HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-02-21, Page 5F,EDRJAlt.\ 21, 1878,. THE; GL1NTO u NEW= MIA. N OT GIVING A.11 1 R'^1 • :T. 4IP .DRY .-GOODS, dLOTHING, B0:OTS and; ,SHOES, Etat.: We do not feel likegxviag upbusiness yet, h�t WILL . SEL( GOODS AS. C'itLAP AS ANY OJ3 TIIQSE ,TI -I T b b • ADVERTISE GIVING UP. BUSINESS, for cash o. good Butter. NO NECESSITY OF COING T0, CLINTON FOR CHEAP 600DS, .. Just call rand examine (Prices: fo•r yourselves.: Wewill purchase 'any quantitY of Poultry, - such as Turkes, Geese Chickens, &c. Londesboro, Nov. 22,• 1877. I' aH....WALLACE &. NEW Trd•TiF. r0121 ORANGES and; [1it.xiw ON ,11I4RI;ETES: LEMO S% at t`,Yrcrssiek rc Oultningltame's' j l3itdrvery °litf#e prodalee- is -conic g in, owing te'the'bad roads: -Wheat is a trifle Feb. 21, T 878. 1• '.�• ,111a11ekarl andgo11nuc lat, CORNED -BEEP POR EYGLAND. Wllile it is in course •of. beingdetermined by trial whether the shipment of, live cattle or of fresh beef will answer best far the English market, a Hamilton butcher h +s been trying a ,plan which ellpears'to promise well. •'.IIs hes shipped several • lots of the .best corned. beef, ;not after hanging for days in the shop; hitt: chop-. 7 lied -'into the brine when in good coudta tion • This Canadian Corned beef. is -voll--liked, -and--m-eets--wltlr a : Ready sale. All danger of spoiling is avoi&. ed. as also the heavy expense of carry, ing live cattle. ,The meat does'nct•re quire to be heavily salted, but • just enough to keep for a few weeks: ' t rip,. b 1 � pears to us tint this .plan for ,.shipping meat ought to be capable of ' l uge cle- velopment were one leading exporters • to try it. • TRADE IN ENGLAND: -141,1.11` ailviceS on the 31st ult., show in some braii.cl-. es of inanufactlu•es' a slight improve went, but as a rule the signs of en "Thouregement-are few, A Belfast sit.- cular says : "Some orders for. the American spring trade ,are•'coining • The{•e is an unproved feeling in the, market., and. a .better inquiry for yarns and cloth has sprung•up:]etely, Prides appeared, to. have touched the lowest .point, and 'orders placed 'for yarns during the past couple of weeks` have reached. to a ,very fair amount." lifan- chestet is despondent. The Boeanainer says: "'In all branches ,trade is slow 'and unprofitable- .t111 eyes are bent lower, and a heavy fall in hid s, but no partioular chauge; in other prods e • Wheat, fall, red, F•busli, 41• 05 a 1.,08 Wheat, fall, white, 1.12 a 1.15 Spring, :' -. '0 90 a 0 95':. Ffe,,, • - +' `. r. 0 05 a 1 00 . 0.30 a 031 0.40 a 0 50 ' 0 55 a 0 .GQ • 5 00' a 5 50. • 0 -35 a 0 40 4'85' a 4 90 • 4, 50 " a 5 60 0'•12' a 015' 0 '12: a 0 13 0 50 a 1 00, 0, 30 a 0 40 Oats, y Barle, •Peas, '' Flour, __Potatoes, 'Pork,,: Beef, - Butter, • Eggs, 1prkoys, - - .:Chickens, per pair, Hay, ' 9 00- a 'll 00 Hides, 4 00 :a-'. 4 50 Sheepskins•= • 0 40. a 0 75 . . Clover • r • 3 50 ; a, 4, 00 Timothy ; ` • • 2 00 , a 2 50 f4011EIUVIi MAWRVI'S Feb. 20, 1878. Wheat; Fall • $1 '12a 11,5" Spring. - '0.90:a 0'95.., Flour - 5 0, a 5 50 • Oats,, a - - 0 30 •a 0 31 as;, 0 0, • ., BaiPeley, • 0:4557 aa 0 46 08 Potatoes • 0 35 ' az '0 '40.; Hay - '10 00 a 11 00 •. Butter . • 0 16 a 0 IS , • 012' a 0.15. 485,: a 4 90. • 4 50 a. 4.50 • - 4 50 a 5 50 • E ,• ,• Fork.. _. Hides • • ,.Wood • Beefk BEAEORTH s A11KFTN, . Special Not*,,` �. DAVIS Would be happy to receive a visit fromalihit, Old friends cape -Sally those who areindobted to .hili, as hengoti¢.. sit she money owing him to aid in his re-establishing. • IIs wonla also deform them that he, has routed the old: buildingkuown as 1.11te':..C.11,111111031 .00T16:14 Whore lao,will rvopeu in a'few days with a -NEW `SUPPLY OJ GO,.ODS STRAY HEIFER; •'•• Came (tiro subseribers prttnlleea,-1ot.-it, '1 lnd con ., -•IIu}letti-ab.,ut•-two••montita+Hinoe, a -red ,alta heifer, about 18 mouths 01d, ; The owner can have the BMOC on prbvtng property, and paying for this adver• tieemsnt: 1(0BERT PEACOCK;. Hallett, Jan. 81,.1878:• . • FARM WANTED.: Wanted to rent,' in oonviutetrt locality; a tarm:Of from 80 to 100 aor,•o. Apply with full particulars to NEW E1tA 0T11"IOE:' Clinton,. Jan • 30;1878 Land for 'Sale rj111t SUBSCRIBER CFFians FOR: SALE TWO la hundred ,aoree_pf-hie farm, being ppart of hieold homestead, ennuis. on the 1st Con, of: Colborne;, on reasonable tonus.' Each lot has about 80 aeree Cleared, with house and barn on one lot, arid barn on the other, J. J. FIBIIEE,.' ' Colborne Nov. 27f 1877 ' Sennriner P. 0, • • Desirable 'Farm For Sale lOi120 c:ner gallo► LOT ..1, 370.N. • 9, xOtVh8HI1' . Oki HULLETT County of Huron, Ove [piles from Clinton, and mile from; a railway.' It contlpsJ00 acres of heavily timbered land anti good soil. ,Apply to It, DARIC1 ELL,.. Lncknow, Nov:: 15,'1877. lirfsiiranted Art/. 2'4icidily, Pr ie.' may be ret urnerl, Clinton, Feb. 7, 1878. Lnoknow. filiIE susiolasEn OFFERS'TISE IIOIf8E i1ND L lot on Albert Stree , ar meneut'oceulr ed•by him-. • , :. a°lt;for•a*, Itccptatnasix' ,rooms, iwiih•o{oaots-end, • ,ccery,eonvrniencb,for a• smell.fainily;'hard.and:eoft AN Arli:A *�;3' :PACIFIC FIC RAI ti , ,1'pier. TI}e lot contains half an acre., on. whiahEhare' fti A, � - _ �!• : '.,, Ste`a ndniber'oC'e5mde:fiult Creel heir- •na nn4n o • (.bear... Also, for -sale, -a-gnod•drivrng horse; 3 years old. residers for fradiirg,Afri girig, Track minuet, Dee, 27,1877. Sealed Tondare addressed to the nadetsigned aisa.I House and Lott' for Sale. ieb.41,•ltS/b, • •endtaeed" Tender Pacific Lath sy,"e10bereceived ap i. __ • Wheat —*Fall • - - • 1.12 , a 1 51 to Noon of •FRIOAY, the lst tlayof Yiarch, :uaxt, �tAr I H1s UNDERSIGNED OFGEItg FOR $ALF.'TF Spring .worke required to bo exerate+t in compietiuR tont or• Q 90,.`a 0 95 ez L }ioilse.alidliuiing ttttoi'y. 'I of ositel0ntaitney p tion of the Pembina BraacA'of..the Canadian ruffle Tfiomsonrs pinning faatary.•. Tho honsa captains 7 • Flot}r; 5J, 00 a 5'150 • Railway extending from Saint Boniface Station south rw,us }fag stoop foundation, ¢¢liar, Ec. Tho loris half Oats ., 0 30 a '0 31 ward to the International Boundary at Lrnvrequ, a° els care,. With stable, fruit trees, wells, Sc„ thereon; and. lo. -�' • taneo`or 63 mock. 0 58 • a 0 60.'( one" of the best locations in towq: .Price, 81,800 cash ; • 0'45. .. 0 50 .For plane; Kpocifigathne, approaitnete gnanti.iee, 1 erS1.100 on..time--one-third down, balupog in equal for ,s of tender„and:other informatimt„ apply to the 0.- annualinstsimontewrth interest at 8 per cent. 0: 3 A 0 40 . flue of the r;n'gin¢¢t-in-Clriaf, CEtawn, and at the O8leo ; HENRY STEVEN$,. • 0 13. a .0 15°of the District Englueer, Winnipeg.. Clinton' Dec. 27,187'7, • • 0' 12 - a 0 13 • Contractors aro nbtified that Tenders will not be eon- :- 10 Op a 11 00 sidereal. unless made strictly in accordance with the, Land for. Sale ' •'. printed forms,and=in the case of firms-••except,ahere ^^� are. attached the actual signature sod the nature of the ”• Peas - upon China for signs of a recovery thei.e' , Barley - but the season should: hot, in the usual Potatoes course, re -open .for some weeks yet, and , . tier it is known that stocks out there are Haw: still heavy. 'The . Turkish• trade • is ,naturally in a state of entire suspense at• present. Other 'secondary markets at perhaps about . their average rate, 'but their demand scarcely ' .makes it- felt." The .coal and iron trades more or less excited: at the pros eet of England becoming 11 party to. the war, but the .excitement was not attended with any increase of business, A correspondent at 'Middlesborough writes : ‘.‘As long as the present un- Certainty exists, trade `Can receive no -impetus, brut must grow worse, `every- thing being done from hand to mouth, as no class of tiadere will undertake evt, moderate commitments.'•' PRUSSIAN GRAIN TRADE. -The Btifiitlo Express looks With some jealousy upon the gigantic efforts wlliclr the Russian Government is now •making, not in war, but in 'the, development of the country's grain tirade ; and draws at- tention to the important Statements in the St. Petersburg eotrespondenoe of the London 'Times (Tan. 24). The first w Russian a9 that the ll iitn ClrOvelrlitrieti Y Government s 1 negotiating with an American:compaliy for the erection of mantntoth rani • elevators and other improved applianc- es for handling gt'ain tt::the receiving and terminal stations of the Russian r.,il roc s, Which will hereafter trans - Port the surplus gtttiin of that country 'to the seabord for exportation; the sec- ond was to the effect that orders bad been given certain American manufac- tures for 140 locomotives and 2,000 cars, with a view of supplying the regular commerce of that country with facilities for transportation now placed at. a disadvantage by the use of a large portion of the rolling stock for the • transportation of troops, &e, The' Ex- , press, correfq ondelit at 1vVflsllington; having been instructed to" make special !inquiry, finds them ample Oonfitrina- ;tion of the news sent by The English ;correspondent from St. Petersbtirg. A: strong Russian competition in the grain trade is, therefore, not far 'off, though it would of course be more or less de- layed by. war.. And this may 'interest people here as well as in the United States. NEW °A. T2'El) GOODS, at 'OPointick�i 'yy ) Utr�rlirtyhat✓te's. . 121,T:2Ii:' IIAiLIEETS. Feb, 20, 1878, _ Wheat—Treadwell, $1 12 a 1 31 Spring, , . 0: 90• 'a 0' 95 Barley.0 45....a...0..60 Peat, ' - 0 57 - a 0 00 Oats, • : 0 30 ' a• 0 31 - Flour, 5 00 a 5 50. Butter, .. - 0 14 • a `0 17 Eggs, 013 a 0 14 , Hay, . 800 • a 10 00 Hides,, a 4 00 a 4 50.• Q-T'RAY CALVES AND SHEEP. Strayed from the. premises of the subaorlber, lot 19, lith con; Hullettr.-three Spring Calves, two greyish, 1 heifer. and 1 Steer, and one red. Steer, with a little white; under its belly; Also, two largo Ewes. Any one 'giving such information ae winkled to 'their recovery, will be suitably rewarded. ROB r. CARTER. minett, Jan. 24, 1878, ' j. CLINTON Flt nut - andTeed Store e C th0n a have on• The sttbscribere be to anuoan e b y V toted into partner$h'p to carry on the business of Flour Feed, and General Grocertes ,in the store Formerly oarriea on by D. Erwin, AlbertStreet, where tbay win keep constantly on 1z 4u1 a large and good stook of FLOUR, FEe'Dp' GENERAL GROCE• RIES, etc.. atC. l k ; i; S l' ,1 t N C(I I Z 11r' A if WAYS () A' HA iV D ae lowest prices. LA3 11b PIX STEn alitiars •oiii Itttttiid'.' Cash paid fou Skins, Bides, Pelts, Ears, &e. occupation end place of residence of each member of ;. f/\RTE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE T13A1 • the mum. eligibly Banded parcel' of land on the London Road, within half a mile of Clinton, being north Part Foe the due fulllinont of the contract, a cash deposit of Lot. 85, let Con., Stanley. The land is arst•olasa, to an amount of rive PER CENT on the bulk eum of the ; all pleated and fenced, and being a. corner lot is con - contract will be required. i..veniontly sitnated'for a market garden, Further, par - To the Tender' moot be attached the actual -Signa• tieulat acres. e obtained on application. Tho lot eon - tune of tworesponetble a,id solvent persons, residentsJOSERti 1LO W2ILL. of the Domini.in, willing to become sureties for The • JOHN HODGI10 (ferrying out of these oondit.ona, as well as -the doe 011. t • on, Decal, 1877: performaabe of the works embraced in the Contract. This Department does not, however,. hind itself :GirREAT AUCTION SALE accept rho lowest or any tender. • • Dy order, • • • ' F. BRAUN, 8oeretary.• Department et Public Works.' " Z ]VS P O. R Z' 333 JD Ottawa, Feb. 7th, 1878.• AND' 'TA.M}S P,ATTERSON, - • PLASTERER. Alt kinds of Ornamental work pone to order.. Work promptly atteeded•to in town or eot'intry. Reef dente, next dotr north of the Presbyterian Church, Olinton, Feb 1:44878, 8m AUCTION SALE. 1, THE Ll5OPST .on ' Saar Asao&TED STOOK Oli • DIoIiti an1 Shoes, C,4 Are., atm.+ Dyer 'offered inr sirloin the Town:, of Clinton, • Tobe sold,byAuctlonpr• Private Salo I1>i 1I1 Shop lately, occupied by- Mr. .Hobson, A11 eeebante deal to D. Erwin rottet be settled at Duce, otbertviae thdy'will be placed In Court for collectiod`. • • 4V0. -0l' Cleo,' to llrrltts' Drug Store. EILWTN do SO NDRBTP. oustan, Eeh, 701878: AGENCY 0r QUiEN, ISOLATED RISK, ANA ST:A.NDARD, INSURANCE COMPANIES Shake et' alt 40.010101m talion at the • lowest edtes. O. Sung VT., O1Inton,T'eb. 70818, This SLE.)(S NO 1YU (TIG The Goods have been borcgh4 for efi 2M, tt++d will be sold for Clnk IS the goods will be nota by Austion, at, your Osin priooe, WITHOUT RESERVE, Sale each Dar and Evening, at 2 alici 7 c&'oloc►k P. M.1� • t00R OUT POR it RDD FI,AG. . THOMAS TYNAN, Auctioneer: +instep, Erb. 7, 1878. • Tlu roughs ed STOCK . THE TUwnI. of Clinton, ,. COUNTY Or110D0N, ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH _•6th, 1810,. ENDER. THE AtreteCEi OF THE 000,.00 LITE (TOOK sOOociarr0N. Thirty-three Stallions and 5 Breeding Slaree, efubra. Ging 10 Impartrd•ifeavy Draughts,12 General Purpose and Agricultural, and 11 Blood, Carriage and Roadster 8tallione. Ten,eR'horou.gli-broil tulle, and a eplend:d Choice of •DurbarnCoasandlieifera.---*-.,«. - A tread choloc in Leicester and Cotswold Sheep and various breeds of Pigs.. one O f thebe4 1ca o r held Thispromiseeto b¢ u Aa vs ¢ d itr 4 Colla A a d Catalogues Or hand bills as bo bad on 11- •Printo u a g rp cation to the Secretary. The Grand Trunk and Great Western Itatl''ay0 will issue return tickets at one fare end d third. '• AL F. 11IcLEAN, Secretary, SeaforTh WIIARTON HODGSON, President, :Exeter. IPOnTANT T� • r(DUN»RY 1 N, )I LLJE ,S, And ui1rer Nan athletes rern'.+ Ira a ble Property van . s;A LE Obi' LT At$E, ~ , Situate along oilo of the Grand Trunk Railroad, At CLINTON, in the County of Huron, .led farmorlyknown as the WItITEHEAn ItTtt i,property, eornprising'tour scree of land, nn which aro erected a tive•story Brick banding 88 x 42. elate roof& with brick engine room 20 x 42 ; aleo,large Frame Morehouse, ea- paiity 40,000 bushels; cooper shops and sEave or lumber sheds, large pond ofsoft water, for etcatn' and otha• ' pntpoaeo. 777 ' 1P.L2P,000 WORTH 0 --- AT' Fir..: ' Prices ,' for Four Wee 000_le - V Y :13j Gil 1 1• c'��I.l`�Tri RNR Wo announce, owing to the late fire, and the general upsetting of our goods and' business,; that we will sacrifice our entire stock of• DRY 4400DS, ' MILLINERY,: MANTLES, READY. MADE'. .OLOTHING, HATS., AND -CAPS„ BTJPFALO ROBES,,. FURS, BOOTS SND SHOES,. 'GrI OCERTES, r - AT PRICES REGARDLESS OF "COST, OD.wow. PRICE, FOR: 30' DAYS,— . NOW TT�� FOUR TIMD. ie llat ai . that - os �• Como _ mi t alon rh an t • THE' GOODS.•:MMUST' BE SOLD:, The . variety to-- choose fr'' in is one of;,t1 e l rgest ' and, best in this -Zpart` of £16e'D.oniinion, < ':011 '. OsN.E,'-.COME A11, and don't fotget. it, . • We •must • and wig' SELL ., GOODS CHEARE'R . TEAR AEY OTHER.. .TSO USS I1V THIS PART •O1' THE 'CO UNTRY. • THE GREAT FIRE. SALE IS N.0 IV GOTNG 07 at Firing Meese; at, the .77.. NOTED.•E• 61-1EAP ` CASH"' "' :STORE.' 'Jen:, 241878 , WRIGHT. 8i • CO: ": • emuv a 1 Airnounceme_ • PECYL A, S. PALLISER & Co. WE NOW HAVE THE PLEASURE TO' ANNOtiNOE' THAT - V We Shave Removed - a the Ston lately oceuDred • by lir.. P. CaYaa... 'This property 14 one of the best eituatsd for inane - Maturing pnrpoaeslgthe County of Huron; Tains of payment will be made liberal. In °vent of any safe atrd'raaeonably profitable inannfacturiog buai- nese loading here,. 11 desired, I id flnanctaily tt t6st the enterprise. • Ebrf ttrthorpartletrlars apply to or add reet RTCit ltO I1tWDt0 Pnor1111',irrottw ° L2NT0N( 01,1Tr • • We -take this opportunity of thanking our many friends for past favors, and. with much rt:o a room atour command, and increased ed f cil11,e a for doing business, weaassure'all nothing be wanting on our part, to enst i 4 theav oral% I'eputation accorded to us in the past. • Every, effort' will be . made' in the future to. keep Our' stock WELL .ASSORTED . AND COM:- PLETE IN ALL, DEP.ARTMEIfTS. Nit HAVE J1TST RECEIVED A lruLL LINE OP OALIFORNIA-CALIflopik.CANNED GOODS. PEAaHtS; PEARS, APRIC<bTS, .. STRAWBERRIES, PLUMS, • G,EEN PEAS,.: SUGAR CORN, &c., &c, S. PALLIS E R & GC1-�•y . rV• 1}Vtc�r'YO i.)fSA., .E5 An) h.i X, GROCE1?S,. Nrl'. P9`f 3 !CX 1 LOOS . lil["•Cll`1.rox ,,J at1. `4, 18 111, ..... • + .