HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-02-14, Page 6THE CLINTON NEW EitA. FE131tii 4, 1878. TrampS.. The .re poll- of Oilier Deteotive 8 teph- ensen, of IlleaSechusetts, throws more valnith•le lig)] t titian -11m tramp question' - limnanything that has been pnblisbed. Ile left Springfi.Pla last <Tilly as a. tramp, to we the life and evertatti the views and porposes of tramps. For a month' he was - °tie of the artny ti winning . through WesterreMesseoliosetts toward New 'York They slept in barna and in the woods, and lived 'upon obickeim. and potatoes and any .kind of fo,.ig tha t was easily stolen, ,. They tramped in ..00mpanies, sometimes of eight"Nien, .- sotnetimes of twenty, subdivided into ,Sfilltide'far thieving a od In'oviding, Of a party Or twenty tit!) t ho joined,..thrtie • were Gerribtri, , two Dutclunon, oue Swede, °lie FrennhAren, three Amteri- sans, and the t.ernitintler Irish. ' They .• all aabie-d tell a•nd blue chalk,. ntarking the routes to P ,t I IV .beneat of- those wb I should oxide after .. and there itt.a.getie-- rat system of ron2;ii mettiel intelligtince by means lif chalk . In trks, trAeos of whichare obscri,ed.1 1 ..eities ity the in_ tellinent.- It was th 1 time of the -rail- road strikes, and tro ble was expe.tted . on the Boston apt Albany road, so thlt some four hondted tramps were assem- bled along the line rettdy for pillage and • destruction..., Plans Of ' burninf,,,,.„thr, • Small et a tiUn-11011ses on th•A- -road, !tncl (4' soaping the rail& te' stop' the oars, were discussed; but es the strike wtis 'Suppos- ed to be certain, nethin,o, 'was • done. ' Parties ware overtaken townritthe end of Jnly which wore .hastening to join the rioters in PennsylVanin.-1/04per's ll'oe/ey. . • Stanley in London. A Loudon, telem arn of the 811, Says, :--Last evening Stanley, the is„fri,, Wales, ud, fter• enjoy ing thallospitali- tioa-of St, iTatnes' Palace, proceeded to the tneefing. of the Royal • Geogrn ph ical Society,It St. aifines' Hall, yliere- he delivered a lecture before an itnmenite assemIdage. O'ver 3.,000 persons.' Were present, including .the principal nobility and nearly every iiistirignished pCirsou- age jri .1.rondou associated with •'science, arts and literature... 'All, the tickets were special "ii.° nd complimentary, and the spacious hal: Was thronged. The. Prince of Wales, accompanied by Prince Lonis Napoleon, ex-Pcince Imperial of Frame; the 'son -'of the- _Khedive Of 1.4ypt, and Midhat Pasha also itttend- ed the meeting, testifying by their pre-' sence the appreciation with which. Air Stanley's great bcwographicrif • success is regaraed by theB,oyttl • P.'ati\ily of Eng- land. — ' ' • • • • ' • .\f Strat▪ iley on appearinn• ou the "pla,form, was received . with • immense cheering,' the ' WholS cmblyrigi -to-, gr' -"t him. Standing eft° e the.. vast ..ritilienee,, which represented the wodtli RU,I dIlliltre of • .England, his broant blazing witlr decoratiOnsreceited ftout Kings and. the Oniefs :if the lepoblie.of soiene., the gallant explorer .ilently bowed hie acknowledgement- of I he holt. ots tendPred to hliu. Stanley •gave graphie description of Inc wohclerfid, jonrney across Africa. For two horn t4 he hem the attention of tba. 'assem- blage. He ,sketelied pietures or tho scenes. And evetits oelibt jouruey. Itis description Of the retufn of the serviv. es of the until- baba -of natives who bad accompanied bun .across the .A.frioan continent to their r twines; ,at ..Z•inziber was orie Calculitedi and did not fail, to toneh the sympathies: or his hearers. When the wanderers ari•ived on their beloved Ieland of palms and mangoes,. and to •their wondering' fainilies,• they knelt down owthe sea -shore fald kissed their native SOI)+114 in a tlansport, of joy and thank filltet:4s. When Stattotv Conclude:1 Int Wits greetecl.with pi•olouged applause. After the cheering hid- subsided, the Prince of Waleil nittre•Ased the assettihlage in it speech With coarptinients to Stan- ley. The praise of the Prince of Wales -was tog -aided ns tin-tun:1311y signiflramt. The distingni.letd -Itftican trUveller and expirrer, Sir Simnel ..Alliket, follow - el the. prim., of :01,tles itr ti .brivf dress. Aft;er eomplitinetting Stanley on his gfent ahkv. roant, eoid et,h. Afri,..111 trAvelfer8 6otilit to liy piwecin S'Ani•.y's gre..t -feat, An Yofortitnate n. How the .33ritiak ()nee Entered the Dardanelles. . • The following°. is an extract froin " Introduction to the History of the Paage"I-a-10fore the end of 180(i BaSsia had driven Weil 01 illt0 the arms of France, and A.leteander 'was filled with ftlarin. Fre besnught the British to andertake another 04 those (11 v. whiolt began rr, souod dight,reqltly. in the ea of English- ncion---tO" seed a USet of theira, was nroising in the 4:15ean, lieu, up to Constantinople, ' and oompol- to refinquiih, his alliance with Friikkfe; 811(1 make terms with itusSia• anti England. The Grenville Cabinet were „rather gladof eit,opnortunity of obliging AleX- ander, to 'whom.tbey bad' refused' both money and soldiers, and.whose friend-, mph r tant b ret .`tii;ond thy gave 'Orders to. Sir jolati Duckworth-, ti on 0...ruining oft Ferrol, te join, Adin Louis at the mouth. Of the Dall'ilhelk:i:„ Mr; Arbinhuot, the Batish Ambassn- dor at the Porte, offered the final terms . to the two courts of Selim, as Soon tis he beard of • the ,juuCtion: of he two squadrons off Temodos,- on the .250 of j* IturY, .18(lt • 'Thdy were declined, and frOm making certain throats about ;triakitt,g hostages; 1ir. Artinthnot'filared for his own safety:and thet of ell Lite'Iog. lish in the - 11i arrangei.. with the opptain of the :Etutytition, lay at, hand, to invite ,H 11 the' 'Erigtislinterchants and the:wholelega 'tion to dinnev 'on board his !dill) on .the 29th' of Jarillb TheriVent. wholly • lirlftWill•Q that • -they were not to land gain. When • sitting. in..their dinner' ,dr(as they: were told thaP...their ietildreo and nterehihnlise -most be 1) "to the mere): of the Turks and the-gone- tosity of ;Stakritstiani.... They had little appetite left for the'dinner nbefore. thern, ' ti -vitiation waif the slanit'was,; • - however• alletted ,and by -eight in the r. ovoning, Aitleil it was, very dark, the Endynlion,. wit- tinder .0eirks did: net find it our, .nor.molekt her passage down the Dardanelles', anti She Arrived in safety the reedezvoirs. at Tenedos. .The' strong and rapid Cur.. rent. nmkett the plsarige 'or the o,arrow ttd intrierite : passage -cornparatively easy -that- way. The passing the other Way np:te'CohStanti, EOPIO: ' A strong *ail Or ioutli:west Wind is necessarrfor thik'tipd.-the tleei 4tia• wait' fOr RAS, tuitil the 1 -9th of Vellraary. A terrible fire. had destroY- Od the .4,y,tx, of , seVenty-four 'pins, in .00 interval, • with the Joss of ,two haw-. Several lino of. battle ships remained, and followed 'each Other -et intervals tbe mh mouth of te Strait 'Neither: the Fitt onnous efforts - 'of ;Sehastiani no:' the, explosion of tbe :Ajtix,;:nor..,..any_Other; 'warning tbst the 'English trete' ;Coming, rout,ed the Turks to Maire'the slightest preparation. Poiple stared, walked in and purchased. The nest Morning, when the other luau's abutters were takdti down, the window wits tilled with Shilling packets oe note paper marked eightpalice, Day by clay this little game went on, one onderselling thp other until,prices gra- dually dropped to sixpence,. Oiepence, fourponeo, threeponco and twopence. By this time the town sate and en: joyed the joke ; and, notwithstanding_ the efforts made to keep ilr-t stiles down, by taking at least, ten minutes to seal or tie tin every purchase, the' two station ors 'were heavy milliners, and • every man, woman and child in the tOwn was atecked with enough note ;piper to last .them half a life time, Tiowelier, the fight well t: on, each man devoutly wish, ing he had stack to his legitimate trade, and bed not tried to undersell his neighbor: The .morning folloaing thri 20" forted the outside window. with The shilling packets Was. toe trach. • *. „ Wichita ton minutes an enontions lilac:ilia Obscured the *win fi 0 Ws: Of .11.10 other nutn, bearing huge letters, the %Tor& "Go to the fool opposite." But the fool opposite died !bad enoogli. in a few minntes the penny ticket disappeared, and in,its place the Old priee, one shilling. In a twitililin.ce down• came the poster bearing the �b noxious w-Tas, and an exactly similar placai'd appeared annotincina-that ft the price of a shilling paelcet of'note .liaper is orte.shilling." And thus the war of extermination entleff. . A,Itorr.iiils Death. A than named llobinso»• of Lansieu • , ' • ---- ,wi-ek from injuries recigved .10 a -grit,;t mill. While" attetulitig to his dittieS, it.appears, his c!othing becanie entangled in, an unright shaft it thesra re of 100 unvolutions a "titillate . A man ponied Humphrey, rho was, in another p .rt of -the mill, heard Robin-, son's eties of piiin tis lie was •Whirled about-hrtittraivial tower tlprberdliTtlr in its c4 uel giip, aud rushed to littu an'l en-leavore,I to extrkale him, In his attiunnt to celeriee flohiuson, „Humph Vey liad his left leg. broken by a blow trent the foot of the ,whirlitig Man, and the siekening rid° viiii.nontiintert nearly 15 minutes until the watot was shut off lid ilia .great 7661 �tpjel, NotWitb- standing that the poor mari.. must have ten threshed around in that fearfel netnner at ieast raany thousand .tinies, life (lit! not lerive the broken and lire.p body uutil some hours after: A • Long Time, (-jetting Back,: " Gov., Puy al,„ of, Merida, ....t as. the son of it lio;o:r.. Virginian, a'atern, strong, tat oituin boy was bilge0f .15. At; the 'cabin fi, e, at ile,dthlte,. apeoraio4 to the enstoinof pritting•on a The ships Sailed prOndly itp the Strait, ,Intek kg,the nil inati said, 801,wren tho. undelayed by the fire of the col the •Whiffs Of his silont uipe:,* • " itairnwest part of the channel, and “Tsb, go °tit aml bring lit.that gum -belching out flames -mid cannon b Ilia as lomc., and'ont it on ilo li i. .eln.y. wont; • They took. and 'iMrifed T.11) went put And 801•i•eye 1 t;lie log. Some Tlir kish' ships, end appeared,i 1 11e, knew it 'was no use eXplaining. that. .tore klonstonlihople to the hot tot of the it Wes tie bvavy, hot', prudent • for him Whole popitlation, who were absolutely to rollout without hitting' it on his without the meiins of defence. *- The, holtli 1 ilis little sistor, passing, (liven . Wou 14 hair° yielded 'at once, hut was not,sueprised that he requested her Sebastitini prevented it, and instigated .10 bring out the gun and powderhorn, • ne,gotiation, which proved a fatalstiere as a poastnn or.ttoonmight lieve passed,. -to Sir John. Duckworth-, notwithstand, or the brother might •bave seen bear Ing axpress-alarning 0 arla—infitv tietion44,-gigtver--Skotthr anght-tIre-grurrtuutTfili from Lord Collingwood. He Wag 1.111.,,,i•kartea. .1 -le foetal his way through' the todestroy the City and shoot ' Woods iuto 'Kentueky, u 1701 After down .the defenceless inhabitants,- and . an alitience of cightecn .years, he was. be lillowed hitnerlf to be drawn on frLiu eleeted • to 1.'ongi eSS. man of in I5 y to day, Pxellat?gi»g notes and re. metise size, and strengt.11.-lie started for. protnises instead of ful bis .Witabington, •going by Way- of ids' oh: threats, goantiine not it moment was hone to see the old folks, who bad long lost, by, ilii .Tnrks.,. Women find' child.' 811)00 Or en Ili in rip for -dead. Mitering, ren worked da'y 'end night. et the de.. the little' cabin door noir bedtimp,. he t fences, and in a few 'days the wiltete allot AT COST FOR CASH FpR,60 DAYS, AND NO HUMBUG. will Positively sell on these ternie4nd tor this time. Parties regniring of any description; will do well to see my stook and prices. 1 ••••••• UNDERTAKING I EXCEL. / am not nfrnid of any honorable competition, ami will cut pricf,tv AS' 7,01V 48 THAT ( AN Pth981.111,3" DONS% . . . . Linn given to understand that venous' in the.Saino line of business as'mYself, resort to very questionable means to prevent mo doing latiiness, but noteriatitanding all opposition, laid :the ondeavOrs' to :nano° wholesale mon not to sell to me, ani in a position to„offeras good a e$' ny la the n'ade, ana I d, .peiee$ beldto what people hat'e been in the habit of paying. Byery reqmsito or :Funerals kept in stock, Remember the pla,ae • -••-:Directly 'oppbsite. Fair's MM. Minton, Oot. sa,I.877.• . asmi\TI\Tma-P, , Cabinet Maker, Undertaker and Uyholsterer, 44. • ' • .11 °•••,0,1 1. c g - 9 •i_1 C=0• 5 . g •, . ••'• • •-g;•re.4•5 •71. • g-tA• • *-• :4"•?,'S; ,•2. • • . -1"7"1 • •0••,-.5 ft. • ri.• a , s f=):=1.. -- "5 e • . g . 44 '• • •-.0.T.%-t-, 'rg '10 • S . Double . Qylittder Threshing Machines, COMbination:and Vibrator .Thresliing . ....Anil all kinds of AGIIIat.fl,TURAL-IMpl,A*NTS alwaYs on: hand, Fo nieeithe large and inereasing. denitina: for. our celehrated 2.'hresi3ing Machines, fr.* .a - parte of the Dominion, we havt?; by the introduetion' of the latest and meet approved niachineryluic; our works, •greatly inbreaded our nianefacfuring facilities. We are therefere, in a poSition to fill all orders promptly. , ' Evary naehine i . 'saw the identival gem log. .14e ghoul - coast was brisrlitig .witli artillery,..and Aered• it. . milled the; latch string, find 1 the Chance wns over, Tlfe British nfil. with his' 'load 3to,ct before the, old num. ' dere had seen through their gki8ses the' pipe in inottilt, its Iptiet OR nsual. • , TM:env of the cannon, the arrival of the • a 1fere is .1.. 11t. back V. father." • rl.trt and;thoroughlylestecl before leaving tile shop,.and warranted to •giy ° • . with% satisfactiCar. • • 4-0 .Becore or flei...ing e4eiphere Rent/ for (.4);cutors (04 Posters, Order early. . • 6.LA$40W.. OPT:1E11E0N & °LINTON. iill HOER& WILLIAMS Iii1FACTIIENG C QF T 11, A T- F 0.R D INCORpORAT41:0 1674. Successors to- Thoidason itic Williams, c.if laditphe14, , gricultural 6 ligino:Workb CAPitiET !OAHE,. . , GEO. DIEHL, NATOOLD AESPEOTFULLY II5TINATE TO TTIE V residents of 011nton Ana vtointty, thathaving rebuilt his premises on the old stand. Victoria Street, Clinton Ue bas new on liana a large one select 8t,.,0,el ALL ,ZINIDS or FTTENITURE, SOO se Ohairi, Tables, Ded-reom Sets; Letinges;Whi t Nots,4zo,, of good Material, o'keellent wlio%Nmonfih11) and Mash, And Aritioli he at the umni. mar/afro ratos, • RE'PA 1U.AV Prolnotly .47.7'E.N .11.1(1D. CAVIE cuIus ItESEATED; is GOOD A$ NEW. *PrnCIn OSLV • Et oraeniber he viard,FIArarr... (Minton, liken 8,11877 PH�NX W011k LON DESBORO rrirs smtsertinr.unzeti TO NOT11:"Y rite, OLT) il..icieurIs anti cu,,totrlere, la many' new (Alas ftS' May think ht to tavAr ,nitu , with their pa: renage, that be has re-bnin Lis Blacksmith SlieNinny„_____ „ • '11AS 11,E00:N131.EN,Orn) k).crsiN4s$ . _ hich is now in fall ofteratien,. From his long expert. 00(3 a043 the facilities he possesses, he feels cholla:toot ...te..givessati.lactints.to alt-whe.onts-f.Wf)*-114M^ with -their patronage. ' • .,••••••••-•0 Coinages Wagon Cutters .Sleiglis A SeMOIALTY, • . 1:se-S7toe.ing and a11 kinds -of Jobbing . . " Promptly attended:to, at reasonahledntes. 0 .1-7.T 1\T 33, Izt• S z•T- Landesboro, Oet. 18,1877. Blyth 91E4 sitbSerilier' bisgs• to tender his :los " - 1 sincere thanks to his #itinerous cuito- meta in the itirrounding -townthips and the _pUblie 'generally. for their_liberal _patronage,. awl would further•notify them that ho has lately. added most impOrtaiit improvements to . Itis mill by putting la a new:engine, double the power heretofore used, and two tun of first-olass stone, with complete set of trier. , , chant bolts, and in Net all the 14kest and most improsked maohinery, together with iii-olass he is prepareate do first,cIasswak t ' GRISTING., claOPPING, 84..o urists. weighed Maud out. Parties from A distance .can have their griats and elioying home with. Omni the same day. Good out and Mill Feed r sale .at moderate pr Oes., RECTi)ig MIME, . itoliEnT nitThisult-PassioxsT • WILLIAVMS, Vica-Put:. • AtEx; The Subscriher %yenta 'also' iliform the pnb- 21. iL ; REDFORD, 11/0WAT,. s. CORCORAN', MAPCH ti lie that lie has a tarp 'stook of lumber of. • different kinds and lengths': Pine from 10. • " - ' - - - . '' ' ' - • - ' • 'tn 20 ft.; Ilettilock, from 10 to 20.; l'herry, AtA'NitliTAOTITII,E16; OF • Butternut, White Ash, maple, Sortand 'hock .. .... , Elm, in lengths to suit the public, •which en. Johnston- harvesters, Single Reapers Mowers ' and.. Combined Machines Y y favored with an the shortest notice and moat • aides him.to .fill till °Oars .that he ma be , teasonable tenni. 1 timmitnition,-the liningot the coast with ' ,,,V.,11;. ,,..ontv4. INT)] .rt lOtia tinfe. lik,:, 1 4Pirittal. troopn, oh& did lodttlnelli nr, ting..it, Put it en the ill.° latil• no to : 4.471tIons in the nowors., end they olirtf(-11 bed," was the reply, tinder the intolerable diegrnee ,of their . . ,.. -.- ••..._.-...4.4.7. inaction, 1.1ift, Sir John Dock worth " ,. A Ghastiir TOiscq-tror3i, flail bet.ti negotiating during tlm a ifitio ... fif-t-hett-fettal-avolevrt-theLorrd -of-w-lpittli , T40111, i4 1l 0111 •4'-"14i1iff=111-.1tt-'41, L. r trit:r.ii was notItincr to tie done but to antler. 'Last '% 11 two young inenovi3O ./ 1.,,t, away As 'safely •ag they hosrmight,, woo, out. bilittintt. lied ocentiion to gt) I11,1m wind 'hild not changed, and it ,iia iloo it -piece of...woods holongitni to Mr., not chant -to, till the fit sI of March, and . (1 it china It ihile tiortb of Alexan- the turther" delay Elms caused gave time :ler, ' Thity (1 5(041(1011 into a ravine, rmdiarghlg the forts lit the Dardanelles ihrotigil wilieli runs II: small Stream of witli men and anitannition. For thirty Virl f erf .fn r • OP Iniri)1180 0 rgottilig art -11'1+1k. mites, reckonin,r the windittgl or 'the 'While Ympling down, arinkitity; fi.om 'channel, the° ship ran the gauntlet of "the stteara, one of thein discovtqa d a ttn incessant Ilio. and attpli a (ire as was bole in ao bank, wirier, on investign- neVor seen before'. Stone walla weigh•, tion, wact fomid.to communicate with it 80v(Ill or 'eight hentived pettrals 1 caVe rtlont twenty feet -Square. The broke down the masts,. crushed in the cove waq eue1oW41-wp1i a wall of ent tlecit,,t, atatitphig the rigging, and eniez. •Sf011ey and in .the cave Was the corpse of ml the hearts of the sailors. 'Ile bills a woman . abont ' twenty-two years of Smoked from end to e1111vand-.1..lie roar ago. She likul a (Alain fastraiml to the of tbo artillery rolled from nide to side. tight it',9:1. wiliCII Was attached to an Iii artot-Ifor week Sir .folin Duck•Nottlt• inn 'ring in tin! 'wall and fastened with (101,1 it . in Tit'dispatch ally retain 4 heavy brass padlock teen It -a Would have been impossible. The news. NeW Yolk Contest .11ailroat1 ear. In of thissingultr affair .spread fast (Wee tile 05 50 WaS fOlilla .80.1110 ii•odkagea, of liquropeCIOtiling., hooks, cigars And eltkven. oyster'. ., ,, . - ' . • cans. A sbeir !Iola a nninbre of bottles i . . „ , Reckless Competition. owl tumblerl . and a buolten ' ki-rostme 1 . • ' — , ° lamp, The mutter is being investigat- r A ennian of stationers living oppo. ed by the coroner, and the result, will iite to each other: In a seaside resort, soon be annoiineod. - The inhabitant's' eni, the south COaSt Of Ping:and recently neer by iti.e greatly excited, 0.1111 talk of at • loggerheads, Ono of them, in lynch hi -Qv to the person who clittined.a order to' draw his neighbor's customers, woman irt such :Moro, link doubtless , piled las window with shilling packets' ,Z'", ..*., . &an' . ft —la' ...yeas°11.q6 Strtniftted. Of nni>n, paper . marked elevett-pence4 IA l \ 7 by 1 il q l'artAnani fit Tri Waa going east svtll his wife'init, week, and rim *rain stirtoll vcry suddenly while he Wog talking With his triemls. grabhca 11011 of cluicked. her on the train, jninperi uetki• bor, and away they went fifty mike 11.n hour,..witit his wife. ,shrieking qturfaring hec• hair on. tli'o platform, and W,010.:Irt lie 1;10W SAW before going into high-prossare Ityateries 111 tha car, .caIling ltirn monster and yelling " save ion 1" By .a terrible mis- take hp had got hold of the wrong wo- man. FHA the conductor,. 'raising ,to listen to his explanations, kieked hint out of the car, the :brakesman chucked binviuto the ditch., the sheriff met him before he was half •Way babk to town and put Intrideuffs'on him, and when, at last ho. got Lame, he aitw bueiiiess • tether hio wife on' his and teliing lwr 610,600 were men in the world who loved her mach better then her faithless • husband evei 1fe says that next time. he travels he win walk., L, 181001 (Pit,)DenzocroL ° • Sioadcast Seeders,. Seed Drills, Horse Powers, Sawind tiski; Aug ‘,3 1816 2. KELLY, Pray:titter. • . . Uachines. Grain Crushers, Straw Ontters: Plows, Gang Plows; (Sm.. . . • • Builders of Steam Engines and BollefS, all sizes ,' -1N S ultArsc E. . WATER AVIIW,8 AND ALI, XINDS OP MILM L ACIN H1t1ltle. . . ' • . A„. ,, Contractors- for Grigt on, o dal0 , ,,f„ 8 Tnpleto. Aloe Jr Water Works for rities, tows . villa" on the Holly.Syetent, for Meese Factory Ataainfry a Sticaialty. . . , ' ADDUS3 1RIIICION It Wif,t14M8 M111111,,ElOTRIIM {lb ' :iTITRIVORD lks. 0, 7 570 tad OD ERICH OEN D 4, anufacturing Company,, I6.81.1:1IAN*0.1, AND' • .• Lfv1 wrovic In 5t -r11)4, ck tu`ol lanyeal C"Intwo.04 1,5;'• ‘Sr, etinti Nistrel•;14.15151. STEAM CAERE? WORKS (44)11)0 II; 11 3140 Vt.; <4 "N rr, , .. Ballets E i (1111111 AI I - f L t t St -1 $ 14: RCS. all tle inteil kt.,) a es , 3. eg., 1 c ' , , - c / litu rence L, S (ii-teey A1 - ' . ITILVirrt Miter, d Into pal t nersliir• 1r tips limp ,,. r 1 car- ,. . rsing (ar the lanantes -.4 GAI.1141.,1-U. AIM, AND Mid di ill 1-4 Prti:iii ere, 01:. iiiipi..0-ved :1<inds; ,i tX03.111)t6111,1:p.71‘'entOillitietylicliatvetrtigviti:Itul;e:pbtlie4;1•111,,,A;,ti;trait.r;ri 111111111t3 ettly, which will be Mohr the personal sl,p1 rip- GrnicijialimAL impLEmENTs . tu=47.1x.,,:ix;,-,,g,-4-u;;TAI„..;.:!‘p,.;...:=1 . f ana 4.w:fitful. We lane op.nea etc a the lar ••ost , nue last f*ahMet Show Koons 'in the e'r no; ,. 0. c t....1. ... STOVES of Various kind. • Bras and Iron. Castings. .0:1"11(1,Villg. Chtirgt1 Of the AIM rams, ilia boltlaay,s maly to• meet mien WOW •TtletiVC., ..re*r*.aita t, aLsa et, •,• . liceiness 01 The racs't soisfaetory 11)001; ' . • , . Oar teek of rUttNiTruz.wiii betel -115 oemr:olos REP A.1745 PROMPTLY ATTENDED Do. „ .thig leg .ot Pr l'it'AT14. (it,,ON et`nrritts, n'14111T1 At, VNA'r• .t.T.9 Lfa'NtiLti SPAYNO BPD.. 111 l.1'., . • • ' wife . . , Er, Verlfirt..ltiA,'SOP41.8, .E\I"QII 8 ALB- illIEAP-Secontl.bithel thigines and Boilers of 16, 20 and Mt ' ' 0661613r in rAlttat: 8InTES, in gair trPePP. . . . . . . 11 0i'5( Power •; Mao, ,Srilve St:Achille, ghinglo !Intl Hostliwt lraehirie, end Treading i #, ,,, ' „earoora .511144 ot no int..q ttyieg. anwl. a & . ,,,,,,it,,secreodana ON, Icaused her death by- starvation.--Periw Jointer And Plain Or. Nion1din_hs11_94 ,41 Lana. Getnatt t, Ireb. 1, 1817. , 40:0.13),VaTAIZIN4 Goileral tiViING MACHINE DEPO T. 24Tta""TIN"""Wiefe"t"gkr r"r'D'it"aAl nstottVen hand a tarp stock of eel. f is, Stulor nal e.,, Gloves, &e. rounsx roxvintn. --- . A. splendid Assortitienpo`f tirst-elass SIMING MACIII;IBS always on Lana. X.ILLIDLItli At il,rf.t„rt,e„;101.;:),,, °I f Pal a 147'11'4 8114"° . \ and every furnishing kept in stock. A la S 0 E 1-J ,A.I '11. I N' G . 9 H 0 I:1 Alt online Tea in the o MN, at the She w 10.orna, *II ..ewing itaeleries of' -, .e y re it '', I 1 , , I (..,, r . e retie -net. mu new parts kept nu howl.' .11aving gIs si oTNT,sfaenogyil, * rsApomoaathty. loe, utarhnsey tMoinoPkHt.hApesbrVonime lpautre aasdto.teetneArtmieotnitan.lelidPnli.etoaeutd netntl tlacinnik rWet C0116here i8 engrged to give good amiio, 1,43171LVCI* tO (71Mset,e oea7hlle :am,Ohares °Orate, I, IC11SlOSTRcabtrceMakors,nteistatersatitrAdin sudttefeun..t Ilturon *reef, one +floor '41,104 ILe Contnotiroial 'lintel, Clinton. °lat. '