HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-01-10, Page 3gYA.NUAltY 10, .87k1,,"
American Items,
"isle city or lr3astun has 216 hotels, ..
It is said a that the ,people of New Why is a leotiirel` nearly throustll l fife. of the tine properties of well -selected cocoa, 3>'which tiles :nl•lnc;natl•can
Mr, Epps ha provide;, our breakfast tables
ork slit,. eat 2 ' barrels of four; a ragged urcllln l lif oawso hes toted with a.clelieately, flavored 1)w:wagewilich may il, !elm, In .fixer' 0v. alt la!
fly,' •his The Clothes'.
ich said a save us many heavy doctors' bills.''' It t by
New York is the third city in Ohris- " ," ' �uohman, rf eat .the•jadicious use of such' articles of dtct that aDI *line during the terns
a•oonstitution may be gradually built up uti-
n4lont in point of population azul' venison Leoa�use it ish deer. 1 eat milt' I til stroll,* encu h ta, resist every teritlunay•to of Loan,
«. rlie cTFO.Q Kiln Peds of subtle maladies are ' ,a1e�+t;..TO
Tltd•ptrhliv-rllthb-t)f. t-i•w�T-n4�ed� e•-�at,ouel>a aeytl,...,•.rl,,,uu h.
rid.{; &beano around ns read to'attack whererer.
• ^ ,, tat:' What a satv>;ua'ut cot fi' it �vuald there >s wee • po}tit,•,; e May escape tranly "file.
ould laugh, fled with pure Moots and a properly nourish. C'14""' 144'141476" f -
EP,k3 840CQA.-'•l kA7,'L^NTlI,A3YAa
OAt'e'ORT3Ne n
—"By a thorough t ucwletlge of the natural 0
laws which govern the c Aerations of digestion
papular draw galas—a candy pull, aitdnutrition, and 'by•a careful aplsltuatipli pie EA$Y TERMS,
ealth. • km because
ee dei seven .'Kion dollars
in 1)e a fatalshaftp'by keeping ourselves stall fnrtt-
elntlnr, be if pigs o
Slat theusand ') i at• cuts, and .001- A hotel. keeper: described a utosqutito • frame* —(1'41 8911)1cc 19""ie•-7ao111 t,u1y r
he bar 'and take f
actory, ; . . : •- •,t L t d a.
x l p, xn Packets labeliea ,7 a,cK» F)?Ps & c-1/4). , Ko• . Olt ` T H 1 N Q 1 l lel'
tis daily is the . rodent eau A,il an as 'rt a customer who tries to get inside
Y . l � ma)opatluo Gheiutsts, d3, lhieadtteedlestre�t, .
nil)' w•ithout paying. and 170, Piccadilly, Landon." WfEttE T0401.11:61001)
There are strid;to be over 12•,000 den-
f al la e1
C' printers' O • •
�, a 1 s stiv t ;he f
fists in the •United States "in Active 1 e lately . -the l
„smear •`' lowing toast was offered , '".Wotuen—.
second tothep rens iu the dissemination.
The Uhinese in Ca;lifcirnia refuse to
ork on .Sunday,but spend the da';); *of nears.
[ 3 .girl t schoolw: ulcf like to 1 awe
la in poker. A i a 0 .)
y g....
`, two birthdays ever eali,' When she
Philydelphia has ever. 200 :ores ,of S y' Y
round. devoted go public arks within btuats pp to, be It wolpan silo objects to
P n ..Iruviu0 cue
',,the city limits.,
, :� A patent .broomstick., which ;can' be
"eay Ebat 4 ;o � lis
0,00.? i1a
reconstructed. ' lead,
deltri liens husbands .ie. -the ]atest.
for L.
tructed-after:being broken over::,;.
ie every year in the United,
sing tolnicco: '- . n.tlOYl, •,
- •
c ',�' 1nVei _ r
r: There should lie about $300,000,090 . ,! There ate five ireachrirs: to''one•.i:dit-
Yt gold collected 'annually Rt- the New:. or in `the ',tan the ky'penitentiary,". We
ork Custom House, hope no one will say that one -editor.
1, The people of the -United: States needs at least 'five preltcherd.
moke ,cigars to the aroiunt. of. $160;- Ari Irish ne.ws a er in: detailing -an
pp� � n
00,000 welsh pet annum. .. Crtinge-detionsttstion, stated.': `r The
Tberilare'men, sAyii,Me, Talmage,' procelsion'was very 'tine; being nearly
'who sing like angels on Sunday, and-•-two-°rites lun;;-tis--was-a;l-v the priiy'er.
ie like sin on-11Ionday.'''•� of the. Rev, Mr. Perry."
Dr.•Tanner,,of St. Pati,.".; who le entiyt.; Tr�it.t'crp, tramp, tramp, the boys fine'
,laitned to have fisted forty -days, offers marching;„
hark; now', I' hear-them,at
to repeat the experiment under .the: the. door'; so my' darling 'Mary ,Ann,'.trietest' 'surveillance on a, wager of you [mist bide your jelly can, or you'll
neversee•its contents,aiiy more.
__-Parndo)tical..ils it nm appear' .lie'. • The inestyiruportant..event-in a•ntalf.a
est way to examine the bottom of .the ;lite •1's ;, frenertsoirly—suppesed-oxo• be
is'to go op in a balloon: AFrench- .marriage; but it is:not al Ways sir aa the
`•luau Who atibended about 5,000 feet. most important event in it editor's lift:
': buve the Seii et (;heib'uro., Was eaten- ' is his triennial:.change of shirt. 's;
i sLted—to-see -beneath him every ,ix>ck. Next to, that re .osr,.;which' is the
"ssue and de bressson 'of the: bottorn of p
} }ale.>sed•lriPlAge of tlie:man,'•vrb'o Berl sig
he s,a,. which Its at that point n,depth feet under ground in a colt ntry grave
if 200 feet- yatd, ,is:the repose enjoyed _by.a'gilt-
A1ark tl irrington; a'fw. mous Michigan- edged' Bible ins a'newspaper. otiice. •
shore weather .prophet, publishes.' the ' ';:.Put• 111 a;iuuis,has• i>; very.:'stubborn.
following p)adietio>5s' for,4.011:.i:lry •.and:''mule; _ which .he calls:” did Musket."
February : January,',look for: snow on On being .asked why -he gave the ,mule.
:' the: 3rd ; 6th -snow- • mild from' 11'th to o ii.. a
;1. , .. that lustre, he said, Lecau •s the stub-,
., 18tb, antl.from• 18tb ta:25th moderately'tor
', n :beast won't ;;o "off, without a kick:
0001; gttite cold from the 25th to 31st,
There is nothing that will `tend .t
'F.:hrnary comes in `cold.;..the 2nd,, snow 1 g °
make a n' forget to cele a„ blessing at
and .high winds;-lOth,"snow; 17th; rain'
o the. breakfast table (:nicker than to sit
dr snow'; .fitla, look for areal. on ,Et plate of soft -healed eggs 'that the
WOOLY. liossis,--Wooly, horse% are ,not so.
rare ' as man suppose': )otic; not such great curiosities
y 11
either, there•are many to be found in various
part§ of the eountrr, but we doubt if. they, will
ever prove' asvaluableto their owners as the One
exhibited by Barnum.; we imagine their owners.
would corridor them more valuable without the
wool,, for this rou•gll':and wooly state of. the hair
inidioaterc that the` )orae is pot in a healthy eon-
ditiou—pruhably hide -bound, or suffering from
soniedisease whiah.00casious thiO' unnatural ap-'
. ppearance; in such Caries use.Darley'.s Condition,
Powcler^s:•and Arabian Heave Remedy it will
purify the blood, correct the tip,?earance.' re-
move all obstructions from the lungs and liver,
andgive to•the coat a sleek and•eliining appear-
ance. Remember the0 name; and see that 'the-
signatpre of.:Hurd 't& Oo. is stn enol package.
Northrop if: 'Lyman,.Newcastle, .Qat.,• proprie,
ors' for Canada. Sold by•all medicine' dealers
A common cough or cold sou d never be
trifled witk, often when; neglected it is oonvart
ed into ii serious and generally' fatal pulmonary
disease' The more 'prudent, aware- of this,
pt inptly usxo'lityan's-Pulnuriuu Wafers"a ou-
r4ttive Hustanred its reputation for
•over twenty, years, they are always' efticacu)I'fi`. ,--
and er rt•a finest beneficial influence on all the. '�
Brmich1 I and put nonaxyvrb'ans-Su1i`l-b$--silk. -
druggi +ts - frond eonntry dealers �rahoe -2o cts.
pet box.. •• '
PHA? G.R.00E-RI.E5
000» Tk7A, for 80, 40,.6o,.s0, and 75 mints •porlb.
000D StJG4It, 11 Wilt's for one dollar. -
000D RAISIii8; la peones for one dollar,
• Aline assortment. of, - - ,4g.0`
Chita, Glass and Crockery, ' ery.:chea '.
Call and .si;e.stook before purchasing elsewhere:: A11,
kinds of Produce talion in exchange for goods.., •
FREON OYS'l I RS cOnNtatill.y.oss Land,
•Clinton, Nov, 8,1827 . •
A -- lot of New and•' Stylish Goods' for. Christmas..
NE-,, CLOU-DS,tor. `Cb.ristrr asp :
NEW 1STOOL SC4RFS for C. iristXnas
NE ?Sl AIWl'OOL SQUARES. forChristmas. a s - •
•'11i. W FANCY HOSIERY OSZER`Y dor- Christmas.
t as.
I'�S al'>lc]:_.�,LO • . �S' • ox X ;
• � � ... X1rl1�,S
A. $ l rices':'
wisEMAN sRos.
EAl . � DY ..., E AGE iS�
i'he ,,(*r(- t , SLtoahoneey Itemelly and
,; 7'he sueecss that these medicines lave.'met
with since' their introdbitticni;.to the public' seine
years ago, prevtss plainly to the, anost skeptical
that 'ti they; are. medicines that perform whist they•
are advertised to. :The virtues, of these`medi. .
cines: have been well tested, and have- withstood,
their trig`;iirit"mmitaatisfaeti+ry-•-inannei: lion -
diseases of the T3Ioi+d, Liver, - Lungs, 'ite., theOr.
ars; unsurpassed. We have tebtimeliial$ of wi-
racnicus mires -of. these. criaeases, end of rrrany
ethers,. If'auyone.-is afflicted, let:hint try ga
bottle of the :Remedy and a. box of Pills.,, ..No
ihjur ouii effects Will follow their rise, to the most
delicate person, as they are purely •vegetable.;
there •being Yno ,nurieral matter in them,* The
Cost. issrnall, while the advantages derived from
their- use will doubly repay you for Tour ex--
perrse and .trouble. • The .medicines are 'widely.
known throughout the Dominion. and. are for.
sale shy the principal • tnedicipe dealers. Try
them, and be convinced that these medicines
are no htuebug.. o No one who • has •tried: the,
Shoshstnees Pins has ever pronounced an un-
•fav,irable opinion -of them, no . family where
they have been used will be without them. Pull
information may be had nn all particulars touch-
ing the use, earl -the experience'of- thoae.who
Money'' Lent on Mortgages for 2,. 3, or 5 Vara;
_ih�1lY0.18 OF'rlAivp AISCOii\7.EID.'
Iiltr.zt, t [tt• G , ler cent itlfotl:erl on iie',oslts::..
,1?tl Icgtate Lots,tand so1la'c i .
1 i,stalcpe
r1115, :, 'LIFE, and Aeotti rT insiiriuce Com;
' • panics represented;. . ,
:1111bS is 75 ; CSN
We can Row give loans en tirst-class decor ty at 8 per 01
• a
Clinton Aug. 27, 1877 •
Money; to ,Loan:'.
Apply to •
C. RIJ)OU.T.•,
hare used them, by sertiring the Treatise or the Clinton' De 801,1870
• Which give the pesple)ieh good satisfaction.
Our :, ricee`••for Chris as, Clothing a::. ee . such a
P gx
.. h as to
:suit the times. $10, $-11. -$12; 1 -$t4-and--$15, '.
being the prices `of' our Hoia . wits made ade to order.•�
We bold; a'full'range of sizes in YOUTH'S.;. FOY' , and MEN'S, ab'p all ideas:
Au' Berson wishing.an Ulster Cost; -will he euro<.f a barain, as we are run.rlin'
tllenr O t' fit --a email--adva{'1ce on cost.,.. In...-'. AVER, PILOT,-.W111T.NEY� F1UEzE,
' '. and Ful r; Ci oTH Overcoats, • ur stock is very- full;
Circular from any druggist in tine Dominion, OTIOE 78 11EREIITHA
-. yes will.be•made to the Parliament of Canada, at
tbe next session thereof, by Ton; DIdossy,'of the town'
01 Clinton, in tbe County of Huron, in the Province of
'Ot>ilario; glover„(or. a 13111 of Divorce tree ots 6NN
Moo*ey, his wit), late of the town of Clinton aforesaid,.
on the' ground of adultery, •” '
Dated, at the. Town of Clinton, the 80th day of Tuly
A ,o ;1877; JOHN M00NEY.
•+6 . Solicitrfrs'•1or epplfcep
Prise. Price of the Remedy in pint. bottles, • l„;
pvo ran in St. Louis, 'dazed b the Pills 25 cents a box. • '
r y -gook. eft-ou the-chair=when'shelied-her
•death of her husband, resolved to kill aloes.
i ter baby and. herself.' ' She raised a
uife.,aver-the�.ahi11's er)dle '.brig .her �• ��precocloia9 boy of• eight
r r
�: attributes.the of S: e
b ld b ' 'her ten year old
!xi cn was e , y e y , boy t `odfiSh—
tt iir;' a• whole 'day.the, lad.der"ender 1118 --81°11 *
-; lao1—• to t eh�act � xt ° i
couldn't take a' oke," B wayof'a joke
the t?aby from his mother s, repeated sj y •
-tempts- to take its life:' At length she,
he used to catch it occasionally. witha.
p n bent ppin•
relingnylsheil her :efforts !arid poisoned• •' :• ' ,
herself.' t` Oil, r sllill only charge• yonl a noun•
A. Wa ington paper .tells the stery: nal fee; remarked a -young lawyer to a.
. as a ii't-era fact that a member of Con:
gess told avolored boy who had• charge
of his room . o take a lot of old papers
and sell them, and promised him that.
. he should hay, half • of 'the proceeds.
..The boy oheyed,'And returned wiRtnine.
cents as gross .re\eipts The member.
pocketed 'five and'gave the' boy'- four.
in Mexico, Oswego ciunty, N.. �':r:
the merchants formed a protective so-
ciety against persons : who 'contracted
debts and did not. pay them.. .They
Qu is a tr--tbe flei;-d=b :s in
e village newspaper. .Thereupon the
'hog of the secretary of the association
cva led, ,the president's drug ;store
was set' •op fire, and . the editor was
bed that.: he would have neither
or office if he published. the list
11 -to-do Irishman named 'Miles
who keeps a grocery store in
, recently received mord Corigra-
s than any man in .Arnerica..
arried Mrs. Minch., six years
she has since predented birn
IClinchers. Pour
he llaS become -the —inother"of
atid at last she surprised her has -
y giving birth to triplets., The
ne. well.
Tetonr.►s' ECx,seraio Ozal ' *QRTH Ina.•Tives I
%V Ioter'7 r O,�s.pl :00 1Cot; Stow ANYTHINU,'
• ' of rr 7. It* NOT, tt Is .Tina Yon.DID.
!Pain earn& say where it,es used. "IEis tie
c' eapes't i Iedieine ever made. One dose turtle
common SoILE '1'RRo.VP„; one bottle has •cured,
iiheiNCiiiT15•; cis. •storth has cured.' an. old.
standing COuoll•; one.or two bottles cures bat1-.
cases of 1'lh.0t3 and KIDNEY Trioulir.re ; 'six to
eight application'clu any.case of LYCURtaMEI
Prr,VA or INxr.rn1l n 13RL1S1 ; one •bcittlr, Nati'
frietid who had •called for professional. •cured lame•back of eight years' standings I:1,
Plank. of ]1rc�ol.field: Yu„ snvs. `I went`3G
advice'{ "-Well," replied the other,'" for:
it man of your, profession that's plie-rio
minirl, Certainly. " •
I'm waiting the window, love,
upon the porch's seat;.I'oi waiting; hem
'till you come dovrn, your Own true loves
to greet. Don't be too long a fixin' up;
for if I may. make bold, I• aui't a-goln'.
to wait herelong, a-sittfn' in the cold:
".Qh,l'Ortni,-yon Should not give way
so to your temperl--Zon„ashonlii-...im
tate your uncle John, Alio, when he's
aggravated, al Ways keeps cool." "-Well,
ma, if rshould keep schecil when I'm
aggravated, I. guess the scholarted catch
, One of the, old blue laws of Oortnecti:
cut said : "No one shall: ron on the
Sabbath day, except reverently." Im-
witid, and in the tiresome °fan interest-
ed eaagregatiout.
ing the infant class, ".Children, do you
know you were all born in sin r "Please
miles for a,bottle of your Oil, which effected a
weinlerful cure of a ()rooked Limb, by Six appli,
catiOns." Another ':,vho . his had Asthma for
Years; says : " have balf of a 50 cent bottle.
left, and $100 would not buy it if I could getup
" On.e small bottle of. your I:electric
restored the voice Where-Ilie-persthrtiul
spoken above a whisper in five years,"
hIallory, of Wyoming., N. Y„ writes : "Your
Eclectric Oil cured me 'of •Bronchitis in one
Atte Kxown. It is as good for internal as for
exte. rota use, and is believed to be immeasure-
ably superior .to invping- ever 'mule. Will
.intve you -much stiffeinig and many. of
tissisne. TALITATI6NS.-4,rik. fat Dr. Thelma' Ho.
lectric OIL—See that the signature of B. Tli0314Si
id On the wrapper, arn1 'the name of NOIINHIIOLA LY
.MAN bloWn In thebottley and TAKE NO °THEE. Sold
by an medicine dealers. Price 25, oasts, Northrop 12
I, an, Toronto, proprietors for the Dominion.
M '
jamas Y aCerieg
list ran upppliwIl it se tiv9t. III atoll,
Where. he will keeP ?Or Gale a all times,
liread Cakes Crackers.
OlintonePeb. 22. 1877.
u—an.ad..a, Co ipany Lands.
Chino ,ian.17, 1871.
This well kJ:toren zuctilieine
but a kure and safe remedy lo
eulties and Obstructions, fr any cause what.
eve'r; and although a pow fuT remedy, it eon.
tains nothing hurtful t the constitution.
rt is pectzliarly s ' ed. .11 will, in short time
bring on •the thly period. with regularity,
Pains in Each and. Ininbs, Heavinelist;
Patiglie off slight exertion, Palpitation of the
heart, Hysterias, Sick Headaches, Whites,
and all thopainfal diseases occasioned by. it'
disordered system, these Pills will &ea cure
sir," interrupted...A little one, '` Lawn t- have failed.
' Ainong the other dodges, *broil the , when all other means
/ Them- Ptlls have never been known to. fail
Premises formerly occupied by thelate J. B. Racey,
tisillnscovitesin Ittigland lave -resort. I was born in Mitcbelle' " Well, thot's where the directions on the 2nd page of pain-.
rto, in oi•der to stir up feeling against
"enspealrable Tnrk," :theta sell.
g the public streets ghastly repro.?
aentation of a human ear freshly cut
fro In the bead. These horrible objects
are made of flesh .colored Inclial3 rubber, principle cannot bereaelied thepttgit the.
and are presen.ted. to the nublie'eye. head • there another part
a fidelity that smaCks 'of the dissecting throngh which an impreasion -can be Sold in Clint& by . H. Combo and Goorge ,
the game. th*ng," said the teacher, impa-
tiently. • -"Don't. interrupt me any
Ilepelfl?r. rejoices that when: the".nteral
$1.0d and °mita for postage, enalosed to
Northrop& Lyman, Toronto, Ont.. eneral
agents for the Dominion, will insure hottle
containing over 50 pills by return mail.
J.. to the pnbile that he keep F cousttpitli; un laitta
a huge and superior elkur of ,
Coffin Tiiinntings and itobea,
proctirel at any her plass.
A full stook of* YETRNITU:nE,
'Which they offer to the public. at the loirt ientauerativa rates.
and Carlinea ,hay* .and quarter .harrek in wood ; Graneg Spring _Brewery, Ifotitton ; and
• Sole Agents for the Goderieh Breteertl•
room. It -is not likely that manufactur.. ma/lo, and. he seems to think the latter forth; 3. Kidd , Carron brook; Parker & Cattle, .' Always ou hand.
• ed atrocities" of this . kind will ' tame is much theensier if not the mere excel- •ci F j• 1 , (3,4 .1 ii, . v i Bit
the temperof the English people, Which lent.Way, to get at it, And probahl
fields 3A9,11011tiltOrt,11011gefvfllattil all wadi. Oliuton, May 10, 1877.
is just now tiPt upon maintaining the. bid father thought so.,, too. , sins ileslers,
national prestiae at ell hazards. pi •
ley were leaning 'on the bultistrade, • '
Half of a house Wag' CO off in Napa, of the firidg: looking into the Water, BL001) POTSONINGS.
that continued to midi) in the remain- ear like a pickle dish, and a collar, She ; (rote Dettvie In theme a. Irak ptio,
(1111., and rnovial away. • Tim fatally had it ban't1 like a palm -leaf fan, an
dee tem porily stretched muslin tiCross the had itirn41 like, ii:eentiv table arid no Int; ilftstusswillo
open spate*. That evening:a erowil ga- treth. —They—were ..unoing.. cootd--APri41.3E,NA4'exietree.41Y To'leen '01%
timed to pee the sliadow.pantomi me first, rind 411 a tope as gentle 'and musical
that the inmatealineonscionsly made for tioi a Kansas zephyr he said 1- " Nancy' corfctit'l."."st°1.1ma lal4t511;itYtlijnaIY116'6
puhlic amusement, The supper tab! es soon es T .sell my potato t
movements of the eaters were seen in Then she com-d, and with the ye tell) 111 1108 TO 'txTrikrATE TO Trill rtmmo oimin-
grolearlite silhouette 011 tho cloth. Then Shrewdness that women are wont ,to ,
sight made the spectators laugh sn loud Soft, sweet monotone, ",1111ek, what 'air. Fol
that the show Was instan•tly broken` filters fetehitt' in the 'storps now 0.." 71 lieete!
thtls did they coo 611,4 got MO COOL" a7
ow. Amosionsuoniondnenn
Mine :in the bot nied,,m1
book eVer les led entitled'
THYSELFivilz.,....Sent"by mail
ranconmant Lis and iintolcl miseries thin r suit
therefrom, and coin e I ns more t li an 00 ad gin alum-
Periptions. any ono of whiell Is worth the price of
s linen by the ttiri4t ex.
tens.' ve and probably the in m.t skilful prtet it i one t
ell( el medal by the National Mt' (fleet .A elheitti ion.
ALLY of clintoft and nokibborhord that he in Pt0- illtmtrat:d with the very 1111Otn
Ott to glee hisses+ on the rhino end ()roan, mut ItIpe LI:grAN ongA-4 mar.
he etiltivotion of the voles In 4Inting OVUM' iniarno• Vt1 of art and limo,- PEAL
IrriVing LOdtl 111n101110 lestrnetion or Prof, Bat. nt Timn fa all. Wild
of blew York,solinse ;system he he fc Ts coml. for It at one& A,Idregg
GIVING:Up' BU:51.-.N.E$S
. We -111%. now offering our 'entire Stock •of
LATCHES, ,SFADEf...3, TT/MA.11E of all kinds, LAMPS, atzo.,
Will find it to their nava. itage to enil And see' our Stock nnd Prices berore
chasing elsewhere, as we_ re detOrrnined tq rtlri off the entire .1stock on the short,.
est Vossible tithe. Viir sttie also all Tools an& INinehinery, tire. ,eoinsetion with
Workshop, with lease Of
All overdue l‘totea and Acoonnta =net be settled. )a'efore the itlth of "nettt mouth