HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-02-14, Page 7•F•11311tUATeY 14, 1876,
' Tine wintett very clos'ely reeeteables the
one we had lust set:inner, -
Those wh..ec wee overehoes are some-
titnee overshoer of their footieg.
How to melte a bot4bpd—Go to bed
with a lighted eigar ie yoor mouth,
•Whet most newspapere eutler from
about thitetime of year-41utoor-tistu.
,Sweet girlt...‘10-4.1rtssetti.--Slierp-girls-
-Chtt.1asses, (The editor tresta these
see not fal-lasses.)
What is 'that which take s two to
nakke, is eagerly sought ufter, end. is
Jot nothing after all e A Hos: •
A. clevertfellow has taught ducks tu
swi.m in het 'water with sach sticeese
that they lay boiled ege,s.—te s
There are two reasone why We don't
trust. a man --one because we doe%
know him, and the other because wt
• The Bret acrobatic woman. who joined
a drone' oeession was Lot's wile
ed.aronod she becatee s tu-
The last novel is 'entitled 44 Nobody's.
Ensband:". Of all. the • hirebands we
ever•heard ofi,ceeteinly this geetlernan
is the most unfoeternite.".
.4 There are 'two- ihings diet doeible up.
a Man with startling ear.iditY, the ceiser'Y
of an uneasy conecience enktheuepaid
interest of a. promissory -note.. .
"I think I have seen yeititefore,•,sir;
are..kou not Owen Sinith , "Ob, yes;
'I'm owin' Stnitlre and ovvin' Jo.nee,...atid •
p win' Brown, and mein! weery !Jody.
A. gentleman named More ,proposed
by letter ton young lady,. Wile answered,
him with alloying description ee the;
-lerst party, PiniAmsizing -the last line of
her note, "-So no More at 'pies nt."
lifettin sy thut
the difference btweei tI, ose going in
and out of office is outierly-`Ohis ; •11.1he
fernier are iiworn itt • the:letterge
• • .
. .
Imeortant Quer -Mrs. Paetington.
is anxious to knew, if the. compassitaie
a needle and thirty.- two points; how long
-a, it will take u woman, witlistich a needle'.
' to make a shirt.
A little boy, after- wa faille.' i 11'e:burn,
ing of a sehool-hroust,,• until the novelty
of the thing had ceased, started delve
the street, saying- i . " I'm glad' ' the Old
thing's biwned down; I didn't 'Uwe nty
jogfry leeson no how:"
• A minister told- a beautirtil .young
girl, who was to become a bride, that
4sbe must 1:ffilieniber .that the man end
wife -are one. " Why" she; ,‘,•if
i; you were under- loy.father and motber's
' • . window when they are qtairrellieg,'
2.i' • you'd think they:weie at. li iigt a onzen''.
Two passengers. were ' playing nayasin.
: the.train.from Batit.toLondon,..',.. "
• vet y odd," remarked one of them, "w.e'ee
• been playing a. long, time; and T haven't
seen a singleking; "It's very tiatural,"
replied the other,." seeing that yoti. have.
• ' the king of hehrts-tip y,on.,r sleeve,„and I
have the 'other three 'in my • boot,''
Ther.didn't play any more .efter that. •
Some folks say there is no such thing
• as perpetual" motion, 'which is'a mistake
en nies.. A friend. tells es he fellows • a.
woman in town whoecr tengue hne been
running ten years .rithout being wound
Temperance and Intemperance
Rine bas brought his meetings to a
eloee at Stratford, over 800 lutviog
signed the pledge. .
The Becomiclity"s voting 011 the repeasl
of the Punkin Act in Lenox and Add-
ington, remittea in a majority of 764 in
favor of repeel. •
A Providence lempeetince tiocietrin-
-v,ftee the tipplers atiir WerPe6ple to a
hot Sunday morning breakfitst, which
is f01111 W (Lily pluuty of temperance tells
and invitations to sign the pledge,.
• Sir II, Johnston, Bart., M. P,, recent-
ly 6tild " There wits no sin like -thet
of intemperance, which beought a man
down to the ilewest depths of degrade -
non. There wee eto virtue whieh conjd
lift *up a man and 'melte, him respected
amongst his own, eeighhors like the vir-
tam of tempeeauee." • • "
We are stt•origly tempted' to t..:ffer-
largierewarcl for any bisue of a daily or
Weekly new'speper which does not con-
tain the neWs of eithei a 'homicide; sue
cide or other crinuedirectly caused by
liquor, • We feel ceetain we would nee,
er be called epon to pay it. Yet, tem-
perance..is a humbug I But, .we leve
the "'humbug," and pray for its univer-
sal triumph. -.Sprit of/is
John B. ,Gough say S the moet,iiwful
'blunder, the -United States eve' oomr 't
ted • and the remark applies proportion-
ately to Canada—was in sastaining the
liquot• treflic. 'In l876 the people. tit
the Pnited-•States Spent $600,00ff,000,
. for liquor 'then paid $4100,000,0$ more
eci provide teiele and places of confipe-
nient for the criminals produeed •by the
liquor week.: Here is e . whole temper,
ance.'sermon 'Wane • Short, prg ipb•
An amusing triel hes- just. been ean.
chided' before Mr: pe Butzeb, at the
tirey Assieee; -Enemy& Scott,
lendlord'or the Wellington Beer Heirse,
St, I..ieonard's".reed,:Broelley, \vita tried
for salting ,his. beer., By airect chetni-
_aide .aiutlyeaiit-wae: proved:that .t here..
Were as many ad 140 &nine of salt to
the..gallote. The defendant during his
cross-exaniination .edinitted thift in his
neighborhood, there:were thirty public
houses,. all of which were trying 'to cut
erect; ether out. .,111ellting on one occa-
sion of the difficulty of making ir liven --
hood :tel•ere there Were. so merry 00111-
• .petiters erciand-hiin. , a Yant. ee iui-
dreeistel him : Strangete how' much
would you give . to' get. a)i, the ilusinees
of therieighborhoed ". 1 said," he re-
plied, " twenty pounds." The: Yenkee
extended liis hand, -and. Waving,. " Puf it
there," jeft. T1i nekt.caley he c,ine
egaiee and telt], r6 no sneeess no pay.'
into,.my, vault and left him
'alone: That :'riight all my. customers/
came a doz,ii •tiine%, where. before they/
only Caine once.. They Were .all the:
time eaYing, " wonder what makes me
s� dry?" As.I was eborat to•cIoeie the
Yankee care° up and said ; 1.' Stranger,
that's a Sticeeds, • belanee.
square.!! racknosyledgeit the bergain,,
and, as I paid _him the money, I said ;
Now you will giveme the receipt."
" Ctertninly," be said ; "w all do it in
the Stater''when business tends to 'be
dull." ". Well, what.is it r
ybu •Britisli. fool,"
mid the Yankee, :pocketing his mouey,
left rev house. The Court, while listen -
in which several persons were slightly
injtireci. The tire was finally subdued
with a loss of about $1,200,
A.utistt U., hus heen'visited by ,l1
terrible cyclone, eccoMpenied. by hail,
rein, and a slight slieck of earthquake:
The- denier altotutts- -te $50000, and
two -lives were lost,
Some time ago, while an engine wits
pulling a freight train that le$ees Ro-
chester before daylight, Co enetneee.
was suddenly sttuek by something
whieb knookedhun beck upon his seat
and ont his face: Nulty, it was found
that a frightened partridge had flown
through the double plate glass window
with such force as tube torn te two.
The latest defalcation ti-Varearkaide
one indeed. Mr, A. M. 'I'etner, paying
'teller of the New York Bank of' Nerth
America, is tentul to he hbOri $100,000.
Hfscauer of crime commenced as long
ago as "Mick Friday," 1869; when he
• stole.$6:5,000 with sylitell tepay.:some
losses on. the Stock Exeloinge. He
then took a cashier,. Leffingwell, into
his confidenee, and the two managed or
eoneeitl the ,orirne all this, time and in -
crease' the !menet ot the. theft, The
accounts of the bank heve been examin.
ed seventeen semi-annnal times without
the fraud:being discover...el, and ye.t it
_Was done hy the simple meens of alter-
ing the totals of a long •ro -v. :of fignees,
Turner had been for twentv.tive..years
in the service of the an E.
•Prison Etiquette.
"` Five Years' Penal Servituder"le the
�f a book recently published- in
-Lendem,•and -written by "4 one whit en.
„' The Louden.. nines says •
" I'vve very. rionarkehle pieces of•inforl•-•
InatiOu as t� lifein a i;viaon, c,tme oat
this' yelnine,eillestratiog' the iceot
eisreireies of halloo netrire, and ...show..
Uig that the public feeIipg it it may he
su • termed, in a .00rIV1C,t; prisok, May in,
„eotne•fentrietse.,tre as high ea: hi the•betil'
oe41ered eori2enieity..: One.ietbat'f. itis
JIQt..etiqUette. ameng.,pkihotIrrii_to Ask e.
nen what he is for.". •Ifa. man
to he erminitiuicietive.oe the sub.
ject.of his effitire,..thet isanother thing;
but rn,ti1. h . is,. ko. One Limits:are' to -lee.
asked," It appears to es theeithis..eue-
tom shows a delie icy .offeeling andre-
s.peet for thee.). Wit.) In ay . fe el rePentlitioe
.endi shame .fer t1,iir ereM.es. whieh few.
wonld 110,ye 'e.xpected to lied". among
criminal's, and:must eertainly indicete
thee those who la.y. dow'n.. andthose w1.1O.
renew , such a t•kle: of emit' act 'cannot be
altogether end entirelrceeettpt ni in e•
claimable. The oth..r is reSpect
the Men pahl to those': who 40 the.
Courage te.go • 'ripen their nees ni °err-
ing, and •,night. topray.see,...fi•eie speakitig:
Of 'iris:ffyet' night i•n• ate rooM, in which
at that time. spme,,,,of thelteiseners:.'at;
PaitmOor livediu aesocietien, arid.reties:1
Here were si*.ty•eight meu and tua
officers. Nowr .Who, thought I, will •
'have,.the .courage' Nee sneers
and.detision, or jokes, and kneel before:
he begins .his.theY's Work et . lays his
head upon his pilloW.I' theught.of
this juse.'hefore..tied time. ' Presently 'a
bell sounded. "'Tabled down," 'called
'the warder. ' The warder's voice'
is heard Again. " Men, who want- to
say their prayers, t.ne step to the ,rear..
Silence. arid . order • for prayers," • Five
• minute:4 was the time allowed, and by,
• that. titrie all the Men had finished their
pe,titions to their Heavenly Fathnr, anti
'Hid risen to their feet, rterninieg their
plitees in the riinks, I'weit4nost agree-
nbly sniptised nt seeing So many. .
thiek, 01.1 811 average, there.were•nearly,
ornetiftli;• of the whole. I never °tree'
heard rematec :ft•otn the mostharden.
up, and it is as good ,as new ta:day, :hig .to the *evidence, were convulsed
He once reearded her '" dear familiar (with laughter. . AS salting beer tees in
voice" as absolutely anglilic, but now— dime ugniust which'there . were no
Oh 1 . . - provisiens itt law, Santee Scott was die
A maw more than half -seas. over was °Ini- _.. ..-..........-0.-------- . •.
e • 4
.observed one day supporting the para. Amekicau 'News Items,
yet of tho North Bridge, Edinburgh, . ., • i • .,
1 . ----1- A legal contest petween twenty-ti‘e
shaking his head and repeating to pm -
Felt, sadly; " It M tPii be -do it .) wiyete and forty-four children ik. eepectl
nee n list :
. be done. An old lady passing. Iv,.
thinking he contemptited suicide, said
to him, "What must be done my roaur
"Must go home 'and friee My Wifl,". wak
- the woeful answer. . . ':
• .
Two Peddif a stood one day-iatiiriiiiig
about the moon and the 8111).. "Shure;
the sun gives a sthrenger light,". eaid
• the one. "But the mooft i more eiti.•
eible," srcid tlfe other, How .do yees
Make that out?" 1' Oh it's aisy." "Lets
hear yees provejt."..., Defied, the inook..
shoines in the noight, when we nude it, '
while the sun comes out in broad day-
light whin evin a one•eyed Lean can see
widott t it." -
A man in PeebLeshit:e* 'weer the' habit'.
of praying nightly in a: field behind a
torfalyke, 9,.nd on one occasion exclaim-
ed that if dm dyke wee(); that moment
to fall upon him he v. -mild .be jnstiy
punished for hie .sins. IL did -fall in-
stantly, 'being puslied over by a con-
oealed acquaintance, antr Jack •strog out
from among the ruins, " Hech, sirs !
it's an awfif world, this ; whody etyma
say a thing .in joke but its tit'en
A minisice Who preached poor ser-
mons to a lot of poor farmers.in north-
ern New York, had an experipece of
poor pay, with vonsiderable difflcuityfn
making collections. One tanner offered
to settle flift subscriptinit lty giviog the
pnstor a buck or tWO Wan in cash,
As Woks were overetoeltihe the market,
010 pastor took the testi. PAnotbersaid
to hirn, "I subeiceibed. $10 to your
wages: I will giita you a cow and eall
it sgeare. fillet an awful poor ettw,
j ust like yettr preathing." The Peitor
gratefully drove the cow hornet and
found her hopelessly dry, and t'eng11,
Tie is open to a eall from •some ether
field of laber.
011 Brighaiyi Voting's wilj'.-
%Virile' sawing wood at Oolebrpolc, N.
11, genie leinbermen ,finind two bushels.
of beech 114ttf in nicollowfree, all idaely
shelled„no rlonlrt the winter etere ef
feint) y •of*Sqtiirrele.
ed hi.deeision OEr disparag,emeut of this-
practicti." •
• Zgg'S in England.
The.prospect that eggs will in Faits -
land become en .exeensive luxury,.
oysters; IS rather startling to the enin-
itiated es reciall in view of the fin-
, im poi tations tont other countruet.
. President Hayes Still keeps' up.:otre Of
his home cnstorns at the w lute riellee,
tiVitry, Sat civilly night his family sold 11
few friends meet and eorna of the
old Methodist tenes..
• Great diffieulty is experiiinced hi oh.
Mining the regoired number of school-
masters and schooltnistrerises . for the
Public schools in Prussia. In tlin .6(6
ginning of June 1877, there were 4,581
such Appointtneots vticant, „ •
A. Chit:am:to in San Franeiscci stole
another nuttes door plate and fastened
it to his 0W11 doom It didn't occur to
him that the name on the -plate would
betray him, he supposing the name was
a trier° matter of ornament. • Ile wits
sent to prison for thirty .days. •
A doctor in Mintieello, lovva, lii
eocceeded in extracting it tooth, putting
it in the dry dock for repairs, plug,ging
anti filling it and re-inserting it in the
jaw. The doctor thinks that teeth and
jewel ought to rennite, , just its broken
bones do, and be seems to have prOVell
liia theory.
A looal. excitOrnont and temporary
panic were ereated Wheeling, W.
• Va recealy by the discovery that the
vl v
rOof of St: Alphonsus' Cltholic Church,
'ofte or the largest in.the State, was -on
fire. The. morning services were just
aver, and e. large party- had assembled
to witness a marriage, when the smoke,
was tieekisetrieg throogh the ceiling.
nth phicky bride' couple told the pelest
to go on, and the ceremony was cone-
pleted. Pieces of the ceiling begat) fall-
itig, Alla a general stampede ensued,/
_ ........
---- 1.11.10 LLAR
phis company's fleet coil site et Twelve, nret-olass, full -
powered Steamships,
For ve me0.44, it eon s t o w .
Front 'pier 4.4, N. IL, foot Spring Street, Now York,
Post Laudon DIreel.
Prom vim 01, $.11., -toot ilhtlotarb"r•Sireet,Ianaorka.
The amiommodations for ,labia Eassougor by tees°.
Steamers aro ilrat elms, The rates of passage aro from
;$.70 ltecgriling to the location of aleteping,pertba.,
01 calrin paseingers hove equol privileges in the Saloon.
Siontrsiou er return tickets at reduced rotes. For for.
titer information as to. Sailings, aud for rates of Cabin
arid Steerage pomp, app4 to
G80. W, RAU...TON. .Agent
• `lintel], Moreh au. 1,877.
r.1-iveure nnaerase iceowe AO et111.1NPE
NaTkls from voltam in the blood. liailgestull ie
one principle -cause. eitirwrores mons rive
PLULT1 nentrollace the poison in. the bleed, mid the
ABSORBENT externally obsorbs the. imison front the
system. Rheumatic, Cancer, theme, Syphillie. Neu-
ralgia, Indigestion, aud any othni, blood poisming sco
effectually mired in o short time by the above remedies.
Sold all druggist', pine fin denta, 40 .
Aro not advertised cure -ells," but aro specifies. in
the ,diseases for wilich they ore recinntue• ded,
Investigaters of natural science have demonstrate&
beyond controversAthat throughout, the animal king-
dom the “ainvival of the fittest" is the onlylaw. that
votrelisales• thrift and perpetuity- Does not the same
principle govern the oornmerehil prosperity of n1)ue?
An inferior cannotstmersede superior article,. By rpm-
Sote ofauperior merit, Pr. Pierces Standard Mediates
haver outrivalla all others:. Their sale in the /United
States olone exceeds ono • Million dollars per annum,
while the amoinit.oirported foots up to seVerol hundred
thousand, more. Ni, businesii could g,roui to such gigam
tie.proporthms aud red upon ank other Timis than that
. of merit. '
Is alterative,. or 'iotoott.eleasioling.
Js Pectoral. - • '
. ,
Is ii eholn golpte, or liver sti ITT la it
• • -
i3y reasoirof Ito Alterative pr4iPerties, Mires Disea808 of
the Shied and Skin, as Scrofula; -of Xing's+ vil ; Tu-•
More; Veers; of, old Sote, ; . Pimples ; and.
•ItruptIontn--Br .virtrut-ot-its-Peeteral--propertics;= it
cures Bronchial, Throat andLung Affectimut ; Incipient
Consumption ; Lingering (loughs ; and Chronic LarYn-
gitls. Its (lhelagogue properties render a ark unequal-.
ed retnedy Jar -Biliousness, Torpid Livor, er " Liver
Contplaint ' and ItsTonic- properties ma_t.lt it equally
eine:wimp: in curing indigestion, Loss of Ajmetite, ;ad'
.Dvsmards. -
When the skirt is sallow and coVered. with blotches
and pimples, or where there are scrofulotis swellings
and affections, a tow bottles' of Golden *edical Discovery
4111 effect an entire mire. ' It you feel dull, drowsy, de-.
bililateil; have sallow color of skin, or yellowish-browe
spots on fee° or body, frequent headache Or dizzincsa,
had taste in mouth, internatheet and uhills alternated
with hot fitishos, low.anielts and gloomy .10,1'0(4111ga,
Irregular appetite, affil•tongue coatedi.you are suffering
from. :Torpid Liver, or Bilionaness, In mianY. cases of
Liver cell-10111ot; only part of these symptoms appear.,
.A8 fi remedy, for all spelt eases, Dr., Pierce's, Golden
Medical Discovery' has no equal, is it effects. perfect
Mires, keying the liver strengthened nod .
Vievs 0.'4;
31,eaga •
rarele•Yetretabte. No care .reqUireu,
while luting them, •
. .
The • "Llitle. illaut.". Cabal:tic, MULTUM tLt
seareely larger than mustardeeeds,
and aro sngar-cciated. • ' They remove:00 nedessity of
taking the grest,marde, drastie, *kering pills, hereto-
fore so mitah in use. . • '
to the I cad. ghtness oboe the Chest,. Bad Taste in
As To edyfft,ior debhe, Rush Blood
Month, recta one (rein th014tOthaeh Dillow; Attacks,
litendice, pain in tho Kidneys, Dighq.coloreil Urine,
and Internal Foyer, Pleasant Purgative
Pellets aro unsurpassed. urthertuoio,„I would BAy.
that their notion its enhersal, not a gland 'escaping
their ganiraq impress.' Ago does not inapt& the pri.p-
ertics of thess Pellets. 1 by aro sugar-coated Ana in.
aroaae in gloss bottles,. their virtues being thereby lire.
served unimpaired for any length of time. so that they
aro always fre,sh and reliable. 'This la not the case
,,vith those etbi013 are put up 81 °hoop wooden 'or
pasteboard boars. The daily use (if two Pellets lilts
cured the roost 01)41?itt te 01:40s *of Serohilit, Totter, Sali-
da/attn, Exygip010, 11011P, Mu Lac Serefi.Yes,
and Eruptions, nue. are, benever, reeonneentled to
,be toilet' in potineetlyu .40M the noldeu WrelEftPl Me".
covery. ie ordlir team:re the beet resolte. •
* bits 1.),Lkt-tc.,11;";8.
inentie'' I : r••
Y -et, 80)510 Of our mete/Tont-in content;
poraries think it will soon, be realized
if matters ect on ae at. present .• An
-ailTATtiii;tiFiTiir WS% that the price
ot tiew.laid eggs in the suburbs of Lan-
don is actually 2.1.4 eeeli And yet
Femme Motto. exienteal to England last
'rear a supply ainettuting to nearly
Me yet° in video. Of come English
agrieulturiete. ceuld, if they „oboes,
grew!' their own eggs, but rioniehow
'or other they- would seeth to despise the:
ptotit ;teeming from Hindi Willem, and are
too lordly, to condescend to anything
short of grain and " stock!' Small cuil
tivators, however, •might, at any rate,
give the atteotion to the profits derived
from poultry -rising instead a confin-
ing themselvee to , the pie or two be-
yond winch their ideas' do not seem to
aseeiel, the'abeendeor delta 8odve,..,s
or supply, some of the dealere„ rather
than .disappoine their 'et:Winner% 11TP
'Setting up henneries ou their own tte-
count. BA the worst of it he too many
English people:have a notion thitt hens'
require lit& care, next to no food, And'
no more exercise theo. what n :coop af-
fords, or at a back yard' covered with
netting. In France 'thy undeektand
these' things better. and give the poultry
a run of a which ,mdeed' essea;
dal to health and cleanliness. Eggs trt
20 each engirt. to meke. importation
from Canada it profit/dile' eentitre, Pro-
vitt& that doe care be used,in transport
aod ill, packing them in the most approv-
ed niethedfe • •
. wIL- 46iiiip
The remedial managementof nhose diseases neonlier
to weant.n hos afforded °large experience at thaWorl.ret
Diman.ary. of which:M. Pierer: is 1Ite eit:ef couanitimi
ph) adapting rem:waive for their sato.- ‘Dr.
Pit ree'S,Paybrito Prescription is the retinit of this ex-
tended exporieuee, and has become Justly celebrated
for its man'y and rernarkablectiree of all those chronic
diseases and .
Weakness llecliliar -Fegales.
. .
yaVotitis Prescription is a Powerful Re-terative Toni
to the entire systetn. It is et ttervirie of tuistirpatiscd
efficacy, and, 'while it quiets nervous irritation, it
strengthena the enfeebled mervoue ayatem, thereby re.
storing it to. healthful vigor. The following diseased
are among Olean IA 'which the ravorito PrutterintIon
hag wveked tragic tures, vied Leueorrhica, ,.r"W hit( a;,
Thome:dee Flowlog, Painful Menstranfiott, tittnalmal
Sitoptessions. Weak Back, Prolapses, Or falling of the
rte.-tia,Anterversion,Retroversion, lleaHtig-doWn Sen.
Ration , ehroric Cengestion, Inflamatiort antl,illearatinn
oJ the Dterns, Intetnal Heat, Nervous Deprerelon,,De,.
bility. ne.pondeney and •vety many other chronic di.
Flosses peculiar to women, but not me ritioneft here.
Tho following ladies are a few of the many thou,
sande who con testify to the efficacy of De. Pierces- •
voqte Prescription, from ex perien ea end observation t
Mrs. Cornelia Ptesta, Iowa; Mrs, Tito.
nateittes Station, Cia.t Mrs. T. A, Seymour,
Rome. N. Vire. 1",1inswiek, Versailles Ohio ; Idra.
Leroy Patriot, North Wharton, Pit.; Biro:Mary A.1111.
nett, Eaton, frg.. Mary A. Vriable..Lehman, Pa.;
Mrs, 1). L. Gilt. Chillictithe, Ohio; 'Mrs. rfarrieVA. Ma*
long, Wt-seringfield, p.1 Mts. it, matt, Praporia,
ram.: lilies 'Loehr° Pratt, Dodgeville, Maes.; Mrs. Tr. A.
Daribield, Norfolk, Va.; Mrs e. Amami, Prootor, TOWRI
Mrs. 4, N. Vernon, st.Thennts. Ont.11110.11. (t. Moran,
253 Nerth 1/tiwittil Street, liallimore,Mti. Mrs. Lucy
Colima.), Ilarnenvine, oltior Mts. NancY'MO,Nought,
Yefferson, Iowa; Mrs.L. Sterared, Friendship, N.r.;
Mitts:Mien Cady, Westfield, N.T.; Mrs. A. Amann, tre.
roue, Y,t NUR. B. N. Rooks, Grand 13apids, Mick.:
Mrs, /1. IVehin:Watortmtn, N.Y. Thousands of re.
teralees darr, be 0140 at ,tho World's Dispensary.
The i)eopte's,11(fedietti. Servant
, ,
Dr. qt: V. Pierce is the solo proririetor and rnatotac.
toror of the foregoingromedies; all of which are Iola
by druggist% lie is also 'the Author of the People's
001tal011 Sense Medioal Adviser, a work of neatly one
• thOlteand pages, vita' tWo blandred a04 0ightY'ilre
wood.eturrovings and colored plates. lie has already
tola of this' popular work
100,000 COPIES',
* Telco, ametpaid) 51.50.
Nvorid5s Dispensary, tounittio,
.J.{0T0....:ENgTO:17.:- • ip.47Tuty ORR t$ TIVIA
Whert- c. ti:1 'now* 'and, WT111.01.11.1'. EXCEPTION, :the largest aud, selEotiou 'of 7
UVer shown in alinten,
Cans and be Convinced, by an examinatinu of the stock,
• a
NetS, Biogrepittee, histories, and ;Nliactellaneons ..13tioks of every description, ix. elegant
• binding, just the throg for.preeentatien, . • •
-Pocket, Pew, Family, and tlie new Teachers' Vide, with Index aid 6'onoordanee '
equal to Bagstei"s, and at half the price, grayer 13oolta anti Qhuroh Sereleee, elegantly
hewed Ptatinure and nerd 'etorocee. • a ' ' , , _ •
ALBUMS. &c,--Thotograph Annals, for Cards ;Ina Cabiniits, hound in Morocco, Wood;
Onaid and rapier•Atchie. Also, the elegant new EASEL ALBUM, Aotogriiph.
Scatp Books-, Mark Twain's gasp Book, Amen faun lob:mai • ; •
4Iafulstune Inkstands, Qrold-Pen4 G -old Pencils, Paper Knives,. Writing .44.010, PortrtiliOil)
VOCket Doolcs, Ladies Work I3oxes liGatnei in mollesi variety, • • .. • '
(hove and`liandkerchief Sets from $1 tt. elp,' unquestionably tile finea eve r shown in foam
• Silver Oard Baskets; Jewel Oases; and.,Card aces, pew patterns and very elietip:
'1191IBINIIAN G'LlASSWARE, in Tomei. and -Elegant' CoIt'tgitti liate, at prIce -chargoci
last season. , • . , ' • • , •
Note Paper and EnveloPen, in .fancy boxes, a splendid dasorttneut, ft•tett fie ote..ty Vt. 'each.
Ohritrutta and Now Year's Ch.trds.,,, very fine assortment; '
Sillt 'Donk merits, 111ottbea.and Alotto Fru tuna, "Stereoscope's hod Vie.vi,t'.
Also; juat received, a film lot of the new CELLULOID 0011AL aEWELLE10:,• espeCially •
for the Christrnas trade. •
.. . .,
But bonie and see for yonrsalves, , Even the Sell' Era is too small to enumerate all thebeau-
• : • tiful goods suitable for Holiday Gifts. So call, 'and yen Will be shown everything. •• • .
A 'CHRISTMAS TREE. u•M be PrePilred
w.i1A15buesilloatild; ed with Toye nod Fancy . A itufles, ranging in va: tie troru Ten cente . to..Three „ .
for. the.Tuttle Eloilts, whiell •
Dollars; and ONLY TEN CENTS A TicKET, .
: . ...,..
. . .. . . .
: To save lime I have introduced a '28 slW FlIA.TV RE; and durinti the Holiday season' will etort
Coe Dollar, Oat Customers may select anything therefrom, without the trouble. of ioquiring .
pric. es.; Is' I.h.e. re Ti9 be man.y. fin.e g. o. oc.ls,..w.ertl,i,, double tha. t. figure; I he disretnIng ones.'
eau sect; to good bargains. ., ' . ' . , •
vert one complete side Of roy shop into A.DOLLAR STORE; .E:Adlo...:,t11: ,...m.. Au 4
:ID CDINTri. : 1:0 c3..„1T,-1 . TC:) '0 A, .1"_.al., A.r:tr, IIN.Tsic.71
4LINTOlt, "_:1ee...20; 1877.-
Sign of the Big•flooli, opPoeite A. 8..Fisher's Dry floods 't•itore.
• _
abncee, of ''.1-"irn.e
ON ANI)- AFTER, lqi).N.DAY, P.Eti. 24, •
Paasenger Trains will letivadlititcM station as follews
donna 1.1.4sT, Axpretts,.7.0 als.,narrivinkt at ,u0r..tuaai
10.55 A,M., Toronto at 1.05T.M. Mail and FapieS11,
12,00 e.m., arriving, 'Perento, at.6.40 Loudon...at
8.15 P.M. Iffixed, 25 P .M., arriving lit Stratford at
11,45 P,M,London at 215 P. M. Mixed ,ariives front
.6 oderieh 10 A M.
Trains will arrive as relieve 'Mixed,10.00A.M.,from
Stratford. mail and Express,.2.45 Pal., Irom Toronto,
Buffalo. and London. hixpreas. 0.20P.M., from Buffalo,
Torox.to, Dud London. Mixed 11,85 P.M, •
' i.-111CICSf)N, tieflerslifteitge
frC11.0T(Pri; a'nent •t Illinthn
On oPProved Fano or Town property, 'for . any: terin
from one to twenty years, or repayable af snob periods,
either In instalmenli or ,otherwisc, as rutty be agreed
The Interest, on parnerit of any part of fit,. principal,
at onee ceases op such amount.
If it is arranged to pay the interest holf-yeariy,. not
in advance, the rale, pm annum, fOr timpresentonll be
8 per tont. On kanti for a fixed term of years, 84 per
cont4 if interest mado payable yearly, not in advance:
Mortgage s arid Municipal delnuite re,s punkt:see/
For *further particulars apply fo
A. HA-irrp
• •
Dec. 27, 1877. .
Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, &c
C57117: LoE
Begird', to return
hisslueere thanks
to hitt um/korona
islet ds.and caste-
mers,fortho Sher -
'ashore of patron-
age that hobos re.
in g on businerain
by send atten-
tion to business,
and noing every
effort to meet the
ostntFitit his many'
friends, io ectifin.
Ile to retain their
. patronage.
110 le0111d also Lake this opportunity of orating. that be
hoe taken be 1011 into raittlership, and that -Tile -bred -
nowt ho conducted future -.under the idyls -of 8,
"rotV1,,rta solf. 'rho it'll; will keep on head
WAtOlieS, °leeks," Jewellery, Spectacles;
Arai all ether articles in their Hoe'
Air kinds of eipee Repaired and Mounted.
Depairitig, cleaning, do., donts on short. votive, in a
worksontilike manner, and Oh rtasonablo tome.
14131tT. ST ftEttl, NOtait. TEX . •
Clinton, Dec.6,1817:
Iliad (Wks, (11avon7, Scot land. •
0 AP1T 44 .- A500,000 '1`.0.,
. noAke at spoTnAtrn. .'
Jotcr Stntrattoi too., of Eippendroie, °hail -Man.
r1.111.1tt IttIrrlit'f., BPI.. '011101hiVell Dan.
Emir. Ti unto, ./l1.4., of ICleaors. ..1:.,.,t.11, YOUV1g it CO.
DtTilit STOttgocit, tn., PrOVOst, Or MiMitroik. '
Samitat, firmt, 1;ml,, of -Messrs. Plao•fair, Bryce S.! co.,
Wat, itoss, et Mosara W. /loss a Co,, GlallgOvr atid
London. "
CANA1)6AN .111:1VISORV nuAnn.,
los, Sous DItAitaitaertyProsiaent Western Aonnanee
Company.. . • .
.1Anatt 111.4.1ransAti, lb*, o,C., of 11/essts.Idowat, go-
lf. er,t'Fxt'r.a.tvr4nvi),""riongP?,..ea' shier Federal Dant. . . •
SOL/CITORS.-11esero. itoLertson, Nieldunich &
13' ATIZEratiST°....r..°T1'tt:. toyal Dank 'of Reotiatia.• The
Federal Bank °Mittman.
General Manageriti..-Searth, Coehran * Co,, DA
Toronto street, Toronto.
i ,-
11oilitylent oil terra and town property; at moderate
ites of interest, and for periods to atilt the harrower,
.110 EtALE,: .
"Clipto 1%1577. • •
Money, to Loan.
Apply '
Clinton. De Oth,187.0, . .
, .
(4 -ty's Spetilde lttoclieine
T ,.. GREAT '
is egpeL ro-
il' et I -emended a ,
unfailing em o for .4.i
items,. Sberrnatorr- r,
Ile Ft refry- i
Ina Impotency,
and all disettees
Before tp,..e.;,,,e.thot, folloW as a A c.„,„
adinuate Of SW' 'a.m."
tiro flack,Dimneosof 'Vision, Premature Old Age, mid
many online distases that lead to Insanity or Consurnp8
tion, sunlit Pienuanre Grave, all Of which itg $ rule are
tirst canoed by &minting from the path ot rittiUre arid
:rr.irdtdgenceThe kpeeitie nualleine lo ths result of
to life stud tui'd /may value of esper14 nee 10 treating
theve arca al diseeses. Partmblet In+ by nail. The
Speelfle 3tolitine la sold by all Druggists at PI net teach.
age, or 914 prI91Olgos for $5, or will be sole Iv mail On
reed t of the motley, by eddreqsingVAL 011.4.1 & CO..
141n. sor.ont.. Rohl 35 Glutton by /. Pccombe, and
all druggist s averrith
tnet tereot ur—
CaAc'ets,. CftIns, CoEfl 1'rionio.gs.,106,-
ETC., ETc.
art ha supplied with the above at shortest notice, OW
at MP VgilY LOict ST .11,A51E8.
Id La gond HEARSE supplied,
Remember the ireee—VICTORIA, Strilet
elineott,Sept 11,1877.