HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-01-31, Page 8JANU.AltY 31, 187S.. " The 001114y Ce1Ine1l. Coughlan, Una a detailed statement or . the salaries of the County officials, and* r 7 o3 .i• . ,. touNarY e 1(4. perqUisites pertainiug thereto be fur, Mr, Keine moyeti,eee. by Mr• Gaither, nisbed by the Clerk roithe information - .the,t $3,000 be raieed by. the County •of the new •members lind ol bers,.-Par. foe improving the bounds17 linee of the lied . - respective Munieiptilities, seid sure to OD, . motion, a Mi‘. .0iiidley, br, . be expended MA the etkme Prinai& as Worthington was Irelapoointed litgli , . teretotore.-Carried. • ". School Piste tui for the tow', of Clinton, ' Mr--Itlason-moveer--by•--Mr,Gra A--,--se-Ftams---znre,-e,,Thwittetie ' am, Wet the Councirinsti.uot the Conn- to th,„" Ham() 1,1041.a in pieee et. mr. am, '' ' • t b • tb lis'cl, a • .1 CLINTON NEW ERA. The Horrors' of Was The following "thrilling letter was wlitteo by •a Reesian pilit,ee of the Geards Ca a relative in Olevelaild,•,0.: liratpetiAlr0.1ts.or„Finfre Divisiox o 1 Tun °Mums, PLEYNA, Out 30 , , f?ttY8 Vet returned this morning from a six deys' expedition on the So. phia Rnadr7)ifibiect WO -1 the two fortified villages Of Dabnik and Y r, - , % an et, tie •- • -Telsit, itup,ortant to. Osman as shelter - be Maitland i•iver at .Senoneritill, 're- . . . . REPORT CIF Tin': SCHOOL ANO 'PRINT N('' fele. the coil VOVEitryin Orohauie ."Dihnik paired, as it is unsafe for- nubile travel, ' . . ' . d D• ivititot'l 'took 14.-tke -rootot • comnerree, , . Our Sapp -Referred to R. ad 13 Ohm, ' ... •'- or or the hayonet, After. a breast•tq, breast 'We recommend' thitt the tender, A number of accounts were pre ented and referred to the Finance -Cent, the•Clinton New. EltA. ter the -Comity • Mr. Cook moved, sec, by • Mr, Weir, , that $1r.)0 tet granted to.be expended on , . the. bOundary•between Howick and M:nto„ as theebount,y of Wellington hits • t 1 ' il• , amount -Referred to' d • T bo acme )ted it beim, the low- , 'est, this, I'll our opinion, being the cor- rect principle. ' With reference to the motion to lip. point '1Viessrs. Strang, tll and Turn- - • Finance 00ty, . • . : upon the board of -Co anty Licannn-. The Council. cited-adjoin:tit d.• kr the exnminati°° °e 's°1'°°-1' te'aeliers, we would reconmend it to be • , acloptet • The (Jouncif met at ten "o'Clool, call With rer("''"4.e. t°. the Itel)°rts ot. ; 'School Inspecters, we wehld reeommend. the members being ptesent.• The report of the Select Committee, to Mint" they lie referted to the c erk to ',mike the various committees wag pre- mai"' an nbstl't er°63 them e" th' vented and adopted, as follows t.-- PurPoSe of , Prin. ring t h em in t he to i •• u • ' , • . • REPORT OF SELECT COMMITtesTEE. '' • WhiCh itmitted Your Com: recomtnend that the' setAllsOf s respeetfilly sub %e.: val Coot's. be constituted as follows''- REPC)" OF . . rill 1LICala 06 IlUt.'". ' „ • EQUALIZATION. - Meesrs. Webster This report mainly consiSted in re-. &radian, Chidley, Efunter, 31c1VIil1an, commending the payment of a large Castle, 'W. J. Johnston, Yoting,D. D. nninher of -accounts whieli had ileeti 1., leen, L.ckie, Black ancl Walker. - .0 FINANCE.- 510Stirs. / • son, Gibson Leckie, Keine, 'Coughlan., •,‘ Henninge, Hannah, J. 1Vriller, „4. jt Whitely, Currie, D. Miller, .Garrow, ' certified tO bY the different oftioials who • • • • • lea inetirrett the debta for connts' 1,111.• poses, ' 'rho; Treasurer'a statements of .Receipts and Expenditures .fer the past year,. t bey ,reco,tritnended • that it be-. gher; Connor, R. D. 'Wilson, Hamilton, printed in the minutes, and_ that the Hays and F. Johnston.'. • • • ' SCHOOL AND PRINTIEG.-MeSSI'S. D. Miller, -Keine, Garrow, won, Hennings. Castle, Whitely,' Weir, B Wilson, Rennie, Black•and Heys: • ,.. Roan AND BRIDGE.-Megsrs. Hardy,• - Diteuzies, Slemmon, Kerr, -Jewel, Walk- er, Geigher, Yearly, Ellicitt,' Totter, Martin'Gaunt, Mason, 0.00k, Gibson, Black, Hunter and Hamilton. • GAOL AND COURT Housi...----MeSSIN. IVIsson, D. Millet., J. Miller, Cook, Kerr; Coughlan, Rennie, Menzies, ;graham, Hannah, Clegg, 11,amilton..and Martin. SPECIAL COMMITTEE.--,-Metifit'S. Yeatly; Strachan, Chidley, Garrow, johns- ston, Castle, Hardy, Potter and Weir. WARDEN'S COMMITTEE. Messrs. Young, McMillan, 'Hunter, . Leckie, Strachey. and F. Johnston, The Warden to be ex -officio member of all Conimittees... All of which is respectfully eutenitted. Jong McMiLnAtt,9hairecurn. Moved by Mr. Leckie,. sea. by Gibson, that in view of the increase ;of. pauperism, .caused no doubt Frain the increase of population, not only in the - townships, but particularly , in. the in- creased town and village population, and the depreqsioe tif ttade in nimost•'.,-very branch, it ts desirehle, both in the:in; teresta of economy and humanityto es- tablish a House of Refuge or Poor lioese in the County. The motion .W/01 effr- tied by a majority a two. . Moved by Mr. Menzies, sec. by, Mr. Hennings, that a committee; consisting of liessre. Leckie, Black,McMillen, Hardy•and Keine, be appointed to make the necessary enquiries .1133, 'to -4-boatiou, cost of construction, dm., of the proima- ed County Poor House . to .report ,at the June eession of thie Moved hy Mr. Garrow,sec. Mr. You, that the R. apd B. .Com. be .ierptested to ascertnin and report at the June ses- sion, whiah. if any of the leading, gravel roads, or sections thereof, slionld be. ex: cepted from the general rule of 'Council that such roads should be -maintained by the local municipalities. -.-Carried. Report of the County Engineer., was read and referred to L. and B. Cont. . Report of the Salaries Committee ' read and tidopted. • , Moved by Mr. MeMillan, sec. by Mr. Young, that the sum of $500 be grant-. ed to the three riding Agricultural sb- cieties or thia county, on eondition that they amalgamate and hold one show- in 'Legislature be•petitianed to alaisliqfie .sysitein of Graii'a JuriesAll of winch is reSpeetfu tly submitted. • GAOL AND COURT HOUSE COMMITTEE The cornhaying examined the gaol found it clean 1 end well kept in`eveey 'particular and the officials cOurtemiS. There are 12 male and 2 female prison- ers entifi sled therein, .Tbe cormnittee else ..rectioatnended th.e .ptiechase of tWeive bibles for prisoner's use; They also ,reperted-,thar, at present, there Was 019,-a4e4uate employment foe the male priaciners sentenced'.to'hard tabor.' All of which ,was respectfully imbinitted. ' REPORT .oy RoAn Alen Beinoy Con: . merren: Thc• committee recoinnended 'the' re- pairing of the approaches to the bridge overthe 'Maitland rivee+ at Stfibbiehill - . Mao recommend that :the tender„of Wm. Wise for building bridge at •BaY- field; for $3;180 ' bpaccejited. They also reconamend several-otber niattera of mum: importance. . After""seme discussion- the foregoing renortwere adopted. ; Moiled by Mr, - Strahati,,sec. 11,y W. J. joimston, that the Clerk of each mitnieiPality be instructed to "furnish the chairman Of the Hoose of Refuge coin., Mr. Leckie, ef Betissels, -before the lsf 'of May, a statement of the num lei of indigent persons that (meld be sent now front said .inuniciPality to a ponrhouse,' should sucILAn...instittition be established, sech infornettiOn to laid before' the Council at its_ Jinie meeting:7.-N rried. ' . " • a Moved by Mr. .Chidley; aec. by Mr.' Garrote, that Ole Connell is of opinion thqt Belden's pr000sed atlas of the comity of Hamm, is a useful and itn- portant work, Which it is hoped will be proceeded with,,bitt that it would-be an -undue-inter-rennet) with -the -rights -6 the local municipalities for this Council to 'give en.orddr for them, and out of the peekets of, snch flfllfllOIp*lllty -Car tied. , . • . , • • Report of R. and B. Com. adopted:. A motion was made to amend he re. pert with reference to the High School in Seaforth, hut wife: lost on a division. . The by.14w fixing the ,salaries'of the county otfieials for -1878 was then passed. Council adjourned. • Jan, 26. Coehoil inekpurstittht tO adjournment; 'Warden the chair, minutes of yester- the fhll. Loet by a majority of four. day read end adopted. On motion of Mr. Clegg g;ant of Moved by lie, (Almon, sec, • be ItIr, :1,1200 was made to assist the village cif Myth in the erection or a lock-up.° Moved hy Mr. Garrow, Sec.' by Mr. Chidley, that Alessi*. Strang, Halls and Turnbull be re -appointed eX11,1111fiet'S of candidates for school teachers. -Referred to School Committee. Moved by Mr. MeMillan, sec. by Mr, Young, that $20.0 be granted to each of the Riding Agricultural Societies, 111Moved by Mr. D. D. Wilson, see, by Mr. Slemmon, that the Cotincil senction the establishment of a High Sebool in Seaforth.-Referred to S. C. Moved by Mr. Leckie, See; Mr. Castle, that this Council tender their sympathy and condolence to the widoiv And friends of mit late colleague Robert Callender, Esq., of Clinten, who, We regret to learn has 'died a •iretnature death through injuriet received' whtle in duty endetivot•ing to save the pippart7 of his fellow eitizens, at the late fire, - Carried. The Council then adjourned, 'an,05111 Connell met7Warden in the Clair, all the members present-, minutes of yesterday read and approved. Moved by Mr. Graham see. by Ur, Young,'• that •the Engineer be instruct., eft to furnish a statement, showing.the BROWS, amoun tit and dates of the orders. given by him in estimates of . work by contractors hetvveen each meeting of the Council, for the informatien of the Coun-. oil at each meeting -of the same. -Car, Moved by 'Kr...Maims, see. by Mr. Gibson, that the Clerk be instructed to commitnicate with each municipality in the county and ascertain the amount paid by such municipality for charity (luring the year 1877, and that the poor house committee embody the stun. paid. in their report at the .Tnne meeting.- . Carried, " . Atter the transaction of some routine business and other matters of minor iin portauct the Colwell adjourned te meet ofi the first Monday in June next; The largest 'oyster on record'in the United Stato wan one taken from the bed e in Mobile' in 1840. It measured three feet one • length, aed twentjr-thtee' and a half Inches in breadth acrose its widest part, In 1866 a Setrerson Market oyster dealer found ariv?ttg Stock of East rifler oysters one mhieh Contained Et 'fisli mix itiehee long. , a. $ VT I 4) NAL.' colnosny's fleet consis▪ ts of Twelve, first-elties, full- .. . powered Steamship's? For t4iverneoi mut Queenstown, • From pier 44, hZ, foot Spring, ERreet,,, Noe, yorb, ,For Loudon 'Direct, Vann Pier 51, N. R., foot Christopher Street, TOW York. The aecommodationo for A.labin PASSOngerrhy-fitae Steamers tire 0100, 140 nit•OK Of Wow ars front 'rp() upward, a ecording to the loeation of sleeping berths. Alleithin,paasengetElhave etinal privileges in the slioon, ExtuffORMT-Mieratrthikatslit-ItalucetiTittes. Forlor- thet 'lifer/nation Ile ft) 841400, and teristtes of COM OtOrStOOttlge OttOPOMOI1Oly to dEO• qatAILTO.N.' Agent Q.N2V,It: •ounton, 11arch se. 1877. a BLOOD POISONINGS, T-Ivxta DISEASE IINOWN 10 SOIENI1E MOD. 1)100d y conflict. This wus OP tile 240. Our 10998 were tietivy-ovee 8,000 kill- JJ4ii.trreo from poison in tho blood. Indigestion ta ed aud vA.atipied, but tiles° at PS wei-e Otle urtaetple (muse. • 13RUNTON'S igegerIve Frain eouteniDes poilion in the blood, and the eared tor by,frientlly. bands. Tini Itish-lolees,Were es, heavy„ besides 3,000 prisoners. who fell Leto oar bende. Four days l•tter oar Ftret• Brigade, to A11StORBENT externally brsorbs the I "ilson fro,,* th syoem *nee, 1110.e313, Syi,hillis„ e Ned. indigestion, Aunt any other tiloyd poisoning 3320. mired ill 33141100.3 time by'the aboVe rainedies. Sold by all,druggists, price 00 cents. .0/ • „ . • ,, „ • ?Mich. toy regiinfint. was order- ad watli Trish, eight milee from Dab- PIETtrE'S to nil, Our: first squaittrou, efinirnatided • py my teiend 5,, moved forward., ttccot. 1. •- :.. LAN ' . panying'a regiinent ofinfantry and tw ' • tight hekl pieees: They ,met oyerWhelm- l .. REA/1ET)IES .nii ,fpi cos of Turks, litsci Id ft()E a heavy stiliggle• fell back to await reit ire, 0,.A. Aro 001 ildrrtised lis .. olive -Ails," but are specifics in . „ .- , • the diseases toe,whieli 0'4 are reciannio 1 • I " 014-11118. • We •W ere ordered forward, a I sSe.col tteit(iti ;$(1,tiiiiisttitili:oleu.l. Atoboel,tolohtshi.ge, of .tinti(A,,, jAiwritivAest,TigiiirtorsZL."-.of 4`,1t,I„ X0"1\3 • lee. nit es hm;onal'contr ',. • ' , a(tplalit4til'isreolueguleieolii.tiutrie duelilnii°01.1.1t. /1;alitleht-1 d-ro('!•):colt;sitTfe's.4tuli:..srikf t am atteed. we.' so'vertook • the remnant ' of On r , tprry. teittgyt:' .itsi)t(1,1003, ont,iiiiy.tilave that. ill-fated iirst squad eon ---,of 600 .inen ;-) i.,,,,le,ilotportvieirifu)ttkilinenbero41::eits.clial prosperity olf 'Honore het4113, 1.40.remaining amt. Six, (aeon; Atny)irot.ostuir)orker niord,, Dr. PlereerrgiriladatriahLuolgefl'ioa; Anis:dog, . We stoPped lett'. a- Moment. 1 4 lathgellgoellillidsOt(i)ifiersui`irgir (ale in tile united suttee, and Ginn' ceutettid oit, along 0 path that eettie.tz t:titgitet exported foots Up to giel;sei218ilr'll"gliTiug(i ,evet'y- moineut gt.ow inof•ii *.efid• more,' .tbilleQptroporliontsl.arres1).941117)Iiels;Iitli\I'lvoither ba,is than that grow to web glgan-- flat:id), .steei,n with:dead. 'i,Votiride. d'. . of w.e Saw:bone ' Th ' ' or 10400.3-elestatallog, Y. , . i , , .0 . . cut off but th further. v" . e nearest bodibs were GOLDEN MEDI6:kL DisCov-er only-paEtiv stripped of their clothes end atterati their heads we GOLDEN PUDICA rode the gha t L DifiCOVer7 s ter grew the sIght Th . la Peeforist • dead Turks 1 * e , m in a mail er t hort•ibl GOLD • al uotning to a place where the remi GOLDEN NIE.DICA.I. Di Y frobri T.ch „ a _put two -;m1,1, letiiivernotitsoul'0,,inidts Ar,iiltionr,aatisvesepicefpusirat:c;:;, 0145.441.?pts:lais.es 03 e „. Wo halted, tied after driving _florulysi.coris3,y 0;itt.etioortesii ; Piniples '1'» - from Throat mid LsUP4Terffraele away and cutting down in .a Short skir- 6 ti-forioipeirins, it pien reish a party of •Turks ;OR? weee .n. itts, olval.4noviiiereingp onpoetrotibe ; and ChroLie robbing. our dead, we stopped to fnle''tn.. r rut: non BRiouSneas, brefore going A.S I rode akin •th . ay as they had fallen hut GOLDEN MEDICAL. Discov. e. ry our poor conirades.bad been i °libel and iti ft Chatlittgoaose, or liver rationales t= fld Yet ta•ed so ' EN MEDICAL. Discovery • iS Vgillie ' to describe. . . c ' scover ,sernewhat Widened ab 103111(1 .out e eitiooriou 0(1 I, And its Tonle iropertics.mal'ie entiall-yr toet, shouting out. I .13 n cut mg ludigest on , Loss a AjApetite and ut!:agpii.zed cry ers to Toy ,me • p,m" n, , t!-ntion. ' lonk4 d tested tny a N hen the skin 14 louctio.,,. or ,:shosraolliZionadropvered with 'hie:tithes rtniful. No'ihing but i:eues of ora'aeirNVetjt.).1r.41velliniim 11.eatm (load ' ey'ery where. Of, • these will effect V none needbd I e 0,3110.13 -procee ed cl , and there a.sma.i. cur. 8. city evdry hits ,01,.!, • iorce :4 Golden c , g the liver sti Medical Disc 11 u sh es, low relief tenea aistamde,3,„ . • ce asIt effects pert t *3 onfeoi did:drowsseir rewilie;bridle faco or ;vi;utirocit. frequent 40ado,onont..niorebodiugs kala.d.:11411sY•illw"12 piritl hark lotice.nitire ,811111011.4toetel altegileet8esd •.iihadstaigiyaidnisapirvolD4./1:vain these piteons cries' over 111' ilvtee,rand tongne bYus181:11'f' *in and Nan tOiltrd Torart , yr Biliousness. lk y re sufformg eases of from behind Which tiid AS 'ar letliyalt"r eases Dr. p aPPear. part of thee° symprolgs soma sounde ' pool,,of clotted' blond, lay diet which I • at firit' failed to rehognize as a human" though- hutnau it ;certainly • V) 48 In itspiteous cries; and' the seemingly gloved hands the t el n (tiled ai r arab001111 in their agony. The :rest; from the waist upward, Was'•one 38)0t4; of lil W; nniveting fleah-Lthe face - featorttless; eyi lids and iiyes.eitt out, the 11 (Viol ,i1 «, all but the bands,....whose WIHtOE skin et first gave the itnpression of their being gloved; This ghastly .objeet lay ,,a few steps trete a deed horse, one Of :our own ,regiinent'a'golden hays. Faint at heart I bent Over the stiffet•er, evidently nue of our own men, but now mangled-. ileyorid recogeition. He prayed for death .with hie poor torn lip, and in it minnte *lore W., our surgeon,aand_two more Of our officers were hy his side. roam for W., who stooped for a; few' seeends tei'er our conirede, and then rising; sadly Shook his head, trier - Inuring, " help." •strlden .itypelse prompted nie to seiZe the poor helpless hand in,my own, and, psksiiii it, whisper o few words of condole. the sound of my voice came the „sadder appeal : "Nicoltii, for old friendship's sake send a bullet therbigh niy heart.° This voice 'council. ed so strangely familiar, 'and yet Icould not recognize it, "Who, are you I" "Alexis S." . .Alexis, oid school:, rri te,' o had a few hours ago shared .niy breakfast by ,our. bivoinic 'fire, and then rode a•Way, handsome and bold, et the head ot otir gtillatit first squadron. He had fallen, wounded, helpless, his horse shot under him, and•the fiendish Turks were sloyly torturing hint to death when our amitotic."... drove them away: Clasping my hand in *his he stilt begged for death.• .111y revnlvet• tvas empty, discharged .in the sentlie it. few mothents before,. I looked at m.lio silently' drew out hisounl, slittailering it every nerve, placed the Muzzle aeairbt S.'s hreaSt, and, with averted face: red twice in suceessiott. w110-1 s'till pressed Ike poor hand in mine. „We wrapped, him up in my cloak, and, placing him in the shallow diteli, rollea a boulder over him, and then, with oue hands still moist with hie hided, wo swore to each 'oilier never to empty the fast Chamber or our pistols, lint always to, reserve a shot roe. otirseive§ and friends' should any or tie, wounded, haVe to be left behind. MaY a gniok death -a soldier's death -be mire. Al* ;.• 411a Tbe cigar makers' strike in New "i"orlr has collapsed, and five thousand strik-* era find theraselles out of work. This iq the way.most eltrikes end, Lately .a gentleman won at Monte Carlo -a gambling place an hour by rail from Nice -.-4,500,, and only avtaited, the retnin of his linen from the wash to start homewar.d, But the laundress being tardy, he turned:once lYtOrld into the casino,- and lost his $4,500 and 40,. 060 liesidea. terve** r141Luzgiii $3.!04- gaSi*e. .Velteins Pu rvI' Vetretithied No eare-reqeiree " • yvhile using' them. dititveo"Aixtilserod, Ontintrtio, MULTUM -scarcely larger than mustard scuts, and are ontfor-oolitml. . They remove the neeimaity. of taking the great, crude, drastic, -Welton nig pillsi hereto- fore NO mach in use. As a remedy for Headache. Dimineoallueh of Blood to the Read, Tightness about the Ciaest„Bad Taste lu Mont ,,Ernotationg from the Stomach, Bilious Attacks, 'Jaundice, Pain in the .ffidneys, High,y-celered Crine,• -and Internid Fever, Dr. Pierce's PleseSlit Purgative Pellets .are uneurpessed. rurthermore, I would say that their action is universal, not a gland .escaping their solitary bnpress. Age doer; not impair the prop., erlies of theoePellets. :They are augar.00ated and in- closed inAghtim bottles, their virtues being thereby pre- served imittpafi.ed for auy length of time, so that they are .always fresh and reliable. This is not the C0130 with those pills which ere put up In cheap wooden or p.asteboard boxes. The daily tee of two Pellets has °need tii,,,Amat obstinate =sera th,ohiltrePerterrElnie•-• rheum, Et -Mooing, lloilaBlotehes, Pimples, Stoop:yes, and Eruption". they ara.hoWever, recommended to be .taken in connection with the Golden Medical )1f43. 000.413), in order tomre the beat results. , 1)11. PIERCES • FAVORITE P R ES. CRT.P. TION: The remedial. management of those AISOI1/400 peculiar te women hes afforded a large,eXperience at, the World's .Ditcpefisary, of which Dr. Pierre is the chief eonsulting phypiclan, m adapting remedies for their 'cure. Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription itt the restilt of this ex. tended experience,' and has become Jingly ('12101,33110(1ts m for iany and remarkable Mires of all those ehrouts. ateeseee and •• ' Weakness .pecollar..to -Females. • . reverite Wesel talon is a 'Powerful Re ttor'ritive Tonle to the entira. systeurg ft is a neiclue unatirpassed ectleseY.:aus, oleo a vats .11aTVOIA irritation, it strengthens. 3310 (81011311031 nervous system, thereby, re. sturing it to hertlfhfol vigor. The following oiHowies ere among those lit ‘vhich the Fitvolito Prescription has worteamete cures,vie.: Leueortlitea, or "Whites," Ilteeesive Flowlpg, Painful Menstruation, linntitural • SappressInne, Weak Back, I rolapsue, or falling of the llterue, Ant6rratsion,Itetrotersion, Bestlite.down Sou. !tattoo, Chronic tlougeation, Indentation and Ulceration . THE NORTH BRITISH CANADIAN of the Eterus, Internal Treat, Nervous Depression, De. , HOW -0 TO ENJOY 'MERRY CHRISTIVIA azm A KAPP Sr NEW YEAR, EY MB HOILT RE AB PRDSDI A'r AS. TUI,1)14'S. STO Where yeti eau now thA,:yri'MYCT. 1?..X.1„*RPTYYN,, • the largest:and i•inest IlOOKS STATIONERY and FANCY Ever shown in Clinton..., Ciitile and lie cop vinced,. by an examination. 0 . • • , • • 'FINE- AsspnTrintpirt .1AND EXTRA VALUE Poets, Blogranhies. fiistories, end, MiSeellaneous ..Books. of every descriptimi4. m . binding,. just the thing for presentation.. . ' ' , 13IDLDS-Pooket, Pew; FarnilV.i aea the new. Teaetiot•firtyble. With -Index and Comm equal to .liagster s; mid at half the 'price,* Brayer Books and- Churoli Servieettrsele bond PLatinuco Mattes! IVIoroceo. . • , . • . • ' • ALBtT'oIS &o -Photograph Albeeis, for Oards„ and Cabinets, hound it) Moroeem W Pearl mid .Papier. Machin. Also) the .elegant pow EASEL ALBUM, A.ntograph Scrap Books, gni* Twain's eicrap Book, &met Allium. ; ,' • - Handsome tnkstande, Celd Pees, Gold Pencili, Paper Knive$, Writing:Desks, Portfolio.. Pocket Books, adios Work DoxeS, Ganles in endlesS variety,. Glove and Handkerchief Sete front $1, tO Sir>, unquestionably the finest ever' Shown in tt,,1.11„ Silver bard 11”kets; Card 1, ages, new patterns 003 vs4y cheap "• lasT1tOsefiaEsoM2A, 1%J:0 11.1A813,W A.ttt,...'‘ in Vasei and 'Elegant Cologne Sel'a,. :at kali "pricteharged Siete .ettper and Envelopes, in fancy boxes, a splendid assortment, ft-Mt:120 ets. to 53 each. • Christmas ancl New Year's Caids, very fine assortment; • Silli'B‘Mbmarks, Mottoes add Motto Frames,. Stefm'escopes and Viovvs:' Also it'd received, a fine lot erthe new CEL't.ULGIP CORAL 4EWELLEBT, esPeciall!i for the ChtiStmai trade: , „. . PHRISTMAS NOTE .PAPER , and ENVELOPES. BO come and see for yonrselves. Even .1 he Yew Era is too small to enumerate all the beau • tful goods suitable for Holiday Gifts. Bo.calt, and you wilt be shown everything.. • As usual, A CHRISTMAS .TREE • • . • . • will be. prepared. for the Igittle Folks, which will be loaded with Toys and h'ancy- Artieles, 'ranging M trahte irony' Ten Cents to. Thr9el Dollars, and ONLY TEN:CENTS, TICKET,' 'S • • • • To :sive. !line liave introduced'. a NEW: FEA.TURR, and dining the Helldal/ season will 000 vert one coniplete side Of my shop " into . A 'DOLLAR STORE, and for ti?e. tinin ' .00e Dollar, mit customers may Select anything therefrom, witbout the trouble of implying prices. Al,. there will, he many fine goOds, worth double that figpre, the dist °ruing ones eon sFou e good bargains. , , . • . .• . . • po-INT.,717 ,;41•T•Trp. , • , 8ign of:the Big Beek,- Oppoalte: pry', GongsStore DecILIN1 ON, . '26; 1.8;77:- • ' • A ND TRUNK :RAI LW:A Y. • . al g 4": CAPITAL, i4,000,000. , CoNSOLID/VTETX13:ANic C.ANADA Chnnwe 0.f ' ON, ,A.11...1kET!": °'1", D14'' '24kC; ULINTON Padsenger Trairis will leave Clinton litation aa ((Movie • . , • • ' • • • •Agottre 114sx, Expresit,7.27 tirriving at London TIV65 A.M., Terence at 1.05 P.g, and Bones?, 12.50 P.M., arriving, ToSanto, at 6.40 London, a 0.10 P.M. mixes, 4 la P IL, arriving at Stratford at 0.40 P.M, London at 9.18 P. 111. Mixed. =IVOR WM1 Goderirh.10 A DI. • Traina will arrive; as feilewii ' Mixed,10 eoa..31,,irom . . . "Strdeford. 'Maitatal,Express, 2.45 P.M,,, from Toronto, Buffalo. andliondon. • Eirpreas, 9.20 P.M., from Buffalo, Toronto, and London. Mided 5.85 P. AL • ' , . . , .L IIICKS0N Generel Manage' A. STRATTON, ...Agent sI Clinton Dee..27. DWI. . ' .,, Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, iSic S . F OIAT L E 11 - Desires to return his oincere thanks to his numerous friends and onto, mere, tor the liber- al eharpot patron- age that babas re- ceived whilecarry- ing on buoluessin Chinton,and hopes by a strict ratan. 33041 to business, and using every effort to meet the, wants of his man); blends, to width - • lie to retain their 31 . patronage. R8W01131 slab. take this Oppatunity of stating that lie has taken his ion into partnership, and that tbe hind. , /208K will be conducted in future ander the style of S. POWVLITI SON. TheIrm will.keep on hand W.itahes, °loots, Jevrellery, Speotaeles, 4 mai till other articles in their line Atl kinds of Pipes Repaired and Mounted. Ilepeirings.eleaning, &e., done on ehort .notice, hi workmanlike M anner, ,pd on reasonable ter -ms. ALPERT' STREET, Noltrli OF Tim af.imoir. Clinton, Dee. 6, 1877, • 14307. Dmmendency and very Many other chronic di- I NITFSTMENT C0111PANy ROp1(41 to N40111ett. but Oa In011ti011ed hare. 4. 'A. ' The followitig lailles•are a fliPt of tbe many th011- (11,IMITI•11:1.) 111111(14 IOW ran testify to the eilleaey of Dr. Piero's Ea. vorite Preectintion, front export -encomia obaettation Mart urcivuy n, Seotknd. ' • mr)3. ()ameba Allisr on, ondn,. o, TowArra. Thos. ./. Mothcfm Fletcher's Station, Ga.; MM. T. A. Seymour, - Rome N. Y.,' hfre. r,Ruovocks Vermtilleg, Ohio: Mrs. CAPITAL a500 000 STG. . ' teroy'retnem, North Wharton, Pa.; Mra. Mary A. lin- boa, PAM, MO.i' 'Mg. Mary A. Friabie, Lelfnlon, Pa.; ' BOA 4.0 /X SCOTLAND. Gts tool „IlinsastylmeliftriEr.to.al..fil 'OttliitNor.i8sYlaigilu'o•trww7',E8R7:','01 lit,,P7Rd„.ay",lehlth!Yirotianngb & Co • gat NX.eorrnfoolnk,,sVta...rt hIforms to0,ttgroo;rtil, rPs,:rrxygrtrt rtwavnottroteX, Eav.0,fPproorthoswteentr,Kailiimk.arnock. 953 Nortb Hower& StMet, Baltimore, Md., Mia. Limy Sjoiettr, Guam) Esq,,, of megos, playfilit., Bryce & Caftan,. Bahneaville Ohio: Mrs. Nancy MeNatight, :liffferson, Invott Sirs. L. O. Stemted, Vriendaidp, N.Y.; wm. eo,,,,,, cd ',roans W. ito,, d, on., Giodow and •Miss Ellen Cady, Weetnel,l, N,T,; Mrs. A. Amami. Ve. London, . A rourt, N..t.; Mrs. 11. N. Reeks, Grand Rapider Mfeb4 Mra F. H. li'ebb, watettown, tt.v. Theaftends Of re. .0ANADTAN 'ADVISORY 110,/i.RD. fereneen etin be given Bt the,WetirsDisPeasari. INN, Joan lideMeantor, President. Western Assurance an The People's 1Vieclical Servant Dr, /1, V. Pierce is the sole proprietor and manttfiti• hirer of the foregoing rernedies,,all of which ore sold by .311153113113. 11 is Also She Author of the Peoide's Common Senile Atulical Adviser, It work Of nearly one thonsand pages; with two hundred and .eightiatwo Wood -engravings and •olored plate". Re has already sad of thillspopular work . tar OVER 100,000. 00131E$ Coto •Tradea 11fartmer, Esq., Q,�., of Messrs. Mowat,1110. Letinatt & Dewney. . • 1/.14 Smurfit, Eng., Cashier rederatitank. BOTACITORS.--Atecars.• RoberteetaMeldurrieh „ & Howard ;Toronto, • tfaxitEtts.-41he llo)iti Bank ot ReothitIA. The' Pederal Bank of Oohed*, • 0(01101'4a Igratiagrett3.-Seartii, Cothran' k Co., 88 Toronto Fittest, Toropto.• , . • • • Titled, (p943142.aid)$1.14 Allonoilant on fan* in ternx property, at Macrae 1St& ADDRESSOf intertiet, 83331 101 perlocla to 437131 311� borrOwer. ): • •• RS H.A.LEn R. V.. PIERCE, M. It* - Worid4 Disieensaity, . • lopt,.(kinfros r *interest from Four to Five por cent lillowtal , • ,on Deposits, • , T.,01114H, Agent:' ( Hinton, April, 1876. 1-y NON ' • F TO keelfaie MORTGAGES, 'NOTES, Alert vermeil, Good Securities Purchased. W. IV. PARTIAgodt, _ - • -.... ninon:Nov.9, 1874. •• 47' , . Dr, Will, I.Apecifie 1%14ipirtm- THE GREAT " , English Remedy 18 papecially re- eonimended as an 'unfailing cure tor Sabina' A Weak- , • mesa Spun:Altar- ' hes, Impotenty, „ • and • all diseases „; that 'eespience -After Te.144g follow ,as Before Taleb Abtioe, as Lug of Memory, Universal Laositnde,•Paln in sena, the Back, Dlinneas of Vision, Premature Old Age, awl many other diseases that lead to Inaanity or Constant,. Don, and a Premature grave, all of which se a rule are {state (‚123113031 by deviating from the.path of nature and over-indulaerieo TheSpecitle 8134313110 Is the restilt of lite study rind really years of exporienee in treating these speci&s al eason. Pamphlet tree by mail. 'Die Specifie Medicine is sold by ail Brugidats at 81 per pack. o ager elx packages tor $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the woe eethe addressing tret.'GRAI & CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Clinton ,t. It..Contbe, and by all 311411k3e1s everywhere. • GEO,. HL UNDERTAKER'. 'ST' 1-2,11ECIOIVICI), • LAM13A1305(1`9(.8 01,..,••••• Caskels.; Coffinsr n CoMn Trimminos Robe Parties alippliell with the above atZ"hortest nolica, 833 at the 'VERY LOWEST BATT'S. Algol a* good 11EliRSE suplied. itenkemeer PItioe-V,ICTORIA aitoRGE DiElt .01110tOn, Sept 8,%871. ONwe •••