HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-01-10, Page 26,4 •
Conjukal Poetry.
The Editor °I an Eastern paper, who hae produced
-Nome of the hest Juetr y ever wri'ten by is Maine bard,
Omuta at a little itici tent that happened in his family
'Me flat oemrrence (a the kind), LtiVeli vent 0 hiareel"
luso as the followit g imaginative pieee ;
One night as old St. Peter slept.
lie felt the door of Heaven ajar,
When throliA u little angel crept,
Amd came down with a falling star.
One Summer as lho biassed beanie
of morn appreauhed, ray blushing bride
Awakened nom s•eue pleasing dream,
And fo.ind that angel by her side.
Dud grant but this -I ask no snore -
That when he leaves this world of fill,
He'll wing his way to that bright shorn,
And dud that door °I Heaven agalut
time for action passed.
"Just this o:-oe," ectimed Richard,
flushing as he took the glass without a
smile from ker hand. "Here's wishing
you many happy returns of the day."
I turned away chilled with disap-
pointment over his lack of courage, and
pained too with tint question of iny
own duty in the ease. But after-evente
• the -Clanged on thlit night's doing
forever sktled all such doubts for we.
A little over two years sifter this I sat,
one slimmer day, by a ft•iood's open
window. \Ve were talliiiig Of this and
that as we bent over our sewing toge-
ther, when a loud knocking aaross the
street }wedged HS hall. We saw a man
standing at a door whereon a doctor's
sign was conspicioesly displityed.
" He need not wait there," daid Alice
, gravely. " Doctor L. ought to put up
' It notice, No patients warted here.'
: He has been lying, there dead druiSli for
, bows. :Sly huslitnil says he lids been
in that disgasting condition for 61'0
days, only waking to get .tnoris
which ISP keeps on shunt hy him. The
poor follow seems bent on killing -him.
" It is not possible," 1 exclaimed,
" that this Dr. L. is AIarthrt C.'s old
friend ?"
" The very same," $aid Alice.
• " But," said I, still uzi w I to be-
h'eve it, " 1 heard it snid that he never
takes wine, tit least, hut seldom," for
thou the memory of his Words, " Just
this once," earne back to tue niS they
sounded that night.
Whereupon 8.411 fellow id the practical sort, and
'without any lin yinati,.u, aud nut pi...mewling the
vine afflatus," attempts to destr..y his little illusion us
le. 1' .igtstu n hundred years, or mon+,
„ ket•t my, dear securely tyled;
'There was ' little angi 1" el rayed,
Nor one be.m rulablue all the a hile.
I did DOI, atcap ea you supposed,
Nor left the door a t:n aj..r,
has ,e ft '' aovvi"
And gone do.su with t hsthug Oar.
00 itak that " blush bride,"loul see
If she doo't traokl; 05311 and say
'That when she folind that a niv 1
65.e found it 1.y the g; ud old Way.
Gad gruut but this I a,k uo wort- -
Tat should year numbers still mil...Ise,'
That. you will uot Ilo /1.1 helm e,
And lay it to oll Petty's charge.
How one Drunkard was Made. -
It was dune in the usual way with
this difference (to me, at least), I saw it
alone. Hail 1 knowit the end from the
beginning I should have raised a warn-
ing cry. Who would nct Was not
the di trukarti's end, when the. wine
which " tnoveth itself' aright" is bathg
like a serpent and stinging like an "al-
der, what I. had always looked at ? But
one .day the beginning and the end of
his course were set over against each
other in such a way that I seemed to
see the picture aa in a vision. There
was Satan, the greatest enemy of souk
spreading his arra fatal snare ; Out it
was not in a dramshop, as one might
suppose. And there, too, was his roost
carefully -chosen instrument., a fair,
thoughtless women, standing, 1 plainly
BRW, 113 much in the shadow of Cod's
displeasure as the evil Companions 'to
whom the 'would gave all the blame. It
was a dark pieture, but at that time.and
in that instance, the chief sorrow to me
-was not so much that here was aiothr r
image of Cod defaced and brutalized hy
THIII. I) 11 t 11 11 v) 11Pr ,(1 more startliug
thought : Could have hitutesed
this ? Nerd tids have beeii. here for
angels to weep over and demons to mock
at ?" Togo back ten years ;Ind 11503 1'
-that you way see it all IN I di40,
It was Now -Year's day, .1
storni 1•17111 Tooli r.'iging outside since
early mornina, but we a ho had eather•
ed in All's. C.'s beautiful parlor knew
mothing of the bittei wind and slret ex-
cept that we Inn! fewer callers than
usual: But those who cime seemed to
be all tire merrier for haying less of a
ssy how that is," wild
Alioe," 1 only know that two years
ago last New -Year's night he Was car-
ried home drunk for the first time in his
life. He has been going down, down
ever since, has-been tarred out of honie•
fool chnrch, and any day we may bear
of coroner's inquest overa man found
dead ia tier. office."
So had seen one drunkat•d rattle.
That glass I saw.ltich.tril L. out to his
. was said to be his first; and it ruin-
ed Into. Inoight of that closed door,
ana remembering -the poor, debased via-
, tin] Malik, I resolved, God helping Me,
never again to stand by while the temp-
ter snared another soul, even tiefugh
the hand and voice of a friend were v. to -
his unholy service."._....(Vasisriai,
The Qu,srtion of Future Punishmen•
,Fr,,in the New Vorli 11 h. l •
Is hen a buglwar, :11111 is the devil a,
scitiecrow ? It is startliug to . find so
111'1 ny preachers now trying to lead Iwo-
, ple to uelieveidett. they aro sq- -preach
wlio have 'always been considered
sound -in their Protestantiain 851(1sound
their orthodoxy. Few rot& will
pay tutteli heed to Beecher's hocuspecus'
about bell, though some of Isis iustic
bed I err, Yvette doubtless amazed at the
; wity lie fell foul of it: But we find that
the Rev. Dr. Burfon, and the -Rev. Dr.
crowd. The blight fire glowed in 'Iv•s- •
pitahle welcome on the hearth for win- .
ter cheer, hile one inig'it forget in the
bloom and fragrance of the flowers that
brightened the rocnn everywhere that it
was not summer time and summer
The happy young faces, the gsy dresses,
the songs with which was filled the in
tervale, lite Lalde so hincied with daintiCS
end tin, friends about it who came into
the siinshihe of the pleas int happy borne
with is ishes for ns all of a " Happy
New l'ear." renehtly Minh -T -1W "ii:}53Ti--
Just at nightfall a group of young glens paper show that, notions hereto -
men ewer, (I, and among them 1)r. fore eoesideted heretical respecting etet •
nal torment are tolerated among the
clergy ot tho Congregational 'detiominat
tion ; while over in London, that dis-
tingnisheil Episcopd I divine, Canon
Farrar, has just preached it couple of
extraordinary sermons in NVestrninister'
Abbey, taking the ground that even the
words hell and damnation shoal(' be
aricken from the Scriptures.
It is highly important, not only to
Church members and the religious !pub-
lic, lett all Christendom, that the clergy,
of the churches of thee° tittles shinild
clearly announce the position they pro-
pose to maintain in respect to the article
of faith that has this become an ob-
ject of.as.a3tillt or of doolna The ques-
tion ia a ti 551t1012110118 one. It is related
to the mind and the life and the welfare
of the human race. By the common
consent of orthodox theologians, it has.
been held that the doctrine reaches to
the very foundations of relig,ion, and
the without it the Christian Church
weather. remember the seene so well.
- • •
&load boldly aneoinwe t a they bevel
clone so; it is proper •that those who
doubt it should give the -grams(' of their
doubts ; and it is proper thnt those who
still adhere to it should enforce it upon
their audiences. We otsil upon those of
them who consider the dootrine , to be
one of supreme imports rice i•ln the Chris-
tian system to meet the ettaelts upon W
a Orleti.
Hiring. out Coats. .•
Thei•is is an estirblihmentssin 'slew
York where the peineipill business opet-
ation is hiring out of diem -coats. The
Mode of operaCon is thus, described by
the proprietor :—" 1 have ,about a bun-
dled swallow•tail coats in „stock ; :some
of them are plaits and second -band,
bthers are atin-lined and fit0ea, .arka
made by the best cuttera in the'citY,,
rent them out at rt charge of ,$.1.50'.
-night; with vests' to nratch at • $1..ad,:.•
elitional. My 5ms:tamers are apparentiv
well • to-do ; many of them' critild offoid
to Lilly dress .nits, bil As. th•ri•s! rl rn- t
often use them; they•do..not dare to go
td' the expense. . SoutS Of Clem are
whet 1 call Tea ill it PS i• t hei eolith .to tne
a dozen time'Sin lie season,. and- when'
1 can I gime them the same anat.
..1:b1800OVA,uy's.41vet,o,,,,,croeadeii;tteasextokiat'sirolev,03'2.411"011108. 4/11'
• Woe iniveepeei land gas eaurstatewu
's•toto via 44, N. It, foot Spring Street, New ',fork.
ENO tone jah• ,,,, • 80 ant
Taki '417/ ...„ tons, Jan. 12..,.,, 12 • ani.
1r0s, lelP 111101111 10 I r ele 11%,
Vrem pier 15 PT. fl,, oot Christopher Street. Xew rit.
DENLIAItE., 872 t tons Jon. 12.,... 11 ain
Sten, niers sib first eiiiw, he,niree ulpato,age are from
upward, sonirding to the location of sleeping berths.
All cabin" passengers liar') equalorivitcaos lathe Halriott,
sseassion or return tichots 511, redacts' rotes. For fer••
the inkonatteu AO .10 Saillhus, and for rates of Doan
sue swerasoeteeori apply to
GEO. 177 RAILTON. Agent sa.vsr,4,
(mot en, March 29 1877.
' la.sl,collS4IN 45.: 1Y ATNON. .
I.13 •
., . DARBIS130. 40., ..
• ,
7notte44 A. Warta's, . „.----., li..b1A01.taoenanoth.N.,
• Clip ton. • ' . lif, li. aielhinngs.
155.r:Milleonison will he in cliutonevery Frldny ' .
Aniraa advertised tee"euro-alls," but trio spe,effics li
tho 51150534510 hi' which they are reotanale asa.• .
my basy geason, just :NATURAL ST4tECTIOIlii.:
Investigators of natural oakum ha
now — from December to Febrisarv.
titne. This is
barna eontroversy, Wet thrtingliont tvli0 ))
Ardent/hies:: the the 51114.'1'"Ivkth'111t"..
.,kkt,sapeoiei dett. okivnTnentt!,
tieer.liti011S,'• • 1111 tiOrtletilDf'Sr' \?Vtilandhalv5e.' ft,r.t. Dr. Piero:a Standard medielnes
. Th7ft
• 0..1.T V.EHL.
Dieing...these tteree months theire
lots of brels .t. An
t ies,- we, r leas . -• 14-llt•11".c...s•
Ifermtoity Toes not Lae same
twenty coats out in a night. Bar-PIY11/3
we have less than twelve out.' 1 Sup-
pose most -of my customers are clei.ks,
small tradesmen, and 'even some prb-
fessional men,' who do not have frequent-
use.for dress -emits, but have to 11SO them
have ontrivalled all °port, their sale in the United,
Stales. tilone exceeds . ono million Alollara•pet aimptif.i
while tbe amount 04011.ed foOthi 151i to sevenii hundred
'theintand..more. • No business cc;uld grow tenUch-.,...lanti-
tie proportions kind •rest uPo» any oilier basisibrie that
. .
. . .. atom -alt. . • • • •• • ••
taltertatiWe, Or,bli31343-cleawitht-
-It is not easy to
sometimes. do not let.. out trousers.
fit Besidea GOLDEN: MED Far, Dii&veiy
•Pettorili. ••• •
thereAre some people who......avonlo not 1: ss ncl1ojageijrcs, eirOttieee.stivattirs.nt;•
care to hire them, and movt.people can
afford to buy them.
.'Sjejde ns.a Remedy.
InEm-31211,91I. 14""exY
.GOLDEN MEDIUA Disco -very
of It...,laterative_projiertiesy.euresOimengerk4,4-
Abe Dinod and bkin, as Scroluln, or King's r Yil
Mors ; 'Ulcers, or olti"Stliei ;lilac:hes lisj5ts; and:,
EruptionS. • Hs rirttio.oi itt, Peetm'itl' properties, it
(Illl'es1 Bronchial, 1 brat; t 3111(1L11116, AJ5'eet10.11* 5 inch omit
Cons.uniption ; Coughs.; :and Chronic fatryn-
gitk. Its Cliolagogue properties render :It an tinequal-
ed re1Torpid. Liver or " I ice
'Voltaire says the worst use to which
eiety can put g man is to hang hint :The
worst use to which a man can puthirn
self; is to send a bullet crashing thronel medy for • and 'termite9liotooless
Proi)enitpi make 't 11 •
11 1S brain, to cnt his throat; o•i• to +. 54.' 11(ligt"tiull;• L"H's -4 A t
• .1/t••; mi•
111.9 W •
o n life by some other violen 'Wises tte skin satllow find 0tivored
means. When a nian is liftilg(',( ,6 .nad.afed tilt:I:ears wertnulotis swelling-;
n:11(1.,1"1„ jealboiale.s.oi Golden Meditril Dl • •
S )0 01 effect. an entire...1)1'o. gyon•re I.
gene' ails. for some offsnee itealt; t tl
lame of irlieinous, character *awl while' ii'llit""1""1"."'°11uw ';"'"-"L ski"' ur
e do drowsy, de-•
". , spolts on face lir body; •frequent hcida(t.e .17..,.,6081,,
it is true that society after tl'irs opei.,,,tirsn. ts•ito In unman, inter •
nal Mut and chills .alternated
:With 1104 1115ile, 1,,W 'Mt 1.155 •
has no Outlier 118V f01: t 11G,irregular op te'tite" Ind \-f.,m7ebthlimf.
. . • Liver i'mtiblaint tif tl • "e
Tomei (n• 3,118 :1.151 :11-1:-iir'f't.111.‘eV :5
'Al 181.inent is usually ileaerred. and 'the'
mple is o___he beneficial, Ast n reined v fo'r 0 ' ,.•149'Li'l:119kt:j•Trt4
•,iS S,
RAPIN 114 AT 114 1 U 144 i) ...vrt4N
ubsoriluarltereity notifies the Iniblin:goevrollLtikat lak_hisfi_.deberrained to doellit tha
.Elarness-Alaking husigese, and, therefore, offers the wheleef hie expellent stook of .
. .; . . • • ,
TiAlialt$'8; ROBES; ao.I•tsE 01.'10TITINer1 WaIPa
Ana t3v.erything coftneotion .7(7411 4.-Arqt-o16ss Han.poi hop„. •
At pr.teirthuelalower shoe ever before offered iii.the cfounty,. The Harness Ts all of
quality ond workmatishipe. and. perseas lu need of, siech will find 'it to thtrit interest to aive .
ealt, as the whole stook MUST RE SOLD, ond is offerod Ms great redection, in order
to aeasolinplaili this.
sliop to laaarr and the- t wa-atoreY Ifauserah present ucettuied4r,y.jara-
Ina eight rooms -and every 'requisite for a large 'family, for sale. in;
I*SORIqle•terrn!. It has been built only three yeare. -
irk; 'All ; ptittlesirelebted to. hrn, either by Note,or Book aiseetint, are reqeeiteil te settle
ct tt,di Nallt:Nre, " . • •• • '
• 421. .0.
• ,
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• • • '•g;• ,gg • f'.7 'A§ •••'' .1'14 O .0 • '
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'c) . F, . • .
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° or-, 5* -. •
ziopratn.sminroaszaw •
s• 's12,F• '"42;4?gl M.- .2. • r•i;
3 .
@ebicni qath' IlEtE AI I A_N firNE
14, ItEleyVkl, Physician, 'Hurgpon,k;-(4c„,. Coroner fOr
Minty of 31 Limn. ,licAlAnepand 011140-cortier
'Albert and Mill stroots, Winton. „ • •
In,asns. , • '1-11
f•AlfES O. 114 GRADD.a:TE
3IeGill University, MOP troll; Physieian, Surgeon and
January 44371.
61.-1fiE1. a' 1 .. ,••••°• "•
. 3.•.•
1r J. Ot4111, 3117.. OEIIINITT
Titythi Jn;20• :
• FitiVersity,) Surgeon, Sai Tesidene?)
1 ) Yor' di 4•At ., RA- 1.1.DITA P__• t (/1 ON '
• . ' .'
li:nt;R.i—tvtn.O.. erp.lYi•qoaptAeii• 'L iiSt•OitA-0_l- /al1g'te'farie,Ts•,R... M.$
_ Lpcunaer‘ry •
, •
• •
•. ..• . •
Shrtest tOtrasunge, economy, ceinfart. .970 mirei
- 51046051 ui;igntene07- •
)(W as , any (Det
etMr:ifinning,thrcedeors 5133 55 theTemperance
\Viten a mtes. kIniulllta-Hhri is-Bleevliaf
;bes;51 •eq"'"1'
i" 4 beThet•.P
strengrbetieand halthy
/0 Peeinis as :001 rerri• • • , I
irrm,es• a-.a-de.ett--roune
Hie -lice tti
prosper,: Iris airs learls.lainste unhappy
life ; he has het n drinking to6 fireely:;
he his lost all his money ; his s•is.eet:
heart has ,jdoid.hirn; or, it a Fs enclumon.
the weather has been unpleasant Or de-
rreaaing for a week .or ten Jaya:. A.
iteueepr,Songos forwarled to Derry,
Loinlesb,.ro, °lit. . • •. ' . • " t• to n,.(1 largow, and London, tit 51 1510 01; A.:1510.
•• , . me .
.• • • • •
es r
hank president blows eut his brains, ---
and, .wonderfu I to t te, his a eamilits
Blauvelt, and the Rev. M r. :Merriam, .• .
itod rounectrAg•with the rfe&sn'stetnutilips,nt Halifax.
1,ayes Toro'nti, vcry Friday.sr 7)1B.1 1.135.
• of V
"flivtil:si'Y'• 're" t I • ..1.1-.;;;U:l.'1111-4111111111Tai.lic:3 41.::.airitT;Trote¢2'ittoti:TitT2ort.6",77:---.
• "Tr. 111111.6.1jui,g-i'Llitilas:;litt:tte4.127.UW't (4:146-..111-e.rhcit6112 717511' eS41°i""t an of 1'4.4'1414e-
14,* p,74. • - . - . • t":, '41.11•A AFent, 031;hm..;,
$9111.4er'g (ii.*i. V * ' . "ss. Acennelleurs, A:e. office, Albtrt Street,
' kVIII fiF Srfili it LINF
.. ,, s _ .. ,,Liy.i.viae, min. , . •TTT r
D, II, Dowsers:11, M. 0. ,1., 31. (Allison, 3Lp., i • 1 is .
ate an straight, but 115 has feared that . ••( , ' a.,,. . Clinton, May 114-U*71 . • _
wilt) u ere Init lately among the pillars .... • .. . . ...... , -___-._ _.... The 0.-eanic Steam Navigations.COmpany's. ataaassatatu .
of ottliodoxy, have turned against the . . . ,
••• iiiiile ['sin 111 i -
musoN,, 10YS,1.0113 NS, SITU. . „ •
he Migh t become pn rah zed, ,u) 115.8 3'1=040)1o. NO11(41313 111111E01
Dn. wou'rnistiTON PHYSIC-if...AN, BURGEON?) . (carry ino Trnited titalest UMW .
, and Surxeons of Lower Canada, hint Provincial Ideenti- Awaryfo „ .11 17.. 0 p • ••• •
great lights tat Congregational theology., A n inventor of a welch -came sperpg 4-0 Catwalk., or stet:sear ie ate awl coroner. for tke cows. of Huron, umee.ao4.1 ' in-.' 11 "1.1'1116 •
;.; • ,;„ , •
accourlicar, Licentiate nt the college of Physielfula • yrptpunr,10 ' :fan. -12 .. 1010 •te. m •
peratanent pre% nti3e,..takes to suicide. . • .
ancient.creed of damnation ; those two
the Rev. 1)r. Pinter, president of Yale PAR, Pll autreely larger then mustard Feedu. ionalenee,-.-The .'fortnerlY pounded It; Mr. BAryllo
T1 't • •
meets vvith bad success and is w.itirotit and aro' align:13e 'atoll. ' '111
. I • .... .. rFe°b1)..• g • pn
03. I.„mo" u,„"fty, 4111,111 es, men salad. ;
money, so he • begs a' drink and then !II/di'g thc, grOat, erIlde, drastic, eit•kening hereto- eg"t911,11'11.. t",1871- •
and, the Rev. 1)r. Hopkins, ex .3 re .h I • ••••••• . •
fill IL IL ithe Will sail front NOY Yolit•IPier 52x. n_i_on tkit'ls 0424
Tali It 1,16t01-61111 t h rough his teinple. n'renitiely ffsr Enslt of 1.11:1M1 " - • , maul /rem iartarroot en TInTosnAYMnillug nt
president of Williams College, have just
young woman, after a too free indu I- :t‘t.thettaird, Tiattesse rthent the Chest, Thol Taste -in
given it to be understood that they dr, not
tb, Etnernhou. ttsAu ill litiMitleb, Ili ions Attacks, Ireland, both ways. The vtoxiwarips of this Line aro
gence in liqtror, is found on 'the street, jaundice, Palo in the Kidit• 14. .115 tocellaileons :itrb's, ... • all new built el *1 )II hi warer•fight eeragartmenta tr.&
offel to Ittreet.p.is unrivalled. tie( °faineant eon. het
an) Internal Fever Dr Pie)ree•Ifttrg,,l'it6rrs1 .t.lt•te: li 1 ts iSit li 1, t l' th ia i.ii
!, st toloo,butiinie motion 113 1014.
, Tincee &I: 0gfotillft'f'ollygo°u; it8(;1041:1.61.1:',41651) ttoo, 3.511070.7:, gjoiltdr, a14-40,10fisT
t Inc to neeenttnioattena. steerage pasan.ge, to or frern,
consider hell an essential fi ature of
their faith, for they have sustained the
installation of the Rev. Mr. Munger,
who is heterodox on the subject ; the
itichard la, a particul:ir friend of the
a :voting I ila D of whom I Iruew very
little beyond the very evident fact that
he was handsomeantelligent,and wonder.
fully popular. 1 le had been looked for
all day, end new that he had come every
one was iill attention when his cheery
'miter tya
" are as welcome as flowers in
31lay," said Martha ('., extending her.
hand with an old friend's greet ing, " but
bow could you stay away so long 5"
" Una (IAB 111 al ltl come lest,"
he 510*5 g'% -'l'. " I think I'll 'town my
New -Year wirdns with one for your
health and happiness, Miss Martini."
" Not till you have pledged me in
this," she a nrai.a.t 141, t riling as She spoke
to a deeiintor, thet until then 1 had not
seen among the flowers on t he table, to
(lying from the effect- 51 Paris wen la
Fe..et s are Imam pr rued,. [null/Insure, I nimbi 007 .
and abuses the policeman who Oaks' ttbh,,1 gt,ihnelitror'3,'elnlit'irelBe„:'"'1A,gvee'll,,errn'to'13 1144,1;,11;11, 11,,,S0(111141/, •
her up and saVe8 iter life.' „A limn with erlies of these Pacts. They are etarrir4eafe.d and ili-
a, Aissirpated_:wirp_kinki4n40-f_4fttw. (dosed in.tdase 13051131+3, their virtues heirs thereby,391-
-served"runtripalred Tor any 10140 ortline, 'scr titat•theY
niurdering his three children. A, yoring
lmly with a dissipated • husband pG12911 S protehrstrd bores. The tinily litse•of two Pollan Sas
herself. .A. simpleton whose sweetheat t 5 Cored the moat obstinate omega Serofurili Tatter; Salt-.
,. rheum, Itrysiptirts, Boils, Ttiotehes, Pimples, Sorel:yen,
11158 deserted him, jumps into the river saa Palliator's, They' nr3 however, reconfirendad t
fraTti a f„.1.5rybant and is, di,owned ; ,.,,a be lotion to rrnatteettort sti`th the ambler; RerediettI Digo;
; """ away, la order to Remo. it ojiorit reeint8.
SO on througb"the lint. . and • nit. PX*RCE :
Now, the world is a world 'of nos
downs ; of sickness and recovery ; of - • . .. • • FAVORITE '. ' .
success and failure .”. of wealth arid po-
-4-..,-..,verty ; of backsliding and reform. The r.ii, jj
4 5 0 R T P PION
Man who 18 depressed by SiChneRS, pro- . •
• .
. . :
hably t hrotigh a fail ty digestion, may laic remittal manacertiont'ot teotilltareattittheitojwsreolloVIIV$
40 sonecalets atiiiided alfalfa eXPeel
before long bit upon a remedy and he mo,„,,,,,r, ,l• whioh lir, si„,,e0 l4ha so ; `of e 0 la
. i. ass a
restored to health. The bankrupt of. Physiciamin adapting remetlies 'ter tfietr cure. 7;17
rieraces Favorite Brescription 11 111(5 result of thin ex,
en ed expetieree, and has becom S11101` 1 1
Alfilli1S6: :17:011q4 '
this year may, with good cenrage and
industry, bo the thriving btiginesti man lotus many And remarkithle'enteri 0°(
distASOP and ..
of next year. Money haft wing's, and
3 Dediat . to leillies
Hies from full pockets to empty. ones'in Wetter .
a, mystet•ions.manner. DisaipatiOrt in i ."I .
be overcome and infidelity compensated. Vavarito Vreeonattoe is a rowe:fal llototatira l'iffilti
It 1H better to wait fur these elrail„ees '06,,File„T,,1-1,11,14/11i711101.15,7461,14gi.letvoiLl061,0541,11:11,7,701r tit
than to make improvement impos 41 I
fi..3, IS strengthens the enfeebled nerving ulfeteru, thereby re,
I i 11 tl tb (1. flif '• ktorterr tt to hpalmtut vigor. The following•. discoing
• lac
hag workeal or figia on•04. viz : tetieerriaett, or nivil tea,.
turely. A sick man can takene. wOrife
/ (Ions' ant tat • ooms ng o oi orn p
Al °NUT TO 141N1), 14450•13 sseti-t, snits,
11_ on geed inortgage security, at loodorate rates of
ineteurenti;,,Ant'ititALgistTlih,1860. • , 7.51
ynvou, Valuator, awl Land Astra. onice
'phtne street, Wingitams
Wilighain, AV. 2, 1377.
_ .
kto always froth and reliable, Thin is not the 'ease
with these villa which are p115011 in. cheap'wenden or
fslI .ty suapp ng o ie tea o premii-
n delicate bubble of glass to 01 o hrim are aireng those Br 1.0n Prtyerite Pr. netirtion
-with wine. ' regatta rowing, • Palatal Meese -nation Donn I's
" Thittilt you, Miss Marti)». NVill
you excuse me if 1 say that I hn ve been
ont .I.ty hrtVP not come to that
yet I"
There wag something in his tone,
show the indurnee she had orpt this
Rome .‘ If assertion in his manner that
seenuil di rnii so in M ;It desire to
mflt. totter to rniu.
The fact that so many learned, divines
have began to throw doubt upon the
doctrine is sure to lead niultitudes of
people hastily to discard it altogether.
Thine are not a few 511011 and women
voting man. Iler little hand stole wbo are anxious to find reasolos for dig -
/wilding the gloss tosvard him. carding hell, null who like to find them.
" Ali, indeed ! then you are all th7 The prospect of damnation for the wick -
more ready to take it now, Richard." tal awl unrighteous is an alarming one,
and they clutch at, arty straw that gives
them a prospeAt to promise them en
asstitaitce of escape from it:
In this view .pf the case,_ntul unclaLl
existing cireurnkances, is it not 4110 im-
perative and immediate duty of the
clergy of the orth•sdos Pt otestant &no-
minations of this city to take Op the doc-
trine in question and deliver their views
upon it with all the energy and reason
that they possess? They are not re-
liesed from this duty by the fact that
some of them have discarded that part
of the Ancient creed in which it appears.
It is preper that those whb. 'doubt it
" hot, if 11P never takes wine?" sug-
gested friend who R100t1 by watching
the yoting man in what, he thought, and
rightiv too, was a dilenim,„
011, that's nothipg," Martha
SigJutiv." Von will take it for tne,
:Nat this once, Richard."
ahlidderrel at ber persiateney, for
a thought of the serpent that might lie
coiled within that cep flashed upon me.
:The was near enorIgh to put my hand On
hers. Wonld she bear a check from
inc ? 1 thought she would, but, while
1 stopped to parley with the doubt of it,
and to balance friendship and duty, the
redicine than cold lead; a poor man attopreliettals,-Wrek Rack, F014E+1114 or Allolg 01 the'
t It tr Men 13 a In 41ote S A
'-RR, ropo, at tow.rateg, For •man sag:Aug, andother •
information,. npiply to
(4, nAir.xox, kgzut,
onittros, Jon.1fith, • • ;
4 . ....,.......................
! ‘,J- uud Store Streetti, Victoria, 14. e.'s-e., Jones, Fro., .
prieter.-1..xcelient Acconnalatious.-Doned, Vel waseic, ' ' *
1,0112; Red and Doan], per ilnYt $1,00 i Single AT00s, I
snarl.; Dods, Mots. . P1311]? • F ii0TORY-
.. I - - • . •
1.1CSN6ES AND .cEliTIPICATE11.---•
subscriber, near the,Londurt, Huron 8::11,rnee Bathyal
Apply at the ToVn 11011, or at thelesidenee of tho • •
rtutt'Srill40111111.tit DriSIOV.3 140.15kjili.1.11ii3, •
; thattk6 for the libtral, share -of patronage
, altat•leil Lim, end wetild iden intimnte that he has; dor:.
Ina 1510 31511 azia,ter, Ida in a largo stock .o$ first•class
rnatcrinli and 1.1 noto preparetito inaktYand Mit In, Mel
Statien, JAME'S SCOTT, ' ,
•• • Issuey of Marriage Lieetta6a,
Olinton,A.yrn27tit, 9870. ••
• ' ,
E wouliTax%Tr.,t, 111.1110N STIttE.T, CLiNTON
Follitav,ellf;t1.411.0301,,itlihiaello'emn iogatt,t gacerniliter,eftear as, el ri it irr, jo len-eg"r_:',2:011c.fr, njeffiltraienetat1
• ,Lieensed Auctioneer f pre count
in Elm country, t reasonable tales.
' (Hinton, Peb.7„ Di /7,
O. hicINT01411, rcommt of,
ti . 'Marriage Lieenses tinder the hew had; Commission.
or tot hiking Atilaarltatu the giteen'rrtreneh, far Conti.
tlea' of Huron and 13h150. Colireyitticlug done, anvil owl
beams, Donde, Contracte, ii113, preas;, and Mortgages,
reeti steam Rentlerice-.opponite Dollook's rtotol,
AblreitOCO 014 Altai; FilittsTg.
Payfieltl, Sept. 14, 18/9. '
• To the Ladies..
„L. • Ladies Hair Disasing the moat laibtottabto
cide. A jilted lover, if he dies, iS ccr, of the Uterus, Internal Heat, Nervous Doprosaien, De-
. i ri i I it 6 i Meru , h tly,rs on, c over 3 e r a of e . .
tain never to find a new sweetheitrt 1'11517 Desppinleney and 4017 5111117 otberchrouie di-
inore constant than., tho 0111. The peor .8eases, pertain r to woinen,lint not mentioned here,.
The fetiowiemladies tue a few of titre. mat:7070n, f
sands N9110. 0(01 16stity estao daraoy et D Pie e ' F t
ting,balvi who killed his babies and him.- coat° rrearriatiee, front experte'neeeeet obnerronen: •
self had better have sent Isis wife to an Uri?. carrot., Allison. Neste, Town; 'Airti. Thou. .T.
Methvin. Ttntebeen StAtion., fla.: tiro. T. A. Seymour,
a long lane tha1. little no turnind," and L,„°,11.,'211,t,1,,e'ilaill'ox.rlithre,lirTr's•°.s.e.' Ps'arilst5trex,11;.Atoltrani;‘: Pilau;
can neve' 'e e atter ec":1111:4 8 " Chronic Congoation,Thilanuttion mut Ulceration
inebriate asylum. The old saying, "It is nome. rt Mrs. 11%411,81ms. Versailles Ohio ' Aria
"Daylight always comes after dalnoss," tins 1,.i,f, 0sillIChillipthe,.(Stio; .Arra. liarrlet H. ars.
ottgla to he fatal enemies, to the suicide taT ' 5. Nii'm't. r.gitigrif,alt,rq;Z714,'NIT:f!' 41:Pet
tn:nit. Bravemenbe1ietetcliIt
is:owes, Norfolk, Va.; Ms. C. Magog, Proctor, Town;
Reek forgetfulness in,. sele-aeotructiOn. 4,,rten.on, Town; Mrs. L. (3.41temrod, Friendship, N.Y.;
2.33 North Deward Street, Diatimors, Md., Mrs. Lim'y
Caliman, 1503')151531'T(, 011155 Mrs. Nanoy MeNanght,
There can be no real necessity for std. '511545titr•a Calls, woolltsii,N.Y4 UM- A. Amnon, Vo.
cide: exCept perira,pa in the ei'ise of the roati,.14- Y.: 4tra,Itoedia, Grand 131pids, Mich.;
Paiiiiitin -rmr-itTg a spoil of titi7F-WeitTer
and in rr thi-broad country,r
wheest here
airre /T, Webb, Watertown', N.Y. Thononds of re.
, con be-glven-at-the-WerlAaDi.penetsty,
The P ooplp 's Medical S,orvaut
is elboiv morn for everybody and where
Uf every, doseeptinn, en 51).• SitoirrnsT Nolte); lisa
se sae most rcan.tnallle tertna,
, Reigember Vic piano -text door. to ,e...
' MahheS0100 131aOltsinlith EhOp. . , • •
. .
' . . ,I4Atta ESItOOSON, -
Clinton, April,19, 1877. ' .
T)XiPtlD 151, irt
rontof vital* in Olinton periodically, for tnning manes .
Parties who wish their pianos Vaned, eau leave orders
at 111r. 3'. A. Yulfrs ht. ok ote. •
Manner. COltintSotr, 11t3fJ4irs, rtialetir, OtlItts, 'rIt
13/5*11m, Swiltenca.rtuttna, Ems, 4.1c.. 51113,55 011 short
.86T13"•:fbrults„(,)LD_ Scottish iCoromototal fire Inserance-Cor,
Varna Stre.et, door 50 t'exantterecfal Ii11;fel
canton, (5,0 18,1871. Ant
MILLINERY Establishment.
A top assortment of EELTalltalS,. 1('X.01,VEItS,
sings and /tX1311ONS, in the newest alutdo4.
Also, a. large stock a Is`r LT and sTIta.W 113•1t,'-'61
rvio Gr.asGostr.
capit.t, 4 TWO
Assets, • - • • S1..600,000.
ItC0itusf . . • 1,0oo.,000.
prtovr.:gct 01351.19101.3RANCII.
Mae Office •A,,,L. 7 Toronto ptted, TORONTO
tire %test ideas. ' 0011SD:C3
, &a. . 1101111) OV IVRY:110118: ''.
Agamt for utamnten's Parrs:me of garments of all Ions t...nrAnov.,E9q.. choinoon, rro.ki•rot copfott
sepenpuoroi a larga,..t<teek kept en hand. ) Landed Cledit,Comparty.
Pelt and straw Hats pleated mad altered; SOIru 53. PLAvrx11:, Esa., of IlrrePt 'SIuMurriell A Co.
NVILLYAM AtIs1OAND1,114 Egg., Viers.Presrfitent 1,4)&114
O1tuton,,Oct. 18, 1477. Bonk of Canada,
no man of courage and energy need•dig- Pr. 14. IT' *'ler"1° "1614'46 Pi"rid" mtinuf 6C*
ero alt
pair of a living, the crime ought to be ° nThl 8°"1*:1 Iv A 6
unknown. — Y. iferaid. thousand maaes, with two hundred and eighty-two
WilpliiireVillOgR 5101,510/5aisles. no. has gamed),
Oi 1101)1110 *Mk
The world is 'Said 10tiSe r
250 000 000 OVER 100,000 CONES
lbs. of tea each year, and 718,0005,000 AntogggS, Prree'W°"tfitlei'S°'
lbs. of coffee. ' China nod Brazil are the n•patitcz IC D.
principal prodUcerS. . olsperosasiy,
xi/sm.:an rtonis.ni, hler.DAN.
N 01.4 R L1Ns itEstimmr K.I.aux.0 tor -,tr.tExcE.33v.un207,...
NEW YORK St GLASGOW.' 4t7 01 (Mlitithin rill" 71014511' et(*'"Up''
IiEVONIA ;tan. 12 ' turn 02 &tillage hy a
This Company lames Policies at Insurance against •
AN0/10111a........., /am 10 • afacturing, Atm and hontebeld rielts, at current rates.
lose re. or lightning, ma mercantile, roan-
, .
Deli-04'ton *tattle Government at Ot tima, tot mon.
510 (}1AstroWr'Llirerr0o1, L0ad05t`t51r1174 or Belfast. Cab1n
ISOG to 80, gohl, to Lon(loa &cot, 855 to $70, according
to accommodation:6 Intermediate awl Steerage its low'
as bY any other fitat•Oug Iltia, Ns tickets and tater-
!nation, applyfo '
Ir. RA 11,7'6.14 (1,1r.1?„ Agent.
cit*c.11,011.17, • •
• •
Foliates are issued from arid hisses settled directly 'by
the Toronto otriceovIthout asur.
Ali Premiums taken in this 0011111517 are invested Inas
a so 1
easerau curlica 0
Aurrs,r."nnt LINTON AND' ATICtNI1V.
ilbhslsn,3017 92 187/a - • •
. "