HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-01-24, Page 2TIM' CLINTON NEW ERA. JANUARY -24, PO.SIT!YELy • • nhrteierught,whose steady gloom 1Bokues tho kl'arlkeet frrAce; • I long to feel thy lopormeti X look to thoo for grace. , • .Whe storm-tokl seetuttrMer roaq Mae • •13lien the Amoy • Who Axing eolcliers feel euntonb With )10101' volv.ed from thee, . " kAmtOrMentr, 'inirlet thy Wealth, OT-Ithrirl431011 rotte,•;„. What happinesktleothOrein lifr Where rata), hunt ualtnown ? The enrrow,etriokou mother }kneels floShle.bee htfatkVa form, " 4•!Tor /merle the lIghtkeing,s viv11,1 flash, , Or tory of the Or • That life that !ieusted a holier life Too: aeon has passed itWkI4A But se she 11fts her eyes aloft • The), meet tlMt heayeoly ray;•• • • TAkat rtlyoVaith--.thii,t .014011'860m , That light ik the rlinikest va)o- • let it 'shine npon life's veil, • let Faith alone prevail. • Tinctes• Nfoutpai WitAoss.•• When evils visit the Terk he simply attribtites thein to. Gecn A travellet. -who bad 'lost his baggage, seeking re - 'dress pont a 111ohametan gravely told Oat Ged was great. It ie in scene such spirit es tbits that many of our merchants acee'pt the •hard times • without _apnarently: feeling that they themselves heve any responsibility for the evil. For inetance, those who com- plain most' constantly . end de so With the greatest'appearance Ofinjueed inno- cence are the storekeepers, beth whole- sale and retairn And yet there is probab- . ly no class in tne eorunitinity which has So much.• infleenee 'over' the course of -trade or so m'itch respoesibility fer'non -ducting it on sound Prineiples such as will ensere,general proaperity tinder or dinarily• fayerable eirmunetancee, • and les, as. far as may be, the evils of the • bad harv.ests, or u o fit vet. able eiren stances aming from the stat -e Of hail.: ness in other cinnitries. •The stbreketoi- _ or grembles •byeause bad dente eat • most of his profits, or as ill malty etises knore than hi g profits, butnioesnot erten take the•trouble to Oink tnat be has no right to expect anything ills° so long as lie continues to do linSitiess on .false when, it did Come it would' tie all the more severe. ' So inuell .f�r• .410 peat; hilt what of OA) present andqutut.e ?- Is theie no way of checking this teinlen; ey•to extravagant living and consequent long erirciiis 1 We believe 'a very large proportien,of the businese.of• the coun- try is now sustained by rene•wale, or, .still wersen.accominodation paper; and we-th•inknitniii-in-the-power Minty-4"kt. to discourAge this sort of bu"ainess very *much, ani at •no very distant period to 'put sit end to it, If banks should m- elee to discount Ali renewals at °nee, e ,large number of their eidtomere would have :toga into inselveney, while ineity others w,auld practieo all sorts of deceit to Make renewals pass forfresit paper. 'But it hes beensuggested to us that the bank e might insist Oat etch of their c °mire ih)uld send in -with each 'hetch„of notes offered for disceuel a list etatieg"vvhich of the notea are •rtew4insi- nesn; which We're renewals, and whieb were second and tbii.d renerals; without alteringnin. the least theftpresent line Of action. The banks could ie this way make ronowale very unpopplar, and, al soon NS 011'011111Stall0ea: of the coma - try would perrniti; they keight decline to 'take second renewals atall, and ,by •awl* by they could refuse to.tekin any renew, ale enlessunder exeeptioual ciretirre stations, anti then, they gonld litintaken• as:Collateral for titiVe-ac•el'• ',ether then direot discounts." One banns eould-ilfik the hunted Man. That night, in the *st-tnthouse, he paid "1 'tot ,sort.e for my arrelft, exeept for oats thine. .1 have a good old mother ; this wili. kill her, As for myself, am, 'oh so tired of OW thing. 1 don't care what be - .comes of Inc. am tired, tirod, tired. 1 wish it were all over" Let the fate this hunted desperado he a svarning 044-0.1ing IT; When---the--tivil- prompts yoo to 4,3,n/tong, tbink of the conseqmPtice of the mit, and exclaim " I have an figed nkothein; this will' kill lter." • cateitlady who bad presided over the estehlishment •tor more than a year. The young lady load stepped lute the kitchen to give'sorne tival direetiorts to the epok, and when she returned ahe was informed a the views of the .corn, Pony, She NV completely taken abaok, bat after the Iodine bad coaxed to give nee etnIsent, sire elaced herself in- tb enhen dsnof-her—frientls„,_tenn let's get marricd row I" exolaimed the host, with the itnperturheble Wens mick's ste.fpossassioie diner 'was 5 us- pei5ded—indeed it had seercely begun ; the bride..took off her witgite apron.; the bridegroom dr6pped his mipkin ; the twe %ere mede one; the marriage (thin .tifteate was signed ; end, the 'company kistsed the bride and. then sat down to dinner with tt, first•t•ate appetite, ,n4 next (ley a spinster in thealg:bhorbood, beeering-whet had happenen, raised her hands•towitrd•HeaVon and exclaimed; in a spirit Of tree danoutness, "Lore, how sudden ; there's no tellin' Whose turn 'it dyne n'ext." • Should be a. Lesson to. otherte' • Thespectacle of a timelier of. tininag7, ing'r4cera 'of American tinanoial _insti- tutions being tried for 11..autl and sent to The pea itentia t.yi I Ike. ertlinit ry i• Dais appearS to be: nialtnig a deepnim• pression oft Q tI neighbors, Ai nil probably, an abiding one •toon The runt -the!. ianeseniffendeis have wroughb. in many lietnee.is great, nut•let it not be thought tbat to -Fiech mi.0 a few • years. orrly. of • ireprisonMent and ootiyiet •life- is a tri. a terrible' sfigieittnbeisilyiet%evtilliie.i.leTTihiee,ednovretei 11. more, a man. of lifty-otie. years ot age, fol. •the Iirat tittle fully realized, what it eels to Come from .a 'New York insur- .. . Aetee pet.ler to the State, prison. strcenett- and- maim ed pet on the 'cell- •viet's. grab 1)6, fairly: Iti.olte. down4 and we think aid verY materially le bring- 0.110 hick' a child, „jug, the trade .thn vounpry a• fell iteline, with theloineh:r4.8col)rivrciletTiantiol healthy state.' ''..1.3utliefote any • 1 ealor Pt" 13) stlfilienn0Ini when his num- ber was karshly called for not •keeping .lailiHtitshtl.gbegoa°dchea'otng.ebei.n''d.tr:eniiPdlei.subse.`,.01'ftli.,Tilin le liee, :he etaggered-:te eee side and nearly fainleq...• With a 'felon on each effiX411311-lity' at larp, to What i$ .11Bit ,,sviiiat is got. woo eying, fur.,•in men • side 9f hitn, ceowdnug nith at the Ripper • -tals,le.„.'he Sat thei.e. pictet.e- of mulie. of all ranks_were More 'ions to bring .up an inhorit anon ifich (-leapt-dins% Thet night. a keePer, was de- et srna I then to ...leave thfinI a fort:tine; tailt'X' w" 0'11. in cell.eforT"-Tellr: ten,ne woola oittisii. for ba.,.4i •of winit..lie iniglitfitterupt.... :wouftT Li; for :those whentay be: tempted by., tittles. If 'the • mese of the. 'community bpportunityn as he w.tts, to think .of •the ;wore, more anxiottato be,greitt. than to. appear greet,-Aliere reel() be far'less .te /Ant fp •extraVegaece a :fel .ehriatianity shotild •tnake. itSelf more. felt in a ebriimunItY w here ;it is utiliVer, .s411Y Prnfessedin...The elinrches • Might exercise mere. intleenca • against the haste to he rich which brings with. it so to y. snares., .and ter* e's felt! _perba pima ke inert% p rect.) cc Fa pplitriiion puinoiples"...il,efail.,Moreliants. both of tlie. Oosoel, by insisting more oe • ty•: to 00t1 end nein in the fullest town and countey with seitrcely tin tiretnivord-treniunesnentinle-rirtee--- Ception, will sell: goods just ashea -cp te e of those wbo.take long credit, and With whoin t.beS7 •have to ietemit pertain risk of liming" their 'Money, is to those • whu. pay as .they go, end will not .eyeii give them •.2.0 and• pay:their .debts. • diseount for .easlrittnitneottrinetistieate • FerocitY. •ef the Christitiii., Sneh plainnese would 'require courage in Some cpmeninities, es wit (190)6 hew long "aorne chineltes would keep a minister who .shotild hid with the risk -and ex_pottse of. cellection , of ,redit accounts, not to spealnof the •ineonnenie-Tieb---nOT havitie to wait for • their money fpr tia averege,of. say six' months in toWiCand nine to twelve -in tile country. . The usual eibuseloe not giving such discount, is either that the business will not .aflord it or that it would offend credit -custoiners. -The first objection is a 'Very short-sighted. one indeed, and Uwe had not beard it • we would scarcely.. believe-Lthatnisabe ,m'en (ninch loss. otherwise capable busie ness men) would, -Make it. • It is •trtte , that the 11.14110iI1 `of.'proftt is in 1150st businesses already close enoegh, hut it • so.sunply because AO lartre 11. percent- could make out, they had ffrit sliced off 1 1 1 • ::Three. miles of Our, canr) 111(1 half a- . , mile from the Deadwood tratl, writes .a filack.- Hills' correspotidtint:. we foe Id w bat • had been dant) ;Inlet man bei eg. nnitee miner trying to, reach nor Mall?, or seine one. gotng into totvn froni. tionir eqnip ueknowii to us, lied been over. 'heeled by perhaps •a ...dozen s.tintgee. Theta:lied' been np•stroggle tied there were no eiriffeyn-sholls-toe,allove-tket-it slot had been...fired, Ile was, perhaps, -tiverhauletfthere. aftri. a long Oliesei; or; has•enddeitly eneountioyd the Indians tuid been overpowered.. As 31.011.' 118 WE censeqrtetices•ot• , .et• • . •. .• • . An Intrepid dein mand er. • Tehe followinstory whielecomes ue. • • . n- . • det• the categ,ory ot ", highly interesting.' tt,ie,t4' tufa CI) t Modore Animen, (.4hiel of ••,the Dineen of Xi:tang:dine in I Rebellion Sant -nen 660. 4 (J;(l)ltlitt itk the•nas.,v,. was plaeed in CoMmand 'of '• Taxes on Fditohal Faith.' GIVING •U BUS'INESb".. o '1 1 3 'I o s 1, : fr— •4 ‘4‘ II it UN k. SS AT R E 1 It C li.eD .1.1A rt4 fq, „. . , . , h 0 subscriber hereby' notifies "We publia generally that he has aotbrinined to give up the flarness-11,1aking business, and, therefore, otJers the whole of his excellent stook of . •1:121:RNESS; ROBES; .EIORSE 4.na, oveiy,thing in oonneotioitha firsit-oliOs Earness Shop, ..4. At Oats much.loweirthan ever befOre Otiere bito Count* The Ilarnessis all of excellent (meat& and worktnanship, and persons- inaleed of Such will find it to their interest to hive trim a call, as the, wholestook MUNI, BE SOLD, and is offered at great, reduction in order' •• t� accomplish this, -One of the greatest Web of the Be WS - pa pfite. profession is that its .tnenibers'are, eonspelled te see , tuore. of; the ttiliatii Of ;the world, thee any othee'profession. Threngli e eery news pktikei...; otlice, aey after slay; go:ailthe. wenknesses of the: World .; all the, Vanities that •waitt to get 'Patted ; all the reYerigqs that' want to he reaped ; all the mistakes that-vranetneben n'orreeted ; 401 the dull epeakerS who want to 'be thnught eloquent; ...all the meanness that wants •to get ite Wares noticed grade in • the editorial Column, in order to s kye the taX in the advetn, eplutnen, the ,inen who want to bteset right who Were nevei• right ; ell• the creek braieed philosopherswith. stori aints loon, *AS, tneir hair, and es glooniy aS their tinger7nails iug.because .bereft of ' soap ; all • tho. bores who come te -stay .fiven.minutes, but, talk five hoursn, Through, the,ode torrid and-reportoral rooms all the follies and chains .0- the ww,1,1 wro seenday after day ; and the temptation is :to lie - neves in:neither Gad, man,: nor weeiap. Lt is no ,surp•rine to MO thAt•in taboo 0- fession there aro softie sceptical men.!; only. Wonder thatn joorindists believs .1.1.11y otf,-- Nage: •' ,• . : • party of 'nen who had' onlistetl .io yrancisco for ,- the Pa 'Iti —Manit.oba Wheat.' CC (11.1a4 volt, They wok e e in lakeked tin 11101.iilii1.11t. • .(11,:s out smut,: of 010,111011,, few weeke age the felloWine ttaieug whom .wei.0 twiny „ „ • 1,0•ugh %noes 3..V(..13'.e, 11S1f0(1 1,11•01.141.1 3411t•iirli tier; showed a aisle:intim) tom -Utley; (41.1117.0.11.(:11,1‘1‘..',11;01 13 ging-f 11:4 -t -t fit or 1080. . hctent Lia uititten,l,'•altreats 'and' it"rn'ti.9'.' °Li Ibo sn4'..4t;."uld n met so titir black lbolni at letierb -bee ' 1 "ll'iwj'r ' unth tlic in stet of' , for 60 11°681•14ttill'i'e' 6111riv.9. 'cil'hiniself and crew, Who wei eittilutir- 1 1.9!' so, when and of r NYA1 Abe bored ten to one, eXpres;ed .to Capttlin s•ttisinetoii'? What. was the, yi,h1. per 'Infinett his fears 118(1 1)1', 1IICII 113311)13 to 1 teake -for •tbe: nearteit pore. 'i-tert• 1 tind what of the native seedoini- toelee•for port ?yeah] Ammen, 1 atti Y der like conditions ? • What watt -1 1JO emit in lid and .1 wish to go to the equad: character of that imported, also of that rote"' " Bete"' mustee,-"tliey 111.6111ced. for Purl'i)ses 10 i There Wore sortie thousands. among them.'."We will see about tlitt't". eaid tife captain, Atailing 'himself, he l'n'f iMpoi•ted OW Manitoba anil went •down whore the• men • gathered, 411)134,es(i,t1i: hilSit.4.'Yjar. 4 T4Ij6 • The areal, and 'walked in among them', . Voices', Ye1:3' ur }Ie also offers his shop to leans, And tl,e twostorey hone, a present occupied by •Iiin4 on Huron Street, containing eight l'09(13's and every', rdquisite fOr a large fartkilY, for sale an, reasonable tiirms. It has been built only three:years, •" • • foe- All parties indebted to 'Mona/Mier by Note or Book Itedount, aid requested td settle the same at once..' • J. O. MILLER.: OLisToz4 Oct. i18,1577. 14 •-•i2n • 6 f= ii, 4 •r•=q'''.' ,.. el e•en . 4 .. • ..t.' " 'it`;' 0 0 ' !%.,) • - gltigt O 0 I5i a Rd.' C=1 • ,..,.. c..,, ' -• 5,0 r,=:1• k g 0 a T. E-1 ti 0 • '0* • 5.•' • t F., -•k•• kT, • , 1-P I 6.1:5 , c•t- -4 ^CO • elCea •"-- 1enl 04,4 847 S' • • 0 ..:11 E4 r••=4 ••:•%ks C=0 •••••1•11161101,••••••• • .1%. gtellical WHITE STAR: 1-0.:itio,ivri, Physteion,.sorpton, ote,,--Corcutr. rite :rho Oceanic Stearn :,,,fiveigation Compsoy's Bloonoilpft ' ./...., ocuatoi-noroa. ltesslentrawbalines-Cortlefef . (otirryina United States ,(11ails't , ' Albort,ankl'.1011,Strests. Clip ton, , , • . IIAL'110 ... ... ' , :. ,... Ian. in .... 3 '''1) In . AllgliiIFKli, Istto.• •.• 1-'. , Ina UMW:. , .,.'., . F.eb. 7...i.' ' h a Ii$ .. "-- .• • • • cr'rat• • •• ItE,PUBLIO • • ii.„ STEN',U(T, M. , 0, M..,OfttltlAT4 or curt° ...•• .. 23. .. 'et 8,Mott 1 VuientySlontoft hargeop and OFI(MANI0 • ' 2..., ' 1, at ,( ,teeonoltour.. laalfonee•-lhaw(1.kta.ru. , ":, . (' . ' ' . tn. 7... , . *ill kill us .411,-f:hey:km .yeu -you, no The ,-.Partnee'a Adeocate apswees as .‘V er Inediafely • b itsheil, One lei' It: pert a thp, ,-Yv heat was of the FiFe'entl. (as irt t January 4,1871. ".• ' ' 214 A ltittATTC.. ... .... • iftr, 1.13.•• ,. • 0 e :It •ittrtNxie-.-:-..:-• .... -rlittn,..ex-,-..... 0, 0.11, •W ,,i. tia.A.egY, "ii.11., tielettaTe oe •ritiser v. cent. ic . ...in_ :ear. 1.8 ... :.• I ;It In . . (i11:11.,: :,f 1,4e011:1,1:1(t.;...;-1-(,_;,i;111:sc,'(.15,''s'!u.ife.fi'sP1,,,ik,uv!::([1.4.11$11• .. (14(.::(1,1ki,°...1,:1•','.;.:..''....4HY,t1 . • all new, ;milt ollrokk,, in akttee.toi, camp: rtruents, 'omit • (...... all;itip. Hai rrOM nrtf. Yttl.k (Ph r :52 11.'ll 1 on 8 txrADAYti, trial: 1.1aq:0r:fol. :::: T111•113nttYN; ,:ttiiilig at Curl., , • holm', buth wa.,s. the !act:waif po or. thot Line are ..,4..,..").,Yr()),y,,,...,-'il.(,,-(i,,y:1,I),11:14y,ti$efiIi$0.11,,Itstki,,,41',„1L.OF'vo.'j,:(1111,$(1)1("„1"ILO, ..,ofT4et,r,ption.,,11,,t11,alstIrttrtur!ii.:01,rial,iHet1(1,10(iitl,,,,a1;:oe,:auteelitiitittnizaz711.14o," , at lir• mimatuoi, tbree atiors ea -t uf the • ' . --•',., Testaaa. any • • vo,yeaneaoota,ibeniii'nbaalt4,l-i-t.Wtireniilutzth; .i10,l,s:notAfeltti:.. 11114"171(I1.lu.': '' . ', ,.1, , ,t I i.Tt,•o. 1l11(lt1877. • 11)1. .1 Saloon, in ttn. ir.11 -:---t0• --,-,-,...,.• , -, -• Tehets, goodforolo 73.3-r.,415 735. aohl, aeu1o1rr4d JitTAN11,1(YGRADUTatgrpeavat Voetiat teunersandetheuY.i „ 1)0esr.titacit of vistoria iti&visi,y, Toiouto, tor- , ,. illeily of the 1104,1te1s, 'and nispotoutries, Flew •Tur1;,,, 41`.`41."''."...."14• 41.14 10 -. • ....-...: • , ' • Cor011er for the Cuenq NlInron, is 111.1131.1), 41111. " •,0; nee ee, 1871, , Oars raa, aan 111:1, 1877. • • rlow.stEv • s, usso,N, , :Stxrt, rill -T.1'1 4 -r -1.-r .11-• oppossito .1.1111.4• 1)1....N. I). lf, nowstrvd.1.11. ' • •• A, AC. tinises, U.11,,. ; :. .•' •Ctiototi, *ay 10, 1877. ' - ' ' ' • • ' ' ttoy AL M.\ IL ST 141 cl•Mt-'1III.P8., ' . • 1111.. winrrutxtOri).N. 'ilivsicrAgg SItItelA, I " . . • ....11.1. . awl tiarkierkus of lower csusda, and el:05101W Lieenti, . -1-.),Aueouelsour, Lit:el:titan o$ tbu Colle0,0/21sYsatialus I '.Lirerpopi, Loitilp it der ey Will .01 a :quit. •. ate nail corotior for the Conuty.:if nava, 011106:atat . NEW ROUTE, via HALIF-AX...: rnialpienr-The sbaildina"forniarlY - oecailbal by ltr. .1 .,. • Tbentites, Doric, street, . • S A 11,INGS '•101Z.OM 11,4:JAVAN. . ciiiittni, la a. 10. 11(71. PERON f A.N.,,,,. ..11^a1( •:i.: ' SA ltIfiNIAN..l'Al`f, 27. .• , • ... ,14.Ii$CtilittiliOitS ars. 1 si„,,,„, „,..„P`,,T:„„'s,•,,1;,14.,,I,.,4,',,,',,,,l,:7.1,1;•,1,:`;„c"t.. 117i1 mike,. , ' ',,t,to • , •. i 18 • • age bel to be pet, Aside foe .bad debts, a •hie 041'4 . 111 154411 111("1e.'t TII .8 114)1 (1 , • these we found pinned to a ' " • enat Fpn F • I. ' • 13"e, avoided if • the cad] tree.' They hod then. hehl his feet one' . .( 11111011 seed wits in ti, • 11, non' It Game to, -A., L on g sseurity. inoderstt rates or . htetra , „ , , tr. i tura r far 4 A4 1019 a b any 030, • eonsiderable..proportien might LIND, 1)1311111°8a WO': rock, til n' _tern,. and deliher. .r.ideittlir' to lenr;in the' work of destrue- • . more vtgoreitalf eultivated anti, eau- t • ' reilow It ljamed , h Cluh vat ie'tir-a,...aani ninny otlier-SortS. . • No cleen• ieg could make pine,- and' 111111 74,1,11 1171 paosentaa, ferwarkled to berry, Belfa• t, • tuteiest. gneenstowo, Glasgow, awl London,. ikt setae rtitcot t• , obaeeved-in opening eivtlit tiatii- 1.11te1its1,6. The. matt's . 44....ahnt tircr othel8 $01t1 it, kni 11 W118 lull 1,01•ted. thy' • t.41.111'311-119' a tat Nano ding w'th the ocean al: In:44a aeiroirta, Onett•io, sonic; seedstuou reeleaued, tt, eenennene, • - Lireriaml. Tlfe. fritid,Olktryhta 0.10 Nil TT P•8 ely mashed then) to 'it pulP:With the. 6011 at ellen; Noisiug-hIS revolver, A.m. -44 ("1( T-0.14 not; beep *het ter, nor .as geed; gni.,•/-net:.;',retmvirt'fitatilitl'41:"11.(1LIrtkint.31'N4,24*".1'0,141N4- 14411- 11.4eg 2 ")"'in-l'".11' 1.116X'at-7-1L'.1. i'3.844lug" t -, l via this rattle travel Oven ill rattail:. 1 t •(' . • 1 - 'CO lints. IS'e 'rave heard Of a buteherin inifferinres must 'have beee,reeffel, but, intiniled,ie a V0i0O W ?deli couttiined much er°P8 l'il'" , , . „ ...... _ •,- --- 1 ' it. 4114%111W: (i. 1"„ 11. A,Lt, Val.tvn.. • his custontere becatise GO.: IKOwd•altetnyie:fingers were then broken, ono .,hy one, ;bottini."' . Iteconerhie• from %bele Stapor, 3, rim' agq 11.11'10 w a bearded .wheat ' ., no men g in et 111 ••.' a WI k , A,stst Et' tl In'rli . - a \\o' hope there 1- • ! • ' ' • . . • ere not limey of ottr: traders.who prefer. fleet lentle t p ono of .the fienTis nee' only ' -•-•• " • as 'ft Ora' i'aisecl in I intatio. Some, • "8" tn11-: e"d" limt-61%Yo'011;;1141.40-1":::ft;:i?,;ttfit%:." Innglaotl Ante) (inclined to n ) ly nti Mr:MIL rielots and avail fa(ruattion,aps . y cominenceu. oats • • • • • , " • - ply tit the time andleave -110 opportu- •bis 11080 citt orr his front tei.talt sinitlit 1 tl 1 • • ,° .1.1 .• imported from Era itinee.' ft : 'answer- ( )10..1Ln:es 1101-401, ()It'.1 Eft OF' •(..01(11,1011,ifiT ICC° 134877.. haps some of oily -readers way fernish Otkilll 1 Dec tool TaSthl, 'at tl ay, 'Sit sivale 1 I • 1 ' • • nity for OVOrehrtrging'.' anti tint it is niercifal to hone hfe 1°1'1 . 1 ' 11 48 01111 ed in Ulan y aceg ilt /Mai 10. Pei- rnent'.!...'1,48.,,tx1,4:en'r„'-'1'0.•,!;!,7,n'i'iW, • • -'1 111 111 11.1 74 X Cb t tune. 8.. WO t • ie out eneet g‘tinet• t llc.,urage t() e 11( ots.; • credit twain! taS heanse of' the. oppoetre leen/ stqlp wet" toru from he bend move toward him. Another ,i;int. hill ntutisties rt•eard to the -en,ta, when •• • nit i ' • y w 11 cli .tt1 tiled of charging Tor 1 Ti - • colnittred`witli other'. artin Prot r • 31 krit/At,/,' 11:TN:NPR V1/410 (Intro.! tit the throei eve, pitch :aria atuj.ointed a.giiin came t. to or( reow Inin ' • '• • ). • 11-• • bit,:a trill, or at the n Atli :too 14,01..1 • • ot increasIng. the 'the )4.1)onidop, the leire illi'Ofilted ,the 'otrtl4mat.11:" (tt enei. tnore w, t i'm Is 'It ."' thitat ft:1(4)4 otrsl htflaa'rawr, nee, tec r.,enee, Jeanie erre. itaitete• 0-eo•ls naver nett . F kCiTOPY • ...,..- , c 4 . 4 .V.%i ES to..!0.1T - .1' qaantities of -those witi&-h:ttre 'beert.ile- n-ifetee tilt.; howele-filinnd.- open .and tint ti-Wfuktragedy-telwatedr-initt. -,:it .- thirtill ,11. 1)441:t-Treg.'"•ted.P1,-14.'" stni"I" . . . -..1}a4“ r i.f 3farli,V11 ii.1:0133134 r. ... • ,*. -, ,,,, „ , , , , ‘., „, , iiVatel, bat we- do know that Many e'1'( 34 (life., on f• . 1.';eon, see age. •oreeiti, bl(10(1*, ft to.4 wir-i. thi•opti•to tile :dial iii=. ! . , • -, • ' '- ---**4f -....-- - ...• . , cii,,,,,,,,•Apit27„1,, km... ... • I • .1.. 17)04))! 1)101.1.4 ft t• q.v. ft: • I .-ti '43,,: ..f 1 .•:;,..!111.,•1, , ttl:,:ralOp:,i:.:11111.41, ..11:1;t•LItl, tet.:1,,i trilkPli..2it.ii;;L,:,111,L1,,tr.}:14,:tr..1.(11,{:.;.,ill . tog f 44' Vast' tinier. laul Jo n hi r••••O :keel,: • ( 1.,.(-(13.4 . , our (.,; , e by lgie ,tho 1„,,n,,nning. ringe,,n1..i. . There was one inan on the 1Yetufwartt f i it • tone mmagoaten1 , adaor: I.. int, Sle., ..3 sib a i „ • • • ' • .tintecl for Thirteen Years.. • - • . , mitoriously t•ot,, n:rurt e'a d eettoo oi p. e -. t .hl5i c e n ' l• gl:4ti1'1r,tAeeInyea.,r etpig e i -n tth.. . n. . mtioren.th .so.f eVrsp, n tiotn uyeT r a.ltisyhro t,tsdoei.ena na WTirosil.ni-. th iisn. hw l.,-- , • owphoo'• a IEF%Vt.v t he.S•' ar t tOtttrl, rt couldspne'itnshee, • t7-,e,,. 4•n tikM il)A , foieAe'f .s.alYt. S?.t;.IM' • —aa;i;tIt:t•1: 9`'7' ".t- .a' ft .I . . -r' . o7 . • .c,•;:nertisit, eltiOnlr, 1IBA111, • of14-ole-er411ir, an 01.1 $ a 1. 4f 5itI1T'1O,• 18,1N10o;l.)l.. . tag' ,, m. 7 i;l ' . ' • farth.go 1311 11.'' 11Er fhenev.to,eatatfet In' 1 au 31,47 mst 1,a 11110 3)544•0 whethethe applicant Fe credit Int1113butlitr me1 pid1npuelet, tr3380 -111 Vrin7ill1301a 3 (Ju1131t°8)4,1 w°n1„84.8817t:`LZ,;,`t':R11110)1bertil;pae0-toxt door to A -veak points 313.1111011 may prove a 1171to for •botglarv commit:n1d soelre' , thin rlie 83413('(l ft pertly aequitirtance Lt:uc.c 41,,,,l14,, j;1„ 11,l.ft, o 1 d„rtwittwi, 4 141a4110:56117$ 31a0:41fl1th -4.111E9 1il113OUS07,,, chance of snis, and ir trseetne tlive deed wile drier inn lei•roottat '12.'? • thhiseireneecec s o fythe a sr t hney o u l d n t t t w e n d .t en m eon t o n i t h i t 'N t , OI.'',W:11 ,f l O k t e n 11 W , n f,, t tro• a of them annot be iithided to Send eonid pogo furtherhe itn hee f anur enIs o dnt•i te . P tiu• e t u t ,. 1, .0.,1 4 18V .. i l . even whenthey aeMuch in need of _ money. Wholoselo merchants too, 13.10 • C lri tio n ,:r k 3(13)3(1' (11 (11 tinir 0011pardons aveulw thotbdrainr morning v$av'6rttafle nh S MST SUPERIOPUMP . , ..'e° • t8 108310;1 fl;1A11Y tefiii4 HUI August,84 I, „Minflay,a notoiona lone retnilitql to histateroomSb°4341 1 eoquq,n h W in l 1.e1e,1 a n y . f,or'e NeTioetl, r A ,e .t.:Whw• ee i t•I.• d t„•P a h p A p r ilIt 1 , 1 7 . • e • iRU!.W0401- rolit0. now, ' Ate hay° evertrcrypnotlematifed nroleNitite 14 -rootr Tile !erne n't. us ahrtipt, if not its. n " I tio.'t bother altottt the weather. If .- ' - - • • or tmecess he in certain to -find SOMO derer hastily fled, tiiiiifer chit teen veers taetie, as. -.7Acr, enunioles took ;dace ieh 11114 ; if it'k4 f(1)11 , ir i ( M/e W L .lT6 tkie Ladies. ll11E1110K 31. . ' ' t, ", 4; o' ' 'a° .. , .1• l.nf *..''.• estbm'.to.st tliss •i ..,r•ife"iMo• dar . , eo,n . 11 14011BIlitito'tenortorA•7;krlherko r W)0 will 1.1St MM • in ordee to seetluded tit!itteout , 'New Year% night'Matitioreon '1rkt yoti gait% :like sveh o91,0' Tar, tNin,t41P41 IS PI yi vt'n T() no 'artnawho ) ntan rnhlwill0in 3003.a3 perlatlitaltyfyr tunitgplaa itionsble o fa.. r5)11)05)11)0.1, 1511310 P:Ktt(3 profitaf Jhas leen alintifeanut31, roatninr IItlTHOLDtlyilahe aferboon awelas this ella:1:(}5:1INNT111[/11atUr. s booksnat .rho00111(11)othewhole('Vitisth(81301)1placetoplace,enneent,„g1,11r.ktiownresidett07thevilltule 033110(1 on141.1' J117 f°r iif131‘$1r1(fSIPI0,,:4tlao,taatt011 :inotdinate desire toobtainwealth, sut, eve11 when noone '1 as trackthe RvDr081081,011 and tedmtootherHort 111"nitleW1ISthcamnaie, atreonhabbrats131.1131103,3011311018031) which induces more men to become 1I4s consciencew , as, his eoristant•seouser dinner at o'cloCk. 1244)12)4a Mar- rePTY. ' Hu‘T, DEL:4onxi, o Barber:Ow, (1° "7 ^ ron Strout,. n'ext,doot Vinurnereittl OCOttISh bommercial Fire insuraece- Ce'r, metthanis and traders than th.,e countty and never permitted him for tin instamt riage certificate with yon," said the " And •Yo.n like to 800 rain and hula 61.00* '8> 1877, is able to support, in that eapacity, each to forget the eitortnity of his crime. !For haat ; 4' we fluty have n, weddine there mai slush do you 1" • MRS. 13EESLEt S • . GLASGOW'. • of whom fancying himeeif sharper than thit-esen years this desperate man suffer. to nlit." The doctor is a discreet man, "tea, I am Perfl'cilY HatiHfied•D, • enamel, . • Tun 31111141ns Stirling. - hiq neighbde is determined to push his erthe tortut.es of the doomed, it -begin- end 'he did $tf: Ile WitS toki. At his The grumbler was out of patience, MILLINERY EStablishment. • . ASsets - - .. . 14 1.500,nao, . 1410VI14C21 or GNI•A1110 MUNOZ tioaa Ofilee -di Toronto Street, TORONTtl own •for4me • without stopping to con. big himsdlf,pursueri be the relentless frieinre.honse he met a largo entnimny, but he seeured revenge sooner than he eider the influence 'of hie conduct on agents of the Iie The whispered ery and after dinner %vas announced took hoped for. In getting off the ear the the..tr aloof the country genetally. 'The ef " Murder ; nittrilee!" tre matter were his seat at the well•appointed tilde. fat elan 8.1i1n)Pd 511(1 aPrawIt'd the present bard times in (hateda are cans- he songht refuge, was over in his ear, The host, undertook to carye the torkoy, (Mal Id full length, to the. intense de- ed, nurelY ana oiertrading •an)1 he found it itepossiblo to faille the but made snob Iningling woik of his light of the other, who 313811411 to the in, all branches of baSiness sdine yeltra ern- of aye/low" cOhiScieIiOG.' A1W5y30fl dutiee that one of the glieste was phttform and alieuted „ •"Dori' say a Word—its ohe%f your kind. Of mornings 1 ..If it, was one of mine you'd have fallen on a bed of nice glean,. soft *Hite show 1 Stand ail 611 we look at your The fat M'all St(10(1 %I? Ite was mud from boots to chin. lookedrat him- self and then ae the car, and feebly said: " I kin kick you and all tip weather ago. Any one who knew the position ,of the denary in 1873 and 1874, the continnotie aceittnalatiorie of mencluin- dise of all deseriptions th"roughout the country, and the largely increased ex- penditure of the farmers, WAS aware that a reaction !mist follow which would be more or less severe, riecording to dream. stances, and.. the leingth of time during whieli the apparept proSperity lasted. Every year during which the crisis was • . postponed, by MMUS of increafted extra. inn of the 17th of December last officer vaganee roand, mark it certain that .1.ohri Cottrell recognized and arrested largo aw(nrtnala of FilAtt31411S, 151,0W4I1S, SILKS and 11/BISONS, In tbo slowest shathat, • • Alno, large stack or rzrz. atsd STRAW rwrs, 53 the iatost acylea. Gottsnrs, aze, • • Agont for Ift:i'ourtes• of BroVents 1111 1.10aD inr;nerons• • esssrtemets ; nano etoek kont ou hand. Falb and.. Stra.13r littts dettned and altered ••'1(4`I''..art7follii1""riec(Illiietl(fritip"rtitt.31'1.MIn'ini'' rtegiClit c4."44 5 • diatolunet.18, 1471. • • - •• , (fottN savi, •• • Wrt.t.r.ut At.r.xxSonft, Esti, vce•tvri.stictit refltral the move, never. at rese, this hitnted grained to remark to lime" Yon shonld - • - • - • molk.of canatta.. • • . man continned to flee from imaginary get married, then your wife would teaell P • insercron nonenT 3te1.3.,;AN. N'OHOR LINE r RES_I ENT SIMIBTA.11Y pursuers, until rate tit last brought him you the piop6r way lode these thirgs." to New York, tho scene of his crime. 'rho host dielioiibt 'deny the soft impeach. Deposited. vith tbn ((mamma at (Atm )4, tor stow ' The past thirteen years hane,madeteer-. meet, but told what intinner of' woman New YORK & GLASGOW i ten of ,CouLtslian l'c 110, Iroldcra, 1100010. • 11 a.rit ' %%IA rnmpany iantOs rolicka of Maumee agith;st • -Ertl changes in his appearance.' A.1 the he alionhi like for a wife, ending by say- ANO/itilif.s............ Iati. to 0 rt,ra lessor &gage Isy fitts at "lightning., km mercantile. Man( firoe'qf his crinielie was in form a mo- ing : "Now, before waproceed further .• ufnetntfug,. film and bonwlsold•riskg.nt etirrent ratosi , del of manly beanty, ; now,. at the Age' s'pose we t die a vote as to who I shall •RATII8 OF .PASSAtatl, . teetiolestittorpottood !rpm and lossna ectdett dirt etly t y flid slVitOOlit (1001. • of forty, he is a shrivelled men, promo,- Marry." 'The company entered 41 tO4the To Glasgow, Liverpool, Lotclomlerry, or Ilelfaat, Wilt An Premiums Liken fit9thfsf eonotry ate hweeted in - to ...1,sa goia to Immlon &red $3,3 to kaill ocotillo Carnation sonnitioi, •••••-•••••-** a X.-••••••-••-• , tuvely aged, .and so chetveci bat few ettnItaSri,„With great, 1 ilatany, and after, reeognizo Yet,. �n the even- the vote was bkett it was deedured that the. hoit. was in -duty bound to Merry bi boaie•keeper, young and wall•edu. in the coantry , with one hana tie hind me "--1)1?froii Pree .11 i'f88 • Tilig 10 the weather for croup.. 1101' U VG . . d be- . to ateoromoilittfolirr, Interinotilat:t Inif Sieeinact natnat . ' 1 rig by any other ilref•olane line. na Helots sod iriror. ' sonm nintyar, to. . 7 • ' f I; Ir. R1trkr3'),v4.0.. ir.14.„- first; 14•(..igr 141013, CLIN140X A211.1 VIOTNITY '1 clie1ort,3iat.17, 11177,, ". . 4 ---Xllintoti,Ady'12,1137/. . 4.