HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-02-14, Page 2The 'Wolf at the.Door, 4letot 1 bow the Me•elleas euld blowe'' Xtouvas, onto Molt at the bountiful snow.'" Soo how the streets fire all inantledin XlMleoking fox Impa-bell come Immo temtglite , 02 Why sro you looking so lonelY 4,41147, I ion/ vi papa d1lukft, but ean't1 make you glad 7• roone, kiss me mamma, don't weep oer looreo ITUO4h 1 Row te my arms, there'aa wolf at Oni (1090 Xtemum, um% cry, 10 me lineal at yonr Soot, We ore hangry mut cold, intd we've nothing to e0.t, Took kl, and be obeerfol, in. G.(td Fitt your trust, If /APO%o druolotra, G•nl will.pot blame us. . 'Why to you tromblo sol.wipe- off that tear, • Tha•Broi ut, bat wev5 eefettle to. tor 1,fit's Re down together and elettp On tho floor" - no! thpriekt 00 6100 )OW4 Oitt wolf•s et the door,. "91,..! !UPI:wink god hloPP Inn 4e TI *111911_908?, Reps; gay 1 may let 14310041 son oud a lean,. Soren day I too be good eon and a man, -. . To bring to our .norrowful heart hope mid joy, . if papa's o drankartl, jnet,think,,r/o Y0434,h0Y3 Though be nuti desert; tie, there's One left us Who'll never forsake us -no t G 0.nor03' child, theroNt pier fathert don't Day a trOr wore,' Great Gedl. eau..3' be see there's a wolf .431 the door.o, . • • . AY°, staggering- 311U43 at that hour so Tate, The father 'stood reeling io saow at the iato, Ilia barefooted boy, dreeeed; so poorly and ihiu, Wont out in the ,sne*, and ho led '4 rare" er, JR1tjitet es he entered, he f411 to tho poor, And them went f0V411 a 110191 from the wolf at tin/At/gr. The emblem of etote to tite aceneeoe was A houband-a iethar-ti drunkard had died. . • . . iOMINION PARLIAMENT. . eritteeeseeeen, terone the niairatea. --e--- • • • - Parliarneet was for/milly"opeeed. on the 8th inst., With the usual ceremonies, The weather was embarkably fine, and the 'number of pereens who assembled; to witness the- proceedings was much' larger than tasinth' .A.fter the •formal reception of t he (:4.overieer-Genteral, at the parliatnentbuildingSehleFeeeellency• was pleased t� deliver the following . SPEECH FROM .THE THRONE. . . .• . Gentlenirt of the 1470u.vt of .0(int4ton$ • In twain sttinmouine you for the de- spatch of busbies& I at glad to be able.. to say 'that nothing..beYond the ordinary: businees' of the • country peen ires yo attendance. • • e • • . It afforded tne greeeeleetattre to have had an opportunity., beforeeiny. depar- ture from this,Goveroment, of visiting •the province of lertinitorae, and a:liortien at the.outside territories, .whicle visit accomplished during:last Autunite. ' I hail)now had the advantage �fviitini -every Province.iii the •Doniinion may term of seevice in Catind.ti7: • I al3.1 *happy et� be. ableett-hat Abe arbitration on• the • ViShery. Oleime, einder the terms of 'the eWashington. -Treaty, has been concluded:. An award • has been inede" by ' the. Commissioners .of 40,5.00,000 as conapensation to (Jana. eia, few the use of her fisheries'. ' This amoune'ie.mueh leesthen.thitt claimed by ./ny•Gevernment ; belt eying •assente -ed to the creation ' of the tribe/Mr:for .the determinatioe of thehe value, we' aro bound .loyally to aesent. to •the'deeision given... .. • , The exhibition of Canadian 'Mane- • factures and products at Sydney, Neii South Walee, • was..successfolly .earried out. I trust' that the resnit-will he the opening Op of•a new -marketfor Ottna dian geode, even in so remote a region as the Australian Colonies, • The'exe penditut.e will slightly exe.ded. the • esti- mete, but.' deulet.n-otehefeetteta Caedt <la will beamply repaid byethe.exeen- mon oreenallitin ,trade, • : Prepares -lone haye been ,erainterrlipt- edly eariied on dering the last six months for securing an mutate bet Select exhibitipn of Canada'sproiltiets and in the houses in which they lodged, nianuketeres et The. great 'Exhibition' wrenching Off knoeltere to be field at Nal.: during. theeurrene froin the •dooit of the..house in the High ,year. • A fertle.i. Estimate will be require: street, making bonfires of piebtires tend ,ed to me( t the expenditure. His Iteettl statutes in the greet. quadrangle of- Highnees the Princeof Wales has as- Christ Chlwoh, etc., et°. -The ring signed tt Most promineue •piece. to 01. leader Of this party. was a .youtig man nada iti•otte of the txtain toweee, where natoed • Mejoeihanks, •eommonly called a Canadian trophy 18 now'heing erected. Marchbanks, the heir to immense wealth, A very disastrous fire nifourred in and inheriting, among other sources of June last, in -the eity of St; John, whielt iocome, a partnership in the celebratA caused the deatt.tietioli of a laege troy- bankingliouse ootatti& Ile was tion of the eity, ineluding, all 'the pole a young man of consiffeeable itbility, tete lic buildings, My Government deemed waseed-the period of his college eltr.eet• it necessary to oontribete $20,000 to in'the atnueetnent of his•sete ITe and relieve the.itnotediate wants of- the peo hie in/mediate 'core redes ' carried their ple who were.rencleked deetitete by et, horee-plity too far, and woe eventually appalling a, cal:Welty.- • telso senctioned expelledein disgrace froui. the univeesity.. the appropriatied of sonteepnblic money His eeeepadee did 'mt.,. howevete' tnatet•i- with which to „commend° the ereetioe lirebt'llis Position 10 oeietYe alai of new buildings fee the peblie, bneie retie years ego he! rua'rritel a daughter•of :less, which . leette you ;Will' be tweet' to tiro -Duke of Mariborough.--"tt *118 11011. , confirm in the usual way. ed that this evetit would have sobered • Duri,ng last Summer tny.clommission- him don, and. that, with the oplendid ere outdo areithee trenty with the Meek-. ttilyantagee he peeseased, he would have feet and Piegan Indiana; by. sir bleb the Indian title is ettingnislied over a ter- ritory or 5101100 square milege weee of Treaty No. 4 arid. south pr Treaty No, 6. The treaty has been made on terms nearly the ettute as those under Titaty 'No. 6, though somewhat less onerous. The entire -territory west of take Supe- rior to the Roles, :Mount:tense and from the bouteda-ter nearly to the 55th degree north latitude,0mbreteing about 450,000 square mile's, hag now een :required 11 peaceful negotiation with the native tribes, who place implicit faith in tile henotelnd jeetiee .of the British Crown. Early in the past suireiter a large body of Indians, under :Sitting Bret • from • the United States trossed •into Britieh territory to escape from the United States trootte, and .have Sillee remained on tine Canadian side. s The .United StateeGoverement mad e a pro- per but efirletieceeeftil etteront to indteee these Itulianis to return to their reservelions. Tt is to Ile 'Wiped that dna Ar- rangements fluty yet be Wade ite may lead to their trusting their own. Govern- ment, old retureing to their own coun- try, and thtis reheve Clauada of 14 source of uneashiess awl a heavy expenditure. The surveys oe the ,Pacifie Reilway ave been pressed to completion during the, I as" miasma. A complete bistro - Melded survey of the route by the North Thompson and Tower • Fraser TTIE CIA1S7ON NEW ERA4 onely offered to give him g100390, if Unit earn woulci relreve.bbn leoto hia On his replyiog that it Would not, 'site is maid to been offered two, Once, four Or even tive hundred thoneand Pounda ($500;000), but • he etill Affirmed that this stun would be nothing like sullioieirt, and she was eau- sible enough to give up the attempt. Of hi e been made, with a view to aseerteio ' course, hie rein is now complete, and he definit'sdy• wilether that route preeente stanee before the world the most splen - more favorable fetttoree than the rentea did specimen of hitt age or the reckless already seeveved to Dean Inlet spertilthrife". • I need hordly add that he Bute Inlet. It is lielitteed,the additioto gets very ,little eympatby. al inform:Monett/tee. obtained will enable my ,Government to determine which the Comstock _ *rjii:t f fin—c 'Most tereentageOus trona Tete Janne Cache to_the see. Foil in- -A correspondeet writes aboet the fortnetion will be bed bafore you at 80 telebreeed Comsteek mines in Virginia early day of the metteon's wOrk. ••• city, Nevada, as follows The dereftud ant happy to be able to-aangratulete for timber and fuel tot the Conistoek yonecni the abundant- hervi4st reaped:1n mines is immeiree, and frona the baseto ali quarters of the Dominion, .and I re-: the nurtnit"of the Sierras the pine for.- joice that, under thisand-other infiu• refits' ere 'being rapidly 'denuded. The encs, there hes been some improvement in the reveille) retronse thus inclicatitig, T -trust, that.the commercial. depression that lute go leng afflieted Cleuadae 118 common with whetconetriee, 1)4 ouSeing • My Attention has be en 011tek to senfet iin;)erfeetiens in the existing eystent of 'auditiog the • Peblic Accounts ; and. a ..nrettenteeproviding. foto More 'thorough tni effeetive saper'eitieen will be sub4 wetted fot• your consideratien.' The prospect of obtrining.at an early,' dly greater faeilieies •for ,reaching the North•west Territories and the'Proeince of Manitoba is sure to attrocta larger' nninber of settlers every , year, and .ee u ch of the psr,wty pr the Dore i n i on depend's on elle vapid eettlement as nouch as Pessible. In order to 4;ffeee••thi.', theastiree • 'will bit eneenitted for lien,' 'coneidei•letiott tioncerning the regitieetion of titles, the 'eueeement �f a liereestead law; 'end the • prornotion•of railwAY ep teekise in districts not touched by the n a.11 a Pacific Ro i traY; • Your. attention *ill iitYited to mee,eure. foe better securing th, inde- potidence of,Patlittment, ,feeperienee.,hes showthat certain • .changes mey: advantagegesly be made in .the elepertmeetal arrangements exist- ' " r • le t 'th t • th in:at 1)1 es n increase/to. o •eXpenditetre or the. nninber of the 'de- p.e.ittnente. A' Bill will be' enbmitted to vole fineaceempliebing thiS 'purpose. It ie very. desirable that there,Should be uniform legislation in .ali the Pro- vinces • teepee 1,nz, t e tin 10 111 spirit - nous liquors. Hitherto' that tralle tree been regtlatect hyProvincia I la ws,..or laws .exiatir4 bolero the •Cfenfederation •Of the Peavineee altherigh , there has beetelately a 'conflict' of etttboriti asto the jOrismijotiOn of ihe localevuthorities, the • SuprenteeCon .5 beeing a few (Jaye ago. given a decisioeathrmiug,„ the in- competence of the. Proyieeital legislatures to deal with.it. A Rill making •the ne• ,cessaryiprovision will be submitted for yevir eonsederation, • '• , • An-Aristoeratielpendtlnift. • : • • A London, corteeponclent Writes: An advertisement of the sale by auction of a ineignificenCe-tYrinsion' and estate in Hertfordshire affords me a text fey Q etbry -and 0 seemon. • Some yenre ago-, when I yeas passing a few. months at Ox- ford, two'or three of the at•ietocratic en- der-grialtiatee tvete making themselves notheinus by their silly freaks, snob as smashing' the doors and looking-glossee • 111BRS'irli.3000Aer• 5 i4th14ox4)OiT42 —"Ily a thorough 4 aowledge ot tee •uaturel laws wheel govern the rperetiens of digestion aud iuttrition, 41411141 hy a eareful appitcatien of the tine properties if well -selected cocoa, Mr. Epps ha provide( our breakfast ..tables .with31 delieiitely navereabbverage whieh MO' e1W0 1.18 Intrayeleavy. doctors'.bills. 15 18 'by jatlicion8 use of such articles of diet that a eonstitation Intiy be gradually built up un- to etrone enough to resist every tendency to eieeeee, trandreee of subtle maladies are Matting around Ti ready to attnOlf„ wherever there is a weal; point. We may ocepe many a fatal Shaft by Jo:eying ourselves well forte, Ace with pore blood a.ncl a properly nourish-. ed tramee--Cite/ Set.,nice Oazette,-.Siild only in Packets labelted —"Jews. Errs et elo..,•Ro- nateepethic OliterliWtS, 48, Threadneedle 55104, end 170, 1icwu1i11y, L01111010 Wocia 11011s88 -..-Wooly horses 'are riot so rare as many suppose, not such great curiosities either, there are •xnany to be found variolul parts of the country, Nit we doubt ifthey will everprbve as valuable to theirownereas the mat exhibited by.Barnum j WO iniagine their owners would oonsider them more-valuabiewitboutthe •wooe•for this rough and wooly state of the hair indicates that the horse is not 1)4 31 healthy eon- dition.-probablY hide -bound; or .soffering•frora 000 Of tile tirubel' whieh. Is put utiaer- s)ore? whichoccasions. this unnatural a (14508430 •g tO• prov sot Ilse Mines from. eal•alice4 "ch "ses 11-3° D'uqe (1. '1 ingzu ga i81.111e7, 04.100CLuall141(111" 514') tt' 21)(0)011,1011(liiRs'' 1Ptirvi 111:t•vtletee'liteli)111:geese4(11':ftt.9t4teli:vtw'rels!' fy She4 alone 314 eome 2;200,000 feet a ino 51 4, litollogleiviettesitntell)eibet;r!Otctiiittlfiveocetit. and shining appear, The timber • used 'is transported ) ' a..10.8arn,,e, and see that the et stgnature 'of 'Hu • Northrop I: 14ml:tin; Newcastle Ont ' ' 1;i; tils,11 on ,e• deai,eihr;,pparcolcpargiee, narrow. gauge railread runninte efrom for Onnatirt.. Sold ors en-dealers- 'GreninoolE to the 0043441445 01 the Siert AS, • 4 ...--.,.. common cough" or 'cold shou d 1.,500 feet above the level of Lake Ta- etnieitiowitsli,,often when:nee:looted it fs. e°0`,TerePe! hoe., TlIA read is 0.11011t- •915. neiles ie 1 eir iZet,sleijeLettriitiliotilif:eta:laftrireri(?•°W, len• gth; with. an ebru fit, •tortilone &rade- toltsoen%eila; use Bey 041 - of froth. 120 to 1'65 feet to • the Mile. 45' 'oerlyteiivitioll has _sustained' its •reputatimai '()1 pttsses etircineth. a stunnel cut ont of file twenty years; they..are always efficacious and exert It Most beneficial infiu e on a e p.acec 1_31'0110:Mal .and pulmonary (i)gan:.ncSold byallsolid Tack 500.feet in .letiTieln. 00 reach- ipg .910 ememit the .tirn ber is I , I ..drug,,,po.ts and. country .dealers • "rice, 244 eta. tt.iiiid 8811.-.5 .. far* it,S;.•tet,ey - in. ti. V-shaped• eel': bo' ti me of some. fourteen. miles'in'length,- . •et.e.e.........,—.., _ tending over the rocky . and rugged. . • • • - '":11',F: I 3VI*161 'EY.16-s. A LYE • ; ifirtioils of the' M041145405.•• to. Carson: yin tillallibli, ..vmedy• for all (430a.qc,5 o' I Iiie 'City in the .valioy. Often a day's rue rile (meek or chrome). - granulation of the in 41,. finale b, e00,0•60 fent of. titobee ... •eefee ulceration of' the' lachrymal gland:4, and e,000.' -cords of wood for fuel; The iit..n.4: c°51' "'"'/''''' '''•`'t . 11(0e!li43"'. fl."1 (1"71 obst.of firs4cind 10•teete000.el51ly:- I am . m , • ,, '„ , ••••• '. •, ' • e. • , D 2 ,..ot tut le A.N :tort:- ta A 1X2 la presetit,Ou to tne- t ild .that the cost of ill ft, MO (tee ' nsed inpublic with the assurantre' of its Wilt:le/MY as a ,. the Minna :daily ie $111,000while the citrativ. of most diseases of the eye, acute or .,• ,.; 1_11rople iaflainination,Whother induced by beet of ice to.coot the.water for sea 4.-. 41,110I16 0111,01' or :otherwise, weaknesS Or defect .ethee-inh (IN. IR' the low.er level is.$ I- 2 000 2 (1.4 , :Of . vision, dim inisla'al tone of the optic 'nerve,' ... The expen,s'aei. of milling ate .$1,6,00Q (lot tliseased state of the...tissues constitnting • daS• and other. °I.Perk§P% ii640 (;t14"till.rog4a1t0infeuerssIttlit!):eqi:101st ve7e'el- the totetl "coet nf working- te Comsto4 the salve will act ak a. (Alarm in restoring a nni- . owterV may have•long threatened a fatal ter. 41;25;5M:000r yeer.. the' Moat Sininle, safe. and et', , ,The beat" in '..tlae rower. IcselS. of the Colestnek mines' is , perfectly ibtense,• 'and it -is a wonder how niSe can entluee it.; but they dteeel heye leen Lel it iug with et' miner, who tells me that; inseam. eet, to•i tapoesibl . for men t� work, ielinees ease so often evereoree With the, heat thet they ere i•endereitineensiblest • :'1•84tli itir is Con- etantly.sueldied. Theretie coplieg-off roofes orl previded'in the .rnitiee, -Where tern perate re of the At inoephel e •is kept :down byecoppreseed theee•plaCes 4alford.so.ak'e, x011(4., • 'It is ifo hot -that Men often get theire,khre Wis tered-es bad as if it; lied; been. done, ty scalding stnam. Arco/ ofteu the iron Propri tors, Freedilnia, y. • mines up te.ae Week:4;70000 a '•da;,,,', or • fdro healthy °'',titm"; weidil'es4i Pain, •and• ,,o, It, APPLETON.- 01011010 - at DAY time and 1 at NIG1JT I hoe- The Monis over tbo Store of 1 Chinningbamo ‘,k Ailterdiend-the Squera,Olinton. • i Clinton, Poo, 80, 164,7. --. . — ' '.-- ' — -. I nit IlliarVI;1; Phyololau, ,aurgoon, ato., lafroner for -iv County of Huron. Rosnlorweand 011iee-Cerner of ' Albert and ATM Streets cllinton r4Au:1:80811:;:48:A),RT. IV. D., iL 111., GRADUATE OF Mt t, ATeGill University, Idontrerd ; 1,1..wiciart. SIIVel)11 and 400011011eur. Gueldente-.411tooldasi.n, _. . , _ . • .. _ _ , _ • • . January 4,1871, 28 , VV. Jc;o1iT,','„`',T,.?.g,3?,];",;12)Tt'eg):',V."114M Ont. (MIN:- Opposite Shane's Marl. Myth, item 20, 1875, c.)...., YOTgity.1.1'46,2V147?'„„1, .8.„"'N.Z),2`). •at inr-Alettning's, three dean 044514 05 ttai• 'Atuptuenge nail, Leteleabol a. Oot; . . Londeobore, June 14,3877, IN. n4%1910111, 011ADUA,11 011,144:5 D0010411 * ,lIeturtnunit of Yistoria theivor,ehy,.-Tortnttfi, for. nitiiTY .04 the Roopltato owl Disroomsrlosi New York) cdonor forma county of litiroui n...).vvisi(o, out. . , July 22, 1874. • -0 , , . ,, . 81 now§xxx ‘4, u1B801i, • gi:IISIOIS,S18, OLIN, 4.1 caii018, Muoutaaks, A•ti. . Of/leo, Albert Street; orinfeite Felr's Mills, , • D.C. illin'tDon6,1‘111't4LaytY1'0M, 181)77: . : • ' • . A.4.f...Gtosorr, 'A1,. IL rin..WORTIai;e'Rni. l'ITYSTOIAN, BRIMEON, -IL" Aceouulutur, Lieentiato of tho'Collego of Vitysit inns anr1.8urgeoutt of Lower Canada, awl Provintiisi Lim-intl. ate and Corinna for the County of Munn. Onion end rosionoo,-The building formerly beeopied by Thwaites, Enron street. . Clinton, ;ran. 10, ISM'''. ' _. . .., Mint nOs. Aistelizintous• • • arbs• , 31.°1'olg!o!orgiall'alfZel.gaILItTitiltt)9,1tdIntillotrtitLrSalelf‘ttUil Interest. II. }term. • • • oentoieeeeremete, nen. ' • 1-11 Ir. 111101/11403AL TANI) •141.111- • VEYOK, VAIllatOr, and Loud Agent. OtHee t: -Jose- phine etrooti :Wit/ghoul. Wingbain, Aug. 2, 1877.. ,slit.pat:0:740E•1.4TOEINSES .AND CERTTEICATES.- subscriboropar.tho "London, Huron & Bruce Railvvay A.ppIy at Um Town /Inn, Or at tho Tosidenoe of the TAMES SCOTT, . :1ssubr•of moreueo Idoensoe. Clinton, April 270, 187G. •. ▪ 0.. MOINTO8H, Eseueu oe u -.Marriage Licenses under tho new Act, Commission- •erlor tnItintrAllicleidtsitrateOnnett'e Bench, Mr- atom; tieli Of 'Huron end 1.1rnen:- Cdoveyanoing done, fatole at; Lennox; Tionds, contracts, ;111e, .1/tattle, acid ITOrtgages. Fecsjottall , llesidence-opposito Rolinek's Hote1•, •'. nototv•An'tknenn 00'(5L AOreyit. • 14, 1070• . , T3KANfi, TEN - WM, ▪ Mattis, piiino tuner for Sp, 8. Norationaer, To, /*onto, 81111 30 m Clinton pariod tinting pianos Parties who Nilidt'their pintos tuned, 0[172 leave orders fectualTeniedy ever discovered. The materials -At mr, store. • . , , • •' Of :whit+ it -is 'made are pure, perfeet;and costly', , . - ' • :ciii•x•331:01-TtAla,s7, ee • xese.lotietsoe es WATSON, , netteasarilY 'attends. the intraductien. of Gi„(,, . • .• ...,., • • .o.o.,comeoN, . minstie. mitiernIS 'and el,"e:wrishe'S: "PING:WORM Clinton. . • ' MnFannis, and OLD OlinoNte Spank)) of strofulons " • • . Ondtkieli. nr-.1.3.'stiltipg from whatever cause, .,yeild ,to the 'wiil be 138 1130108 every Friday. umemv ITIS USED' SUO- ChISS1);ITI,T.X. FOR PTI,Es. Its soothing of.: • • • -• fectis To the, Ladies.% himiediate, and -a. perm anen t cure requires . . • hut few applications. . The' proprietors of -r . .•• • uriDEnSIONVQ.1 -2,ilipaitEn TO DO ro:261),Ti Ntrt.,r; inSeArLyv for iiiI m.1.4011‘i: 17 et:: oltrilli;' sre, susiiln,LgstAitiin ,talteo. ritiiomia vile.,.sh icoinntamblse, a, inore perfect box for the EY EI-SAINI; .11.4146 PlatTS, &To., Made airvt .ohanged the -Timor, 'Manx on the cover so as•to 'notioei resooptiblerstos. HA111.1301.1014T and'SOLD carespotol with' 'the Out on the Wrapper, Cir- BEI :\xont, b :Barbs* 8114:: eidn,rs, ,11IN e•rtilientents, etc. 1.'Cre call attentiOn • Rorer Street, next dopr coMmereial tn. t.his, as it mierlit Otherwise be fegartled• fRintOtt, Oet. 18, 1877,32 4tentiterfeitine• ' ••• • . • •43 :PETTIT " KCR.•LINE tools etie so hot diet they canoot be. •''N ?le ';?1 IATIVIAN, I co onto, Agents for °Militia, NEW YORK & 'GLASGOW. toeohed without burniug the 1) ands. 'n•' ') "PRP( • • I- The„work in severed mines is eareied on • Joe. lemenle the childreel /101;1 VIA ... ...... Feb, 9 ,1 Ran . VIVI 0141.A ..... Yob. • In F.I;rent Iiiiitdvantave-on ticoonn t of -o- • - . - Fob. 28 10 a.ni t. WIELAND ft .. WEEP .ASTOIt , 11, Nue iy sun, XNaTIONIA Intr. 2...... 8 pan the reettleitratieY of the heat. • . able for children and adults: Endorsed b()) i•-• CALIFORNIA., 'Mar. 9:..... 8:3On• . , over 1,00. doctors ill Canada . 'rile diffiimIty iif . • ET11101,1A, .21.Mat'.ai, 1263 . . . . . 0 i...10 . , , A: Budteet of Maslen -Ne ' . • --. ,--..-----4,. • -.... -,----- - New ' jait,l(mluicieliastepri7magt,aiiiesous medicines, and the de.' sirability irf having them plefenla to the taste, • 1- - ' - •P'w and to undertake' reseatvlies • 731,00LTIVolittIA 7.'0 a in ...... Mar 00 '0 ANCOOMA , ...., „lipt.7 10 ..... 7...-.* , •• which resulted in the iliscovery of a Siveettias. (LimipoitNia ... • Apr, 20 8 n.rn 0111` eiViiii ()ode has heen VO47i808, but tor Oil,perfcetlYrdatrohle. of ShuLame strength 'ETHIOPIA ., : .. Apr.- 27 • 2 pail our penal hove rem:tilew • o ••• , " and- ni. edieal qua ities as. the ordinal Castor • . 'ile, I hey were oil ;• and while equally safe'. and barintels; yet • ' itATBS 0 F at the timet•Of fhe -greatest deepotietn: ectiog with nii3re.cei.tanit'Y lad prod " P B'S Otlly rep'resentativi; eovernment otth thee. .."' "‘1"' T"1"1 v Liv• ° I 'd him,ayue.e,t,tthIceitsr.Le,riltente. • ,lNoniehcbildren say it 08530 I..3.40?;;ohly t‘f,P3fon'arnudif.e(eLtr,14501rarlre105'4all'erd!l'i ort.an .onr15 , rk • . ea I • sique sy•al I. say they to Accommodations.. Interniediate,tlud 'Ste' 00)111'114 .era o se lbw wo tut ,aft -S y obedient elene as by any other lirat.claes line. Vol -Wakens. Ad infer. e it. 'woo - • ‘• •1 reform our leeislati • el trationl it like water ; ' Another " W'Ii 'to hide the Illation, apply M. . • • A surgeon of (norreons. wealth • 11311) another ." My little girl ime tolten it twiee .cuntoti;e4.L.1.11'.1,!1:8177.1/,/e7...eteete.te. IV.R., A,t7ent. bottle,or U14,31 •Isanild have.finished it right off ;" . •• been In MAO t•ed at Kbitricow, ' and the without any trouble, 311111310014untiroow what • . : .. . : . - P°I1Ce' or s',. Potershlwg have ltrrestc‘t n- ii•nid'we nel er roUld getthIn1r.to take it without it VVIIITIAI s':. 8TA It . TANK I • it, 4 thottah Alm hates e ordinarY Castof ()il, lady 116 the ill '.4113 tor of the el line. She tight te yet another- -"I teisb yell •enceeps ot FRIiiiliAltY .14, 187? -5, swerwaitarrampone • eele. stieheil41 EY'S MILLINERY ZstabWilment large nmentinent of 1.0.NAT414•115, aojlixes, sitaa.aus itfnisoNs, tho newest oil Alk}t), a large otoolz of FELT and 'SYRAM• 11 (TS, of the latest styles. ' TIOTtS.K4H, Agent for .OVVrIlleit'S PAMEnne (73 garb:elm, 04 031 desoriptiona; a largo stock kept on hind. , Felt and strew elate cleaned (NIA altered nil .11). Oct. 18, 18 7 , Scottish Commercial fire. Insurane Co,i • (IF GI.AsGOW. , 040100, NI' Aliktiotts SI NS0110, - 44 • $1.000,000. 'llueowne, 1,000,009. ril()Y1NCE.05 BlIANCIT.. Read Office -- 7 'Toronto Strop* TORONTO '710Aiti) Or 1)IRECTOliS • 30145 tx, nr,litior,, Esq., ( hnirnatin, 0nundo Landed Credit tifirnpany- 3:ons,13. PnAvrArti, Estp, of Bryce, Alci‘ltirt loll & to ' WiLerArg Atoxicensu, Esq., Yieo-President. Federal. • ' • • Boulf.ot Caueda..„. ifo'sPne'relt- It0IIERT 11E511/ENT SECTIETA BY LANYTTENOE Oommited yeah the 'Government at Ottawa, for semi- itty of oentidion I -folders, $100,00 • Irmo complete teems eoirotes of 'it' 1,,Itottedea010,,utotemeyteb,syt loos or liaMilge by hro oe lightning, on 10 1(4143. afasturing, faun and housepold risks, at ra 3.0300., , Polisios ashamed ;pan and losses Bet tbe Toronto office, without de1.67..• Al) Frerainnut taken in this uountry are invested. la Canatlian somirities. . ; JO BES it ID 0 UT . . . AgnetT FOR. CLINTON mon 'VICINITY • . ' Clintendnly 12, 1877. • • - • • sure tO take the place o1f ail the •oollinioil The.g.)0"auldt8,,,,lyr°4441511n1v,,,t,t,l'ItLet,nr,•it}:',m stt'an1114. eeurtentrtialled tide bext GIOn. t.li 014 fratulUkut imitations into the inaiiiet, 1)41,(t)ilib Asp. 81.... 0 .1) In 1 rcb. • st iret ' it .i8 stated. that 0Sinnu PaSlid will be • The oAraorilin, !nand fi) • this improzt. ' BALI .• , /tent ol s'taple filottn.a.bold Medietinehtisl• • ADRIATIC 9 40 6' charge of 'burying linettian prisoners public can gnard'theinselves against subst"trit: IT11104v bcb 14,3 ' alive. The feeling agaitisti hint is ere 'wheel imprinelld!td, ; mrties are truiPti)ng. irk; , • ... 14,1111.1.22 „f43 1"),To sortatient is one of the -beim of the victim e your ( 'mere ft 04 b • it a splenclinhilv, aper Bags, Paper Bags. raihingaPape rappingl"apel *have Ht01 011 tile reputation of this arti • ci by seeing 13.31 'L'10 )11".• 7' ' strOtiv among, the. itliSsi ins that he rare- . el at the ,nante CoM,Axti's i/rt, • Ann'I'vl 1417,11-'1,113.111,4-, .;41)„,. 9 01 lY loyee hi's house •,• c81.11,1%/tg N, „ lgar, 28 r m • . on Sa.rvitamts • • 0 18 I a( les are ,.,,.eiertentily great pit; (Inpland (Vs interesC i:o 11)1l331411('31 ill the alntive 41 141411 "11 1'1•34-411,c8 Y1'11. (Die* 4'214 )11^ 1111(.. vow 'XI s • • 1.4 ' ration, S.re. now manufacturing it from the ori- TrolaaiL both w:tys. 'TVS stead:I:rig' oefkitliblite Tad1ntil °a)rke riots, end as theise is nothing. to• do in 0,,,„1„efie„, • ememmop & - I all *Irv, bat of in water•tight compartments, and the • eevolutionary weyi theft devote •' • ree„,,e,„. steer e• vassetp,ors, unrivalled oteemoirsistioi.s. The thetneelves to the C'hurch. and •eut AA(' " soc.on•inot State -Rooms behts located in the Miti•ship et. . • ot ,PLANI) 8 :WERT CIASTOR Ob. stet on,181.1 httl, +notion is felt. serve. the name. Do not 1st deceived.' 501411 Y nuuneries.. The number' 'of datisehters menefeee,o,„, 1.4 le% 9:- ' P I" . r -a cents. • .. 'Hairs of pastiert :Seinen $60 to 611'0, gold ; Return - 10110 EOrtallIte thernselvee from 'their fa- • • • • •• WOW, Pod for ono year, 814,1.to 18115* luto neeontmodationsSteerage galdolacord- 111111(8 iS very large in -N•N lute Ruesia.: . Mitt hell'S itqlltidonna 1314 413,.44100031 India .liebber Porous Europe, at low r)1tes, For 4418),sie.murs, and other g . Weerma, to or from • 7 • • - feasters • teterreatiee, NOY t" Ifistntirek i th tiowho telli •vliat . ter(' 130). or MS, Me I , time wee, . W.' te.eielle Agent.. ittla ile58 1114 lift 4131k$,, Ile Iltift f,f so 1113110- different .(liseases lias !teen •ceesed temeeox, gem, 1877. ,SeVeral.friends in Lassie t.p.yello,na be bY 'Instraw. t I 11 as _Jo present. It man • a' . opens his mind. Franee. le In 40111/4er pu1043011 of the gloreso be rt train. ase of.ordi. rr . undisputed fact that over balf of the entlie poHE AJALAN .LIN of a •Gerruan invasion At the time of 'teary piasters, , Tile prinelpal ingroticuts, used to :melting • OP .. the exhibition if she should give offence ' 1 hose Plasters nre (i Imp Obbatattn or better ROYAL AtA 3.1, STEA M SIIIPS. become a useftel tnefulter of eoeiety Ile to Germane. Now Illiesia will not Pro- ! ltdiown as the 'Prankilitiellse of tlit,111/11107•111.11: ' $60(000, Making It thil. of -the most , — ' 'elegant ' mansions in" the kingdom, '--- 1' „.• ' 1 urne ever bromtlit befere the Lonna) race, and On the house alone expended °vet , prOjects. • ' ' • - • finny componmled, is full of electricity, tufa — There 9 !nit one man'in Illiseitt the '1 When combined with the mire 1114 (1k111431 'aliens, in found. to be (me of tlic Oen test healing mod'. NEW ROUTE, via IIALIFAX. ' . 4SAII,IN'OS 11107VI HALIFAX, smulaTtaN, Plni. lo. Londonderry and klasywo. . They purchased the, estate I have inehtioned, vent Bismarek from earryireg• 1.• I ; 6 Burglitfily Pitch ; w Lich, when spienti. . ..1,4rrPoOtit • Everybody, except his most intientte ('"zee, atel• all the tallt there Is about They ere aChnowlegol by. all ail', hate 1st d fiCANOINASTA.1•14 PLR. 17. • . him And lila family Ile was never eble ! them fit riot quicker thati.any tither Islasters PrittiVrAN, 14:11. 24. friends, supposed that he wee going'on ' ' ' ' , ' ever before tried, and that one of these 03110ASSIAN, MAU. ri. ' , ;ill right, when suddenly came a collapse, t° find a linif41°z'!11 'th'inist°1"9" ,' ItrY. r n do mi,r,. real servi , ., e( time e tele. Sho-test men passage, economy.. comforf, 2713 mile, , ' and he was found to be Many hundreds heads, and we two asked how be Call : ilrenat:',f 8 til%'itt•i ordinary kind. All -other PlIsters oraao'ha navigatlan mayad• - 1;11 me 92 fonr hundred men t& end into"; arc' lirY'w ne antinu. mat require to he Worn' : ' 10'.°0 T 1' . ill t 1 1 i Il101et .,A.lisolutism ie i V"11311V doh. ..11,.• ABM I01(.1.18 tliiIIIIillt I.IND1.1031) p 1. e( rt,r verb se -06thfug. Precit•eIy.bove he hag i . a Chamber of Deputies. : ,effe.,,,„,e ; te,,, , s , . eeeeee the, line. Sterlage passengers forwardcil to Derry, Belfast •, to effect a cure ; but With these it is en. Intermodlais and Steerage faros 014 kW OA bq Inv Mho; of thousands -dermatitis . worse- off thnne ee, in so short a tm. t /. inn •Ing not a 'school of freedom, We haVe me, i 1 e 118 a l't nnci4 t /tong I 1 ei immense legitimate fort t 0 haud. a large WRAPPIN9. TAPERS, 111 factur at 'the Merrit on. Paper.,Mills, which wo 'offer .to bepeefi 14101.1, ta prices 758 1.0W' bo ,obtailled at tho oan be had either with ,. no ou y to rue' eati it w f 1588110415. • Queenstown, Glasgow, and Imndon at StInle into s it 0., f porting and strengthening qualities of all other • Plasters, Manv who have beett relieved of , Livorpool, '1 he last train earryin 'Om Catmint it it , 1i . plenty of mere of taleet in exile and out They possess all the soothing., warroin lArt nISO to involve himself hopelessly in " ne" • • end sonnet:Ong with tho (1001111 Fileanighlim 0141114411414 11114140 1 losoos Tottalt0 every Friday, 447,03181e. Peationfle1 I fore evade all Custom flonsomtainination of baggage, Pot Through T1ckets and everyInforreatiou, apply tt.l. • A, STRATTON, It. Agent, Clibton. gi 8 ondo4 rlitolInsEt,trieJA.1184ee, TICDOT,01IFItX-. lard va- tiebt, eiot yet dente), ktiown, but a Osman Pestle the Tit df Ivith oreat defer., or teen lei the RIDNUYS. MBAR' eontiettens eystem of gemblieg and bet- ting, in which enortnous stakes were ins volt cd, appears to have been at the bot- tom of it. Efforts were 1310,d0 t.0 it.V.O him, and pfevent the exposure, lett, the deberittEls againet hirn. proved so gallons that this was fourici imposeibie, and it became at last:necessary to effeet his ter; eible withdrawal from the great banking seated (mom mption., 1101180. Ledy Burdett -Coutts lietself; ed that It's cdrildetei lie hrolight 1114 at e„Lt.er 14Tralli?":'' 1173.1 au leterview • with him, and gene'- exi)onse„ Kele by niI huggistS, • of Plevnat is facetted Mit to le Vo., iSti,8(10,1113.);(411Osiiti:ligysttb,re 6116e.' gentittel stand's at, lila tome (4"etr!eal rirtittitiPff, which e s t gendartnea are feiWays 115 1118 orders, -thug restoring them to a healthr condition. ) contain, and which is imparted to the system, end there is an officer tbat watts upon hint. Ills' emend • till troubles him, and 11e is generally of dullernimore al- thetOt he oftenrceeives telegrams fronr Con ta timid e. e Sultan f» °serves for him' all his dignities, and "line order - hey ;Ire Very Pat, And 1)1141) VerV 11.4- 11ellive ; and sore mire for IVEATC 13.01CS, PAINS IN *Pint Krieg AleD ISIf EAST t tiral :are invaluable to those who have n (1)TA)-of long standing,. and often pro:opts CONSUMP- TION. Some even tell they believe:they weiVentirely rlired by the use of them of along - (1 • #. via tbia Tonto 4414401 throngla Canadian territory, there Olintatt,Dint; 13,1877,, . • I r tt1 not 04.11g earned in these timing, I but it eau be made in throe finmilis ; 127 14323' one (4( 0141(31' las, in WO, Par& : of the tountry, who fa willing to " • Work, ate My at the employment that wo fetish. ton 1, per week in your own town, Yu need net be away , *from 'horn over night. Volt San give your whets Elms ' 1331 4114' eTol,orlLyeiwair,000p40-.'Vebvnf 4goniswhraromtiverrprdfl.411who:Ii.i iritEto et root ean make money Wt. At tbe ofsent i • time money amulet be (53(141 (03 pasily.ana rapidly at any iioOt:lof no5 s. 4"11 o i)oRtiiultittett(3-7 11(4" lleitrlcttoao0o1lttroa,Alacoiaenut$,4,uttit.;t..r! ),.v,ti ., a • a• It. i.ii c iitec & C.itorlond,Mnin, sa ' or without, E HOLMES & thereon • ,