HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-01-31, Page 4AN OW COLONIAL PARISH. " . re the Aiifor of $4e.1Vew Er• . " As I have beenbnt veryreeently connected with, tho'•cliurch in • Canada, it may geatity in friends, end. not be wittiottt interest to otber.'retiders .ofy our paper, if.' itend• you .a sketch of tey • Iiresent-CtoZge.in (.4 The .olti • Dominion. -of Virginia."... , .• • , . This, perish ot . wincrrnrifiiv7-1fir inciunbent-l-ealled " Brtiton Parish," ., . after a gentleman of that name who came in old times from Yorkshire, E1\ - land, was in existence 150 you befo 'e• the first tree was felled west of the 0 - taw.a river, and when the " bush," for many hundred .miles•of•now •prosperous settlements, resounded- aot to "the ohureh-going belir(to. use ' a pet :queta- tion of oue of your yonng* Divines of the Canadianchurch at Missionary , meet4ngo3), lint to the howling of wolves and the growling of bears. It Wasa parish in fad; .witib_ veetrymclerk, and all complete, befere., either Barrow :or South • had. pifeeetied, • or published one of his iunitrortal semitone.' Before the present church 'edifice, there ,:was still an older one„ and that weS: an ant. shoot freei a Cheeeh Id:. IiirliedbOW'll, nine miles distant,•whieb,.as the. mune. implies, was a settlemenfion, the Jaines . river, established in_the reign. Of James I. . The present ,churith 'Was • erected ,on what ' was then called "The •Middle Plantation," as beingiibit midway .bil- tweet, till James and York rivers,: dis- dant from ettish some five •mile; het the place is now known, as. Williams - burgh, and Was the .si.at of "govermient of the Oolony.of Virginia, until the'col.. ony !portals one of the United States, The °lintel) ditea from the reign of Wil- ' limn end Mary, and is coeval with the . venerable College hard by,. at which most, if not all, of Virginia's distin- guished sons reeeived their- • edilcation. . The name of the College is f',W.illianr and Mary," which suffielently indicates its'age. A notherfirceif of the agenf the • church is that there i.e. still in •use a. .. golden ehaliee, with -paten of the same precious metal, the gift of Q.ueen Anne.' There is also it mural slab inSide. the • church, and is of quite an old date. It Is of itself so quaint and curious Jon, that I am tenipted.tocapy it:. _It ruins • thus : • . , • . Neare this marble Lyes . ye Bonble Banjo! Parke • Of ye county of Essex Esqr-who was one of his roa'ties .Cennsellers and sometime secretary of the :Y. -- Colony of Virga he dyed ye dth of :. March anno.1679 , His other felicitys Ware crowned by his hippy Marridge ;With Rebbecka ' The daughter of George Evelyn ' ..„ of the countseef Surrey Esqr She dyed ' • the gad .r,f January anno 1672 at Long . Dutton in ye comity of Surrey and left behind her a Moat -, . . hopeful progeoy.- . .... ' . From the abovteitwill be .seen ;that the orthography, . punctnation, and style &o, of the. cGlony were,. to eay tbe least, peculiar as compared: 'with modern. ustiges ; although, perhaps, in, the days it was written not , peculiar as ootnpared with literary effustons in„ Oth- er parts of the Empire. If I remem- ber aright, Sarah ,lenning, Ditchess .of Marlborough, the bosom friend-. 'of Queen Anne, Was not at all remark.: able foi• correctness • of spelling or„styde. .To return to the 'parish, in thee , its pristine daye, the incuMbent, as 'exist- iug records Show, . derived his stipend not from tythes, or rent churges, nei.-- ther from pew rents, 'nor -yet , from " voluntary contribution." • The . rev- erand rutin was wont; to receiVe for 'his • . labors so niany'thoutoind ,pounds of to- bacco, " with cask." What the value of said cask miedit he, the records Flay not; The -trade of cooperage was' doubtless • scarce in the land else the' item of a cask, now protmbly worth 25_...cents., would hardly stipear on the vestey book. The elinvell, as it now stanch!, is of brick, said to have been imported freer Epg- I and. Of this; however, there «re grave " doubts, ae the same thing is:said °of . many other old colonial churches ' and houses, and one wonders where the ships • could have come -from which brought all these bricks over. Tile 'building is of a cruciform shape, though - pot of `the Gothic, order. Its windows rotinfied at the top with two large circular • ones lAt either extremity cothe transept, would place it, I suppose, In the Nor. man style of arellitedure. • For some years, owing to the trbuble arising froin the war of independence, it' was the legal 4001:Meats, term it-coneiats ()Ione long street, seven -eighths of wile, ex4 tending from what, once weethe capitol, •but is now' a dilapItiated Female Aoad- amy at one end, end Lbe college at . the other. There ere also side and parallel letreets with loyel and venerable namee, sueb. as " 'Mace George," Duke of •Gloucester," " Colonial," • tko• Streets however, are neither paved Mir eeverea-with-aereent•-a•fter-tho-rnan,a0 • of Cheepside ; most of 'them are 'hid down io . a fairgreen, sod -mitt) bonses maintaining a very respectful distance frohi each other, The others are, in fine weather, dest ; in wet weather, mud. About midway in the yard of the chief tavern of the place, stands an interesting relic of colonial' .tircies•-an' .octagen ma0zine in whiell the troops of King George 'kept their powder. until seised, by the rebels in ..1770, It, and the church and college, .witli some half dozen' holises Of princely diMensiOns,* are the Only buildings now •reniaining front the •olden time. The Yankee.arrey. of becalm:doh, 'with the saintrgeod taste elsewhere displayed, demolished all. the ethees. • • • • • On one of the side streets, at the cer- nee 'virhich stands the chuseh pOinting. in due 'form east and'iyest, was former- ly, What would.now be (yelled € Govern ment "' but Was, then `‘ The Pa - Ree resided •sunCessively the tordedulneper,Dunmore,andBotetort, as governors Of the colon. 'No*,,Ifutoks to the aforesaid Yankee's, ,every vestige of the palace has disappeared, and the site i occupied by: 8.. common school for "the rising sells and. daughters Of Hera." "Sic transit plaria 19 • . • Within the college epolesure; and fee-- ing. the street is a marble statile,"execut-. ecl'in Londen, of date' 1773 recordin0 the virtues,: public, alvt-tr o borne, Berkeley,. 1;1%0 :lie :Boteteurt. Some ofthe poet-colocial ' Students of the College, net 'imbued. with, vetie re tion for lordships,' profanely mutilated, :the countenance and Poreon of the pi)pular 'governor, and be now :appears lacking •the inipciiitant item of a beset .and half. 1d rigbt Arm: -The-statue -,Imaides 'very 'til4h. weather beaten indeed; hay- in,,,s• now .enCountered the, trnii;sun and 'winter frosts .for over a tiondred• years. It oie altogether •the Worse for •the' Weer. Lord •Botetou ," tradition_ SayS, was the Most popular oUtill the Virginia governortiun der :their Bt itannic Mejesties, :His predeceSsor,.1_,. ord Dun- more,: was,, oh the otherliand; extremely. . unpopnlar. • I have lied the -pleasure uL seeing,' in the .ho-nie of •ft parishioner, ta�of Iii 8 lordship's veritable card • ta- bles around whieh the stUrdy banes yoreno eat, ' and staired, and cheated at quadrille, &e. at the: topo,graPhiCai. knowledge of Thhekery,",as •applied•to 'Virginia, Inhis novel,' "The•Virgini- .ane," be ynakee, • Medem ,Warrington • perform a •joutney 'fronr WitlianesiTurg to 1 :Westmoreland • County, between breakfast and dimity...• New, to save one's life, with all the eid ofraileoadS, aucl' eteamboets, the, jotirney could not be done in leig.than two days; per then, if the train shotilinvdt be " on. time.," or,. -Trance edonally happens the steamboat ShOuld get around. . A.s a parting word.' Add, for the lov- ers. of good things; that here is an elysi- um in that line!. Of 'game, fish find oysters, tbere seemsno •end,' • Of the 'first, we have, in season, venison, ijjht swans, gms, "canves • beck, and many other verietfilh of;ducks, bares, partridg- es, Woodcocks,' and ,tliceigh !eat, by no ,means least, wild'. turkeys.- Among the denizens of Mir broad waters , we have the much esteemed sheep's sturgeen, reek,. ite, tid for- oysters, those of York River, and Lynn }Liven are Most highly and most just!? 'famed, But thus to dilate in deli -1st' enjoy inents, seems a lit`le out of place in .a letter begun .with, the intention of de cribing'a place devoted to the nutriment Of tbE spirit, so . • ,WALL. Williamsburg, Va.., &Tan. 18. , . ' beatitution in Walet. • ' • The' destitu'ion in, SoUth Wales, is daily Thereasing, and relief committees have been formed in several district4, At Abbewall a man bus 'died. in state of serni-starvetion, and the jury who sat at the inquest certified to that et feet, ,Ar.Mountainash boys go to work tvithotit food,. and men catty their empty choice abode of horaes and eeitle. And rckel-boxes te,the collieries beeause they even in the time of the first Bishop of Vh•ginia Madison) old people say, tteat, in wet weather, the congregation had to pick their way to their Old higt. bicked pews, through the transept. At. present, there ie no -neater. Church in the land. The pools have quite disep- peared-the floor 'having been raised three feet above them, and the; church is coMfortably carpeted throttgbout. are ashamed to sbovv their deep peverty. At Abbedare latly.went into a 1101186 aity'or two 'Mode and found 'a widow and six children without food and With - nut fire, and inidother house she found a woman unable to. stand for want a food. Of the three immense ironworks in the neighborhood •of Merthyr bytt one is in operation, and of.the score of eol- lieties none are working full time, two, Beeides the mural slab nit.edds, quoted, oe three days edch week beinn the eyer. there are other qiiite °his to 'age ame th"' trlen gre emPloYc't4. forner rectors, antiliarochiel Worthies ; and also one to theinemory of the Con- Sultart's•Bay's Work. , federate soldiers wile fell in the battle ,,, --.„-- . • of Willi imsburg, fought seine 1$ yettr;;.1 A salary of ,t2,000 a day will appear ago, or died elsewhere of the wounds to, those who'have but few wants &nice received in that battle, Prom the competefiey. That ii the daily wages mates, outraged the ill-fated wornan,11.091,1%,;,n.revtl,,,,auslrire oleo for \'''' RAT( 4 'XII church steeple 'there peal forth, on,Stire- of the nreSent Sliltan of TlitkcY, end and then, dliven to tiesperetion as be t ?.';.,,'e-letn:atit-alsTe-n-y 8thtsliseV''it‘*rhNonliaBvIellilai‘d4OT.!ra)tlo(f days and holidays, to sutra:non the wet- no sovereign ellvt earns his rontiey fOresaw the consequeneee, had dellber. 1 mut shoaling, anti often PreiTits TIN, St'llP-'" shippers from the quaint old city, the harder., Out er that entn, lie hall, 'Imre- ately 'murdered the Atchole fantilY to de- 112,1\ditittireu,'„,,,vriAlL",','„ett,',7,ytilgt teur a, toiriegy . tones of a toll of remarkable silvery. °volt() pay for Iiis4ovvii,hoarcl, fire and stmy their evidence, and set the house ',Seated Consumpti‘on. sweetness. , candles; hie lodgings alone are free, so on -fire with the expeetation that their t PreParea by c'Em141'• 1:;•' "MITC/TIrS'L" The " City of Willituusbure----ati all . that, considertfig the footing. on which death would be aserib'ed to aceident. i $411, . jib.. , ..' tq • I Lowell Iita44' - . 3. a fli.ys . , 'THE PLINTON. NEW ERA. his establishment is placed, he omit be irt.sh of Order and economy to make both ends meet with so small an inoome at his °minuend, There is, indeed, no More diligent or 110tiVe malt in his em- pire then, the Sultan, and it is literally trim of him to say that he earns his bread with the Sweat of his ,,brow. He gives personal audience to every one tit tt ap- plies for it when ever it is possible ; talle lieet_edjt.W_LgiteLneslit,, • • m• .ice tot hint, The six hundred wives of Abdul Azle have vanished, and Abdul Humid tinda itas muoli as be eau do to meet the, milliners' bine of a noor thiee dozen spousea. This scenty harem leaves hint 'a good deal more time for devotion end state business. ' lie leaves 'hisapttrV. went betimes, and bathes the. prison. of his soul in tepid water, after Which he Stvetches' himsellfull, length opon a car- pet and breathea' a silent morning,pray, er. • He tberi'driulis- a oup of ohOcolate, arid proceeds . jai inediateiy .after to the .effairs of the state.. Despetohes are re, .ceived mid sent,' repots examined, px- Towles ocinsented to, decorations grant- .ministera .and enibassitrlors.received, and that gees on foe several Were, . Towards noon it "seenad carpet Is spread•at the feet.- of' tbe Ruler of, the Faithful, whereupon he prays again, and' then tekes.his •seednd breiik fast. 1 lie „goes. out for a 'ride or drive, 'and when he returnashe 18 at the disposal or his fa- nally.and th'e inhabitants of .the place. He gives audience.to tiis brothers and: sisters, , listens to . the report 'of.: the household- officers, confers with the chief of the eunuchs on all sorts' of delicate subjects,. and giVesshirn his orfiera,--The °bier of 4,1ae eenti°Iii-rankk"'next after the OrancirVizier.,,,aud..ivhenever a des. patch' .cOntaining geed news trona . 'the seat of•avar ootnee.in, it is be thatis charged to readit to the ladiee coulded to his watchful.care; The 'Manna-, or. cheplain •of the palace, also Comes the evening,' HO the 5ultan prays o,r reads some pione books with him.' Three ritriealp the week he takes lessons on the piano from, a French tencher, M. • Raul putaap ---,that is, • he listens to his •ttablier playing a. few; 9norceaufe,but pl aye.i i pg le Seale hlruielf. in the Pvening he 'despatch's more•state night accoinpanied.Only by t tie. chief of the eunuchs,' he retires tothe atyslerione. recesses Of the harem. eo•se. Gerieral • News IterciS Rera'stlocoa....-aluarerimall , summon) -"fly a thorough 6. aowiedge of he natural taws +.1itiolt govern the rperatioes ef digestiOn and nittrition, and by e earefel appheatiOu of the fine properties if well-aelected 0000a, Mr, pps"lia provided our breakfast tables witha delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills, It is by the judicious ,10313 of stunt articles of diet that a eonstitution may be gradually built up•un, tit atrong enough to resist every tendency to diaestee. Dandreds of subtle maladies aro death% around its ready to Atte* wherever there is a week...peitt. jael.) _one e many fatal`shaft by -keeping ouliilvee•-iNtW'rcr r -r r dad with pere blood and a properly nourish - al f mate ,"-.4.`foil Service Igazefee.-.Sold only in Paekete labelled .-4.,,l'Araes & 00,, Ho- Enceopatlite tiliemists, 48, Threadneedle street, and 170, Piceadilly, London," ; ..\''SrOotv Hougss,-Wooly horses aro not so ' rare as many suppose, not such great curiosities either, there ate many to be found in -various parts of the country; but NVO doubt if they will ever prove ae valuable to their owners as the one exhibited by Darimin ; we imagine their owners would consider them more valuable without the wool, for this rough and wooly state of the hair indicates that the horse is not in a healthy con- dition -probably hide -bound, or entering from aOme disease which occasions this unnatural ap- pearance; in suclioases use Darley's Ooncijtisi Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy- it will purify the blood, correct the appearance, re- move all Obstructions from the Mng:.i andliver, ahd give to the'coat a sleek and shinuag appear- ance, :Remember; the 'dime, alad see that the Sigfiature- of Hurd & Co. is on each package. Northrop to Lyman, Neweatitle; Ont., prowle. Ors for gonads, Sold by all medicine dealers A: Winn= coligh or cold thou ' never be trifled with,often when neglected it is convert- ed into &Retinue and generally fatal pulmonary disease, The More prudent, aware of this, .promptly use Bryan's Piilinonie.WafersTh cu- rative which ham eustained it reputation for over twenty years, they are always efficacious and exert a most beneficial iniluencel on all the Bronchial and. Pulmonary ,organs, Sold by all druggists and country deibire Thiee 2 ets, per but, ATI`714 Elk"E-NAVVJEI. • An 'infallible remedy:jor all diseases of .the - rye (accute or„,ehronie), granulation of the iticerctiio& of Ow lachrymal glands( Jilin,: and 'warless ot ,Ilte vision 'from elm mak THE ANTEHIO,1N EYE -SALVE is presented te .the , public with the assurance of its effieienoy as a curative of most diseases of the' eye, :mute o inflartlioattoti; whether induced by scro. .fulous origin or otherwise, weakness or defect of vision, „diminished tone of Hui optic nerve,• • or a diseased state of the tissues constituting that Organ. Alio, for -all Dement whose ,voca:-• tion requires au incessant action of the 0311, thesalve will act 'as a Charm in restoring.a uni- form healthy action, where weaknees, and misery may have long threatened a fatal ter- mination. It is tbe most simple, safe, and ef- feCtual remedy ever discovered. The materials of Windt IS made are pure, perfect, and costly, hosiii888, and then an hour before midcompounded with elaborate Care and exactness, safe in it application, being used externally, avoid -toff the 'Om dangei% which necessarily attends the. introductionof caustic minerals and eye-i,vaslies. Rixowomi and OLD Ounoxis Soaks, of scrofillous or resulting from Whatever eause, yeild to -the AXERICAPF &YE -SALVE, IT IS USELL SITO, OESSFULLY FOR PILES. Its soothing ef-, • • -:-Fifteen-yeaa•s-ago:tt-averk truth-of:Mar- ,fectis innifediati and -13-) ance lost his EifFeRW-11-A-M be fiubecriber hereby notinee the public; generally thet he has determined to give up tlt • • . Haruese-Maltiug businees, and, therefore, offers tbe .wbele of hie excellentaeqr of • HARNESS ROBES HORSE CLOTHING ...,, And eVeyythins in ponneotion trith a first-aass Eatneas Shot; At prices muoli lower that( ever before qffered in the elouuty, Vie Harness is all c.teexceltent quality and workmanship, and per0ons in need or gala will nod it to their inter4t '.e giNNe - Wm a 0811, 84 lbe whole stook MUST IiE SOLD, and is offelod at. greae red uctionsin order • • -• to 'Accomplish thi• s, • • or He also offeis hie shop to 'Gain, and the tWoolitorey at present eecuehe hen,, • on Huron Street, containing eight reotns and every requisite fora large family, for sale tina. reasonable terms. •It has been built only three years. • • , SW' All parties indbted to him, eitherbY Note or.13ook iacoonut, reqUested to. settle . the same at once. • . , • J. 0, IVIILLER. CLINTes,. Oct, 18, 1877. Ges. . • rIA , • Fl I'F'l 14 03.1 0.- . ol=r4 • ''. ''k':. . ' ' ' ' ' '4i . n t7 -4: :: 7 i . . . . 0. 2f; 4: 1: 141 :a: pi' . . Al•" . :6 i . g. ' r'; 4 °"'"i'a P4 ' 114.i, V • , E -I • .;•••.* 1 . •••• .-ol i cow . 0 '"QE -1.864,..! ' nr,,:;.: 'a ' : 1,.. ..) ...e.4 .4 .. ca 6 F=1 . W. • ,-.9 .1" _IP ';9',..,7) 1 i o' A el ' •.„,- .5, : '4; • s. ,..3 g -A. ..rc g‘ . Illk1.1;• ..; ti 1;•4-6., . . . - 'e 14 ....$ e>, 0 4 . ' ' t" g • .".0.' ' ,t1 ..1-1 44 . 1;=.• ..' . -am -rd= .... ... c•• ;-.6 - 7; 0 .g ., 8 .,,,,., . . • • wt . en ;• ..421 g . .• 0 .E9...4 ..„ ri, . 4.. 1 .F.. ..av. m., , .... , ;., . ,.; _....4 .41 :f) • 0. . g 0- Z • and ',..e, , ' t• .7,, .,:,• :1,,g r., ..,, •••-.,. co- • c,:r . E•4 •r= Q ,a 0 • . -,.. -{ ral . ii -1 " i • ' • . P... 4, . r•7* -1. • ' V714.-?! ; f.,.41 4° • '11 fal I Au/ .log ....%.4.,z .$.6 '• .1'."1 ', ,,,..'Sl . E"AP P m g -,,,,S• . M re • e. • • • •• • I etarai arbti. 7 rkR. BREVE, Physician) .Sargeon, ete., Coroner for -LP • • County of IInron. ltesidenee WA& Oftiec--eorner of Albert and Mill Streets, Clinton. • August 901,1869,• •.• f-tf IrAMES STF.WART,M, D., 0: BL, GRADUATE OF, tJ MeGillifnirersity, Montreal ; Physician, Surgeon and Aceoucheur. Residence-Inegoariarp. - antrai7-43-1671.• 28-•• -17te GRACEY, M.B., GRADUATE ele TRINITY Y College, Toronto, Physician Surgeon, &*., Myth,' Out. Office :-Oppoaite ShasteN Rotel. • . Blyth, San. 20, 1875. ermanent curnretpures YOUNO M B baby boy, gild to ha y 'ell"' a Ilut. a few. aPPlinti°ns • roll/LI/ATE OF TORONTO proprietors of Oe universit-ydPil ye, some relic of the De. J. Pspries.Aminic tN Be" little - t4e piliakiw.neW and in, A. Vf I•a $ Londesboro, Ont " " • oient'repaelareenneacii' Off left:liana. 1.)r.av,e... as.. Soh. Ern. .n1%42.1! .1.1 thrie de071:61,11Rtr,gor eh: seines Fr h' .Lopelesbore; Jung 14,1877. fedi> .for the. EV3-1•S,Ain, have out3 055[ Corpee, which be. reserved nratane IRK father and the cectliTeVend with' the Cut on"thiehelfrorivler r at -to ; Now • last 1 e . riasapiri, been made 'a at pp(r,•Cur- • , ant is- a liolincinff boy, tol. at; "IY-eitittetnentr'ete ee'll'itie tan 'hut* it lackaihe • 'Montreal • hnd Chicago , are the two, • • Proo.h.rtous Preedoeie; ." oities most sconspienons for failures "RTHR°P • .13nston and. Philadelphia for, sneak • • Toronto Atrents for Canada • ehieves, and Louisvjjle for whiskey thieves, Weshington :and:Rich: mond for elegant Americana of"African descent, New Orleans :and ,eharleeton for cotton, oah..Franciseo and St Louis: for •Cbitutinen, 'Baltimore and. Norfolk 'for oysters: also:eel b t •ed lot oodness. :•"' • • • • A Biddeford,•Me., girl Intejust secur- ed a Ituabafid. by means of her gradua- tion essay; ' It was published ib one of the papers of that city, and ei- traet froth. which, the._ young„lady declared ho intention of earning her own living,. was •Widely••eopied, and met the nye. of a gincinhuti iron. merchant, who was so much taken ,witb .it that be sought the author's name and adIress, cori espondence ensasal, and the young lady was persuaded to • abandon the de- termination announced ill her -essay: At 'Hereford, EriAland the other' day, a"tailor was sentenced to four nimiths' impriamament.end twelve.lashee ter wil- fully negleoting to maintain his' family,: At London on Ihe ,same day- another man got,foor• months without the whip- ping forlaving,arsaulted his Wife with- . • . IL eft leind. • .• eotaiterfeitine• , , . ns, as!ib might otherwise regar,ded as • . . • • BETTI1.` &P,ANNEll. . • • ati hour of her confinement, • In or- der to pl'otee her infant the poor wee mari clungto. her assailant, and was.tbas. dragged out of bed. ' Seldom has a more tragic erints been broindit to light than the rourder•of Partner A,nderson- by his son Abe An - dome, in the Siete, of nesota. Tho father and son quarrelled • about five -, , it-iFyigi.tronfeeItsr.(,:1; ti_litlfr. oir , COPELANP's SWEET CASTOR' WI. mtually suit- able for children and adults, Endorsed by oitee 600 doctors ;in Canada ..11110.difficnity of 1 administering. nauseous medicines, and the dc. 1 sirability of having them pleasant to the taste, ' induced T. kloplit»d to ',undertake researches .tv telt reignited -0 the discovery of a Sweet Cos- ' tor 011, perfectly' palatable. of the Sallie strength Itold medical .qualities as the ,ortlinary Castor Oil; .and' while. equally safe and liarnaless, yet -acting with snore certainty, and produeing nei- ther nausea •nor griping. Some children say it € is honey ; others call it syrnp-they all.say they like it. One parent, says -" My ehildrdu drink it like water ;.... another--" Nr‘ e had to ludo the. bottle- or they woUld befilliiished.it right oil ; another — . g • :without any tronble, and does, not know what it is, though she. hates the ordinary Castor Oil, and ‘i,'4 uever.could get her to take it without a 1 fitdit ." • yet another -.-" I wish. 't on imeeess ot your SWEET' CUKOR Ott. ; it is a Splendid thing - -'anreto take the place of all the common oil." • The extraordinary demand for -,this improve - Men t ot a staple hmisehold medicine has brought frandulent imitation's inbo. the market, but the public can guard themselves against substitutes (which unprincipled rpri'dies are attempting to sell on the reputation of this article) by seeing that the name COL'InticIVS SWEET CAsTOli Olt, is 011 both wrapper. awl direction label. • The -undersigned, having purehased Messrs+. T, (toehold ,,e, eci'e. interest in the above prepa, ration, are now manufaCturing it from.the orit girialrecipe. • • rrorriiitoP & iriv'mAx; Tormitg, Ask. for C'ort.tsn's SiYEET 0.AST011 Ott. Ob. serve-theneme. Do tot lie deceived, Sold by all Medicine dealers. Price, 25 eente. • ' . ., .1[1,11. STANBURY, GRATItlATE OF TRE MEDICAL DoNtiffient of Victoria University, Teronta, for-. inerly *Lai° Reapitals and Dispensatiee,'New Yark, Coroner for the goitniy of Huron, BAT:FIELD, Put. ' •Tnly 22, 1574, • , - 81 : rtOWSLEY & GIBSON, BEISSICIA NS, SUR- ▪ OnOgs, acconcheurs, to. • oases, Albert • Street, opposite Fates " • D, IL DOW.SLEYi M. D.' • A. s'ig, Oxitiaw! 51. D. elintonOlay 10, 1877. : ' ;' • WHITE • 'STAR TINE The•Oceanie Steam Navigation company's Stestatildr; ' . (carrying TJnited States Mails) • BALTIC • ,. ;an. 81....• m 2.• • ADRIATIC .... Feb.. 7.,,. 8 a m =PUBLIC Feb. lg.. 8 p m ' ODLTIC • Feb. 21.... • 8 am . GERMANIC .... Mar. 2.... 8 p m. • BALTIC . Mar 7. ' 7 a in • • ABR./A.-TIC- ........ Marflik:4H-8---rrer*"'" BRITANNIC , Mar. 28.,.. • 9 P tro: . '•• . • • CELTIC Mar. 28 1 p m . -Will sail from New York (Pier 52 N.13 on Saronnare, and from LtvanPoo, on THUASDAYS, Waling at (tOr.ki Ireland, both ways. The steamshipa LillEf ORO all new, built of iron, in water -eget corapartmente,an$ • offer to pagsengers unrivalled accommodations. 11.44, Saloone and Siate•goonse being boated in, the mid-ahift., • section, but little motion is felt. ' Rates of Passage,. 410011,.960 to • 91.00, gold; Datum • Tioketargood-/er-one year,-ct145-to-$175Fgoldineeercl ing to aecommodations. Steerage passage, to or /nom • innuorroga,thiotniraprpaltyetso. 'to r pla.nef. steamers, 9,9.1..01"" • • G. MAILTON R Agent. entsx.os, Tan. 16th, 1877 • - • TIIE' ALLAN LI ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. :...DEA.ccou'°efurifili?eTutlialtio ollideSeioClItlegNe'of8175-Uhrei(a714 ! Liverpool, Londonderry and tilasgege. ani sorghum or Leiter Canada, and Provincial Licenti-' • • . " •NEW IZOUTE, via HALIFAX. SAILINGS FROM itA.LIFAX, . : SARDINIAN, ..TAN, 27, Penuvux,....ne. , POLYNESIAN, FEB. 18. , Shallot sea passage, economy, et:01ton. 'to fihie. Of ocean navigation sated. 0 AlitN TWKETS FURTHER REDUCEb. ate anti Coroner for, the County °IA:toren. Office and residence, -The building formerly,. ocenpied .,by Mr. 'Nordics, Ilurou. street. ' ' • Clinton, ann. 10, 1871. • . . . tifict alteotts ar interest. .3101%071.1g.0.0LTInLoEr Its», IS LABOR Olt SMALL SUBIS, . 11. nAtt.gage st entity, at moderate rates of Clinton, Angust 9th, 1869. ' . • . • • , . 4-10AnLas.r. mirms, pnovnicrAt LANB SUR- • N../ VEYOlt, Valuat'or,'enci Land Agent. ()glee phine tared, Vi Ingham. . .• • Witigham, Avg. 2, ISM Intermediate and Steerage faros as low•aa by any Ohm line, Steerage passengers forwarded to DOTY, Belfast, Queenstown, Glasgow, and London, at same rotor ant. Liverpool. The lad train carrying the Canadian mats and connecting with the ocean steamahipe at gallhaeo Imams Toronto every Prido, at 7.02s. m, Paseenger via Ilia route travel through Canadian -territory, them, fore evade all Mutt= House examination of baggage: For Through Tickets and everyInformation, ands, t..04 • ' • • (Alt= AN S 110178E, colisna or corntronApr ,„• A. STRATTON, 0..T. It. Agent, Clinton,. N./ and, Store streets, victoria, II, fL.-8. 1ones, Pro. -- t,tiotim.liee.180 1877- . prietar.-Excellent Accomddationa,-Iloard, pet Week, • ,,...,.., 6,O0; pelmet neara, liar day, $1.00 f, Single Illeali, 87icts, ; 13edg,Z.O.its. . . CLINTON ▪ Aitply at the Tom:Vail, or lit the residence of the • • . A.RRIAGE LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES.- I PITIVIP • FA.CTOItY subscriber, ncav the London, Ibtron ..tBrime Railway , ' ' • Station. JAMES SCOTT, • I Issuer of Marria,,e Licenses, . Clititot, April 273h, , . , '' IiiIIIE SUBSOltIBER DESIRES TO RETURN MIS -r C. 5tc/NTOSII, BA.Y.FIELD, - . /8811-Eit of ' .1- sincere thanks for the liberal share of patronage • afforded him, slid would else intim te that h eJ . Marriage LieensosunderthenewAct, '?Z Ing er for taking Affidavitein the gnomes Bench, f in th ti f ahibaa. dur.• or Conn. Past winter, Wain larg eg o Tinton anti Bruce. Conve%ancin .done au h Wat9na e stock of ilrat-clast, I, and is now prepared to make and put in, thsk Losses, Bonds, Contracts, trill's, gods, and Mortgages, . 'Fees email, ltrahlenee--opposite Pelleek's Hotel. • gromsY arm:seta) 014 REAre 1•Ind10. MOST SUPERIOR . PT...IMPS, • Ilayasid, Sept.11, 1875. ...:. , . „ • ,• • •••••• Of every description, en the FinonTgati Norton, and, . To the .Ladies. 1 on the meet Munitable terms. Milehgll's Belladonna IpmfaptsoteVerd India Rubber Porous rum IINDPASION,ED 18 PlItPARED TO Do . . • . .A. Ladies flair Dressinb _in the moat fashionable , ., i manner. Commgos, Cur RAID., 4e,, madeiv, Cents, There never has been a time when the 1104110g ThaAins, list.traiisS. F111055, PekTity &S. made en short # of so many different diseases his been eaused notice, at reeeptiable rates. HAIR Botitam and SOLD by outward applicatiou as the premetit. It is an . 3. BELIORE, 0 1C Barber Shop. . . utidispnted fact that' over half of the entire po- r Huron Street, next door to Commercial Rotel petition of the globe resort to tile use of °Mit l Cliaton, Ovt.18•157V, ine , . nary plasters, dollars, and Abe, as he confeeses, pick- me principal ingredienis used in 'making fatal blow on the head. Then the initr- known its the. Erankincense of tire ible•-itub.- derer hid tbe body ionise the-fleor, anti deafly compounded, is fa of electricity,. and (. party ten com num Wit t t pure me mina ' ed up an axe and struck lt. e • a e as ers are (um. Olibanuir ot. better ber, and Eurginnly Pitch • Which when scienti. 18 Mr tit dos 11 t a day or two afterward illy:0 I a 1 I it' ' I ping to tbe house, Whirled in.the merry dome with other yontha and young Werner, on the very boardsbeneath which the fa- ther's remains lay: . • A rtio Janerio, Brazil, letter:says mrich talk has been cruised by the Celtfession of a. Irian that be was the real 'family. of eight persons in 18112, for oTtlineYlmr s'sts iel6thing: Yatming.f.."P` which a wealthy pl,anter. and three of Dift4es'n Art:1714g "ganietele7 l'ielVegleol` hia 81.1tvee were eteent,04 1856, The { 11;TIEUNIATISltt, Mid Va. iirdgedy oectirred near illachai, and the tr)rmgar116%10112: L'Z'l'ilClinl!!'"N'th'i murderer says that, assisted by somq,letectrial qualities which the I'orous Plaster$ 10 is foiled to be one of the greatest healing meth- ums everbrought before the human race: • They are acktiosvleged by all who e used them to act uinker than any other Piasters they ever . be ore -tried, slid that one of these Plasters Ifni iloMore real service than ri bun, dred of the ordinary kind. Alt other plastere are slow of action, arid require to be worn emp. tinually to effect a cure; but with these it is eta- iirely different ; the instant one is applied the author of tlia murder and burning of tt patient wilPfeei its effect. dependents, lie forced the house in the I a'anigtain" sild which is imtiarted to theAY8"' restorers; thein to a condition. dead of the night, Secured all the in- Thev are %%IV soft and pliable, still vei ;id. ••• • -71 \7741, I • IIIRS; REESLErS MILLINERY Establishment. . !ME 'A large ‘;goortnient. of PEATIIEII8 rtowzas - Setnember the plan Ce -ext door to Diath080ti 9 Blacksnlith Shop. ' J'AXES EiR0IISOIL 19, 1877, •••• P4.N 0 VC NIN G. Wtr,. ritAms, piano tuner for A. S. Zs ordhiiiner, TO, rote, will be in Clinton periodically, tor tuning plittott Partiel, who wish their pluton; tim ed, can naive °mat* at tir.1, A. Voill's book store. sluts and nintiotes,te thee eweitt Shades A/so,.a large stOok at FRLT and STIItW HATS; of e lateat ebyleS. consnrs, Agent for Berrntrit'S PATTERNS of garnients of ail deseriptione re, largo steek kept on band( • Pelt and Straw' liata cleaned and altered Olin ton, (bit. 18,1007 , • NOHOR LINE • , X t NEW YORK .& .GLAsGowi. Feb. 10 a,in VICTORIA Feb, 15....,. PP.VoNIA. • Feb'. Di...-. 10 a.ni ANCITORIA . .. g pan Nat'. 8:30 nalt .tri/lOPIA. .. ... Mar. 10,..... 8 p ISOLIVIA ' Atm', 211 8 min \far. 88 8 fait -• - Apr. 8- - Ian. ANCRORIA. Apr. 16.,t p.in • CALIFORNIA ... Apr. 211 Ei aan IITHfOI'XA. . • ' • It AT.M'S O11 PASSAGE, .roxihisgovr, tiorpoel, 7.,eaeenderry,.or Bolted, Cabin. $05 to $80, Phi, to L011401' dirOtt, 055, to $70,, according to accoranuidaticns. /nterraediate And Steerage AS 105` as by any otbor iirst-olagg line. 'Per tickets and infer. 'nation, apply to *11". (. eilaton,.tarr. 37, 1477, •• Scottish Commercial Fire 'Insurance Co OF Grasflavir,. Capitsil4 . • Tiro MilliOnS Agnets, $14500,00% litttrist#, ' 4,000;000. 'ruovorpt or ONTARIO 11RA4CIf. Head Oilloo'L 7 Toronto Stiid, TORONTO, BOARD or onizoTotts: 331 t.,.dittilirgellepg. ghitirmatt, Preeident ganaille 4. g1EZ'V"1:rafal tt14l;Vbt4.VetliPe'de710 tank of Canada. N.3 INSPECTOR -ROBERT 11/61.11AN. • • RLSTDENT SECRETARY - LAWRENCE IttgArISN• * Deposited, With the.. Government at Ottawa, for secto• rity of CArtitaittli Ptliey Ifoldera, $190,000. • • This Companr humeri rolleies institute ogaluet lo ot damage by fito or lightning, on mote/LOU*, too* • utoolming, torra and household risks, *t current Woo. rolicio* tiro !sena from lent 4osso5 settled directly bp* • tho Toronto odloo, without &los.. All'I'rerniums take* la this oenutriore Invaded la Canadian accurate% , • 6 •TOHN AS..fit`NT CLINTON Axil VIOflrL ' (Aimee; Any 12, 1617. .!‘ . •