The Clinton New Era, 1878-02-07, Page 3• A 4 NEW 4DV ;R'1'1SEMENTS.. Incur}ince•.---O, Hidont, . Sp'r'ing -Thos; ,Jackson. Annual School Report. Stray, Cattle ---::P, Perdue, ;Auction sale—T, Tynan. Farm for salt'. --4t. Miller. 4.peei�"Notriee�,S--F?trv�• Auction sale,—M. Y. McLctr. Saw logs wanted,-- R. Ransfcit d, Farm for side -,•\V, ,Dodswortb. Dimelution-.-}L 'W,: d; R, Beacom,. Notice to' Bttfldere,7-Jtis. i3>•aitkw}lite. Flour and 7;'etel=---:b t ►viii & Scandi•ott. 'Notice to debtors =• Tt;'(]itilander elc`Co O)pies o! Nee Nee nage ire aeon at tau liook fiery ,t Sltiber ).,s,'A guilt 4t:.1 • A 1FaAns Albect 4tr+cl• i',iee $ centra per copy; (Minton Icui 1 O ficiar Pcazri'r of the Could It, 1TJU.lSD6AY, ]'EB.'7, 1578, TELE SCHOOL QUBaTION One of the roost important gaiestions. to be dealt' with bJ •tli e Legislatnre,gld one that occupies a vet'y prominent posi- tion in it unicipal_.tafi iii s, .is thtl :stthool question, and when we consider tkte. in-. creasing, cost of its inailagetnelet, aspect, ally in the rival districts, it ctiainot be wouclered•etthat t''good deal :of':feeling' has been raised in opposition to, any ad- ditional burden being _laid, 'upon thorns or to the narrowing of .the..c rcle from which teachers may. • be drawn, .Tile: speeches of1ll:ossrs. Gibson and Bishop, which will be fund iutuietheie column, whether right or wrolig, contain the sen=' timents of a very large number of -their Constituents. In several school sections the ratepayers were cou►pelled..to • build' new school houses;,• waren the Majority were guider the impression that they could better do wuhout, for tete time be, ing, a new scl;ool honsee than theycould a new horse' for. theunselves, or 'setter shelter for their cattle. •'The alerts' put' forth by sotmeofthe Inspectors, assisted• by the teachers, to'get tovensliip'•boards established, instead of section'boards;- hns not raised the inspectors, or teachers in the estimation of the rural population, for they -suppose it is 'only done fol•'he purpose of more. easily Contiolling the management of schools, as one Moire ,1s more easily handler} than et numbery'The. trial of .one township in this:downy un- der this.reestem has not been ea1'ftsfaetor'y, and the ratepayers of.soine .portions of the township are crying otit against the.. injustice that has been donothetil. • Ni WAXING WARN. The promulgation of the Conservative platformhas stirred up 7t number sof, op ponents to it, who have Rotue out boldly as advocates of free trade; or as near it as the raising of a revenue by a tariff will permit. Mr, Charlton, M,• P. for North orfallr-h 'beetr a tesstitg is constituents on tlie•subjeot,• and his ar- gun►entare so con elusive againetincreused duties for protective purp+ises that a re- solution was unanimously passed en, dorsing his views, We aro glad to see that the opponents, to •protection discuss. the,question on its merits and not•li•oni a alt' N .Mr,. t.Cha rl � .tOn t'lear "' l I t lv showed•th at if the pltform of the • Con- servetiwei wais: CA1 i'ied Plat the farmer's •'would be robbed, as ili'ey would pave to 'Pigg a higher priee foe .' lietever" •utiule was protective;.and they...would derive no benefit whatever from, theirnposition of duties Oa• t vticles that they fn•odttce, POLITIC ALQUACZ .l'he fallowing altiolli, Si hi th �atr„: copy_ from the. Montreal 11Yfti ess, is especially. appropriate at the present n)onient; and w o s of dial ly eniciotge its sentiments, anti: also urge our, 1.0 tdei s to'ciirefully tend and inwardly digest it,. The conclusion too which th e T `i s ss arrives 'w� o hope, e. :will not be fulfylled, but by. increased eultuicl. and tlioroiughlj* ,yeul.astiT;afitc;. 'the.subject of politica•1 economy, entirely. 'aivoid the' coininercia1 evils that halve fal- len on the United States, The longer the subject of.protection is looked into goad investigated, theane7•0 fully' will it, ba .found to .be: delusive: and a snare, the very opposite of soundlegislature:--- . people is certainly - en its ttini in. the United Stafee ,There are cases where ignorance is;_in its practi- cal results, :as 'had' as wickedness. ,. The effort in the. United States to ineke ninety,. Cents •worth of silver a legal •tender fora dollar of debt has certainly itsorign in the wicked heitrts •uf a few, who know what they are doing well eni,ugh, arid know, too, •that they are going to: nrake•a good deal of money, out of it. It .s nut, however, the' few merely b'ut the "large majority . who are supporters of_thierepudiation of debt. We cannot see, •`however ignorant ; this large Majority, may. be -as to' the moral _as- pect of its opera°, butthat-there is a streak of dishonesty running . through' it all: There are -questions, howevet,, in which' the moral error is less patent' where igno- rance.leade to nothing but rnieehief. Tho •State of New.eersey, for eetan, is juit,, •passing a .usury lew-to reducethe rate of • interesefrtern seven to arxper cent.. TFiey Blight as well, legislate nn the price of: bread or coal oil as on that of money. Money is generally 'cheapest where busi- ness in. it 7s 'untrammelled, so that the very object!sought by' this interference with min's libertty-tc pay what they ehuo'o fait a hat they want, namely, the protection • tf.the borrower; is the thing which. staffers most from -it. In 1 ke •manner •an needu- eeted populattinn is mnoh more than • a eul- fleeted one likely 'to' he led 'away by, ab- surd proposals to. wake a country richer. by taxing its Tinplate, If a political quitck. gore about the country.prt,claiming, like+ Jack Cade; that when he is in power the 1 THE CLINTON NEW ERA. FEBRUA1iy 7, 1878,. • -The Aeforin Convention the Appointment off Mbi. r.So•and.s t'somo ut as 7,'lte annual. .meeting .of the'Ontario Reform Assouia, ton took place in ,TQC ionto on Tuesday, when,over 800;dele- gatess assembled, Perfect harmony and good feeling was manifested in all the business transantecl, and great enthusi. ism was et y t re. members In reiatipu to the future prosp ors. of the party; Y g The only delegate t'rouu this town was Dr, 'Worthington, PENCI'I., POINTS. Mr, Anglin is to:be ee•noininated for the Speakership of'tMl'House of Com, neons: lye seppese he has been cue/life'. £or it ever siiice his re-election. 7'le,'c� lIftchell : A, locate mays a! A. public exhibition: of .a gas machine will be given at the ,}dicks Iloiise,"May we asic .which of the edits s, .is; to be thus exhibited 1 A 1iitchell druggist hasca)peted. ids shop with r4; 'Brussels. JEnte-lpri ing, cert tinly;' hitt perhaps• an intir tatlon that his customers are not to- swallow their doses .While :on his.preiniaes. " The people, of •:N apanee aa,re •voting on it r©peal of the Duma] 'Act... The Act• limy -have its week ,oi,its 'but if, it in , 1 any degree lessens the anioitnt,of:lianot•. consumed, it should be kiipt in force.. Canadians who inay,wish to lend. or make pre'seitts of books totheir friends . in" the United States should make a note':of the fact, that the Treasury offi- cials cials of that enlightened .country: have decided that in future' books. imported. through the mails must pay the duty. of thirty -'five per cent, • The Doinintoti. Parliainieut itesembles to -day, and a y eiy exciting session' is anticipated, ,As..it will: be the last: meeting before a new : election;. •. old soot'es:may be expected to be raked up. for Settlement, by both sides -k- We shall haze to sharpen etc....pencil to keep. tradeof • Our. Brussels .coteulporary makes the announceinelft that about a week, ago Col, A • .M Ross 'telegraphed : to th British Government that the, 38rd Huron Battalion�of Canadian. Volun tears was willing to . enter - upoii active :service abroad if war tr was decTa►red'T]ie ie1,lyw cane •', pronii)tly; a'ekieok'ledging and nctieptiilg'the conrageoils offer, • The ,applicationfor a new trial in the celebrated . " Big Push" case of Holt. 3'. -Simpson vs ''Wilkitison, bas, been refused'by tlie .Judge, who gave it as his opinion ." that there was no alis- direetiOn on the Dart of the'.ltudge who presu.led it:the' trial and 1114 the ve waters. The. matter 'having been re- aret•was a nroner one a view of; the ported to the 'Customs officers, the. Gout= rooves olncl these announcements fail to connect, one must conclude that their sphere of . information • was' con- fined to 'their own ot'anium. 4 There has been nothing done of' 'spe- ciainotict+ to te. Ontario Legislature during the pets' few days, they being 'how engaged in voting the supplies, and shoving forward a stage or two, a few private bills.. " Both Conservative aced. Reform con• stituenoies, in different jiai•t>s of the Pro- vince, are selecting their'candiclates for . tle foitic n in a ela ttois, ''From the 'published reports, entire haritiony : does not a teat' to °N.ist among the molubers of 't1t 1• l:trate riuttles `]roger be tante'- THE PRICES OP TB E _ GOODS_,.....; �'�1 'jam �1 �'j'i /� �j'1_ _... L TAE . GREAT .L SALE ! LSF. PAY'S STOCK; 1 1 • _ l ; END OF T -HE PARTNERSHIP. dates having been left out Tai. th :colt], - and they naturally feeling aggrieved thereat. This is- an unavoidable, se- tetence•of public; life, but pcisees scent ing to parliameetlti-y positions'shpult always be willing to stand ' aide for those .is ho are more' successfui in obtain- in. the nomination Of their respective. I Profanity seems::to be, one of the ac-: comllishments-of•our Canadian- 'youth, Our lads are very •Bauch •given .to open swearing; 'as all who tease along en our streets and have good heairingg Ban testi- fy, There's a social scree, loose Sotue- where. ,-• ::.Public- swearing, was: not ser general ai'eiieration or two ago.: Of course boys uttered' Oaths, :but they - 'were given . ili ai more covert manner tlian the 'lads' of this. village are .acous- tomed to deliver. 'This habit of street swearing' is blafsphemolis, itnrr oral, rude. and .illegal,—JJrusselat Post:• The:foregoing, :.we are sorry . to . say, has rtn'aapplication here also. We have . heard boys who' Were scarcely - out 'of' their long clothes, iittei 'oathe the:Moa't's shocki )g and • disgraceful,'and :Stich as BONAFIDE SATE NOW GOING'' CHEAPEST GOODS KNOWN. ' CO?IPE.TITION DRIVEN INTO 'A:.00IZNER,. icy= the prices we:are selling ' o'ootl. ' at. TELL YOU13 , FRINDS.'. NO *HO U UaLI. SI�AL�,.i 'UNDERSELL i7S CJD N ester H � I ►. PAY Mapm e r o t CLI T'. O , Nova 290ii, 1877 • Would ,only; be, expected • from' tl rough. of the worst type.' We don't suppose` the parents'. of such boys are aware of their ofspring's conduct; but hope this paragraph:' may arousethem to' inquire into the matter, and do what lies with- in their. power to•remedy the evil, The;British Consul at'Shanghai ee=. ra )bra that 9 000000 people ►�e,re- 8 1 , ► p,P } ported destitute in Northern China, A Movement is on foot to,abolish the Local Lipper House in 6?ei ec,- A Pro- vince needs an Upper and a' Lower House tbont much as a•kitten needs s tyre tails. A Shanghai hint, telegram an-. Coune'eli, the •li ssylultt.for, women and children at ]c city .ofTien ; Twin, was teia dad; t cl over two thousand persons report's to have perished.. . •• - ll .centl y - a tug owned bs .Gonunwder. D. y, of Ogdeesleirg, went feeltl f rescue f an' Amerie,iu vessel let Cautauliaei 'it me well hold' a gtfart het - 11 Itnd ' • During the Bust files year's tette: here . men to bel}eZet hitt; hence the temptation ease entertained by' others' the : 'grie. have been forming- associations,. and I to stump .the,tioutitry during times ref cont- self.. •'. . using othor means to latake it more elf- mercial sttingeny •,proclaim►n, .salvation " through taxes on manufactures, when in �:he•followin,; patagia, t appeatrs' i,i ,ficult for parties to qualify themselves the towns, and on bens' eggs and Wheat in S tarda s • free Tres as at telegram the cont 'people y a country. . If le uinst•' be willed � , . for the irofession 'of- teachers rho c.b p tc 1 , ty . Y, [? .o, t . from sloronto nice illyx explains ltsclf with. bread hells, the honest doctor begins_ •' 1 ` lessening the supply of tenebers and en- to 'ask himself why he should 'bases •his "Tele l)onati)ionoveenmr:nt is`said to on. against the Bank of al -ling the rat to raise their salaries. This { practice when there is. stl shriple ya method have t•• akeu•ac has created- a feeling of • apposition to 1,f hdltiii,,, it ; And if people will awellroty the dielaratim) that until the have hood-I9.nt1(''' ryl�the eclyery of ti,(ltl(1 of �. y r them atioonr, the: ratepflYers, as sttcle as- eVerytlfJn;g they consume; they mute' ee the Seeeet Service. • 'u).a)iey', petite. girt :hewers of weed and drawers of Crater to at.ftur time £elle of eii1 Ja1)ti llucaoeuaid`s their neighbors, the honest -politician ,ie sorely tempted to peddle 'from, stump to Government, Mr: 'Bethune. lint the stump some nostrum in which he hot lair ease iii .lint, L,r suciatiutIM are looked upon as rials, anl. the means used to rItise their saltit•ies .as- e. arbitrary, Ther ; earn be no question but, Haat the "self tto 1aith •glow important thea 1s.—..—,,.............,..--:-.--7.–. that it _education should he general, n d Ilon. Mr, Blake rrs 1 'egued, • Last pruviding•uf the mettles of frgood educe, t there it.sleeuld ant be hie]ittin to ,f. cher-• + gw'rt•1t ice unonnetel that' lie land not tion for every .child is the ratty of the le. ;tater. The great evil rrf the neticaan ' +islatui r hut.tlledifficulty , school system is that. in tlu17• h': oris, and .but.ais•it was tut the sti ngth'of'an 01- g ,out `ifet,g+rail:llw8 •there is aplme'en : y no etliewt' time paragraph, our, readers attest teat attt,hul what degree of livening is a good.eclucat• 1 countrythan the United St es,nll other nee "think we.ure `1 fickle a5 .the wind.”-- time'I'he'trtnjorf1* of t11ts beer( -Working' time, hojignritp»lubarb . salts, witltsirange .+ sod rurer)gfh ,ways.17; )e lensed only to 'IE cu. Geo..11rowIlk Alr,'Jaanes-Youilg, fariIieeM think that they should; not bo I be avoided.. Xi] th' way, this.smewhat r taxed tit n•oritic sell 't iu+'further tlantt)t ' craft' contatty eti s from it tl*c results zal"1 :1I. } 1.,. f'er jS'tt#t�i'lotr, are »titettt•Iatteal l �a rr ' J +'� ,y t the thought n experience of .nthtrr``7Pi•. as likely to. sti7`ecc�rl hint. • 7aither May con,ln.rn English aileron .erne, atlytlttn( ile t}a'na, sod ac dde, owing material advert , . • ' ly fill the el)aiir, Jul„, the 'Won't wia.ld air yond that is looked upon fret 41111711011t111 taaaes, air reedom from many of the evils expanding iritlueuet eatalaal to lits ' ` to their intere,ilte, foe"'' they imagine that with thof t tl niteard of 1•irtt'{ltit s r1)1 .1) Cinch . a.; ' ” '• when a young Fits more than be-tud spino ,of its alder sister in the • •lair; following words of cautioii'from Y b �, . he no henget remain% contented with be- tithing out -of :some of the eetteran}it:ttl :tit teelunige, e'ita,itot be too well t'etnein, problems of the day. Its ui]stakes •are lretecl'—:r A. large mummer •af sharpers irar; a fernier, but ttiraslli8 attention// o likely to he eerie. We therefore ince on trade nlaina►ftcturc+, or tlrei )rofes ions, tell o0r readers a breeder culture. than of all kinds are' abroad in the land, . renal which are not looked' 'Upon fn rbcs 1i++Iii. 'acime•have been. satisfied with; rand the en: Honest people should keep at very crate. I a, couratgemcnt of ovary 'n►ethcrd. whereby fill lookout for them. That hie engaged of producers, but oonst1molY, .witliont men's knowledge may be increased, and y . ' b e aclditig their quote tit . OK necessities of their horizon enlarged. in almost every; conceivable thing 'that shall; stared anychance of defrauding the bocly.polittai, '• � T• r � • ' LATEST._.W AR NEWS. F9. those to whom it ie 7resetlted; It. is We think thnst�)arttea�tra.-lxe:•;tllessly 1 alarmed, as th /education of the. nni•or armistice Its been i i +t best not to.Tre too • fir dline.' with iitietie p x • .A s. tin a] tit t c nr t;e i s b led hos- dors.'. ity of that poiiit}ation has not yet tene11 "tilities have been suspended, and steps o ed that , roint when it'mtt be sand that . now `n+rPer rancor gassed rowers of imagine- ' Y are to being taken to •draw up tet�nns 1 1 ly ' they possess a good eolnnlon .' Odileation., of peace that 'may be of a; permanent tion, none tete, comp ere with the aver it'appeaars to' be necessary to put the character. . As there .are'a number of. age.Conservative editor. The Mall of standard of the qualifioation of teachers interests to be considered, it is possible Wednesdrty last announced that $50,000 cgran .rtitivel high that higher that great difficult will "only" had been spent' in section �. the, ph • y high, : a a than , t l; t �'. be met, with in „� they have been in the Habit of .obtain'.. satisfying all partes; but as 'nothing g rotut•at,of Mr. ;ones,, and in the sante. w � Y bing l ing, 'otherwise no, progress would, be would be gained by . year; and which issue indulgeas,in a host of visionary made for even now th(i mn`orit.� only mi„lit involve severe nations, a peace: things. Then some other paaper an- t ,t, y y. 1 noanae es an "instant dissolution,' tlre' priossess sufficient education to barely able solution of the difficulties may be , p enable thorn to obtaiin'certificates, cs serious rupture in: the Cabinet" l"ound. 1 ,• ti medore was obliged. to pay ;dine of v liOO. 71r; Daly has- lead An. interview with t1.►e•Minister.of Llitstolas, and asked that :the money 'be ..refunded, as he had re.. reit ed leo. eompenslttioli foe•• the se t i ice. The Ministel_promised to. coir ,hler the.; -Matter !and give, him -. len answer on Thursday next. —'ti'e do cot vetitfir:e trogtiesif the cease,. but the fact reinaies that the )r;aiority of the agricultural societies: --mane es- pecially iii the older :fettled parts of the Province—are awakening to the fact that t1ii;.rtjlid develeipulent .of tlie agrf- cuitural.ancl ntaiiaifaetttrhlg industries of thecountry- requires changes in the .tnanegement'�.of the .societies to place. them' in harmony with the changed eon- ditian of tiling%genertally. AccorduIgly .tele -hast. 1)urltarn Agricultural Society tva.s recently favored by the president with a lengthy with ess'irl VOA rh hessarid dant "the yii111Gsi'117Ril"wtows will Inis'tI to .‘give place, to the* erentral-exhibitions, no -w becoming so get,etell." 'tti'e venture to say that this is the opinion of tt ma- jority of the people of the ilurrni 1)is- triet, who would slimly welcome a Cele tral hair at Stratford;where, .the united. funds of all thelocal' societies would afford pril.es sufficiently large to mallei active competitioin and laa •ee atttendanceti --Sten Ord J;eacan. ' ra _ BORN. Cilleroz n --In Stanley, on the 6th /net., the wife. of Mere 1•iugh Giln,o» re of fir rine bier. Dirc.itxtsti.� rttr H'oimesville,• on the 30th :- don., the wife of Mr, It. Docking, of twin daughters. - ltl.T,nrts.- -In E'imondv"tliee on .tannery 18,. the wife of Mr. I"ord Metiers:Saco} Teacher, of a daughter,. Noir.•--In Brtiase}s, oft ,Tatinary. 30, tife wife of John Nott, tins,, of ir: daughter. MARRIED. Wi sorr---IlOet. 0n Tuesday; the 20th.' fust., et the Pt:'attbVteriatin Manila, Mit- . ceche by the Thee'. t•I. Tit., Poynter, Mr.. . ' 11* tlr'y`Wilststt;-tis MI a Maggio Ross, of Brussels, . . • ' : DIED' ' . Hocitivci,---rt) .I4olmesville, en 'tltit -30th San.,, twin daughters. of Mr, It, Dock- ing. / ca;ounts due zts must be e22 by. - the 15th o `el guar •otlzerwis they oi/1 �e lz:ed in Court for oy• col-- �ec zowz ..Panties having Accountts against us, cfre - requested to halid them 17z 6e or e that date. IL. O. r.LLLA.NI.W1� O.. T8'4 Domiit'c�n x House. tat FOR S-..L:E--- A.. 4s:11 Of AIahohecl, D1 -a4 Coming G yentis"•olt1. t'I<1:1'f(i;!i, 1•'el., 7, i8. eneweetaaewereseteetererweemsee Ct'la.rit ge Horses, :. • RF,MOVAli_ JA&, TWITCHELL, : nraitess )Iakfer, Saddler, &e,,,. While thanking his many friends .for the liberal patronage bestowed en him in the pact, 'Would inform them that be bas removed, to his new atom, in "VICTORIA I3LOCE. where he will be pleased to meet all his old customers, and its many ptens ave os as may fever him with their pat- ` renege. Re has on harda large stock of • Heavy and Lig-ht HARNESS, . • Robes, florae Ilfaraicetn, Whfpgt,, te., Which he will sell as eltea0 as itity t eaket in the Comity. y IINTSPECTION OP STOCE AND MIMS. SOLICITED. 11,00:his TO. LET.•- traverse, rooms to Tet, at reesounbl'e• rates suitable for o -res, tie., in the story above the shop, fa the building known as Victoria Week. . .Always ort Bance, first• and second class SIIINGLEIS, which will be sold cheap for each,. 'Qlinton An. 2i, 18714. - -