HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-02-07, Page 7, . 1.4131ttiAltY 7, 1 6. An Old WOMall'll Briayer. • 40. It. wao,a. fireary lioromber evening in • theyear 1630, the same year in which •the brave anti pionking of 8 weder,. thiStolla0 bodJntl�l an. the German (ICAO, to help, bis hrethren in tbe newlfaith, the Gerinan Protestants,. to d.efend thereselvea igains.the °Athos.. lie legions, witeo, ender -their leeder,' the cruel end heartlese..Tilly; the dete,' 0014.4.0f11,114.baditressed them.' hard and threetened to. o ver Twelve loug yeare,alread.y hail this fear; ful religioos Woe raged tlirongbout Ger• many Th.e sea wita.sooketl. with he blood of the slain ;he dads devasteted, the towns depOPulated•; and t•lie Whole' country sigbeci flant moetted under 'the- bu miens, of war. "rhe cihranielencif,those . times ereIled with the eitti stories 'Of.' atrocities and barbariie, enrentitted by : the armies:. on hoth sidea...,tigainst. the unfortunate inhabitante; 'wherever these armies passed theyleft. cleseitbehincl, On.this Novetrib.er evening there sat an cild -.womanin.'a farnilioese .on the outskirta of o Saxon Village,. -•...1-Ter eon, - a young mon of about twenty years, had just -broil -Ott home ,the • now. of -0. ye in o r ,t1t haittepreadin the. village,that• „ detachrirenteof the much feared .Spanish trobps was:approaching, arld:.w.ould pre- •bally.- pass through tlftivilhige during- , • the night.' Terror and •anxiet y Yelgrred., - The young man .besought 1S .mother to. teke refuge in the Mountains.. she.. .remonstrated that they: were. in.,- God's. protection .:aud.y.hat,..if, he' they erop143 be saved •;. and exhoredhi to seek consolation in Prayer= .She lighted' the ]an, took her: prey,. - er book find began to••singlier feVarite hymn,. " A. wall; 0.. Lerd,- around us build." At this tlinson revolted', telk ing his mother that by her.foolish.sing, ing• and ,)y 'the • light .of her fan* she . would ctrtminly.show. the (..nernies • the .• . -warto their house and neeleesly eXpesed t he in. 13 u t she persevered -arid cent inued to sing, ." A :wali 0.LOrd- 'around' ale • •*, The son grew angry and 'scolded his :mother. " flow ,cati, the' Lord: build a • wall a: oaud :Sop • that . . non• - sense, _ mother; the time for :Miracle§ ja, past." • . . • • • ' • . • ."Tlie• Ler& citn„ if he Vi41),".She qnbt- ly auswet•ed, and' contintied.to.'sing and. to pity through the • whole"long night " A won, a Lewd., arotind'us buii&" When the I -doming broke,- the. son took courage..and went to tlie•clobi; het when he tenet to open- it he fotnicl'at would Hot give wity.--..A.--ilea,vy-spew-i drift had obstruoted it and .perfeetly. • beried-the house, concealed:wire% the enemies, ..who, during :the,.'night, had passed throughthe.•..yillage;, c ruing _plunder arid 'tneeder in6oa1frilo46. every • house.. • .A.tic) so didathe- Lord- “a.Wall tirotind there build!' •• • The liroxnan.. Who. 1Citevt, , . Saturday forenoon a ;little' old wontan • who bad some to town..in a one 'torso waggon, entered A store on Woodward • avenue where -gents' farni4ing goods • are -sold, and asked if they ',kept sueh • thin(' tp a man's-niehtshirt. • " Certainly we do," was the rep1y:v.11.S. the clerk readhed for. the.box. " Well, :tny old, man was -travelling • down in Rhode .Tslandlast fall, and he • heard about 'em and .saw one," she non. tinned, " ana he's been half-crazy- ever since to own. a coupre.' ',Things' have .come to a pretty pass when • men. have• . got to have one shirt 'for day end the other for night,. brit Thomas is rather, chil Ihrh, and 1, thought 'I'd • get liim one." " Most all men wear 'entilioW," ed • -. picked up onh aftet' another ..and let " What price db you' went to pay." • the clerk, as he opened.' the.' hex, T, dunne," she mused, 158 81W- picked drop, "I .didn't Say T wanted one for myself, did Tr • • • " Why, no, of course not. These are gentlemen's night 'shirts, madam .•-theee differeet styles." • She picked up tlui plainest onetahook it out, hell • it at MID'S length, and. eoldlY said : " Young man, tio yoil pretend to'call this garment it nightshirt for a man r •• " Yea, ma'am:" . - ' " Yon do,eh ? Yon stick to it thati: this 'frilling and furbelowipg and tuck- ing and milling belongs • on "a mait's n'ght-shirt ?" • • " 1 do." "Then yon'd beteg* go -to 'driving a sand waggon, young' man r she anap-' ped as she 'threw •the garment down. "I've worn night-geWns for fifty-one yeais, lip' if .the 'dior bas•come avheu young metonshiner like you'plitg etrairS to tell 'me Wet T don't.know 'what it nightlown is, my old man ean sleep in a harneFiiilor all the nig' ht -shit t Ile will ever get me to-laey 1 Good day, Young .man 1" • And she went oot with a 'defiant gleam in her eyes.—Defrift Pree.Press. an oil paiuting and presented it to hitn. The werkingmen ot Boston, who have not work andefood, have in its stead that protective tetitf that Sir Johti pro- mises to give. to Ginatia ; the working. men of Toronto' and Galt have not the Yankee proteetive tariff, hut they at/. pear to twee one that gives •them not only work mid food, but 'a.. sufficient surplus .of eiteb in hand to enable thorn to pay out of their own pockets for die- Jews...and i$20. presents to a wealthy p t;i(vizraclei•:— • Passaic _City, • New Jersey, the large woollen menufecturing t1ta,. of NYetherhouse Brethers has j uet suapend-. ed payment. One-half of their ore., pierce (they ip4a.250 in 1111) ate (BS, charged 7 the other' half axe rettlihOd• .to workup tk, material au hand, wheli the cloeed $000,0.00 worth of meohinery lie idle. Laet week the' Esseic• liecorct aunt -teed ihat the yibollen. mills' in that dourity as to be sepplied With additicinal .manhinery, re- opened and again Put in operation. The. closed sw..Jersey mills have the Yen- kee proteetiee tariff, under:Which 'they tinet 250 artisans adrift; the Canadian weollen.rnilla have not the Yankee •pro- tective tariff, but without it .are abont to give fresh emPloymenr to Canadian mechanie8.-1-lami1toa Times. " Many Mouths71gueh rood: We reed in the Ego ;—The capacities of the 'people, in these Brit'sh. :[elands, appears to be without limit,. and, equally. • so. the power of -foreien eountries. to •' keep • ripen 'a level with the M.. • No circa f,stance, however Ss'et'on:, ingly heetile, close, or even narrow, the •food' markets of tire world'ag,itinst our 11enery .detimecle.• e Lest yeer,:tiotwithe standing w.r, :mei Russia: assiqing, to an enormousextent, ie. teeth Leg tis ; In- dia,'in spite pf famine, doing the same• ; the -United Stattis, -all their' Lnd fliiiciJ difficulties apai?„ ponfifig fleet, loads of grain „upon our shores; Wo were tho ettsternrO of t hese,' th e emoinueities,-for the stijd.of life lOttp; to .flie tune of ehont tWerity-fOur 'mil- sterline ; :hitt this gigantic total no tneatle sufficed to. satituy oor ' wants. There was •cortvin tiLiypf, Saul we -purchased it wholesale.; .also in the :impoverished territories of Germany ; Moreover,. Turkey; with her devastated' Moldavian and Wallachian provinces,: could afford to sell her harvests , oven more prodigally than in the . previone year 'of peaCe, by millions. of -1sitinhed weights, Eler awn cbildteninthe New World helped in. sllyirig this ,egregious commissariat; .which, with the 'bargaine dere in France, Derunet•k-, Chili and 'elsewhere cost us in round •,mintbera, X84,000,000, leaving flout:of all kinds:out of the cninetip.n. , We find in the •reteres.a: prepOrtiOnate 'traffic in livestock. and Meat of al.J deecriPtions, the. general upshot 'being thet. Great; Blitaie cannot Pessibly produce 'enough' n rider ,ex i NUJ* eironnis te noes to nburish her own•population. Whether the land is abectlutely incapable of, yielding it sufficiency for the' la:diet:lel 'Wants, or whether. an unnatural atnourit, of it ii kept queof!'eultnre :is.another mitt ter. entirely, • _At present, we siniply. lo�k at the tignree as they lie before, us, ancl certainly they tire not a little seggesfive. In point of fact, we pay for bringing a single article of popular sustenance frcan beyond the seas a -sum eq tailing half tbe total of the Imperial revenue. • Fraud in, th'e Churthes., A great,Lleal f tn inonn,y that goes to stiriport smite high-toned New York churches conies originally froni sharp practieo of onn "sort or.another1t will net do in such a case as this, to men. tion namee, but if propriety.perinitted, if would be an easy matter to give here a list ,of teen, prominent. in .tip town chinches who p;iy ligh pew rents and •Contribute to church subseriptions out of money that they matte eby actual fraud—ft:la; ut 'the Custom' House, fraud in Wall street, 'fraud in saiings 'banks • and .ireittrance enutpanies, fraud iti bosinOes and frond in sc:res of wa not necessary fo specify. Setae of these men„are knownto have committed freud, and otherare tinder suspicion as' • hailing but the clearest' evidence could 'remove, hut are they obliged to take hack goats in the churchcs on this Secount P Not at all, •�n the contra-. , , ry, they occupy tnavory uertit pews, and are frequeetly more prominent fit church eonsolttitione than their bretliren"ntli0 are nsitherActiownto, be dishonest tior suspected of being at, The altureliee need hianey, of 001.1r8o-rooree in feet, than they'ean get—and some of them tiot Only tolerate the 'rich mon who make teenpY by,meaus not strictly honest, hut they give them ft Sort of negative encpuragement to go:on niakingii'e*Y- cliahones.t1y by treating tbetn dial consideration. This may not bc the des() in Dr. Hall's church, but it eertainly is the case in some others: No ono n New York ha's over. teard cg a rieli man...being deeied churn; mat, bership. because he had. shown 'Moto canning then eonseience in growing .linetro.rd (Conn.) , Antiquity of Nursery Ithymos, ManyOf tiVe prOductiOna levee is very curious history, if kt• weld only be traoed. Salne of them probably owe Contrasts. On Saturaay, in Boston, four thou- sand workingmen out pt .03co1oymtnt met together and marched to the MFty- Orts office to 'demand work—which they did not get. A few days before that, workingmen in the City of Toronto pre- sented Sir Sohn 'Macdonald with at3250. golct watah and Chain, and a fete days after w'ards workingmetrin Galt.paid for a —11111111111PPw' THE CtINTON NEW ERA. their arigiu tn narnea distinguiebea in per literature ,• its Olives' Goleatith,or inetance, is believed in his earlier clays to hove written :melt compositions. Pr. El, 11, Ritubault gives us the‘followitig partieulars as to SOWS Well -4110W 11 vorites :---" Sing a Song of Sixpence° is its old as the sixteenth century. Turco Blind 1Wicon is found iti a •eie book dated 1609: -43 The Frog and the Mouse" was licienbed itt3.58a. " Three Children Sliding on the Ice" stlitterfrom•1a88-r---44-Lendon---Bridge-is- ,Breken Down" is of unfatbotned anti— •. quity,w# Girls and Boys . come eut* to BLOOD POISC)NINGS Play Is certainly es eld ite the re,,iogokootf E. • vIliati,:zsviir449 L lovro Charles .11.: as is also " Lney io lost her Pooloat,n to. the WO of which one rlineirlelatirfrnbatttrian WilatVi?ly"; emu) neutralises the iinison. in WO blood, nod 0114 the American song Zit " Yankee Doodle" Pues.Y. (.14, l'tissy Cat, where have you beim V 15 of the•age' of Queort.fless.: Jack Horner" is older than • the • seventeenth Century. , " The Old Woman TOS5911 ill it B SD kee. DIELVIERCE S is• of tbe reign of Saints 11., to which • rnonerch it is supposed to alluile.--The , ' 0) A RD • irolga '11.'bedors, This Company's fleet con shis of Twelve, arst-wass, powered Steamships, For 1.1,orP001 ;god {t140011140WIll• IfrQIU pior N...55., foot Spring Street, Ileve York, From pier 511,31.H‘°. Irt.,1r14040°t"PlingrilonpitierreSet:c'et, Yew ,Xcrk. • The accommodations for Cabin Passengers by these Stearre•ra aro Witt olass, 'rhe rates of fassage aro frOM upward, according to the location of aleeping bertha, A1100411 papapeel a have equal privilegea in the Sidonn, Pixoursiort, or t'eturn tickets at reduced rates, rm. nu, aittb:47:intout ero citeg ott: tni.E.11,14) _lyintgua, a rid f er rates _GI: bin. W• AAILTON, Agent G.W.R. • A13$011.13P.N.I. externally aboovba thikpolaon from rho Hy teia. Ithournatic, danuer, Minna; Syphillis. Non- ralgiarIndigestion, and any other blood poisoning' aro effeetnallycnred ,11/ s shot ttline by the above renrosilos, • @old 47 all draggists, pricer& cents, .10 . • • 'Gems of Thougllt, Never allow is requests t;o• be repeateR. .. The happy Irian la always ;the hapei- neee,giving Man.•. • • AlWayfi leevelloine with loving worde • for they may be tile , • . '• ' Jilvery boy "'should have 'his head, his hr4trt, and las hand educated, • ' E very body... co rablai n e of a bad Memo.- ry, but nobody of.bild,jedgment.. • '-',ZTotliing so prevents .Olir tieIng natre rid as oin. desire of appearing so. Never , deceive, for the heart, nnci WiSIS.C1, can never. trust .15Overtyis in want of mach, but a va7 riCe cleseancla everything it has not.. A • • • Never thill fault. unlees itts perfectly cert•.t fa tilt :ha 5 been. au rie i tted. • 117140440 (1 94fair liAkiteinl:latstvetXrroatiu/%41eosr, csinirielms,8DAeleisr,Tg REMEDIES tro not advertised as "oure-alla," but aro 8m:cities In t1/0 11/111111134!1 for wide/ft/ley um rectunine. &Op . • NATURAL wevEcTi6x,.. hotural setehoO have semoustratea beyend controversy, that thronghont the animal king., dont the " sarrival of the. fittest" 18 the only law tbat vouthsafes thrift, AN perotiaty, xrges net the 1/1100. principle govern the • commercial prosperity of num?. Ar, Inferior %/toot suporsodo 4 superior article. 'By rea- son of superior littera, Dr. Pierce's •Standaril Medielnem have outrivalled 'ethers. Their sale' the.Utlited States alone Wanda ono minion dollars per annum, while tbe Muennt eXported foots up to several 1IWded thouSand More. • No 1111.521880 0)0(15 grow to suelt gigan- tic, proportion's and rest 1pnoi)elilatm• other than that • 0 GOLDEN MEDICAL Discovery. • IN of frrotire, or bl000.ri000Niog. GOLDEN' MEDICAL DiscOvery: Is portorai; • ••. GOLDEN PAttireAL bisbovery • 1,5 a .elvollogogne, or iiivor stivitatwot: GOLD 4NAVIEDICAL DiSCovery ITooir— GOLDEN 'MEDICAL Disoovery • *N • . • L ty by a good store of Patienee, but be. en re te.p.nt it otllOro you,can find it. . • . .111ms , 1 leers,, or old bia*e.,,-; Blotches ;• Pimples ; and nruptione.. 57 virtoo of Its Pectoral properties; It cures •Srmiebial. Throat emitting Affections ; Incipient. "Cotistunptiolf,-, Lifigeringq.rolighs ; and. eltrOnic Laryn.' • a.Tet.are ie it pette,:e gitis.' its Cholagogue properties render It an unequal- • ed remedy for BiliOusness. Torpid Liver, er ‘,t.„1ivor filld does hest .when. least. meddlecl wit• h. c'eteletate .tine its leatie properties make it oqUally Bear your; neighbor's.' deteets, • • " • - eillektpi(ms curing Indigcstiou,,lipss of Appetite), and DyspepSia. , , • !hat be'1'11t 'PP with Wand leatelse.ce. Where there aro scrofnlous swellinga 121 1etuili' hen theo . ,ltia ;Is sallow and covered with blotehes . yGlir.4." • - iand affections, tlfav hitttlp of 0O11501, NOdicall Discov'ery wilIetteet an entire cure.' I f, you feel dull, (10147,de- bilitated, Sallow color of skin'or yellowisn-broWn siiots on face or jaaly,•,..frequent hoatlache or dizziness, bad taste 111 mouthlatirual beat mid chips alternated with hot flushes, lew spirits and glooniy 'forebodings, Irregular appetite, and tongne'coated, you are suffering from .Torind Liver, or Biliousness.. In many eases of Liver Complaint, only, part 44 these syMptoburappear. As .0 remedy for an such' clises, Dr„. Pierce's Golden :Medical Discovery has no equid, alt effects 5)81 1805 oures leaving tho liver sti•eligthencil anithealthy, . . • '• It .is the in9the1 who inotilik: the eliataeter.eirid fi-xes the destiny of the • :We pO ees oro• lives iu regretting m. Past, complaining of the present, and indulging false hopes of the future. ' •HAVise pietvine iestiereted- by-rettsOn... den of teas linderadrinding by experi- ence; the tiniest ignorant by ..and .brutes 1•.,), nature.. . Me- great 'd1ffe1eri4e • bettinen .the young and the old is this: •the y.onog have the world:before then) *bile the • old are behind the,ivorld. • . • . T?etirning i like Mercury, one cif the most 'peWerful. and excellent things in the Worldin skilful hands ;., in unskil-: fel, the most misehievons. It is impossible to make people un- derstand their ignotance: for it re- quires knowledge to pet ceive. it ; _and,. :ittbenrott ev fore; he that can pereei-nit,•41:ith Oretlit is,like a looking glass, which, when only sullied by an unwholetioine breath,may be wiped clean again ; but if once it is cracked it is never to be ye-, paired. 1• ' •Too muell reading and too little toe. ditation • produces' .the efi'eet of lamp inverted, iee.extioguislied by • art excese of the element that iq meant. to feed it, , • ' ,• . General -NEywa costumes made entirely_of newspa- pers e're popular for fancy dress patties. Tines have a superetifion • that whistling ia mines is ptovocetive of luck; P —P.• P.. .110NY r..PQ EN30:1Z.. A MERRY pitRISTMAK. EtA.PI)T NEW YEAR, BUT 1TUE 101347 GOODS MG PII:SITS 8, BOQE. ST_ Q. • Where you can' now find, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, the largept and tineat seleetion of , . ROOKS, -STATIONERY uuJ FANCY GOOOS •• Elver shifwn in Clinton. Coale anti be oonvinedd, by an examination of the afoek,• : FINE ASSORTMENT 'AND EXTRA. VALUE fit Poets, Bio'grephies, Histories, anti Nliseellandotts Bookm of erery , description, in elegant • binding, •jost the thing for presentation. • IiIBLES-Teeket, Pew, rmuilv, and the new Teaelters' I3ible„ with Index and Concordance •equal to lligster's, awl at half tbe price, • Prayer•Books and Unwell 'Servieess elegantly • hetiod in Gold, Platinum tiutt Real Morooen. . ALBUMS; &e.-.-Photograeli Alinnns,' for Curd's find Cabinets, bound in 1.11oro'nee, Woocl. Pegrl and JiaPier-Mitelne, Alge, the elegant new ElfSEL ALBUM. Autograph Albeins, Scrap Books, Mark Twain's 8crap Book, American. Plerai Album, . IlandiMme Inkstamisf god Pens; Goicl Dunaj/8, Paper Knives, Writing DQS0, Portfolion, Pocket lloolts, Ladies Work litiXes,• Gaines in endless variety, ' : . •, *, • . OlGve and. floralkerehlef Sete from af to ale; unqueseieeatity the fillefit .ever•shown in town. . Silver Cera Paskets, JeWeltieses,ine. Card t. ases, Dew patterns Old very about), -;:- • 13011I4 IAN OLASSWAD,D; in 'Vases and Elegant Cologne Sts, at'italf-price eharge4i Saab seastin: • i" - • •.• .• • ..• •• '•, •• .• . , ••• . •,istent's.and New:Year's fjords , 1,Tote PaPOr anti Enielopes,. hi fancy boxes, a spienilii,Iass..0i7ent,.. front'Xi ats. te SS escb Chr: . 8ilk Bookinarloii".111ot‘tis ooti mottos Frames. Stereoscopes'aiid yiews, .., , .. , . • . very fine asortment . . , Alsf:, just received, a tine lot of the new OE r,Lur,orD (19 BA L. JIt'W ELLE WY, eSpeeia115i for the Cloi'ettnes trade., - .• •• . • - '• -': . . . , 04RTSTMA.p.. N91.11! "PAFpR a5d...El\TV:E1710PES, But come aniPace for'y'enrsolv(;$. .EVen the 241(1 114518 too.iinalf to, eenteeiateAlthe nen, ' tifaLkoodi seittOlo-fopTiTlidSyrGiftig,t "8d oall itud you will-he'shown 'evory.th lug. ' • A$ *anal. A CHRISTMAS. TREE• will be piepared. for the Little•VOlks, which will . be lowled with Toys mut Fancy 1krtioles, ranging in, Value 11010 Ten; Gents to :Thee Qollarsoinfl ONLY TEN CENTS A TICKET. -• s • To save time •infrodliced -a 1S.',EW SEA.TI!Eti, .and. (luring the flothiitktc;o gfetthegcis iigyim laoli Vert•one complete ide.of my shop into A DOLLAR STORE, a,n One Dollar, my ountorners may select anything therefrom, without' the trouble of inf.:Oiling .prioes. As there will he Maw 'fine gm*, Werth double •that -figure; the dist.erinitg mois eau seenre goOd bnrgaine. • • : • • • ID QI\T 4=.41\T=0* . . •V*.* VItors.evo rie3attiart , Vti4r4iive. relletas • • Purely Vegetable.o care •requireu . while using (hem.' • • .• . The ,t Little Glatt" Oa/hallo' br '110.1 VOLT IN PARVO P1ItSIl, soaroely larga than runalsrdecods, and sr° sugar-coatad. 'They remove the necosaity Of taking the great, traidt ililistief sickening/A.1h , hereto-, fore so much in rise.' - •As•ti r8111eify for litarthol/o. Dizainusa, Bush 1 Blood to the Head, Tightness about tho Chest, Bad Taste. in Alouthi Mructationis fron the 8toretieb,10' ion is.A ttaoks, 'Jaundice, Patti tho Illghly-oLlortal and :Internal rover, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant ;Purgative 'Poll e ta 'tire mnimpa 8804. urt herm o re, T. we u ht sa7. that (5)051 801(011 is universal, tint a gland .6eklallg that aatitary toques/1: .A.00 doom not 5105)85*550 prop- erties ot 'these Pellets. They aro at/gar-v.1;Iva and.1n• closed.in glass boatels, their vitt teds being thereby pro - sorra intimpairod 'for any length of timeso 111,55 (5,07 • 4111 15878 fresh ma reliahlo. Thfs is .not the coo with thosefll whioli are put up le cheap wooden or paeteboard boxca. The dally rtsc• tWO' Pellets hes eared the hoist obefluale (140 ( Of' &rondo, Tetter, Salt - theme, l0rvalp41ts,13.)118,13:,qc1ies, pimples, 85(4 5,7484 end 81(i,pii0l 11187 am ?wiretap, tecommendrd fe be taken01 'OflflO�tlon with tite.Golden Medical covery..in Order to floeure'pbb'bgai results. " ' .• t;.. 'IPAVORIT P 1.1S-Git The 1 etacdfol nranagement 1.1,,PO &it/costa peculiar to wolno boo afforded h large experience at the \Vetting Dials m my, id which Dr, r011.14.. ia 1110 811:Of consulting phyarriau, 1/4 arlaianfr rcauvilhut for their Mire, Dr . A LowviIie boy took a hot briek•-Plere l• ay 00:el:rtelisulittan,:tibaiesc,ihnee ;sg1trilt of phis ex- Tlicl saved. the bo find . the f:iouse,• keel) 1518 feet f Pt 1: rdi atei1201811t11iX111111 e. 311 ittl rqnarkable ettros at all tiVituV glit:71onteIrtl di 01 d • bed With, to the bsd WtO rediiced'to clergy umeitt• eittelfridgetrat milted to have hie salary reduced front $3,090 to e24100 per . amain:, 'and it was done. It .vas Rev. george Lea- vitt, Ofthe Pilgilrn Church Society, - The whole:elle merchittite rlf.IJIa Virile ted Stittes•new employ, all 66141, not Tess^ than' sixtff thousand travellers, at an average expeow orat.least $3,0_00 each, milking as direct Soot, to the 'wholesa or this system the onornions aggre- tottering; hullos are a few of the many then. gate of $180,0,00,0,90 a year.. ' -CIIIflI'.to Yolks. Po TItO PtP81.31PtIOn 311 IA Powerful' Re..torativo Tonle to 51148 0115110 system: 1119 a etesens 1mouirpittsed ,efliettoy, and, .while ggiotg' nervous ,frritption, 11 strengthens tile enfeebled nervous (latent, theieybre• storing it to healthful' vIgnr, The 'taming (11011(854a.re 4010)15ottaeia...aeaa racnitie Preavription• hot/ workedu, ng o rag , visir-lactutorrlotur, or "White," txcealsiva rowing, Painful Menstruation, linnittural Suppressions, Wank Deck, Prolapans, or'talling'ot the VI erns, A uteri:neaten', ItetroversiomBearing.dowit Son. Notion, Cattalo tIongoatia/ Indentation *tut Ulceration of the 'U(erus, Internal licit, 'Nervous .Ltepression. 1)c• bility, De•mondency and very many (115101-eltron le di: 803088 peculiar to women, but not.ntentioned.bbrP. 011110 whO cantestify to the eMeney.of P0tte.11 Ftl• 1/1101te 1 readriaton, tram o2porlonroarulolutfreaficolt- Alrs. Posts, Tows; Afro; Thos. 1. Idethvin, Tiatobbra Stator/. 04„; itr8. T..A. Seymonr, Itome, 14, Y.; *Airs. F. littowtdk,;Worsaille' a MAO; Ues, Leroy Putman', North Wha'rton, Pit.; Mrif,Iklary A. tim, nolt, Milne,. Mo.; ...Stro.-25181y kiitibib, leohialrl Pa.; hits.)). Lohillloothg, Ohio/Mrs, carriet;U: Ma - West Springfield, Pti.,1 Mrs.„11. iffatt, 'emporia. Kan',. Miss totifse Pratt, Dodgeville, Mns,; Mrs. Dashichl,,‘Norfolits. Mrs 1.1, AlISOn, Prootors Towa :Mrs. 'Vernet, 85. Thomaa,. Ont:; gra; S. 0. Morin, , 259 North froward:Street, 1341timore, 111., litra.,Ltior Calirnart, harnigoillo, Ohio; trot.' Nangy Itolltarght, zofforoon, tetra; Um. fiformod, rrienclehip,V,Y.; il,rii,fi,rin4i:vr,t,7,11. yrIf ir, bfr, n't,‘'' :tilt: ni.etitiot 0,woNnk.!k, ;Sal teal. fors:awes em be given at the WptlItl's Dispensary, Tho Peop1e':8'1\feclica1.Servaat Dr. I15, V. Moto ig the Kole prepristorand manate8. tater of the foregoing rettedios, all of which aro geld by dragglats. ITs 15 elect the Antbot 01 (5)8 d'eopleft conaiten sone ktedicra Adviser, a work of nearly ono thetisand pages, with two hundred, and Olghtyawo WOoit;ongravinga 09115 cOlorodplata.a. Ho luta- alroady Rohl of this popular work •••• • tT 01TBit, loo;opo...cof)Imis A2k • prlospolstpaiAl81..59., AliDittSS; R, E,, . D. • A Philadelphia. 11.111i1 is undoe•hail of 00 for trial for ,the larceny of one cent. 'According to his evidence ss neighbor gave inin ten cents to get bur 1jtjgicItnf coal. Ite.took •tlie fuel to her, but'forgetting pity her back one' cent received as ellen,* she eauqed hi • It is eaGitnated that there aro: he. tweetr4,000 and 5,000 families in Wel N : '*terliampton and the surrounding ills.: triet in it state of "absolute 'destitution and vomit' of the necessaries of life pon- sequent on the stoppage of many of. the • collieries and iron works. There seems no prospect of *work. for them for some time. To relleVe the distrees stone- yarile `are being Opened at, the union houses where the able-bodied men have the opPOrtunity of earning a little nab, ney for tlieinselves,and their families, • Woritlog nisPeiksacf, plural°. • opposite, A. S.'Fisber's Dry (feints 85cile. (.;LI.NTON Dec 20 1877. • crli:AND TK RAJIAVAY' f ..••••-• 111.1 4011Etaicre. ririniie.. '• ON 'AND AFTER MONDAY, D1.10..24; . p084ienter Trains will leave Clinton station as follows Goma hAsir, Express, 7.27 A.M., arthing at Menden 111..5 5 pA.m.111.:,RrTriovrIonngt,er 1.14.1)05, LIf1i..401itramil :ntotraporne,sast Int erest from Pour to pive per bent allowed • _,. 11,15 P.M. Mixed, 4 95 P .151.- arriving -,at Stratford at - '• -1). 6.45 P.M„ London at 9.15P. 31. Mixed arrives front•• on 01)011ti Go/Uric/1:10 Alt." , • ]•it.N1( Of;: CANADA QA.PricAL, .$4,000,000. ',CI:nil:T.0$ AGENCY •., Agent. : Trains Will arinye aafollows Odaatt,frona , Stratford. Mail and Express,..9.45 P.M., trent 1.'oronta, • t•-a•w-ues, .e.pru .167 • • i -y Buffalo andLotxdon. Express, 9.99P.M., Irma' Buffalo rod:L• , i Tonto, anondon. • luiredU1'.11,• S .• • '.• • PilOk$ OP:, General Manage &Neer • TO. A .. • . 5. ST turroN, Agefft. at Clintne. •,• • Dee. 97, lirll. • ' . •,.. • — Clock*, Watches, Jewellery, &c MORTGAGE • . . S, No, rEs, . •. A051I'OTiXFfl E S.' FOWLER ••G004 Sectuities Purchased. . W. W. VAUBAN, 11., • . (1015 s. Nov. 9', 1.1174. . 47 I)esires to return • his sincere thanks , • to tits nouteretts friends end east°, 'rnors,torthonher- al share of patron. ogothst hehliSte• gelyed while (tarry- ing nn busitiet.s In LlInton,and hopes by a strict Mien. titre to brisiness, end using every effort 11, 14(455 the wants of hi B 1118317 frie11111,1, to coot fa. uo to retain their patronage, Ito would Mee take. this oppottunity of stating_tlat-Ito „loutialten big mai into partnership, and that the binn- eas4 will bo conducted in fn tut o under tho .8f ylo of 8.0 Pownto,& 8054. The 11,In (4111 keep ori !mad. 'Watches, dlocks, JevrolierY, gp'edtaoleil, , tid all other tirades in their /Me fie sleds 50 Pippo Repaired and Meartied, itemdrings cleaning, ds., done on short nation°, in a , worlonatilikcmo nor, and 1.211 teas/motile terms. . A 1./106T STREET, iCOterff nP virs Clinton, DSc. 1137. 1•• 71161011Tfl 138418H ,, * YEkTillt 1N '1 COUP .ANY furucr00.4 • !had Glaegple, CAPITAL., • 4500,000 STO. • . .B0AIW IX SCOTLAND, Yens Gni-it/se; 505.405Ilippandavio, Chairman. Rout, Yetirm,, Esq., of ''Afossrs. 3', It O. Young .5 Glasgow. PF,Taa STURitet`a, It PrOVOet of . )0114i3, Ill 1411/M Ef1q., 01 ItOt11.17e1rAillk. fieUrni, Gnus, itm, of•Illosoro. Plitylafo,nryco te, • Wm. .,01.,,fs.y'ri P4peeille TKO Glttlfa ,Itetnedy is espoolsily..ra• corinnended. lis an unfailing ottre for • • Seminal Weak- , newt, Spornistorr- hon,Impotency, 10.111. 011 (Dimwits follw as a rtakta,s, Before Tel= oi 4'oo,pionoo of Stff-,Jsg-Lms Abu, 08 Sloss of Memory, rhivereall•nsititrale, Dein in the Back, Dirtiness of lrfitiolf, Frotnatore ON ago, prisif infitly other diseases that lisul to 104811107 01 conamnp. • tton, and Pretnature Grave, //114/1 which as /trifle aro ' first ofelsed by deviating from Ile path of nature and. • ettor.indulgoute, Tito Spoothottirdielno 111 tho rooult Of . • a life' tuly arul many gran( of experionee fo treating them', special diseases.) Pamphlet free by ntall. • 'XIV( Specific litedielne is sold by all Druggists et ;II per pack- age, or six psoksgss for VI, op will be 00111 115 mail on reosipt of the nioney,hy addressing NV35. Offal & Oft, WindoartOnt• Bold ht Oititton aed 1,y all druggists evorywhoro, • < GEO DitHL NDERTA KE R. irt•rsti+• Xe,IBCEri.7,1, Glasgow, • • Lotoo,trroof VAL Male, et Messrs Ross co., Glasgow and London. • • • • CAgADIAN' AtIvIsowr tcy.4s.rtn. Ito% ;rout( wcuritnicu, r,,,,mont 'Western Assurance 0011115115.,. . , :tutus lurtgri.iNA,o, Eigb, ri.C.,,. 411 /googol. lifcriratf 54/04 Lonnan it Downer- P.- AP • ' IT. 0 StrtAtttr ea:welt:Sank, SOLICITOR:S.-Eossrg. Ilotortoorit kto • froward, Toronto. notal Ilapk of Scotland, Th. Pasha Dant of Canada, • General Managers.-Eloarth, Coollitur & 0o. 158 Toronto street, Toronto, , itonuy lent on farm and toon propotty at root/mato goo of tntorost,•andforporfaditt* snit the bon•ortor• EC, HALE, AonnT, OvilrroN Caslietsy CoffillsiCogiii 'Frimmilios‘ Robes- bi-! 'I 140.y 551(0. Parting suppliod with tho above tit short:oat notfoot and • at tho VE1t5X.0Wi8SP RAMA. • :MA a. looll IlEAR8g. Itointanaer tbe\Plac� 7xicyro.tcrp::::t :..: oitAto,}3ept, 0,1877.