HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-02-21, Page 4"ri' Card of ifittu IuolNGnt �c:t^- \1N,x' 1F 1 'Citsul,'t*nt �•t't' ' ��,� •Ica. artl;aga ; 1•ld . ',rte 5zolts..11. t.'atlllurut,i^ �� Clo. ' xt 1 \ otiee --NCeurt's tl tiVh%tiuir s,, tune, bbot'ts, ibbons.. Pardon), DQMINfN PAKIAMENT, During the entire week, the member's of the Dalt►itriou Parliament .wore- either listening to abuse and the most sense- less arguments -and sopbishry:or guilty_ of giving utterance to the same,.. We cannot remember a session when so touch. t,iqua �vsa t,Lk in....ula i-n,wrangling hitt nbnsing,one anothev5.ts the present, tip- parently as if there were gathered at Ontario the greatest SeOundr'els that the country could lrrocluoe, 'Years ago there was considerable crimination and i '- erinrit,ation, till a very bad state .of fettling Was engendered between different ection the 1'andi r' s sof 1 e con lily 1 parties, and to remedy it ccinfederatiori \vas intro- duced.; but instead .ot• mitigating the evil,if r apparently incleaising' it;.anct if things do not jiieni we will soon hiive to try some other reluedy; We think it would be "a good thing to abolish the system •of indemnity for then, the members: would not be willing :to waste their tithe in listening to bran. comb speeches, , or cavilling oyer rlfliug natters that were of no importance' to the country. . The cost Of ialrying on.tlie government of Canada,' whichhas only a population • of about 4,000,000, 1 o t s too gg eat,and'njr to within the lust year ole tivo; Inas been .cunstarii•- ly`increasing, and 'if: the demands' and wishes, of somt of the•snlaller' ;provinces. were granted a would soon' be plunged int e bankruptcy' ow that the :address in Ons speech from th . th •one OF$t OIAit•1'APER Q THE GOMT2�ITY. ' 'JH(),11.S1)AY, FEB.' 21, '1878:' C 's V u1 TI(1N. R�Ft7R11I 0 A Convention of .the Reformers:. of 8uiltlr Riling of Utiron,.'fur bath )ottiiriien caul Loc�il Houses_, will Ire h4 ild in this town, on i{ ridgy; let of l4l i'cli at the ueen's Hotel at 11 o'tslock, a., m • The' object of: the: Con 'volition Will be made known oti•theday . f meeting.... RUSSIA• AND TURKEY • _ ,file following is believed to be the • -basis upon whish treaty of pollee carr- be built .betiveeti Bussiaa ars - Tiuipy,_ which will be found to beth" very heavily upon Turkey, but, as Russia has her •.in tt tt:;;ht'plaee; shed will 'hive to submit unless England comes to, her relief. . Without English intervention it is pos- • sible that Turkey would he ntterly.blot- tell out as an: Europetin Trower. But,• supposing -this. to be the 'case, we see no reason for;'any westei'n"•people,4•tt•oulle.' titemselves.dboiit it. Why, should•they'1. What• boot has Turkey , ever'. done for' the alleviation 'of 'the suffering. of : in:tn- • kited 1 Wbat measures has she 'earned • •r. furtherance enlightened out o the it rthela ice enli ht i e f a of e and liberal , niuci lfis, Or in anyway whatever strty�en lite aruieoiate' the con fr clition of iter subjects"? cS'o long' as tale Mithoi sedan .goveiument of.. Turkey stands solong•will itbe•al1 but inrpoasible'. .to .Hunk'° any headway in tlrt, con4'ersioti • of llahbmedtuas to Glii-istittuity all - •though it contrary to'treaty ,stipula- tions with the Eairopeiumpowers to''pi'e- #"' vent her -subjects acts fro i. becernin C1TrYs-' r,lc .. n •g Hans, yet -it. is well 'known -that rt is ce twin death for' 'ai 'Turk to .beeorne C'lit istian so long as ho remains within the power. 'of Tu key.. Ris life is 'not taken openly, but he is spirited•asvey, and taken beyond the reach of:European. interference. ...It is true that her conqueror, .Russiat, is not much better, but :her' people .are, and if there Were to be established a more open and constant etehmunication , between themselves• and other people, there is. good. reason;•to_believe that they would soon become so bighl .eiilighten- b y b , ed, and as eager to possess all the ad= vantages and benefits fiowing.froin liber al institutions cis. any otlret' people • itt the world. . • • Although there 'hail. been manifested a gopd•deal-of strong feeling in England . against' Russia; we do not anticipate' • ran .thin , more than War of ,words, There Y, b is too touch to lose by war and toy little to -ba gained, and •diplomacy 'swill effect as good a settlement as the words' •.'" 1. Indepeedenoe of Servia, with ex- tension of territory by way of competisa- tion, • ' "2, 'Itrdependeece'and •aggrandizement of Montenegro. • ' '• - "3, Independence of Rourtiatiia, with increase of territory as compendatidn - for Burr n dde e r to Raissia of the part of 13nasltra- bia taken from Reale after the Crimean war. " 4. Bulgaria,to be an autonomous na- tional Principality, tinder 'a Christian Prince. Its militia to be composed of But. gariann, to the exclusion of ;all Turkish 'troops ; its litnfts-'beady those proposed at the Cotrferenco,•which would include the greater part of Rontnelia, THE CLINTON NEW ERA, FE><31WARY 21, 1878,. the council proceedings' of this town fors to we, tlae•uudersigned,,atel we wish opened in tltit Crow way --lent only fitillt- to have it undoate nil !hit we fared better, as we realized coots ,lartthle mere feu' our ly,"iro .ai'e informed of a ceratin Colin pnt'k in Seaferth, th•ut we were offered in 'oil, not a thottsancl miles away, who 'Clinton, and that we were paid well for }tiring, beoanse we had less shrinkage de• have their drinks' over every motion dnoretl than if we buil s 'Id in the ]atter oilire led.: lVhat a nroGlttity it sviattl+l bo place, we wore .well eatiatied and consider, to ask a divine blessing on ascii ' eotti se, , ed we did perfectly right, as we were pot offered the Market price for oar pork, site. "" -' -„ ' ,why Should mit we, as farmers who have " r81'0KD INall.-.,... . • • , , . full accuse to both l��dal and £oroit,ir papers, 11:r+wt�ti ft 30 i,u,ltaGluotl.,an,laietood teat we do uo0 be. us well posted iu the mat tete u,, the. hoe •,ttrHe1vQa t•@Hp01,Hi1,1r ter the Qpia00ns e:. value of faro. pis aloe, re,' t•Art,.�e w'he Millie irraseort,Y.our ,rrrosirendowts. •• i3 business of it.- n11 ie it tier reabunatle to think that flue solitary buyer wit., • ,, stands airaut the ruurket quite. oar, lNaa %'o Me Idditor, rtj'the .i4''t'ur .l err, • • about buyine until be thinks that fnruters • • must sell at any sacrificed price, rather Dealt Sia,•--T.t. lutist have twin ovidet:t ,thztn take thorn 'iir,t tt r, ,vr axil,' .t to every reader of your gottiinpnrary, the think of ,afleriug`:tl►r _"-�trt 34.-~..„,it*Nbv Sfa,',,'for many. mouths •past,"that' them ty helieve io markets of entupetit'iob,.such must be some other rei,son than a differ- , .' Cof u z t tfe ah h r o several t wetin 1 r � i V e rt 1 asf 1 r a i n , U' 4 1 tl encs of p ht+yltl p r n lurlti►rg in..tho' buyers dealt sr•ith:ut3 honorably, here were minds °"''''''" '"anaget's tuwarda D,lr, .R•,ss, ' 'whiff., to give ue the ruling price for ;ter' to account for the venom and bitterness boos without fault tiudfii�c. Olrutou is our of its, expressions, - on every 'occasion in market and we shall s 11 •first in future, which it ouuld.possibly drag 1118 0atee he., Ig prices anis us, but remember that we r re fore the nubile, The reason '.,f all this pasted•.in. r(cua and know when we get' •vile, vituperation is well' understood itt ttsii,,s,, 1 . Goderich, .but it'tnay not be so `in your 1• neighborhood, norantongat your' tnor'e dis- tont, readers. Will:you therof&re kindly allow me space in your eolumps, to poit.t out some. of the causes rif all these imper- . tinent and.. scurrilous attacks .that. hare, :' week after week, been hurled Open hila in the most insulting tone and language that'.;' they,have been capable.' of using, and K which I certainly conceive to have been \Vo gladly give pisco '•to the "fuh'otgirr as itnpertinent and. insulting to every one i lrttelr; which appeared in last week's Strati of his. friends' and political euppartersea , 1 t even: to, hiniself .4.and.xtAt,..only that, but fori.-Bereoat•, .as -,.it ;exprfages - the views- egtlahy •sa to every right thinking, and in, 4. 'ten annoiincad in •thees. citlnnrns hefi'. ••e : telligentr✓onaervative within the foul ccr,. S,Ta�,-I atm satisfiod=from cunvereations ners of the County, amongst whore we a11. j iecer..tly; had rvtrli'sutne of thu'best'fsrmera • reckon' v . largenolo- know that beton on a, ere n n 1 cud htauufar tutors in St. 111atrys, .Mitch. her of his.war,tnest personal friends, wliu 'ell, Seaforth, Clinton, and Gridorich, that would not for one moment. have it su'ppes they would gladly: witness the fusion of all ed that they, in any way, approved .of or , •. Our host agricultural -societies auto erre 'endorsed each a course, of meaningless and really good society., '%Vitlr tinitetl means fc ul detraction of any Merely political Op.mid ever y, a $ nrun Central Pair might ponent. But who' is this four-eyed_, man ,,, inattgitratcd that might. rival that of. of yesterday, ' who thus dares to. make" ,:64.a,o rh. ,By diviston, tint energies rirr= Charges of " inanity, ignorance, folly, and wasted• rind •the result is . unsatisfactory; . stupid presumption, against a gentleuran I w null suggest thrtt the present ...heal' Teal' who has beep known itt the county from h,,tv,9-7.r. turned into annual tufts;, sv o ir'retrlviirll We 'hope, n Wei•: to the s has . been passed, that the business of the country Will be attended to It evident that the government is: desirous of doing:alt ui'their, liu,wer to this end, as the 'reports of their several ..depart- ments were at once laid on the table. 'so soon as the debate on. the address was over. "5, Complete evacuation of. Qiiadrilaa torah • 6. Applicatiou of administrative auto- nomy to Bosniaand the Herzegovina, and to the otherProvinces of European Turkey, including Epirus arid Thessaly. • " 7. Turkey and Russia to corfte to a separate. underetandin ato the b g a h area- nel%e•and Boop horns. �, 3.,, trule.tnnty an. looney or its equivalet, the nature andamount of which IX to be eottled. "9 Military occupation of curtain ,por-' Lien of Empire, not yet defined, by way of,� quartette." • PEN=OIL POINTS By the -report •o£the'Ministe •of Agei g Cratere, ' we : find, that (luring bhe year 1876, the number of insolvents in this county is given as 17,: with liabilities' at 138,443 'Phe .Reforor:party deserva tTe tlla:iiks of the country fir onething, at any rate There has 'not been nearly`: sa melt wood stolen fit nights sinice•they ,carie into'power. 7,1Citcicell ,44vacate. Afraid -thy would pliiish youtoo se- verely•if they caught. you at • Itis rtunored . in the lobbies at' Otta• a va,•thatt thebgeneral election for the House ,bfOommons ,7111 beheld next dauual'y.. The Maai„litiwever, pintas sonetilue:next. June, and oa ls'llpon;it•s friends to..,” gird up their loins without Yq delay." They: will re. uire -ta be well " girded" to produce the resultthe' Midi hopes for.• ' • r QUA NTE) B1i1R. • We remain, yours, ,T. CIIhrTi li N.teunix; r, . M. BRartHWA1TR, .l. 4alonsuooIc. Haut tt, Feb. , 20,-3878 • central Fair -a Suggestion ; During the year 1877, the following number of immigrants were forwarded by freepasses from the Toronto Agency to places in. this, county :—Clinton, 11 ;. Seaforth, 6; Brussels, 4 Blyth, 4; and Goderich 1. The ' number forwarded frorn the London Agency was : Bruco field, 9 ; .' Exeter, '11 ; Sin ham . 13; Clintoil,1'. Wroxeter; 2 •r Blyth,1. `'The number forwarded to this county,from. the Saniilton agency, 131. . A cortespondent'of the Goil'eric11,,5tar' complains because Mr, A. 111. Rosa, M. P. P,, is sending copies of the TVeelely Globe, containing his .speech (Which rip, /eared in the Niw ERA,) .td •leas consti- tuents.. .'Well, if his :constituents are willing to acoept them, and Mx;' Rosa pays for diem, we presume 'he flats a perfect right te.send tlienr, and it's fid s Ono else's business. ' ' • Recent disclosures :chow that both Rine and Murphy, temperance Advo- cotes, care rnore for ' the sums of money' they make, then they do about converts. We are strong temperance advocates© p. ourselves, but we confess that we don't like to see it turned into at speculative scheme, as too many are doing. We thought the labors of these 'c philan- thropists" w.as partially' one of love," but'such it scents, is not the ease. The Emine council have inattgurated the plan of opening theirmeetings with player,.after that of Parliament. Pray- eris right, in its place, but to ask di- vine guidance at the opening of a meet- ing of this kind, and afterwards indulge itt a fierce discussion would hardly be in keeping. We can faintly imagine ey aroALL DO TRIOS►--F—THGOO$ AT TIDE.. GREAT *: SALE ! nth-irlik"aa; alt wi whi to - as nu' f,it tiie sal • of st„ck and ulanttfactureei. body of an editor. never exchanged..(the arid than •there ahu+ild be a succession . of word'—and in all probability Hover willdn' Central Pails in spelt: of the towns. as may,. =to learn what Iris .abilities and .inter tient provide the 'requisite .: acromrodstion. tnay be, on any subject• whatever.. , Bot, r,. -rhe , il.: sy etein is admittedly t failure, he•seems to roll the•words our member under his tongue, as a sweet: rnorael that Tlr,a_f this -o this tt-t,wm. affecting' trlagee inter would-give:fiavor.to apv,ther'•driiik, which eats rf Idris ,>r that town or village, but,r�f wo ld steady. the nerves' arid give the''the• w.hulr. farming .and' nuinirfactarirg nee 1 air'. age for 'the pouring,'rsnt of am tituttity, ' w,l.nse ' interests are .above local cli another vlal-of •his wrath .upon the unf.,rr. those of MereMere,lites. ttinato head of " Oar Member." �liutur►„Peb, ll, •187 8: A'ny.one of -even, very orriinary 'intellect ` and discretion would; hit ve hesitated•beforo so grossly attacking a mrrn.whorrr he really knew nothing about, bet' whntn ho fou rid fi111np sue1i responsible situations as bank • aerint, counttreasnr cr, and conii ande r ..,... ...,. population., 108 76D, of the volunteers ofthe county; ,.t, say. counties; y nothrrG • ofhis'beng'the chorca of a (lnoludrn Thunder BY� S 070. ' rri' uOf electors df the VestRiding Brant of Hron tore represent thonin Parliament.., ;Bruce ,all:Toe. X:wdarldc tiericestY recommend btar • Carleto n 49.776: to take a:•large dos;rif its own physic:” to Elgin..r 38'71.6 direct its attention .to matters of 'which it Essex ..,:, • m 37 602 has sae. knowledge:=whatever that may. 'Fron.tenac ,.;... ........... be -and it `,inny then gain .settle. creuIit," Grey : `(S 304 hot et present it rosy+ •be, clear to. al.l,`elm- cerned,•. that it is`net fit to hold the. pnsi- .tion it at;.. present clitims, of beim; the chief exponent and defender of the.p•.,iicy and principles of the Conservatives itf Huron ; but just let the Star purstie its present course of personal detraction heti' the next election, and it will;utiquestinn• •ably' then find out its mistake. As • one instance of the avidity wit,ji which the •,Star seizes every opportunity,. however' ridiculous or-ineigni6.cant, to vili- fy,Mr, 'Rhes; 'and- to !held him up—as it seems to think -to .,ridicule and scorn, I inay mention that some weeks ago, ono of our Most respectabile merohants.was a Can- didate for:' the office of school trustee in 'opposition to -the' proprietor of the Mar, but was ,defeatod, whereupon, in its. next issue, 1t professed to console this •gontle. mat with the assurance that he would •l1 the gained the election if he had not been supported by that " aristocratic A. M. Rosa!" Again, the Star brought out one of its friends as the fittest man 'to fill, the Civic Chair, who afterwards 'publicly, de- elared that " he would ha re -been elected but for that, d --d fellow. Tris.', ,Yet,. Mr. Ross did .no more in the matter than to sign a requisition amongst some hun• deeds of others, to another aentleMan, to York ......0 offer himself as a'candidato for the Mayor. . ship, and .they elected their man in spite, Total.. of the Star,, and its best man to boot. But 'now sir, for. the real *cause.of•all this spleen and bitterness; •undor the alo of Coneervatiem'And political opposition. The ca cloven foot" of personal hatred to- wards `Mi .1Ress having been thud, palpably shown in -these two absurdly insignificant cases, is, it to be wondered at, sir, that• when you a week or two afterwards, by Bonus. peculiar• hoeus-pocns beat known to yourself, took •from this luminary of the Conservative hemisphoro, ite weekly boast of being the Comity Printing,Shop,, and when; as is well kno,gn here, Mr,. Ruse had repeatedly cause to find fault with the way in which the County work Was performed, 'especially the publication of the '1'nx Sale of 1876. . r day, le it to be wondered at that under these circumstan- ces the cup ,of , the ,S'tar's wrath should overflow and be poured out on the head of "' Our 14iember1" who of course, they will accuse of collusion with'ynti in tinder- Gni r Knott .-•.'Qtr the 14th Inst., by l"tev. bidding them; ie rdersotr, at the residenceof M. J. But, sir, cmrltl the venerable .Sage. Belfry, Essex Centre, Mr. Alen' .1. Green, whose words they so tortured into a tirade grain merchant, to Vias Baits M. lfeltic, of abuse against an individual who merely formerly et Clinton. asked a plain question, which he conceived it his duty to his constitn tits to do, con;- 'coi'ved the use that would have been made of them, they never would have been ut- tend. But as the Star seems to .be fond of Old saying°, 1 shall conclude by offering hint another to, chew the cud upon, via;'"Thee°. who live in glade :homed should not throw st o e ..r, 'Fonts, &a , Aw ELEOToa eb.20 Goderich, F , 1 878, Estimated Population of the Counties of Ontario. xrcisiaittli G .i.>.r`n4's a ror'r Voir' 1876" OF PAS 8810:, EN.0 QF THE PARTNERS/IIP. BON` ,FIDE SALE NOW COIN - O i CH. APEST `G 'KNOWN. '� • . E .� 'GOODS. KIS OWfiT. COMPETITION DRIVEN.—:INTO A. • O;ORNER "`b. ihO: r � . prices we are selling goods at, • TELL •YOU FRIENDS . NO H U t aE "S'HALL U O, NIDE+ RSLa.,L :TIS, S • T3Q TNI D(T T'•� •- Y A 14Tan • t .�' • s' . chcs ex ��ouso. • CLINTONclirov 22nti,'1877- TI -3 , P°: -N 9 `I±NI TTE;* E R'S 1=1'A1d1n1anC1w • rl8` 679 Halton 'Hastings, Huron Is.ent.:........ .�. Lambton . '44 734 Lanark;. :.:..:......:..:..n.,. 37 '973 Leeds and : Grenville .' 66 606 Lennox and Addington 43 36.4 Lincoln,. ........ ,...r.: 33 979 Middlesex. ' • 04'984 Muskoka • '6' 210 Norfolk 85 877 Northumberland and Durham87 935 .Qntario. ......:,52 773 Ortford 55 473 Parry Sound 1 .747 Peel 29 913 Perth ... . , 53 500 Peterborough.. 35.047' Prescott and Ruseel1 41: 390 Prince Edward • • 23 887 Renfrew• 52170. Simcoe 73 885 'Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry 67 031 Victoria ..................... 34 730 Waterloo .,, 48 289 Wetland 29 625 Wellington 72 784 Wentworth 66 239 183 486 1 862 035 20 996' •55 019 76 08.9 46 740. A man recently wrote to a pa sr in. u •. • or. , saying t rat • he Wanted the palter, but had no money, •and offering to send for it two under. - .Shirts, wort -1r $3;which hind been. given to hitn,.but Were too'stnall: The paper was sent. e BORN. Btsxor.-ln tTsborne, on the 8rd ,icer:.,• the wife of A Bishop, Esq., .tin. P.,• of a Baugh - ter. MARRIED. IsEatnv - PATTERCa:T.•.1h • «Ingilatn,, . on the20th inat, at the residence of the bride's brother•iu-latv,•-•Mr.. John Dinsley, by the Itev, Mr. Megusrrie, Mr, Robert Wiseman of Clinton, to Miss Maggie Patterson, of Wingham; formerly of Clinton., 7'o the Editor of the, Neto k'ra, Cox rant.—Cunnv-0n the 5th inst., by Rev, G, A. Mitchell, 11. A,, at the residence of Mr. Pram, of Brussels, anelo to the bride, Mr. 3'. W. Connell, of Winggham, to Miss Annie Maria Bitt•ry second daegllter of the. late Philip Curry, of Turnborry. Bvsas-1)otraanso:r,—At Goderich on the 16th inst,,by the Rev. Dr, tire, Mr. War. Byors'to M1BS lane C. Donaldson of.Gode- rich. , • - G O1ttrort- •l')AVInsolf--tn. Goderich T p, on the 18th Inst,, by the Rev. Dr.lire, Mr. • Wm, ,Gordon; to Mies Mary vavlrlaon. DIED. Ma. B+ ri1GCait, 1 noticed an article.ln• t$'nnTweoltasal,•411 Mullett, on the 16th Inst',, your last issue under the heading . after c brief Bloom, 'jamas ,Southcombee,. further and faring worse. Now this re- aged 47 years, and 8 months, ry sollillg at a Truicnot: Saone Everybody astonished atBar '. the gains theyget.. Y Y ...g g EVERYTHING 'HAS'.TO 13EO , t . E SOLD, SO Tag. PEOPLE CAN RELY ON GETTING . BARGAINS THAT •+ 11 TREY' NE'PEI�. HAD A GFl,e> N(,bl, OF . GETTING . IN CLINTON: BEFORE �'oPI :SA.LL CHAP. 1 set of Double Harriess,.nearly 'new '; 1 set of Single' Bars}ess, i. new Phaeton Buggy; • 1 Democrat Waggon, 1 • Cutter, 'Robes, ,etc. 72 Show Cases, 3 new Six - bracket Chandeliers, 3 Coal Stoves, 4 Wood Stoves, and a great quantity of other Shop Fiatttires. All Will be sold, as we are winding up the business. , TMiN133RS Will be received frons now until the 15th. of March, for the whole stock and shop fixtures, at so much on the dollar: The 'stock .,is well -assorted and good i it. amounts to about $15,000, and is in oneof the best stands itt the Town of. Olin - ton. A business of $40,000 a year can be done. Any person buying it can have • a five year's lease of tui shop. - R CALLA DER, & CO,, dew Dominion House. PCR, s.A:zE oxt 7 A new Shop, suitable for a'general store, allfitted u.. and ready to move into in the Village of Brucefield. Apply to 3"OTIN OALLANDE ( ,. ... R, C7 zNTON, or to :GEORGE BAIRD,' Ire.,; Bii.UCEFIELD, CL1NTQNf Feb. 21, '1878. • SPECIAL NOTICE. 'Raving rented our Wareroonis, and possession to be:given on the 1st of March' we olTer the balance of aur'stook of- , -CT RINT ZT`'CI IR) �. At a still greater reduction in rice th.an� ever gp o AS THE 'WHOLE 111UST BE SOLD • ltEGA DLE OF T • It SS COST. Coo finitilit ,r „ loop ow 11 priQos,, ,. .BLrt' .l. THE' SPAND ,,..-EfItOE BLoOZ :..q • MmIvTZES az, WHZ'rii.7`_ 7. 'Clutton, Pet. 21, 1878., ' r�