HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-02-21, Page 7" ruBBILt•ity 21, 187S.
The weetere Dairymen's 4ssoetat104.
This assoeiation net at Ingersoll'on
thel3th hist, when, a large alitn her a
entionen conneoted with hotter and
cheese, Assembled; The discussione
upon the different modes of manufac-
ture and packing -Were highly ieterest.
ing, and there is every appearance
that the animal assembly will, he pro-
ductive of match good < Below we give
fOW elarateta from a • report of the
peeeeedinge .
inTtly to B rtnestioosis Ire -Welds
of the Far there iitivOccae, PrOfessor Ar.
If 1 had better I would peek it in
oak firkius; but, if near st city merket,
Pould nee Storowarp jars ,with tight.
fitting clovers. These are convenient
to carry to Market,- The Stoneware
j are have this advantage, they are not
injured by soaking. pi knoW of ina
timber that will. not Impart its flavor
to the butter. • The prier) better at the
Centennial heti the flistior of wood and
it was put up ,by firsteolass better
makers. I think the peckage should
be soeked in brine made of purd salt.
I have seen paokageu cleansed hyssteaue
withtgOdel---is&ot, end heve tiaect it
myself with the same result. The
firkin, then, is not fit to Oa 'ties but.
ter in. If we had pure tin we -cou.d.
make a package that would carry good
butter safe; but the Ihrouble '
—I eat] - land -et -he r nieted &so eL
ean't get pure tin: It mixed with •
that came to the Centennial in a pure
tin ease; the . better must have •been .
four. years old. What was 'peculiar
about it, was that it WAa. wholly withs'
out salt; showing that. salt. was not
nec.%sa ry to the preservation. of but-
ter. •
Rev; W. P, Clarke hoped that more
effieient means would be taken to draw.
1 he subject of dairying to the 'latent ion •
Qf farmers generally, so . that they
could be convinced' of, its •ritiperior ad.
vantages over that of grain -raishig .or
cattle for :beef, both as to incressing
their iticeme and keeping up thefertility
of the soil. '
Mr. Ashley asked what the
reason that some makers produced.•a
pound of. cheese .for every tens pounaS
of milk or less. Was it on . accoinal
of shipping while sweet -7. • Some' ibitte,s
ers in this section guaranteed it, Pound
of cheese fur every ten pounds .of.
milk. He .harl.' considerable by
one of his fitetory men failing to do'..
. gni led to au animated -disentsion,.
• —.many factories reporting_ their leverag�.
for the last year, in nearly all cif Which;
it Was over ten pounds: The.conclesion.
arrived at was that the. cheese in Mr.
• Ashley's sectiOn being ;shipped at twepe
ty days .would weigh more .than that
kept longer; the pasture .being .better:
would also improve the milk:, s • .
Prof. Arnold gave instance of a
dairy in•lfaine that he visited where it
required lees.than nine pounds of 'nnlk
to one pound of Cheese, and. the cheese'
was of a superior quality,' but when.
he made enquiry be found that 4 ,
large proportion. of their • cows were
Prof. Arnold was called upon to
give an address on cooling milk for
the dairy. . He reconamengedreirelt. a
treatment of the cow • that tire ,
wouldn't require cooling.- Plenty of
food within het, reach, withont
through the hot sun, a good sup-
ply of pure water, Citrefel and slow
driving, and milking in the shade, were •
Of far more importance than cobliug
the milk. It' well aerated by .being I thvouell the turencies. The report elates
carried in open cans well .ventilescd,
• five -mile ride would be better then
• cnrriage of half it mile without ,euch
ventilation. . Csoling and agitation
whiah we make some extracts : What Russia. Wants.
The number of tillitnald W bidh pr1dded .'
through the Point Levitt qattrantitte "I/ 4t •"'n.8814 wan tl'Ir says 0 wtitt"' in
deving the year was 172, The cartviug hee •'11()"6" is l'elails4en, not
out of the erder.iConucil •prohibiting 'tory. vgati, ie'd' is it to See lei
the iteportatiot, of peat cattle, erktmit,d, dra,fting off alie finest of her sone to
apainful ease of private hardship,- but Peri" On fereig° hAttle4"1(15' The
.one which uould not be avoided' On tte. area of rich teed waste and uncoltivat-
eount of the immense interest at stake, e iii tile'438t 13. ail", 0, ,i 'a an
viz : the safety of the eattle of the coml. the V°144 "reek us with n'93'ii'ment'
try , and the position to he tneftitained The soil of Central Bessie is tie!), mid
in England for our cattle trilde, whie4 the whole oeuetry froin 'Moscow to
issaseettnatiors,,,,ery.....birtie proptidotte.71ni might-les.stuessmaistournsfiehlrsho. '
The eke alluded .to, was a shipment sf 1 the tiller of the ground is abseut. The
a lot a valuable cattle which of ()muse garrison:of Milli, 15,000 men had been
could not he perioitted to land in ooe,.. marched south, and the.bariacks seemed
1,xli nor in ally part of Caneda, and left to. abont two companiee of artillet v.
Which had therefore to be re -shipped The reserve's were being called up.juat
i .
„without beifign landed. SPeaking of the het'Pre herve.st' and. the" In sr"°d men'
Australian Exhibition,. the :report stntes yet who; lea climbed on to a bluff over-,
that tile . exhibits sent • ,i,..4.4o :Canadahenging' the. mighty' •Volga, some One
were very'. considerablt
e 'being over 050 °''''''4I''1. feu 4iii9v9 it, tied sWent the
cubic tons of 'ocean lretgbt, Tb e ,.,..x._ 11011'1E0[1 •Witlr. a • gin'88, far 8.9 the eye
hibits consisted , to a great. extent of °°.°14 re4eh was one ren Pl'i'll melt"
Canadian proclucts.which liadAmen 'eX-. iog'into (listener), all a rick alluvial de-
hibiteekat the Centennial Exhibition in
Philedelphia. • The effarts made. have
already. led to the opening Opsof a trade
ill .Several ' bran Chits of 'Canadia11., pre.
ducte and. menufantures, . which, .it, is
believed, Will, • with aline; 'assume con-
derahte proportions. •A stun of $19,- , , ,
050.89 was Spent' upon 'the eklabition; 1 Le what "8°1°4 the fill. West' • T)iere
and a further` initu of $5000 or $6 000 ia ream enough for millions of Russians
f ir I .
will be -required to elossi"ditielly all e,c,'to increaser and multiply here, if Only
;counts. ' s . '•
.• : • • . • the highways of 'cotninerce ..be °Om
the rt.:port states that therewal a slight habit as Well as nature,.have,Made the
frc'llf that lltibi whieh old traditien and
. lieferring•to. patents for inventions,.
'falling offirif threlosinees' of..thealassents_aom ID el'Cilli_eatrepot Of_ .,en raisRes
'office during., the year, probably owing
to the •eenainercial and inclustrial depree ..Necroraancers'of Cid, .,
sion which his prevailed in. ()iiiadtr, .
. . .
the neighbering.Stat4t, Alla other oCU fl-, •.. the •reising 'of ghosts was a ftivorite
. e '
exploit of the neerernatmers of old ; the
tries doing. lanstaess with Canada. . The fame of Tort,„1,4, the Spanish msgisistn,
*considerable arnoont, however, of $36,. has been 1.m.danyt4lized in.,poi.f Qoixote.
388, against:: $30,187 in. the previous' .Theedetnons that, the celobrated.ifttrieni
year, was received by the Pateith offile, Deno.1,to ceniul„ deserihiss as lie.ring
idiuwsitu.rdiar.. dtili.,,86igfil:ess,..„•.70006piyllie.i',311,13',- thterai(910- • seen when• be tot • v,itliin the conjurors
eitele,. and Which amaistneot rettenified
mai ks, and timber marks breech', .and !tufo...several. evions, „ori now be)ieved
the ;total nein ber of .patents issued' •waS I to. have been. merely fieures procluc.ed
1,35, ' aeainst 1;382 • hi the
. ts .. Pre'4°''s ' ba mask lantern ; And their appearing
7,n an attnoepbeie Of per:fon:me is, so.
cminted for by. the burning of odorifer-
ous IATIO.R.S.11itl Order to,dini the visione.
.of the speotetora. .When the Eniperot
Chitties the. :Fourth wes married ,tia the
TIAN CorAINaletf t100t COataitti 01 TifflaVe, IltatfelANNI U.
•pow, rfic Steamships,
.0'. •
?non 141Wentsernit stiteettstown.'
;rrom.ster es, n., toot sobs/ Street, New York. " '
roe Loctillusa Hireet.
LT TU TO. EN,r() ix. NT RR
From' pier 01, N. R., foot Christopher Street, Yew vest. E y
The acemninoiltitions for Cabin Passengers by' thee
Steamere arc first class; The rates of passage are from •
5101iptvord, atitiording to the locatien of sleeping berths.
All cabin passengers hare equal privilegoe in the Sateen,
Excursion or return tiesots.st reattooa raY
natl. /12(0tatAtital as to Sailings, and ter rates Of :Cabin
and Steerage passege, Apply tO
Moo, Marina 29. 1872.
N•ATES trete poison in the blood. Itidigest n
one principle (muse. iiitUNTONIt 'DIGESTIVE
nentralises Jim poison in Om Weird, and the
ADSORBENT oxtornans ateforts oto bison from the
.system. Ithentuatio,. CancereaUleers, S'yphillie, Neu-
ralgia, Indigestion, and any. other blood poisoning aro •
effectually cared lu it short time by the altoveveraedies.
• Sold by all druggists, price .7/0 gents., 40 - :
pusit. Here and thole heads of cattle I
depastrired..it• *Occasionally there were 1.•
patches of wheat, bet for the itspat part
the scene r tubled: that of sonie;prairie
lands on the Upper Missis4ippt, aft" We,
remembersthens thirty years ego, when
colonisetion was making its first efforts
year,. , . . —
. The emigration return§ • illiOW•• film '
, .. ,
85,285 ire rei °Tan t. paSsengere and lin in i.
grant eettlers entered .. the: Domtnion
during 1876. The arrivals by tlie. St,
`i4c'llee route e 1,743. The Devotee Prineeas 8ephia, in the:city
be' bf JininigrIth-tS who e"iVed of Prague, the (ether-, of the.... • bride;
the 'last three yens and 'who werere
pot ted lay the .agents of the DePartinenti • '
breught With hitti a waggon -load 'of riot-
Ilieltianvciinagr-;itaotitatei,..djeh follo„;i4
iiitebtion igicians atesist. himan. the festivitiee:
.. Two oe •th Chief- preficients,
iteuoteo-e ' .
.71 the; the Bohemian soieeter, and
• . 1876 ..... :F•p•,71 011iOn, the BaVariana.p)eated as.
• stn7 4'201 veils in an extranedinat'y tritil before an
At Suspension 'Bridge- 1675 • .6;145 .
, „•. 1876 . .. . . . 6,666„ e.x :sited '4 dy. :After., aitperh ti eta ,
nnufa:N. • 1575 atfOrts to. .astoniah,: Zytho. opened. his
.. lam .. . me jaws ‘frent ear to'eer,"and W:4110Wed Ms
*.,,,At-st,-,I,ObrirboiolS75-..•..,er4260i,-,,,r-%•401A1)-4.1:411- tiL. teeth ..toephett-Ka-,
11? shoei, which eutrbeeithie Iie
p,,rtianct, 1875 .. • said they been Cleaned, The,
•• 1857/3 •••• . •• .• .. adnairatiOn of the'itudience was succeed -
7' 1,5is ... •
• ed by feelings of horror, but
-Manitoba) alTiVala'from 'United States' calmed their appreliensicnitiliy restori'31
diatinguished.frora thbose entered as
the vanquished Onioit ha his perfect
uttgrants at other ports in Canada, and
immigrants from Canada c'erP6rsi Pr°P°1:tim's in 'We -7-4 irlurn.P1'
1875 .4 • 4 • •;• .... • • ..... • • • •.• • • • • • MVO • •
. of art ineXplicatile
1876 • . : .. ........... • 498.• .•sto •
,1877 .... • • A Rad, Place for Irani
4teperted With settlers' good the
°est= I'Ionees , A...tranip.pasain,Y tbrongla Hubbard&
lens „ „ ...... ex.,9 ton; Vermont: a fees days Ago, ntet
1876 11,164 young man on the sitlewailk and.iteeeitted
him with the folio -wing result •-. What
1876 .... 25 Ma cCoulmoda0ori has th"is town 'for travel.
Toed siettors--1875 . , 27,582
1577 , • • - 27;080 1* "No good liOtelS,' was the re-,'
. To these figures abotild .beadded the Ply, .'Yes, yes; but what acoommeda-
tiens for poor travelters ahat cannot pay
amounts of • nionei -reported by the
ter a lodging?. ' ',Very 'poor ; the pells
agents to have -been' brought 111,1877,
viz.; $287,766, added to which is $341,- in the loek-up are not as , comfortable
508, the valire of the emigrants! effects, its oar hortestalls.' ;' I, sholild., think
making a total' of $632,269. The etni- perssii would be liable take maid,'
grants Were drawn from an classes, the mailed. the ti'Vtip. Take cedar replied
fartning ita d laboring prevailing, and the t onus; man, 'why, two .trqinps froze
'for most of the he'ter weds:wits foutid to death there or.e (Inv last Week.' •
should think it .esitil,c he for the interest
of the toavn to furnish More comfortable,.
secant ; it -meet be a great fix.
pense to bury thealtodies this cold weath-
er,' ' noTsays the young 'man
on the contrary, it is very profitable ;
they sent•the bodiek to this diss'ecaing
rooms mid receive ten dollars apiete fdr
them ' The tramp enquired,the,distence
to the neareift- tewn.
. .
that the Mennonite colonies •itre ,a
floutiShing condition, and the Eat River
settlement, though only three yeare old,
has 38, viliageswitilin its limits and 700
were both necess try to expel .animal • families, having 'about 30,000 bushels
odor, and prevent fertnentittion. ottelielttlor sale. The ,Pembina settle -
Mr. Lon:rise:tit, of Wellington, said—
As the people grow older and. wiser
dairy prtcluce • will more largely ,be
ceneurned. I am interested in' butter,
Hist) in bread and butter. .1 think with
Henry Ward Becher, thatbread, and
butter is good enough for any' 0110: I
will tell you a little secret in this secrets
place: 1 am thinking of ;starting 'a
creamery and eXpect to gain a, 'great
deal of Information front themeeting
of this Convention. I lurve elven Tend
year after year .vielding the same grain,
without visible effect, at 'first. This
haw when in dllinois,but now •these
rich soils of the West are crying out for
rest. Tired nature tvill assert its right,
and by grassing the fields the lost. for -
merit contains 25 villoges with 485 fa-
milies, The total tann er of Mennon.
ites in,Manitoba isabout 7,000, all of
Whom are'in tnost prosperous circuit,
etances. 'Good, reports have else been
rpoeived af. the Icelandic eettlements
Whi611 nOW number ttbout 1,600 people;
who .are located on the west shore of
La-ke Winnipeg, in the .territory of
Keewatin. lo 1877 there was•an ad-
dition ot 603. repatriated • Canadians
who came from the New England States
to Manitoba. The AuStrallan and New
!Zealand colonies have continued to
make very great exertions in the emi-
gration market of the United ICingdona
end the continents.offering at tin expen.
diture of millions ot dollars free pas.
tility is beipg reetored, and • dairying sages and free kits to 'these distant co
,is largely on the increase in Illinois, lonies. These exertions in addition to
You know how natural it is for farm- the affects of the conarnereial and irs.
dostrial depression, have very much
hindered immigration to the Doinition.
The report contains some tabulated
-statistics of insolvency; Which shon
that during the year there have been
1,588 insolvents, sbowing liabilities to
the amount of $31,340,16,1, and claims
proved $22,251,791.
A New York Sunday paper hears
that same money has been collected for
a Fenian raid'on Canada in the event of
gngland beCceng involved in War lint
that the general sentiment of the rish
people is ,opposed 'to any such ITIOVelo
ers to get jute ruts and ran -lain there.
If live in one of the geotest dairy
counties in, Canada—the County of
Wellington. There they fatten beef,
for they tried to establish factories on
the system they do in the county of
Oxford, but failed.. Farmers .are not
like Josh l3illings, whci knew what his
trump card was. If they did, the
dairy inteiness would largely increese.
44. •
Report of the Minister of Agriculture,
The report of the Minister of Agri.,
culture for the Dominion, for 1877, wag
Jaid before the 1 -louse laSt teedir, fron va
A False Alarm, .„
A. large congregation bad assembled
tri hear- a stranger of some, notoriety.
Sone after he had introdm)ed his subs
ject, the ery of fire 1 fire ',Ate'," ifl the
street very' much disturbed the congre-
gation, and many were aholiF to retire,.
swaIiiaen: an .elderly lay.brother rose and
"If the congregation .wil1 ho coineos..
ei, I will step out and see if there is
any fire near, and report."
The eengregittiOn beeline cOniposed,
:aid the tninister proceeded. Taking
adVantage of the occurrence, he called
attention to a. be that would Confaldde
the world (-4 fire that would burn for-
ever in the lake tied is bottomless l—
and had ju'st eoncluded a sentence of
terrible import, and not without tnani,
fest iriession on his audienee, when
a voice from the other end of the
'Church, as if in flat denial of all.he had
said, bawled out:
" lea a Aloe alann, 1"
The orient was ludicruou's in the ei
trona. The old rnaureturned ; but, the
inopportune respense, spoiled the force
of the eloquent appeal front the pulpit,
• and even the presehe cnid scarce re.
train from .joitiing in theuniversal
smile OM passed over the congregation.
DR., _,P111.(IIVS,
4fe not ta11704INAd AN "care-Alls," but are specifics la
the iliscasester which they are remnant° ded.
, .
' Investigators of natural science hqo demonstrated
beyond controversyttliat througliont the animal
(10111 1110 the ,' survival of the fittest" is the Oniy law that
Vouchsafes thrift 41.nd.. 1)0001,14:--1)00.1nt0t4lie -WW1°
PADA* „gortern the commereial prosperity 01 100?
..an inferior oannot supersede a superior article. By Tea,
son of superb* mer.;t, Dr. Pierce's Standard ntedielnes
have outovaned p.11 °Odra. Their sale in the United
States Mena exceeds one million dollars per 'annum,
tic proportions and rest upon any other biwis that that
while th.e a, timunt expo:dm:01o: up_toseveral hundred
housand more, No business couM grow to such &drum.'
IM al feintiwe, or bl000t-eleaosinug.
.• • . . . In Pectoral. .
• is it fllindliag•ogrtae, Or liver salmis i ars t.
Toilit. • .
ay 'reason bi us Alterative properties, cures DiSeases of
tlfe. Blood" and- Skit', Scrofula, or. King's 17 vil ; Td.
more ; Moors, or old Sores ; Blotehes ; .Pimples dud
Emotions. 'virtue of its Pectoral ProPerties,1_
euro s Bronchial, 'I' hroat and taing.Affections ; Incipient
cOnsumption ; Lingering' Coughs ; and Chronic Laryn.
gitis, • nspholagogue properties render it an unequal-
ed remetu., for: Biliousness, Torpid Liyer, or Liver
Complaitit.;" and its Tonic properties make .it equally
efficaelous in ciiring indigeation, Loss hi Appetite, and
Dyspepsia, , •' . . .
Vilhen'the, skin la sallow and covered with blotches •
Mad pithples, or where there are scrofulous sWellings.
and affections, efew betties of Obiden Medical Distaivery
will effect an entire cure. If yeti feel dull, drOway, de-
bilitated, have sallow color of skin, or .yellowish -brown
spots on face or body, freeritent headathe or dizziness,
bad taste in•thouth, internal heat and chills alterttated
with hot flushes, low spirits end gloomy forebodings;
irretftilar appetite, and tongue coated, you, are suffering%
from Torpid -Liver, or Biliousness. in many cas,es• of
Liver Complaint, only part of these symptoms appear,
As A remedy. for all such cases, Dr. Pierce'ti Golden
Medical niscovory bits no equal, alt effeets perfect'
:cures, leaving the liver'strengthened and healthy%
st •
€0V0.14$ •
• 0%0430
• VIttgaiiv
Purely Vegetable. No -care
while Halite thetn.
. •
• The .'" Little Giant" Cathartic,. or' MITX.:T.C.11
PARVO Scarcely larger than mustard seeds,
and arciinger-cooled. They remove, the, incessity Of
taking the great, -crude,' drastic, 614,14 hereto.
lore so ranch In use. .
• Aft a rote ecly tor]Ie,daohe,Dirztooss,ltush 0 Blood,
to .tlre Seed, Tightness about the e1iest,•13ad Taste in,
Mouth, Etuetationslrom the tiKonmelt,Bitious Attacks;
Jaandiet, Pain in the ashlers, IfighlY-colored Urine,
and. Interns/ Fever, Dr. Pieree'n Pleasant Purgathe
Pellets are unsurpassed. rurthermore, I would Say
that their action le universal, not a gland escaping
their sanitary impitess, Age does uot impair themrop-.
ert ies of these Pellets.. They. are a tigar-ocated and in-
closed In glass bottles, their •vireues wane thereby pre-
served unimpaired lor ass length of time se that they
are always fresh .and relichle. Thisia net .the 'tale
with: those rills which are put up Oa cheap wooden ur
pasteboard boxes. ' .Thit daily use of tao Pellets has
onrea the most obstinate casette! Scrofula; Tot ter Salt.:
rheum, Erysipelas, Roils, Dietetic s, Pimples, Surc'Eyes,
and Eruptions.. They are, however, recommended to
,ho tatsa trt connection with the Golden 'Medical Dis-
revery, it priter to Fenn!, the best rtsults.
The rereedial iminagernent of those diseases peculiar
to women has AfttaliAd Ittrga expizionec atlhe WorhFe
DApc.n.ary. of which Dr; Nemo 1 thd chief Copsniting
phyaielan, in *doting reined:ea for thelr care. Dr.
A.:tees Favorite Preset iption is the result of thin ex-
tended expe'rieree, and has, become. lastly celebrated
for as titans sma remarkable ernes of allpose
ad • .
, • .
.Wellaing_ palm' to Fpgles.
ravoritc Pr.seription Poweito I Itootorative 'rebid
to the cunt° system, Itis a Introit° of unstaptitisted
etlioney, and, while it ottieta neraous irritationy it
strengthens the enfeebled tlerVATIN YStern, therein` re'
storlog It to healthful vigor. • The following dlactines
are, among those itt whieh .the ravorite Prescription
b as worked terterosurosstez.: Lett earth ma, or "Whites,"
Itfeesnive Plowing, Painftil •Alenstrination, Unnatural
.tittppretudorm, Weak Back, Prolapatm, or falling of the•
Menu; Anterveraion,lletroversioe, Bearing -down Ben:
eation?Chronic Cougeatien, Ittilatnation and Ulceration .
of the Meths, Tnternal IT nt,Norrotio Depreselon., De-
bility, Dolorideney and very many other chrome di-
aeasen peculiar to women, butnot Mentioned here.
•. The following ladies aro a row a the many thou.,
NAtia9 Who can testify to the Mosey of Dr. Pierce's Fa-
voritePreeeriptions trona esserionee and observation
Mrs,. Corriere Allition,•Peorttn', ToWa ; Mra, Then.
hatcher's Station, CIA IlrN, T. A., tioyntonr,
/eine, N. E; Mrs. r, ireewick, \''reimaincii, 0110',Mra.
Leroy Datnam.North 'Wharton, 1.64 Mra. Mary AlDn.
001t,211ina, Mo.; Mrn, Mary A. Friable, Lehman, PA.;
Afro. D. L Gin, Chillicothe, Ohio; Arts. narrieVEi Ma.
Ione, West apringnoid, Pe.; Mrs. ti Hiatt, tneeorta,
Erin.; Mina Lords° Pratt, Dodgeville, ltfass,; Mrs. L. 1.
Dashield, Norfolk, Va.; Mrs 0.1, Allison, Pi;ootargowa;
Mrs. ;1.14. Vernon, St. Thomas, Ont.dMrs, 8, 0. Moran,
2561otorth Itoward Street, •Boitimore, hid., Mrs. Ludy
Coltman, flarno�i11e 0h10 Sirs. Nano* MeNaught.
Jeffertion, /owe; Mrs. L. G. Stemma, rritifidahlp, N.Y.;
Miss Ellen Cady, Weatfloid, Nit.; Mrs. A. Amman.
rens, Y.Lktrs. 11. N. Rooks, Oritud Itapida.
Mrs. P. 11. Webb, Waterteron,14.14 Thormanda of re-
ferences cat be given et the Worbl'a resesntatas • '
The People's Medical Servajit
De. R. V: Pierce Is the rude proprietor find manatee-.
tura of the foregoing remedies, all of *bleb are meta
by druggists. De aleo the Authorof the People's
Coininon aenseMemllutb Adviaer; a Work of pearly tme
thousand pages, With two hundred and bighty-twO
woodtengrayines and tolOred platell • It bas already
sera Otthie popular work
OV1.,11, in.o,ono coPTF,s .44fria
• Price, (palpably A.30. '
AD011/813, s
its Vs IlItit.CE4 MD.
V�ria DispestRary
Where you ome now find, WITHOUT. EXCEPTIOla', the largest'eud tinestselection et
noolo-,.s.stifrommuy 4itulT -.FANCY:. '4'4
Byer shown in Clinton. Come and be Convinced, by an esainitletioti of the fordek,
• •,•,^
eoetri, Biographies, Histories, and Miscellaneous Books of every description, ir. elegout
• • •• binding, just the thing for Presen.
tation. • . °
BIBLES' -Pocket, Pew, Family, and the new Teachers' Bildo, with lodes aud lioncoratince
equal to Bieeter's, 'and at half the pried; Prayer Books ,,a Obureh Sol vices, elegantly
tonna in Gehltp,patinum iteal Morocco. , • ' •
AL13UMS. Sm.--PhotogrAph:Allatims, for ' and Cabinets, hound. in Nioroceo, Wood,. .
Pearl and Papier -necktie. Also, the elegant new 'EASEL AeLEITM, 'Autograph Albums, ".
Scrap Books, Mark Twain's Scrap Book, otueejcanFIoraI Allnim. • , • • *
11-andserfie1nUdi37Gii1tlRaliT,-GiihriVairs, Paper Knives,, Writitag beaks, Portfolios,
PoeltetBooks, Ladies Work boxes, Gurnee in encfleSs Varioty.'
GlOye atld .FIandkerehief 8ets tromt in to $15, unquestfonahly• the finest ever 'shown in town,
Sibier Card Baskets, Jewel Oases, and Card 4.ases, now pattess.ls),0 s.sry '0,1),sat), .
BOHEMIAN GtA.SSWABE,- in :Vases aud Elegant Cologiiq Ssts, st half prioes,oharged
Jaot season
Nate Paper and Envelopes, in faiaoy boxesa splendirrassOrtineet, Yirom 20 .cts, to $3 'each. .
;Christmas and New Year Carder very Ane assortmont
Silk Bookmarks, Mottoes and Motto Frames. ''Stereascapes,,incl Viewe; .
for the Christmas trade, •• • • . • . • •
Also, just reeeivetl,a fine btof th'e new CELLULOID CO IIAL •JE.WELT:E11,17, OsPeeiRtlY •
„ . .
But (Mine ond•see for yonrselres... Eien IIIO.Ytzt, Era, is too small to enpinerate all the beau-.
tiful goorls suitable fur Holidd y Gifts, So: eau, aud you will be sh.ouin everything. •
As ',Iseult A CHRISTMAS TREE will be prepared ffir the Little iollti,•which:
• . •
will be loaded with "Toys•mia Fancy Articles, ranging in value from To.), Cants to 'Threp
Dollars, and ONLY ;TEN CENTS A TICIIT. . t , , . . t.•.• ••
, • . . . • . • .
To save; time I have introduced a Nnw raAiuloxb and durine ttrelialidirestseeilieueaoi,
will e
l cer"
vert on g cemplete side of my shop into A DOLLAR STORE.;.
and for
One Dollar,:.my. cuiitomerii• May select anything thereiromovitbetit 'atto trouble of inquiring •
p1ics A. tbefe wiU be inony: Sine goods, Worth 'doable that figure; the diet truing ones
•eall ecute geed bargains. 4 r • •
,Sigrt of the Pig Book, oPt,osite A. S. Eistmes.Dry oods Store
Ofant7TO.ST, Dec: :10, 1877:
on approves Farm or Tarn property, for "siy. terin
' • trent one to twenty years, or repayable at atteia pet iods,
either in instalmento or otherwise, all may be agreed
ClIEL 4-4,* Qf rUiltile,.
• ,
Paeseriger Trains.will leave Clinton station as fellows
Gomel EAST, Express, 7.27 A.M., arriving at London
10,55 A,M„ Toronto at 1.05 P,21. Mail and Express,
12.60 P.M.,. earl ring, Toronto, at 6.40 P.M., Loudon, at
0.15.P.M. Mixed, 4 25 P .M., s*0Iving at Stratford at
t3.45 P.31„ London at 045.1', ss. Al red unfree from
Godexich 10 A 111,
Trains will arrive asfollows Mixed,10.001.5I-Ifeom '
S '
tratford Mail and Extress 2 45 P
• • from Toronto
.. ,. .. s • 115011.,rr• • • •
. I
; The Intest, on payment(t any partf ' ' • ' . • . '' .. -
of the.priticipal.
' At 01100,CAtaliit. Oa snob amount. • .. • .
. .
1111 is'arranged 0 'pay. Eh' e 'interest huh-yearly,not
in advance,
the rate, per annum, for thopresent,will be
i 8 Per 0014. On loans fey a fixe term of years, 84 per
'Vent, if interest is niade payable yearty, not in advance.
• •ClIAIG.r.';'8:;'MODItaTE.
Morlgo gm and Municipublebentures purchaercl :
I •
Bliffalo.und London, Express, 9.20 P.M., from Suffix °,
Toronto, and London. Mixed 5.85 P. M. For further partieufari, applY to •
' J. IIICI.flON; General Manage •
At40T.TAIT.10871,11,,, :agent at ,Oliutoth.
Clocks Wa,tches 'Jewellery .&c
1 Clinton, Ittly 18,1877.
S F 0 W .E B. • Money, to Loan.
: 1/esires to retern
his sineere thanks
to his numerous
..friends And ettoko-
tekli,tor thti IIbet-
ttl egetbtlbbooie-
clintort,ond hopes
by a ;grit 1 atten-
tion to btntinees,
and naing every
effort to meet the
wants of his many
• friends, to contin.
tto to retain their
. patronage.,
• j,11NDS, *A1.;O.1Tfa pia: CENT: •
• • • • . 0, 111D01T,
1, Clinton De fith. 1/1741, '
Ile would also f eke this opportunity, of stating that he
lma taken ids sort into partnership, apt thr..6 the best -
nese will be eentineted in Mute under Ma style of S.
PoWLER & SONI Tito firm will,keep oft hand
'Fatehos, Mocks, Jewellery, Spectacles;
And ail other ortielee in their line
All 'kinds of Pipet Repaired and Motoited. • •
Repairing, oke,oing, &e., done Oil hhOrk ;mile°, in
workmanlike rottener, and otr reanonabla tortes. o
ALBERT STIattlT, 11/4TORTil • oxo MARVET.
Clinton, Dee, 0, (817.
/lead (Otte,. Glasgow, Seolland.
OAPTI'Ati, .R500,000. STO.
Tenn Srnmnfo, Tlaq„ of Eipperidavie,dhairman.
your. Youtro, Esq., of Messrs. & 10. Yoneg.& Co.,
PIITER al'altitOCK/ Kea., Provost of Kilmarnock,
Parte ItrOrotu,, Esq., of Bothwell Dank. '
rtOonwn.rt, Noel., of Messrs. Mayfair, Bryce & Co.,
Wk. Ross, At Messrs W. -Doge dt. Co, Glasgow arid
nor, demi htettratactr, President Western Assurance
/Ants meLeuriAn, Esq., (1,0„, el Aiestuir.11owat,
• SIb-
LOtinaO &Downey.
11, S, STRATIM F.A.1 Cashier PederaiDatilf.
SOLTOIT'008.41esars. llobertaon, Atelirlirr, ten &
Howard, Toronto.
BANKERS.-Thelteynl Bank of StotIand. The
Federal Bank of Canada; •
Gienerai Managers..-searts, Cocteau & cos ss
Toronto street Toronto
Money lent An form ankteorn property, he roe/mate
• atesol intereaf tont for phtiods to snit the borrower.
• H. 1-IALr.
AGINT', CIA s sox Dilptla, Sept ts,1$7/.
(4-rny'ro rotpet.eille Merli ciao
Reelfoot Weelf,•
45.*- net.s, Spermatoir-
Ahltila' IllirkPaaifIttelitateeY1;
oeforemewl 58king that follow as a A, Z
'seat - of Self- ‘? •
Abuse, Ali Lan Of hrotrihtY,VoisethatLtiositudel Pain in
the Beek, Direness of,V1lon, Premature Ohl -Age, end
nanny other diseases that lead NiInsmilty or Coosa/rip- .
(tom and to Promatore Grove, ell Of which as h rtiloAPO "
first caused by deviating from the path of nature titul
over-inclulgenee, 'Tho specific medicine le` trio relent O. •
a. life study and,rettny years of experience in treating
these apecial diseases, Pamphlet free by mall: The
Spbeifielliediehie is staa by all Druggista at 8/ per Pack.
age, or six packages for $11, in will bo hone by mail on
receipt of the money, by addressing WM.01IA1 le 00,, •
liquelso , OOM. Sold in Canton by ;I', lit.(fornite, and by
elle ists everywhere.
.• -
oo*A ?A010/4 f4111,0h. era;
Caskols, Coffins, Collin Tiindivs, Nes,
° ETC., ETO.
Parties stipplted With the Above he itilotiefit notice, and
Ailo, a got HEARSE ,sapplioti.
nomesi1bertiA6 Placa—oilOTORTA. Striet