HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-02-28, Page 21
FHB/WARY 28 1878.,
'Written tonne years ego by a nenitendery eouviat.)
I've wandered, afar from thee, eeetber, '
Far fro n niy happy home,
Pve left the land that gave me 'birth,
In other climes to roam •
And time since then has roiled its cares,
And marked them on my brow
wee effer
rin-thinking of thee.now.
I'm thiekiug of the day, ;nether,
When ae my tender side, '
Ion watched -the dawinue of my youth,.
.2ted kissed nie in your pride ;
The' brightly watt my heart light up
\VP* hope of future joy, •
While your bright fancy honors Wove.
To -deck yonr darling boy. -
Pnekthinking of the day, mother,
'When with anxious Ore,
To lifted up your heart to hem-cu—
m hope, your trust was there ;
1 memory brings your parting Werds,
hibe teara rolled down my Cheek ; • •
Jong, last lovipg look told more •
n even words could speak. .
way from thee, mother;
aul is near me now,
e me with a tender, word,
I my burning brow ;
snit ties affection WOVO
1 now turn from me ;
ft me who the trooble came,
diti notloye like thee.
ly And forsaken new,
ied• and unblest
would not have thee.blitinr
Haw s rely I'm distressed
I. know you would not chide me, mother,
You would not give me blame,
-But soothe- niri with yctur 'tender words
And bid me hope again. •
would not have thee know, mother, •
How brightest -hopes decay ;
The. temp* with his baleful cup
Has dashed them all away;
And shame has left its venom sting
To rack with anguish wild -
Yet still I would not have thee know.
The sorrows of thy child. .
Oh, I have wandered far,. mother;,
• Since I deserted thee;
And left thy trusting heart to break,
Beyond the deep blue sea.
Oh, mother, still I love thee well,
And long to hear thee speak,
And feel again thy balmy breath •
Upon my care -worn ohoek.
But ah, there is- a thought mother,
Pervades my bleeding bi•east,
That thy freed spirit may have flown”
To it's eternal refit ;
And While I wipe the tear. away,
There whispers in toy car,
• A voice that speaks of Heaven and thee,
And WS me seek theb there, •
Wedding presents, now so common
in the first stegeof matrimony, have
come down from the feudal system. In
almost -all parts of the civilized world
such things are given and received, and,
we might add -expected.
In a start in married life Certein, ne-
cessaries in the way of furniture; !tic.'
pery, crockery, and Bo on were Always
acceptable. people -and fendet,
lords would not object, on the bridal of
their daughters, to receive 'presents from
their vassal?.
In different countries different modes..
The penny weddings, in- Scotland;. Of
which Wilkie give a lively aud accurst)
idea in one of his domestic paintings,
are peculiar. Invited guests make con-
triblitions in Money. (One shillifig'ie
the geneeal tribute, and half a cretn is
a princely olTering.) Out of the sum
thus collected the not very 'eoittlY ex-
penses of -the feast were paid, and the
surplus went toward buying the furni-
-tura. •
In the Weddings of the poorer Wawa'
in Ireland this levying.eoutt•ibutions on
guestsnever takes place, fort however
poor a man may be, his pride revolts
from the appearance of poverty on 'Birch
an occasion. There is a collection,
however, 're raise the sum for liberally
compensating the clerical gentleman who
"has tied the knot," andin the house
of a rich farmer this swells up'to a good
--roma -Eli rn. ° .
In Wales; among the small:farmers
and traders, the custom prevails to .this
day of "bidding," not single guests,
but whole fatniliee,. to a wedding. That
such an event is to come off, with the
where and when, -is is duly advertised in
the local newspaper, with ,a request
that all persons who in time past, have
been similarly obliged it that manner,
will attend, bringing presents. foe the
bade and groom. Besides this pavticti-
lar and almost peremptory invitations,
in writing, are sent to (inch -household
on whom the to-bewedded 'folks may
have some especial claim for former
generosity under like" circumstance:4e.
Presents ot. all sorts -food, farnittire,
flour, fuel, table and chamber
even sheep, lambs, calves, goats and
ponies- are among the gifts.
In Germany there is the "pay wed-
ding," at which the bride receives her
guests with a basin before her, each per-
son depositing 9. jewel, silver spoon ora
piece of money, at the same- time apolo-
gizing for the elonetion being so far be-.
low value, compared with the darted's
deserts. In some parts of Germany the
rule is that the expenses of the mar-
riage feast shall he tnet by each ghest
paying for what he eats and .clidoks-
just as :.f he were in a hotel -but not
at fair hotel prices. Thus the enter-
tainm-ent sometimes extends over seve-
. ral days, and the young. couple often
realize a sum out of the profits sufficient
to start them- fairly in life, From 0116
sent throughout these festivities.
Sometiroes the .flow of presents takes
a very different course. In Poland a ,
lady is 'not regarded as eligible tor
double.blessedness until she has wrought
with her own hands eloth and garments
(groomsmen) acbompanying him JO the
altar. .
In Norway the elergyinan has to be
propitieted with two or three bladders
of mincemeat, made by the hands of the
bride, and a bottle or two of brandy. In
that country most presents made Oil Wed-.
(hog o6easions take the tangible form
peaSah try and artisans, ,
In high life in Englandeof bite years,
wedding presents haVe come into fashion,
The Earl of Aberdeen, a Scottish noble-
man of imniense wetiltly recently mar-
ried a rich'ledy of high family. The
presents 'werereiAted at £15,000 ster-
ling, $75,000 of our menu, mid the last
news from Englandmentions that this
ctiuntess, careless of her spoil -1i, had ta-
keo much of it ----say to the. value .of
000 -with Lor on a railway 'journey,
cOntriving to lose sight of the chest
which contained the' jewel -eases, and
finding, at her'jdurney's' end, Hot SOMA
adroit thief haeLforcedthe lock ;mil ee-
caped with the treasure.
. • .• ' We 0 er
noniefins. ons•wt•rpoo.
• - Qld Ben ,Elolladay, who formerly rah
0: lino of staged ecross the centilient,.
told a stertlin,,o, jerp,,pok long ,Since„ to
par .
.a ty. of railroad travellers z : .
. " One night,"' said he, 'tiong before
the Paoific, Railroad was built, :"I •was
beiineing over the plains -in one of my
overland emaohes. My wife was ,With
me:: She was siCk and lay uSleep on
the 'bottom- 'di
of e stage on , a 7 liecl70T
:buffalo skins, 'The night -was fearfully
dark, and a drnt iziling ram was falling:
- Ilra..flolladiti and myself were the
only *Congers. Several etages had
been robbed within two months, and
the delver Was ripping along tie, though
a. gang of' prairie wolves were.after him:
Suddenly the lio; ses . Were thrown en
their hantiches, and the stage stepped.
.1 Wit8 th:rown -forward; but qrdokly ref -
covered, and.fetind in set gazing at the
muzzles of a double-bat:relied shetegun.
,13y 'the dienligho of the stege lainii. the
barrels looked . mit big as nail- kegs.
' Throw up your hands, and don't etir-1"
aliontedthe..aWrier in,..a.,:gin• 11_,:voiee. rp;
went nif:hands, and' I began tt()cam-
„mune With .inyeeM ..; The relieve •then
coolly : asked for my itiOneY• .IP•Av....P.hat
he .did not know .Who..I was, and :..t•was
afraid that my ,sielt Wife Might awake
and call7'my name. ' My ceat . was but;
toped over myy hosem, but hardly high
enough to. hide a magnificent einetalt17
that coat me over eight thensand.dollars
a.ft.w weeks ‘before . in San Francisco..'
I liardlY br,eathed;through, tear. that the.
light might.'strike 'AS stone, and its
Sparkling hrillitineYittraot the attention
of:the -rubber.:'.1 had 'about forty 'awn.:
sand=d011ara-in h money, belt, doge. tothe
skin, and several hundred 'dollars in my
pockets. . -. . , ' . :".,. . . ,.
ar Stiddenlymy friend shouted, Tome;
Shell nut! .Quick' or, thereli pe trouble l'
"1 imesed out ti. few hundreds loose
in My pockets, and handed him my
gold watch and ohain. Theywere'hefty:
I think the chain alone would weigh -at
pound at least.' ' . • ,.. . • ' . .. '-•
" '' .There' said I, ' take..it,and.let. me
go on. My wi 0 . is Very siek, and I
don't know what might 'happen; to, her
if she knew. : wh a was going on!. ..
‘" ICeep, your hands pp l' was the re-
ply, while a eieeond robber received .the
Welch and Money. • Then a searchwas
made for the express company's box
but-theedoubie-barrelled shot -gun dik
'iiht move. Its Muzzles. *ere' . vvithio: it
a foot of my Ode. . 'For . my life r Aid
not dare to .stir. :
"lVly nose began to itch.. The stiff
hairs of my mustache got up, one after
another, and -tickled it Until I "cou•ld
standit no longer. • ''.
7-11"-S tra ngp r,' I °HOT'. I, Must 'scratch
my nese! It itches pd. that I mar almost
crazy 1' ' •
• " ' Move your hands,' he ehoutid„ 'and.
111 blow a hole through your head big
enough for : h jatilt rabbit: to jump
through!' • °: . . ,
"I appealed once more. ' Virell,'. he
answered, 'keep year hands still, and
111scratch it for you,;, I hate -to 800' a
partner suffer.'"
"Did he scratch 'it r' asked 'one -of
Ben's interested listeners. -
" Sure," said W.. Holladay.•
"How I" asked the breathless lister.
. " With the ninzzle Ot the loaded gun,"'
said :the great overlander. :" He rubbed
the muzzle around 'my Moustaehe, and
raked it over the end•ef My nose until I
thanked him • and said it itehed no
longer." :- • • ,
• The robbers aeon afterwards took
their leave, with Meany apolordets, and
ten continuedehie'journer-ter-ihtrilia=
souri •with the big emerald and forty
thousand °dollars. :
4.'4 ei• e. "
Piotyr avitir A L.1,011%,
that the lion fell into thexorner, while
the dog alighted where' the lion bad
been, . Then the lion scanning
his Victim from the corners of his eyes,
walked sidkiwise a fa* steps, and, turn,
ing suddenly, tried again te pounce
with one bound upon the dog; but the
latter anticipated this movement also,
an d-in-the-seene-seeend•riamped-iu-th
oPPosile flireetion, tia before, croeeing
the lion in the air. A,t this the lion
became furious, and log the calmness
that might have ensured lain victory,
while the courage of the unfortunate
dogwonfor him the Sympathy of the
spectators. As the lien,. excited and
tertibIe was preparioo a new plan of
attack, a rope enclingin a- loop was low-
ered to the dog. The brave little ani
Mal, whose imploring looks bed been
pitiful to look goon,. kW the help sent
to him, and i fasteninghis teeth and
claws Otto the , rope, was, immediately
drawn- up. Phe lion, perceiving him,
made a prodigious leap, .hut the' dog
was happily heyond his rectelr, • The
poor creature,' drawn in safety to the
terrace, at °nee leek, flight, and was
soon lost to yiew. At the mornent
when the lion threw himself upon the.
floor -of the pit, roaring 'with rage aij tite
escape hia"prey, the Sicilian entered,
pal in and firrn, -superb ih hiehriUiiut
costume, and with his club in his hand,
At his ePpearansje_iti_the pit, at eilmacei•
like death .came over the crowd .of spec-
tators. The Hercuies walked rapidly
towards -a corner, andleaning upon:his
•club, awaited the oneletight of the lion,.
The crowd was silent; at the end of
some seeorida the barred gate of the pit/
was opened, and gave entrance, not to
the brave and powerful Hercules, but
to a poor dog that was thrown toWards
the ferocious beast with the intention of
atill more exciting its ravenous appetite.
This unexpected act of ernelty drew
biases- from the spectators, but they
wereseen4absorbed..trirwatob inggthe-be
Leerier of the clog. . . With appi:
rent unconcern the lion creepingly ad -
valued toWeird the dog, and then, with
a sudden movement, he was upon hie
feet, and in a, second latinelied himself
into the air I Dot the dog that instant
for ea.ch of her future, lord's friendet hounded into an opposite directiOri,.so
who blinded h furhad not
Y Y, Yet Per-
ceived his entrance. The waiting was
'of short sluratieni for the lien, in turn-
ing, espied hinr,-tind the fire that flash-
ed from: the eyes Of the tertilde beast
told of a savege joy itt finding another
victim. Here, however, the animal
showed for a moment a feeling of anti- ,
ety ;., slowly, ad•if conscious of the'pre-
sence of a powerbitadiereary, he t.e-•
treated some steps, keeping : his :fiery
eyes all the time on the man: The Si.
eillian else kept, hia.keen ;gaze on the
lion, and, ,tvith his body slightly inclin- I
ed forward; marked every alteration of
1) es -Wore:, trerveneirthrtWarl yersari .s
it was easy, to see that fear was on the
side of . the beast; but comparing the
feeble means of the reen-ea Inde.club
tlie powerful structure of t
lien, whose bermdinge made the very
ground beneath Mm tremble, it was hard
forthe spectators' tobelieve that .conr.
:age, and not strength; would win the
victory. The liqn wits. too flinch enecit;
ed. and. tarnished. to remain -very long
undeeided,.. After "more steps 'back
• Bees SvOCCIA,-- aftavoineernaCotiroieriee
n thorough, 1"noviledge of the natural
S.WS Wilieh govern tho eperations of digestion
and nutrition, and by a careful application
of the fine properties d weli-selected, cocoa,
Mr. Epps ha provided our breakfast tables
with a delicately flavored beverage which may
save ueanany heavy ductore' bills. Ib is by
thejudicious use of such articles of diet that
oonetitution may be gradually built up un-
ttatranfranwit• fn racist ,ed
tnry tonpug,,,A,
dieease. Ilan reds of subtle maladies are
Matins around us ready to attaek wherever
Micro is a weak Feint, We may escape many
a fatal shaft by keeping enrolees well forti-
fied with pure blooe and a properly nOurish-
ed frame,"-Civi/ Service Oaseete..-Sold only
itt Pitekets_lahelled e-" acmes, Erre & Cm, Ho-
mosopathie ()hamlets, 48, Thretubieetile }street,
and,170, Piccadilly, London."
WooIA- Heinsas.--:Wooly horses are not' iso
rare its many suPPou
ose, net ch 'great curiositiee
either, there are many to be found in various
parts of the country, but we doubt -if they will
ever prove as valtiable to their owners as the one
exhibited by Barnum ; we imagine their ownere.
would consider them more Valuabletwithciut tho
Weolt for this rough and wooly stite• of the hair
indicatee that the horse is net in a healthy con-
dition -probably becle,hound, or suffering from
some disease whielioceasions this unnatural ap-
pearance; in such °twee use parley's Condition
Powders and .Arabian Heave • Remedy- it Will
purify the blood, °erred the appearance, re,
move all obstruction. from the lungs:Mid. liver,-
ehd give to the coat a sleek and shining appear-
ance, -Remember the. namee and See that the
.signatufe of :Hurd a& Co. is On each paplcage.
.Nerthrop lAyilran; -Newcastle, Ont., proprie.
ors for Canaan,. ,Sold by all medicine dealere-
A common coligh Or oold 811011G never be
'trifled with, Often When Megidetedit is. convert--
ed intaat seriene mut generally fatal pulmonary
diseitee. " The !Acme prudent; aware of this,
promptly use Bryan's Puhribuie 'Wafers" a cu-
rative which has sustained ith reputation for
,over twenty years, they are always eificacious
and exert a inost beneficial influence 011all the
Bronchial and pulmonary- organs. Sold by, all
driiegiats and. eounti.y dealers 74riee, 2S ets.
per box. '
winch. he ulnae an if `gainino• time for'
reflection; he suddenly ,advanced in a
sidelong, direation. in.nrder to charge
upon his adversary. .The -Sicilian did
noi'lmove, but followed with his fiked
eyes the motions .of the lion. ,Glieat,
ly irritated, the beast gave it mighty
spring, tittering a , terrible roar ; . the
man, at the same moment, leaped aside,
and the lion had barely touched the
ground when the club came .down Upon
The king of thedesert rolled, heavily
under the. stroke, and fell headlong,
stunned and seniles., Wit not dead.
The spectators, Overcome with admira-
tion, and awed at the' exhibition of So
niuch calirinees,' ' address and Strength,
were hushed into profound silence. acting with more certemty, and producing nei-
The next *moment the Bey arose, and
.with a gesture of ther hand, asked meiby
for his favorite lion.. " A. theusend du-
cats t/ae more if you will not kill him!"
he cried to the Sicilian. Agreed I"
waa the instant reply. The lion lay
punting upon the groand, The Hercu-
les bowed at the word of the Bey, and
slowly withcirer, still keeping his eyes
on •the conquered brute. op. two
thousand ducats were counted out and
pi& The lion shortly recovered. •
. e'rias.ieiteara
. .
An mtiallible .remetly 4.02', all disuitece :of- the
• eye (accuti or, chrome), .granulation of the
'ulceration. of the lachr vital ylands,
• glob, had tveaktae,ss of the ''t,i8tOn‘f.'r07/1; any.
Teti Aareiticax Erz-Sr,vz is presented to the.
public With the assurance of its efficiency as a
curative_Apf most diseases pf the eye, acute or
eb roni inflainm atip n„. lett) e induced by sere-
fuloes origin otherwiSe, weakness o1. defect.
of Vision; dindeished tone of the optic nerve,
IV a diseased state of - the tissues constituting
that organ. Also; for all pereone,whose voca-
tion requires au indessant action of the eyes,
the salve will aet as Ai charin in restoring a uni-
form :healthy, gettortoljore„WeA.Mesp,_.0 am and
misery may :havelong threatened' a feta ter-
ininetiOn. It. is the most simple, safe, ad ef,
feetue,1 remedy ever discovered: The.thaterials
of which it is made empire, perfect, and costly,
•compoinnled withelaborate care and exactness,
mlioatien, being used externally,
an•l, .6f course, avoiding the pain and danger
Nvhich necessarily .attends -the introduction of
caustic ininerall' hntl- eYe-washes. Ritic;Woreti
and Onn 00itorre Sono, serofulops origin,.
or resulting from whatever cause; yeild to the
AhteinceN.Eini-Satve,. IT IS USD SVC,
CESSFULLY FOR. PILES:. Its soothing ef-
fect ininiediate, and permanent care requires
but a feW applications. ' The, proprietore of
making new and improved machinerrior'inak-
ing.albore perfeet box for the BYZ-SAINE, have
changed the 'Plana MARK onfthe cover so tis to
correspond with the Cut on the.wraoper, cir-
ciders, AdvertiOements, etc. We call attention
to this, as..it might otherwise „lie regarded as.
counterfeiting. • • '
PimierietorS, Freedonia; N. Y.
Termite, Agents for Canada.
' df/ty ruining the Children ? '
-EICITELAND'e SWXDF GAstherit. OIL equally suit-
able for children and adults. Endorsed by
over 000.sloctore in Canada. The difficulty, of
administering nauseous medicines, and the de.
sirability of having them pleaeaut to.the taste,
ieduced T. Copland to undertake researches
which.residted in the discovery of a &Neat Cas-
ter Oil, perfectly paletable;of the game etrength
and rnedienl qualities as the ordinary. Castor'
Oil ; and while equally safe and harinless,.yet
ther nausea nor -griping. Some childeen say it
is honey; others call it syrup --they all say they
like it. One'parent says*" Ary children' drink
it like water ;". another-." We had to hide the
bottle or they would have finished it right off ;"
another-" :My little girl has taken it twice
without any trouble, and does not know what
it is, though she hates the ordinary Castor Oil,
mid we never cotild get her to take it without a
fight ';" yet another -" I wish you success of
your Swear (Aaron Orn ; it is a splendid thing
--sure to take the place of all the common oil."
The extraordinary demand for this improve. -
merit of a staple household medicine has brought
fraudulent ifintations into the market, . but the
public can guard themselves against substitutes
(which unprincipled- parties are attempting . -to
' sell on the "reputation of this article) by seeing
that the name COPLAND'S SWERT CASTOR 0114
reirnwaltrairetame itraarS,
a cncular yesterday invit-
ing me to bay a tieket in a gift distri-
butixigekeme, i didn't inverit;,i hay often
receaved •
bought into these Magnificent chances,
and all that i her evet drawed-yet, was
the wool over mi eyes. A co*that will
leak 18 quarts of 'milk per diem is a.
dqo(1 0110, but, one that will flow SO, is
beVer. This may look like ad derae'r-
shun or minei, but the more yu look into
it, the more milk ytt will diskover.
There aint but fu cows that will giv -80
quarts ov milk a day aril,Pss yu irrigate
it well. I kant say if it will prty yu to
keep a cow, or net, you can buy.. a
" Readcly Reckoner," at enny:: ov .the
book stores, for 75 cents„;ancl they tell
nil aboat tl_n2leilliings, If i waz kalled
upon to advise a Mother-in-law, i should
tell her nevee to suggest entiy thing in
the family at all, if she sees the baby's.
stoekings agin the store, bur4itig up,
lot them burn, if she sees the katsteal-
ing kream, off from the top ov the milk
karts, let her steal, ' if there it enny
thing lost, and the whole household ere
hunting for it and she where it is, keep:mum, and let them
hunt. kant tell whiteh ia the best
breed of lap dogs, all.' know about the
different breech; is that the whole lot
are a kusaid shame and nonsanee.. •Rats
are-•-verytgrowthY, se groWthy that. ytt
dont need -WC -eine good hoithy ti,t to
commenee operations with, and in three
years you will hav rata to spare.--
.Todi ifilnanax.
— e noWo rig
Is on both wrapper and d
ginair,elpeen, ow manufacturing it fronivettiereoPrt
1. ,NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto.
Ask foe COPLAND'S SW81.lt CAETOR One Ob-
seiwe the narrie. llIfo not be deceived. Sold by
11 inedieibe Sealers, Price. 25 cents,
"gar- • '
Mifetelill'a Ace:atom Improved India Rubber Piaui
' Plaster, '
There -never hen been a titne when the healing
of so many diffeatett diseasee him been eaused•
by outwitril application as the present. It is an
_undisptited fact that over half of the entire pe-
pulittutit of the globe resort to the use of ord.
nary pliieterts,
• The principal lugredients used in making
theee Voters arts Gum Olibanum -et bettei
known as the Frankincense of the Bible-414lb.
ber, and Burgundy Pitch ; which, when scienti-
fically compounded,' is full of electricity, and
When combined with the pure Medicinal gums,
is found to be one of the greatest healing inecli.
urns eVei brought before the human. race-.
They are rteknowleged by all who hat e wee
them to net quicker than any other Plasters
they- ever before tried, ,and that one Of these
Plasters will do more real service than a in-
dred'of the ordinary kind. All other PI stern
are elm of action, and. require tabaavern eon-
tinually to effect a euro; but with Woe it in en-
tirely different ; the histaith oriegis applied the
patient will feel ite effect, .
They possess all this soothing, Warning-, sup-
etting and strengthening qiialitiesof all other
Rotors. Many who have been relieved of
rious other peine in the KIDNEYS, BREAST
or SIDE, and, believe it is solely. done by the
electrical -which the Porous Plasterer
contain, and Wideir is imparted to the system,
thus restoring them to e healthy cenclition,
• They are very soft and still verys44.
hesive; and St, *tire eure for WEAK, BACItS,
Are invaluable to those who have& COLI) of
long standing, awl often prevente CON$M,IP-
MN.. Some even tell us they believe they
were entirely mired by the towed them of a long.
Tbe .irectum
rTattiCooleatnd ji 807 inIRLIfyitlinfleeliaatteocl Meesrs:
Tertnessee'8 tobacco crop is estimated • •
at 60,000,000 pouncle, Lowe bMae&
Bold Y ell Drugginte;
R. APPLETON,- 41Traz,— at PAX time -and
at nee-, lid Ronnie on. ver the Ste
Ounningtame& Aikenhend--the Sonare,Clinton. .
Clinton, Thae.20, ten. •
J) it. atera, PhySu
eon, sgeon, stn.; Coroner, for
Al County ofHavon, uesidenee one Oalee-rn
:.0oer of
Albert and Mill Streets, Clinton.
FANIEs eppwerer, at. R., C. II,, GRADUATA
1,1 McGill 'University, Montreal ; PliYaluiSah 01/4,119/1 444
Accotielteur, Residenee-Bau03V/E14n,
'Taal/074, /871. • 28
vr:r ertacier, mate oaanuarz 01" TRINITY
V • . Collage, Toronto, Physieinn Surgeon, eke.;131yth,
Out. Offieei-Opposite Shane's Hotel.
Illyth; jest. 20, 1375:
ra VOTING, 101.11., .((11ADIJATI1 Tonoxmo
ileivereity,) Physhilau,• Surgeon: &a residoneo
at Mr. Manning's, three deors.ettst of the T'emperance
Halt Londesborot Ont. •
Londesboro, lune 14,1877, •
•.1J Department -of Y143601.14 UniversitY, Toronto, for.
/nerIY of the Istoepitals end Dieponoarioe, New York,
Coroner for the County of Hurbil, Ravnurn, Ont,
'Ally 28 1874; • '• 81
1-1,0,WSLEY. eritsvw, DIUSIOIANS, surt
-dnoaa, Accouelieura, &C, Woe, Albert Street,
mesh° hait.'s Mills, •
. ,
D. H., Dowimax, M. Dy A. If, Gummi, M.4.1.
elintont may 10; 1877. . ,
-LF Aceouchpur, ticentiato of the College ,01 Physicians
awl Surgeone of Lower Canada., and Provinoial Lieenti.
ate itrul Coroner for the Connte*of Huron. °Mee and
'realtenee,-Tho balding • formerly oeaupied 111r.
ThAveites, 1iuron street.
• olinton, Jan, 10, 1871.
ifitocellatitolti5 tirbA,
. . . . .
-al. on good utortgage security; at moderato rates of
.Interest,,. H. HALE. . ' .• -
Clinton, Auguet 964,1959. •'.. :• - 7,tf
eaten, Valuator, and T...arid Agent: Oillec,:-.--jose.
Line street, •SVi.w,hani. • • .
1Vinghani, Aug, `A, 197-77-77.-7.7.-'-',-"'"
• Amex at the TOwn nail; or at the reollienco of the
subscriber, near the London, Ninon tit Brone,nanway
. . • Issuer of Alarclage Lieeeses,
Clinton, A.pril 27th, 1870.
• •
0140It fip Wa,toliesoToVoilery, .44
• Dtadree tO return
hole triseenruelhournot;k:
Mar: iligfx:ootlirontiejilloti;
tec)i 14101:76:1Put h4b1
nial 40 el 41 naCe;:::
g atrict Wen.
and Ueing every
IffOhio magy
i eo dt ot omeeconat tt:tu,e,
• tloarreouge
Ie WOUld also take this: oppertuniti. of Stating that ire
has taken 1414 eon into partnership, drid. that the huffi-
ness will be eoridueted in future under the otylo of H.
FOwDRE e BON. The Atm will /map on.hand •
WIttOheii, (Seeks; Jewellery' ,, Spectaeles,
. And all other articles, in their
All kinds, of Pipes Repaired and Meunled.
RePairing, oleening,•&d., done on short ;ulnae, in h
workmanlike manner., and on reasonable tonne,
A LIMAT STREST, NORTH: or Tot afamcse,
Clinton, Doe, 0, 1877. • •
. Illarriage.Licenoes under tha new Act, COmmiaaioa-
or fOr taking Affidavits in the- queen's Bondi, golf Corm..
ties of Tifton and Bruce. convoyeneing done, such as
,f.eases, Bonds, Contracts, :rills, Deeds, and Mortgages..
Fbes llesidence--oppobite Pouock`A Rotel. .
roam? Anw.xetto IMATI ZWPAT.M. •
' D0411E31(1, Sept, 14,1875. . .
fdenetuner for A. -at S. Nordheinter,- T 0-
ronto; wilt -be in Clinton periodically, for tuning 'dolma
1'artieavrh1, wish their pianos tuned, eau leave orders
at Mr 3 jt Yuill's book store. . • ,
, .
mAit,coes4e)N. ,
v1,1141,011 arm (room -non. .* ,
G3I01IGEA. WaTtion, - S. idnr.,003113011, '
Clinton, . W. H. atevADDEN,
11,...l3Xalcomson' will le In every. Friday. .
Money to Loan.
. . -
_ P.AX( CENT., • .
-1- ,Apply to • „ •
.• CI .
; RIDonT'
Minton' De ''Oth '1878
14 0 .1-1 0* -Ft
ANORORIA liar 2, . , • 3 p.m.
CALIFORNIA. Afar. 9 8130 11.1I2 •
.....?Jar . 163 p.m
, . .. . Mar. 23.......9 sin
•VIOTORIA.. ..... Mar, 00, ,. • 3 p.m
P.DVONTA. . Apr. 6 7:10 ant •
AticROBLC, .... -Apr, 13 2 p.m
CairoRNIA..... Apr. 20 ' 8 sin
lallIOPIA Apr. 27 9 p.m'
TO Glaegow, LiverPool,:toedonderry, Or I3O1tnet, Cabin
$65 to 4130,go1d, to Loudon direct, 05 30,670, according
to accommodations. Intermediate and Steerage ria low
as by For ticheta, find. Infer
m .
G. 1V. BALI:4'02 0 IVE,'Age' at'
. .
cuuton. san.17, 1877,
. .• . . -
The Oceania iteren Navigation 00mMiny'S Steancshi'
ci'mnmit(vetitroxy,in..gU„nr„teud ..0.
- Pa niVu
••• • • P • Mar. 28. • • P m
Will sail from NeW York (Pier 52N. It ) SA,TOADA•ge,
and from LTVEnrOon TiniltaDAYS, calling at Corks
Ireland, both ways. Tho steamshipe of this Lino ars
all pile, bout of iron, lit 'water.tiert compartments, sea
offer to passengers unrivalled accommodntions. The
Saloons and State•Rooms being located/et tiro mid-slifp
section, butlittle motion is felt. ,
Rated of patentee, Saloon, $60,to 8100, gold; Return
Tickets, geoll 000 0110 year, 3145 to $175, goid, aocord-
ing to accommodatione. Steerage 505050, to or from
Znrope, at Lee rates, Por plan of stearaero, and other
information, apply to• •
•G. W.•RAILTON, Q.1V.R., Agent,
cr.reeos, . •
01' • •
Liverpool, London.derry and G4tegate,:
sAii,rs-vs FROM IIALIVA1', ••
Shortest Sea passage, eeonomy, eeinfOrt: '270 rao,,
Of• ocean navigation seved..
Intermediate And Steerage/pros as low as by eny other
line. Steerage paesengers for -Warded to Derry, Belfast,
Queenstown, Glitsgo*, end London, at same ratite t•
Liverpool. The last train carrying the Comedian totilt
end connoting with tho ocean steamships- at Halifax,
leaves Toronto every Friday, 'at 7.02 a. ie. Plooeneet
via this mete travel through Oantidian territory, there
fore evade all Custom House examination of baggage.
Ver Through Tialccti and °Very Information,apply tr
A. STRAITON. o. T. 11. Agent, Clinton,
-Clinton, Cm 18, 1877.
Change of 'rime,
Passenger Trains Will leave 'Minton steSon 08 follows
tlorgo BASF, EXprbila,7.27 at Lel/tied
10,55 A.M., Tga
oronto at 1.05 zar, t and P.spteot,
11.50Pa:,arriving, Totefito, et 8.40 P.M.; London, at
615 P.M. mixta,4•25/1 arriving it Stratford at
(3,45 PM., London fit 9.16 P. ft.f Mixed nrriverfrom
Goderieb 10 A,M.
Traine arrhWatirollOng " Mixed,10.00A.M.,from
Stratford. Mail tout Damen), 2,45 PM, front Toronto,
Deflate. And London. Dxpreas, 31;20 iron/ nuffaid,
'Toronto, and London. Mixed 5,25
j. MONSON, fleheral Manage
A, STRAITON, Agent at Clinton..
Dec. 271 1877.
Scottish Commercial' rho Insurance Co,,
71`wo 31111lions Stirlin
Head °file° --fe,V,aTerente Street, TORONTO'
orrern.-xtwasna, Ese., (thairmwm- President Canadfr- - -
• 3..miZasn.dretrlyivrreAdTit,r,COEnTqa.,noyf-zry.ce, uomurziou co.
Wn,nran 'ALL:sin/0)Ra, Vice•I'renident •Federai„ • .
Bank of Canada. . •
INSPEO1'011-.E011EIPT •IfoLBAN. '-
DepositCd *with tho government at Ottcwil, for seen.
rity Canadian relics Ilolders, 810.0,000,,
Tina CaMpany isnierFeirt)es orliclurance against
lose tn. damage by Ore or lightning, on mercantile, maxi.
nfitoturingt farm and honsehold,risks, at current ratea.
Poneent are reseed trine ions,cs eettled directly by
the Toronto °Mee, without delay?. • . -
All Premiums taken in this GOLIIIITy UV) i/IVOSIp.(1:ill
OttI414111U Se(11141100.
• 'JOHN '_:mittour
AGENT FOR. 0_1,L•TTON .,k111)
Clinton, Jnly 12, 1617. •
011 apprOv.,-al. Fawn' or iowri- 'proPerti, for any terse
from one to twenty years, or rtoratya)Jle at ouch periods,
either in Mete/Monts or otherwiee, -as may be agreed '
. . ., . , . .
The I.*. res.t, on. fora eunPt°:;any east of the. rrineiPali
at•once regime on such amount. .. .
• .
. re it hi arranged to pity the interest half -yearly, not.
in edvanee, thereto, per annum, /or thepresent, Willbe
E per cent. On loane fo'r 0 fixed term of .years, si per
pent, if interoat is made payable yearly, not in a dvanee. •
• , • - •
"‘lffdivage'shad .kfunielpa1f14eirtttn$ purcha d
• For...further ptu•tichlars apply to
. • ,
• .--
• • • .
;Clinton, July 12,1877:: .,
- . (i.o.o,...)
' • Hcact 0,01ce, .01aegow; ;S'' c011iO‘o,L '
' •
CAPITAL, , .£560,000 STG,.
. ,
, BOA RD , IN • SCOTT-4ND. '
aeirs Srinmen, Pee., Of hipiendiwle.OhAirmin. . •
Rehm. Inttao, Bag., of Messrs. jr.& It, Young & Oa., .
PI11:1111 STUIMOCIS, Elia., Provost of lEihnerriaelc.
PETYIlt IIINTOUL,,Elci., of BOI)iivalIBank.
SAUVET, 0.IsSNI V41,1,, of Messrs. Playfair,Bryee oat Co..i
• - Glasgow. . • •• ' - ,
WM. Mir, Of ilepera, W. Voss to Co., glasie* and
RON. /0ItII AICIIIVIIIIICIIi President Viresteen. Assurance
• Corapany. .. • ..
Anus IfeLuman, 2eq„ Q -t0., of SIeteire, Idowat, Ma.
- • Lennart & Downey. • ,.• .. ,
II. 13, STRATillt, X sq., Cashier Pederulllank: • .. .
SOL/OITORS:-Illessre, Itobortoon, MaMM:rich ,k,
Howard,. Toronto. .
. HARKERS.-Pire. Royal. Bank of Scotland. The
. PederelBank of Canada,
General Managers.--Seatth, Cochran & Co., 68
!toroth street Toronto..
Meeey lent on farm and town nroperty, at mederate •
ntes of interest, line for periods 06 suit the borrower:
FIAL30. •
.rut,,vr• xtip<miviors,
tiolea stern or—
Caskets, Collins, Coffin TrimMinobs jtobes
7,AC., ETC.
Parties supplied with tbe Klima at shortest netted, and
Also, a food HEARSE suplioci.
Remember the Place-yidTbRIA, street
Oltuten, Sept 6,1877. • , •
laac Win. Ce'ern,y4fe't4peci11t Ziedicirte
INN hittAT.
. English liemedy
eopeeially to -
commended 05 an
unfailing cure for
Seminal 'Weak -
TWIN, Sperniatori,
and nil „diseases
BeforeSelf-. • rreirdno,,mat, toit(iti tie a Aftr eTakin,
eeetienee of
Aimee, as toss of memory, tinivernel Lageltude. Pelt in
Ole Beck, Dimness of Vision. Prornatore eld ago, ena •
renny otber„diseatiet that letulto Draanity or Costal:Imp.
Lion, And a Promatrriallinve, 111 Of Videlrat 8 rule are
(3et tensed, by devinting front the path of Midi* nod
over -indulgence', The Speoifioniedicino is the renal a
a life 03113)' and Many yearsef exporiertee in treatkig
these imecial maenads. Pamphlet free by mall., Tbo
Speohle Malebo it Pohl by ell rirneelete at $1 per peel*
age, Or six pnekegoe for 615, br Will' he Sent by melt en
reeelot of the Indney, by aadreteeing w13. GRAY & 00,A
'Muller, Ont. Sold 11161111ton by Y. Ifeilontlie, an )4/
011 ditrnisteoverseliere.