HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-02-07, Page 5k'EInww43tY 7r 1.878, A bRY *We do •BrcT TEE CON NEW ZRA.; Is. •0 , "ter+--' a'—/u,•'-.•'w�rr.iieiil•C..,+�.• CLOTHING, BOOTS `and §,11 ES, Ete. not fee.1 like 'giving. up 'busyness yet, . but WILL .SELL G-OODS • A:S;.,CT.TEAF' ; ;S':AN. ;QF', THOSE THAN ADVEET-ISE GIVING''[J'P BUSINESS, for easy.of good 13Atter, NO NECESSITY OF GOING TO CANTON fOR CN pi Just calland examine Prices for cur give: will purchase any quantity of. as Turkeys, Geese, Chickens, ndesboro, Nov. 22, 1877..: ' CLINTON MARIiU1TS• Feb. 2;1878. e m.irket is dull and droopingsin eons e se of the unsettled state of the Eastern ion, dealers not liking to go high for or a fall in prices. Owing to the in1- REMO'I!Ai6. •• DR.a APPLETON - OFFIOE — at DAY time' and at NICIHT time—Tho Romps over the Storeof' •Onnninghamo tC Aikenhead—the Square,Olintou.. ' Clinton, Dec 20, 1877. STAY HEIFER; .._ Came into eubsoribers premises, lot. 15, lan• d eon., Mullett, ab, itt two, menthe' atuee,,'a•red. and white heifer, about 10' menthe old. ' The utter' can have the A.RM. WANTED ''• .aarno. on proving preporty, and •payutg fo>;"titia Over', ttaolnent.'. • • ROB 1 RT,z'EACOC:1C. se arrival of.porkin Chico o the 1iee:is Slanted to rent, liCeouvenieut ieoaltty,a'farm of g P. from jl0 to 100.agr• e• Apply with lull particulars to t ,very low, which has caused, Mlle deli. les in this, section to be very 'eniall; many' ners are salting their pork, rather than 11 at present 'priests. A11 kinds of produce e hither lower than they were at the cdr- esponding period of last year. - Wheat, fall, red, bush, $1. 13 ' a 1 15 Wheat, fall, white, 'i:,; . 1.15 a .1 17 Spring, 0 90 a 0 95, • Fife; 4 ii, -1••90 a 1 OWNOats,... - ") .0 30 a 0 31'`• Barley, . - „ 0, 40 a Q 50� w Peas, • 5i 0"64).• a 0 ll±a i> Flour, • - 5 00 a 5 50 Potatoes, •- : ,0 35 'a U 40 Pork, • - 4 50 a 4 ,75 5 . Beef, - 4 50 a 5 - ,. 0, Butter, 7 2., 0 4 a 0 4i / tri m Eggs; - -- ... 0 13 .a 0 14 Turkeys, - 0 50 a 1 00 Chielteus; per pair, 0 30 a 0 40 . ' Hay, - - - 9 00 ' 'a;1] 00 Hides, -- - .S• .g ,6•gd1 Sheepskins 0 40. a 075 Clover -• 3: `50 a 4 00; Timothy 2D0 -'a 2.50 $EMFORTM MA,RlB}Tf Feb'. 7, 13. Wheat—Fall - - $1 14 a 48 1 Mt', Spring - . • .0 90 a .0 95'•' Float.; - ' 5 00 it ' 5 50 Oast. • Peas �,wb L' Barley -' Potatoes - - f 0 8iT.'• a- 0.40 Butter •. - 0 15 ' a 0 17 Eggs, - 0 14 a 0 15 Hay; 10 00 a 11 00 BLY111 MARIf.ETS. Feb.. 6, 1678, Wheat—Treadwell, ' . • $1 14 a 1, 16 Spring, - -. 0 911. a 0' 95 Barley. - - - - 0 45 a. 0 50 Peas, - - 0 57 a 0 60 Oats, - - - - 0 30 - a 0 81. Flour, _ - - 5 00. a 5 50 Butter, - - 0.14 a 0 ,17 t Eggs, - ' 0 13 a 0 14 Hay, • • - 8 00 a 10 00 Hideo, - . « 5 50 a 8'00 iIoatreal eat fie'Market. Heb. 4, At this market there was a fair supply of cattle, but the'dgmand was exceedingly slow.. The prices of choice fat cattle range. ft.on) 40. to 41e. per 1b., live weight, and second class from 3e. to 8 o. Dressed hogs are selling at 115 per 100 lbs. by the car lord . . Bpeoial Notice 8.. DAMS Mullett; Jan; 81., 1878. NEW ERA OFFICE, • •C;iuten,•Jan. 30, 1878, House tor' Sale. t N t"OR-SALE, ONEA,SI` TERMS, THAT VALUABLE.1I House and Lot ori Aiary street, 000,ipied by the Sub- , woo,lshed, eta , de• Tor particulars apply to. J. A'NELLE8. oil n o / ,fa fi 1877. ern Notice is tieieby given that the undersig ted will not be responsible for debts contracted in lie nacho, by any party hostile himself and wife, without hie written Ardor. , Huron Road, Mullett, Jan, 11, 1878 r " OUSE 'AND LOT FOR SALE IN THE 7 ol*lc•or SZRA� ..CALVES AND SHEEP. H Clinton, For•fttli'particularsapplyto WISEMAN BROS. Clinton, Oet. 11, 18771 • cribor. 10 looms Haul and Soft water Cellar''B CH'A1tL1 S njASOIv For 'Sale.' S.trey'ed front the premieaa of the subscriber,. lot 19, 8th son. Hallett, threw Spring Calves, two greyish, 1 Heifer and.1, Steer, and •one red• Steer with a little wbito under its belly. Also,' two large Ewes. Any ,ono giving Huth inforuation'ns will lead to theirreoovery, 'will be suitably' rewarded: ROBT.'' CARTER. '.'. nllett, Jan.24, 1878. • ROAN FO1t SALE. A pg$y ynow,'el ly carved, highly polished; panelllled.{xbn oCi Q/gan, (n solid .walnut case; 5 oatlTea, .9' stops and. Organ • stop and knee swell retafi prine steps, orad for $150 oaah. ;Also,:' to Slfriveinsf am" i e nt aquae, , m/:diya,, tignO e , ,grand PIANO, extra head* mouldings, carved legs, rosewood ones, 7} octave ; retail price, 8750, will be sold; correopondingly'low The above tnatrumante oar }e Seep at Mit, D. By c11a1ittlf Albert Street', oppoOtte ISr.,Reeve a AiJ, a. Clinton, Ont. 0 'tliV -PUOLIC. • Our attention has been directed to.a:f' CAU'IIonn of the. "Dominion. Organ Company;'.. of Boivtnanville, pnb'Uehed in the !law' Ens of the 10th inst, .• In toply,'we beg leave to stata'that no morinbei of our Ona -has e:or yet ,bought or sold an instrument made.. by the so-called "Dominion Oi•gan Company,' and, at present, has no desire to do so. Wo have occasionally been applied to by our Agents, fora low-priced, common Organ, and env Answer has invariably been, "We do not mako.thom. We cannot at.presont anpply all tiro demands made upon no for Srst•olaeo instruments, and are determine:I to con thine to leave to others • (whet make a epeetalty of that class 'of goods) the rnanntioture' of iow•prlaed, onmmon organa " . . - ' Some of ourWgtntp. to oblige a ctatatrior,may into golden Organ, not of Mir make. -We, of course, have. no respouolbillty 10 such n cote. A1).iastruments rnanetaatured by uearo first-class in mo'•hariical arrangement and volition; and also in. 'design and touu:' .hr.y have the name of our, firm in. scribed on front of name board,•and are sold with a live years' guarantee, ,which guarantee we acknowledge our responsibility for, tto matter by whom the ivatrumenta are sold. ' W., T)OHE11.11,3tt et, CO. Clinton,Jan,16:1k8• • BUSINESS NOTICE. • Iti eonvcgnenco of the destruction, by tire ' of the Store of tate un,lersigned, he hos ()pelted ecu C)(Jii.e tit life rolrrrje.'of 11fr. ,Srearlr, It'titteiLlicry r81)'(Jet, Weald be happy tgre•,nivo a Anil from all bin obi (ri••nds Where he WI be nlitaeo441 magi ad'Biose who are in• supe inlay 'hoes win ora indebted to bird, ha he nes is dobted to him, Under theeircum-'tancoe Ito hopes that all the money owi..gpim t t aid in hie r,-e.ttablisbiug, . . ' all win•respnnd to thiecallat once. IIoexperte to %alt:-OYEA' mfrs A'E:Sy-In a very lie w.,rr'd MAO it (eon them that be has ..•fled the old short Jinn, .when- he will bo,happy to woteorno all his Lrtildin , g known as 1• - old mtetemera, and es many more as wil Soo it to their: • o an Lo ..Lot . for x . � use a ace lHEl'WU•0T0 EtOUSEANbQUA1OIER'A(1OIt ' 1 let, lately occupied by 1i,. Newmerob; oh Victoria Street; adjoining MoLaren's Mote), will be sold °heap for gash, or on part credit. Akily to L rotor aountiy th ° e, ,fa RlliHli RESPECTI?ULL1 BEGS TO e lnhabitante of Clinton and enrrnunding o. has atarted his. . o , S tip:VV. MJl': L si- ;Oiposi the) Great Western Station. ra :And. is prepared to • Czit',op.shhares,or &hemp for Cash. ire has VAIBER.of ell kinds onband, for sale. MOTJN1`CAr. '4PL1i;• }4 ; cs-m. HURON STREET,'"'" iitiolit; ;"TREET, '- INiolit; t .17; 1878. • N T `. o ` o •ce . Removal. � # . IDDLECON.IBE, H. HALE.. . ,,,Clinton, Ott; 114677.• Watch '..ant �CI6ck. _ ak� • c so8 t. • Mouse and 'L'ot for Sale. _JEWELLip,, JUST NEW,, HAS NEVER BEEN OCCUPIED, and is very conveniently arranged, Stone'founda- tion and oellar,.hard and soft water, and a Splendid or- chard., For. Terme apply to,,' JOHN CALLANDEl3'. flMI •$t1D0ORII3ER OFFER2' b'OR SALE TWO •_l" _hundred acres galls fano, being part of_hie old bomoetead, situate on •tho'1st Con.' of .Colborne,. oh reasonable terms. Each lothaa abenit 60 .serea eloared,- with house and barn on one lot, and barn en the other, ,T. J.•FIs1IF.R,. • Bnnnriller, f.�0.. Colborne, Nov, 27, ]877: Desirable Farm For Sale. W 4T •21. CON. iii TfOt6•NSitIP OF HTUL'LETTt L Uianhty of Huron, nye miles from Clinton, and mild from a railway.. 'It contains 100 acres of heavily timbered land and good soil Apply to • R. IfA titivmLI), C TUlI1rSON Lv uekno ,_11ov 10,;1877 • ._ • Lutltnow; • Would reeisotiutly anitmnee to his customers and'the public gent►reily, that elkee the late dieastrona Ore, ho t 4 , has iireenred the • . . Stole l4 p 000upied by Messrs S. Palliser & ad., Wiiar ll keep ore Clocks,'. Watches leWetryand;Silverware of•all: kind.,. Wluell--he will seil.at roaeonabfe rates Repairing of every description promptlyattebded to. • J. BIDDLE00MBE, ALBEa'lt STannw. 00ntop: Tan: 24, 1870. House •`rind Lot fair Sale. .f(11114 1itTB$CRIBER ,OFFERS' TIIE HOUSE AND, 11 lot on Albeit Street, at present aooup ed by him- self, for Kale. It contains six roomswith closets and every convenience for a'small family; hard autO oft Water, Tho lot contains hall an agrc, on whish there are a; number of choicefruit trees just beginning; to boar. Alen;for sale, a good driving boron; 8 years old, 4 ' St ra`y Steer. DIssOLUUTION PARTNERSHIP AME INTO SUUSORIBE;Ii'S. PREAUYSEkti, Lott'.C 56, 16th eon. (loderiph . ottnahtp, about the middle of Nov.,a yoar•oId reit and gray:Steer. The owner is hereby notitled to prevu•property, pay charged,. and skn'iteway. • R0Bi.1f1 . *tORROW, Gotlerieh'township, Tan. A, :1878. CAUTION.. ' WHEREAS, IT WAS COME TO OUR 1tNoW- 1GY • r , D011EItTY tit CO., Clinton, ,ere offering (or gran organs bearing oar name,. WO hereby give notice that we will ,not become roeporieible for nor guarantee the geunine- nesi, of any organs purchased from set�l,parties, and wonl•1 si;gest to intending piu•elrasers• to deal with.. our authorized agents, the Altsoors, WADE; B1100,' Clinton. :moot brit. Banc of the Arm or .agents of'R. DOMINION O11GA11 COMPANY, nth,q yx y.• T Wo Io See The &tit beretofere existing Under' the style and, name. of .IOQSS .0 LJ'.11.1,-Oroccr8, 'kc.,• has .this day beau dissolved, by =Asthal consent. The buai- 'neee will be carried oa at the old stand,. by ALEX P. RoSs,.*lie will ' collect all Aa•sputa and Notos'due tho. late firm and pay all liabilities againat'the sates. • AJ I;1, P. 11.0S8. Clintons ,inn. 1801,' 1878., ' In reforemaf to the above I beg 'leave to thank the many.erretaniers fur t•ito patronage extended to the late firm of Il(l,•S & •LLE, and shall always be glad to see them, et the elft stand, opposite the Post Ogice,.where my beet endeavors will always aro-devoted to give saris. faction in every claws ()floods in my.l7ne. ALEN; I'; ' 11.0AS. Clinton, Jan. 10th,..i87#•__'_... • Bowmanvtlje,Dec, 20,1877. ' rail • House and Lot- for Sale. ' , i - 'advantage tapttt'ronieo hint.. ' • Yelill itsnliIOSXONl:U OTFE11S FOR S.SL7: THE )fou e ails lot tut 11 nronstreet;opitesite, McCartney IiXs ii�1,Y tl':1;f1 Xi .1.0.11D OP 00;41.., ,hixl S T'itomg,.n's.pinuft: f faetorv., Tlio lionso contains. 7 Tike �1�JI1,®iolT' �11f�1p71. ,,,, ,,1 fol .1.I• fe • oile7•x-j,,. N,',1n, to%Ie"INNO1F Or• roams,ltttHPtonrf,mtdtllon,collar,Ac. The- lotisball • Where he will re-Offn in a EW aere'with efilble fruit trees wells ti.e., tirerern and fa t rl((il. nnry a) i1,401I en tiny,•: no,'•1hir,t down, balance in ((ma{ ra of the best tacatiotisln town. Prier, PIA" sash l� .. • few ssilt swithn ' Also,. tlllitfl1(-�{!, of ('!()Ari ()'IL. 1antnralittatnlrnente,with itttrlusen�Nper tten LIENS . - • • , (:brit.,,, ate'6,27,1877:,' 5U1'PLY 01? (OOriS 031nt011,dan,17,187f1•' Chu ten, lest,: 7, 107". LA5 TI NOTICE. 1 d NOTES AN1) ACCOUNTS. ®uE A. S. FISHE - MUST BE SETTLED ttv. TtiE i tit1i day of Februaryl Clio ton, Jan, got, 1878. Ii4i1.'G)ltfl"AN'.0 TO. FOVN1)1tYME y NiI,Lr11S,, Aint Oilier Monti !Rein rerSi. • --- •• , 1 • • 8•ivab1e Piropeittyf •I+'CIt'SALt +ill\, LE4•SE, Situate along elle of lhit brand Trunk Railroad, At CLINTON in the County of- Huron, And frtmerty'knarrn OR the Wftrrrfrsnu Mitaproperty, ei,mptislntf trinr aorta of ietrd, on which are created five -story Brick building 30 x 42, slate roof, with brick engine room -20 x 92 also,largo Frame tote thee, ea- pioyiiy 49,0!10 bu,hcla, can ter shops and stay, or lumbar gaola Agrica iliittl lnscfr�acc '.C:aml� � Vit,. ELGIN STELT.J, Pord`wich, f 5 t�rff AN SOT NT von THE'AB()VE COA milli ,. L Farm Risks taken at 16 emits per 111(10; for tip term' , of3yt.are. This Company insures against loss by Ores et damage by lightning. iSOLA'1'ED 8tlhS1DE t trig • . will also be taken by the abe%e Coml,nny, , 0ordwIch, dan. 77.1•$77, ,r Land fo Sale. - e—' TUE ttNfLR81(,.'t' 1 Or ' ltS Itult 5 11.1' '1IRT Road, within half a tulle of Ol florid betat� notch pant of Lot 51, lot. Lon., Stanley, Tho Iand. Ie first•clasa, all ideated and itncdd, nod b ng a corner lot is con- veniently situated for a mar ot ga_oden, Farther par- .flenIttrsWitt beobtained on fpiiention, The lot: eon• tains 31 hetes. • 708 :Pfl' ItOWEL . shads, large and of soft water, for atea!nand attic •, • «T01IN 1101)OIN1*. purposes. ' - ' Cti :ton. Dec. 11, 1877. 1 situated ' luteol L bunt nn Lbw .n„tl'on Also claoice.FAM.ILY flRoCERIE rOl ealiulle,')/r.C'aNe•.ry X31x,ulitr, f'(Wffhrl (/(1tlils, ' &llisiee Tabllectt,, 1'Igip a &r. •kit- O'''i3TEEt,3 101 S;sa ti by the ono or dish.. ! : ROT taoFF PIES, ioiWays ready - A, T. -5��,L y • t t Icrort A STIVENT ,. tXNOi' .s,a ro,i1,It Clinton. (lrf 7 1h77 . 2d, O..NE): TO LOAN eligiblyT r . This prnpt,,ty lir ono of'the best. s)tnatedfor•ntanu• teetering purposes in the County of Miran, Terms of payment will be made liberal, DI event of • ,any safe and rtnsoriablyprofitalrlc rennnfaetnring hast• nese locating here, 11 desired, 1 211 financially assist the enterprise. • Par fartlrerpattio,u1ituSapply tooxaildicesa . • 11I(!T'ATLT1 II2•WTN', PnooituaTont tt..... t31,1trTON,oI.r. CA btrOM! t CIRAPAS;.,fre,ali ,Tint, at f7t'as4e1,1 tC ctusein llatnpra,.Clinton. On approved Farm Or Town prolitt•ty,.. fits• any torte front nnt't,, tttnnty yenrv, or repayable at antlh peigr°en. hither in itlatalnteuts or otherwiaol as may be agro6tl upon. off. The Interest, on payment ref anppart of tars, prinelpa), at once yeas, s ntr auob atnnnnt. _ .....— -. reit fit arra ivied' to pay the. interest..halryearly, hot 77 Y +�. i t• HA !y t V' , in advance, lit rate, per antanrd, for thepresent, willbe l.) V 1SI•LV �4'�► 7 'O�Jf 1 Ir•' tt per acht fur loans for a'liead totm cf yaiirs Pl pax r 11118 trNDERSIGNI:D IIE1tEf! NOTIFIES THE 1 people or Clinton and vicinity, that be has pur- chased the business formerly carriod on H. TEWSLII7 A SON, and that he will continue the same, i) ll irttls of :Veal kepi in dragon, ,130( gold til reasorutbie rates. A eontinuan7e of the patronage ox envied to the o14 firm isrespeetfully Noltuitod. AM unpaid accounts tv11! be collected •by the Undersigned, who will Settle alt ctalnis against the Orin.. JAltfis'S TVA't51'tt, • Clinton, yam, 2,1818, r511t, it Interest it ]Wade payable ready, not in art[vttitat. 0114.80 8 AIODEIOATE! 7forljaljes anis .lftpliCipftl (leGenlll)vtt t,r(i'rlt(t$ -1 .For further partionlata. aptly' to- . " ; Clinton, Dirty 12,1877, v ti. A. MATT', TT', Atrunte -at•l,aw. 777 771, $20,000.. W0RTH" OF GOODS Fire Prices forLFour '��ej .40 X We announce, owing to the late fire; a d the general upsetting' of our goods and :;tea• business, that we will 'sacrifice 'our entire stook of • D1 Y . GOO .7S, MANTLE S,: - I1•EAD ti, MOE. OLOTHING, ` HATS AO CAPS, BUFIFALO RO$ES, :. PUPS 13 -O'T'S .Azin S13 ES GROCERIES .-&-o: IAT .PRICES REGARDLESS Of COST' OR ANY' OTHER: PRICE FOR: 30 DAYS. I LSE NOWS YOUR T Como ri and at he ar sinsthaimust, a si aisi you,. THB`. GOADS M�J'_ST B.Ei . « • 'Tice variety ' to•cltoose.f ron is -fete -of the I0,r' gitt ' •.ancj , tit T.l i� i rl,' E ' N' 11 � 1. r ct oma a o COME t) E, CR .E ,G1�� t¢ g x ori t.. f11ze8E'.: 'anrl "will SZyr.rri> G~r �.�zt TRAPTRAPANY'DTEIR 5D USF' ,7N THIS PART OP FTSE ll TR'x ' i *4 4' • TIIE GREAT ' R STILE- 1 ' ,NOT., •GK0PT Z «g- Riring Prices,' at .the• 777 :NOTBt'1 EA ORE, • euro Announcemellt. ks• MISER Co. SSE P1,E ASL ItE TO Air Q4X:• '03:1 TEAT 'latcl : CCII 16 Rc��oved' to � tlle too o � b liar, . Ca an • • "''cStiiko"tilitl"opportunityuf-tlintlking-our;'. many friend:.-frir-p-et favors, and with lntich il:nre room lit alio cunniuiu,d, and ineroase(1'iaci'1Cti:es for'doing businesit1 the assure 1111 that nothing shall, bt' wltntinr{ oil' 'n110 pat'.,• to, sustain `the favorabl'o rotitatiirli *accorded to us iia the part. , Every effort'will baa made in the future to keep s- our stock WELL ,ASSORTED AND COM- ` . PLETE: IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. . • WE HAVE JUST i uEIVET) ,A rill LNI+a c:1lt'.. • OALIF�R y�J • CANNED GOODS. , e ' LEACHES, PEARS, AP t,IC'OTS, • ' STRAW$ERRRTES, PLUMS, - c+13, EN PEASa SUGAR CORD, 8&o., &c, , • • S. PALL'S - 1 & cO 1i71101:RS LE ALvD . T F.7'At] O OCE&S', • No. OP,` J.RIC.rnOp" IJtNTON,•nl'an, 24, 1878.