HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-02-21, Page 8LTNTON NEIV ERA. ties' of- cordword daily eG. W.R. n4E is at present en. e school census. and disorderly, 1 by Mr. J. IVI;Ger es sola un own a, QTS. peck. t this figure they be-. etcone a decided b ney: • TIE building known'as the " British , Hotel," will be said by auction,'on the ,8th of march. D Dickinson, acct.. Weren SoAL s —Ori Wednesday •lest the weigh scales in connection,' with the market were sold by emotion, the pur- chaser being Mr; R. Cole, at $150 for the yens, . • AT.the missionary services in cornice-. es. "It' the Methodist church, Mitchell, last. : veek; addresses were, delivered by Irevs.c i essrs. Fowler, of this place, and Davey, .Af Londesboro. • OwiNo:k the'excent of th`i's County, tine toaoher'•.,association has been divid- ed into. twol(tbodies, representing • the two inspectorX1 districts. A. meeting will take place at Clinton on .the 28th inst. - Tirn large snow drifts to be seen at ' - xrtatt y 1rlaces along the. country - roads, would eeippoeition ht.con siderable snow had, fallen, but such has not been•tbo ease, much to the it -teen:, ✓ enience of tin..Catiacliat farmer, IN A NEW Ror,n.—A paper• received from Chester, Pennsylvania, last week, .,contained a report of a temperance en-. -teeterii:went givenin that city, wherein, among .tris speakers we notice the name of peter ore ltl of this town. .Stick to •. it Peter. • •`• Ton. Le Notwithstanding the: varied -seather't"his winter, the .`ee:clopi8 sb good one. Parties are now engaged in a Eg in at Van nioud's and: it 'is. outt';ice gt o , being stored- in the several ice limes in town. 'The blocks' are over a foot its. thickness, sone of good quality.. • • HEARSE SciLt,.=On Saturday, last a° hearse that had been seized at'Manches- ter, under power Oa chattel nlortgabee. was sold by . the bailiff ere, and as such a " carriage,, was not nmch in demand, the bidding for it was not very 'spirited,. Mr.'R. M:Racey was .the purchaser; at $150. . MINISTERIAL:—Rev.. D. McNaugh•. ton, M. A., of North Keppde,"will preach: in the Canada Presbyterian church,'' here, on Sunday -next,. 'morning and. ,avening,,and on' the. Tuesday; evening - • .folloivingeehee will -deliver - leefente.Au " Religious Music," in the church; .to commence at .half -past: seven o'clock. 4 ANNLAI.°' DINN.ER..—Tire fifteenth an- nual dinner ofthe 'Hullett Branch Agri, cultural Society, will be held. at. L'ike's hotel,here, old Wednesday, MVlaroh 6th, at 7:30 o'clock; p. in. It is expected.. that Win. Johnston, Esq:, Principal of the. 'Ontario School of A rioulture, Guelph, and several other gentlemen will be present to address'the nieeting., AecxonN'r',—On'. Tuesday afternoon last, Mr. Thos,. Cooper, of .'this. town, met with a very painful: accident... He intended going out in the country, and' for this purpose tied his horse, attached - to at covered buggy,in front of his resit donee, whoa' it became frightened at the,, cover and endeavored to bre k away.. Mr. Cooper grasped it by the head, when it succeeded its throwing him down and dragging .hien a short dis- tance alone the road, inflicting some very painful bruises and wounds about.'. his head and: body.• .•PU.ESE$TA.T1014.--Tho young•people of, the Bible Christian church of this town, on Saturday evening last, in the base-' znent .of the church; presentedd their lies. tor,. Rev. , .• T. Goui•ticb, with u purse containing 0$1. In a fe-Cv well chosen'. wards Mr. Courtice thanked•theeknor's. 'of the gift very kindly, and staid that he. now felt aseuredhe Must have had their earnest sympathy by the taligjble way theyhad, now given expression to. The ladies of the congregation then treated those pt•eselit to an ample supply of the "good. things of, this life." Short ad- dresses by Messrs. J. Briekendoai, W (S,bbings, Et. Porter, C. Bezzo, and sweet diecouises of music by . the choir added greatly to the interest of the meeting. CiNTE1tTAIN3tgXT5.: Ft12' isoitle time past there has been a dearth of enter- tainments stere, but they come with a rush for this and next week. The town is billed for an entertainment to -morrow (Friday) evening, by " Sheppard's Jubi- lee Singers," a'teoupe of colored voca- lists, who have a vols renown on tieernunt of tite deep pathos and 'expression ex- hibited ill their singing; ,for Saturday evenine•, " CTooI Burgess" is'announeed, and for Wednesday evening . of next week, the celebrated elocutionist, Miss Du Ruuiiseau, under the auspices of the 1. O. O. 1+., of this Atlee. This lady will give a number of readings from the works of the' most prominent authors, both of poetry' and prose, and should have a full house, . It would be well if entertainments of this-kind'.were more largely patronized than they haste been heretofore. as • being of an iutelleetual' diameter,they are calculated to strove instructive AS well AS interestitlg. 'VACANT houses here are like abgers visits, remarkably . few and very .far be- tween. M. D. PATTON,•:grooer, of this place, has been compelled to make•an assign- ment, 'This, is a line of husit;ess which we think is more gverdonehere than .any other, • " A Rneneit" wishes us to ask farm- ers,;' when they kill cattle and bring the cai passes to townfor sale, not. to kill su-y-oveesteneytatof-age; ass.4the-test of most people are in such -a position that they cannot get therm sharpened.," LeseeceroN,--Piro Inspector Paisley, last week started melds official rounds. As no 'sine whomhe visited had any tiniat'ion of his eoming,4they were en; able to•' patch up '.defective pipes and stoves,' and the consequence was he' found soxne at he considered ant up 'to the required standard. Mont Room WarerED.—Our worthy postmaster ;Will"soon be. under the ne- cessity of erecting a larger building -for 'the €ceoinruodation of the public, as the present one ;appears much too small for the ltyrge niunbers who would like to get inside of it ever.v, afternoon.'• A unanimous callhas been given by the members of the Church of Ascen, sion, Hamilton; to the Rev. Jas. ;Car•• Michael, so, well and_ favorably known here he being at, one time pastor of St. Paul's church. It is: said the ...stipend will be about $3,000, with a free rectory. -Seeet--TREY Cog s.—The Ramberg Tadependent is the latest venture in the newspaper line, ..: Ni eatly got p, neu- tral in politics, and will make .big, push for' support. Canada only requires a .few more papers, and then it 'will have rea•l.y one for every man, 'woman and child in the Domii:tioti. A 'Taterne—In ' the course of .his morning disconrse, on Sunday, the Rev.- Mrs. fowler gas:e utterance to the fol- lowing: " the neintber of original think-. etas is•.very ;•few iieleed; the great mass of mankind prefer to allow ethers :to their thinking for them." : This is : a _bold statementcertainl but we fear , yt. it 15 tOQ trite:. Bttxexn.tts.-The" butchers hav- ing 'mon'ed fron>: tire' •market building stalls, .have' of settled as; follows :--Mrd. J. Payment,. in the biaildiliglfor'merl r.•. ocenP iecl•.by Mr. Hunter, Heron street; Mir. R. Fitzsimons, in oue end of the old Clinton hotel building; Mr, •James Tewsley,'in his fennel, Stan i, opposite. the market and Mr. E. Ansley in his 'own premises, CUjrl'J,IaiENTk1tY.---tn the report of Mr. Cline's concert, at•'Seafortln, last :week, • the 'Expositor says : The .sing- 4gef_.•lgese Xeill,, nteg1intene n e of Miss Alexander was:exaellent. Ar duet by. Mrs: Yu.ill and Mr. Cline,'wesentlich admired by the audience,'. and was rap- 'turously en.;ored.. - This ;lady has ..long been a favorite with Seaforth audiences, and she fully sustained her reputatiott on Friday evening A GOAD ItEC0RD:—The Mayor of Mitchell,. and editor of the Advocate, has just made an addition. to his farnily,• in the shape of his nag and grows so jubilant over the 'sffa.ir ' that heMen- tions it three or four tines in the paper. Why, inan, you ahould'ptit on sackcloth and ashes 'instead. Ilc Wever, if they. are as good looking -as theirfather, we hocedpe,.thev are. • a great deal: less pre;jn- di. 1 Nr nn TEMPERANCt: AssoriA'rxov•- A nieeting of the members of the Coun- ty' Lodge of this .order teas held at Hill's Green, yesterday, (Wednesday) and wee very largely attended by. 'representatives from the different lodges. We aare'net able to give a report of the . business done, to -day.' The next meeting will be held at Varna, cin the third Wednesday in June, • AN eereIteatta1tD Ittnee-.-Ono clay this.: week :a.' -large Lumber, of Goderieh people assembled. at the railway station there, to bid farewell to e . prominent resident who was removing;to another place. As is frequently. the case tinder such circumstances, some of them got on the train t i •" have the last word," and ,one gentleman' in particular " lin- gored long and tarriedlate," until the train got in motion and he •found iritis- self atttwillingly speeding towards Clin- ton,. Not being disposed to come all the w'ry, the conductor stopped the train, after it had .got some distance from town, and' allowed the party -10' alight, when he "shanked" it book to town, deeply chagrined athis position, A. Wr:Avct1Y VAGRANT, ---..So many able-bodied vagrants have been going around soliciting alms lately that our authorities determined to put the Vit - grant Act in forte,•and, accordingly,.. last week a Mrs. Gross - was arrested under its provisions. She was tried before Mayor. Searle, and Mr. J. Mc- Garve, ,T. P., who fined her $1 and costs, which she paid entirely in cop-- pers. On her person was found $40 in paper money, 810 in American money, $20 in silver, and 82 coppers, not a bad stun for • a " beggar woman." When about to depart from the court room, the old vixen !remit' down at the door, 'and called upon all the saints in the'calandor. to ram down curses' 'upon the, heads of the two magistrates; and hoped . that the market building would ltn•hitrnarl down. 'm4 HE (LI VTO'N NEW YM ERA. , k:S11it1J 1 fi1'' Morrie, Bradoh a loulture 8ociet: • ; ONDESBOZI;O.,, FAOn'oay A exinixe.—A streeting of patrons of Lonclesboro• cheese factory will be held on Friday the 8th March,. forhe i eof bearing the i,pos h _acing the report,of the committee for 1877, .and snaking all necessary arrtmgernents for the present year. The first egrionittral dinner, Juicier ;the auspices of the .above named society t0ok aca at f oke Hotel, Blyth, last eveutng, and was a perfect •successin every sense, the attendance being better• than was expected, the spread splendid, the speaking• eloquent,' and all of it relevant and to the ;point, and being a temperance dinner the most j,Qrfeet or- der and system° was: maintained, The +facers of the•eseeiety-ds erne-oreditefo the creditable manner in nyhioh the af- fair was conceived and,carried out; and the host will be long remembered' for the splendid and liberal Supply of ren fresbments set. out, As we go to press too• soon to afford time for a llengthy. re- port this week,: we will give a synopsis ,of the speeches neat week: RO 1.04.1ES•YI.LLE. . Sot:rar,,--A social will beheld in 'the Orange Hall, 7th, eon, Gocdericli town- ship, this (Thursday) evening; toi mens- ing at 7 o'clock. Admission, 20 cents, Proceeds te. go, towards paying off,the debt on Holrnesv ills personage' • SoorAL.—Asocial will beheld at -the Methodist parsonage,' on the 28th-inst. Admission 10 ets. Proceeds.' for the parsonage. , ilULLC,T7f SIIORT 'ILLNr1$$.—.Yin's, Wm, Are strong, living ,on the 8th con. of this towuehip, died on Saturday last, after a short 'illness. ;She: was held in high• esteem by all ;who knew her, - ." ',NNW 'Rousts,—Messrs. Cooper McKenzie,' nzie; of Clinton, have already the contract for the erection of foar•%new houses in this'towriship, viz : one each -for Messrs.: • Cornish and Mair,, on • the Barre line, and one each for . Messrs. Farquhar and McVittio. Three of these are to be bricl, SuDDEY Ds Aft,- Tire, township of Huillett last Week lostesteemed and old rssi'dent..in the Sudden. dlesth of Mr. Jaynes'Sontheonllie, of: the :6th on, Two weeks 'ago he was' attacked by in: tint -nation of the 1.uugs,which terminated in his death ol1 Saturday last; He came. to ;this township some 2,5 .years' ago, from the neighborhood, . xxf Toronto, where he stopped for a short . time after' his t'reiviyl Erotic Devonshire, flan He' alts', s. s previously enjoyed goodhealth, that which etti•riacl hini. away being the only sickness: 'of any account• he : ever had, ' He Was bf a{ tory q'iiet`andre tiriog.disposition.' taking., no active part public • matters ; but by :his friendly manner and genial disposition, lr.e'gained the esteem of all With whoin,he came in 'contact ,' 1-leleaves a wife end ten ebil-• then to'monrn his loss: 1T was a bro- o r .t' uL'ii' la flags ata . i. rt T.hos. Holloway,. 'of 'Clinton, '.t. His re- tnaiusywe►'e interred. -in Clinton -cemetery,. On Monday, being;fol•lteeed, thither by a large 'number. of sympatliiiing friends.. B At?I FI LD, THE IiAREQa. -Irl the report of the Minister of Public Works, jnst•brouglit down, we, find the following in reference to the B;t,yfield• harbor :— " Tine . work in, 1875, and • was; completed. at the end of May ` last, There was a Parliamentary tppt opria. tion of $34,O09. , for this work, And a sem of $.10,000 was voted by the,muni. cipalityof Stanley, and a further sum of. $10,000 was dinged against the dredge ing fund for deepening the barber,. mak- ing a total of 854,000. •- The work con- sists of a prolongation of the northern pier, measuring 105 feet on the outer side,' with an aixn of. 156 feet, turned to the' south-west; with a pier on the' south• side generallyparallel to the maiit line of the opposite pier, 180 feet dis- tant frotn it, ,being 553 feet in length, with a retnrn to the coast Hee 'of 153 feet, All the erihwork. le -30 feet wide. The harbor harebeen partially. 'dredged to a depth of ten feet, while the water at the immediate entrance is . 11 ft. During the progress of the work, and since its completion, the storms .ofthe lake carried atday some of the bank on the cross line, forming an opening through whichthe water• of the lake passed,: so that solve. additional protec Mon ,is rtecessary. Instructions for a rip -rap wall ona foundation ofbrush, by'whieh, the approach will be thorough- ly secured: This work is now 'being. 'carried' on, and will. be completed in '.a few weeks. The opening trade by storms oarriecisonte material in the harbor below the•cribwork, whichit will be advisable to removewhen feasible. The harbor itself, when this dredging is given to it, to the extent of its capacity .fulfils the expectation entertained; The ` water within the cribwork is quiet in all winds when thelake is stormy. Were it possible so to do, it would bee a,dvit- able to obtain an additional depth of two ft'et which would, •: tarn it into tl really safe harbor of refuge for most of the vessels navigating Lake Huron. M-- - s*to• TIsacttatnaa '1TIns. , Ilnw is the tithe of year for Pneumonia,'Lting Fever% Coughs, Colds, and fatal render of pre• disposition to Consumption and other Throat and Lung Disearm, Boscana's'Gx t c tN Scads has been, used in titin 'reighborhortd for the past two or three years without a single failure to cure, If you have not used this medicine. your. self, go to your Druggist, and 'ask' him of its wonderful susses& among his customers, Three doses' will relieve the worst ease. If' you have on faith in any medicine, just buy a sample bottle of RoacMMER'S Gantr,tlt Suter for "10 emu's and try it. Regular size bottle 711 scuts. Don't neAtect e entt,;lt tocavo 75 cents. , 1878, 1878. ST:4,NL Y, I•l:oasa LoST.—OA Wednesday 140, a 1 _ havesj3elongiufealeelni...McEaren. after being fed in the morning; fell .Bowen as if choked, he however recover- ed; and drew. a load of wood to Bruce-' field, when he gevo ont sand died' in O. short time,It is supposed that be burst a blood. vessel in the inorning ' 111111111C.VPIELD. rs. Mx E'rr fe -.A tea meeting was held in the. Methodist March, here, last night, and Was. very largely attended, Addresses were delivered by the • Pres- byterian and 1VIethodist lninister.of the neighborhood, and a t•ery..preasant tinte :silent, -• =- - ... C ODEH,I'CI PEusoxAL,-•-Itev., Alex. McFarlane, • of Goderieli, we learn,, has reoeivod a call toouth. ' t11e.Pr'esbyterion church iii Yee-, • - ". WE.ITAVE JUST,OYhNED UP -'THE LATEST 'I\Q1'I LTIMS' IN•AMERIUA\ CAPS ,C1tN J'A1L,---Ori Mondey there 'were , 1 N H1 .NEWEST + FOR E' SPICING .91)E •CC1ik 'Ii SI C THE i TH S TRADE, , (MODS TO 'BE HAD ILTHE' BiARRh'11.. os_ ICtORIA BLOCK, CLiN1 NI •. 000 E,R.1CAN.:CAPS. tweiity:tittee prisonersin. jail; ten of whom were brought in between .'1,`ues. 4leyeand Sattuday;. _ CQanncr.-•=Rev; Mr. Mt itland,.in the course o'fhie sermon'on' Sunday even-. ing, stated that professing ohristians to •take, part in •or . encourage znasqurades or carnivals did wrong, e' . 1top1tnT) S0L».-On - Sat urday:• lest, the handsorne• i`esidence occupied He Rowell, WO 801d. by • auotion'.,for the. sura :of .42,600. it u, H: :Horton ' was •the fortunate purchaser; ' He has se-' cured an excellent bargain. , , Hions av ROBBERY.—On 'Wednes day night,` tie Mr. T. Hamilton, of borne, was returning home in hie' wag- gon he" was attooked by several young uien at the foot of Dunlop's hill,. near Maitlr,ndville, who endeavored to get his 'money from .him . lIe •"had come, into Maitlandvilk with a load of poirk; for which he received. lois pay. . : The young men had evidently''been waiting fpr 'Mr; Hamilton,:'butts.soon as .they . rnade••thei .purpose. known he •gone. his hoirae+t a Shap cert With .thewhip and dashed away to vitig iris assailants in the lynch:. They woe; not to. be so :eesil y baulked,' but startled oft np .the gCully— the'short way 'around the hill—to 'iri Citi o ,' Febi.'21, 1.878. teicept Mr. Elaruilton near I Morii -residence ., • 'Mr Hamilton sus rested. . heii:einter} zry-Err ' eti ersea-itis the 'top of • their. speed and ',on 'getting: aroiurd the .Bill he:.feund the .young: sdanips awaiting Litn. • Although they:' made• an 'effort, they did not succeed in -stopping the waggon.:and Mr. Hamilton reached:, home in. sefety. : The. young rascals, it is Said; :tre known,. but no arrests have been made.— Signal, 'S HATS AND ]HIS SEASON. WE INTENWASAKING A SPECIALTY . o1 T$L: AEOV'E LINK, V AND ARE SHOWING IA. . SPrIIVDTl Atiy0.1 'C;Vt.i'NI and . the new HELMET ,VET' C, a .... MET HAT . 'are the 'obi Goods for • b e t G od or Boy*s. • - •' IY 'THE '1H✓ V EK WE WILL `4H01JC Ei.CEITic' , THI :.• FINEST ASSOItTMLNT ,UI' HA'1TS. EVF,11. BP.0TJ(4fl7' I\TO T.O ti'A" GODERICI1 TOWNSU1IP Lout 'xt,MEETixo.-•-Conn-il met on the 11thnst.,.ptyt'suant to aijouvntnent. Present *eye, Deputy .Reeve,. Coun- cillors 'Cox ;Touncillors.'Cox and '• Leithwalte. Aiintrtes of last meeting read and passed. • Mr. David Cook sometime pve,vious Sent a letter to the clerk, dischtiming all. i'igitt Ire night have to .aa, scat as corntcrll.or- Mr.: vanes Peacock 'being the next Highest ort the list of candidates, having been notiiied, Caine forward, and hilving subscribed to the, declarations of quelifi- cations and office, took his seat as.00ni• rillor. ' By-laws Nos, 1 and 2 of pre, sent year were read three •tittles and passed. Auditors'repo'rtreail and pass- ed, one} hundred `copies ordered ?to be printed for distribution. • Circular from County Clerk relating to poor house, asking: dui number of indigents, in the township, and the amtitint expeded on such in 1877, as there are only two re- ceiving 'permanent support, the council could not see' the propriety of building a poor house to suit the wishes of towns and villages, and instructed the Reeve and Deputy Reeve ,accordingly. 00 ofquarterage and $6 foe Dr's. atter- dance aiul :medicine.was granted to the chairman of charityeonnntittee, Clinton, on behalf of Rosa Simmons,,dceeased, in full of all'claims. Application from International Salt Co., asking reduction of • takes, net grunted, property, su:ffY- ciently low, assessed already. Pound 'keepers appointed, viz : A. Kennedy, No. 1' pound, Holmesville; A.,McGnire, lot 6, con. 6, No. 2 pound; J. Stnrdy, Sr., lot 10, eon. 7, No, 8 pound; George Cooper, lot '40, con. 9, No,.' 4 pound, The following' accounts were paid, viz: Clerk,.. registering births, marriages, and deaths; $0 ; auditors 'each, 86 ; 1t Secgmiller, gravel, 830.44; T. Elliott;: work done on Oth con. 0. R., $2; Wm. Lamprey,repairing culvert S', 1. 6tIt coin., ,s1; Mr, Bray, indigent, granted 8'15. Tho cotthcil then adjoitrhed to meet again on the first 1lorel y in 1tIareh, at 9 o'clock a.tn.; Sharp. A yotrth of Augusta, Ga., who was married by a magistrate the other day, insisted that the bride should pay "the . fee, as he had bought the lice tee. C AILF 0,62f ffiti'.i.It rs, /erg a r+tit, eat" For :People. o the Benefit of the e J o rn. HE UNI3l:ESIGNED TAI£E• 'ITIS OPPOR'T'UNITY 0k 1N'i°01VM/ 4(4 THE PJ'). 1 Yt.s of Clinton and vicinity, that they have commenced 1;a8dnes,, • c ta lhtl. In the s e Y .,uenped by : fir, 40 Jackson, Where .they he arils tt't supplyr those vorittg thetir with titers r:hstnm, tvlth onx thing,irr theiline, which is as follow$$- . . FEUITS OP ALL KINDS, IN SEASON'. . CON ECTtONERY IN ALMOST ENDLESS VARIETY, N'TJTS OV ALL KZ -11D% slash' as Z+tilber'E I, 13r u i1 Almonds,' Wtdr .its; Cocoa/191s, &c.. . CANNED. GOODS Peaches Plums Pears, Todngtoes Straw. berries, Blackberries, Lobsters, Salmon, Sardines, &c. FINE " T'OBACC.t'. s '.Chey have an eu,lleat variety in I'IPI;S, from the common .Clay to the finest Meerychaure. All the novelties In CIGAR HOLl)I,II CASES PO -ITCHES, PIPE STEMS WAX Sr , , a.' VI;STA.S, 'MATCH BOXES, din. ()VET, TWENTY • BRANDS ()1+' CIGARS, from the common three cent ones to the finest Havana. • (. YcTER ORB OYST'SR 'PAR LORSa-IN CONNECTION, - 'LVhere any number can las acectttmodsted on the shortest notice,and have their Clpstevs ttt any style. We also ]well Oysters- for sale by the' quart, can, or ease. • ' All..Oootls foto aids •3(0i' fire virtrranfed ttrr reprreets'tlael,-.and raft. hn 2v. turlted Tf`net.,,.afiafactory. • ,PA.TRci'U A.GE, RESPEO•tYU,LL'i' • S0LtCI'.p'1 D. f •GRASSICX . 4zw CUNNTNQJTAivig. Grnpx ci ,C• OttnnfnsAanie.f, r''lrtrfo,,, ,( Irl Ia'iT(ini, •,Tait. 10, .X87$',, a 06 6 .4' Ti. .. t;j