HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-02-21, Page 2THE CLINTON l`sTENV ERA,
ty and 1.
o draw jl
er coachmafl'.
agliing baby,
e should see
invy me,
white erigers,,
'de palaoe---
ers Comeg Verne eneath the starlight--
' • Neer care ses she; . •
Aline comae in the purple twilight,
.Kisses me, -
A, d prays that fie *he turns life's sands
Nee,' hold his loved 01205 in his hands.
zero. Lt
c, y has her ,,j0,vels,
, leo Wive 1.;
see we hers upon her hosemi
side I , s
BIN! will 1 ave hers at death's portel,
y-and•by ; - • '
1 sheit be. , my treasure with me,
. bee I die, 4
Va. f hare lmeArand she his go/41-
, She counts In4wea1t1---mine can't be told
She ,bas lose i:vt toone e le ber-station,
But I've one terh. sett beside nie--
, Glad am I. •
I'd net change it for a itineiere,
,Ne,not 1.;
God will weigh it in His halancti,
By,ansl•by, .
, And then. the difference He'll define •
'Mixt Mrs.,Lofty's wealth and mine .
• Canadian Muscle, '
mein the Mail.)
We once heard a geittieinan announce
the portentous. proposition that thie eon,
'wies Unfit for the human race, and
that the teindeney Of the ciyilized Cau-
easitin where ere Was pc') infusion -of
• iresh bth
lood from Europe, Was to deter-
iorate in the direction of the Bed
• We do et& believe this. ln the, -United
Stites and 'he're We have 'as ',fine sped-
' meits.of mere as are to he found inthe
world, engotors•of whom on both . aides
eame here geueratione ago. We have
a magnificant, climate, the.beSt cliniate
„ on this Continent. for the growth:of men,
.'a &waits oalceleted to•Make the:human
body large and etrong,. and the ..huriran
mind broad,. vigorous; and active,. The•
air which sweeps over "the 'enew•censf
white" in *inter and' -beneath a, sky of
• sunny vrtnter seems 'to be
• under footeend, eutiimer overboard -e -is.
More exhilaratiOg than Wine, causes the
blood to xe-nr.likelighining,' and like.the
• breath of the mountainsimparts a sense
of physical harmonyand power; nor for
those who eschew alcohol and take „ex-.
ereirie: in 'the hiight .early °Mornings, are.
•the menthe Of July and August Oppy03-
. . sive. • The beautiful ether of early
Rprios andaetumn, it is a joy toinhale,:
• while the eye wateherelhe littid4icape.
• hew cherni trona a Mediune through •
sWitich Terrnere'in: hie Moments of high-
est inspiratiOn, seems te.hiti,si Been ne."
-Tare. • The moral ',dire -eviler° is'.• as
elastic as the physical. A politioal
constitution. pet feetly free, perhape, the
best in the World,: there is no position
which is, not: to be •won by energy,.
ability' and application: -• • . •'
There have, nevertheless, been in-
starices•of deterioration. We have seen
strong Scotchnien, strong Englishmen,
etrong Irishmen climb to..jtoWer - and
• place, nuke themselves a name, win
wealth, and do great service .in this
• young nation. They pass away, not!
like—to lute LOA Dufferit's beau-
tiful simile in his speech on. Thursdig ; •
'Pleeting shadoses thee haunt our
tory but scarcely•contrihute a line to
peges;"—bue like builders • Teavihg
• behind there monuments of sti.gegth.
and hope.: ..Their sops inherit' their
wealth. In some ceees which will occur
to everyone those sons showthe stime
muscle as their fathers, and tread
worthily in the steps of worthy. sires.
• In other cases, :teal these are niorenu-
merous than we like to contemplate„ the
sone lie on their oars, while the pretioos
•opportunities of succees pass into the
ocean of eternity,,beyond recafl, .• They
do nothing. "Where is the Ere of their
fathers 1 They are too intent on light.:
• ing their cigars to 'ponder this question
with its manifold stiggeetions. . Where
is the energy, the attention tc; business;
the regularity.cif toil whieh achieved, rio
much and bequeathed to them social
position and soeial egnsideration 7 The
e.thoughVdoes not trouble theni. They
? are talking rbund the sieve. •
• The truth is that Young Canada has
too often determined to live on the name
of the dead, and it is to he feared has
frequently been 'encouraged te do, 80'.
The first idea of a young man whoSe
father hes acquired'wealth and position
.is t� keep his horses and driveit smart.
rig. He goes otirto every party to*
. which he s invited, and be has a super-
abundanee of invitatioes. When he is
not driving his pair of horses he walks
the prineipel street sof Ms city OP tOW11;
• faithlessly dressed, cane in hand, con,
scious thee he is a Henever
refleets that thiis not th ewayllthe man
whose tiame he hears 1ncreaser:1We bank
neeoent ateti drew to himself infhtence.
He' never reflects that duty to his coun-
• try and t� himself foebids a good citizen
to dawdle through life, By and bye
• he Sees new men, who get not like hitn
but like his 'father, climb ami rule, aila
he ie inclined to resent the succeeded
energy AS therrighlt was obtriisively un-
just. Pithaps ",upetert" iiseeto bid
lips .na he forgets the rock whetted lee
Wag hewn. DIA fe entirely efireasone
able, If the eittudion displeases him
be has nobody in this world hitt himself
to blame. Only cowards and conscious'
incapahles would geuelge mamma to any
man coming here from whatsoever etrai-
ter of ..the Beitish empire, Or for that
matter from the rernoteetecorner of the
*globe, provided'he becannes It loyal Ca.
nadien. Mereover,„though ea.reees are
as they shoold be, ae, free as air hove to
all who fulfil the oonditione of good
citiienship, the tnan born on our soil
ruest-alwayshave-eu advantege—other-
things being equal ---over the immigrant.
It is, therefore, pectiliarly discreditable
When young men, the deacendants of
able immigrants, who did peat thiege
in their day, end ..generation, remain
stotioriary, like logs,. just whole -they
were plaeed-swhen they at us if .?bey
`thcught they had done • enonglrfoe the
world by being born. It is _disgraceful
.s,vhen they recede as they sometimes do,
and hemiliating not only to thernselees
but t� the iciuntry when the,r talk and
act as if, having eleprived•thentselves of
all the advantages With whieh they
stii`rted, Ctioada was bound to provide
fou then.), Then the teoral muscle has
keotne poor indeed, A • common•esign
of decay of power end self-respeot is -the
desire to enter •eoute quiet -; berth,
which gives nosoope ftor -energy and
o,Pens up no field fee anibition. The
world is all before then], and they pine
for a life scareely above the dignity of a
•pluster keit. - Let no think less of teams,
and canes' and parties and more (if work
and will -become riche
yohnd. ;To. achieve distieguished sec -
„mese „will beere 'easy, but there will
be,enore honor in achieVingit, nor ehall
we be called On to eeriest to instances 'a
• decline in Caneilianfinurele,
tians au Moherameelens, all wish a
time •for their mode o(worebip. The
law allows them an hoer each. They
commence •,at six in the roorniog,
that ho, those who have the first pri-
vilege, enter, bringing with them what-
ever is necessary to condeet their par -
denier religions rites. They go through
their prayers and einints,"aud all is very
quiet till about a evertor to seven,
when those. who have the privilege of
the next bout begin tieerrive. At first
afiela deOliell ,- hub--pieeenety-, the -new-
cothersebegin to hiss and mock. As
the numbers inereatie, end they be-
come stronger, they shove and crowd,
and as the time leseens,' they e.,,et more
and more bold. 4. few minotes before
seven 'they Promed •to more foreible de-
monstration. , Tiles, 010.0 they can.
Niloat twee blesehemgrs a few min-
utes before the time; they have done se
much good. wot•k for -God, while , the
worshippers, on thee other. hand; tbkik-
if they can keep peertesetpte a few min-
utes after the thee, thy. have done an
eilually good; work, As some, of these
sects use torches, wax candles, ;staves,
or crooks, in their ..worship,, they Pro-.
oeed to use them as Weapons .of offense
or defenee, and a regiilnr..Ineteq eat
Then •00Me in the soldiers, who separ.
atethe:chibataxits by filing in between”
them, tprniqg eta they whose boor is
up, and leaving `the piece in the. posses-
sien of the lest ebreers. If blood ie
Shed the chnrohis closed for, the day.
-Snob scenes fire.oactirring all day long,
r all
AmeriCan Sehripathy for England. •
In his eel. on on:Friday evettiegi
the Broeklyn aberutiole, the Rev.7De,
TalMege,'•in e eking of the three great
eyente: Of the eeek—Stanleys retails,
the Pope's death &Rd' Pissiit!S, triu wph
;- •The third everiti of:Ale week-
a nt-th-e-preee n
1,y neceesary. : •
, . •
A Dael at Twe and aellalf,Pacee.;
, .
At Doelie, Morro county, on Teesclay
iCternbee, Jock Bra:Shur and a, man
netnea• Blair,' who have for sometithe
bef•ti in pa r tnership • ire' th el r hueiness of
Mining end. 4frospeoting, 'met in the I
hai.roote of P011ook's bo•irding house
.and cominenced an angi•y (Bevil te .con7.1
cernin,g the terms of eertatn. lOcertion
theyi reeenily• inside.' ;They were !
.beth tender the intleence ofliquor, &lis-
le voloanie,. Ttlrkey crashed, Rassia.'1u moreso than Blair. After quarrel.
triumphant, England aghast, the World, ding for sothatime, Bearden exelditned
eonfounded ! Whet: next'l • you ask. that he we's Chief," which claim Blair.
That's what ell the. world. aske. There' disputed, saying thee be was willing te
•120.n06 be.Ptl suchat iiitenea mettiOnt fight him et any clistance.e-fiona a
sn European politics &Deng our lifetime handkerehief length to • foiTy paces.
ae this ,monient IfEn&and halt he •This challenge Britslane-eYaMee piatol
ancl holt were lying on the floor a short
elistanee•-frona .himaccepted;--aekifig
for. a abort • time to `. heel himself,"
which he proceeded to do by lnickling
on his, belt. The two men went -Out in
the. street,. appearing more .pleseeratitly
disposed towards One Another than.they
bad been at any other time.d tiring the
• day. Placing 'therneelVes. less ..than
.eight feet apart, at a eignal. froth ORO
-"By a thoreugh leowletige of the natural
laws whieh. eovern the cperetions of aigeetion
and nutrition, and by a Kieran]. application
Of the One properties well-seleeted oecon,
Mr, Epps ba provided our breakfast tables
with a 4014004' flaN'Ored IMVerage Whibll may
gave us many heavy &eters' bills, It is by
the judicious uhe of ench articles of diet that
a emistitution may be gredual4 built up un.
til strong enough to resist every tendency to
disease. Hen reds of subtle maladies are
floating aronnd us •ready to attack wherever
there is a weak pnint, We ntaY escape many
a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well. forti-
Red; With 'etre-blood awl -a -properly -eau rish.
ed fi•arne, Sereisc Gemette.-4'old. only
In Paekets labelled -0 JAMES EPPS 4 Co,, Ho.'
rneeopathic Chemiets, 48, Threadnecttle street,
and, 170, Piccadilly, London." ,
Woof,Y ITOlISES.,--Wqoly horses are not 80
krire 58 mahy suppose, not such great curiosities
either, there are many to be. found. -..earious
parts of the country, but we doubt if they will
ever iirove as valuable to their pwnereas the one
exhibited by Barnum ; we imagine their ownere
would consider them .1nore valuable without the
wool, for this rOugh mia wooly state of the hair
indicated that the horse isnot in a befilthy con-
scloitinioenTisie)rao8be ebb? ludo -bound, Or suffering from
which oecesione this unnatural ap-
pearance; in such cases use Darley's Condition
Powders and Arabian Heave' lUmedy• it will
move le fyaithQobsbtrhumectli3O ici:rgoomt the 1a1popveaaraanidieeliverre:
alul give to the coat a sleek and shining appear-
ance. lieinember the name, and see that the
signature of Hord St Co. is On each .package.
Northrop di Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., proprie-
• ore for Canada. Sold by all medicine dealers
A common coneVior •cohl Shou d never be
trilled with, often when riegleeted it is. convert-.
ed into a serious and generally fatal pulmonary
disease. The more prudent,. aware of this,
promptly use 13ryan's Pulnionic Wafers" a cu-
rative •whielt• has sustained its' reputation for
over twenty, years, they. are Always efficacious
and exert a most beneflcial influence on all the
Bronchial and milinoliasy teresene. acild byJj
daggiets and. emmtry dealers'''. Nee 25 cts.
. • •Igqe ••
mitalible ?Toted,' ,fcu all ?ect.us,' et the
elle (rteelas Or (/8renic); grant -dation of
lWs,Itleeration •of the • hiehrurnal tilancts,'
. litott.aild'utiOhess Of the vi8hm.frbor aup
cues,: • 4 •
'rue LE1SIO,tli EVB-Sm,ve is presented to the
publie with the' assurance of its effieiency as a
curative- of most 'diseases Of the eye, acute, or
chronic infiarnmation, whether indueed by scro-
fulous origin or otherwise, weakness or defect
of vision, diminished tone of the optie ne,.,,,e
•tor a diseased • state of the tisanes ponstitut ng,.
that organ. • Also, for All persons whose V7)05 -
tion requili,jes 4/3; incessant aptiini Of the eyes,
the Salve 11 aet tie a charm in restoring. a uni-
form healthy action, where weakness, -pain, and
miserS:, may have long threatened a elute ter',
'inflation. It Ishhe most simple, safe, and ef-'
• fectnal remedy ever discovered: -The materials
of w:hich it is made are pure, perfedt, and costly,
.becomes :a eecend „tate Power; if else
march, then all-Eisele:Teets in Ramage-
don. , .3,1ay: the God of natione appear
in Able. crisis I e I am glad that. the
Turkish Empire has perished. She, was
an old „butcher, and the most cheerful
pege ether history,te me is herobito-
ary-'r-7 When Shall the miserable old .car -
cap be, buried l• Where are the 'spades
Iiiiigsenotgle.to dig a hale deeP enough 1
Put 1 haye,no aiireei
dneu ' • e's:*. OW 'bet b.`•fi red • effeetiv'ely,..131dir :being
. for' bet . .
_claerol'i'llOsis.--. We have heard filen Lefeiniteire:-theesliceielelMe-and-Bressian'in'
that natioiTi, a • gieet., deal . of snuffing the side, "After the first shot they.beth
else*" religion ' during the past yearfired rapidly, until•their revolvers, each
Whatiloes she care about true religion? a 0x -shooter, had been entirely ereptied.
She has been One of the world's most
dreadful .oppressors. Where is Poland?
Where are the myriads Who have. been
strangled 'ander the pressure • of her
hard. heel P I will not hide the fact
that my; deepest Sympathy., is for Eng-
land.She has not always ncted kindly
to this nation,' but what is:the use of
'keeping old grudges; geod•while the fact
atter; with more certainty, and producing nei-
Is certain that England. anii the 'United house where he secured anotherpistol 'tiser ,. e o griping, Some children say it
-States stand side by side- to day in the -from 'an. acquaintance with whichl ha ',i...1,_11lio'al:eaywhii;:tehnearsrr mei it sent) thee all say they
mat 'cause. . of civilization and: dhris- returned to the bite-rocim and shot Bras: "" it.'''' p ent soya-- Mi children drink -
bottle or they would have finished it•ri-h0 iiff;"
After.th'e 'smoke of the avelve rapidly;
fired shots cleared away, both men• epee: COPALANIA SWEET CASTOR OIL equally euit.
•peared. riddled with shot,' bleed from ablo for children and adults. Endorsed by
their wounds crimsoning the snow at aoNer.090 clo.ctore in Canada, 'The difficulty of
seep they took. Neither seemed . mAyiterino IIIMSeptia medicines, and the de-•
, strability of having them pleasant to the taste,
to. have been satisfied. with the result„
each starting for a fresli.pistol. Bres-
lau returned to the hae•roorn, and
Blair started around the • caner of the'
trittni tabl),
APPLETON.- OFFICE - at DAY time and
.LJ at NIORT time- The Booms over the Store of
Cunningham° di Aieenheacl-the Square,Clintom
Clinton, Dee. 20, 1577. •
•D °panty 50 155,011, Residence Atka OIlleallornor of
78. BEEPB, Stirgeent oce., coroner for
ASSISI and Mill Streets, ()Buten.
August oteoecc. ets
ante; Killeen, 111. es 0, 71. GRADUATE OF
ItleciillUniyercity, Montreal; Physician, Surgeon and
eseetioneer. Residenee-.--newceriern,
a no, 28_
0 00104: -Opposite 8hario'e
College, Toronto, Physleisn Surgeon, Sm.,
j..ftn. 20, 1875. • vt
"n-Ir0.01,10;Ditiversityietit-A.DITA-TH dr 'TO/10NT°
,) Physician, Surgeon, &ei. denee
itt :Hr. idminiug'e,three doors east or the empreeierauce
Irani Londesborof Ont. '
Londesbto, June 1.4,1877.*
jjIt. STANBDAY., atADEATE OF erentoer,
Department of Vioteria Univershy, 'roronto, for-
inerly"511 -the Hospital, and Dispensaries, Now; Terk,
Coroneror the County of Iluron,11Aysrlfr,n,, Out, •
July 2(1,1814, • • 31
ezeria, Acconehours,: ste,. Office, Albert Street,
epposite Fair's Billie; •
D. X. Dowsmse, 111, D. A. AL Gneme, kr. D.
Clinton, May 10, 1877. •
accwoirenneceroxe, PInTICIAN, suitODobt,
oucheur, Licentiate of the College of Physicians
anti surgeons of 18wor Canada, and Provineial Licenti.
ate and Coroner ter the County of Enron. Office hnd
residonce,.--The building formerly oecuplcd by Mr.
Thwaites, Iluron street.
ClIntbn, Jan. 10, 1871. '
isteihnitou9 Otr,15.
4.54., on good mortgage security, at inoderite rates 'of
intereut, 11. Rams. •
ciintomAuguat Oth, 1809.. 7-51.
. •
vnron, Valuator, and Land Agept. 0,31ce
phino street, 1,Yingleon. •
• Wingharn, Aug. 2,1877.
. . . .
subscriber, near the London, Huron &Bruce .tutilway
Station.. •YA311.18 SCOTT% ' • " •
•• Issuer of Marriage Lieeneett: .
Clltiten; APrIl gxtei, 1870,
FEBItUAltY 21 1878.
wins, a3tSLZY's
MILLINERY Zstablishni.extt•
A largo assortment of FEAT ITERS, FLOIVERS,
SILKS and ItIRDON8, 111 the 4orfelit 514000.
lePt a largo stool: of Vgia end STRAW RATS, of
the latest styies. oDItsET 6, 4o.
. /toot ter ntierincies Pursers or gerineate of all
descriptione ; a large cteels kept °Abend..
FelCand Straw Hate eleaeetl 044 a1teres1
f'/V GL A SS 0 W. •
conftall, 'Ewe llifflionsi
Assett.i, - $1.500,000.,
litemote, 1,000,000,
PROVINCE or ceerenie BRANCH. •
Head . Office - '7 Toronto Street, TORONTO ---
lolls 54. Dame, Begh
., ceirMan, Presidea Canada
Landed Oreditflompany. •
Venn S. PLAveArn, Esq.'•of Bryce, bleldurriolvit Co.
• W.u.r.tor ArmuNnalt„ Fan, Viee-Preaident Federal
Rank of Canada,
Deposited with the Oovernment at Ottawa, for Seen-
rity of Canadian Policy Holders, 8,100,000..
This Company lames Policies Of Insurance against
loss or damage by fire orlightning, on mercantile, man-
ufacturing, farm and household -risk, at current rates.
Policies are Issued from and losses settled dirtiotly by
the Toronto office, without delay.
. All Prerniurne taken in this eounny are invested in .
Catradian seourities. .
, .
T 0. XelicTosil, issrma or:
•• Marriaaa.Lieenses under the 21045 At, Coramission-
el; for taking Ailidavitein the gileiin'R.Beneb,•for Coen.
ties of IluroZ and Bruce. Coiweyanoing done, BOO as
Leapes, Bonds, Co2gracte, •J'ilis,. Deeds, •and :trortgages.
Fpes .1tesideame-.oppteite Polioelfie Hotel.
tronpr anvi.netcn In; tre',/, tsrare. • "
Sept: .1870.
1:)Ci.NO '1\II.11141161. -FREDE WYL-
.1. LIAMS' plitno tuner for A. .5 8: Nordheimer, Tes
ronto, will be in Clinton porton ically, for timing pianos
Parties who wrsh their pianos tuned, ean leave orders
at la, Yuill's book et ora •
compounded with elaborate care and exactneSs, 31A 1,COMSIIN afr WATSON,
• • DAnalsTinis, .• •
3E.0)10E A. NVA7atni,• S. :NIALcoateene, •
Clinton. . • _ _ #1,31o,FAMBN,..
. •
h.rr.Ittalcomson will be in Clinton every Friday." • '
safe in its application, being used externallY, I
ani, of course, avoiding the pain end danger
whieh necessarily attends the introduction of
caustic minerals and eye,washes. Bliec-wOlut
and OLD CititON/46--SORESrOf---4efefuleita-ert"In,:'
or resulting; froM' whatever cause_..,,, yeihl to`the
AmEarcAil.,Eval-SACvn. IT IS USED SVC-
VESSFULLY FOR PILES... Its sootliing.af..
feet is immediate, and avermanenCeure requires
but a few applications. The proPrietors of
qInt; .1; PETTIT'S Am= cAN ETE-SALVE," while
making new atid improved machinery formak-
ing a more perfeet box for the Hee-Sahrs.,,.ho.ve
changed the WADS MASK. oii the weer so Se to
correspond with the Cut on the Wrapper; Ch:-.
eulare, AdVertisements, ett, We. call attention
to tine, ae-it might otherwise' be, re;garded. d.s
. • • Proprietors,.Freedonia, N. Y.
. ; • 'Toronto, Agents for Canada.
Joy ninikoaw the chaltiren
induced-. T, Copland to undertake rosparcbes-,
which resitlted in the discovery of a Sweet Cas-'
.tor,Oil, perfectly palatable; of the same strength
and medical qualities as the ordinary Castor.
; and'while equally safe'and harmless, yet
listuitY ? (Appleuse.) ' 'When . England ,lan in tho abdomen, inflicting a Welind
is humiliated •the °beech- of God and
the cress' of Christ 'are humiliated,
,Look et her eburchesk Bible and mjs:
sinners, societies; her univetsities ; look
At her throne, the .purest in Europe if
,not in all the world. (Applciose.) '"The
gisl ViOtoria, kneeling with her,ecele-
siastical advisee on ,the night before hei.
coronetion, tirade .voles to God tmd pro;
mises.to•Englatel, riot one qt which his
she ever broken.' (Applause..) Hot. sore
rows have heen the World's seeress's., her
.beveavements the World's bereavements.
Where.ver there's a limit "ibet knows
how to admire pure, "conSecreted Chi is;
tian womanhood, there is an admirer of
Queen Victoria, We unite.with all the
chapels and' cathedi•als 'of England, and
rill the ' good people of the earth; in
praying, singing and shouting God save
the Quoin! (Applause.) The feet' is
that the most we can do in this crisis
of the world's history is to iniplore God
.to rise for the safety of HIS Chureb, for
the deliverance of.the captives', toe the
• downfall of clespotiern, for the tittYgOtn
• of' all natienstLet sin perieh and
Christ.reign. Though the filonglishare
of battle out tbrOugh from SI. George'S
Channel to the China Serve Christ shall
have all also dominion and all the power
atul all the glory, world without end.
Amen and amen ! .
etiri¢iis Custom.
An English getitlenean whiehas late.
ly travelled in Palestine, recently gave
a description of the curious scenes en-
acted in. the Church of the Holy Sopa.
ehre. He Said when you first entered
tire ellute,li you Woitld be surprised to
see a party of soldiers with their swords
by their sides, and theie grins :stacked
within-lee:tele It seemed a sacrilege tir
such n holy place, and etruek one
rather unpleasantly ; but he Rem -found
out the necessity for it. Accerding to
the hew or the colintry, every-seet is at
10Wed tO worship there, and it ia On-
Sidoted, Tully teased both Myhre
of 'svhich.Braslan died in about fifteen
minutes. • After tiring the last :7shot.
Blair fell to the floorfrom the great loss
of bleed. He was teoyed to the eabin
of .11 friend, where, npek 'arenination,
be wits fermi to lib -81106 111 fOUP diff0r-
e11t places,e-..-eVerache Tranieript.
• 'the Cedar Mines Of Vey./ Jersey
Anteittg. the iii----exlaCts of Clive May
court ty tire tbe codat' psi s" --s Wit et pre
in which ere buried large trees of White .
cedar, ettprea15at8 ,thlibities of the boten•
ist. These mines contain trees:buried
to a depth of varyine from three to ten
feet, the one across the other end there
is ebrindrtnt evidenee thee. they are the
grouth of different suceessive forest,
•Iti iliese 'very •sWeuips foreste .of the
same trees are now growing. Tlie min-
ers threst an iron rod in tn the fieft
over which often the water lies.
'strikhlg ti berried tree the worktien,
will, by several soundings, tell. how it
lies, which is its root end, and hew
thick It is. He then manages to get a
Chip of the tree,' and by its smell deter-
mines at once whether it is worth the
trouble of °Ailing; that is, whether the
teed is a windfall or a breakdown., If;
a breakdown, -it ie so because it waa cle-
cayed when standing; if a windfall,
the tree fell while sound, and has been
preserved by tpo antiseptie nature of
the peat marsh iti Whieh it is byfried.
The soft earth is thou removed. This
makes a pit in the -Swamp: -TiaTo thie"
water soon gotvo, and fills it up. The
saw it now.ittrodueed, and at regular
intervals a -cut 15 nufde througk the
tree; when the log floats to the aureate.
The log of a sound tree will ttirts over
when 15 floats up, the hewer Side thus
becoming uppermost. Trees are tome.
times obtained which will yield 10,000
shingles., worth 00 per ehonsand, A
layer of sueh trees is timed covered by
another layer, and these agsin by
other, rola even a third,' while living
trees may still be growing over All..
It like Water ;" another-" We lad todride the
(mother -" ary little girl hdstaksjt1ttwic
• without any trouble, and does not • knew what
it is, thougffishe hates -the ordinary Castor Oil,
and we never could get her to take it without
tg,ht yet another--" 1 wish vou succest ot
your SWEFAYX,te.reit thine.
...-stire.to take the place of all the ei412112011-oil.11
The extraordinary demand for this improve-
ment o t 'staple household medicine hashrotight
'fraudulent imitatioes into the market, but .the
public •enn guard themselves. againsubstitutes
(which unprincipled parties are attempting to
sell on the reputation of thiS.artiele) by seeing
that the mune eopi,A•Ntr's, SWEET CAgroit-.011,-,
ig on both wrapper and direction label.
The urelereigned, having' purchased Mesart
(lopland.& (.108 interest In t1_n• above peepa.
ration,ape now untottfacturinriFrIkein the
Ask for Comaillfs • Swr.nr CASTOR Ob.:
*eve the name. Do' not be deceived. Sold 'by
all tnetlicine denlerg. Price, 2.5 cents..
Mitchell's Ileiladonnaimpreved India Rubber Pardus
Plaster, ,„,
'Mere never has been a time when the healing
3,050 many dilioreiI diseades hes been egged
by outward application as thepresetit, It is an
tuselisputest fact that over half of the entire on.
piLlation id the globe resorb to the use of ordi-,
nary plasters. . • . . •
The principal ingredienta used in making
these Pleaters are Ginn Olibanuin-- or better
known as the Frankincense of the 'Bible4-Itub-
her, and Burgundy 'Pitch ;,siench, when scienti-
fically compounded, is full' of electricity, and
when combined with the pure medicinal gums,
is found to be one of the greatest healing tnedi.
umseverbrought before the bunion race,
They are acknowleged by all who hale used
than to act quicker than any °thee Plasters
they, ever before tried, and that one of these
Plasters; Will do More'rettl service than a hun-
dred of the ordinary kite]. An:other Plasters
are sloW of action, arid require to be worn con-
tinually to effect, a cure ; but with these it is en-
tirely different; the instant one,is applied the
patient will feel its effect.
They possess all the !mailing, warming-, sup.
TI ...
°01)0t013ntir av4 vsi olt.
rums other pains in the ItIDN'Ineg, HIVGAST
or SIM, and believe, it is solely done by the,
electrical qualities which the Porous Plasters
(imitate, and which is itnparted to the system,
thus restoringtheni to a healthy condition.
• They are very soft and pliable, still very ad-
Ihsive ; and, a sure cure for WEAK BACICS
are invaluable to thnse who have a COLD of
long standing, and often prevents COMMIS/Ps
TION', Some even tell 116 they believe they
were entirely; cured by 0345 5180 qf them of a long -
Seated consumption.
Prepared. by Cilt011(41L4 P., MITCHELL;
Lowell, Masa,
, Sold by all Tbmggiste.
To th6
-1. Ladies Hair Dress2-
.011 114 We 1110at fashlonalde
manner. ' 0031P;irfoS, eue-uent, ee.,nel4euP. (IPELB,
7811.41111, Swficar.s..Fersee, Pores, dm., made on short
antiee) at reasonable rates. HAIR BOUGHT and SOLD,
J. BEI WEE, 078 Barber Shop.
Huron Street-, hett door to commerelal ItOttd
C1ii0oi, 00;18, 1877.
A C'H.0 R L I E
BOLIVIA... ..... Ireb. • 10 $1.41 •
VICTOitia Feb. 10.. .... 8 &an
DEVONIA......., Feb. 28.......10 a.m
VALIFoRNIAMar. 8:80 Am
• tTIITOPIA , Mar. 16.: 8 p.m
BOLIVIA. ,....., 3Iar. 23 9 a.m'
• VICTORIA • Mar. 30 8 p.m',
DEVONIA „.. •Apr. 6, .... 7:10 st,n2
. • ANCITORIA .... Apr: 15 . 2l'.
• CALIFORNIA- ... Apr. 20 . 8 a,m
BTRIOPLV ....... Apr. 27283.111
• • . .
To"Glasgow, Liverpool, Londonderry, or BOliost, Cabin
866 to 880, gold, to London direct, 855 to 570, according
to accommodations. Intermediate and Steerage aa low
as by any,other first-0am lino.. For tickets and infor-
mation, apply to 4 ' •
• 11r. R.411;1'O-V, 0%.
criuton, am. 17 ,1871,
The °ionic Steam Xavigation •C‘ompaiWs.Stetonshil
. marrying United States Mailer
•'-' II.A1,1 X0 - ... , .. Xen. • 0 p m
AORTATIO 'I..., 8 a •ra
neer:nem Feb. 15.-. . .p m •
CTIq(2,14tNi 0 2,... 11 7
, BALTIC , Mar, '1 a ,
Aratterre • gar, 16..„ . :• p 10
BRITANNIC ".. •.. ;7155. 25.:„. 9 a 10.
Mar. 28 ... 1.
. „,-
Will sail front New Yorl: (PRI, 32 15.11 0 on gAnlin t.vs,
Si,d f,.in LIVAltnota. cal TurnsoAvs, culling at 0.,rh,
Ireland, both NOS. The stnarinatips of Inis•LInc 4.10
1311 nw, built of item, in water -tight compartaionts Prat
offer to passengers ttnrivalled aepommodations. 'The
rind state-nooms being 'pc ated in the mid.ship
• . section,but little monot is felt, .
Rates 'if passage, Saloon, 560 to 5100,501111
Tickets, good tor one year, S615 to elle; gold, Record-
ing to aecoromodations, Steeruge passage, to or from
Europe, at low rates. For. plait et, !Manners, road other
information, /play to ,
VI., W. 'MILTON, (7.W. It,, Agent.
CLINTON', a1tti.1.503, 1877. •
ROYAL suit .sTEAmainss.
. ,
Liteuxoet, Londontidrry. rind giCt.sgozO.
. sa,mortix. rnn. 10.
PriltuvrAN, Pr.D. 21,
CIRCASSIAN, sure. 8.
Shoriest sea passage, economy. comfc,rt. 070 mile,
of ocean navigation mined, . . .
Intermediate and Steerage &tee att low as by auy ethet
Hue. Steerage passengers forwaraa to Derry, Belfast,
Queenstown, Glasgow, and I,ondon, id Same rates ail t•
Liverpool. The last train carrying the Canadian Mails
and conneating with the ocean steamships at Halifax,
leaves Toronto every Friday, 881i7.02 A. tn. Pasaengei
vie WA route travel through Canadian territory, tiler°
fore evade all custom noose iron:oh:lotion of baggage.
l'or Through Tiaketti mia everyInformation,apply te
A. si'l7A/T017, Or, gr. n. Agent, Clinton.
Clinton,Dee 18,1877.
7 the
Worlt ateadlly at the employment tliall!'elt)e ifanriillailltn. ttgli
per 'Week fa your own towh, ' Yon need net be away
from ladnle eVOr night. Yell can give Your whole time
to the Week, or• eniy your spare moments. We hate
8510158 55110 ate making two* 5283 per day. Ali oho en.
5890 at ones tan make money fast, At "thc present,
Mine Tenney tairnet be inade so easily and rapidly at any
other bnaintes. It coax nothing to fry the business.
Torino and 56 Outfit item Addrees at onee,11.11A1,trrT
,ItCo,;rottlonklittatno. . $0 '
(Minton, July 12, 1877. •
a 8)
rapping Paper
We havt) liana. a large as,
sortmeut of' PAPER BAc.:413.
manufactured at the MerritOn
Paper•Mills, whioltye offer to
business. IfiQl prices afi•low
as can be 'obtaincit at the kilt •
They an belga either with
printed advertisement there())
- or without:
New 'Era Whiting OI1iee