cricle W. E. S.. Horace Tur- nor, W. M.; Clara Wilds, W. I. G.; Ab- ner Cosens, W. O. G.; Cyrus Turner, W. C.; W. S. Lawrenee, P. W: C. T. Last Thursday evening B., J. Pol. The Grand Trunk Railway directors ,FAwmfie--eiteet°racatre's renalet,h0ef !get inat" the. lock's (Blyth) ponies and buggy Were have declared a half -year's dividend or Agointios.-In Myth, on the 24th inst., the stolen While he was inside the hotel at three per cent, on first preference bonds, This looks As if the hard times Were • awdileauogfhMr. James Anderson, mt, erchanof Belgrave. Noi over ten minutes elapsed between the tints of his hfast on the move. itching them ' • MARRIED. werefound in front of the Royal Hotel the Mayor of Listlatell, on 16May, Lb: rti'Ved.eataiecliZehecyrii4qhthh2e1rttesiidifenceb:: and in discovering their al3senge. They Benvono-CerrreOR Alexander Asher was taken before „Some tuine since wenoticed an article at Wirwhatn, which somewhat indicates for sellieg goods within the corporation, ikties Eliza Crawford, all of Londe:Sher°. r 10 ar e or # o going the rounds of the •preati, (Copied that some trearip improved the °prior- not having authority so to de. This triveseorr-Seringeeocir.-At the reside/lee trinity of avoiding a walk to Winghem being the third offence, he was fined . of the bride, on the tOth inst., by the Rev, ivcill a 'Paris Paljer) giving the Pri°e Ilf by Making use of Mr. Pollocit's rig. Thil, new ,brick chureh erected by the The Peeve of the township of Moore :Cloiri;lcaina7tYe'MW1111._.,,liSatrnInIrreAlunclik(1‘?nall efirelelllaht(leos! 105 and costs. farm land in different parts of the Pro- -,vincer it being Pl.acefl at «336 all aore Canada Presbyterian body in Exeter, in hat been served with a writ claiming • in the neighborhood „Of Clinton." Sup- the last summer, and just completed $10,000 damages, at the suit of jane MostErrii..:-In TiPtiokir!spailltvil, on this 206 posing this to be a mei% typographical lett:week, was opened and 'cledkated on Limas, widow' of James Lucas, deceased, inst., Charlotte Amelia, youngest daughter 6... Sabbath last. Sermons werem preached who was' killed about two months go et Mr" A. 1VIenteith' aged I year and 22 error et a 8gure 3 for a 8 "we allowed - in. the morning aud evening to overflow- on the River Rbad, through the alleged to pass withdut comment at the time,ing coktegaticns hi Rev. Mn Gold: . neglect, of the torporatihn to keep the but ag it IS Still running,. w9 (leen) iti otriltli a ITainiltork, and inthe afternoon road in ,repror. - . . , - • • days. • NATI. Vii..k.S1VOLI ORANOAS' rind . 1.a)10Arg, Clroakk Cansityhantea.. •