HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-02-07, Page 2The Model Church. •
'Wfllte, I've found the modsl plain% I „ WM:Oliva
there to•day:
lt made me think at good ola limes, toter° ray hairs.
were gray;
The meethe.house Was Auer built then they were yowl
But then1 tiil when. I went in, it wasn's built .for
• ram*.
-The sexton didn't Seat lec 'way back by the deer;
iintAt fhata---Writi old -andAeat,AaAvelt niolCand
rre must have been a Christion„ for be led me boldly
The long aisle of that pleasant eltureh, to AO a pilule-.
,ortrpen. -
• • •
I VIA 701e4 heelli the • itiugii2-it Itad the old.iinte
ring -
The preacher said, witli trumpet yoide, '4 rtat all the
people singe
The tune was "Coronation," raga the mush) npWard
Till I thought I heard the angels striking tt;11 their
harps of golit. ' .* •
• •
eeetuess seemed tib melt away, iny spirit caught the
fire, •
I Joined my foebfe, trembling voice with that, inelodi 1*8
(Moir, ,
And sang as in mYrontliful days,a4Letangels prostrate
- fall,
liring forth the royal diatlern and, crown Rim Lord af
all." •
• • • .
I tell You, wife, it am me good tv. itlng• that hymn once
I telt like eV Wreoked mariner Who get 0 A01111443 Of
wan o lay aside this weather-beaten form,
anchor in the blessna port forever from tintsterm,
The preaohiu' I Well, I can't tell just all that the
preacher saitl ;
. I know it wasn't written, 1 know itwasn't read; ,
Bo hadn't time to read, for iholightnin, (Able aye
Went passing 'long from pew to pew, nor passed to sin-
r.ner by.
• :Motormen wosn't‘flawry, 'taste simple Itolipel truth;
It Stted p,or old. men like me, it fitted. hopeful youth; '•
'Twee foll ofoonsolation for w.eary beasts .that 3)10011,
'Two full of invitations to Christ -and not to creed, •
,The preather mode sin hideeMs in Contiles and in ,Tows'
Bo shot the golaen sentence straight at.the finest pews,
And, though e can't too Teri well,„I saw the fallingtear
That told inc hbll was 00410way off, and' heayen yery
Bow avid the. 010.iitir.innifients fled Within that.holy
phice 1 •
How brightly .boained the light ()pow/WU= tWorr
kaPPY face t • • • ;
.4.413. I longed for that 'sweet tinio when friencrsliall
• meet with friend,' • • • • • ,••
When congregations ne'er break up and Babbathe have
no end, . •
I hereto meet that:minister, theciongregation, tooc.. t
In the dear home beyond the skiee, that shines from
heaven's . • •
.1 doubt not room:titer, beyond ev'ening gray,
• The face of God's agar servant- who preached ,Iiieword
Dar wife, the fight will .tio'orl hse. fought, .thirvietar5•
The shining goal is Just ahead; the race Is needy run;
O'er the river.we aro nearly.' they are tlarengin' to, the
al= IMWAiverwUrethoweatTweerno more,
&vote the same 'nutulfei. of hours after
eoheol to their lessons. (T,Atma cheers.)
Mr, Ginson said he Wasi 1101 di81:10130(1
to find fault with the 1V4inistero Eds.
cation, as that gentleman had only re-
cently taken eharge of the Department,
and bad bad, no doubt, to contend with
all its traditioes) however inapplicitble
they tinght-Se to the piesent-statVe
gymnastic feats oua swmging trapeze
tonst have a, pretty good head and 4 tires
band, • In 1874 Dioucletta was fortunate
enoegh to •be ituccesvful in savieg the
Ute of a man who h been caught,
in the ropes as the helicon .left the
greund. This was at Oran., in Algeria.
Manion' had got hiS outgolOere,
with thpeze underneath, all In
thing% Very latge stun was spent readinels ; More time twenty menwere
eunuallykzurposee of edneation, and at the ro es that . held the .swts in"
Ile question Wilti eiR peolne ge monster down; the order , WU given -Jo
ting value for their money no did. let go, and the balloon dashed up ; hut
not think, they were, If our system en unfortunate man wee Cangbt bY one
W48 SO 1$Terfoot as some contended, WilY leg and Curried up la, the locfsa eordage,
was it that the eost of the criminal ad.! above thettepeze. Thanrowd ['einem,
annistratiOn of justice was advancing ed 8:11eue" an, ho l ror:Kruch. in that no-.
yea' by year 1 That, however, was a ment of terriblo;SitSgenser the usual
question oonld net be one of stereotyped occurrence•'-`7the" fainting ol
mere tem porary regelatio He o]gh 1ac1itstooj. daei,h o'w eve t Buf"
that -perhaps it was. now too essay fOr a Blondeau did not feint, but ceprageOes-
child to acquire a gooa eauctition, •ly slid down to the trapeze, shouting to
he did not think that' it Would do 0.• theipjan to held on, :rile crowd,:beurd
.°11ild nnYbarm to cthitemi'vvi0:°1*4-•xo more, end soon could 'distinguish,
des, evenna the lower steps of the iad- nothing.' . The balloon eyed on fill from
dr of education. The tendency of:our .4 height i')e near 4,00,0 feet:it,conimene-
iiresene system waS to drivetoe inmq ed to deseetul, then Bloadeau wait -seen
Yonne" own into professional and 'Der- standing on 'the'. trepeze with the Man
canfile pursuits, which; wit4011t 847 still suspended by one foot ; the other
disparagement, to then, were, nple-Pro' swinging • about, and the middle of his
duotiVe classes. He believed ,that the body resting on the beadef the wronaut,
14 • d ist Tess and depreseion w.es Iftrgebc At first, BIqndeau was. on the' peialt•ef
Owing 'to this foci, .'(Hear,, "he'4'.) elimbine• up to got, out of the wftyw,6f
bilOt Niros thfo duty -of the State to the nit,whof.t)I appal red inevitable,
give every 'Child &g�od education, he and would have diniangertel bit» :;• but
did PO know that it was Its duty to, the poor .', man •exclaimed piteouSly
render the acquirement of that'educa-• .44 N,f3i. wife!; my child eerier' and Won-
tipti too • eaiy. In, the present state of -dealt stePped;and forgettiqg all person -
Waive lt was a Serious question who' al danger, steed right n p on the trapeze
were to hethenen Witt) shonlif ,till the 4,id sowJrpkaedhis bad under the
soil and Wild, our -railways after itutni.. mawsbook, saying, ,firthiy ,,./co*;
-4n:trim), had ceased, thonen, the look at the balloon •Or close your eyei ;
.Minister„instead of Wring his. tospira- If you try le, dieengege yeti e foot,' we
tion entirely ftara InsPeeteroglo,oesn;td:t,Tentltocrl; arniost'; remain still, andqyen .will he
erS' Aisociations, shquld 'saki': and they paw down to '.the
feequently. the, Wu -ay _Councils, Who eeetthel e we,
were the real rep"resente• tiVes of. the
Messrs. Bishop and Gibson'Ls tspeerihes,
- •
The following speeches, by Messrs.
Bishop and Gibson, Wel.e delivered while
the .Honse wan in Committee of Supply,
: and while the item of S2.40,000 foi!
Public SchOols was under discussion:
Mr. Bisnoe contended that,the regu-
lation by which' the Government grant
was refused, 'unless the .scheol 'house8.
were of a certain charecter, was an ar-
bitary one, which shonld be done away
with. Some hen. Members had coni -
pained of a too arbitary exercise of
their powers on the pat of Inspectors;
b,mt.he'thought ie was rather tulfair to
the Inspectorra.that regulations should
'bs laiddown for their ebiervance, and;
then that eoreplaints.phould he. inade
because these regulations were observed.
He believed that it was the regulations
which were at fanIt, and not the con-
duct of the inspectors. (Hear, hear.)
He proceeded to read some of the regu-
lations of the Department, coutending
that, especially in the 'rural diStricts,
• they were entirely inapplicable. to the
circumstances of the country and the
• condition of sdaiety: —White he believed -
that it Was right that every . child
'should receive a • pod education, •he
thought that -a regulation which declar-
ed -that if a child absented himself from
- school he should lose his pinto in the
class, and Might be prevented from at-
• tending. the remainder .of.the quintet.,
„ was an absurd one, The*se.me: rental lc
••ivasfere or the one by which the door.
' of the school might be shut in the face
of the pupil who, perhaps after walking
two or thtee miles in the deep snow,
• appeared • efore the teacher without a
written excuse for his lack of punctuali-
ty. Helthew- whertr-thia ettle
had been rigororisly enforced, and he
thought the sooner it was done away
with the better. Auether regulation
was tliat a pupil 'Wile iebsegtocielthneel
from an examination should.tiot be ad.
milted to the school except by the nu-
tbority of the Inspector, and that, a re-
cord should be kept of -till such &Lees,
Many children were so 'nervourt that
the enforcement of. this rule almost
amounted to poeitiye eruelty. With
regard to the t egulation which peovided
that a pupil once expelled eliould not
be admitted' to sohool again, unless by
• consent of the Inspector, he timught
that trustees and teaeln.ir„ough't to be
able to settle such a matter„tvithodt tha
interference of that, onapipresent offioiiili
the Inspector. (Hear, hear.) He had
been attacked by some of the local /left --
papers for saying there were too many
branches in the school curriculuni, but
any one who would refer to the regol
tions laid down by the Department
would see that *hat he contended for
• was recognized in them, though per-
haps not in their ttractical enforcement.
There was no necessity lot teachers
having to come up to so high a stan-
dard in order to teach the branches laid
down in the regulations, lleavent on,
to refer to the regulafion in roped to
the employment of an additional 'tpaelt-
or when there were more then fifty pu.
pils, and said thefeelingitt thecountry
wiefl that in such cases, if the trustees
and teacher's were egreeable, a monitor
selected from the pupils would be suf-
.ficient. •Contented that VMS ab-
surd that all children, irrespeetive ,of
their natural abilities, health, and other
eonsiderations„ should be required to
-"By a thorough I, eowledge ol the natural
laws whick govern the operations of digestion
.anil netrition, AMI by a careful application
of the tine propertiee A well-seleeted coe0a,
Mr. Hype ha provided our 'breakfast table
with g delicately tiaveredboverage which may
eave us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by
tJoe jndieieus nse of note Artielea of diet that
eoustitution may be geadnally built up 14e-
filetrong enengli. to resist every-tendeutty-toe
.1,isase. Handel:Ids of subtle ratiladiee are
floating around us ready to attack whereVee
otentjymak.pe't_ut.,,,„..iyuno,y_eaeape many
a fatal shaft by keeping' ourselves well forti-
fied with pure blood aud a properly uolueeh
ed frame; Reroice Qezette.--$old'enly
in Par:lots labelled —44 TAX us Errs & Co., flo..
Inceepathie Olunnists, 48, Threadneedle street,
end 170, Plceadely, London."
pillar sentiments. He riotieed that the
meetings of the !ea'cliersulmostifl '71111.
What a Billion, is. .
ably wound Upwith7an ettempt to 111- :
bo„,.tiong.ht, ___Ltiense_21.tigee ions Re); t le Men have been
toe:nisi 116: t .of , if arm:.uii el'tbtt
antesing theineerveb
the Loudon Tunes mere or leis%
the present SalltrielaWt4e.:very fair. TI1(
i.pcondite disquisitions on:the beWifder-.
present standard of • etiacation Was a1to;
ge.ther too high, and it Seenied to have 11.)g° suitio0. of..billiek.En". trillions, and'
quatirifiions., A, hi! Ii011' 18 a millio0. a
been raised at the expense of the Mo -
millions, its arithroetidal symbol being
xttli: of the teaChers, to jecIfie by.the
I „00:4000;000,060. This, leeks simple.
cenpeiaminatien paper frauds. -Thotigh,
-'enceiglii. but...Mr, ...Bessemer bus made:a
there -Was not :OW so rntih •rea..son;fOr
few ealoultifiensewhicli Certainly jtietifee
coinplaint " • ie rsgard ..tte, • changes • in
hisretUark that the Word " billion" re-
sel:961 books, yet•the. changes Were still
' present's .SotrtetItieg which " ft: w . i n tel -
rat hee freq (Cheer's.) ..
••lectS can f itl A. •
y o'asp.. .a. niett$1.1re
* • te. •
• of time, he Show.s that it takes just 31,-
• Gravity, Specific and Otherwise. • • . 687:years, seventeen days, twenty-two
hours,' 'forty-tive Minutes, eedfive .se-
adtiiisSion fee la:charged-. to
donds to constitute a billion of seem*.
ors ,tor the hoitanna mills, the Only. re.' .billion of: •sevepeigus is • something
:nuiiite being a permit from the.Super:
almost beyond C'enception.: If placed
intendent ; bet p. lady who visited the
OulifOrnia* ItiSt SUridaS7 ptiftr flat' au"3"4`1 gq-e...c."-
tierunisjine; the ',coins"woUld notiatitute
. .
:goiaoir chain.. too ipertOngh'te, pesS 763
times , round thaglqbe, ds entire• length
reaching A, fraction Over '.18;328,445
miles. . The weight of. the whole, eeti-
mating eadh sovereign at a quarter
etiece WOW is 6;.075,447, tone,' which -
Weuld be suilieient to load a fleet of' be-
tween 2,0.00, and' 3,000 of our 'largest
merchant 'ships 'CO their utmost carrying'
CaitacitY. These illustrations are spilt;
Cientl • ta but tl ere is yet arioth.
ys. .•
or which is enough; to.taire •away. the
-breath even of a..fiatnbeidge coed"
in Inathemstics: A billion .Sliet.!ts of
• the Tinies„. we are told., if supetimposed
-upon each other and pressed.into:ti eont,
pant ,would 'reach tin altitside. el
47,348 niiles'.. One's bead begins to
.swim, and theraider • will ba' aln/Ogt
.gintefill 10 Mr, '13e'sseiner. fere not at,
tempting a similar dtssection,of the fril-
and quadrillion. These' , latter'
numbers,' indeed, eis 110 tette us, " ate
Simply words -mere •wortiti,'.vetolly in.
capable cif adeenately impresising. theft-
••elyea•on the human intellect." •
• - -
$W for the privilege,: and in this:roviSe :
'Me. Long, the foreman; was showing
three ladies .and a gentleman through
the reilr„ and kindly explaining the
functiqns of the variond settlers, .pans,
and ElO forth, The quicksilver bowls
'standing neer the amalgamating pans
attracted -the attention of the visitors,
and they ingoired what use -the odd-
looking concerns were put to, He ex.-
plained their use, but the ladies did nOt
Bebe) to catch the sense of his remarks
very. readily. They seemed quite
pvizeled.- Mr. Lang repeated his expla-
nation, bet the ladies •minifestod more
surprise than eiter, in Meier. to make
• himseltunderstood, Mr. Long then
gave a practical demonstration of the
• working 6f the howls, by palliug up
the stopper'which cheeks 'the indosy of
the beautiful Metal .frorn the pipe con-
necting with 'the ,supply tank. The
-bowl immediately
ver, the surface lookiug elean and
bright. The party; cbuld not .teeist the.
temptation of ilipplug tWr fingers in
the uretal.. They withdrew. ,theni as
clean, as when they put them in. Thie
surprised them. ?Jr, Long threw a
biinch of keys iethe bowl. They float-
ed, This was e,pleasant experiment.
A- gentlerapi -with the- py-artthen threw
a pocket' knife in the howl. It also
floated. The ladies Were delighted.
'1r. Colby, the Chief.. Engineer of,the
mill, having just been relieved, came
elone. :110 threw a foui'lit pieee in.
It ito*tited,' of eotirse, and he took hod
and, tabbed it dry. The quicksilver
having absorbed; sill the impurities on
Lite coin''it.looked Irright as banished"
gold,' One'o.f the ladiee said it. V.*A8
lieautifal, and another took a 820 gold
piece out of lier,pecket and threw it in;
Mr; Long and Mr. Colby saw the move,
merit, but said nothing. The specific
gravity of goldas compared with qiiek-
silver "being as 17 is to 14, the coin
sank „out of sight, to the nt ter dismay
of the ladies and the great mortification
f -the owner of the 8'20. This feeling
did not lastIEng, however, ris SIr..1.1ong
• assured them that in a day or two he
could probably restOre the lost money
in the form of amalgam, as he would
have_ to use the quieksilverto work the
next charge put in the p5n5.-1-i3.et3in
• Citron i te,
A Thrilling t pidede.
I3Iondeatt, the fattens Mrdnot, re-
cently Ascended, succesefully from the
Sleristerio, Itonie, and crune down sa?' c-
ly on the tereaca of Santa:Maria' 1‘1 g-
giore. These sights are beeomin" m
mmIow ° mu° et-
ly coon now, end few s ti
interest in heating of them-lall the
same, the man who at the height of per-
haps- a thottsend metres fitt• perfOrlil
• Taking Pawn a Yankee,
• •
Amelicens Are 11 ever tired of clescant-„
ing on the immensity of tbeir .institta-
tions, 'got long ago an Englishman
travelling in the States meta yankee
who proudly stated that he knew Eng-
land well. I guess," said he, " that I
saw pretty well the whole OrYdur count-
ry 1 was theie five days leat
"And you saw London ?" asked the en-
thralled ,,Saxon, • " Certainly, , 1 did,
sir ; and it air. 0, Carnation !dg village,
do confesa ; butAvelave a fall, sir, that
would sweep the whole place to dollen-
ne, in a matter of about three minutes,"
" And where. is the fall 9" demanded
-the English te an, who wes geographioal-
ly knowing. " I mean, sir, the,rall of
Nitspra." "Then my good mare" said
the Sixon, "you are mistaken. AII°
the water that goes over the Amerieln
side of the fails wortld rot elean the
teeth of half the people. in London."
And euelt is niftiest the • fact, for the
part of the Valls that comes over in all
its force and grandeur belongs to Brit-
ain, and not to the States.
roonthisnlieCCESS, • ,
It is the duty �f every portion Who lute used
308011811'll OrlittMAN Svarr to let its. wonderful
qualities be known to their friends in curing
001letUnptiO0h SeVere COUglia, Croup, Asthma,
Pneumonia, and in fAct all 'Phroat and Lung
DineaFiee, 2n pereen can Use it without intrile-'
(Hate relief, Three closes will 1-e1iee3e-an3r cage,
and we 00111311100 18 the day of all druggists to
recommend it to the Poor dying consumptive,
at least to try hive bottle, 6.8 40000 dozen bot-
tles were 80111 last year, and no one ease, where
it failed Was reported Stich a medicine as the
Gertites SYRUP cannot Ave too widely known.
Ask yonr drugglat about it -Sample bottle to
try Seta at 10 .Celltit. Itegttlet Me, in COME: ,
Eor•eale by 4..11. rombo. " • •
Wools( Houites.-Wooly horses are net so
rare as many suppose, not such great curioeffies
eith.ete there are many to be found le variees
pArte of the country, hut we donbt lf they.will
ever prove as valueble to their owners athe one
exhibited by Barnum ; we imagine their owners
would coneulte theta more valuable Without the
wool; for this rough and Woolystate a the hair
indicates that the ItOi
ree is not n it healthy tow
dition--probably hide -bound, or elifferiiig from
Same disease which occasions thin unnatural ap-
pearance; 111,1311.0110311308 use Darley's Condition
Powders and Arabian .Ilea,ve Remedy- it will
purify the blood, correct the appearanhe, re-
move nil Obstructions, from the lungs aied liver,
alai give to the coat a sleek and shining appear -
once. Remember the name, mid see tliet the
siguature of Hurd & Co. is on each Package.
Northrop eti Lyrnan, Newcastle, Ont., proprme
ore for Canada, Sold by all medicine dealere •
tioannen eough dr cold Shati'd never. he
triffed Wi414.often *ben neglected it is *eonyert-
ed into a serlOns 6114 generally fatal' pulmonary
disease: -The moreprudent, aware of this,
promptly llee Bryan'S l'ultnimie Wafers" a cu-
rative which has sustained its reputation for
Over twenty yearertheyare always efficacious
and exert a most beneficial influende on all the
Bronchial and pulmonary organti. ,„old by MI
• .s. and couyntr:dealers. ."Iviee 2a ots..
• • • P.I.Trtrs EYE-NALVE.
A*i remedy for: cat ,disetices.:Ot.the
• eye,.(accute., or chronic), uranitlet4ion of the
utperatiOn, of the • laelki•rmal .(jtapas,
lilm, and lot:aborts of' the 'vision from «nil
TUE ANE140A0 is preeeneed to the
public with the assureece of its efficiency ae. 31
curative of rimet•.‘dieeases of the eye, acute or
Chronic inflinninatioa, whether induced by scro-
fulous origin or otherwise; weaknesseoe defect
lof „diminished One of • the optic nerye,.,
or a diseased state M. the tissues constituting'
that organ.: . Also, for all. 'pewits whose year
tion requires :an incessant edam ,of the eyea, -
the salve will acteis a charm herestoriug 11 Anti-.
form healthy action, Where weakness, pein, and
/misery may. 'have long threateeed a, fatal ter-
mination, It is the. most simple, Safe, and ef-
•feetual remedy ever.diseoverede The materials
of which it ie made are pure, perfect; and costly;
eOmpounded with elaborateeere and exactness,
safe in its applicable . being Used externallye
ten 1 codes() avoiding the pain -and claimer
, , :
which necessarily attends the introduction of
cat -odic inineneite and 'eye -washes. . Rirmwoum.
• and (AD CHRON,le StilticS, Of 'Scrofulous origin,
or resulting frorn Whatever 'cause, yeild to the
CESSFULLY FOR PILES.. Its eoothirileef-
feet iiirnediate, and a permanent cure requires
but a few applicatimie. • The proprieten of
'"DiteJ. Perri:es AMERICAN BIE•SALvEi'".while
ing a more Perfeet box Sur the-ReeeSetve, have
ebanged the Teen's Melte on the cover so As to
correepond %vial •the Cut on tile Wrapper., Cir-
culate!, Adiertisemente. etc: • We. call attention
tothee as it mightotherwise be eegyielted 58
cenieferfeiting. • . • .. • . '
Proprietors, Freedonia;
• ' Termite, Agents for CanadA. '
'Soy among .tipe'Oisillet rote 1
. . . . . .
. .
-Cnver,Asn's• SWEET CASTOR Olt, equallyetuit
able._ for children. euid Adults. Endorsed by
ove.r.800 doctors in Canada. The difficulty' of
hdtriibistering • neaseous medicines; sad; the
sirability of having them pleAsant. to the taste,
induce& T. :Cepland. to utulertAke researches
Witieh reenited'oethe diScoyery ofeeSiyeet Cas-
tor Oil, perfectly palattili.le, of the same strength
and.' Medical .qualitieseas the ordinary Caettee
Oil ; 'and wbjle.tetinillysafo arid harniletts,,yet
.actiug ‘vith More -certmay, and producing nei-
ther nausea nor griping. Some children raw it.
14 Miner; others call it Seq:up --they alt say they,
like it. One parent 8S.yg •-"Aly children drink
itlike• water ;" ;mother -if" We had to hide the
botthetir they would have finitilied it right off •;."
another My little girl:bait teekert • it. twice
Without mei. trouble, and doer; not kaow .Wlilit
11 .ie tliortgliedie hatee • the oriliniery. Castor Oil,
linewe never could get het to take It Without n
f3331;*'yet 'An -other -J.1,1 -wish' you success or
your Swum' (.7ASTint 00,. it is a splendid thing
-mire to take the niece M all thiteemennon oil,"
Tile extraordinary .denialid :for. this itnprote.
Merit ota :topic household nie,lkiiie haelirolight
fraudulent hnitations into the market,' but thei
piddle can guard theenstelvee against enhiititietes.
atteraiting tri
sell on. the reputation of this attiele)• by 'teeing
that the :name (*,rl.1.sns Sweer-Ceeemt On.,
114 (111 halt wrapper attildirectien htbel.- • .
The untletsignedt .havingeptireliaited Weeere.
T. Cepheid .& Co's .interest 3.11 the above prepee
ration, are now 'rnAntiftleturing it from the ori -
3111151 recipe. •
. •
Ask for CorbeNn's Sweter Cement One ,Pb•
serve the name. DlItIttIt be deceived, Sold hy
all inediefue (lea -fere. Veice, 2.1 dents. •
. •
Mitchell's Beliadonna inorteed India Rubber Perm
. • 'Plaster.
There never liasheen 5 time when thehealing
of so many different diseases Jute been caused
by outward application nettle pretteut. It 18 3111
taidispured fact that. 00001151114! the eatire po-
prdetion .of the glebe resort to the use of ordi-
nett plasters. .
":The principal ineredienbe used in 'making
these Pineters arc 'Gum Olibanuni -sir better
known tie' the Fraulchiceoee of the tibia —Rub.
her, and Beirguildy Pitch ; which, when eeientie
fieallet compounded, isfull of electricity, and
when combined with the nure medicinal gime,
is Mutat to be tine of the greatest healing meal,
ums ever brought before tlieliteman race.
They are ackeowieged by all AV1S1 has e uSed
them to aet quicker th'an any other Plaetere
they oyer hefofe tried, and that one of these
PhieteiT will do more real service thali u hurt.
deed of the ordinttry kiiut All other Plastere
are slow of action, and require' to be Worn con,.
tinually to effeet a cure ; but with these it ie en-
tirely different; the instant tine is apPlied the
patient will feel ite effect.. .
They possess all the soothing, warming,. sup.
porting and strengthening qualities of all alter
Phietere. Melly who }ewe been relieved of
rionseither pains in the ittlEl5ift4, BREAST'
or SIDE, and bolitive it is eolely chine by the
'Oct:Weal, qualities which the Porous Pleetere
centein and whielt imparted to the Avow,.
thug re.:torffig thent to&healthy condition,
l'hey are very gat tour pliable, still very; tel.
hesive ;,and a Aura cure for WHAT( TIMMS,
are invaluable tri Mose who have a COLD of
lenge etanding, anti often prevents CONSIIMP.
TION. Some even tell ug they believe they
were entirely.eured by the Inie of them of along -
seated Consumption.
Prepared hy O1501tGE 15. MITCIIELL,"
Lnwelt Mau, -
Sold by All Deuggletee
FhIBIRTARY 7, 1878.
. MILLINERY Establiehment.
fl1l annvn, Physleian, Sergeon, ate,' Coroner for
County of Moon. Itesidenee and oeutee-corner et
Albert and 34111 Streets, Clinton,
August $3141869. . f -ti
TAMItS ST15WA15T 31. D., C. M., (lItA OVATE Or
Me0111Universit4Montroal; physician, Surgeon am)
Atieoueheur. Iteshleeeo-Biteceneee•
--ohuneary 4,4671, 28-
• College, Toronto, PhYsioian Surgeon, .9e., Myth,
Blyth, jam 20, 1575, • 4
. .
- •
0 Xi/CNC+, M.13,, (0-11ABITAThl OP ',“:01011TO
sr ,t'a!'o.. YluninYnTrigt'Ys:)thVrher tillo4ron' eSastitrgreiniteT'eteref8tehriacnneQ06
A1110441.4 fjoortdotrola, a;tion, 00111: lin?. •
Fait. sTAnianot, ortaiatern oF Tun trimmer,
J., Department •of Victoria Jnlv�rsb1, Toronto, fer-
'minty of the /10Spita3S Sild Dispehkierlee, New Xerk,
CJOBOher TOSthe County of Huron, nevreeen, (mt.
Only 2251874. • 81:
owerXX el; 0131801e, vnYSIOIeeTS, $1711.t
onoss,. Aoemicheurs, tke. 03loo, Albert St•ragt,
OppOeitoRr'S . '
li.'newstsy, g, D, • • 4. le. curse's, al. 33.
• ounton, efay le, 1877. .•
f W010.1111nGTOIN, .PRYSICIAN, $01101.10N,
Aecouebenr, _Licentiate of the College of Physicians
and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provincial Lieenti.
ate and Corouor for th`e County of Stung. Office and
residenee,-The building fOrreerlY otemplea, by Hr.
ThvoliteH, Huron street.
• Clinton, an. I0, 1871. •
- . _
lacciiantous arbo.
on good mortgago security, at moderato' rates oi
Interest. 11.11.Anne,
Clinton, Angust, 9111, 1869. •7rtf
OIIARLES E. tams, rr. aoviNoceLAND' syn-
vevott, Valuator, sus Land Agent. 0111co i--Jetio-
phine street, Wituritaru, . .
Wingbaru, Atm, 2,1877. •
contans HOUSE, CoRNER .01P comumeacT
N.J. Ana Store streets, Vieturia, 0.-13. Jones, Pro.
priator,--Exbellent Aceomodationa.,--Board, pa) 1*0031*
$0,-003, 3100. 5(14 Board, per day, 81.00; single -Meals,.
375e1s.; Beds, 50etS, .•
.4.11-. Apply at the Town usu, 01 at th0 x00410000 pr the
edhscriber; near the Loudon, Ititron Broca Itailway
Station:, d.A311113 Sgfrr,P,
. . 4 • Issuer of •Marrire;e Licenses.
Clinton, April 27th; 1876. „.
• "
T 0, 111eINT92111„ MAYFIELD, - 158111518 OF
er • Mailing° Lieeneos under tho now Act; Commission-,
eon& taking Agidavits in the Queen's noneh, for Crum.
tiosof liuron and Eruee. Conveyancing thine, such ite
Looses, Bonds, Contracts, .1111e, Deeds, and alortgagoal
Fees Itesidence—cpporile 1'ellocli4S MAO,
MONEY ADW,SCSD 011 anAn nstre.Ts.
DaYileld, Sept. 14, I876„, ••
LIAMS, photo tither for A. 4.. S. Nordhohner, To•.
ronto; will be in Olinton,poriodieally, for tuning pianos
Partite who wish their pianos tuned,aan teaSe orders
at Mr. A• Yeill's nook store,.• '
.•111A14041710180N tlk 11EAlltIti!R7,
•, ot.ite'rbeit AND cloonuon::
asesoi A. Wiesset, " s. ereeconsee,
Olintee. •
W. 11. McFannES,
• • • .• Goderich.
Ilr.lralcomeen Winto in ClhAou.every F,r4ay.. • ,
To t• he Ladles._
--elee Ladies-'Hai14'Dresslnghe-uiot-'-iasMeuabie-
mano1. °Omni:les, Cuat HAIR, so , made up. Craws,
notice:et reasonable rates, lulu BoT.1611.11and SOLD
BratAini SWITC11.114 Purrs:Ate., made on short
1751,MORE, 0 K Barber Stop.
• Rnroa 'Street, next door to Commercial Rotel .•
Clinton, Oct. 18, 1877.
vecTonIa " Feb. . 0.131 ,
DEVONIA.. • • • ..., Feb. 23., 10 aan
•. 2.., 8 pan
• CALIFORNIA,- Mar. 8:30 aan • .
=utopia,. Mar. 16,., • 8 p.m
• BOLIVIA.. , „ Mar, 2$ 9 eau
Mar. 80 8 p.m s•
Apr, 0 7:'0 nap
• ANCHORIA .... 2, pan
CALIFORNIA . Apr.' 20 8 wan
, riliovre Apr. 27 • 2 pan
Gigsg.w, Livtrrool; Londonderry; 'or Iluirast,. cabin
803 to $ii0,.go1l, to tonilon•direct, $50„to 579, eat:Wiling
to attionintoilstione. Interinctliate and Steerage as lost,
1114 1)3, 503, 01)100 flist-elass line. For tiokets and infer -
motion, aPPIS ,
oft', 11-.1,'., Agent.
• .
Clinton, Jou. 17,1877,
A btrgo assortment of rriovrnan;
sitics one ante °Ns, to the newest 011040,,.
A leo, a largeatooli. of VBLT and STRAW of
the latest styies. Ake.
Agent for Re9w13re3*'8 P,vermitte et garments a all
'log3401014 ; e largo i•toes. I.1018 ondlitud.
Felt and 8trapegellatil oledued and altered
. Oo6 313, lit77
cattih-Cornmerciat Firalitsuraoce-Coir
- Two Bffiztions stirteet
ASsoitis, . $.16000,00
Ilisconse, - .1,000,0e0.
Head Office -1 Toitate Street, TORONTO; ,
Beano on AIRBOTOItS : •
Joust L, fl,txis, Bic., Chairman, •Presklent Canada
Landea-Credit Company.
aues S. RLATFAIS, Dso., of Dryea,MeMurrieh It Co.
WirsaAtt Aexixaxese, viee-Presleleut Federal
Bank of Canatla, •
. Deposited •with the floVernment at Ottawa, for seen, •
rity of 90assise masers, $100,000,
This Company lames Policies of Insurance against
lose or emotes° by aro or lightning, on memantile, man. •
ufaoturing, faun awl household risks, at ourrent rates.
Pelletal are hoofed front mid losses settled directly by
the Torortto °Moe, without delay,
' All Prominins taken in thie eottnti y aro huvested In
9anadianneenritied. ' ' •
AGENT FOR. L1.13.11`011 ANIl ArleINITY,
Clinton, Ail), 12, 1$77,
a er Bags,
Paper Bags.
Theoreenie Sham Neylmatun Cum./du:Oa Steantehli. • :NATO
(carrying United States Mails r
' 131.1 1 IC .Jan. 31.:..• p '
Pell: 7.... 8 a 111
• ARDIATTAISTLII0C eir. Id.... 11p
• CELTIC- • Prb. 21.... 8 o m
• GEMEANIC Mar, 2, ' p m
B %ITT(' Mar7.,.. .4 it In
• 1.5311(3 1310 "dar.16,...; 33 p re
BRITANNIC „.. lifer, 23, 41 31111. •
• CLUB: „ , afar. 1 p
Will sail fromVew York (Pie; 1125. It on Setintieves,
ana from tee -extreme, on Tuensmies, coaling at tee:,
Iteland, 1)031* WityS. 1110 SteataShipS of tuts Lino, are
ill1 new, laillt.of iron, in water -tight eempertments, szul
oiler to' passongera unrivalled accomunalationa. Tho
rtaloori awe State•Etzems being lo .eted In the
‘t fie ation;litit litt1 2110131,11 hifelt, •
Iiejeti of passage, Saloon, 53101o $100, gold ; Iteturn
erintlgi oottoidi )ear, e.t.a ter: ;$175.0. rocord•
lug to accommodations, Sfeerago passage, 'or Omit
Rumps, at low rates. For -plan of stennieni, and other
• U.. W. ItAILTON, (21.1V,It„ Agent.
wales, •
, .
11•01rA 14 MA IL STEA
Zixe'rpool, Zondomierry and, Otoggoio.
Senetee'rele, 10511, 10,
Shortest sea pessage, ceenoniy. volute -it, 210 nine.
Of west navigation so.ved.
WOA131',1* bet< PIS ThentecEn.
tetertnee fete and Stcentge fatal% AS IOW SS by ifor onna
tine. Steerage passengers forwarded te..OorrYi Tsenagt,
eineeteetown, Glasgow, ond London, at Immo rides as 1.
Liverpool. The last trent browsing the Canadiari snails
end emu:meting with the ocean stoatrielaips at Hafer,
leaVes Toronto every Friday, et 7.02 8.1u. Paaseog81
via this route trayei throttgh Canadian territory, there
fore evade all Custom llouse examination of become,
rot Through TYkets end everyinformation,apply tc
STRA.IT0151, It. Agent, Clinton.
Clinton, eti,10,1817
liavo on hail large as-
sortment .L PAPER BAGS
'ain't 'WRAPPING*: 'PAPERS, •
manufactured, at the Merriton
Paper Milis, which:we offer to
business men j prices as low
• 5515 can.be obtained at thelfill.
They can he haft either with
• printed advortisemettt thereon
77718 not ote•Ily earned in tgese thug,
bat it com be made ftv three months
• by any one of either sex, in any' part
of the conntry, who fa willing to
work ateitdily 81 1310 employment that we famish, eGtt
per week in $0111 own town. You need not be away •
from borne Overnight. TOO eatt give your *hare time 1
te the work, or only your spore momenta,, We have
agents who aro Making Elver 520 pet day. A71 tvh0 en.
gage et tile. tan mato money fast. At` the proton
limo money cannot be ranee Bo smelly tine womb, melee
other busineris. It costa nothing to try the beeitieke.
Terhie MA $5 °atilt free. Address at once, u. nerd:err
•& Ce, P oriltaul, Uaino, , 89 .
or without.'"